Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope: Ep. 106 *Super Trailer* Clip 1:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeDuHvdT ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope: The Bright Side Of Being In A Coma *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Overwhelming Exhaustion And The Struggle Within *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Prosthetic Props And Special Effects *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Maggie Flies Solo *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: The Bright Side Of Being In A Coma *Web Extra*:


- Links de descarga del 1.05 "Out of sight":

- Julia Taylor Ross de 'Saving Hope' hace su primera incisión (ctv.ca):
Julia Taylor Ross de 'Saving Hope' hace su primera incisión
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 06 de Julio, 2012 3:45:46 AM

Cuando nos encontramos por primera vez con Maggie, ella estaba vacilante e insegura de sí misma, buscando la aprobación de Alex en cada decisión que tomaba, pero ahora, es enérgica y segura de sí misma…incluso desbaratando las órdenes de un médico veterano.

“Es un arco realmente grande para ella,” dice la actriz Julia Taylor Ross. “El episodio 105 es su primer momento real al tomar riesgos y realmente salvar a un paciente por sí misma.

“Ella ve que algo está yendo mal, y pasa por alto la autoridad de otro médico, lo que es un poco arriesgado . . . ¡es todo un poco preocupante!”

Taylor Ross está emocionada por explorar el problema del lado de las resoluciones en el mundo médico y sobre el explorar el desarrollo de Maggie como médico. “Pienso que es un poco de las que toma riesgos y tiene mucha ambición y va sobre el afirmar eso y lo inteligente y audaz que es. Ella gana confianza con cada interacción con sus pacientes y con cada interacción con pacientes que tiene éxito, te haces más fuerte, como con todo.”

Aunque la Dra. Melanda Tolliver no cree que su paciente, John Doe, esté sufriendo ninguna complicación, y avisa a Maggie de que deje tranquilo a su paciente y que espere a que los antibióticos tengan efecto, la corazonada de Maggie es su distendido abdomen es el potencialmente desastroso Síndrome Abdominal Compartimental...

Cuando John Doeempieza a pasarlo mal, y Melanda no puede ser encontrada por ningún sitio, Maggie toma la situación por sus propias manos y realiza una cirugía de emergencia, sencialmente salvando la vida del paciente.

“Como cirujana, la primera vez (en hacer una incisión) debe de ser un momento inolvidable,” reflexiona Taylor Ross. Y como actriz, está tan emocionado con hacer el corte. “¡Es probablemente la cosa por la que he esperado más en este episodio!” dice.

Admite que hizo muchas búsquedas para prepararse para la escena del corte. “¡Montones de búsquedas gore!” dice con una carcajada. “¡Si buscas ‘Síndrome Abdominal Compartimental’ en Google, es bastante gráfico! Son todo tripas y cosas saliendo.”

Pero más allá de los detalles sangrientos, Taylor Ross también esperanba el ver cómo sería el usar un escalpelo. “Descubrí que hay tres capas, la carne, luego la grasa, luego la fascia, toda esa fábrica de tendones y musculatura que sujeta todos tus órganos. Ella tiene que levantar la fascia y cortar para que no corte los órganos,” anota.

“Es realmente intenso. Pienso que Maggie adora esa parte. ¡Sé que yo lo hago!”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... tting.aspx

- Las manos rudas del episodio 5 es una de las mejores cosas para Erica Durance y Wendy Crewson (ctv.ca):
Las manos severas del episodio 5 es una de las mejores cosas para Erica Durance y Wendy Crewson
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 07 de Julio, 2012 3:20:51 AM

La mayoría de la gente no se emocionan con una doble amputación de manos, pero las actrices Erica Durance (quien interpreta a la Dra. Alex Reid) y Wendy Crewson (quien interpreta a la Dra. Dana Kinney) ambas dicen que esta cirugía ha sido su favorita hasta ahora.

“¡La doble replentación de manos fue fantástica!” dice Crewson. “Habían manos que eran amputadas por una cuchilla en una planta procesadora de pollos y teníamos que volver a reimplantarlas. ¡Fue una gran cirugía!”

Dos muñones ensangrentados vendados con gasas llegan al Hope-Zion con dos manos en un cubo de hielo que el paciente trajo desde Thunder Bay.

“Lo que adoro de los escenarios médicos es que tenemos a un doctor especializado para que venga y le consultemos sobre ello,” dice Durance. “¡Todo ese proceso fue realmente fascinante!”

Y tamnto Durance como Crewson no tienen más que grades alabanzas para las propias manos rudas.

“Incluso los médicos consultores estuvieron de acuerdo, el equipo de prótesis hacen que las cosas parezcan tan reales,” dice Durance.

“Tienen corazones palpitantes y órganos. Es un poco una lección de biología para mí, que era mi ciencia favorita en el instituto.”

“Las manos se veían increíbles, justo debajo del vello de las muñecas y en el área de los nudillos, suciedad bajo las uñas,” dice Crewson.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... rgery.aspx

- Episodio 5: Discursos para Alex y Michael, y luchando contra la traición emocional (ctv.ca):
Episodio 5: Discursos para Alex y Michael, y luchando contra la traición emocional
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 07 de Julio, 2012 3:42:00 AM

Quedarse dormido en el trabajo nunca es una buena idea, y cuando tu trabajo es ser un cirujano, es excepcionalmente imprudente.

“Cuando encontramos a Alex en el episodio 5, está exhausta,” explica la actriz Erica Durance sobre su personaje que está luchando por mantener vivo a su comatoso prometido, Charlie, mientras que mantiene su trabajo en el Hope-Zion Hospital.

“Se está presionando a sí misma para seguir adelante y mantenerse activa... Está luchando por su trabajo y empieza el episodio haciendo un gran ridículo en el trabajo – se queda dormida en una conferencia muy importante que está dando la Dra. Kinney.”

Es Joel quien la anima a dejar atrás su bochorno y temor a fallar y que ahonde en su trabajo, invitándola a una cirugía desafiante. “Él sabe que no está abierta a hablar sobre Charlie, pero conoce el anzuelo para hacerla regresar,” dice Durance. “Está tan alarmado de que en realidad ella se haya quedado dormida en el trabajo que viene a su casa y le da ese reto. La ayuda a volver al camino.”

Y Alex no es la única que experimenta una muy necesitada charla. El fantasma de Charlie se encuentra con Scott, un paciente que ha estado en coma durante 27 años. “Scott lleva a Charlie a través de un accidentado curso de lo que es el estar en forma de espíritu,” dice el actor Michael Shanks.

Charlie empieza a tener duddas sobre si es posible o no el regresar a su vida normal, o si incluso es deseable, a medida que encuentra las salidas y entradas y empieza a disfrutar lo que hay entre ellas.

Scott ve la “parte buena” de estar en coma. “Él le cuenta a Charlie que ser invisible es guay y que estás insensible a las cosas. Es un poco a lo ‘Matrix’ – puede saltar desde grandes alturas y no hacerse daños y cosas como ésas,” explica Shanks.

Sin embargo, enseña qhe la vida “siempre se olvida de tí.”

“Es muy importante para Charlie que el amor de su vida no le deja atrás,” dice Shanks. “No es ni siquiera el miedo de la muerte sino el miedo de no estar con ella, no ser recordado, o tener a alguien que le deja de lado.”

Pero en este episodio, Alex experimenta un momento de frivolidad. Tras haberse demostrado a sí misma ante la Dra. Kinney y haber salvado una particularmente desafiante cirugía, Alex tiene a sus compañeros vinendo a su casa para celebrarlo.

“Ella se lanza a ello y tiene ese momento de risas y de alegría y se da cuenta de que (Charlie) no era parte de eso y que lo está dejando atrás,” dice Durance.

“Es la suma de todos sus miedos y es un momento bastante significativo para él,” añade Shanks.

“La pregunta se convierte en ¿cómo puedes seguir viviendo y te sientes culpable cuando tienes un momento de alivio y tienes un respiro y un poco de libertat de eso?” dice Durance.

“Creo que realmente puedes ver la soledad de Charlie, pero lo que espero es que la gente también vea la soledad de Alex porque se ve forzada a continuar y se enfrenta a la marcha del tiempo.

“Está intentando desesperadamente el no derrumbarse".

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... chael.aspx

- Ask Gavin (105) "Selleck-esque" *Vlog*:


- Letters to Charlie #5:


- Música del 1.05 Out of sight:

"Silly Happy Wild" (Tanika Charles)
"Words in the Fire" (Patrick Watson)
"I’m Moving Out Fast" (Rudolph Taylor)
"Ashes" (Andy Brown)

- Rátings:

1.05 Out of sight 2.2 million viewers, demo 0.4 on NBC & 1.4 millions viewers on CTV (TVLine)

- Bajó un 43% con respecto a la semana pasada -

- Stills 1.07 "Consenting Adults":

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- Más stills 1.04 "The Fight":

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- BTS Stills 1.04 "The Fight":

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- Más stills 1.05 "Out of sight":

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- BTS Stills 1.05 "Out of sight":

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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

Subtitulos del 1.05 "Out of sight"



Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »


Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Más stills 1.06 "The Great Randall":

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(Thanks to ctv.ca)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- CTV Saving Hope Trailer - Episode 1.06 "The Great Randall":

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmYZpcbs ... e=youtu.be

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- El departamento de vestuario de 'Saving Hope' hacen las batas sexys (ctv.ca):
El departamento de vestuario de 'Saving Hope' hacen las batas sexys
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 11 de julio, 2012 7:55:44 AM

Even though “real world” surgeons sport blue scrubs in the operating room, the wardrobe team on “Saving Hope” has managed to personalize even the most basic of costumes.

“We pick colours that look good with the actors’ skin tones and that are flattering,” says costume designer Jenifur Jarvis.

“We’ve put Alex in a steely grey blue and Melanda in teal because she has light brown skin. “Julia is in plum because of her skin tone. Joel likes blue because he has blue eyes. And we’ve put Wendy in purple.”

The lab coats the Hope-Z doctors wear are either too short or too long and always too bulky, Jarvis notes. “They really don’t look good on TV.” To get them camera ready, the wardrobe team puts darts in the back to keep them from being too boxy and makes sure they’re the right length.

Another personalized factor for the doctors are their surgical caps. “We pick colours that bring out their eyes. It’s all about making the doctors look hot under these masks and underneath their scrubs and gowns,” Jarvis explains.

“We sourced fabric and had the actors pick the fabric they liked,” explains Jarvis. “Daniel’s character went to Mexico to do his residency there, so his looks like the Mexican flag.”

Though Charlie’s not in scrubs, he’s also got a set look – a Hugo Boss tux. “And he’s got six of them because we don’t know what’s going to happen throughout the season – if he’ll get in a fight, or need a double,” says Jarvis. “And he has a photo double, so we have a tux for him, too.”

Though there aren’t a lot of opportunities to costume the key cast members in “civvies” (or civilian wear), Jarvis and her team take any opportunity they get.

“We really try to go pretty hip and sexy and young,” she says, adding that Kinney is often dressed to the nines under her lab coat.

In Alex’s flashback scenes, Jarvis goes for a “really classy and sexy look – skinny jeans, high boots, blazers, that kind of look. She has a great body, so it’s fun to dress her!”

Maggie’s character is another fun one for the team. “Her look is quirky and has a lot of character,” says Jarvis. “We’ve gone with a bit of an eccentric flavour to her clothing. It’s a little kooky and colourful with a lot of patterns.

“All of these actors are young and have great bodies and you want to show that off!”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... e_106.aspx

- Stills del 1.08 "Heartsick":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Michael Shanks en "Marilyn Dennis Show" (12-07-12):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ3iyyVW ... e=youtu.be


- Michael Shanks en "Mike and Tara 1035", CTVBC:


- Huse Madhavji explora los parámetros blancos y negros de interpretar a un personaje con el síndrome de Asperger (ctv.ca):
Huse Madhavji explora los parámetros blancos y negros de interpretar a un personaje con el síndrome de Asperger
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 12 der julio, 2012 6:00:20 AM

He’s direct and focused and incredibly bright, everything you’d want in a neurosurgeon, except Dr. Shahir Hamza’s bedside manner can be harsh and abrupt, not always what you’d want when hearing about a brain tumour, or aneurysm.

“I don’t think we come out and say that he has Asperger’s, but he definitely has elements of that and elements of OCD,” says Huse Madhavji, who plays the brilliant, but socially awkward neurosurgeon.

“One of the biggest things Alex loves about him is that he only speaks the truth,” reflects Erica Durance who plays Dr. Alex Reid. “He doesn’t have that filter that most people have and he will say those things she maybe doesn’t want to hear, but are medical truths.

“I love their relationship. I love that connection.”

For the pilot, Madhavji watched documentaries and other films with characters who have Asperger’s syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that often presents difficulties with social interactions.

“There’s also this great Bollywood film called ‘My Name is Kahn,’ starring the great Shah Rukh Khan, and he plays a guy who has Asperger’s,” Madhavji adds. “I watched these films and got a sense of what to bring to the character for the pilot."

Once the show got picked up, Madhavji wanted to further his understanding of the condition his character has, and began researching the syndrome.

“There’s not a lot of eye contact and he twitches a lot, playing with his nails,” Madhavji notes. “It’s the little things I’ve picked up.”

He met with psychiatry residents and asked them about characteristics and behavioral patterns. “And then, the best thing is that I went on an outing with the Asperger’s Society of Ontario. They have a social outing every month. I just sat there and observed. It was so fascinating – it went from someone who has autism to someone you wouldn’t even think (has anything),” Madhavji says.

“Acting’s all about emotion, but there’s not a lot of emotion (with Shahir). You’re working in a black or white sort of frame. It’s interesting,” Madhavji says.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... re106.aspx

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope Super Trailer - Ep 107 - Feat. Jason Collett:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kojcny46 ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope: Do You Believe In Ghosts? *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Joel Goran Taking Risks *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Fighting For Life *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Overwhelming Exhaustion And The Struggle Within *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Inside The Mind Of Dr. Gavin Murphy *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Maggie and Joel, Getting Serious... Or Not *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: The Big 'What-If' In Episode 6 *Web Extra*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... clip719953

- Links de descarga del 1.06 "The Great Randall":

- Ask Gavin (106) "Cootie Catcher" *Vlog*:


- Letters to Charlie #6:


- Música del 1.06 "The Great Randall":

“Falling” (Gavin Slate)
“Beautiful girl” (William Fitzsimmons)

- Rátings:

1.06 The Great Randall 3.15 million viewers, demo 0.5 on NBC & 1.392 millions viewers on CTV (TVbynumbers & bbm.ca)

- Abierto, sincero y tontorrón: El actor Kristopher Turner habla sobre el residente de psiquiatría del Hope-Z (ctv.ca):
Abierto, sincero y tontorrón: El actor Kristopher Turner habla sobre el residente de psiquiatría del Hope-Z
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 13 de julio, 2012 4:07:19 AM

He might take the bus to work, and end up sitting in cheese along the way, but Hope-Z’s psych resident Gavin is concerned solely with remaining open and honest.

“It’s the epitome of Gavin, that he doesn’t drive a fancy car like Dr. Goran,” says actor Kristopher Turner. “He’ll admit that he sat in cheese – he’s fine being a goof and letting people see him as a goof. It relaxes people when they know he’s a person who’s OK with his own flaws.”

And just as Gavin handles the emotional lives of the patients at Hope-Zion, he also deals with the emotional lives of the doctors.

“He’s the one person at the hospital who wants to connect to people in a world where disconnecting is a coping mechanism – especially with the Alex character, where she has to deal with her fiancé being in a coma and Gavin wants to make it known that he’s there for her,” Turner says.

And as much as Gavin wants to connect with Alex, he really wants to connect with Maggie. “He starts to develop a crush on her and wants to be able to explore that,” Turner says. “He wants her to know that he’s a friend, and even though he wants a bit more, he’s still there as an open and honest guy.”

“She really loves Gavin as a friend,” says Julia Taylor Ross about her character, Maggie. “You know that kind of thing where you know someone likes you but you’re just kind of, ‘I don’t want to go there,’ so you keep it light and friendly and pretend it’s not happening. I think she just sweeps it under the carpet, the sweet gestures.”

To get deeper into her character, Turner reads a lot about psychological issues. “I’ve talked to a lot of psych residents in Toronto and hearing their stories and their experiences (has helped),” Turner says.

“Some doctors look at patients as their ailments, where Gavin looks at patients as human beings first and how to deal with the mental aspects that go along with that.”

In Episode 6, Gavin is finally able to bring all of his strengths to the table. “In terms of his arc as a doctor, this episode is where he really gets to delve into the psych world,” says Turner.

Gavin is brought in initially to deal with the fact that a patient is under hypnosis and can’t feel pain. “Personally I think Gavin has a little hobby in the hypnotism world,” says Turner.

“He’s not good at it in any way, but it deals with the brain and it brings up the question of why not let someone psychologically be free of pain,” explains Turner. “Alex, being in the science world wants to mask his pain through drugs and pharmaceuticals and Gavin raises that point that it’s the same thing – hypnotism to not feel pain or morphine to not feel pain. Why choose one over the other?”

Gavin even tries his hand at hypnotism, though it doesn’t quiet work out. “I imagine that Gavin has watched some YouTube videos and perhaps attempted to hypnotize friends at a bar, or an attempt to hypnotize his mom,” Gavin says, and admits he might have tried his hand at hypnotism off-screen.

“I saw a hypnotist in university and I thought it was really cool so I thought, ‘I can do this, I can count backwards.’ But it’s a lot more complicated than that,” says Turner with a laugh.

And pain isn’t the only psychological issue Gavin tackles. “The Heather character comes into this episode initially with a neck ailment, but what we find out is it’s in fact closer to a mental illness and schizophrenic episodes, where she has auditory hallucinations and really uncontrollable thought patterns,” says Turner.

“Her speech becomes more rhythmic, more about the sounds of the speech over the meaning of the words, which are clues and symptoms Gavin picks up on.”

Turner believes it’s Gavin’s ability to connect with people that is his greatest strength as a psychiatrist. “Especially when you have a disease of the mind, you want to treat someone as a human being first, and their ailment second. Somebody is not schizophrenic, they have schizophrenia,” he says.

“Gavin is able to connect with Heather and say, ‘I see you as a person, and I’d like you to separate your mental illness from who you are.’”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... gavin.aspx

- Maggie termina las cosas con Joel con un mordisco en el labio y un apretón de manos (ctv.ca):
Maggie termina las cosas con Joel con un mordisco en el labio y un apretón de manos
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 13 de julio, 2012 4:02:46 AM

Shaking hands is not how most people end relationships, but that’s just how Maggie splits with Joel.

“When it comes to Joel, she’s playing it a little cool at the beginning,” says Julia Taylor Ross, who plays the surgical resident. “She’s giving him some chilly signals, but of course they end up snogging in an empty patient room.’”

“It’s been a while since Joel has committed to anybody, and it’s always the case, that you have this thing you deem casual, it ends up being more serious and sooner or later, somebody ends up being more emotionally involved,” says Daniel Gillies, who plays Joel.

“I think she’s someone who wears her heart on her sleeve and is a little more emotionally transparent than Joe,” he adds.

Though that may be true, Maggie’s also got an assertive side to her. “She’s a little cheeky and it’s a little naughty when she bites his lip, but it’s also a bit of a message of ‘don’t mess with me.’ It confuses Joel a little,” says Taylor Ross.

“It’s her physical declaration that she’s had enough,” adds Gillies. “That’s where she says that it’s not enough anymore.”
Though Joel has always been upfront about his emotional limitations, and that he doesn’t want to be her, or anyone’s boyfriend, his restating of the facts cuts Maggie to the quick.

“Maggie figures if ‘the talk’ is happening she doesn’t want to be humiliated, so she just breaks up (with him),” says Taylor Ross. “It’s a saving face thing, absolutely!”

Cue the perfunctory handshake. And Maggie even goes so far as to calling their on-going tryst a “transaction.”
“I don’t think Maggie or Joel has been dumped before,” reflects Taylor Ross. “That’s why it’s so much fun to see them together and it’s why it happens like this.”

Though in the episode, the biting scene is a bit sexy and a bit naughty, behind the scenes, Taylor Ross says it was hilarious. “You find yourself having conversations like, ‘Was that too hard? Am I giving you enough as an actor? Should it be on the top lip or the bottom lip?’ These are bizarre conversations!”

“You pinch yourself and end up laughing about how you’re talking about biting someone’s lip in front of 12 people,” she says with a laugh.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... _bite.aspx

- More Stills 1.06 "The Great Randall":

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- BTS "The Great Randall":

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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »


Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- CTV Saving Hope Promo - Ep 107:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_zJqlgh ... e=youtu.be

- Nuevos títulos de próximos episodios:

1.09 title: Bea, Again.
1.10 title: A New Beginning
1.11 title: The Law of Contagion
1.12 title: Ride Hard or Go Home
1.13 title: Pink Clouds

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tipo A , la cirujana cardíaca Dawn Bell es tanto la ex-mujer de Charlie como la némesis de Alex (ctv.ca):
Tipo A , la cirujana cardíaca Dawn Bell es tanto la ex-mujer de Charlie como la némesis de Alex
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 19/07/2012 10:47:56 AM

It’s easy to dislike Charlie’s ex-wife, Dawn Bell. She marches into Hope-Z and proclaims to know what’s best for Charlie, questioning Alex’s efforts along the way.

But, Michelle Nolden, who plays the Type A cardiac surgeon, can see the backstory behind the at-times abrasive doctor.

“I think she’s great at what she does. I think she always has been,” Nolden reflects. “I think she’s got a lot of notoriety as a cardiac surgeon, which makes her be able to command an O.R.

“But it’s also probably caused some problems in her personal life,” she says with a smile.

Nolden’s created a whole backstory for her character and thinks Dawn and Charlie probably met when they were young, perhaps in med school.

“I think we were both very, very driven and as our careers took off, we got really busy. I think my ambition and need to control drove us apart – that’s how I see things having gone off the tracks for Charlie and me,” Nolden reflects.

She admits that there’s a huge tension between Alex and Dawn. “I think that they’re similar in a lot of ways,” she reflects, though she adds that Alex might be a more evolved version of Dawn as she’s able to see beyond just the facts of science and medicine.

And even though it might be hard to tell now, Nolden believes they were very much in love once upon a time.

“It’s not about trying to win over Alex, and it’s not about having my own way,” she insists.

“It’s that Dawn really loves Charlie and she wants him to die with dignity. Of course there’s all that water under the bridge that makes it messy and muddy and more confusing, but I think Dawn’s intentions are honorable.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... e_107.aspx

- Episodio 7: Matrimonios arreglados, ex-exposas y cuernos implantados (ctv.ca):
Episodio 7: Matrimonios arreglados, ex-exposas y cuernos implantados
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 20 de julio, 2012 4:21:23 AM

From arranged marriages and returning ex-wives to implanted horns, Episode 7 is all about making decisions for yourself, says Huse Madhavji, who plays neurosurgeon Shahir Hamza.

“There are two big storylines. One is about a guy who has horns and is (covered) in tattoos and piercings and the other story line is about Sandhya, who is engaged in an arranged marriage going in for a routine surgery.”

Horn implants and a simple surgery seem benign enough, except Karn, who put the horns into his forehead himself, collapses after he discharges himself. And then Sandhya’s the routine surgery goes awry and she ends up in a coma.

It doesn’t seem like either of them can make decisions for themselves, but somehow, they find their own way to self-determination. “Karn and Sandhya are the ones saying, ‘We want to be able to make decisions for ourselves,’” says Madhavji.

“Daniel’s character, Dr. Joel Goran, has a tete-a-tete with this guy about pulling out these horns because they’re infected and dangerous, but Karn says it’s part of his identity and asks, ‘Who are you to tell me if I should have them or not?’”

After slipping into a coma when she has an adverse reaction to the anesthetic, Sandhya finds her voice after spending time in Charlie’s limbo world. “Her decisions about her life and future are affected by her conversations with Charlie,” Madhavji explains.

Where Sandhya ends up waking up and decides to break off her engagement, coma-Charlie’s choices about his future are being fought over by his ex-wife, Dawn and his current fiancée, Alex (Erica Durance).

“Dawn comes in at the end of Episode 6 and says, ‘I think I know what’s best for him. I’ve known him the longest and this is not how he wants to live. And so, get ready, because I’m going to take that control out of your hands,’” says Durance. “She comes back in Episode 7 and it adds a whole element of turmoil for Alex!”

Even though Charlie’s corporeal body is being fought over by Alex and Dawn, in the spirit realm, his world is expanding. “His life is changing, even if we don’t know if he’s going to wake up or not, but his ideas are changing,” Madhavji says.

“The cool thing about this part of the story is that we all know each other and we all work together in the hospital, but we only know certain things about each other,” says Madhavji. “The intimate details of their lives and personalities, however, rarely rise to the surface.”

But with Charlie in a coma, and able to witness the otherwise unseen events in his colleagues’ lives, his perspective on who they are begins to shift. “At one point, Charlie is looking over Shahir’s shoulder, but Shahir isn’t looking at X-rays or medical charts, but at golden doodles, little cute hybrid dogs,” Madhavji says with a laugh.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... erica.aspx

- Saving Hope - Ep. 108 Super Trailer feat. Brianna Carpenter:


- Saving Hope: The Great DNR Battle *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Meet Dr. Dana Kinney *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Really Good At Faking It (Prosthetically) *Web Extra*:


- Links de descarga del 1.07 "Consenting Adults":

- Ask Gavin (107) "The Muffin Man" *Vlog*:

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/video.aspx ... clip723987

- Letters to Charlie #7:


- Música del 1.07 "Consenting Adults":

“Bitter Beauty” by JASON COLLETT (Pony Tricks Version)

- Rátings:

1.07 Consenting Adults 2.993 million viewers, demo 0.5 on NBC & 1.41 millions viewers on CTV (TVbynumbers & SavingHopeTV)

- More Stills 1.07 "Consenting Adults":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- BTS "Consenting Adults":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Stills 1.09 "Bea Again":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Michael Shanks está llamando a la puerta del cielo (metronews.ca):
Michael Shanks está llamando a la puerta del cielo
Por Stephen Eramo 23 de Julio, 2012 7:11 pm

In the CTV supernatural medical drama Saving Hope, Dr. Charles “Charlie” Harris is the “glue” that helps hold Hope-Zion Hospital together. So naturally his family and friends, especially his fiancée Dr. Alex Reid, are devastated when the chief surgeon is involved in a car crash on the way to his wedding and ends up in a coma.

Unknown to them, Charlie’s spirit is wandering the halls of Hope-Zion, watching as life goes on and unable to communicate directly with anyone except others at death’s door. Despite the character’s dilemma, actor Michael Shanks was immediately drawn to the role.

“One of the things I like about Saving Hope in general is that it’s a character relationship-based show, which is a big change after doing a lot of science fiction and action/adventure work,” notes Shanks, who is best known to TV audiences as Dr. Daniel Jackson in Stargate SG-1.

“As actors we knew that that sort of relationship stuff had to be secondary because we needed to get on with the action, fighting the villains and solving the problem of the week.

“That’s not the case, though, with this series. Yes, there are procedural elements to it, but at the end of the day, the heart of the story relies on the love story and character relationships. So that’s what made me excited to do this.”

As Alex (Erica Durance) carries on with her daily responsibilities at Hope-Zion, she is never far from Charlie’s side. She is not giving up on him, and he has no intention of leaving her behind.

“I adore working with Erica and we’ve worked together several times in the past,” says Shanks.

“In the Saving Hope pilot, we found this relationship with our two characters where they’re head over heels in love and I think the onscreen chemistry Erica and I have has made the story gravitate towards this love story angle.

“Alex is the yin to Charlie’s yang, and in the first season we see them reaching across these two planes of existence and towards each other.”

http://metronews.ca/scene/307992/michae ... vens-door/

- Nueva visita a Toronto por parte de los fans:






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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Saving Hope" renovada por una segunda temporada en la CTV:
La CTV ha anunciado la renovación por una nueva temporada de la serie "Saving Hope", con otros 13 nuevos capítulos de lo que sería la segunda temporada de la serie de ICF Films/Entertainment One.

La serie original de la CTV ha reinado como la nueva serie nº1 de este verano en Canadá con una media de 1.6 millones de espectadores.

“Con la orden de las nuevas temporadas del éxito veterano de THE LISTENER y el nuevo éxito de verano SAVING HOPE, ambos actualmente en el aire, estamos comprometidos a continuar construyendo la solidez de estos favoritos de los fans,” dijo Phil King, Presidente de Programación y Deportes de la CTV.

"Estamos emocionados de que la audiencia de Canadá haya respondido a SAVING HOPE con tanto entusiasmo," dijo el productor ejecutivo Ilana Frank, Ilana C Frank Films (ICF Films). "Estamos agradecidos por el compromiso de la CTV y estamos orgullosos de tener esta oportunidad de traer una segunda temporada a los espectadores."

http://bellmediapr.ca/ctv/releases/rele ... 8&test=yes

- Erica Durance Sobre 'Saving Hope' y 'Smallville' (craveonline.com):
Erica Durance Sobre 'Saving Hope'
Durance habla sobre el regresar a la TV y por qué nunca superará “Smallville.”
Por Fred Topel 25 de Julio, 2012

Es agradable el ver de nuevo en TV a Erica Durance, pero su nueva serie es decididamente diferente a “Smallville.” “Saving Hope” es un drama médico con un giro. Durance interpreta a la Dra. Alex Reid, cuto prometido Charlie (Michael Shanks) entra en coma tras un accidente. La Dra. Reid debe continuar su trabajo mientras que Charlie permanece en forma de espíritu.

La prensa se reunió con Durance al principio de verano para hablar sobre "Saving Hope" y la contínua influencia de "Smallville" en su carrera. Naturalmente, también hicimos unas cuantas preguntas.

Q: ¿Qué te trajo de vuelta a la televisión y cuál fue tu decisión de hacer esta serie?

Erica Durance: Bueno, adoro la TV y adoro un buen guión. Me han dado muchas opciones, y seguía regresando a esta por el corazón que hay en ella y por la historia de amor. Y sí, tiene el lado médico, y pienso que hay algo en mí que adora esa faceta y toda la angustia y el drama que puede pasar en ello, pero realmente en el corazón de ello está el aferrarse a la esperanza o el redefinir la esperanza en tu interior. Está en el título.

En cuanto al personaje, era sobre el qué haces cuando tu mundo se está derrumbando. ¿Cómo te aferras a lo real y lo racional, lo tangible, y cómo va ella a abrirse paso y a traerle de vuelta?

Pienso que es universal, y creo que es identificable para las personas porque si quieres básicamente desmoralizar el espíritu de alguien le quitas su esperanza, y así ella lucha con el cómo le inspira esperanza a la gente que viene y con la que trabaja todos los días en sus propias vidas personales y el lidiar con todas esas cosas médicas racionales actuales cuando todo lo demás se está esfumando.

Q: ¿Era importante el no hacer otra serie de acción o ciencia ficción?

Erica Durance: Sabes qué, ni siquiera consideré eso. Tan sólo me enamoré de esto, y eso es en lo que estamos ahora mismo, y pienso que tiene un poco de todo para todos.

Q: ¿Cuánto te llevó el superar “Smallville?”

Erica Durance: Aún sigo superando “Smallville.” Pienso que algo que has estado haciendo durante tanto tiempo como pasó, llea tiempo el encontrar su salida. Pienso que es tan sólo un capítulo diferente y es algo a lo que miro hacia atrás y estoy real, realmente orgullosa de ello.

Q: ¿Hubo el momento en el que te diste cuenta del, “Whoa, ¿he estado en casa durante todo un mes?”

Erica Durance: Sabes qué, me mantengo muy ocupada. Soy un poco adicta al trabajo. Me tomé un poco de tiempo para estar con la familia y ese tipo de coas pero más que nada cuando la serie terminó, me fuñi a Malta e hice una película italiana. Se llama Gemelle, y ha estado por toda Roma y todos los festivales de por allí y debería salir en EEUU.

Q: ¿Qué interpretaste?

Erica Durance: Interpreto a mi propia gemela. Así es que es un poco a la vieja escuela de Alfred Hitchcock. Es muy guay.

Q: ¿Es en italiano?

Erica Durance: es en inglés pero también la tienen, cuando la mostraron en el Festival de Cine de Roma, era toda en italiano.

Q: ¿hablas en italiano?

Erica Durance: No, no hablo. Me encantaría haberlo hecho pero la chica que me hizo tenía una voz mucho mejor de la que tengo.

Q: Ahora que estas interpretando una doctora, ¿cuál es el consejo de salud mejor y el que más merece la pena que jamás has recibido?

Erica Durance: Nada que sea muy extremo. Cada consejo que me han dado para quitar los carbohidratos para siempre, no lo hagas. No funciona. Estás bien durante un tiempo y luego te saturas.

Q: ¿Qué me dices de un buen consejo?

Erica Durance: Toma tiempo para tí mismo. Relájate.

Q: ¿Hay una sensación diferente en el set de una serie más real que en la serie de superhéroes?

Erica Durance: Diría que la sensación es muy similar. Ambos somos dos series en la que la gente realmente es muy "con los pies en la tierra". Pienso que es una sensación diferente en el sentido tan sólo del material con el que tienes que trabajar, que es muy diferente. Es tan sólo lo que estás haciendo. Ahora estoy haciendo algo que es tan específico... Si vas a pensar sobre incluso la lógica de cada maquillaje, el no arreglarme el pelo, el ir corriendo por ahí con las batas y zapatillas deportivas y todo ese tipo de cosas, en cuanto a ello se refiere no tiene el glamour.

Q: ¿Te gusta el llevar puesto los uniformes?

Erica Durance: Me encanta. Aunque soy muy caprichosa. Soy una mujer. Ahora digo de pronto, “¿Dónde están mis tacones?” Cuando me estuve quejando de ellos durante tantos años...

Q: ¿Tienes los uniformes comerciales o te los hicieron en vestuario?

Erica Durance: Tengo los míos propios. Tuvieron que arreglarlos un poco. Algunos de ellos eran demasiado sueltos.

Q: ¿Cuáles son los nuevos retos de ser la protagonista de una serie versus el conjunto de “Smallville?”

Erica Durance: Constantemente tengo ansiedad sobre el ser la protagonista de la serie. No hablo sobre ello porque me aterroriza. Pero siempre quise ser parte de algo en donde pudiera trabajar en un personaje de forma grande, y me ofrecieron eso con todo lo que conlleva el ser la protagonixta de la serie. Estoy realmente emocionada.

hay un equilibrio realmente bueno de las voces masculinas y femeninas al escribirla, y pienso que es realmente genial porque tienes una visión completa de la forma en que piensan las mujeres lo que es real, realmente encantador. El horario diario es una locura. Rodamos episodios de siete días. Estamos rodando nueve páginas al día. Estamos rodando ocho o nueve escenas al día.

Empezaré en la mañana llorando y gimiendo sobre Charlie, y luego estaré cortando el abdomen de alguien después. Me siento como uno de los chicos porque realmente me meto en las prótesis y en el lado loco de ello, y así tienes todas las cosas médicas y ese tipo de bombo y diversión. Así es que ha sido bastante loco, y se siente como una montaña rusa, y estoy realmente agradecida de que consiguiera una oportunidad para hacerlo durante un poco más de nuevo.

http://www.craveonline.com/tv/interview ... aving-hope

- Creyendo en fantasmas y privación del sueño: el doctor de urgencias del Hope-Z y el actor Benjamin Ayres tienen unas cuantas cosas en común (ctv.ca):
Creyendo en fantasmas y privación del sueño: el doctor de urgencias del Hope-Z y el actor Benjamin Ayres tienen unas cuantas cosas en común
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 26/07/2012 9:44:43 AM

Actor Benjamin Ayres and the ER doctor he plays on “Saving Hope,” Zachary Miller, have one thing in common – they both believe in ghosts.

“I find it impossible not to believe,” says Ayres on a sweltering day on set. “I believe that there is energy around us, whether you want to call it a ghost or a spirit.”

His belief has been confirmed by some of the nurses who work as background performers on the show.

“There’s one nurse who says there’s one ghost (in a Toronto hospital) who consistently walks into a room, walks over and opens a window and jumps out. Now, windows can’t be opened in hospitals any longer, but patients say they see exactly that.”

Though Ayres and his character share their belief in the supernatural, the names of medications don’t come quite as easily to the actor. “It’s one thing to have to memorize your lines at home, and you think, ‘Yah, I’ve totally got this. This is totally easy.’ And then you come to set and you’re moving and you’ve got a stethoscope and you’re shouting actions out to other people and you’ve got to say, ‘Give me a – ‘” says Ayres, as he rambles off quite the litany of medical-sounding instructions.

And when he’s done, he looks pretty proud of himself.

“It’s fun and I say it all the time now,” he laughs. “I was on a plane last week and I thought if something happened, I could start to sound like I know what I’m doing, but then I’d have to say, ‘Sorry, you’re going to have to land the plane. I don’t know what I’m doing.’”

At Hope-Z, however, Zach definitely takes charge. “He’s the gatekeeper to the rest of the hospital so everyone who comes in . . . comes through ER and gets diagnosed and stabilized here and then gets sent up to the ICU or surgery. We usually find Zach in the ER, sometimes in the OR.”

He admits his favourite medical scenarios have involved blood. “A lot of blood,” he laughs.

He also loved the rebar-in-the-chest emergency in Episode 6 and adds he also loves the de-gloving injuries. “It’s when the skin and muscles come off and you just see a fractured bone. It didn’t make me as queasy as I thought it would.”

And though Ayres isn’t a method actor, he’s taken on something his character knows all too well – sleep deprivation.

“I had a daughter who was born a couple days after I booked this show,” he explains. “I watched the first episode I was in and I’ve got to say, I don’t remember shooting it. At all.”

But despite all of this sleep deprivation and the fake blood and running around ER sets yelling multi-syllable words, he loves everything about his role on the show. And when asked to define hope, he pulls out a photo of his daughter. “She’s three and a half months,” he says, beaming. “Her name’s Isadora.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... ayres.aspx

- Erica Durance y Daniel Gillies sobre SAVING HOPE, SMALLVILLE y THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (AssignmentX.com):
Erica Durance y Daniel Gillies sobre SAVING HOPE, SMALLVILLE y THE VAMPIRE DIARIES
Los dos actores hablan sobre su nuevo drama médico místico, además de sus viejos trabajos en la CW
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN 26 de Julio, 2012 / 08:01 PM

In NBC’s new drama SAVING HOPE, which has its season finale tonight at 9 PM ET/PT, 8 PM central, a spirit walks the halls of Toronto’s Hope-Zion Hospital. Not to fear – it’s not malevolent, nor even technically a ghost. When the hospital’s Chief of Surgery Charlie Harris, played by Michael Shanks of STARGATE SG-1 fame, gets into a car crash on the way to his wedding, he goes into a coma and finds himself able to speak to the spirits of fellow unconscious patients at the hospital.

Erica Durance, who portrays Charlie’s fiancée and colleague Dr. Alex Reid, and Daniel Gillies, who plays fellow surgeon Joel Goran, both have previous supernatural fare on their resumes. Durance actually did a guest role on STARGATE SG-1 and recently played a plaintiff who believed she was (and dressed as) Wonder Woman on HARRY’S LAW, but she is still best-known to most TV viewers for her seven years as Lois Lane on the CW’s SMALLVILLE. Gillies has been on MASTERS OF HORROR and TRUE BLOOD and has a recurring role as the ancient vampire Elijah on the CW’s THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.

At a party thrown by NBC, Canadian actors Durance and Gillies (who was raised inNew Zealand) are hanging out together, happy to talk about their shared new acting gig.

ASSIGNMENT X: How would you describe the mystical aspect of SAVING HOPE?

ERICA DURANCE: The mystical angle comes through the character of Charlie Harris, who is my character’s fiancé. In the pilot episode, we get into a car accident and he is going into a coma, and so he’s kind of thrust into this world where he’s obviously not dead, but he’s not back, and so having that character there opens up this other dimension, in the sense of just being able to see and those questions of what’s going on and he sees into that other world, what that would feel like.

At this juncture, he’s viewing the hospital as he was right before his coma, so he’s walking around in his tuxedo he was wearing when he went to our wedding, which actually visually is quite beautiful, because he’s in this tuxedo walking around and he’s just walking the halls and he’s actually having interactions with some of the patients who come in and it really kind of knocks it all on its ear and makes it really interesting.

AX: So your characters don’t interact with him?

DURANCE: Maybe, maybe not [laughs].

DANIEL GILLIES: That’s part of the beauty of this show – Charlie seems to be trying to reach across this ravine of the non-living to the living in order to get to his beloved, and the story is essentially this great romance. That’s what makes it so beautiful. It’s this kind of metaphysical romance.

AX: What sort of medical practitioners are your characters, and what is their attitude about what they’re doing?

DURANCE: My character is the Chief Surgical Resident – she basically runs the hospital underneath the Chief of Surgery. Not the specific doctors that come in, like the Joel Goran character, but all the residents that are there, she gets everything [organized]. She’s a general surgeon, so she operates on everything from the chest down, with the exception of the heart. So she deals with the abdomen, the colon, if there is breast cancer, she would deal with that. As far as Alex is concerned, she thought it [surgery] was her greatest passion until Charlie was taken from her, and then she starts to question all of those things.

GILLIES: Joel Goran is an orthopedic surgeon. He’s taken a bit of a pay cut, actually. He was at Sloane-Kettering, but he’s come to this hospital, because he’s able to conduct his research there, which is probably very costly to the hospital itself. There’s a whole lot of storyline, but he’s able to essentially do stem cell research there. But he’s also a former lover of Alex Reid, Erica Durance, which creates a whole other dimension of drama.

AX: So your character is waiting to see how much help she needs in coping with her crisis?

GILLIES: It’s not that cloak and dagger. I think his intentions are pure as the driven snow [laughs].

AX: In terms of how your characters are with the patients, are they more House, are they more John Carter on ER?

DURANCE: I think for Alex’s character, what is interesting is how her life starts to slowly unravel, given what’s going on with Charlie, so there are a couple of moments that are slightly HOUSE-esque, but it’s just because of everything else falling apart, just part of her humanity, so you see different ways that she deals with people.

GILLIES: Yeah, it’s case-specific. Each doctor has a different method. So we don’t universally approach each surgery the same way. For Joel, he does the slightly more glamorous surgeries, but he’s also willing to pull the trigger on the thing that you would want the most from a surgery. He’s the guy who wants to shoot the highest. Which isn’t always in the best interest of the patient, which is why he needs an Alex Reid in his life, to sort of remind him, to sort of be his Jiminy Cricket in a sense.

DURANCE: [laughs] I’m like Jiminy Cricket.

GILLIES: She is, she’s his conscience. She reminds him to be empathetic, and I think that Alex’s character can be a little bit more empathetic to the patient than Joel is. I’m a lot more hasty and wanting to make the decision that’s going to get the greatest outcome, but it also might come with the greatest risk.

AX: Where does SAVING HOPE film?

DURANCE: We film inToronto – actually, we live inToronto, but it’s actually just outside ofToronto, a place calledMississauga.

AX: So you’re still in working in Canada, where you made SMALLVILLE, but the other side of Canada now.

DURANCE: Yeah, the more I try to get down into the States, to my mother’s country, it seems to just be eluding me, but it’s such a great group up there and they work so hard. It’s a fun city, I’m just starting to explore it.

AX: Any difference in working for NBC versus the CW?

DURANCE: Actually, I don’t see a difference as of yet. But again, I think when you work with somebody as long as I worked with [the SMALLVILLE company] and I worked with [executive] Peter Roth at Warner Brothers, I’ll always have a really special place in my heart for him and I’m super-loyal to him, so it was a splendid and wonderful experience. I think there are times when I’m like, “I miss him,” he’s lovely and wonderful, but I like getting to know other people, and everybody seems very supportive of the project [SAVING HOPE] and that’s really what it comes out to. So within NBC, you have everybody that’s very excited. CTV [the series’ Canadian network] is very excited.

AX: Have the two of you compared notes on acting on CW genre shows?

DURANCE: We haven’t compared notes, but we definitely have talked about that whole experience. I know for myself, I like anything that’s new and different, I loved my show [SMALLVILLE] and I love the genre and, not to speak for [Gillies], but we did speak about the idea of the characters that you get to play, the world you get to be in and how fun that is and the characters you get to create are so different and kind of out there and that’s been really fun.

GILLIES: Yeah, it’s interesting for us, both stepping into a new world where the consequences of our actions are more like the life that we know. We’ve both been in very heightened realities. Both SMALLVILLE and VAMPIRE DIARIES are magic realism. It has its own truth and its own resonance, but stepping into SAVING HOPE is a gear change for us. Although it has that mystical quality to it, through which Charlie Harris looks at the world, we have to obey the laws of the universe that are much closer to your or my universe.

AX: When you got SAVING HOPE, did either or both of you do research into playing a surgeon?

DURANCE: Yes, I did. We all did. I actually saw some surgeries and stuff like that. We’ve had a chance to talk to people that actually do the specific type of surgeries that we do, and follow them a little bit, and we’ve also been reading the books.

GILLIES: Yeah, lots of stuff. Luckily, we also have a staff of people who are nurturing us in that direction, too. We have researchers who work on behalf of the show. Maggie, for example, she’s one of our consultants and she ushered us into a direction that was like, “Okay, you should read this guy, this guy, this woman and this woman, and if you read these people, you’re going to learn about your place in medicine, what it’s like to begin as a doctor, how it’s going to feel to do your residency, how difficult their lives are, how hard they work.” More and more and more, every day, Erica and I feel a deeper sense of respect for people in the medical profession.

AX: Actors on other medical shows where they’re playing doctors have talked about having to practice by doing things like sewing orange peels together. Have you had to do things like that as practice?

GILLIES: [joking] I did some laparoscopic surgery with some gorgeous pieces of hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment – laparoscopic on a red pepper, a bell pepper.

DURANCE: Apparently, that’s very authentic, a red pepper. One of the doctors I was following, he used a heavy-weighted paper clip and he put the [stitching] thread with it and he showed me how to do that. Basically, you hold it between your knees and then you try to practice the stitching.

AX: After playing one character consistently for seven years, is it a shock to the system at all to be playing a new regular character?

DURANCE: It’s exciting to embark on something new, but I think everybody has a sense of feeling trepidation. You want to make sure that you’re servicing that character well. I think that it’s been an easy transition, in that it’s such a different world and it’s a different role, and it’s visually so different, so when you step in and start working with different people and different actors, it makes it a little easier, but I remember saying to Daniel when we were first starting, “Sometimes it feels like you’re still trying to fit in a different skin.” And so it’s a little bit crazy, but it’s been a really positive experience.

AX: Are you going back and forth now between SAVING HOPE and VAMPIRE DIARIES?

GILLIES: Potentially. I mean, it’s all going to be up to the creators of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and where they’re going to take the show. We have sort of a blessing in our calendar in that, while we’re shooting this [SAVING HOPE], THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is on hiatus, so we’ll see. This is the show that I’m a regular on, so this show takes precedence. I’m still available for that show [THE VAMPIRE DIARIES], let’s just say that.

AX: Do you have any other projects coming up that we should know about?

GILLIES: I have a film called BROKEN KINGDOM, which is my directorial debut. So we’re doing anL.A./New York limited release and then we’re going to do a DVD/Netflix/DVR release after that, so yeah, I’m excited about it..

DURANCE: I just finished a movie [last year] in Malta called GEMELLE. It’s about twins and it’s kind of an Alfred Hitchcock-esque type of feel and it was really lovely.

AX: Anything else either of you would like to say about SAVING HOPE?

GILLIES: It’s just a really exciting chapter in medical television. That’s what I want to say. I mean, I think that people who enjoy this kind of show, who enjoy a show that has heart, humor and kind of hard-hitting drama, they’re in for a ride.

DURANCE: I think that people should tune in and watch it. They’ll have fun and I’ll be very grateful.

http://www.assignmentx.com/2012/exclusi ... e-diaries/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Un beso en una mesa de picnic: Gavin finally hace un movimiento sobre Maggie (ctv.ca):
Un beso en una mesa de picnic: Gavin finally hace un movimiento sobre Maggie
PorLindsay Zier-Vogel 27/07/2012 4:00:42 AM

Things are heating up between Maggie and Joel, I mean Gavin, I mean Joel, I mean Gavin. What, which one is it?

“The changes that are happening between Maggie and her suitors are slowly happening,” says actor Julia Taylor Ross with a smile. “The thing with Joel is that it’s not quite as vibrant as either of them had hoped.

Maybe they went into it a little soon, I don’t know, but neither of them are loving it, it seems. They just keep bashing heads a little bit.”

But then there’s Gavin. The eternal good guy, the exact opposite of Joel, the friend who’s always there for Maggie (even if she’s making eyes at Joel).

“Gavin has been opening the door to allow for more things to happen in their relationship, but that’s not worked. He’s put offers on the table to have drinks, he’s called her out on whether or not her relationship with Joel is serious or not, and he wants to step up and say, ‘Hey there are other options out there for you,’” says Kristopher Turner, who plays the endearing psych resident.

The problem is that Gavin has been passive about his feelings for Maggie and pines after her without ever making a move.

“Gavin finally grows a pair in this episode and it’s really interesting,” says Taylor Ross. “He takes the bull by the horns and it definitely surprises Maggie and intrigues her a little bit.”

The two friends are sitting at a picnic table commiserating over a particularly difficult day at the hospital over a beer when Gavin decides to pop her a kiss.

Turner admits that when the cast got together and read through the script for the first time, there was cheering when they found out Gavin was going to “make that plunge.”

“It was a lot of fun shooting that scene,” says Turner. “I’ve known Julia for many years and we have a really good rapport with each other. It was a beautiful night to sit outside, which we don’t get to do very often. It was a lot of fun!”

Taylor Ross says Maggie is a girl who “wants someone to take charge a little bit,” where Turner says the ball is in Maggie’s court now that Gavin’s made the first move.

“At the end of the day, Gavin’s done everything that he can. He’s really honest about who he is and she has to make some decisions,” says Turner.

So the ultimate question remains: Do good guys finish first?

“I think the answer to that is that the people who are the most honest about who they are, to themselves, are the people who finish first,” muses Turner. “If you’ve got a heart, it’s okay to show vulnerability and show that part of yourself.

“I think that’s what Gavin’s got in his court. He’s been open and honest about who he is this whole time.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... mooch.aspx

- Un impresionante transplante de corazón seguido por la desconexión del respirador de Charlie (ctv.ca):
Un impresionante transplante de corazón seguido por la desconexión del respirador de Charlie
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 27/07/2012 4:05:20 AM

It’s not every day you get to see a heart transplant, but when shooting the eighth episode of “Saving Hope,” the cast got to see just that, albeit with a rubber heart.

There was still just as much blood, and sutures and there was even a real life cardiac surgeon standing with the actors in scrubs.

“We were lucky enough to have Dr. Daniel Lodge come in,” gushes Julia Taylor Ross who plays surgical resident Maggie. “He’s a cardiac surgeon and he talked us through everything that we were doing and even did some of the hand doubling work, which was incredible to watch. It’s an awe-inspiring surgery.”

To prepare for the heart transplant surgery, Michelle Nolden, who plays Charlie’s ex-wife, cardiac surgeon Dawn Bell, ditched the textbooks and decided to head into an O.R.

“I actually went to see a quadruple bypass surgery and it blew my mind,” says Nolden, who stood right behind the operating surgeons. “I didn’t know if I was going to pass out, but I was fine. I was gob-smacked. It was amazing,” she gushes.

And, she admits, it didn’t feel all that much different than being on set. “They’ve paid so much attention to detail (on the ‘Saving Hope’ set), you really do feel like you’re in a hospital. Pretending is not a huge leap.”

And the surgery did more than just get Nolden ready for shooting the heart transplant scene, it inspired her. “It was one of the highlights, not just of the show, but of my career, being there to see open heart surgery. It was amazing.”

Alex vs. Dawn

Not only do Alex and Dawn go head to head over Charlie’s care in this episode, they also both scrub in on the heart transplant, making for some pretty intense tension in the operating room.

“It’s palpable!” says Taylor Ross. “It was really catty in just the right ways. It’s nice that it’s two people who are trying to save a life with this other story about what Charlie’s going through. It’s a whole bag of drama!”
“The actors are so good that if I didn’t know it was scripted, I would’ve thought it was real. They’re both so committed to it,” says Salvatore Antonio, who plays Victor, the scrub nurse. “Because of the history of these two, there’s so many layers of this surgeries!”

And the history and tension really comes to a head in this episode as Dawn decides to sign Charlie’s Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order. “Dawn decides to fight for the fact that Charlie should die with dignity, so she goes to the Consent and Capacity Board,” explains Nolden, but adds during the heart transplant surgery, they continue to fight even though they have to work together.

“I think it’s a recurring theme,” says Nolden. “They love or have loved the same man. I think they’re alike in a lot of ways.”

“I win the right to use Charlie’s DNR and we decide to pull the plug,” says Nolden. “It sounds like Dawn might be happy that she won, but I think it’s all just incredibly sad for everybody.”

What happens to Charlie now?

So what will happen to Charlie now that Dawn has insisted his ventilator be unplugged?

“I love the idea of watching and not knowing, even though I’m there at the readings (of each script),” says Taylor Ross. “But I’ve thought of things like (maybe) he turns into a beautiful angel,” she laughs.

“I will say that part of what this show is about is the human spirit and how that persists and prevails and I think we’ll probably see that with Charlie,” reflects Nolden.

Kristopher Turner, who plays Gavin, the psych resident, says, “Now it’s up to Charlie to step up. Though can you step up as a coma victim and get yourself out of it?” he asks with a laugh.

“I think there’s going to be more to this coma that what we know so far. I think what is really going on with Charlie will be revealed. And I suspect some surprises…”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... arlie.aspx

- Saving Hope Ep 109 SuperTrailer - Feat. Andy Brown Lovesick Lullaby :


- Saving Hope: Pulling The Plug *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: One Sweet Kiss *Web Extra*:


- Saving Hope: Who Is Dr. Lodge? *Web Extra*:


- Links de descarga del 1.08 "Heartsick":

- Ask Gavin (108) "Lightning Round" *Vlog*:


- Letters to Charlie #8:


- Música del 1.08 "Heartsick":

“Landslide” (Brianna Carpenter)

“Evil in the pines” (The British Columbians)

- Rátings:

1.08 "Heartsick" 2.863 million viewers, demo 0.6 on NBC & 1.7 millions viewers on CTV (TVbynumbers & CTVMedia.ca)

- More Stills 1.08 "Heartsick":

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- BTS "Heartsick":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope - Set Build Timelapse:


- HQ Stills 1.06 "The Great Randall":

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- HQ Stills 1.07 "Consenting Adults":

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- HQ Stills 1.08 "Heartsick":

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(thanks to lovedearest.com)

- Stills 1.10 "A New Beginning":

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(thanks to nbc)

- Ask Gavin (109) "Ask Maggie" *Vlog*:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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