Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

Según "Digital Spy", Kristin Kreuk es una de las 3 actrices que harán una audición para obtener un papel Mission: Impossible 4. Las otras actrices son Lauren German y Paula Patton. ... 4.html?rss


Kristin no consigue el papel en MI4. La actriz Paula Patton es la que finalmente se ha hecho con él: ... mpossible/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
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Registrado: Vie Feb 08, 2008 4:57 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por mariesv »

'Ecstasy' - Kristin's Latest Project?

Fuente: & KristinKreukWeb
"The film will shoot in Scotland will be directed by Rob Heydon, acclaimed director of music videos and commercials. Cast includes Kristin Kreuk, Billy Boyd and Adam Sinclair....

...ECSTASY is a dark romantic comedy, based on the controversial book, ECSTASY, by Irvine Welsh, who also wrote the book "Trainspotting." ECSTASY, was translated into 20 languages and was a number one bestseller in over 20 countries. The film is to shoot in Scotland and will be directed by Rob Heydon, award-winning director of music videos and commercials. Producing the film is ECSTASY Film Inc of Toronto, Canada and Proteus Entertainment of London, England."
La pelicula se rodara en Escocia y sera dirigida por Rob Heydon, el elenco incluye Kristin Kreuk, Billy Boyd & Adam Sinclair...

... ESCTASY es una comedia negra romántica, basada en el libro polémico, ECSTASY, por Irvine Welsh, quien también escribió el libro "Trainspotting". ECSTASY, fue traducido a 20 idiomas y fue un best-seller número uno en más de 20 países. La película rodara en Escocia y será dirigida por Rob Heydon, premiado director de videos musicales y comerciales. La producción de la película es ECSTASY Inc de Toronto, Canadá y Proteus Entertainment de Londres, Inglaterra.

Creditos: LaloLouis

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

Hoy es el 28 cumpleaños de Kristin Kreuk. Desde aquí, felicitamos a la actriz y le deseamos lo mejor en sus nuevos proyectos. :wink: :smt113

También os dejo la página en facebook de su última película "Ecstasy" para los que la queráis seguir: ... acy?v=wall

Y en ella, podéis encontrar una breve aparición de la actriz en este video: ... 5165965716

- Actualizado 20/01/11 -

Os dejo las últimas informaciones que he encontrado sobre la película de Kristin "Vampires".

"Vampire" se mostrará en el Festival de Cine Internacional de Berlín 2011, según ha publicado
"Incluídas en el nuevo lote de películas está “Amador” del miembro de Panorama Fernando León De Aranoa (“Familia”), la película de género “Vampire,” que protagonizan Kevin Zegers, Rachel Leigh Cook, y Keisha Castle-Hughes, y la muy anticipada “Here” de Braden King. ... a_section/#

Mención en
"Las películas de idioma extranjero de Sundance con frecuencia muestran temas maduros y personajes que las películas independientes americanas no. Entre las más interesantes de este año están, desde Israel, "Restoration" de Yossi Madmony, y desde Canadá, "The Salesman." de Sébastien Pilote, en habla francesa. En un plano totalmente diferente está la espeluznante y perturbadora "Vampire" del director japonés Shunji Iwai" ... 6138.story

Mención en
"MP: ¿Cuáles son algunas de las películas de este año que más te han sorprendido?

Groth: No sabía lo que esperar de la nueva película de Shunji Iwai [“Vampire”]. Es un muy estabecido director japonés que trabaja en habla inglesa por primera vez. Era un gran fan de sus películas, especialmente de “All About Lily Chou-Chou,” así es que no me sorprende que me haya encantado la película, y estaba muy estética e inteligentemente hecha, pero sólo sabiendo que está tratando con el tema que está tratando y llamarla “Vampire,” no estaba seguro de lo que me iba a encontrar. Fuy muy felizmente sorprendido en la diracción por la que fue. Es una película increíble."

- Actualizado 27/01/11 -

- Kreuk piensa en grande tras 'Smallville' (
Kreuk piensa en grande tras 'Smallville'
Por KEVIN WILLIAMSON Jueves, 27 de Enero, 2011

PARK CITY, Utah -- Antes de que pudiera volar, Clark Kent sólo saltaba altos edificios de un sólo brinco.

De la misma manera "poquito a poquito, pedazo a pedazo" Kristin Kreuk está poniendo distancia entre ella y Lana Lang, la chica de la casa de al lado que interpretó durante siete temporadas en la precuela de Superman, Smallville.

"Todas esas pequeñas cosas añaden algo en algún momento," dice. "Y me encanta hacer los papeles más pequeños porque son normalmente interesantes, y no estoy en el set todos los días."

El pequeño papel en cuestión es su extendido cameo en la co-producción canadiense Vampire, una extraña y atmosférica variación de las familiares tropas sedientas de sangre. Vampire está este año en la competición dramática de cine internacional en Sundance.

"No imagino que esta será una gran película. Es muy incómoda de ver," dice Kreuk. "Sólo tuve un día, y era un interesante director y estaba en casa y conseguí hacer algo que no consigo hacer muy a menudo."

Estando en casa, parece, ser especialmente importante para la actriz de 28 años, quien ha estado evitando trasladarse de Vancouver a Los Angeles.

"Lo adoro (estar en Vancouver). LA es duro para mí. Creo que tenía 18 cuando fui por primera vez a LA cuando estaba probando para Smallville, y estaba como, 'Odio estar aquí.' Y ahora no. Me gusta. Pero no me gusta lo suficiente como para querer vivir allí. Pero pienso que es probablemente valioso para mí el empezar a pasar más tiempo allí."

Aún así, Kreuk, quien dejó Smallville después de que terminara su contrato, claramente tiene un reflejo desafiante. Cuando la llamo una rebelde, sonríe. "Lo soy, un poco. No parezco una rebelde, pero lo soy."

Adecudao a eso, su próximo papel es en Ecstasy, basada en la novela de Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting). "Ecstasy será más mayoritaria (que Vampire), pero aigue tratando con drogas y el uso de las drogas y el contrabando de drogas. Es de Irvine. Es brillante y adoro a ese chico, pero ha tenido una vida loca." ... 56301.html

- Actualizado 22/02/11 -

Buena noticia para los seguidorees de Kristin Kreuk... Parece que la actriz ha abierto una página de facebook con la que poder comunicarse con sus fans. De momento no está confirmado al 100%, pero su página oficial de fans han comentado que están casi seguros que sí que es cierto esta vez. Os dejo lo que ha escrito:
"I have finally decided to have a public profile! This an experiment for me and is slightly counter to my natural impulse, which is to, well, hide. My intent in doing this is to connect with my fans personally and to be able to share with you things I am working on, things that are important to me and to allow an open channel for communication. So, please bear with me as I navigate the complexities of a public social media life. My primary profession is as an actress. I am also one half of a producing duo with Rosena Bhura at Parvati Creative Inc. I am also a part of a fabulous team of young ladies over at Girls by Design. And, yes, this is actually me. How to prove this, I am unsure. I believe all things will become clear as time goes on. Thank you so much for your support, kindness and interest. I am endlessly grateful."
"¡He decidido finalmente tener un perfil público! Esto es un experimento para mí y es ligeramente contrario a mi impulso natural, que es el de, bueno, esconderme. Mi intento al hacer esto es conectar con mis fans personalmente y der capaz de compartir con vosotros cosas e4n las que estoy trabajando, cosas que son importantes para mí y el permitir abrir un canal de comunicación. Así es que, por favor tened paciencia conmigo a medida que navego por las complejidades de una vida pública en un medio social. Mi principal profesión es como actriz. También soy la mitad de un dúo de producción con Rosena Bhura en Parvati Creative Inc. Soy también parte de un fabuloso equipo de jóvenes mujeres en Girls by Design. Y, sí, esto soy realmente yo. Cómo probar esto, no estoy segura. Creo que todas las cosas se mostrarán claras a medida que pase el tiempo. Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo, amabilidad e interés. Estoy eternamente agradecida."

- Actualizado 09/03/11 -

- ¡Primicia de Piloto! Kristin Kreuk Se une a "17th Precinct" (
¡Primicia de Piloto! Kristin Kreuk Se une a "17th Precinct"
Por Matt Webb Mitovich y Nellie Andreeva 9 de Marzo, 2011 10:03 AM PST

Cada par de días o así, el piloto de Ronald D. Moore "17th Precinct" para la NBC parece verse verse cada vez mejor y mejor. Y el último añadido al elenco del drama con tintes supernaturales es la antigua miembro de Smallville Kristin Kreuk, según ha sabido TVLine.

Kreuk será estrella invitada en el piloto como Susan Longstreet, la esposa del experto criminólogo Jamie Bamber. Peacock debería escoger la serie, el papel tiene el potencial de ser recurrente.

Situada en la ciudad ficticia de Excelsior, donde la magia y los elementos supernaturales dominan sobre la ciencia, "17th Precinct" gira en torno a los agentes de la tienda local de policías. Además de Bamber, el elenco lo protagonizan otros dos regulares de Battlestar Galactica: James Callis (interpretando a un detective de homicidios) y Tricia Helfer (como Morgana la nigromante aka el equivalente mágico de un forense).

El jefe de "Precinct" es Moore, por supuesto, productor ejecutivo de Battlestar (y también de su spin-off de una tenmporada, Caprica).

El elenco de 17th Precinct también incluye a Stockard Channing (The West Wing) y a Matt Long (Jack & Bobby).

Desde que terminó su participación en Smallville (como Lana Lang), Kreuk ha afrontado la gran pantalla con Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, ha coprotagonizado la miniserie Ben Hur, y brilló positivamente durante varios episodios de Chuck. ... ore-198612

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva web oficial de la película "Ecstasy":

- ‘Estoy intentando encontrar algo que me apasione’ (
‘Estoy intentando encontrar algo que me apasione’
Por PHYLICIA TORREVILLAS 27 de Julio, 2011 5:26 a.m.

Kristin Kreuk, a Vancouver native best known for playing Lana Lang in the TV series Smallville, talks to Metro about shedding her good-girl reputation and stepping out into the world of Ecstasy — a dark romantic comedy coming out this fall based on the book by Irvine Welsh, the author of Trainspotting.

Can you describe your character, Heather Thompson?

She’s in a constrained relationship and she feels very stuck in her life, both in her marriage and job.

She’s on anti-depressants. You’ll watch her blossom and grow, and she does it by taking it in the other direction and partying and falling in love with a guy who might not be the best choice for her.

What attracted you to this role?

I liked Trainspotting a lot. Irvine has a sensibility in his writing that I really like. Also, I grew up at a time when ecstasy and the rave scene were really popular. It spoke to my high school years.

The movie’s about ecstasy. Have you tried it before?

I’m not a big drug taker.... When I was 15 or 16, I went to a bunch of parties and never did drugs. I really loved the experience of being somewhere and just dancing.

How was it meeting Irvine Welsh?

He came to set. He’s such a lovely man. Having read or seen ... his movies or books, he’s lived an incredibly full life. He’s just grounded, intelligent and very real.

Do you ever miss Smallville?

It was a fantastic experience and I loved doing it. I miss certain people in the show, but I don’t miss doing it.

Would you ever want to be cast as a leading lady in another superhero movie?

Yeah, depending on what it is. I saw the latest X-Men and I really liked the depth that they’re bringing in and the actors that they’re casting. If ever I had the opportunity to be considered in a movie like that, it would ... be really interesting.

What’s keeping you busy these days?

I have a production company, Parvati Creative, that I started a couple of years ago with a friend of mine. We’ve been working pretty hard on developing projects in that way, which is wonderful and challenging. I’m also still auditioning, going back and forth to L.A.... I’m trying to find something I’m passionate about. ... nate-about

- La productora de Allison Mack y Krsitin Kreuk estrena su primer corto "Blink" en Agosto:
La primera película de Parvati Inc. Production será estrenada el sábado, 13 de agosto en el HollyShorts Festival a las 5 de la tarde en Laemmle’s Sunset 5 (Hollywood). Allison Mack produjo este corto en el 2010 con su antigua compañera Kristin Kreuk.

"Blink" está protagonizada por el novio de Kristin Mark Hildreth (V, The Tudors), Sarah Lind (Edgemont) y Nik Markovina. Está dirigida por Rick Rosenthal (Smallville).

La duración del corto es de 17 minutos.

"¿Qué pasaría si alguien tomara sólo las buenas partes de una relación? Blink es una película que explora la manera en las que escondemos partes de nosotros mismod y lo que ocurre cuando esas partes se exponen finalmente. ¿Qué pasaría si pudieras tener la vida perfecta en un "Pestañeo" (blink)? ¿Hasta dónde llegarías para hacer esto realidad?"

- Se anuncia través del twitter de "Ecstasy" el twitter oficial de Kristin Kreuk : @MsKristinKreuk

Y para el que le interese, también puede encontrar una página de fans en fb:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista a Kristin Kreuk: Esctasy y su reticencia a trasladarse a L.A. (
Q&A: Kristin Kreuk
La actriz Kristin Kreuk habla sobre el crecer en la era de las drogas y el por qué se resiste a trasladarse a Hollywood
Por Tara Schmidt published 1, Ocetubre, 2011

You starred on Smallville for eight seasons. How did that come about?

In Grade 12, my drama teacher at Eric Hamber told me about an audition for a CBC show called Edgemont. I got a lead role, but I didn’t know how to act for the camera. I’d only done theatre. The casting director, Carole Tarlington, really championed me, sending me out. Eventually, at age 18, I was cast in Smallville. That role, Lana Lang, was so sweet.

In your new film, Ecstasy, your character has more edge. Do they feel unrelated?

I like quirky characters, which this one is. She has a relationship with a very cut-off man, hates her job, is on antidepressants, is a bit numb. The film looks at how we build the kind of passion in our lives or love for ourselves that transcends relationships or drugs.

Were drugs part of your adolescence?

I grew up in the ’90s, when raves were still really popular. I went to the ones out in Richmond in little warehouses. You had to get a text to find out where they were. But for me, drugs felt like a cop-out: if I couldn’t generate real emotion, I didn’t feel it was okay to rely on them to do it for me. Irvine Welsh [who wrote Trainspotting and Ecstasy] did the drugs in his books, but you see him now and he’s solid. You can find yourself in a roundabout way through drugs, but you’re taking a risk.

Finding yourself is what your website is all about.

I started with a friend when I was still on Smallville. Being on the WB Network, I realized all the writing was geared toward one element of what a woman is. There was a focus on looking a certain way, wearing certain clothes. It was fun, but one-dimensional. I wanted to empower young women to build their self-esteem, follow their dreams, make a difference. Even though there’s a ton of apathy—look at all the riots here and in London—I think there are also kids who are on fire and want to create change.

Rather than move to L.A., you’ve stayed in Vancouver. By choice or happy coincidence?

It’s smarter to move to Hollywood. You get photographed more, you’re in the press more, you build your career faster. I’ve been hesitant, though, because I feel uncomfortable in that atmosphere. I remember going to L.A. when I was younger and seeing the sprawl, all the gas stations and drive-throughs, and feeling really sad. Shooting Smallville in Vancouver afforded me the luxury of growing up without thinking about business. ... stin_Kreuk

- Kristin Kreuk asistirá al "Atlantic Film Festival" ( ha informado que la actriz Kristin Kreuk asistirá al "Atlantic Film Festival" en Halifax, Canadá para presentar su última película "Esctasy".

La película de Irvine Welsh, que es una adaptación de "The Undefeated", se presentará en el AFF en Park Lane 7, 9:25pm el Domingo, 18 de Septiembre. La película canadiense fue dirigida y producida por Rob Heydon y protagonizada por Kristen Kreuk y Billy Boyd, todos los cuales estarán en el estreno del domingo. ... attend-aff

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristen Kreuk Reflexiones sobre los Años de 'Smallville' (
En una entrevista reciente con Toro Magazine, la antigua estrella de Smallville, Kristen Kreuk, habló brevemente sobre sus años en la conocida serie y cómo la experiencia le ayudó a crear su propia compañía de producción, Parvati Creative Inc.:

“Digo esto mucho, pero pienso que due un lugar realmente maravilloso para que yo creciera y pasara mis años jóvenes como adulta con gente que realmente me gustaba y me sentí realmente apoyada por ellos,” dice Kreuk de Smallville. “Y fue un buen lugar para que yo practicara y aprendiera cómo hacerlo porque hiciemos muchas cosas locas practicando con todos esos géneros distintos y trabajando con un montón de actores diferentes.”

Como su personaje, Kreuk estaba preparada para un cambio así es que cuando Lana dejó Smallville, ella lo hizo también. Regresó para unos cuantos episodio como estrella invitada en el 2008 y desde entonces, ha protagonizado Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun Li, ha tenido un papel recurrente en la serie de TV Chuck y, más recientemente, ha protagonizado "Ecstasy", que aún tiene que fijar su fecha de estreno en Canadá. ... mallville/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Space Milkshake", nuevo proyecto para Kristin Kreuk:
Kristin continúa su camino tras Smallville. En esta ocasión, se trata de la película "Space Milkshake", una comedia canadiense de ciencia ficción, en la que también interviene como productora junto a sus compañeros de reparto.
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[youtube] ...[/youtube]

- Sinopsis: Jimmy, un técnico de ordenadores de bajo nivel, ha sido destinado a una estación orbital sanitaria (un camión de la basura en el espacio). Cuando Jimmy descubre un misterioso artefacto, un Cubo del Tiempo, las cosas se ponen cada vez más extrañas. En un salto a través del tiempo que va mal, un malvado científico llamado Gary se apodera del cuerpo de un patito de goma y comienza a mutar y a sembrar el caos en toda la nave. Se revela que uno de los astronautas tenía una relación personal con la forma humana de Gary antes de que se convirtiera en un monstruo mutante transdimensional. A medida que Gary se hace con el control de la nave, se hace aparente que el destino de la tripulación y de todo el Universo descansa en las manos de Jimmy.

- Actores: Robin Dunne (Jimmy) , Kristin Kreuk (Tilda), Amanda Tapping (Valentina), Billy Boyd (Anton).

- Escrita y dirigida por: Armen Evrensel ... 7275287634

- Scans de una entrevista de KK en "Chatelaine Magazine":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk Regresa a la CW como la Protagonista Femenina del piloto ‘Beauty and The Beast’ (
TVLine ha informado que Kristin Kreuk ha sido escogida para interpretar a la protagonista femenina en el piloto de la CW de "Beauty and the Beast" (La Bella y la Bestia).

El piloto es un reboot de la ya clásica serie de los '80 que emitió la CBS desde 1978 a 1990 y que estaba protagonizada por Ron Perlman como el mítico hombre bestia y Linda Hamilton como el objeto de su afecto, de la cual será Kristin la sucesora.

La versión de la CW version, escrita y producida por la veterana de "Without a Trace" Jennifer Levin y Sherri Cooper de "Brothers & Sisters", se describe como una moderna historia de amor con un giro procedimental contemporáneo y no hay que confundirlo con el otro piloto que ABC está desarrollando y que está basado en la conocida historia de cuentos sobre la chica que es obligada a vivir en un castillo con la bestia que finalmente acabará ganándose su corazón.

Se centra en Catherine (Kreuk), una testaruda detective de homicidios de New York obsesionada por haber presenciado el asesinato de su madre hace nueve años y la rápida muerte de los asesinos a manos de la Bestia, que la salvó de seguir la misma suerte de su madre. Después de años de búsqueda, Catherine finalmente encuentra a la Bestia, Vincent Koslow, en un viejo almacén de productos químicos descubriendo que es el superviviente de un experimento militar que fue desastrosamente mal, y se convierte en la protectora de su vida secreta como superhéroe, sin olvidad la curiosidad que siente por su héroe de la niñez.

Paul J. Witt, C. Anthony Thomas (los productores de la serie original), Ron Koslow (el creador de la serie original) y Bill Haber actúan también como productores ejecutivos, mientras que Gary Fleder está a bordo como director del piloto.

Aún se está haciendo el cast del protagonista masculino. ... the-beast/

- Más actores se unen al elenco del Piloto de "la Bella Y la Bestia" de la CW (Deadline):
Dos actores más se han unido a Kristin Kreuk y Austin Basis en la adaptación de la CW de la Bella y la Bestia.

Deadline ha informado que Nicole Gale Anderson (Jonas, Make It Or Break It) ha sido escogida como la hermana de Catherine (el personaje de Kreuk), que se llama Heather, y Nina Lisandrello ha sido escogida como su compañera y amiga en el grupo de homicidios, y cuyo personaje se llama Tess.

Algo curioso: además de un personaje llamado "Tess" en el proyecto, también hay otro personaje llamado “Chloe” también. ... ilot/12146

- Actor de Terra Nova Elegido para Interpretar a la pareja de Kristin Kreuk en el piloto de "Beauty and the Beast" de la CW (
Actor de Terra Nova Elegido para Interpretar a la pareja de Kristin Kreuk en el piloto de "Beauty and the Beast" de la CW
Por Michael Ausiello 2 de Marzo, 2012 11:15 AM PST

El actor de Nueva Zelanda Jay Ryan, quien interpretó al guarda de seguridad de Terra Nova que fue desterrado por asesinar a un miembro de la colonia, ha conseguido el papel masculino que acompañará a Kreuk en "Beauty and the Beast", el reboot de la CW de la serie clásica de los '80 que se emitió en la CBS desde 1987 a 1990 y que protagonizaron Ron Perlman como el mítico hombre bestia y Linda Hamilton como el objeto de su afecto. ... -beast-cw/

- Max Brown se une a Kristin Kreuk en el piloto de la CW "Beauty & The Beast" (
El actor británico British Max Brown ("Spooks" y "Los Tudor", entre otros) ha sido añadido al elenco del piloto de la CW "Beauty & The Beast", que está basado en la serie de los '80 de la CBS.

Brown interpretará a Evan, un médico forense que habitualmente trabaja con Catherine (Kristin Kreuk). ... tnts-noir/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Beauty & The Beast" de Kristin Kreuk confirmada por la CW (
La CW ha escogido cinco nuevas series para el otoño, entre la que se encuentra la serie de "Arrow".


La detective Catherine Chandler es una inteligente y directa detective de himicidios. Cuando era una adolescente, Catherine presenció el asesinato de su madre a manos de dos hombres armados. Catherine habría sido asesinada también, pero alguien – o algo – la salvó. Nunca nadie la ha creído, pero ella sabe que no era un animal lo que atacó a los asesinos... era humano. Los años han pasado, y Catherine es una fuerte, confidente, y capaz oficial de policía, trabajando junto a su igualmente talentosa compañera, Tess. Mientras que investigan un asesinato, Catherine descubre una pista que la lleva hacia el guapo doctor llamado Vincent Keller, que fue declarado muerto a manos del fuego enemigo mientras que servía en Afghanistan en el 2002. Catherine descubre que Vincent sigue vivo en realidad y que fue quien la salvó muchos años antes. Por misteriosas razones que le han llevado a vivir fuera de la sociedad tradicional, Vincent ha estado escondiéndose durante los últimos 10 años para guardar su secreto – cuando se enfada, se transforma en una terrorífica bestia, incapaz de controlar su súper-fuerza y sus intensificados instintos. Catherine acuerda el proteger su identidad a cambio de cualquier pista que pueda darle sobre el asesinato de su madre. Y así empieza una compleja relación entre Catherine y Vincent, que están poderosamente atraídos el uno hacia el otro a pesar de entender que su conexión es extremadamente peligrosa para ambos.

La serie está protagonizada por Kristin Kreuk (“Smallville,” “Chuck”) como Catherine, Jay Ryan (“Terra Nova”) como Vincent, Max Brown (“The Tudors,” “MI-5”) como Evan, Nina Lisandrello (“Nurse Jackie”) como Tess, Nicole Gale Anderson (“Make It or Break It”) como Heather, Austin Basis (“Life Unexpected”) como J.T., y Brian White (“The Shield,” “The Cabin in the Woods”) como Joe.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST es de CBS Television Studios con los productores ejecutivos Jennifer Levin (“Without A Trace,” “Felicity”), Sherri Cooper (“Brothers and Sisters”), Bill Haber (“Rizzoli & Isles,” “Thurgood”), Paul J. Witt (“A Better Life”) & Tony Thomas (“A Better Life”), Ron Koslow (“Moonlight”) y Gary Fleder (“Life Unexpected”). ... s-2012-cw/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Beauty & The Beast", programación, imágenes promocionales y trailers:
La CW ha anunciado su programación para la temporada 2012-2013 durante los Upfronts de hoy y ya tenemos día de emisión para "Beauty & The Beast":

8:00-9:00 PM The Vampire Diaries
9:00-10:00 PM Beauty and the Beast

Adicionalmente hemos podido ver la primera imagen oficial y el trailer de la serie:


Trailers: ... ...

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk, presentadora en los "Canadian Screen Awards":
Se ha sabido que Kristin Kreuk será una de las presentadoras en los premios "Canadian Screen Awards" que se celebrarán el 3 de marzo y que serán retransmitidos por la CBC a las 8 pm ET, junto a otros actores conocidos por los fans de Smallville como la anteriormente anunciada Erica Durance, Laura Vandervoort y Stephen Amell, entre otros.

Podéis ver el anuncio AQUÍ

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "VECTORS", nuevo proyecto de Kristin Kreuk:
De la mano de su creador y escritor Nicholas Billion, nos llega un nuevo proyecto protagonizado por Kristin Kreuk, "Vectors", un proyecto experimental desarrollado por el Canadian Film Centre y Bell Media Prime Time TV Program, en donde la serie participa en un proyecto de elección para conseguir fondos para su producción.

Sinopsis: Unos cuantos años en el futuro y el mundo entra en la era post-antibiótica. Las infecciones menores son una amenaza para la vida. Las operaciones fallan con más frecuencia de lo que salen con éxito. Los hospitales son ahora sitios peligrosos en los que trabajar, En el Hospital Monte Sinaí de Toronto, la Dra Kate Langley (Kristin Kreuk) lidera un equipo de médicos especializados conocidos como “Vectors”, entrenados para lidiar con las complejidades del tratamiento contra la bacteria-resistente. Mientras que Kate lidera la lucha contra un enemigo de un micómetro de tamaño, se debate con sus propios enormes demonios internos.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk asistirá a la "Fan Expo Canada 2017" en Septiembre:
Los fans de la actriz Kristin Kreuk y de la saga "Shuyan" están de suerte, ya que se ha confirmado su asistencia al evento del "Fan Expo Canada 2017" que se celebrará en Toronto durante los días 31 de Agosto - 03 Septiembre.

Kristin asistirá el sábado 02 de Septiembre como parte del panel Q&A sobre el video-juego basado en las novelas gráficas "Shuyan Saga" y que tendrá lugar en la Room 102 del John Bassett Theatre - MTCC de 2:30 - 3:30 pm.

La actriz también hará una aparición de 4:30 - 5:30 en la cabina de la saga (Booth 1044 South Bld) en la que firmará autógrafos y se hará fotos con los fans.

Podéis comprar vuestros tickets a través de la página oficial del FAN EXPO y también a través de la página de "Shuyan Saga" que ofrece un número limitado de paquete para los fans:

The Super Fan Package:

-- Precio: 75$

-- Incluye: Shuyan Saga game + Soundtrack, Foto Digital con Kristin Kreuk y Póster firmado por Kristin Kreuk

-- disponible en la cabina o por pre-compra a través del email

​-- Disponibilidad limitada de 25 paquetes por cada método de compra.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Shuyan SAGA: Una entrevista con Kristin Kreuk (
Shuyan SAGA: Una entrevista con Kristin Kreuk
Por Stephanie Cooke - 05 Sept, 2017

On Saturday, Rogues Portal got the opportunity to talk to actress Kristin Kreuk about her latest project, Shuyan SAGA, which is an interesting mix of video games and graphic novels. Shuyan SAGA is an interactive graphic novel where “action scenes come alive through 3D combat gameplay”.

Kreuk takes on the role of the title character, Shuyan, who is “a carefree Princess fed-up with her constricted and pampered life — to become a true disciple of Kung-Fu and stop the evil Guer horde from destroying the Five Kingdoms.”

The game is set in an ancient Chinese martial arts fantasy and players are able to play as Shuyan. Before we hop into the interview, I just want to mention another quick point. This game features over 1,400 hand-drawn illustrations by comic artist Daxiong, whose work you may know from various Star Wars comics and more — so what I’m trying to say is that this game looks incredible.

Let’s jump into our conversation with Kristin…

You’ve done a lot of heroic roles in your career so far – what pulls you towards those roles?

Kristin Kreuk: I think that my answer for that – because I’m actually I’m drawn to people overcoming their personal issues for a greater good. I’m a sucker for that kind of storytelling, especially when it comes to things presented to younger people. I think we live in a very cynical time – which is fine – and I think it’s important to take in as much data as possible but I think we also need those stories where it’s like, “Oh yes, I can do something meaningful in my community and there are things that are limiting me from doing that but I have the power to overcome that.” And even beyond communities, even in your own life to find joy, happiness and peace.

Those are little internal demons that one must wrestle and you can – you have the power to do that and I think all these characters represent that kind of journey and struggle through something much bigger. Generally someone is dying – sometimes there’s a demon, and there’s something really pushing you.

Fantasy stuff is great because it’s a metaphor for those little struggles in our lives which are everything to us.

Over the years there has been a huge lack of fully-developed female characters in both video games and comic books. Your character tackles both industries – was this something that you took into consideration when coming onto this project and what other things do you take into consideration when choosing a role?

KK: I think I’m getting smarter about that as I get older and yes, with this game in particular, that was a huge part of it for me. This is a woman, she is complex, she is flawed, she has issues and she is overcoming them even though it is not easy for her and it’s a struggle. It’s centered around her and it’s not about a love relationship – she’s not tied to some dude. She has a master and a teacher who just happens to be male but it’s not about that. She has her own drive and motivation.

It’s about family and community and I really like that cause I find that a lot of the female driven stuff is linked to a male love interest who moves that character through their journey and I am really struggling to find things that aren’t doing that.

Thankfully it’s becoming a thing that people are recognizing…

KK: Everyone is fighting for that to change. We don’t want that anymore – it’s unacceptable.

I think we’ll see that change happen as more women come on board as writers and directors.

KK: There are a lot of women involved in this project and it’s wonderful.

Is voice acting something that you have always been interested in? Has it been a difficult change from what you’ve done in the past – or is it a matter of just waiting for the right project to come along?

KK: It isn’t something that I have always been interested in. I’ve auditioned for a few things here and there in the past but this is the first thing that I have ever done in this realm. I loved it and it was really fun but it’s definitely a hard, specific job to do well and to do right. I respect anyone who does this as their career – it’s an amazing profession.

How long do you think that it will take for change to happen in the industry to inspire more girls and more women?

KK: I don’t know how long it will take but I do feel like the more that we all push for it and inspire young teenagers to move into developing, storytelling, directing, and producing – whatever it is – the faster it is going to change. We have to keep putting pressure on people and that’s important – it is making a difference. We’re seeing things like Wonder Woman kick ass, right? It killed at the box office in a season where movies didn’t do well. That’s something we have to hold onto – it happened because people pushed for it. I think we keep doing that, it can change more quickly.

I didn’t do TV pilot season last year but from what I understand, they wanted female leads and they wanted diversity. If you were a white guy, there just wasn’t as much for you which is good for us.

What has been your experience as an Asian actress coming up in the industry and what is your take on it currently?

KK: Let me talk about the personal first: I started a long time ago and for my first job I played a half-Asian girl which is my heritage. It didn’t happen again until, I guess, Street Fighter I played my heritage and then every other after role – I often play white characters because I have light eyes and my natural hair is quite light. Because I never challenged them in the way that I looked, it didn’t come up as an issue for me so personally I don’t think I felt the limitation for my career but I believe there is a strong issue. I have friends who are full Chinese who have really struggled to get their careers off the ground because there just isn’t the roles available. If I’m looking for, in Canada, a Chinese actress to play my mom – they’re hard to find. I just don’t think that there have been the opportunities there and available for people.

I think that is changing and obviously people like Constance Wu and those guys are really shifting the narrative on that. If even if we’re talking Indian, Aziz Ansari, I think what they’re doing is really important.

In Canada, it’s still a big issue – apart from Kim’s Convenience on CBC, I don’t think we have a lot available. Stuff like this helps and for me now – I won’t play outside of being mixed race even though I do have the opportunity to do it.

Outside of the comic book universe, what is a character that inspires you?

KK: I’m really bad at these questions but the first person that came to my head might be a little pathetic, but outside of the comic realm – because I’m not a comics person necessarily – growing up, it was always like Anne of Green Gables and I know that’s really old and like, I don’t know but she was a fierce, passionate young girl in a world where you were supposed to be a specific way and she just wasn’t that way. She just embraced it and was her weird self in the midst of all that and I really do appreciate that in people.

What was one of your favourite moments working on the game?

KK: It’s funny because everything is just done in a booth but I just liked being in there with all these people who have been doing this forever and making a fool of yourself. Cause that’s what you do, I feel like every day, when you’re voice acting is just do stuff that you just do stuff that you feel completely ridiculous doing like yell absurdly loud – it feels ridiculous – and doing all of your efforts which also is silly. I like being humiliated in that sense [laughs]. Weird answer, but yeah! It’s fine! [laughs] ... tin-kreuk/?

- Kristin Kreuk habla sobre la novela gráfica de acción "Shuyan Saga", el jugar y la diversidad con GOC en la "Fan Expo Canada" (geeksofcolor):
Kristin Kreuk habla sobre la novela gráfica de acción "Shuyan Saga", el jugar y la diversidad con GOC en la "Fan Expo Canada"
Por Britany Murphy - 08 Septiembre, 2017

The world of comics and gaming collide with the groundbreaking Shuyan Saga. Created by Loft Sky Entertainment Inc., Shuyan Saga is a game unlike any other. In fact, it’s a graphic novel that comes to life through the action of 3D gaming while you play your way through the story as Shuyan.

Voiced by People’s Choice Award winning actress, Kristin Kreuk, Shuyan Saga has artwork by comic book artist Daxiong and a score by Aaron Tsang. Shuyan Saga is a treat in gameplay, visual arts and sound.

Geeks of Color had the chance to sit down with Kristin to talk about her role in the action graphic novel, gaming and what it means for women and diversity. Check it out below:

Britany Murphy for Geeks of Color: So, my first question would be, are you into gaming at all?

Kristin Kreuk: I am not a gamer, I admit. I’ve never been – I think because it was banned in my household, I liked to follow rules and we only did educational games.

BM for GOC: That being said, did you ever get a chance to play Shuyan Saga?

KK: I’ve not had a full chance to play the game! They sent it to me while I was working because I’ve been in Winnipeg working on a TV show. So, I haven’t had a chance yet. But I’ve seen some of it and I’m looking forward to being able to kind of move my way around it.

BM for GOC: So, what were your first impressions upon seeing so far? Because when I saw it, I was blown away by all the graphics.

KK: It’s beautiful! The graphics are gorgeous. Daxiong who did the illustrations is just a stunning artist. So, I think that stands out a lot. The music is particularly compelling and beautiful – so, it’s like this funny thing because I’ve always seen games in a certain way in my head and I think because I’m old and I don’t game, I had this limited perspective on what games are. And being able to see that the medium has shifted so much and there’s so much available, it’s really beautiful to see this thing that’s a piece of art, as well as an interactive combat game.

BM for GOC: As you were saying about how games have come so far, I was just wondering what you thought about the character? Shuyan is a female character and you typically portray strong female characters in your other work. So, I just wanted your take on the representation of females in the game?

KK: Being on the outskirts a little bit, you know I hear about all the stuff with gamergate. I think that having women, who are very much engaged in gaming now obviously, in important. A character like this one appeals to both genders and I think appeals across many ages and she is Chinese, and she is flawed but she is committed to her personal growth and overcoming certain impulses that are limiting her from being able to be the best leader she can be. And I think that’s something to aspire to. I don’t know that all of our leaders are doing such things and I think that she really does represent what an aspirational ideal of what a leader could be.

BM for GOC: As you said before, Shuyan is Chinese. So, what is your take on diversity in gaming and media?

KK: Yes, I’m half Chinese. Because I can present as Caucasian because I’m light eyed, I’ve never had to fight against a lot of the racial stereotypes but I believe heavily in diversity and I think that the more we can have people of color represented well and in complex ways in our media, the more our society will be happier, healthier, more complex, nuanced and loving. So, that’s really important with this game.

Obviously we’re existing in the realm of Chinese culture, so we’re also learning about Kung-Fu which represents some of the values of the Chinese culture. My family are diaspora Chinese – my mom didn’t come from China, she came from Indonesia. My grandmother didn’t come from China, she came from Jamaica, so it’s a different culture. But for me to be able to learn about my history in a way through engaging in a game like this is beautiful. The more collectivist values of China, as opposed to the individualistic values of North America is also something that I think we could take something from in a world where we’re so obsessed with ourselves and with our own individual narratives, it’s nice to be able to consider: ‘What’s best for our communities?’ And that’s what the game also posits.

BM for GOC: Lastly, I just wanted to know what is your hope for the game and who you wish for it to reach?

KK: I want it to reach as many people as possible, obviously – but I really do hope that young women are able to access the game and play it, and get a lot out of it! I think that it’s something that, you know, you could have a great female community banding around. But obviously, I don’t want to limit it to just that, but that’s just a personal thing I think would be great because I want all of us women to have the best we can. ... huyansaga/

- DCN visita Fan Expo Canada: rntrevista con la estrella de ‘Smallville’ y voz de ‘Shuyan’ Kristin Kreuk (dccomicsnews):
Kristin Kreuk graced the scene at Fan Expo Canada this year. DC Comics News and Dark Knight News had the honor to interview her at a round table. In this article, we delve into the politics and messages of the visually beautiful game, Shuyan SAGA, including Kristin’s work and impacts in the video game and comics-world industry. We know her all too well as Ms. Lana Lang from the award winning television show Smallville.
Producer Jason Loftus (middle) and Creative Lead, Lina Skorbach (right), join forces with Kristin Kreuk to bring this gorgeous narrative to life.

Q: [To producer Jason Loftus] The investigation part of the game, how much research did you make, how deep did you have to go to come up with all this stuff?

The easiest way to do research is to bring in people who already know what they’re doing in certain areas. When is comes to comics and martial arts we’re really fortunate with who we’re able to bring on board. So, DaXiong [the art director] is just one of the best comic artists to ever come out of China. He had one of the first major original IP comic book studios that he ran in China, and he’s worked with the likes of DC, he’s done Justice League, he’s done Star Wars comics for Dark Horse. [Really amazing talent] He’s just so well-versed in the Chinese culture. And so people who are familiar with Chinese culture, when they look at the game they’ll see elements of that. All the different kingdoms are actually inspired by different traditions of different dynasties in China. China is actually quite diverse in its history, a lot of differences [throughout] a lot of time periods. And you kind of pull elements of that to kinda inspire the different aspects of the different kingdoms as well.

And then when it comes to the Kung Fu Aspect, we got this amazing Kung Fu Master, [phonetically: Mung Fei Yao], from New York. Who flew out and spent time in our studio, beat up our development team, it was a lot of fun. And it really meshed with this idea because we had students of martial arts in different aspects of the production team and we had this idea that we kinda wanted to bring a different aspect to this Kung Fu journey which wasn’t about the “beat-them-up” aspect but also this kind of character journey, and he [the Kung Fu Master] really helped to fill in a lot of that detail, because he has an amazing story and a lot of stuff to share. The philosophy of Kung Fu, we did our best to try and capture.

Q: [With regards to Martial Arts] How do you think the public is reacting to that?

I think it’s interesting. I mean we get responses even from China, from the Asian market. They really respect that there’s a Western company just trying to understand the culture and philosophy and pay this…it’s like an homage or a love letter to that culture.

Q: So right now it’s just available on Steam. Any plans to expand upon that? To mobile gaming?

Mobile is in the cards, there are other platforms in the cards, and we actually have other partnerships also on PC and major markets in Asia that we will be announcing soon. So there’s a stage of approach over there for different platforms.

Q: Casting Kristin for the main character, was that right away your first initial target? She would be perfect for the role, could you speak on her, on how well she is for the game?

Jason Loftus: Just to quickly answer on the casting aspect, we brought together a number of people to discuss it and it was pretty quickly a consensus that she [Kristin] was just a perfect fit.

Lina Skorbach: Working with her was amazing. […] we went “okay, do 2-3 takes of one line,” and all three takes were wonderful. Like which one would you choose? Because she just knows, she understood the character right away and she delivered all the emotions for that character. Amazing.

Kristin Kreuk: I did so much tai-chi when I was doing Streetfighter! That was like most of my practice.

Q: [To Kristin Kreuk] I was wondering, I notice you do a lot of heroic roles!

Apparently I do!

Q: It’s really cool! Is there something that pulls you [to those roles]?

Interesting. I think that my answer for that, cause I’m only thinking about it now that you’re asking me, I think I’m drawn to people overcoming personal issues for a greater good. And I think I am a sucker for that kind of story telling. Especially when it comes to things presented to younger people. I think we live in a very cynical time which is fine, and I think it’s important to, you know, take in as much data as possible, but I think we also need those kinds of stories where it’s like “Oh, yes, I can do something meaningful in my life” and in my community and there are things that are limiting me from doing that, I have the power to overcome that. And even beyond communities, even in your own life to find joy and happiness and peace. There are those little internal demons that one must wrestle, and you can! You have the power to do that. I think all these characters represent that kind of journey and struggle through something much bigger. Generally, someone is dying, [or] there’s a demon, and there’s something really pushing you. Where in life, it might be something just little, like “I wanna have a loving relationship with somebody and there is something limiting me from doing that. And I need to wrestle with these things internally.”

Q: Those problems are just as big, right?

Exactly, that’s why fantasy stuff is great! It’s a metaphor for those little struggles in our lives, which are everything.

Q: Over the year, obviously, there has been a huge lack of female characters and well developed female characters in both comics and video games, so your character obviously tackles both industries. Was this something you personally took into consideration when taking the role [Shuyan] and what kind of things do you take into consideration when you come onto a project?

I think I’m getting smarter about that as I get older. But yes, this game, in particular, that was a huge part of it for me. This is a woman, she is complex, she is flawed, she has issues, and she’s overcoming them even though it’s not easy for her, and it’s a struggle. It’s centered around her. It’s not about a love relationship, she’s not tied to some dude. She has a master and a teacher who happens to be male, but it’s not about that.

She has her own drive and motivation. It’s about family and community, and I really like that because I find that a lot of female driven stuff is linked to a male love interest who moves that character through their journey. And I struggle to find things that aren’t doing that, although, like you said, it is changing drastically.

There’s a lot of women involved in this project and that is wonderful.

Q: Is voice acting something you’ve always been interested in? Has it been a difficult change from what you’ve done in the past? Or is it a matter of waiting for that right story to come along?

It isn’t something I was always interested in. I know that it’s a really hard job, I was with somebody for a long time who did a lot of voice work. And it’s not easy. Super specific work, and so I auditioned for a few things here and there in the past. But this was the first thing I’ve ever really done in this realm and I loved it! It was really fun but it’s definitely a hard specific job to do well and do right. And I respect anybody who does this as their career. It’s an amazing profession.

Q: How long do you think it will take for this change to happen: to inspire girls and inspire women?

I don’t know how long it will take but I do feel like the more we all push for it and the more we inspire young teenagers to move into developing and story telling, and into directing and producing, whatever it is, the faster it’s going to change. And you have to keep putting pressure on people, I think that’s important and it is making a difference. Like we’re seeing it. Wonder Woman kicked ass! Killed at the box office! In a season where movies didn’t do well. But that’s something that I think we have to hold onto and that happened because people pushed for it. And so I think If we keep doing that, it could change more quickly than we think.

I mean, even for tv stuff! Pilot seasons last year, which I didn’t do, but from what I understood, they wanted female leads and they wanted diversity. If you are a white guy, there’s just not going to be much available to you which is good for us, I think.

Q: On the topic of bringing out change, I mean there have been lots of headlines recently about anti-Asian in Hollywood. I understand a lot of higher profile actors have been very recently speaking out against it. And I wanted to get your take as your experience as an Asian actress coming up in the business, your experience with it if you had any?

Well, I’ll talk about the personal first:

I started a long time ago, and my first job I played a half-Asian girl, which is my heritage. Which didn’t happen again until I guess Street Fighter? I played my heritage and then every role after that shut out playing my heritage. So I often played white characters because I have wide-eyes, and my hair is actually not the blonde [gestures to her current hair], but my natural hair color is light because I didn’t challenge them in the way that I looked. It didn’t come up as an issue for me. So personally, I didn’t think I felt the limitation for my career.

But I believe there is a strong issue, that I have friends who are full-Chinese who really struggle to get their careers off the ground because there just isn’t the roles available. Like if I’m looking for, in Canada, an actress to play my mom: Chinese actress, I guess if she’s young, in her 50s, if she’s the right age, probably in her 60s. They are hard to find. I just don’t think there has been the opportunities available for people. And I think that is changing and obviously, people, like Constance Wu and those guys are really shifting the narrative on that. Even if we’re talking Indian, Aziz Ansari. I think what they are doing is really important. And in Canada, it’s still a big issue. I don’t know, apart from, Kim’s Convenience [a Canadian comedy], I don’t think we have a lot available. And I think stuff like this helps, making sure the characters [are authentic] for me now, I won’t play outside of being mixed race. Because I have the opportunity to do it and that will help slowly.

Q: What is a character that inspires you?

A character that inspires me? Aw, man, the person that came to my head because I’m really bad at these questions, it’s really pathetic. Outside the comics world, because I’m not a comics person necessarily, growing up it was always Anne of Green Gable. And I know that’s really old, but she was like a fierce, passionate young girl, in a world where you were supposed to be a specific way and she wasn’t that way. And she just embraced it […] her weird self in the midst of all that. And I really do appreciate that in people,

Q: What was one of your favorite moments working on the game?

You know, it’s funny because it’s all in a booth. I just like being in there with all these people who have been doing this forever and just making a fool of yourself because that’s what you do. I feel like everyday when you’re voice acting, it’s just “do stuff that you feel completely ridiculous.” Like yell absurdly loud […] So I feel like being humiliated in that sense. Haha, weird answer.

Q: What did you find as your biggest challenge?

Kristin Kreuk: Other than the humiliation and overcoming your ego? Hah, biggest challenge? My biggest challenge really was finding the right tone for each emotion, it’s really hard to find the right intention expressed in your voice. At least for me. Voice actors don’t have that problem, and that’s why they’re good at what they do. It was really challenging to just convey the emotions I wanted to convey with my voice. I mean, it seems broad, but I found that very challenging.

Jason Loftus: She may have thought she was struggling, but I think everyone thought she was great!

Q: I did see you had something coming next year, can you tell us a bit about it?

Yes, it’s a CBC show called Burden of Truth. It’s a ten-part, legal serialized drama that’s class-action lawsuit. It’s not fantasy. It’s very not. But it’s really examining thematically legacies of abuse, patriarchy, all that kind of stuff through a group of sick teenage girls in a town.

Q: A second part to this, most of what you’ve done has been very much aimed at a young adult audience, is this [Burden of Truth] more aimed at adults?

It’s more aimed at adults, but a big chunk of the show is about 18-year-olds, like high schoolers, and I don’t know if it’s fast-paced enough for young people but it definitely explores what it means to grow up, have a disability, have a town be against you, being told that you’re hysterical, I think it will appeal to younger people but it’s really meant for adults.

Thank you, Fan Expo Canada, Lofty Sky Entertainment, Jason Loftus, Lina Scorbach, and the talented Kristin Kreuk for arranging this and giving us such an enriching view. They brought in culture, feminism, and heroes of all kinds. Shuyan Saga is available on Steam! ... tin-kreuk/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Proyectos y noticias de Kristin Kreuk

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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