Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope - NBC Promo - Series Premiere: June 7, 2012


- Mensaje de agradecimiento de Michael Shanks a los fans:

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10 ... 760&type=2

- Daniel Gillies Adelanta el "Coro Griego" del Increíble Piloto de Saving Hope:
Daniel Gillies Adelanta la "Coro Griego" del Increíble Piloto de Saving Hope
Por Matt Richenthal 6 de Junio del 2012

Daniel Gillies dice que no tiene ni idea de por qué su personaje de Vampire Diaries de Elijah ha resonado tan bien entte los fans de la serie de la CW.

"Soy muy afortunado," dijo el actor simplemente en el teléfono ayer en respuesta a esa pregunta.

Pero pregunta a Gillies sobre Saving Hope - el drama de la NBC que se estrena mañana por la noche a las 9/8c - y puede explicar mucho más fácilmente el por qué está tan emocionado por que los espectadores vean el piloto, que él describe como "uno de los mejores que he visto."

"David Wellington v a ser el próximo JJ Abrams," dice Gillies sobre el productor ejecutivo de la serie, quien dirigió la premiere y a quien Gillies alaba por su "talento y visión," añadiendo: "Te lo digo, esta serie es realmente buena. Es atractiva e irresistible y divertida y valiente todo a la vez."

Gillies explicó que vio el piloto con su mujer, sabiendo que hay "un grado de cinismo degree" por ambas partes de la pareja, y ella "rompió a llorar" hacia el final.

"Eso es un logro," dijo la estrella.

Saving Hope está protagonizada por Gillies como el Dr. Joel Goran, un cirujano ortopédico que acepta un recorte de salario por trabajar en el hospital Hope-Zion, ostensiblemente para estudiar las células madre, pero posiblemente para retomar su romance con la Dra Alex Reid de Erica Durance.

"Hay una región gris en cuanto a sus motivos," bromea Gillies. "No está haciendo montones de pasta y sospechamos que aún sigue teniendo sentimientos hacia Alex, pero..."

… El Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) es golpeado por un coche en la premiere y entra en coma, dejando las oportunidades de Joel para el romance con Alex "en algún lugar entre cero y se fastidiaron todas," se rie Gillies.

Como se deja claro en la promo de Saving Hope promo, Harris procede a vagar por los pasillos del hospital como una aparición, añadiendo el elemento místico a la serie que Gillies describe como un "coro Greek."

"Es un duro universo, el equilibrar lo místico con la cruda realidad," dice. "Y hay congruencias entre ambos que empiezan a informar del uno al otro a medida que la serie avanza."

Para preparar su papel como cirujano, Gillies devoró libros del Dr. Atul Gawande (especialmente "Complicaciones: Notas de un cirujano sobre una ciencia imperfecta"), a quien acredita por escribir sobre la medicina de una manera clara y enciclopédica que puede ser abordada en términos profanos y que deletrea exactamente cómo es el ser médico.

Y Goran es uno especialmente bueno. Estudió en Harvard y pasó tiempo en Mexico City, con Gillies descartando cualquier idea de que su personaje es arrogante y acredittando el último viaje como algo básico en su lugar para lo que detalla como extrema confidencia.

"Ha visto algunos lugares oscuros en el mundo. Se ha visto expuesto a la cúpula de los temas oscuros. Y eso realmente hace que un hombre sea humilde, aunque también le da confidencia porque ha pasado por mucho y sabe que puede manejarlo.."

Gillies dice que "la puerta está siempre abierta" para regresar a The Vampire Diaries porque adora a la productora Julie Plec y porque el ser tiene una "energía especial."

Pero su prioridad por ahora es Saving Hope. Y, empezando mañana, espera que lo mismo ocurra para los fans de todo el país los jueves por la noche este verano.

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2012/06/daniel ... z1x22zecmA

- Erica Durance y Daniel Gillies Dice Por Qué los Fans de SMALLVILLE y THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Deberían Considerar el Ver SAVING HOPE:
Erica Durance y Daniel Gillies Dicen Por Qué los Fans de SMALLVILLE y THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Deberían Considerar el Ver SAVING HOPE
Por theTVaddict 6 de Junio, 2012

Cuando uno se mete en los zapatos de un personaje tan icónico como la Lois Lane de Smallville, legiones de fans y un montón de excitantes ofertas vienen muy a la par con el curso. Lo que no se sabe, es si los fans de un actor que inicialmente les ha encantado le seguirán en el viaje o no. Preguntad a Erica Durance, quien esta semana cambiará su súper novio por un no-tan-super-set de uniformes en SAVING HOPE.

“Mucho de Lois era lo visual. Sus trajes, su pelo, su maquillaje, todo ese tipo de cosas que me quitaron en este papel,” explica la afacble actriz durante las recientes Bell Media Upfront en Toronto promocionando su nuevo papel como ka Cirujana Alex Reid. “En SAVING HOPE me dieron uniformes — los cuales son como pijamas — y una gran bata de laboratorio. Nada de pelo, de maquillaje, lo que me hizo pensar, ‘¡Dios Santo! ¿Quizá dependía de esas cosas?’ Ahora, es todo sobre lo que estoy haciendo y el trabajo con la serie es mucho más asentado, basado en la vida real.”

En otras palabras, no mallas, ciertamente no vuelos… tan sólo preguntas. Lo que levanta la ligeramente incómoda a la vez que dolorosa: Cómo de nerviosa está Durance en lo que se refiere no sólo a dirigir su propia serie, sino en abordar un papel que es tan diferente a lo que los fans estaban acostumbrados.

“Es un honor tan grande el tener a gente viendo algo que haces y adorándolo. Especialmente porque yo aún lo sigo adorando y aún sigo acariciando el tiempo que pasé en SMALLVILLE. Pero miré esto como una experiencia completamente nueva.” explica Durance, cuyo personaje tiene la dudosa distinción de hacer malabares con los retos de su trabajo después de un accidente de coche que deja a su prometido y jefe de cirugía en coma [Michael Shanks]. “Pienso que hay una razón por la que los dramas médicos siguen apareciendo, y es porque siempre hay un giro. SAVING HOPE realmente lanza esas grandes preguntas sobre la vida cuando golpea la tragedia. hay muchas cosas estupendad que realmente me arrastraron a ella y me encantaría que los fans de Smallville me siguieran pero lo respeto totalmente y lo entiendo si es algo que ellos no quieren hacer.”

Por su parte, Gillies — quien amablemente clarificó que mientras que SAVING HOPE es su prioridad, la primera temporada de 13 episodios debería permitirle el meterse de nuevo en los impecables trajes de Elijah en THE VAMPIRE DIARIES si la serie le llama — creía que este drama médico tiene algo que ofrecer a los fans que puede que quizá de otro modo prefieren verlo chupar sangre de una manera completamente diferente.

“SAVING HOPE tiene un elemento surreal, la serie es bastante mágica en su visión y en su aspecto,” dijo Gillies. “Lo que me gusta sobre ello es que es que balancea las cosas entre esta descarnada realidad y un tipo de lugar místico. Es una tipo especial de dicotomía que ciertamente pienso que los fans de la CW disfrutarán. Con suerte estarán dispuestos a venir en esta aventura con nosotros porque es una serie muy especial. Todo lo que necesitáis es el ver 30 segundos y os daréis cuanta de que tenéis algo encantador a la vez que irresistible.”

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2012/06/06/e ... interview/

- Erica Durance recicla dentro y fuera del set (mnn.com):
Erica Durance recicla dentro y fuera del set
Por Gerri MillerWed, 06 de Junio 2012 6:39 PM EST

En el área del set de Toronto sobre su nuevo drama de NBC "Saving Hope," "Tenemos cubos de reciclaje y mucha gente se trae sus propios platos para comer. Algunas veces me llevo las sobras del servicio de cátering y me llevo muchos sandwiches a mi casa," comenta Erica Durance. "En casa, son las cosas simples: No siempre tener las luces encendidas, y montar en bici. Vivo en Vancouver — He estado alternando el ir a casa a ver a mi familia los fines de semana. Vancouver es una ciudad en la que es muy fácil usar la bicicleta."

Más conocida como Lois Lane en "Smallville," Durance pasa de la serie de superhéroe a una serie de hospital con un giro en su papel como doctora cuyo prometido, un compañero cirujano en coma tras un accidente de coche, se le aparece en forma de espíritu. "Lo absurdo de tener un fantasma que venga y te susurre al oído es escalofriante," dice, aunque disfruta de la mezcla del drama médico y de la historia de amor y el tenso drama que se erige de ambos. "¿Qué haces cuando tu mundo se está cayendo? ¿Cómo te aferras a lo real y racional? Pienso que es muy identificable para la gente," dice Durance, quien vio cirugías para prepararse los aspectos prácticos. "Intenté fijarme en todo lo que los médicos estaban haciendo. También tenemos consultores, asesores médicos que te dan consejo y te cuentan cosas que harían y que no harían," añade. Tener equipos reales alrededor proporciona realismo pero ha tenido otro efecto en ella y en el elenco. "Estoy constantemente tomándome la tensión," dice. "Todos nos hemos convertido en hipocondríacos."

http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/arts-cultu ... et-and-off

- 'Saving Hope' entre la epidemia de las series médicas - ¡pero con fantasmas! (570news.com):
'Saving Hope' entre la epidemia de las series médicas - ¡pero con fantasmas!
Por Bill Brioux, The Canadian Press 06 de Junio, 2012 16:05:00 PM

Policías, médicos y abogados — la televisión siempre ha estado repleta de ellos.

Este año, parece tener una epidemia de series médicas. Para casa serie médica que se va tales como "House," hay tres o cuatro establecidas para reemplazarlas, incluídas las entradas de otoño "The Mob Doctor" y "Emily Owens, M.D."

Adelantándose a ellas está "Saving Hope" esta semana, un nuevo drama médico hecho en Canadá que se estrena el jueves a las 9 p.m. en la CTV y NBC.

Un pronto comienzo no es la única cosa que separa "Saving Hope" del resto de las próximas horas de hospital. El piloto del jueves empieza por lo que parece el matar a uno de los personajes principales justo al comienzo de la serie.

El nativo de Kamloops, B.C. Michael Shanks ("Stargate SG-1") interpreta al Dr. Charlie Harris, juefe de cirugía en el ficticio Hospital Hope-Zion de Toronto. Harris y su prometida, la Dra. Alex Reid (la nativa de Calgary Erica Durance, quien interpretó a Lois Lane en "Smallville") están en la parte trasera de un taxi de camino a su boda cuando WHAMMO — su coche es embestido por otro conductor. Harris actúa rápido para salvar al otro conductor, pero luego se desmaya.

Reid y otros están de regreso al hospital para intentar salvarle, pero cuando las cosas toman un giro hacia lo peor, Harris se eleva sobre su propio cuerpo, un impotente observador de su propia cirugía. ¿Es un fantasma, está sólo en coma, o tiene un viaje en primera para que lo quiten de la serie?

Complicando las cosas, que es lo que esta serie hace, está el viejo amor de Reid, el Dr. Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies, mejor conocido por su papel recurrente en "The Vampire Diaries"), el nuevo galán del Hope Zion. Primero roba los pacientes de Harris, y luego le roba a su chica — ¿qué hace un comatoso jefe de cirugía?

Estas eran preguntas que hacerle al cast, así como a los productores ejecutivos Morwyn Brebner e Ilana Frank, la pasada semana cuando la CTV reveló su programación del otoño.

Sus respuestas fueron vagas y cautelosas.

"Parte del secreto de la serie es que tenemos a alguien que es capaz de comunicarse con el otro mundo," dice Brebner, "y ese elemento va a continuar."

¿Puede Harris recuperarse en algún momento? Quizá sí, quizá no. "Siempre hay una oportunidad," bromea Frank.

El elenco, entrevistado después de una conmgferencia de prensa formal, fueron igualmente tímidos. Shanks admite que cuando leyó por primera vez el guión del piloto, le pidió a los productores "contadme un poquito más de adónde vamos aquí."

En la primera versión del piloto, dice Shanks, Harris era principalmente oído pero no visto, con el personaje siendo principalmente restringido a una voz en off — no muy distinto a cómo Brenda Strong narraba "Desperate Housewives" como la fallecida Mary Alice Young.

"Lo siento chicos," dice Shanks que le dijo a los productores, "No voy a dejar dos días a la semana para tumbarme en una cama y luego ir a un estudio de grabación."

Los productores insisten que todo estará claro al final de la temporada de 13 episodios.

La página web oficial de la NBC para la serie parece encontrar menos conflicto sobre su elemento principal.

"El nuevo drama médico de NBC — con fantasmas!" dice la nota.

Además de distinguirla de las otras series médicas donde los doctores están vivos y bien, el concepto tiene unos cuantos cuidados efectos, dice Shanks.

"Charlie es ateo, un lugar poderoso para un tipo que está en el lugar en el que está," dice. "Se encuentra con otra gente que son espítitus y tiene preguntas — ¿es el cerebro parte del alma? ¿hay un poder universal? Tiene que justificar o admitir en cierto momento que hay algo más."

En la conferencia de prensa, Shanks tuvo que reirse a la sugerencia de que su personaje era parte de un triángulo amoroso en la serie. Claramente Harris está en pequeña desventaja, estando muerto y eso. ¿O no lo está?

Al pedirles que nombraran su propia serie médica favorita, todos contestaron al unísono "MASH."

"He visto todas las viejas reposiciones," dice Durance. "En medio de todo el trauma que estaba pasando, hay una comedia tan preciosa, toda esa cahrla que viene y va." "Saving Hope" tiene sus momentos más ligeros también, dice.

La serie se rueda en Mississauga, Ont., en el mismo estudio reconvertido en donde otras dos producciones que cruzaron la frontera son rodadas, "Rookie Blue" y "The Firm". Como Shanks remarca, "policías, médicos y abogados, todo en el mismo complejo."

http://www.570news.com/entertainment/ar ... ith-ghosts

- Saving Hope espera que resista (rabbitears):
Saving Hope espera que resista
Bill Harris - June 6th, 2012

Saving Hope feels familiar in one sense, reminding you of a lot of other shows you’ve seen. But we’re not sure we’ve ever seen this specific combination before.

Now, whether it works or not is another matter. TV viewers will start passing judgment on Thursday night, when Saving Hope debuts on CTV and NBC.

Erica Durance plays a doctor. Michael Shanks plays a doctor. They’re engaged doctors, in fact. But when tragic circumstances leave Shanks’ character in a coma, he continues roaming the hospital halls, not sure if he’s a ghost or crazy or having some kind of bizarre out-of-body experience.

You’d think if he’s roaming the halls anyway, he might as well help out and clean some bedpans. But no. Damn hotshot doctor.

Anyway, the column I wrote about Durance – in which she defends the title of the show, even as it falls in the much-needed void between Raising Hope and Saving Grace – for Sun Media/QMI Agency can be seen here. She agreed that Saving Hope seems both familiar and new at the same time.

“Yeah, and just when you think, ‘Oh, it’s going to be like that’, something else is dropped into it,” Durance said. “But I think it’s quite touching and lovely. I remember when I got the script for it, I liked that other (supernatural) perspective and the message it was sending out. And it’s not one thing, but it creates these situations that get you thinking a little bit.

“We are all fascinated with our own mortality, which is why we keep falling into medical dramas. Which is why you can have so many of them. They all have a different cast, they all have different characters, and most people who love that kind of synopsis will get into it because they enjoy it, it fascinates us on one level. And on another level, you have this other (supernatural) side of it.

“So the cases continue to come into the hospital, and as it is when you have a tragedy in your life, you start to mirror everything. Everything seems to look the same as whatever it is you’re going through. So my character starts to draw from the cases she’s working on, sometimes getting encouragement, sometimes making the wrong choices, all those kinds of things. It’s how do you hold your worlds together,? How do you balance them? They usually all kind of mesh together in one messy soup.”

And Durance wasn’t even talking about the big ghosts-versus-humans foot-fight scene in the hospital cafeteria.

http://blogs.canoe.ca/rabbitears/televi ... CQ.twitter

- Entrevista de Erica Durance y Michael Shanks con Rob Johnston de WPXI sobre "Saving Hope":

http://www.wpxi.com/videos/news/saving- ... nce/vb9C8/

- Entrevista de Erica Durance y Michael Shanks en "Living Dayton":

http://www.wdtn.com/dpp/living_dayton/s ... h-co-stars?

- Entrevista de Erica Durance y Daniel Gillies durante el "NBC Universal Summer Press Day 2012" (nbcudirect):


- Erica's Interview for CTV Morning Live (Calgary) - 2012:


- Erica Durance viendo el video de agradecimiento de los fans:


(gracias a dbwellington)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Sinopsis del 1.04 "The Fight" (SpoilerTV):
Saving Hope - 1.04 The Fight
06/28/2012 09:00 PM
THE FIGHT: Una exhausta Alex (Erica Durance) trata a un jugador de hockey mientras trabaja en el turno de noche en URGENCIAS; Charlie (Michael Shanks) conoce a un gamberro que está enfrentando una dura lucha.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/06/saving ... opsis.html?

- Entrevista de Erica Durance en CP24 Breakfast:

http://www.cp24.com/servlet/HTMLTemplat ... CP24MshowT

- Top Picks : Saving Hope : Canada AM: New CTV hospital drama (CTVnews):

http://watch.ctv.ca/news/top-picks/savi ... clip694426

- Entrevista de Erica Durance en "The Marilyn Denis Show":

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOfPFnUD ... e=youtu.be

- Erica Durance talks 'Saving Hope' (ThegateMag):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBnCLLgH ... e=youtu.be

- Erica Durance radio interview with Roge Darren & Marilyn, Jun 7 2012 min 30 (CHUM FM):

http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/chum ... =116563819

- The Point Radio: Erica Durance Swoops In To SAVING HOPE:

http://www.comicmix.com/news/podcasts/2 ... ving-hope/

- "Saving Hope" 29m preview (wormholeriders.us):


- Erica with @CTVBC (via LegendaryDuo):


- Erica Durance at "Chloe Magazine photoshoot" featured on eTalk (via ctv.ca & LegendaryDuo):

http://watch.ctv.ca/etalk/this-week/eta ... clip695080
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8ZUbHg9 ... e=youtu.be

- El elenco de 'Saving Hope' adoró la libertad creativa que tuvieron al rodar el piloto (ctva.ca):
El elenco de 'Saving Hope' adoró la libertad creativa que tuvieron al rodar el piloto
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 07 de Junio, 2012 9:51:07 AM

Es un drama médico... con un giro. Y ese giro es que el "fantasma" del jefe de cirugía vaga por los pasillos del hospital Hope-Zion.

“Es un drama de hospital se encuentra con ‘Ghost’ con Patrick Swayze y Demi Moore,” se rie el actor Huse Madhavji quien interpreta al talentoso y socialmente incómodo neurocientífico, Shahir Hamza.

“Cuando lo leí, me pregunté como iban a hacer funcionar este ‘espíritu en el pasillo,’ pero es estupendo. Tiene mucho corazón y es muy inteligente y de una forma extraña, está basado en la realidad.”

Madhavji está emocionado de que la nueva serie que se emite los Jueves, desde el 7 de Junio a las 9pm ET/PT en CTV aborde las preguntas que muchos de nosotros nos hacemos – “¿Qué ocurre cuando mueres? ¿Se acaba? ¿Dónde terminas? Y entonces, ¿qué pasa cuando estás en coma?”

El actor Daniel Gillies, quien interpreta al brillante y descarado cirujano ortopédico, Joel Goran, dice que él y el resto del elenco se divirtieron mucho rodando el piloto.

“Fue genial. Todos estábamos encontrando nuestro sitio y había cambios bastantes radicales cada día. Tu personaje puede estar haciendo una cosa en la escena, y luego la escena podía cambiar y el personaje con el que estaba actuando podía cambiar también".

“Son realmente rápidos en encontrar su lugar,” dice sobre los escritores y productores. “Están muy dotados y son muy talentosos. Tienes tal visión que tú puedes realmente dejarte llevar y confiar en ellos.”

Michael Shanks, quien interpreta al fantasma de Charlie concuerda con que el proceso de trabajar cpn el equipo creativo fue inspirador. “Fue muy colaborativo, lo que no consigues normalmente en la televisión. Normalmente está muy definido y es muy específico, pero nos dieron mucha libertad.”

Shanks adora interpretar a Charlie, este espectro fantasmal que no está seguro sobre el qué hacer de su nueva realidad. “Hay un descubrimiento a cada vuelta de la esquina (para Charlie) y es bonito el interpretar ese tipo de personaje inseguro, a lo pez fuera del agua, para equilibrar el lado de seguridad del médico de la serie".

“Cuendo nos encontramos con él por primera vez en el piloto, todo va en su dirección... y entonces todo cambia y descubre que no sabe nada a medida que empieza a vagar por los pasillos e intentar figurarse quién es y dónde está.”

Igual que Charlie no tiene un modelo para cómo las cosas se van a desplegar, Shanks piensa que la serie está en un lugar similar – “Estamos rompiendo camino con este formato. ¡No tenemos una plantilla desde la que seguir y es muy excitante!”

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles ... pilot.aspx

- Daniel Gillies: ¡Estoy Emocionado Por Interpretar a un Humano! (theinsider.com):
Daniel Gillies: ¡Estoy Emocionado Por Interpretar a un Humano!
Por Jarett Wieselman 07 de Junio, 2012

NBC's new medical drama Saving Hope may revolve around a supernatural element (comatose surgeon's spirit sticks around the hospital) but it's worlds away from Daniel Gillies' last small screen gig on The Vampire Diaries, where he brought to life a centuries old vampire.

Playing a honest to goodness human being was one of the biggest appeals for Daniel, as was the opportunity to use his natural New Zealand accent for the first time in more than a decade. Although, as the actor tells me, one of those things even came as a surprise to him!

TheInsider.com: What excites you about Saving Hope?
Daniel Gillies: I know there's this obligatory sense that I have to get out there and promote a project, and while that's true, nothing is more pleasurable than talking about a project you believe in -- and this show is magnificent. It just goes from strength to strength every week. I thought one looked like a movie, but episode two looks even more cinematic. I've never seen anything quite like this show. I’m so happy to be grandstanding.

Insider: How about the character, what appealed to you about Dr. Joel Goran?
Daniel: I'm excited to be exploring a character that's human [laughs]. After The Vampire Diaries, which I love and adore, it's nice to be exploring a very flawed human character. There's a large murky chasm as to Joel's motives for being back at the hospital. You'll see that he starts to conduct Stem Cell Research at the hospital, but he's taken a pay-cut to be here – the haunting question becomes, Is he back because of Alex [his former lover, played by Erica Durance]? Regardless of whether or not that's his motivation, he can't do anything about it because there's nothing less cool than making a play for a woman whose husband to be is in a coma [laughs].

Insider: Saving Hope has this great hook -- comatose doctor's spirit/ghost/consciousness is still alive in another realm of the hospital -- but surely the show moves beyond that at some point to simply become a show about the people in this hospital, right?
Daniel: I do agree to an extent that there is a sales pitch element to the apparition, but I don't think it will be a gimmick. As it goes on, they're actually getting more exciting with the revelations of what is happening to him. The character doesn't know what he's experiencing – for all he knows, this could be errant synapses in his brain firing. But whatever is happening, it makes for wonderful drama because as cliche as the ghost walking around hospital corridors sounds, he's not technically a ghost. He's just existing in this other dimension – you don't know why he's there and why he's unable to return, but those are both explored throughout the course of the show.

Insider: Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time in a long time you've used your natural accent on-screen, right?
Daniel: You're absolutely right. It's my own voice and it's very strange for me – I've been playing Americans and Brits for the last 12 years and I have never used my own voice. I auditioned as an American, got the role but then David [Wellington, producer] asked to look at it with my own accent. What I love is that he actually invited me to make that decision. What I didn't realize at the time is that when I normally build a character, I start with the voice. But in this case, I couldn't because the voice was my own. It made me realize how easy actors have it when they just get to use their own voice [laughs].

Insider: What do you want fans to know about Saving Hope beyond episode two?
Daniel: I'm excited for them to get involved with a world that has very human performances. The show is deeply engaging from the moment you watch the first scene. I think there's something that immediately invests you in that universe. There's a frequency these guys have found and the stunning actors I'm surrounded with uphold that frequency. These are actors will have you coming back week after week -- and not just because they're cute. And for the record, I'm excluding myself from that sentence [laughs]. These people are heroic and funny, even in the face of tragedy and I think people will want to see how they can be triumphant against that adversity.

http://www.theinsider.com/tv/52922_Dani ... ving_Hope/

- Saving Hope le da un giro espiritual al género del drama hospitalario (msn.com):
Saving Hope le da un giro espiritual al género del drama hospitalario
Por Sean Plummer, 07 de Junio 2012

The show may be about the tension between science and faith within the medical profession, but Saving Hope co-star Kristopher Turner knows which one he relies on more.

"Definitely more in faith, in human connection," he says. "I think science has a huge place in this world - I'm not by any means anti-science - but I sort of think instinct is more powerful than science in a way. Science is just what we know now, whereas I think our instincts and bodies know more than we've been able to discover yet."

Saving Hope stars Michael Shanks (Stargate: Atlantis) as Charlie Harris, the Chief of Surgery at Toronto's Hope-Zion Hospital. The pilot episode sees Charlie get into a car accident with his fiancée and fellow surgeon Alex Reid (Erica Durance, Smallville) on their way to their wedding. Charlie falls into a coma, and as his co-workers fight to save his life, the disembodied Charlie watches the goings-on around him.

The show is the brainchild of award-winning producers Ilana Frank and David Wellington (The Eleventh Hour, Rookie Blue) and was inspired in part by a three-part article written by Globe and Mail reporter Ian Brown about the lives of doctors at Toronto's Mount Sinai hospital. But Frank and Wellington were determined to put a twist on the well-established hospital drama genre. Hence the introduction of the spiritual aspect, as represented by Charlie's spectral presence.

"It's a new perspective on it," Turner says of the show's approach to the genre. "What interests me is it's a doctor being able to see what it's like to be a patient; a surgeon who's been able to see what it's like to be a family member at the same time as being a surgeon. It gives the audience a perspective on the hospital that I don't think any other hospital drama has attempted."

Turner, 31, plays Dr. Gavin Murphy, Hope-Zion's resident psychiatrist. Always there for the other doctors "who don't respect his medicine," Gavin finds himself developing a crush on young surgical resident Dr. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross, Silent House) even though she is mostly oblivious.

"For someone who's so smart about human connection, he fails so miserably at his own attempts at human connection when it's outside of the work realm."

Turner had worked with Wellington and Frank on a couple of other projects, including a pilot that never made it to series called Clean, about a drug rehab centre. (Ross also starred.) They also cast him in an episode of their popular cop drama Rookie Blue and immediately thought of him when Saving Hope got greenlit.

"I always enjoyed working with them so I was happy to get on board whatever it was."

In addition to the broadcast show, Turner also stars in an original web-only series on CTV.ca called Ask Gavin, where Dr. Murphy "[doles] out advice in response to anonymous letters submitted by the Hope-Zion staff," according to a CTV press release. Describing them as "looser and more casual" than the show, Turner was eager to participate in the series, especially as it gave him more time in character, albeit online.

"I was super-excited to be honest. It was a great opportunity. It's such a huge, talented cast that we have on this show; there's not enough time to showcase everyone's talents. So to be chosen to expand my character a little bit and to be showcased in a certain world was flattering for one thing; just a lot of fun to create a life that is a satellite to this show."

On that note, I wonder if the ensemble nature of the show has led to a greater sense of community amongst the cast than on other projects Turner has worked on. Surprisingly, the opposite is almost true.

"Having such an ensemble is almost disconnecting in a way because there are aspects of the show I've never even seen yet and things that I've done that they've never even seen yet," he says. "We've tried hard to try to get together. There's been a few barbeques and a few extracurricular get-togethers to try to say 'hey, what's been going on on your end?'"

The show's emphasis on the patient's experience of hospitals reinforces the point that everyone is vulnerable to illness, that everyone can get sick at any time. I ask Turner if working on Saving Hope has made him more aware of his own mortality.

"It does make you think about it," he says. "The psychiatric world is so scary because there is no complete understanding of it. The mind is completely limitless. If you have a problem with your spleen, there's a way to fix it in terms of the black & white science. But psychiatry is such a grey world. In a lot of ways what you do is help to cope and help to medicate to create a quality of life. You're not even looking to cure something; you're just looking to cope with it.

http://entertainment.ca.msn.com/tv/savi ... rama-genre

- Saving Hope: Entrevista Exckusiva con Erica Durance (InsidePulse.com):
Saving Hope is a new, hour-long drama series that stars Erica Durance (Smallville), Michael Shanks (Stargate Atlantis), Daniel Gillies (The Vampire Diaries) and Huse Madhavji (Call Me Fitz).

When charismatic Chief of Srugery Charlie Harris (Shanks) at Hope-Zion Hospital ends up in a coma, he leaves the hospital in a state of chaos—and his fiancée and fellow surgeon Alex Reid (Durance), in a state of shock. Along with newly arrived star surgeon, Joel Goran (Gillies), Reid races to save Harris’ life. As the action unfolds, the comatose Harris explores the hospital halls in ‘spirit’ form, not sure if he’s a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.

I had the opportunity to interview Erica Durance at the NBC Summer Press Day in Pasadena, CA in April in advance of the series premiere tonight on NBC and CTV. I also ran into her last week at CTV’s upfront presentation in Toronto. We chatted about the concept of the show, whether there is room on the TV schedule for another medical drama and if she prefers playing Lois Lane or Alex Reid.

Murtz Jaffer: Tell me about Saving Hope and how you got involved in the project?

Erica Durance: They approached me just after I had finished Smallville, and I was looking at a couple of other things. The heart of it really spoke to me. The medical drama, which I have always been fascinated by and I think people are continually fascinated by that. I think it’s because it deals with our own sense of mortality and life and death. It’s relatable on so many levels. I think what I really loved about it is how well-rounded they made this female character and the voice they gave her. She had such strength in traumatic times. I think the overall theme of it is holding onto your own sense of hope and often times, I think we lose it as we get older because of all the stuff that goes on in our lives and all our losses. I think that’s the greatest tragedy… when you start to lose your own sense of hope. I was at a place in my life where I was trying to hold onto my own sense of hope and belief for something I wanted desperately and I was having a lot of setbacks. Somehow, it really really spoke to me and its just this love story between these two people that are separated.

MJ: How do you think the show is going to establish its own identity given the prevalence of medical dramas on TV. Grey’s Anatomy, A Gifted Mind, Awake…

ED: Because of all those things being out there, there is a theme but it is something that people love, right? I think that it is all about an audience member giving time to fall in love with the characters. The twist or the aspect where this is really different in my opinion is because it brings in the element if… it is not specifically about the medical. ‘What happened this week in this medical drama?’ What it really is talking about is thematically more of that human look at life and what do we do when we’re faced with real challenges. How are our belief systems shattered? For example, my character’s life is great. She’s a doctor, she’s in love. She has all this stuff and then they are in an accident and he is taken away from her in a coma. He’s in a coma and she is trying to bring him back. She has relied so much on Western medicine and the tangible in her real life and yet she is willing to do anything to bring him back…

MJ: To pray or find faith?

ED: And it is. It’s about her coming back to that sense of faith and belief and you can see these wonderful little nuggets that the writers have put into each episode where it raises the question she asks… ‘did I see him?’ ‘Is he there?’ ‘Did I feel him?’ ‘Do I sense his presence?’ I think that is relatable to everybody because we have all lost somebody and we all hope for them to be back or to have some sort of connection with them. It’s about them trying to come back to it. What I love is their parallel journeys. They are both trying to find each other again but they are also both trying to figure out what this new world and new life is like. She is trying to hold onto her everyday world while breathing this. I think of her as this walking loneliness and yet he is there too and he is trying to hold everything together. My way of looking at it is that it is a story about a life and humans and love and hope and all that kind of stuff. Then you have it interfused with medical stuff and that’s kind of the doorway that opens it up.

MJ: Why do you think we’re so obsessed with the supernatural element on television today? The Smallville’s. The Awake’s. The idea of exploring whether somebody is alive or dead. Why can’t we just do a straight drama anymore?

ED: I believe that as a society, we kind of go through phases of things. I think it’s a certain type of escapism that’s so unique. It brings us out of whatever’s going on in our real lives. We’re in a state right now where there a lot of fears and a lot of realities and there are a lot of painful things that have been happening. We’re all still reeling from it and so I think to turn on that TV and go into some kind of mythical place or some kind of place where love does conquer all… those ideas that we had when we were five or six years old. Superman is real! Or for the little girl, the idea that even if I died, they would still love me. It’s this whole romantic notion that we have and we go through phases with that. This is our modern day Jane Eyre and Sense & Sensibility. We have just taken our own view on it.

MJ: What about the mechanics of the show? Is it just going to work like Grey’s Anatomy, where you are working on other cases but at its root, there is really only one core storyline which is how you are going to bring him back?

ED: I guess one would say that similarities are bound to happen because they are both medical dramas. I think it is just about getting to know these characters. What I found interesting about this is that they have kind of gone with this concept of how do we hang onto our own sense of hope and that’s the big umbrella. Then each episode kind of showcases in the real world and in the supernatural world, different things that we do as human beings to hold onto our sanity and keep going forward through tragedy. One of them is called ‘The Fight’ and you literally see somebody fighting to get back into their body. You see somebody fighting… he’s a hockey player and he is a fighter. So in real life you see that tangible. Then you have my character who is kind of putting it all together and she is kind of fighting that. Then there’s ‘Contact.’ What do we do to get the briefest bits of contact with another human being at whatever level.

MJ: You keep saying ‘hope’ over and over again. Is that fundamentally what the show is about? I am sure you have heard critics say that it is ‘just another medical show.’

ED: I laugh at that because there’s part of me that goes ‘yeah, you know why there are so many medical shows? It’s because people love them! People love that… why? It’s because it’s something we all will deal with as human beings and we’re all fascinated by our own mortality. The difference is that I feel that in this situation, it’s specifically pulled from the story of Alex’s need to (in whatever way possible) to bring back the love of her life. There’s a Dylan Thomas quote that talks about ‘rage, rage against the dying of the light’ (that’s the end of it). I kind of liken it to this show in the sense that I think that the worst thing in life is a wasted life. It happens when you start to feel hopeless. What this show has done is taken hope and brought it into a very critical hyper-intense world of tragedy. It’s relatable to other people because guess what? You’re messed up when you have small things that are happening in your life and you have to kind of keeping getting through them and you have to keep believing in things.

MJ: Is it cooler to play Lois Lane or Alex Reid?

ED: It’s different.

MJ: I knew you were going to say that!

ED: I am sorry! It’s just so so different. I think that it [Smallville] just came along in my life when I was at a different place and so it will be different in that sense as well. But they are both badass chicks?

MJ: And finally, why should people watch this show?

ED: To fall in love every week.

MJ: With you?

ED: With the characters.

MJ: That’s awesome, thank you so much.

ED: Thank you.

http://insidepulse.com/2012/06/07/savin ... a-durance/

- Saving Hope': Erica Durance y Michael Shanks mezclan ciencia y espiritualidad (zap2it):
Saving Hope': Erica Durance y Michael Shanks mezclan ciencia y espiritualidad
Por Brian Gorman 07 de junio, 2012

Medical procedurals usually deal with the hospital staff, the patients and their friends, enemies and relatives.

The one group that has always been left out is the dead and dying -- until now.

On "Saving Hope," debuting Thursday, June 7, on NBC, one of the main characters is a doctor in a coma. Originally produced for CTV, the series is the latest Canadian network show to be sold to a U.S. broadcaster.

Dr. Charlie Harris is doomed to lurk around the hospital where he used to work, talking to other coma patients and the recently dead.

The situation is almost as creepy and lonely for the actor playing the role as it is for the character, says Michael Shanks, who plays Harris, the alpha-dog chief of surgery at the fictional Toronto Hope-Zion hospital.

"You do feel like you're off in your own little world," he tells Zap2it. "You start to find yourself as an actor feeling the same kinds of things the character feels: isolation and frustration and things like that.

"You watch all the consultation and surgery, and you start to think, 'I want to do that, too.' It's a very strange thing."

A native of Vancouver, Canada, Shanks has carved out a place for himself as a regular in the subgenre of science-fiction series that are made in his hometown, such as "Stargate Atlantis," "Stargate SG-1" and "Smallville" (in which he was Hawkman/Carter Hall).

Now he's playing a doctor in a medical procedural -- with one catch. His character fell victim to blunt-force trauma after a car accident on his wedding day.

So he hangs around the hospital in a tuxedo, occasionally talking to other disembodied spirits. Mostly, though, he delivers monologues on his situation, like a morose comic playing for an audience who can't hear him.

The one person he wants to reach, though, is his fiancee, fellow surgeon Alex Reid (Erica Durance), who struggles, with the help of new star surgeon Joel Goran (Daniel Gillies), to save Charlie's life.

As Durance says, the situation drives the two doctors to reconsider their attitudes toward science and spirituality.

"With my character, its science first, Western medicine" she says. "I'm choosing to believe in only what I can see, what I can touch.

"But when her fiance goes into this coma, she's forced to question those things about herself."

Like Shanks, the Alberta-born and raised Durance is a veteran of Vancouver-produced sci-fi shows and is best known for playing comic book icon Lois Lane on "Smallville."

Unlike her character in "Saving Hope," Durance says she's inclined toward things spiritual.

erica-durance-saving-hope-nbc.jpg"I grew up evangelical with a very fundamentalist upbringing," she says. "As I get older, I don't know that I buy into the idea of organized religion, but I'm always seeking, and believe in -- whatever you want to call it, God or Allah -- that there's something making the universe happen."

"Saving Hope" grew out of an idea one of the co-creators had when she was waiting at a hospital emergency room and began to wonder about whatever spiritual presences might be hanging around a place where people live or die on a momentary basis.

What grew out of that is something of a cross between "ER" and "Life on Mars."

"It's a balancing act between delivering a medical procedural and an exploration of what it means to be alive," says show runner Aaron Martin. "That's what we're doing every week."

Unlike Shanks, who just has to hang around and critique the medical work, Durance had to learn to act like a real surgeon.

So she shadowed one for a while and had to deal with some fairly graphic surgical re-enactments.

"I went to some surgeries and saw some of the real deal there," she says. "I seem to be fine with it. I haven't found myself feeling nauseous, but I do have colleagues who see the fake blood and -- I'm kind of the weirdo at the other end, where they're like, 'You're enjoying yourself a little too much.'

"I don't know where that came from. My sister likes to say it's because we grew up on a farm."

As for Charlie, "his whole life has been about fixing the body, and now, on the spiritual plane, he has to worry about fixing the mind and fixing the spirit," Martin says.

As Shanks says, this means Charlie learns not only to heal himself but falls into a role of counselor to the life-challenged.

"I think what's unique about our show is that we don't just explore the aspects of medicine," he says. "We explore the realm of spirituality, too.

"What's interesting for me is that I get to play a character who is a devout atheist. And now he's in this between-ground.

"And he has to start questioning everything he's ever believed in -- including his own sanity."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... ality.html?

- Erica Durance estará esta noche contestando en twitter en directo a las preguntas de los fans:
Erica Durance estará twitteando esta noche de 8:30 - 9:00pm ET, a través de la @CTV_Television. Mandad vuestras preguntas a twitter con el tag de #SavingHope.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p ... DDM8MIqlmg

- Recopilación de tweets (gracias a Estelle):

Hey, what's up? - ED

ericcwilson82078 tiva_clovis video was so lovely -- made my day! - ED ?#SavingHope

Q RebecaValdez Erica, will you be singing anytime soon on ?#SavingHope? totally love your voice!
R thanks would love to. way and see

Q ginghamtweed Oh, Erica, what a special treat to have you on Twitter. I am so amazed and proud of all your hard work! ?#SavingHope
R you are so kind. this is crazy

Q aroura723 how do u like learning all the medical lingo? what has been the most changeling procedure2 learn on the show ?#SavingHope
R like a new language. pathanomonic symptom of a carcanoid syndrome

?Q athena606 I was wondering what was it about the pilot for ?#SavingHope? that made you want to go YES I want to do this!
R new concept. the heart of the characters.

?Q Sandra_A87 Erica!! Setting up a twitter account anytime soon? ?#SavingHope? in 22 min!!!
R hey. we will see.....

Q Gottara I want Alex to kick someone's butt just for old times sake :D ?#savinghope
R me too. i miss it. maybe i will pick a fight

Q danipelicari Thanks for your talent and charisma*.* ?#ILoveED? God bless U!! Brazilian hugs ^.^ ?#SavingHope? S2
R you are so sweet. loving all moments

Q jemjoven question: favorite scene of the pilot? ?#SavingHope
R last scene. so beautiful

Q HelenGrimesx what's your favourite episode you've filmed so far? :) ?#savinghope
R all are great and different. episode 8

Q HelenGrimesx do you think alex likes whitesnake like lois? lol ?#savinghope
R hahahahahahaha lets decide together

- Imágenes de Erica Twitteando con los fans y con su compañera Julia:

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(gracias a @AvrichK, @SavingHopeTV & @juliataylorross)

- Entrevista: Erica Durance habla sobre su nueva serie ‘Saving Hope’ (realstylenetwork.com):
Erica Durance spent 7 years on the hit television show ‘Smallville’, and starting tonight will take on her new role as Dr. Alex Reid in ‘Saving Hope.’ We had the opportunity to talk to her about playing a Doctor and the importance of choosing strong female roles.

Q. The show airs tonight, it’s probably exciting?

Erica Durance: It is! We as cast members were kind of playing our own game in our own bubble and now all of us are starting to get a little anxious.

Q. How would you describe the show?

Erica Durance: I would describe it as a medical drama that is so much more. There are so many out there and its interesting because everyone is interested in their own mortality and high stakes drama, so you have to have a setting that gives you those kinds of stories to tell. The main premise is through the eyes of my character who loses her fiancé to a coma and he ends up in this kind of in between world trying to get back to her, and she’s trying to bring him back. So it’s this love story between them as they’re trying to get back together. But it also focuses on that balance between science and faith, because my character is this super scientist who all of a sudden is going through this experience where she’s trying to bring him back and all of those original ideas she had about life are kind of getting thrown out the window. She’s willing to try anything, so I like to call it a medical drama with a twist.

Q. When you were reading the script and filming some of the scenes, did it challenge your beliefs?

Erica Durance: What was challenging is that the role is kind of the opposite of the way I think about life. I have always believed there is something else out there. I think it has been crucial for my sense of self and placement to believe that there’s somebody bigger than me out there, watching over me. But my character doesn’t think that way, so that was an interesting struggle, having her be sceptical of all of these things because I’m the one that throws myself into that belief system.

Q. In the previews we get a sense the show is a bit of a ghost story.

Erica Durance: That’s kind of an initial thing we talked about to get people to not write it off just as a procedural show. It has its own taste, and there’s so much more to it. There are all these other characters that come in that have these really interesting issues and its one of those things that’s kind of, you have to buy into it and hopefully fall in love with the characters, and go for the ride. Our creators have done such a great job of creating this beautiful story, but its whether you are interested in those kind of things. That’s kind of up to the viewer.

Q. Would you say then that it is different from say ‘ER’ or shows we’re used to now?

Erica Durance: I believe that each one of them had their own “thing” and this is ours. A lot of people like medical drama, so you’re still going to see some things where people come in, and there are cases, and they have these issues. But it’s because we have this other realm that a lot of those people in the show get taken into that other side. You get to see them from a different perspective and there’s a sense of humour about it. It is a total different way of looking at it, and it helps the audience look at it differently.

Q. I read that you were looking for a strong female lead when this part came up.

Erica Durance: I was. I was searching through a bunch of different things and I fell in love with the script right away for the way they created so many different levels. I was really looking forward to being part of something that also had women in the leadership position and in the writing room to add that other voice. Being allowed to be acting in this show as well as a Producer was a really big draw for me so that I could educate myself more.

Q. Do you find that there are more of these kinds of roles available for women now where they are a strong lead?

Erica Durance: I believe so. I think that you just look back at all the pioneer women before us, women who have been working really hard in this industry to put things out that add another layer. Given the way movies and tv shows have been going it has been such a nice, refreshing time where women are the leads. That I have been allowed to be part of that makes me super grateful.

Q. Did your previous work prepare you for taking the lead role this time around?

Erica Durance: I don’t know if youre ever prepared, because its such a gigantic undertaking, but I do feel that everything you do does that. I think that my 7 years on ‘Smallville’ and the many different ways they let my character go made it the best acting school I could have gone to and been part of. Every little bit helps when you get in to a situation like this that is such a massive undertaking.

Q. How do you prepare as an actress to play a Doctor?

Erica Durance: You depend on the kindness of strangers, that’s for sure. For myself there was research, reading articles, books. I went to a hospital and a Doctor was gracious enough to let me shadow some of his surgeries, so I watched some of those. And we have medical consultants who are with us all the time so it’s a real gigantic team effort and there are always people there to protect me from myself, to make sure I don’t do anything incorrectly. All these fascinating interesting things that you wouldn’t expect, small little details of how surgeons perform. I was doing a scene one day and I was crouching over the patient and the Doctor came up to me and said, “Doctors don’t bend over. We want to appear confident and sure, and when you bend over and are hunching you lose a sense of status.” Things like that are something you never think of.

Q. What is it like on set when you’re filming these surgeries?

Erica Durance: Its wild, crazy and I love it. Our prosthetic team is fantastic and create these various different parts that are absolutely bang on. They’re so realistic. So the set feels like organized chaos.

Q. The show is also airing in the states which is kind of rare for a show made in Canada.

Erica Durance: They’re starting to do that a lot more, I think that we all as a public aren’t always aware. Once you find something that’s good, and I think that’s key, it doesn’t really matter where something originates from. It’s a question of is it a good story to tell and then how to get it out there, how do you tell the story to people. We ended up hooking up with NBC as the distributor to the States which is wonderful.

Q. You worked in Canada on ‘Smallville’. Is it important for you to work in Canada?

Erica Durance: It’s nice to be close to home but luckily my family and I are very nomadic and transient so we love to travel and see new places. I think you have to buy into that stuff when you’re an actor, be willing to try new places. So it is nice to be somewhere else, it’s very refreshing.

Q. Without giving too much away, what can people expect from this first season, people who might not be thinking about watching?

Erica Durance: Expect the unexpected. It is a surprise. Some people hear about the idea that there is a person in the in between world and say “I don’t like to watch things about ghosts” but that’s not the point of it. That’s what I love about it. The point is to add a little bit of something for everyone but to also raise the discussion of do we have souls or is it synapses firing in the brain? We have all sorts of interesting medical cases to stimulate people who love that kind of stuff, but it’s more the other world. I think it’s really going to engage and surprise people, as well as this love story between these characters. What you would and wouldn’t do to bring someone back, how far would you go. It’s a great show, its going to be very addictive.

Q. How does the love story develop?

Erica Durance: The thing with that I think you should know is that because they end up in a situation where you see them sort of halfway into the relationship what happens is each episode you get a little flash back to what their life was like together. You start to fall in love with their relationship as well. It’s interesting to watch it slowly unravel and watch the coping mechanisms of grief and how she tries to balance both her worlds. Sometimes it works from grief and crying, sometimes its rage. It’s all those things that would happen to you if you’re going through that.

http://www.realstylenetwork.com/blogs/c ... ving-hope/?

- Erica Durance espera la premiere de 'Saving Hope' (ctv.ca):
Erica Durance espera la premiere de 'Saving Hope'
Por Violetta Holl 07 Junio, 2012 4:45:05 PM

Actress Erica Durance looks stunning in a white dress as she struts on stage on "The Marilyn Denis Show." She is the lead of the new CTV drama “Saving Hope.” Yet, her character, Alex Reid, is wearing a different type of white dress when her fiancé falls into a coma on the day of her wedding.

“Talk about ruining a girl’s day,” says Durance. Reid is a doctor and a former scientist. “She believes in what you can see and touch, and all of the sudden she’s going ‘I will do anything to bring him back.’”

Watch Erica Durance's interview with Marilyn here.

This medical drama is originally based a three-part article about the Canadian health-care system. The articles caught the attention of series creator Morwyn Brebner, and according to Durance the idea for the story is even related to Brebner’s own life. “ She is a fairly pragmatic woman and doesn’t believe there is anything else out there, and her little baby girl got sick. They went to the hospital and she said ‘the first thing I did was praying to whatever was out there.’”

Durance admits she was thrown into the part pretty quickly, but the most interesting research element for her was learning about being a doctor. A Toronto doctor allowed her to shadow him as he was performing surgeries.

“It was an interesting experience because you feel a little nauseous about the whole thing, but it just became like watching this science project. It was surreal. So I just distanced myself from it, but it was fascinating. ”

When Marilyn asks whether Durance was nervous about playing a lead in a major television series she says she was tentative about it. “At the time I didn’t think about it. I saw this part and it was such a great part for a woman and then I stared doing it and it became a big thing. I think now I’m going, ‘Oh my gosh,’ because I am seeing the ads everywhere and I saw my face somewhere on this huge billboard.”

Durance and some of the cast and crew will gather tonight to watch the premiere. “ I am a bit anxious. I am waking up in the middle of the night with these anxious thoughts of, ‘Here it is.’ I’ve been playing in make believe land, but now it’s out there.”

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles ... _2w.tumblr

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Michael Shanks está emocionado por reunirse con el elenco y el equipo de 'Saving Hope' (ctv.ca):
Michael Shanks está emocionado por reunirse con el elenco y el equipo de 'Saving Hope'
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 08 de Junio, 2012 6:28:32 AM

Almost a year after filming the pilot episode of “Saving Hope,” the cast and crew have reunited to get further inside the world of Hope-Zion hospital.

“It’s been great to get back,” says Michael Shanks, who plays the comatose former Chief of Surgery, Charlie.

“We had so much fun shooting the pilot, it’s been nice to be working with the same people and reconnecting with everyone.”

As Shanks settles back into the routine of preparing and shooting each day, he’s thinking a lot about Charlie’s transformation from the pilot episode onwards.

“I think the first thing Charlie figures out is that he had an attitude when it came to patients. It was detached. It wasn’t cold, he had an optimistic approach, but he’s working on cars – ‘You’re broken and we’re going to fix you and that’s what it is and I’m not going to get emotionally involved,’” says Shanks.

But when he finds himself on the other side of the patient-doctor divide, Charlie’s take on things begins to shift. “He realizes that the concern about what’s going on with the patient’s mind is more important.

“He’s also observing things in the hospital and seeing them from a perspective he hadn’t had before. That’s fascinating – to be playing this shift of someone who really thought he had it all figured out and now he doesn’t and he’s having to question all of those things and figure out how to get back to where he really wants to be, which is with the love of his life,” says Shanks.

Another facet Shanks has started thinking about it Charlie’s changing definition of spirituality. “I think he’s established as a devout Atheist who doesn’t really think about that stuff too much (before the accident),” says Shanks.

“And of course, when this happens, he sees things that make him question what he thought.”

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles ... pilot.aspx

- Saving Hope: Defining Hope *Web Extra* (ctv.ca):


- Saving Hope: Working On Set *Web Extra* (ctv.ca):


- Saving Hope: Follow Michael On Set *Web Extra*


-Ask Gavin (101) "Gavin, Interrupted" *Vlog* (ctv.ca):


- Letters to Charlie #1:


- Links de los episodios:

1.01 Pilot

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.as ... H_video101[/b]

- Sección de música de la serie (ctv.ca):
http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/MusicLou ... Pilot.aspx

1.01 Pilot:

"Move Like U Stole it" (ZZ Ward)
"Poliça" (Srak Star)
"I Could Live With Dying Tonight" (Emma-Lee)

- Saving Hope: 1x02 "Contact" - promo #01:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr4FuD9R ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope: 1x02 "Contact" *Super Trailer* Clip 1 featuring Oceanship:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlfO9ZF7 ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope 1.01 Pilot Ratings: 3.124 mill with a demo of 0.7 on NBC and 1.52mill on CTV

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/0 ... ce/137299/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly


Mensaje por Bertu »

Hiola, hola, os dejo unos links más para el primer capítulo de Saving Hope. Todavía no lo he visto, pero dicen que sale Erica Durance :smt005

Hay varios formatos, con diferentes calidades de imagen. Más calidad = más Mb.

Los links son de Darkville:

350 MB (seleccionad uno. En formato MP4 y AVI
720p (mejor calidad, intercambiables - 3 links=episodio)
Ver online (Versión original - sin subtítulos)
Subtítulos en inglés o en francés
Subtítulos en español (en proceso, los encontraréis aquí)


Mensajes: 5
Registrado: Sab Mar 31, 2012 7:03 am


Mensaje por adi_olli »

estuve a punto de meterme a ver si habia algun link para verlo online, pero como anduve en tiwtter, me perdi
el capitulo, siempre lo van a poner aqui, ahora me espero cuando este traducido, que alguien cuente que tal
estuvo, estuvo bueno?, esta bien ese raiting o estuvo bajo para ser estreno, cuenten, cuenten que les parecio

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

A ver... en principio, sí, pondremos los links de los episodios. Puedes encontrarlos recopilados en la primera págima de este hilo junto a toda la info general sobre la serie, en concreto este post:


Y sí, cuando estén disponibles los subtítulos o los capítulos subtitulados, también se añadirán. :wink:

En cuanto a la audiencia, que, como puedes ver, también he puesto los datos un par de posts más arriba, en la NBC (EEUU) son unos datos bastante normales, pero en la CTV la serie ha sido la #1 en espectadores, además de convertirse en la premiere de verano más vista tanto en Canadá como en los EEUU. :wink:

http://ctvmedia.ca/ctv/releases/release ... &yyyy=2012

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 5
Registrado: Sab Mar 31, 2012 7:03 am


Mensaje por adi_olli »

ok shelby gracias por el dato, estare pendiente y que bueno por Erica les deseo que les vaya bien en esta serie y
duren muchas temporadas

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.04 The Fight:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Daniel Gillies, encuentro con los fans durante el rodaje:

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(gracias a @Klaplant55 & @mugglesam)

- Imágenes BTS de la grabación de "Saving Hope" rodando un accidente de tráfico (insidehalton.com):
Según las informaciones de insidehalton.com, varias escenas de la serie "Saving Hope" se rodaron ayer, 11 de junio del 2012, en el centro de la ciudad.

El área de césped justo a la Iglesia de St. Paul’s United Church fue usada para grabar una escena de rescate de un accidente de coche ayer a la mañana (un camión volcado con una persona con la pierna atrapada bajo él), mientras que otra serie de localizaciones, — entre las que están el Main Street café — se han preparado para rodar.

El rodaje empezó el domingo a la mañana y continuó durante el lunes. Ninguno de los personajes principales estaba en la ciudad para la grabación.

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http://www.insidehalton.com/community/m ... le/1372481

- CTV - Saving Hope Episode 1.02 TH:


- Breve sinopsis del 1.05 "Out of sight":
1.05 "Out of sight": Una reimplantación de ambas manos le da a Alex una oportunidad para probar que aún sigue siendo capaz de ser la jefa de residencia quirúrgica; Maggie piensa que un hombre sin hogar ha recibido un diagnóstico equivocado.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/06/saving ... sight.html

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

Hola chic@s tantao tiempo sin postear bueno aca les voy a dejar los enlaces de descarga del capitulo 1x02 esta en ingles ni bien esten los subtitulos los posteare :smile:

http://bitshare.com/files/nceesvpf/savi ... a.mp4.html


http://freakshare.com/files/yv1rsf7y/sa ... a.mp4.html

Gracias subtitulos.es
Última edición por Svmarines el Sab Jun 16, 2012 2:46 am, editado 2 veces en total.


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

Éste es el trailer del cap 1x03 les voy a dejar el link de la ctv y youtube:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVqvgZTV ... e=youtu.be

Les dejo tambien los ratings del cap 1x02

Saving Hope Episode 2 Ratings: 3.96 mill, demo 0.7 on NBC
via http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/0 ... ce=twitter

La CTV nos informa del anumento del rating de este jueves de SH

June 15, 2012
SAVING HOPE Fever Rises to 1.6 Million Viewers for Episode 2 on CTV
– Medical drama wins its timeslot as ratings rise 19% in the A25-54 demo and 5% with total viewers compared to last week’s series premiere –

To Tweet This Release: http://bit.ly/M0jxHM #SavingHope #CTV

Toronto, ON (June 15, 2012) – SAVING HOPE’s temperature continues to rise. In its second week, SAVING HOPE’s audience grew 5% with total viewers (1.6 million) and an impressive 19% with A25-54 (639,000) compared to its series premiere last week. The episode also won its 9 p.m. timeslot nationally and in Toronto with total viewers and all key demos.
Esta el link para k puedar leer la nota completa


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

Chicos les añadi los subtitulos de cap en donde estan las descargas si mañana los encuentro descargas con los subtitulos integrados se los posteare :smt055


Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly


Mensaje por Bertu »

Si con los subtítulos hay un momento en el que Michael Shanks se convierte en David Civera es culpa mía :smt005

Independientemente de que las audiencias canadienses sean buenas, ¿qué os está pareciendo la serie?


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

4 fotos en UHQ del capitulo 1x03 Blindness gracias a @lovedearest:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen


Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Ask Gavin (102) "Good Gravy" *Vlog*:

- "Letters to Charlie" #2:

- Música del 1.02 Contact:

"Weightless" (City and Colour)
"Hide Nor Hair" (Ray Charles)
"On and On Again" (Azure Ray)
"Hotblack" (Oceanship)

- Joel & Maggie: ¿Es sólo una avnetura o se están enamorando el uno del otro? (ctv.ca):
Joel & Maggie: ¿Es sólo una avnetura o se están enamorando el uno del otro?
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 15 de Junio, 2012 3:57:24 AM

Even though Maggie didn’t start off as a cheeky, sometimes even aggressive vixen, Joel has recently discovered a different side to this mild-mannered, sometimes even meek surgical resident.

“I like the fact that the writers have made someone who’s deeply intelligent eccentrically transparent,” Daniel Gillies (who plays Joel) says. “She doesn’t really have a great deal of subtext, she just blurts out the first thing that enters her mind and she’s not ashamed of that.

“I know a great number of people like that, and they’re usually actors or artists. I feel like in another life, Maggie is an artist!”

“I think it shows that she’s really human,” adds Julia Taylor Ross (who plays Maggie). “In the pilot, she has the right instincts, but she has trouble trusting them. She quickly starts to trust those instincts and starts growing as a doctor, and in this relationship, you see a mirroring of that. She sees what she wants and she goes and she takes.

“It’s really fun to play!”

Despite the stresses of their jobs and their professional relationship (with Joel in a senior role to Maggie’s residency), the pair decide to throw caution to the wind and follow their instincts.

“There’s a little bit of chemistry and they act upon that,” says Gillies with a laugh.

“Being a doctor must be a really intense, emotional job, dealing with life and death on a regular basis. Being in a hospital where you’re not sleeping enough and I think the relationship aspect of it is blowing off steam to a certain extent.”

So far, it’s just a fling, but when asked if he thinks it could be the real thing, Gillies admits he’s not sure if it’s in the cards for Joel and Maggie. “Joel needs to fall in love with himself before he can fall in love with anyone else,” he says.

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles ... nship.aspx

- Saving Hope - The Point Radio: Erica Durance Audio Interview Part 2:

http://cdn11.castfire.com/audio/1/28/78 ... spref%3Dtw

- 5 Preguntas con Erica Durance (theinsider.com):
5 Preguntas con Erica Durance
Por Jarett Wieselman 14 de Junio, 2012

For six years Erica Durance memorably played Lois Lane on The CW's Smallville -- and as many actors associated with iconic roles have previously learned, shaking off the shadow of that character can be tough. But Erica looks to have found the perfect project to help her clear that hurdle.

As Dr. Alex Reid on NBC's Saving Hope, the Canadian continues to breathe life into a strong female character, but has traded snooping for healing -- and one love triangle for another. I caught up with Erica to talk about transitioning from Smallville to Saving Hope, find out the appeal of Alex and discover the obstacles facing her from this point forward.

TheInsider.com: Smallville has a very passionate following. Do you find it tough for fans to see you as someone other than Lois?
Erica Durance: I appreciate those fans more than words can say. But I remember that someone kept saying that I was playing the same character here. And the thing is, there will obviously be similarities because I'm the same actor and this isn't a period piece or anything. A long time ago, I got used to the fact that actors will get that no matter how much you try to change yourself for a role, but what attracted me to Alex was that she has such a different outlook on life than Lois. Yes, they're both strong women, but Alex looks at life in this very linear way. It feels very different to me than Lois.

Insider.com: What was the biggest challenge Saving Hope presented to you?
Erica: One of the biggest learning curves I had involved the emotional stakes she is in. As a person, I like to dive into every character and invest emotions. But I had to put Erica in the corner while playing Alex because how I would react and how she reacts are totally different. There were moments when all I wanted to do was bawl my eyes out, but I had to find a different way to convey those emotions because of where Alex was in her journey. It's been a great exploration of the different ways to portray different emotions – from the outside, anyone would think that Alex should be a basketcase all the time. But actually that is not true, so playing these shades was really challenging for me.

Insider: Your co-star Daniel Gillies talked about the difficulties in playing one-third of a love triangle where another member is in a coma. What do you like about the Joel-Alex-Charlie relationship?
Erica: I like that it's messy. Messy is good. In life, you always say the wrong thing at the wrong time. And it's really awkward. But I love playing with the awkward of it. It's adding one more thing to Alex's plate and slowly introducing that baggage is fascinating. What's lovely about Joel for Alex is that she's got someone around who has known her forever. She doesn't have to pretend around him – there are no pretenses. And that's a fun relationship to have, and play.

Insider.com: And what about Charlie? There must be a point where either he wakes up or there's a serious discussion about how long this guy can be kept alive while in a coma, right?
Erica: Yes. That does get introduced tonight – Charlie's ex-wife comes in and she has a totally different theory about what should or shouldn't be done. I love that we start to talk about what the best way to love someone is. It's a big storyline that starts tonight – we start to ask how long is too long and when does it become less about the other person and more about you? There's a whole lot of angst there.

Insider.com: The pilot episode had a lot of heavy-lifting to do in terms of introducing this world. Looking forward, what are you hoping for?
Erica: This is almost like an old school TV show – we don't have $10 million dollars to crash a plane on an island. We used to give shows time to breathe and grow, and I feel like that's what this show needs. It's so much about these characters – yes, there are fascinating cases, and there's Alex’s journey where she thinks there are improvements in her fiance's health, where she feels his presence. So I feel like every episode builds on the past one. This show grows so much week to week.

http://www.theinsider.com/tv/53131_Eric ... index.html

- Erica Durance de 'Saving Hope' Habla sobre el Débil Debut de la Serie, y lo que está por venir (hollywoodreporter.com):
Erica Durance de 'Saving Hope' Habla sobre el Débil Debut de la Serie, y lo que está por venir
"En verano, es seimpre difícil el introducir nuevas series," le dijo la antigua estrella de "Smallville" a THR sobre las bajas audiencias de la semana pasada.
Por Philiana Ng 14 de Junio, 2012 2:52 PM PDT

Unlike the typical medical drama, Saving Hope delves into the spiritual world, with a comatose doctor (Michael Shanks) roaming Toronto's Hope Zion Hospital as a spirit and helping the week's medical patient. Meanwhile, his fiancee (Durance) and co-workers are faced with the impossible task of figuring out what to do next.

The Canadian drama didn't have the splashiest launch, averaging just 3.1 million viewers and a 0.7 rating in 18-49 in the U.S. last week. Even so, Durance isn't worried. "It's a sleeper show. It's a very simple story, but yet I think it's powerful," the actress tells The Hollywood Reporter.

Durance spoke to THR about the low ratings debut, the show's specific look and what viewers can expect in coming weeks.

The Hollywood Reporter: You must have seen the ratings for last week's debut. What do you think was the reason for its weak launch?

Erica Durance: I think it's a little bit of [lack of awareness]. In the summertime, it's always hard to introduce new series; everyone's ready for that in the fall. I wasn't particularly worried because I knew what summer shows were like and I also look at this show as an old school pilot in the sense that you don't have $10 million to crash a plane or have a huge media launch. It's a sleeper show. It's a very simple story, but yet I think it's powerful.

THR: This story does have a unique spin on the medical drama genre, with one of the main characters in a coma and helping the week's patients ..

Durance: It's a little different for [Charlie, played by Shanks] every week. It's a sense of not particularly that in the sense that he's finding stuff out from [the patients] and it's also just giving another perspective or another comment on life and what your beliefs are. Our whole purpose for this show is that it's based on a love story. We use the hospital setting as a backdrop to bring in a lot of that high-stakes drama that you need. The idea of what would you do to bring the person you love back to you and would you change everything you believe in and throw that all out the window? Maybe something more faith-based.

THR: Why was it important to stick with this supernatural element for the show?

Durance: It always has to be a part of the show in whatever way the producers choose to keep that there. That's one of the hooks about the show -- at least specifically in the season. That'll manifest itself potentially differently.

THR: The look of the show is also different, more soft focus and flares. Those decisions were clearly intentional ..

Durance: It was. It was to create a more specific, surreal look to the show but the flares are also an indication of potential spirit life to show that there's another layer. I know the [producers] have been playing with it and I know with some of the feedback, people didn't understand what it was and it made them uncomfortable.

THR: Where is Alex headed in future episodes?

Durance: This whole season is about her journey to try to bring him back, trying various methods and trying different ways to reach him. She even goes so far as to try sexual stimulation and stimulation of the senses. They say that people actually do that with coma patients. She gets caught in a very compromising position which is fuel for a nice moment of levity. You see her trying to juggle both worlds and everything slowly starts to unravel for her.

THR: There is also a triangle introduced in the first episode between Alex, Charlie and Joel (Daniel Gillies). How does that progress?

Durance: Everyone keeps calling it that. There's a little bit of that going on because of leftover history and what that relationship provides for her is somebody she's known forever that she can cut through all the crap with and say what she wants to say. If she wants to be angry, she can be angry with him. You get to see that side of her and their relationship and he has unresolved feelings for her and he's trying to find opportunities to talk about it which is never good when somebody's in a coma.

THR: What has been a scene that you filmed that sticks out?

Durance: One of my favorite scenes is dealing with Charlie's ex-wife Dawn and we really went head to head. It was high octane, high emotion into such a crazy experience. There's all sorts of roadblocks that she has to deal with, whether it's herself or her past coming in. She's quite the superwoman, I gotta say.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... nce-337905

- Más Stills 1.02 "Contact":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(thanks to ctv.ca)

En HQ:

Imagen Imagen Imagen

(thanks to @lovedearest)

- Stills 1.03 "Blindness":

Imagen Imagen

(thanks to SavingHopeTV)

- Entrevista de Michael Shanks en @appcentraltv:


(Gracias a ambermac)

- BTS:


(Gracias a @patmastroianni)

- Saving Hope 1x03 Promo - "Blindness" (HD):


- Erica Durance junto a Michael Shanks y Daniel Gillies con un vestido de Ermanno Scerbino en los "Much Music video awards", Toronto (17-06-12):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(gracias a @CJancelewicz, @MSNca_Entertain y @lovedearest)

Y videos de la alfombra roja (msn.com & Murtz Jaffer):

http://video.ca.msn.com/?mkt=en-ca&vid= ... epermalink:

- Saving Hope: Erica Durance Discusses Episode 2 *Web Extra* (ctv.ca):


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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