10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

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Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling sobre el Final de la Serie: A La Gente le Va a Gustar Realmente lo que Hicimos'(TVLine):
Tom Welling sobre el Final de la Serie: A La Gente le Va a Gustar Realmente lo que Hicimos
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 13 de Mayo, 2011 08:20 AM PDT

The year-long build-up to the series finale of The CW’s Smallville has been well-chronicled, with mild-mannered reporters such as yours truly doing their best to divine just how super the final two hours airing this Friday at 8/7c are going to be. Even series executive producer Kelly Souders had to remark to TVLine earlier this week, “I’m kind of surprised everything hasn’t leaked!”

Not that Smallville‘s powers-that-be didn’t go to heroic lengths to keep the particulars of the finale under wraps as production got underway in March, in Vancouver. As series lead Tom Welling told me (as part of an interview conducted for the May issue of CBS Watch! Magazine), “We had scripts that were heat-marked, you couldn’t photocopy them, we had to sign them in and sign them out…. It was this really secretive affair.”

Though earlier this season there was the assumption that the finale itself would kinda sorta have to be titled “Superman,” Souders and fellow show runner Brian Peterson kryptonite’d that idea when I spoke to them in January, saying that dropping the S-bomb “is a much bigger discussion” that simply typing eight letters on a keyboard. “It’s not only not that easy,” Welling reiterated to me, “but also it’s kind of not what [the finale] is about.”

What is Friday’s two-hour swan song, simply titled “Finale,” about? We know there’s a wedding. We know there is unfinished business regarding Darkseid and the “darkness” with which Oliver and others have been infected throughout Season 10. And we know that Lex Luthor will be back for a pivotal tete-a-tete with frenemy Clark Kent. But as for precisely how those elements and others meld together into a series ender, you’ll have to tune in and see. From all accounts, however, it sounds sure to satisfy.

“Kelly and Brian did a really great job of wrapping up a 10-year program, which is kind of an impossible task,” Justin Hartley, who plays Ollie/Green Arrow, told me. He then promises, “People are going to fall out of their chairs when they see what happens in the end.”

Perhaps elaborating on that comment, Hartley said, “There’s the question that everyone asks: Is Clark going to fly? Well, either he doesn’t… or he does. That question gets answered.”

Says Welling, “I really think people are really going to like what we did. I mean, when I think about it I get excited. The last image… for me, it gave me goosebumps.”

For much more from Welling, Hartley, Souders and Peterson, Allison Mack, Erica Durance and other series vets — including interesting casting anecdotes, frank talk about the show’s tricky transitions, and tributes to their super fans — check out the oral history of Smallville that I compiled for the May issue of CBS Watch! Magazine, which is sold at Barnes & Noble and Hudson News.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/tom-welli ... es-finale/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
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Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por heli »

esto se acaba chic@s, 10 años desde que vimos a clark sucumbir por 1ª vez a los efectos de la kriptonita y hoy por fin(esperemos que si) veremos a nuestro clark convertido en Superman...

Gracias a todo el equipode Huesario por darnos los capitulos tan rapido, gracias a los traductores, a todos y cada uno de los usuarios por 10 años siguiendo Smallville, si no llega a ser por esta web no veriamos la serie, ¡gracias!


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 6956
Registrado: Lun Sep 25, 2006 7:01 pm
Ubicación: California

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Super_House »

Ay, que hoy se acaba todo. Que penilla... después de 10 años con la serie.

Un placer haber compartido tantos momentos con todos vosotros gracias a Smallville. :wink:

Espero que el final sea muuuy digno, como lo está siendo esta ultima temporada! :super09

Willy, Lore, Lur, Seph, Anna, ancksunamun, meiryan, **** y dare

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Celebrating 10 Seasons: The Cast of Smallville Looks Back
The bad news is that Smallville's final episode airs tonight, and then we have to learn to deal with a TV world without Clark Kent, Lois Lane and the rest. But the good news is that the end of Smallville means we get to hear from the awesome cast about what the show has meant to them, and what the finale holds for their characters.

Tom Welling, Erica Durance, Michael Rosenbaum and Cassidy Freeman also take the time to thank their fans, plus we've got some pretty epic behind-the-scenes footage of Michael and Tom filming a crucial scene:

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_w ... z1MFcLQH8v
'Smallville' finale as seen by Tom Welling, Erica Durance, Michael Rosenbaum
"If this series is about one thing, it's about identity-- about Clark finding out who he is," Smallville series star Tom Welling has stated. And tonight, ten years in the making, his Clark Kent is finally ready to embrace the "Superman" he has been destined to be.

To Welling, it is really important that the show wraps up Clark Kent-- as much as they can, considering this is really just the start of his Superman journey-- and this tenth season finale which will act as the series finale ultimately does show the culmination of his journey.

Read more about the Smallville finale here.

Ten years has certainly given the cast (and crew) a lot of fond memories. Looking back, Welling said one of his favorite moments was getting to work with Christopher Reeve.

"He was just such an inspiration, and it was such a fantastic scene," he recalled. "And even for the show, it was a big moment for Clark that really set him up for the rest of the series. Being able to experience that was very special."

Working with Michael Rosenbaum was also a treat that was taken a bit for granted.

"I realized how much I missed him and what a treat it was to see him again!" Welling admitted, on Rosenbaum's series finale return.

Both men echoed the statement that there is no Superman without his villain, Lex Luthor, so it was really inevitable that Lex was a part of this finale, even though executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders admitted that it went "over the wire" when it came to actually getting Rosenbaum back.

"Leave it to Michael to wait until the last few days, and then everybody finds out he's coming back...It's so him; it's so spontaneous; that is the way he is!" Erica Durance laughed.

Rosenbaum said that once the bald cap went back on his head, it was like he had never really left, but he did admit he was a bit scared about his return.

"Of course, typical, they give me, you know, all these monologues! And in between the monologues Clark will say 'Lex, but why?' Give me more time to think of what I'm going to say!" Rosenbaum smiled. "And you know, it was a challenge...it was a lot of lines; it was the whole crew; here he is, go ahead, you haven't done it for three years...I missed the crew; it's good to be back, it really is."

For Rosenbaum, the quintessential Lex Luthor moment came when he killed his own father.

"The realization of what he had done," he said. "There's no going back; there's no looking back. That part of you is always there. You kind of rip the rearview mirror off after that...I think it's important that Clark realize that I won't change; that some people can't change. And I have to realize that with Clark. He hid it for his own reasons for his own reasons; he didn't hide his gift from me to be deceitful...but [Lex doesn't] see it that way."

A big part of who Clark is now is tied up with his lady love and bride-to-be, Lois (Durance). Lois came into the picture a little later than the rest of this gang, and for Durance it became key to then take the role and think of her as a brand new character rather than a comic book icon so that she could bring something original to her. And one of the greatest things she brought to the role, other than the physicality which Durance said she would highlighly miss, was the energy

"I'm always the one who has that kind of really zesty energy, really, constantly. And so I look back and all I can think is about is the laughter; we've had a lot of laughter!" Durance said.

"This year I've had my ups and my downs, and I know change is good and all of those things, but you really start to look around and appreciate all of those great moments and how positive the experience has been and how wonderful the people that I have worked with have been, It's not always like that everywhere. For me, it's like a moment of reflection, and I'm able to look back and go 'Wow, I was so lucky to be able to do that'!"

This season has really showcased Lois' ability to channel that energy into being supportive of her guy, and so in these final moments that are about to unfold, that is very much the case once again. Yes, it is her wedding day, and yes, every wedding day should be all about the bride, but there is so much to this story! Many shows end a season, or even a series, with an event as monumental in characters' lives as a wedding, but what other shows do you know that end with a monumental event for the world: Superman donning his suit and accepting his fate!?

"I think what we find out towards the end is that [Clark] is who he is himself, and that he doesn't have to be anyone else. It's finding that within himself that I think will help him move on to finding who we all know he's going to be."

A perfect note to leave us on, huh, Welling?

Smallville will air its series finale on The CW on May 13th at 8pm.

http://www.examiner.com/tv-insider-in-l ... -rosenbaum
dandole gracias a los Fans FACEBOOK :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Svmarines »

'Smallville' Showrunners Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders Weigh In on the Series Finale
'Smallville' Showrunners Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders Weigh In on the Series Finale
by Laura Prudom, posted May 13th 2011 9:00AM
Filed under: FeaturesTV PreviewsCelebrity InterviewsFinales

It's the end of an era. A decade-long journey reaches its conclusion tonight, and as one door closes on Clark Kent, farm boy, high schooler, "The Blur," another opens to reveal a much larger destiny: The birth of Superman.

To say that expectations are high would be an understatement, and executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders seem well aware that they have a lot of fans to please with the 'Smallville' series finale.

While it's impossible to satisfy everyone, it's clear that no one involved in the creative process of producing 'Smallville' takes this ending lightly, and as emotional as tonight's episode may be, I believe it will also be a fitting climax for one of TV's most enduring genre shows.

AOL TV caught up with Souders and Peterson this week to discuss the challenges of writing such an eagerly anticipated finale, and what fans can expect from tonight's episode. Because I know that some fans are trying to avoid spoilers and others are desperate for clues, I've split the interview into two parts: spoiler-free at the top, and spoilers at the bottom -- so feel free to join us after the jump to preview the finale!


What are your plans for Friday night? Are you doing anything special to mark the occasion?
Kelly Souders: Probably a pretty mellow evening. I think we're just going to watch it together. I think we are kind of partied out -- kind of a mellow night because we know it's going to be kind of an emotional one too.

How did you decide on the final scene of the series? Did you always know what you wanted to end on?
Brian Peterson: We pretty much knew a handful of shots that we wanted in this finale; it was just a matter of which one to end on. Pretty quickly into breaking [the story], we decided we wanted to end the way we did.

At the end of the day, do you feel like you made the finale you wanted to make?
KS: Yeah, I'd say so. I think, considering you're putting on such a massive production with a TV schedule -- which is not exactly like you have months to shoot it -- we're really happy with how it turned out. In fact, everybody on the crew and cast, and all of the effects houses we work with, all of our editors, everybody gave 150 percent, and I'd say it surpassed our expectations.

Now for the million dollar question: After all these years, what does 'Smallville' mean to you personally?
BP: [pauses] That's a really good question. I think what we've been saying, which is very true, is [that it embodies] the ability to believe in the best in people. We've been writing for years about this amazing character that always believes in people, a character we can believe in, and so I think that, to me, is personally what 'Smallville' means.
KS: I think the same thing. I think that we didn't really come to the show thinking that was going to happen, you know, we were just so excited to be here. I think, over the course of the 10 years, we realized how lucky we are to have spent a decade writing about the world's greatest hero.

'Smallville' has always been great about including references to the Superman legacy as Easter eggs for the fans: Did you specifically draw from any of the movies, shows or comics that came before 'Smallville' for the finale?
BP: Throughout the series, we really tried to pay homage to a lot of the visuals, and a lot of the ideas, and all of the materials whether it's a movie or a comic book, but we do definitely have a few things that go back to those in the finale.

When you knew that Michael Rosenbaum would be returning as Lex, but that his availability would be limited due to his commitment to his other show [the sadly cancelled 'Breaking In'], how did you go about deciding which scenes to include and which to cut? You must've had so much you wanted to tie up and address after all his time away.
KS: Honestly, he had been so integral to the show, and the scenes fell into place very quickly and very organically. It really only took a couple of hours, maybe, to figure out how it would work with what we already had planned.

There's a lot of expectation about Clark finally fulfilling his destiny and what that might look like. Can you talk about the process of writing this particular episode and the beats that you were determined to hit? Did it require a lot of rewrites or was it perfectly formed in your minds already?
BP: Actually no, of all the scripts, other than some of the typical budget issues, this one really stayed pretty much intact from the beginning. I think we knew for so long how we wanted some of those final moments to play out, and who we wanted them to play out with, and it very much fell into place quickly.

Since you were on set for portions of the finale, I wondered if you could talk a little about Tom Welling's performance in the final episode, and the energy or charisma that he brought?
KS: Well, all we can say is he is fantastic! I mean, for somebody who has been working pretty much every day for 10 years, long hours, and needing to have the energy of a leader on set, I would imagine he would be collapsing at that point, but instead, he kind of brought it with him to the show. He is phenomenal.

What sort of legacy do you think -- or hope -- 'Smallville' will leave behind?
KS: Obviously, we hope people will remember it and watch it over and over again, and maybe people grow up and share it with their kids or friends. Hopefully, it is certainly a timeless show; there's a reason why Superman has been around for many, many decades, and I certainly hope 'Smallville' is as well.
Read on for the spoiler portion of the interview, or look away now.


Can you reveal anything new about Chloe's involvement in the finale and what her role is?
BP: Well, she plays a very important part in the show because we give her one of the biggest moments, I think, in the show, and she has a very quintessential "Chloe moment" of being the ultimate sidekick and saving Clark.

Can you elaborate on the "special thing" that she got that no one else got, as you described it to reporters earlier. Is that related to what you just said?
KS: It's just a big moment, you know, sort of a big Superman moment, and it was just something that we kind of wanted. She has been so integral in the show, but her future, obviously, no one quite knows in the same way that people know what eventually happens to Clark Kent, and Lois Lane, and Green Arrow [from the comics canon], so we wanted to be sure that her place in our mythology was solidified.

We know that Martha and Jonathan will be back, and when I last spoke to you, Kelly, you mentioned how important it was for you guys to pay off that part of Clark's history, but can you tell us anything else about their involvement, or whether we'll see them together?
BP: You see them together briefly in a couple moments of the show, yeah. I don't want to give it away!

What's ahead for the Daily Planet staff: Will there be a mention of the original, deceased Jimmy, and will the way be paved for a new one?
KS: Again, we don't want to give much away, but I think you will see the essence of the Daily Planet that everybody knows and loves. There is a long history of Superman. There are just some fun moments that were important for us to try and crowbar in.

The 'Smallville' two-hour series finale airs tonight, Fri., May 13 at 8PM ET on The CW.

How do you feel about the show finally coming to an end?

Follow Laura on Twitter: @LauinLA
http://www.tvsquad.com/2011/05/13/small ... interview/
Última edición por Svmarines el Vie May 13, 2011 7:55 pm, editado 2 veces en total.


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Registrado: Sab Feb 13, 2010 9:48 pm
Ubicación: normalmente en Sevilla, aunque paso mucho tiempo por metrópolis

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por manukent »

A menos de six hours!!!! que no que no, que esto es un sueño malo, y no se acaba SV.!! :smt022

Imagen Imagen Imagen

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Svmarines »

@CatTVSource Smallville - Welling, Rosenbaum, Durance & Freeman talk Lex's return & #Clois BTS Rosenbaum's scenes. Via Twitter
Smallville Series Finale – Lex & Clois
Smallville couldn’t end without its villain. Lex Luthor is back for the two hour series finale, and Michael Rosenbaum got to re-live the good old days on set. Cassidy Freeman, who plays Lex’s sister Tess, was thrilled to finally meet him and work on one of his two scenes. Plus, Erica Durance and Tom Welling comment on the Clois relationship this season.
en el link les dejo un vid

Me olvidaba de hacerles acordar que hoy a la noche 2 horas antes que empiece el capitulo se va hacer trending por el final y el tag va a hacer #smallvillefenale comienza a las 0.00 hs siempre hora de españa :wink:


Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Se acerca el momento, el fin de una época, la época en la que difrutamos de esta gran serie...

En serio, que tristeza...

Lana Lang
Lana Lang
Mensajes: 330
Registrado: Mar Oct 10, 2006 8:53 pm
Ubicación: Krypton

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Jor--El »

Hacía muchísimo que no posteaba, pero la ocasión lo merece; 10 años que se acaban, parece que fue ayer cuando me registré para poder seguir mi serie favorita y llegado el día del FIN dar las gracias a tod@s; colaboradores, moderadores, Ficus, Huesario, Lore, Shelby etc por el gran trabajo realizado estos años; a ver cómo termina, lo he imaginado mucho tiempo años atrás cómo sería el final; según parece, la vuelta de Lex de lo mejor del capítulo; esperon que cierren todas las tramas, aunque lo veo difícil; lo dicho, muchas gracias y mañana disfrutadlo, aún si las lagrimillas como a mi seguramente nos hacen más difícil seguir el capítulo.

Saludos Huesarian@s!!

Me obedecerás, Kal-El...

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 72
Registrado: Vie Abr 18, 2008 10:59 am

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Fran50 »

Habra algun link a las 2 a.m para seguir el final en directo? xD :smt005 :smt005

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Fran este link http://www.tvpc.com/Channel.php?ChannelID=2693

El video que publicaron arriba pero version youtube Y otro Video BTS de Tv guide :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1729
Registrado: Lun Oct 16, 2006 3:03 pm
Ubicación: España

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por selagi »

Gracias por el link :smile: bueno, último capítulo :sad: espero que este a la altura después de tantos años y nos dejen un buen sabor de boca :biggrin: :biggrin:


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Los demas links cuando esten confirmados los posteare :wink:


Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Nitta »

Gracias por la información y los videos! Y a Alexa y a María por los links. :wink:

Bueno, pues ya solo quedan 2 horitas. Pufff... :smt022

Imagen Imagen
Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 514
Registrado: Mié Jul 29, 2009 6:16 pm
Ubicación: España

Re: 10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por clois_forever »

voy a dejar mi último mensaje antes del final de Smallville. :sad: :sad: Que raro decir eso.... Bueno un placer haber estado compartiendo temas y leyendo vuestros mensajes :biggrin: Gracias a Shelby y demás colaborados del foro por vuestro trabajo diario de informarnos :smt058

Ojalá disfrutemos de un buen capítulo y nos den una alegría :super09

- Somewhere out there we all got a bullet with our name on it -


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