"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La estrella de "Arrow" Stephen Amell Escala por un Muro en un Callejón de Downtown Vancouver (yvrshoots.com):
Otro día de grabación de Arrow. Otro día de escenas de especialista. Es todo acción sin parar para esta serie. Another day of filming of Arrow. El 8 de Agosto empezaron con el doble de Green Arrow subiendo por el muro de un callejón del centro, siendo rápidamente reemplazado por el mismo Green Arrow, Stephen Amell.

Arrow estuvo ensayando el día de antes, aunque no se ha podido ver de esto más que una foto que el mismo Amell colgó en su Facebook.

Después de que terminaran en el muro, se dirigieron a la salida del callejón para grabar a una escena en la que Stephen Amell corría a través de ella.

Después la acción se trasladó al interior de la Simon Fraser University Segal Graduate Business School junto al callejón para grabra otra escena nocturna coreografiada de lucha.

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http://yvrshoots.com/2012/08/arrow-star ... #more-5341

- Nuevo personaje recurrente para "Arrow" (SpoilerTV):
Y seguimos con el cásting de personajes de "Arrow"...

Al parecer, en el episodio 1.06 de la serie, veremos la introducción de un personaje con el nombre de "Jenny" que es una bella, pero mortal adversaria. Este personaje será recurrente.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/arrow- ... to-be.html?

- De tú a tú con Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen) Sobre Arrow (greenarrowtv):
GreenArrowTV’s Craig Byrne was recently able to sit down with Mr. Amell and talk about the show, covering topics not previously covered in the Comic-Con roundtable interview. A little bit of what Amell had to say, about upcoming villains on the show, can be found here; here’s what else we talked about.

One of the first topics that we discussed concerned Amell’s very frequent and enthusiastic interaction with fans, whether it’s on his official Facebook page (here) or on Twitter (here). “It’s super fun,” Stephen says. “It basically allows you to take a temperature of what people like. I don’t know exactly how to put it, other than to say it’s easy for me. I don’t begrudge anybody that doesn’t do it, but it feels like a part of my job, but a super enjoyable part of it. And those Q & A’s – and I’m going to do one with Colin [Donnell], and every cast member that I’ve talked to and invited to sit in, they were all like ‘yeah! Sure!’ All I have to do is post on my Facebook that I’m going to do a Q & A, pop open the laptop, get the scroll up there, click on Photobooth, record the video, upload it to Facebook, and it’s done. I do a 20 minute Q & A, and the whole thing takes 22 minutes. It’s really fun. I’d like to think that the people that are at my Facebook page and at my Twitter are not there by accident, so they are much more interactive than it would be if someone pushed 5,000 people my way, that were just there to be there. I don’t know how it’ll change going forward, but I hope it doesn’t,” he says.

One thing that fans may have spotted on Stephen’s Twitter stream was a recent photo of himself with a group of friends that included another Green Arrow – Justin Hartley, who played the role for five years on Smallville. Have the Arrows compared notes? “Not really character notes or anything like that, because you’ve seen the pilot, it’s incredibly different. It’s a very different world,” Stephen says. They do, however, have mutual friends, and as they both are shooting TV shows, they have talked a bit about the basics of that. Amell also points out that a lot of the Arrow crew worked on Smallville, so they have that in common as well. “He is a good guy. He had his Arrow, I have mine, and we’ll leave it a that,” Stephen says, not wanting to take away from anything Justin had done. In fact, Amell had not seen Smallville, and had not read any Green Arrow comics before getting cast… “but now, I’ve read almost everything,” Stephen assures.

The subject then turned to some of the characters that we will be seeing Oliver Queen interacting with — and since Amell mentioned Colin Donnell doing an upcoming Q & A on Facebook, that seemed like a good place to start. “I think that Colin Donnell as an actor, A, is so talented, but B, has so much potential, and C, most importantly, has the ability to make Merlyn like an all-time villain, if they decide to move in that direction,” Stephen says. “That, to me, is one of, if not the most exciting far-off elements of this show. I have no idea if that’s the plan. I have no idea.”

Although Merlyn and Oliver were best friends prior to Oliver’s disappearance, Oliver’s closest ally in the present day might be John Diggle (David Ramsey), a man hired to be his bodyguard that Oliver seems to have fun escaping from at every turn in the show’s pilot. Amell points out that there was more to that interaction than we see in the finished product that were cut from time, before explaining that relationship more. “Oliver has post-traumatic stress disorder. He has to, based on what he saw on the lifeboat, and what he’s going to see on the island. The first stuff that we shot on the island is brutal. You see me just get beaten down. And Diggle — [Oliver]‘s got to be able to lean on somebody, and I think that it’s going to be Diggle,” Amell says.

“In scenes with Diggle, it might seem that he’s a little bit inept in the pilot, but that’s because he thinks that I’m a spoiled rich kid,” he continues. He has no reason to anticipated that I have any sort of skills whatsoever. So once he became he becomes more prepared, then we’ll see his true capabilities.”

Colin Salmon plays Walter Steele, Oliver’s new stepfather. What is he like? “He’s great. He’s so proper,” Stephen says. “He’s just such a virtuous guy. We had some people over from the cast the other night, and he sang us a song that he wrote recently. He’s so involved with the state of the planet, and to listen to him talk… I can do it all day. It helps that he has this baritone voice and perfect English accent. He’s great.” It should be interesting to see how Oliver interacts with a man who has had such a large role with Queen Consolidated in Oliver’s time missing.

Finally, there’s Quentin Lance – Laurel’s father, and a possible thorn in the Arrow’s side. After an accident that we’ll learn about in the series premiere, Quentin has a lot to dislike about Oliver — though on the flip side, Stephen seems to think that Quentin and the Arrow might have some common goals. “I think that Quentin Lance is my ally,” Stephen reveals. “They are after the same thing. They’re just going about it in different ways. Now, that’s the Arrow-Lance relationship. The Oliver-Lance relationship is super important, because it’s critical that Oliver knows what he did, and he wouldn’t ever expect forgiveness, and probably, if he wasn’t being boisterous, would expect contempt. That’s so layered. I love acting with Paul Blackthorne. He was my favorite villain on 24. I have never been more excited for a casting, when I saw him get cast. More than anybody else on the show. I was geeking out! He really brings it. I love working with him,” Stephen says.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/greenarrowt ... rrow/11427

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Byron Mann se encontrará con "Arrow" (deadline.com):
Al parecer, un nuevo personaje aparecerá en "Arrow".

Deadline.com ha informado que el actor Byron Mann interpretará en un arco multiepisódico (papel recurrente) a un “enigmático hombre con una compleja conexión con Oliver Queen” en Arrow. No hay más detalles sobre quién será su personaje.

También comentan que “él también interpretó a un villano en…” otros cuantos proyectos, lo que quizá signifique es es definitivamente un villano.

Otros trabajos de Byron Mann incluyen el interpretar a Ryu en Street Fighter, aparecer en dos episodios de Smallville y en la película de Catwoman. Sus próximos proyectos incluyen algunos tales como "The Man With The Iron Fists".

http://www.deadline.com/2012/08/odette- ... cws-arrow/

- Nuevo trailer para "Arrow" (TVGuide):

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-New-T ... 6Tz6enmCPi

- Título del 1.05: "Damaged"

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 59
Registrado: Jue Sep 14, 2006 8:14 pm

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por ComoI »

sigo pensando que me gusta más para arrow nuestro querido justin :smt055 :smt055

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Da en el Blanco, y le echa el guante a John Barrowman (TVLine.com):
Arrow ha añadido una impresionante adición a sus filas. La estrella de "Torchwood" John Barrowman se une al elenco del nuevo drama se superhéroes de la CW en un papel recurrente, según han confirmado EW.com y TVLine.com.

Los productores no están contando mucho sobre este personaje, y tan sólo han revelado que interpretará a "un hombre bien vestido" que es "tan misterioso como rico... él es un conocido de la familia y una figura prominente de Starling City".

Podemos sospechar que el personaje puede ser de la mitología de Green Arrow, quizá alguien como el filántropo Stanley Dover, aunque sólo podemos esperar para descubrirlo...


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo Póster Art Oficial de la CW para "Arrow":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Está haciendo el cásting para "Manhunter" (greenarrowtv):
Ayer tarde (17 de Agosto del 2012), encontramos un interesante tweet por parte de la actriz Ashley Scott :
@iamAshleyScott: Reading for @DCComics show #Arrow today. So excited about stepping into Kate Spencer’s shoe’s.
(Leyendo para la serie de @DCComics show #Arrow hoy. Muy emocionada por meterme en la piel de Kate Spencer).
¿Por qué es interesante? En primer lugar, porque Ashley Scott interpretó a Helena/the Huntress en la corta adaptación de "Birds Of Prey" de la WB, serie que también tenía a Black Canary.

Y en segundo lugar, Kate Spencer es otro personaje del universo de DC Universe – Fiscal Federal de día, y la vigilante “Manhunter” el resto del tiempo. Esta versión del personaje apareció por primera vez en Manhunter #1 en el 2004. Marc Guggenheim de "Arrow" escribió para Manhunter en los últimos números de DC de la Justice Society Of America.

No obstante, aunque el tweet dice que hizo una lectura, no podemos asegurar que la actriz haya sido confirmada para el papel. Y, aunque Kate Spencer viniera a la serie, tampoco eso asegura que su alter ego escarlata aparezca en escena, aunque sigue siendo un genial recordatorio del enorme universo de DC con los que los productores de Arrow están jugando. Tampoco se ha mencionado cuándo podría aparecer Kate Spencer en el show, aunque por el tiempo de las audiciones, podríamos asumir que se trata del episodio 5 ó 6.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-is-ca ... nter/11465

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Los Miembros del Cast de Arrow Aparecerán en la "FanExpo Canada":
Si estáis en Toronto, Canadá, podréis ver el piloto de Arrow este domingo (26 de Agosto) a las 10:30am en la Sala 701 en un screening especial y una sesión de preguntas en la "FanExpo Canada". Está prevista la asistencia de los Actores Stephen Amell, Willa Holland, Colin Donnell, y Katie Cassidy, y habrá también una sesión de autógrafos en la cabina de la CTV.

Podéis encontrar más detalles sobre la "FanExpo" AQUÍ.

- 'Arrow' ya tiene a su "The Huntress" (EW.com):
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La serie Arrow de la CW ya tiene a otro personaje clásico de DC Comics — y el vigilante de Stephen Amell está consiguiendo un potencial interés amoroso.

El muy anticipado drama de acción ha añadido a The Huntress para un arco multiepisódico. Además, EW.com ha informado que la actriz australiana Jessica De Gouw será la encargada de dar vida al personaje.

Introducido en 1947, The Huntress es la protagonista de su propia serie de cómics de DC y han habido unas cuantas iteraciones del personaje a lo largo de los años. En Arrow se mostrará la versión más moderna cuyo alias es Helena Bertinelli. Es la hija de un jefe de la mafia que jura venganza después de que su familia sea vengada. Los cómics tuvieron a rondando el patio trasero de Batman de Gotham, pero podemos esperar a que Arrow mantenga a Bertinelli cerca de Oliver Queen en Starling City.

He aquí la descripción oficial del personaje: “Helena es un potencial interés amoroso para Oliver Queen; una compañera vigilante, centrada en destruir el imperio del crimer organizado de su padre. Pero la búsqueda ciega de venganza de Helena la pondrá en curso de colisión con Arrow.” Se espera que The Huntress aparezca alrededor del sexto episodio.


- Los productores de ARROW apuntan a la posibilidad de traer a Speedy a la serie (huffingtonpost.com):
Sabemos que varios de los personajes principales de los cómics de Green Arrow van a hacer su aparición en la próxima serie de supehéroes de la CW "Arrow", ¿pero qué pasa con el compañero de Oliver Roy "Speedy" Harper?

Durante el piloto Oliver se refiere a su hermana como Speedy, ¿Pero que pasa con Roy?

Los productores Marc Guggenheim y Andrew Kreisberg hablaron con el Huffinton Post sobre la posibilidad de que Speedy haga una aparición en la serie, y esto es lo que dijeron:

"Pienso que somos fans de los cómics y que somos fans de la rica herencia y legado del cómic. Pienso que descubriréis que va a haber más de la tradición de Green Arrow de los cómics en la serie de lo que incluso los más acérrimos fans de Green Arrow van a creer. Él está escogiendo sus nombres y sus verbis muy cuidadosamente. Seguid en antena. Hay una referencia a Speedy en el piloto," dice Kreisberg.

Él también añadió que están centrados en establecer los personajes con los que están actualmente trabajando y que es su intención el no sólo abrir el universo para los personajes de Green Arrow, sino al Universo DC como un todo también. Guggenheim intervino diciendo que está sorprendido por el número de preguntas que tienen sobre otros personajes de DC. Y también dijo que no es su intención el hacer una serie de superhéroes, sino más un drama criminal, y que ambos han tomado influencias del Caballero Oscuro de Nolan para la serie también.

También hablaron sobre otras cuestiones sobre otras influencias de los cómics o si tardaremos mucho o no en ver a "Black Canary". Podéis encontrar la entrevista al completo aquí:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/2 ... 15057.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por isma20 »

No me esperaba que trajesen a la cazadora... Habrá que ver como la adaptan. Parece que podría ser interesante y que la serie contará con gran variedad de personajes de DC.
Muchas gracias x las traducciones, Shelby! :wink:

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The CW - 20 Minute First Look Fall Preview:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/the-cw ... um=twitter

- The 'Arrow' de la CW juega con nuevas reglas: No super poderes, no se evitan los puñetazos, y no cameos de Clark Kent (zap-2-it):
The 'Arrow' de la CW juega con nuevas reglas: No super poderes, no se evitan los puñetazos, y no cameos de Clark Kent (zap-2-it)
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 23 de Agosto, 2012 5:53 PM ET

When it was first announced last winter that The CW would pursue a Green Arrow-centric pilot, the immediate buzz from DC fans and television fans alike was about "Smallville." After all, the long-running series featured Oliver Queen's Green Arrow, played by Justin Hartley, as a central character. Fans wondered whether they'd see their familiar Oliver and Chloe back on screen, when in fact Hartley wasn't considered to reprise his role in the new series, as it takes place in a completely different universe from the "Smallville" world we knew before.

Zap2it sat down with "Arrow" executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg recently to discuss the key differences between the shows -- and to get the inside scoop on the rules of their reimagined DC-based world. The new series stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen -- a very different, very damaged version of the billionaire playboy turned shadowy vigilante. Though we'd gotten comfortable with Hartley's version of the character, after seeing the first episode of "Arrow," it will be hard for fans to imagine anyone but Amell in the role.

It won't surprise you to hear that there was no conversation about comparisons to "Smallville" when Kreisberg and Guggenheim had early meetings with The CW about "Arrow."

"I mean, basically we went to the network, and we said, 'Here's our take,'" Kreisberg says. "It was so obvious that it wasn't like 'Smallville,' and there really was no discussion. In fact, David Nutter who shot the 'Smallville' pilot directed the 'Arrow' pilot. He also brought in Glenn Winter who was the DP and went on to direct several episodes of 'Smallville'. There was never any concern about it overlapping with 'Smallville' or being confused with 'Smallville' just because the take was just so different."

He goes on to explain that even in the writers' room, there's no concern about the story drifting too close or too far away from what fans have seen in previous years on The CW. "It really is all just Twitter, indeed," he says. "I mean, we talk about it in the sense that like, 'Oh, it would be fun to have Justin Hartley do a cameo on the show,' but that's pretty much the extent of the conversation. We'd love to nod to the original, but I think, honestly, the biggest nod is David and Glenn being involved the way they were involved in the pilot of Smallville. That's the biggest nod I can think of."

In fact, because of Nutter's ties to "Smallville," he was able to make some key changes to be sure that visually, the worlds feel very different -- even when there are unmistakable similarities. ("Smallville" fans will recognize the exterior of Oliver Queen's mansion -- it spent a decade in use as Lex Luthor's mansion.)

"One of the other things we were really blessed about with the beginning was that we kind of wrote this under the radar," adds Guggenheim. "There wasn't a big announcement in the press because we didn't want that explosion or expectations of 'Is this a 'Smallville' continuation? Why aren't you making a 'Smallville' continuation?' It is what is is, and people get to experience it fresh and clean."

arrow-stephen-amell-cw.jpgThere are two key differences between "Arrow" and "Smallville," lying in the fundamental rules of the show. The first is that unlike Clark Kent, the Green Arrow kills people. In the pilot, he snaps a man's neck to protect his secret identity, truly believing that the good he is doing by picking off Star City criminals outweighs the collateral damage.

The second major rule is that in "Arrow," nobody has superpowers. In his time away, Oliver has honed his skills to the point where he may seem superhuman, but he's really just an extraordinary human. Clark Kent won't be flying in with a cape and when and if the Black Canary turns up, she might have a very commanding tone -- but she won't have a siren scream.

Kreisberg says that the lack of superpowers doesn't limit the characters they can bring in from the DC universe, but it does give them license to change those characters. "What it does is it creates an opportunity for us to reinvent some characters and present them in a non-powers, grounded way," he explains.

Guggenheim adds that the Chris Nolan model for his Batman-based films has served them well. "Chris Nolan took Ra's al Ghul, somebody who in the comic books literally is immortal and has supernatural elements to his character, and presented him in a more grounded, realistic manner -- took his immortality and gave it a sort of real world twist in 'Batman Begins'," he says. "Same with Bane, who has superpowers in the comic books, is presented as just a man [in 'The Dark Knight Rises']."

That said -- don't get worried (or excited) about seeing a powerless Superman on "Arrow."

"I think as far as those big names like Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne and Hal Jordan and Diana Prince, we're going to shy away from that, especially because we really want to establish Oliver Queen as our hero and our lead," Guggenheim says. "We're not looking to do Justice League as our TV show. We're doing a show called 'Arrow,' which is about Oliver Queen. Anyone who comes into his world will be a supporting character. Those characters aren't supporting characters. Those are leads. So we'll be focusing more on supporting cast in the DC universe. People who come in and complement Oliver, not overtake him."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... ameos.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The CW - "20 Minute First Look Fall Preview" Screencaps:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes de "Arrow" en la FanExpo de Canadá (23-26/08/12):

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- CW's Arrow Panel-FanExpo '12:


- Katie Cassidy talks 'Arrow' and the Oliver/Laurel relationship (examiner.com):


"Katie Cassidy has some big shoes to fill on The CW’s new superhero drama, Arrow. As Dinah “Laurel” Lance, she is not only the long-lost true love to Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), but she is also a pretty iconic superhero in her own right, alias the Black Canary. The pilot episode of Arrow does not explore Laurel’s own vigilante side (though we imagine the season will get to that sooner rather than later), it does set up the Oliver/Laurel relationship as the heart of the show".

“It’s Oliver’s journey, but Laurel is very much a part of Oliver’s journey, and vice versa…They sort of are doing the same thing in a different way. Their hearts are in the same place,”

“You’ll get bits and pieces—a little taste of Laurel [in the first few episodes]”

Video: VIDEO INTERVIEW with Katie Cassidy ('Arrow')

“You’ll get bits and pieces—a little taste of Laurel [in the first few episodes],” she continued, previewing.

“The two worlds sort of come together: the action world and the corporate world. You get to see a lot of them sort of interacting with one another. You see they’re trying to move forward. They’re not necessarily forgetting; you see the struggle that Laurel’s having. She wants him in her life, but she doesn’t know how to fit him in without lashing out [to deal] with these things that she’s feeling.”

According to Cassidy, she and Amell worked out that their versions of Oliver and Laurel “grew up together; they were best friends into lovers. He was her first everything.”

“I think she sees how much potential he has and how good he can be. They move each other. I think she moves him, and she’s real with him and honest with him, and I’m not sure a lot of people are. And so I feel like the two of them are meant to be together, it’s just a matter of—there’s a lot that’s in their way,” Cassidy considered.

http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-s ... hing-video

- Título y primeros detalles del Episodio 1.06 de Arrow:
El episodio 1.06 de Arrow, al parecer tendrá por título "Legacies".

En él podermos ver a Derek (el Rey de Diamentes)

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/08/arrow- ... ippet.html

- Arrow : Red Carpet Interview:


- ARROW ENTREVISTA EXCLUSIVA con el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg (comicbookmovie.com):
COMIC BOOK MOVIE: One big difference I notice about this show is that in the old comics and cartoons, Green Arrow used to shoot arrows with little boxing gloves on them, but in here you’ve got sequences where there are corpses laying there with arrows protruding from out of them. Is that risky at all? Normally your hero is not going to, even with bad guys, leave them with arrows sticking out of their dead bodies.

ANDREW KREISBRERG: We were just talking in the writer’s room yesterday that that’s another difference between Green Arrow and Batman. The Dark Knight movies make it really clear that there is a line that Batman will not cross, and that is to take a life. We very clearly and very early on establish that our version of Green Arrow doesn’t have such limitations. Is it risky? I don’t know. Honestly we don’t think, “Hey, this is risky, let’s do this” or, “Hey, this is risky, let’s not do this.” I think that’s very dangerous. I think the goal should always be tell the best story you can, be true to that story and don’t think about the risk or the reward, because that just gets in the way of you telling the best story possible. Is it risky? Maybe, but it’s not something that we’re factoring in to our creative decision making. We’re trying to do right by the property and the character.

COMIC BOOK MOVIE: Let’s face it, when you have a guy shooting arrows at people, there are going to be corpses with arrows sticking out of them, so I applaud it.

ANDREW KREISBERG: We don’t think of this as a superhero show, we think of this as a show about a hero and we think about it as a crime drama. A lot of our touchstones for the character were more Jason Bourne and Ethan Hunt from Mission Impossible; those characters that kill when necessary. Oliver is not a murderer, but if deadly force is called for, he will use it.

COMIC BOOK MOVIE: Stephen Amell did this great job of showing two versions of Oliver Queen, but in your mind who is Oliver Queen/Green Arrow? What kind of character is this man?

ANDREW KREISBERG: Honestly that’s the answer we don’t want to give. To us that’s the engine of the show. One of the things we said from the beginning was the show is kind of a mystery; it’s a procedural and the mystery happens to be Oliver Queen. We don’t want to spoil the answer to all those questions in an interview, because that’s really what the series is about, and our hope is that people will tune in to the series to get the answers on who exactly is this guy and what makes him tick. In the first episode we give you a hint, sort of the first chapter of a much larger story in the evolution of how this male Paris Hilton evolves into this cold-blooded fighting crusader. The series will continue the flashbacks that we leave off in the pilot, which is approaching the island; we want people tuning in to see how that transformation takes place. Even in the second episode, we start to deal directly with the question of who is Oliver Queen and of the four different iterations of Oliver Queen you see in the pilot, which is the real one? Who is the true man? We want to let the series answer that question rather than us doing it with a sound bite.

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ ... 5DXUQcH.99

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Arrow", "Beauty and the Beast", "Emily Owens MD" en las "Paley Center’s Fall TV Preview Parties":
The Paley Center for Media celebrará de nuevo este año sus “Fall TV Preview Parties”, que incluirán algunas sesiones de preguntas con los miembros de varias series.

He aquí la nota de prensa:


La serie anual de una semana de duración abierta al público de Screenings y Paneles Celebrando la temporada de otoño de TV de las cadenas NBC, CBS, the CW, FOX y ABC.

Beverly Hills, CA, 9 de Agosto, 2012 – The Paley Center for Media presentará el anual PaleyFest: Fall TV Preview Parties, Del 5-11 al 11 de Septiembre en The Paley Center for Media en Beverly Hills. El evento de una semana de duración ofrecerá screenings libres para las muy anticipadas series de la temporada de otoño antes de que salgan al aire. T

The Paley Center for Media, junto con su compañera de medios de este año, TV Guide Magazine, serán los anitriones de las siguientes series y cadenas: NBC: The New Normal, Go On, Revolution, Animal Practice, Chicago Fire y Guys with Kids; CBS: Partners, Elementary, Vegas y Made In Jersey; the CW: Arrow, Emily Owens, M.D., y Beauty and the Beast; FOX: Ben and Kate, The Mindy Project, The Mob Doctor, New Girl y Raising Hope; ABC: Scandal, Malibu Country, The Neighbors y Nashville.

El 2012 PaleyFest: Fall TV Preview Parties, es la celebración anual del Paley Center de la temporada de otoño de la televisión que mostrará fiestas de preview libres durante una semana de duranción, con cada noche dedicada a una cadana. Los eventos incluirán una sesión interactiva de preguntas y respuestas con varios miembros del elenco y del equipo creativo que participa en las series, además de muchos screenings previos en su totalidad. Los Screenings y las fiestas son libres, y se proporcionarán aperitivos y bebidas. Los asientos serán proporcionados por orden de llegada. Los Screenings se mostrarán en varias áreas de reproducción incluyendo el Paley Center’s John H. Mitchell Theater, el Paley Center rooftop lounge, y el Bell Gallery lounge. La admisión es gratuita, pero se requiere confirmación de la asistencia. Los miembros del Paley Center y el público en general pueden hacer su confirmación en paleycenter.org.


CW | Sábado, 8 de Septiembre

4:00 PM: Apertura de puertas

5:00 PM: CW Preview Screening: Arrow

5:45 PM: CW Preview Panel en el que estarán presentes miembros del elenco y del equipo creativo de Arrow (la estrella Stephen Amell y los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, y Andrew Kreisberg. Rob Moynihan de TV Guide Magazine moderará el evento.)

6:45 PM: Screenings: Emily Owens, M.D., Beauty and the Beast

Un stream en vivo del evento podrá encontrarse AQUÍ, empezando a las 5:45PM.

Los tickets para atender al evento pueden comprarse AQUÍ.

- Los productores de Arrow Adelantan lo que los espectadores pueden esperar de la serie (givememyremote.com):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKl7eN1xP-Y (David Nutter)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knf10vxUrVY (Andrew Kreisberg)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYom7F0YLrU (Marc Guggenheim)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados los créditos del episodio 6 de Arrow “Legacies”:
Gracias a Marc Guggenheim, en Twitter, ahora sabemos la información del escritor/director del episodio 6 de Arrow que se titulará “Legacies.”

Es episodio está escrito por Guggenheim y Moira Kirland, y el director del mismo es John Behring.

Hoy fue el primer día de rodaje.

https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 760713728/

- Arrow : Katie Cassidy Interview (CW):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Screencaps de un nuevo trailer:

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- Nuevas imágenes de Amell en EW Magazine:

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- Kristin Kreuk junto a Stephen Amell en el último número de "Glamour Magazine":

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(Thanks to Dee)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
