Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville


Mensaje por heli »

eso de que la CW ordene 3 ep más es bueno, no? a ver si piden temporada completa como con arrow jeje


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Supongo que esperarán a ver cómo siguen los rátings para decidir hacer una temporada completa o una mid season... Habrá que esperar para averiguarlo... :smt102

- Beauty and the Beast - EPK - BTS - 3:12:

- Beauty and the Beast - EPK - Soundbites - 6:42:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos pósters promocionales:

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- Nuevas imágenes promocionales del "Mondo" Shoot":

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- Stills del episodio 1.05 "Saturn Returns":

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- CW dinner party (23-10-12):

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- Scan de Hello Magazine (Oct 2012):


- Imágenes BTS:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk no se arrepiente de dejar 'Smallville' pero está contenta de regresar a la TV (zap2it):
Kristin Kreuk no se arrepiente de dejar 'Smallville' pero está contenta de regresar a la TV
Por Jay Bobbin 25 de Octubre, 2012 2:00 PM ET

Zap2it: ¿Eres fan de la anterior serie de televisión de "Beauty and the Beast" que protagonizaron Linda Hamilton y Ron Perlman?

Kristin Kreuk: En realidad no vi mucho la serie. Creo que era demasiado joven, y tampoco tenía TV. Aunque he visto pedacitos de ella, y me gustan los temas tras "Beauty and the Beast." En la versión de Disney y en la de los cuentos, el mensaje es realmente bonito y humano, y creo que es importante para nosotros el contar esa historia.

Zap2it: ¿Cuál, específicamente, son esos temas que te atraen?

Kristin Kreuk: Está el aspecto de de que la gente son diferentes de lo que aparentan -- de que hay más en ellos de lo que percibes -- y esa bondad es algo interno que no necesariamente es reflejada externamente.

El otro elemento que adoro de nuestra versión es, ¿qué son la "bella" y "bestia" de todas formas? ¿Cómo existen en cada uno de nosotros? ¿Cómo es que nuestras elecciones reflejan en lo que nos convertimos? Ninguno de nosotros somos completamente buenos o malos; somos humanos, y es importante para nosotros el abrazar todos los aspectos de nosotros mismos.

Zap2it: ¿Cómo miras atrás a tu decisión de dejar tu papel de Lana Lang en "Smallville" cuando lo hiciste?

Kristin Kreuk: Estaba muy preparada para cambiar. La TV es difícil; una serie de una hora, en un papel protagonista especialmente... No sé cómo Tom (Welling, quien interpretaba a Clark Kent) lo hizo durante 10 años, para ser sincera. Es un largo camino, pero las mujeres que están llevando ahora esta serie son fantásticas. Y el estar en un grupo de mujeres tan fuertes, es algo que siempre quise hacer.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... ville.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville


Mensaje por heli »

Otra ronda de links para Shelby jejeje, ep 3 sin subs:

(Editado por Shelby: Te mando los links al subforo de las descargas)


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Si es que vales tu peso en oro, gracias de nuevo :smt058 :smt058

Bueno, a la espera de los links de los episodios con los subtítulos integrados, os dejo los links en inglés, los subtítulos y los rátings del 1.03 "All in" AQUÍ

- Beauty and the Beast Extended Promo 1x04 - Basic Instinct [HD]:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville


Mensaje por heli »

de nada otra vez jeje no me cuesta nada hacerlo, aprovecho ya que me despierto temprano jajaja y así colaboro un poco en el foro :)


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Y yo te lo agradezco :wink:

- Descripción oficial del 1.06 "Worth":
1.06 "Worth": Después de que parezca que ha sido plantada por Vincent (Jay Ryan), Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) se pregunta si es porque él la vio besando a Evan (Max Brown) en su cumpleaños. En realidad, Vincent misteriosamente se desmayó en su camino para encontrase con Catherine, y ahora está buscando respuestas. El caso de Catherine la empuja en el sofisticado mundo del arte escénico del SoHo. Cuando Vincent descubre a Catherine totalmente arreglada para ir a la inauguración de una galería — con Evan — él tiene que admitir que sus sentimientos por ella están haciéndose más fuertes. Mientras tanto Evan hace conocidos sus sentimientos por Catherine, dejando a Catherine dividida entre dos pretendientes muy diferentes. Kevin Fair dirige el episodio escrito por Allison Moore (#106).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/17296

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville


Mensaje por heli »

además después de tar 5 años registrao ya era hora de aportar algo y ya que el foro ta en epocas bajas no viene mal algo de ayuda asi que si necesitas algo me lo pides y me las ingenio pa encontrar cositas jejeje

no se si será cosa mía pero a no ser que cambien un poco con las tramas de la serie esto va a durar poco, no avanzan con la historia entre Cath y Vincent, la trama policíaca es prácticamente la misma en todos los capítulos.... no se yo como acabará esto y es una pena si la cancelan porque me gusta, aunque sea solo porque sale Kristin


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

En realidad es que al quitar el elemento de la moraleja básica (ir más allá del exterior de las personas y realmente darle más valor a su interior) y en su lugar poner, como es habitual en la CW, a una bestia que es un 'hot guy' pues ya le resta casi el 50% a la historia, al menos para mí...

Pero bueno, ya se verá...

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1x04 - Basic Instinct:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville


Mensaje por heli »

y para mí otro de los grandes fallos a sido el que ella supiera que el era la bestia tan pronto, no se. yo lo hubiera puesto en un capitulo más avanzado, que solo llevamos 4 y ella ya sabe que el es la bestia, todos sabemos que van a acabar liaos... le falta algo de chicha, pero bueno, aunque se convierta en un truño yo voy a seguir viéndolo, todo sea por ver a Kristin jaja


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Jejejejejejeje... ¡por supuesto! ¡La de truños que habré visto yo ya, sólo por nuestros actores! :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville


Mensaje por heli »

yo muchos truños no, porque tampoco he visto muchas pelis donde salgan actores de SV. por ejemplo de kristin he visto Snow White, que también sale Shawn Ashmore que salió en 2 capis de SV y es hermano de aaron ashmor que hizo de jimmy olsen y la leyenda de chun-li que aunque no fuera un gran homenaje al personaje de street fighter a mi me gustó como lo hizo ella. De Tom las típicas de los 12 que tampoco es que el hiciera un papelón jajaja y La Niebla que ahí si me gustó mucho. De Erica solo vi una que escucha unas conversaciones por teléfono y se aram la de mi madre y me gustó. De michael rosenbaum no me acuerdo de muchas pero creo que me gustaron jaja. De John Glover solo recuerdo los gremlins jaja y de Allison y Justin no recuerdo ninguna...


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk habla sobre Beauty and the Beast y el triángulo amoroso que no lo es (fanhattan.com):
In Beauty and the Beast, Kristin Kreuk plays cop Catherine Chandler. Her mother was killed in front of her years ago and she was saved by a mysterious man. That man, Vincent (Jay Ryan), is the Beast in our tale. I got a chance to chat with Kreuk during a break in filming about the love triangle that isn’t, whether or not Evan (Max Brown) will become a bad guy and what’s coming in tonight’s episode.

Q: How does it feel being back on TV?

Kristin Kreuk: It’s good! It’s nice because we’re in Toronto. I went down to LA when we had a little break around Canadian Thanksgiving and those billboards there are kind of crazy. It’s good. It’s a lot of work. It’s my life now, which is such a funny and strange thing about our job.

Q: Every time I go out driving, I see your face.

Kreuk: [laughs] It’s crazy, right?

Q: I waved! Tell me a little about Catherine and how she’s going to evolve over the season.

Kreuk: We know the basics. She is this really interesting young woman. Her mother is murdered in front of her when she’s nineteen years old. And really decides that it’s her fault, even though it obviously is not her fault. But she feels like she could have done something. Like she could have changed it. Everyone in her family’s lives are affected by it. She takes the whole thing on herself and takes on roles of control in her life. So as a cop, as a detective. Even with her sister. Everything she does is making sure everything is okay for everybody. As the season goes on, you kind of see her in some ways loosen up as she gets to know Vincent. They develop a relationship together. In many ways, they understand each other. It feels really safe, even though it’s scary. They care about each other and that’s scary sometimes. I think you see her kind of come to terms with, to a certain degree, what happened to her mother. She also learns more about what actually happened. But she gets kind of silly. Catherine is kind of awkward around men. [laughs] As much as she can turn it on for a case, she doesn’t date very well. She chooses weird guys. She’s very much a girl. She’s great with her career, but she can’t make a relationship work.

Evan will become a threat to Catherine and Vincent, and in a way that’s really interesting because she cares about him so much.

Q: I love the relationship between Catherine and her sister. Are we going to see that evolve in any way?

Kreuk: Yeah, we’re actually shooting an episode right now — I love Nicole (Gale Anderson) who plays Heather. She is so fun. She’s like a ray of light. She’s just the sweetest creature ever. And I love their relationship because Heather didn’t take on the murder the way that Catherine did. And Heather is so bright and she parties and she goes out with guys. Catherine is just not what Heather is. So we get to see them get closer and stuff starts to happen with Catherine. What we’re shooting right now — there is a big cliff hanger at the end of this episode. Heather witnesses something. Also, Heather may or may not have a crush on someone in Catherine’s life, which is interesting later on.

Q: Well, let’s just jump right into the love triangle. How are the relationships going to develop?

Kreuk: Well, it’s interesting because Evan in Catherine’s life — he’s a really good friend. And they have kind of a rapport together that she really enjoys. It feels safe for her and they obviously care about each other. Evan, I think, may care more about Catherine than she does about him. But the love triangle is a triangle, but it isn’t a triangle because nobody’s together! [laughs] So it’s more like — Evan will become a threat to Catherine and Vincent, and in a way that’s really interesting because she cares about him so much. And she has to start lying to him all the time. And he is really on Vincent’s trail. And he’s discovering things she doesn’t want him to discover. She has to start lying to the person she cares about to protect the other person that she cares about. It gets kind of messy for her. He’s smart. He’s not just going to let stuff go. So it really comes to a head and he finds out a whole bunch of stuff.

Q: Is there a possibility that he becomes the enemy at some point?

Kreuk: At this point I’m not sure. It could go any way. All I know for now is that he’s the one who’s known about the cross-species DNA for a while. He has something happen later on in episode 6 or 7 that will put us back on trail of trying to figure out who this creature is.

Q: Are we going to see Catherine’s dad at any point?.

Kreuk: Yes. Dad comes in pretty soon because he’s getting married. You’ll meet dad in the sixth episode. He’s quite important as well.

Q: A Twitter fan of the show asked if there is any significance to the ring that you wear on the index finger of your right hand every week.

Kreuk: Oh, that’s so funny! Yeah, I wanted to have Catherine have one of her mom’s rings. She wears it all the time. It’s a reminder of her mother and I just decided that on the pilot. Catherine wears it all the time and it’s just always reminding her of what happened to her mom. She carries all her responsibility and her love with that ring. I love that someone noticed it.

Q: How dark is the show going to go?

Kreuk: You know, our show is really interesting because we jump between really dark story lines and sometimes straight comedy. Today is comedy. Pure comedy all day. It’s really light. It’s really banter-y. And then you’ll jump. At the base of this is a guy who was at war. He went through a horrifying experience. There is the darkness of that and all the Muirfield stuff mixed with some really light, fun and playful things. You’re really going to see what happened to Vincent — oh yeah, and this episode, this week, you learn way more about how violent he really is, and what he’s capable of, and that’s going to escalate in the next two to three episodes, where you really see that Vincent may not be in control of this and people may not be safe around him.

http://blog.fanhattan.com/2012/11/01/ex ... that-isnt/

- Jay Ryan Disecciona Su 'Bestia' (TheInsider.com):
One of the most crucial elements to Beauty and the Beast's mythology is that, at times, "Belle" is scared of "The Beast." That element comes into play heavily with tonight's all new episode of The CW's Beauty and the Beast as Catherine learns some very unsettling facts about Vincent's past.

TheInsider.com scored an exclusive clip from the episode, titled Basic Instinct, and caught up with Jay Ryan to talk about Vincent's evolution, what's next for the character and if Evan is this version's "Gaston."

TheInsider.com: The last time we spoke, you only had the pilot under your belt. Looking at the show now, what do you think about it?
Jay Ryan: I feel like, especially with tonight's episode, the series really finds its feet and delves into that mythology of Vincent's backstory. And that's what's always excited me about the project, from the time I opened the pilot script. So now that I feel like we've laid down the foundation of the series, we can start to explore that more. Things start to unravel a bit tonight, which gives room for Vincent and Catherine to forge a romantic relationship a little more.

Insider.com: Is tonight's episode flashback-heavy, then?
Jay: No, not at all. The episode is really Vincent's greatest fear because Muirfield really nails down Catherine as a target and lures Vincent back to the lair where he was created. In the first few episodes, we've seen Vincent's sense of safety and Catherine bringing in these opportunities for him to relive who he used to be, so in tonight's episode he comes across a young man who's been badly beaten. Vincent delivers him to the hospital, and does what he can, but then he takes the case to Catherine only to discover that Catherine has, all of a sudden, gone very cold on him. As he delves in deeper, he realizes that she's very fearful of him because that Muirfield has knocked on her door.

Insider.com: How much does Silverfox play into that?
Jay: Silverfox is the man behind the curtain that pushes the button. So in the world of the beasts he's God really. He can create them and he can also destroy them. Now, Vincent is very tactical and I think Vincent believes that he can outplay his creator. But he knows how dirty this man is, and he worries that Catherine doesn't know these kind of tactics. She plays it by the book a lot, but in his world, it's very underhanded combat. Silverfox is a huge threat because of that and in Vincent's mind, Silverfox may possibly need to be taken out altogether.

Insider.com: As we saw in last week's episode, Catherine seems able to soothe Vincent's beastly tendencies. Are you saying that won't always be the case?
Jay: We always wanna keep that high stakes element where Vincent could, at any time, flip out and wrongfully attack Catherine. But she definitely holds the key to his humanity. And she does have a calming element on him. And for me, that's the connection with Catherine, and Catherine's mother, who possibly had something to do with his creation as the beast. So there's something about these female Chandlers that can create beasts but also calm them.

Insider.com: When do we get more information about the death of Catherine's mother?
Jay: The following episode is a lot about that whole mystery. Vincent is honest with Catherine, but he's holding all these secrets from her just hoping they'll never arise. But the visit from Muirfield definitely laid it all on the table.

Insider.com: The show seems to be setting up Evan as a possible alternate romance for Catherine, is he the "Gaston" of the show?
Jay: I definitely think that love triangles are golden TV bible stuff, so that is definitely gonna be put into our story. And he poses a great threat for Vincent on an emotional level amongst all this chaos and violence because when you throw another player in there for Catherine's affections, it's really interesting to see how Vincent deals with that emotionally. There's also his identity, which can be very easily taken from him, and Evan is putting pieces together.

Insider.com: Looking ahead, what are you excited for the audience to see after tonight's episode?
Jay: I'm really excited to continue building off of Vincent's origins because that's the past ten, fifteen years of his life before he became the beast. Where are all those people from his life? How is he keeping away from family members, ex-lovers, or fiancees, maybe? All of that stuff starts to be revealed. And as Catherine and Vincent's relationship heats up, those characters may just come up to pose a threat. His past may catch up with him.

Video: http://insdr.co/VGkadn

http://www.theinsider.com/tv/56803_Jay_ ... index.html

- Kristin Kreuk es interrogada en "Beauty and the Beast" (AccessHollywood.com):
Kristin Kreuk increased The CW's army of butt-kicking females when her new drama, "Beauty and the Beast," premiered last month.

The debut episode of the reimagined 1980s series had Kristin's Catherine Chandler, a smart New York City detective, taking down two secret agents bent on killing her (Nikita - need some backup?), before her ally and secret protector - Vincent Keller (Jay Ryan) - swooped in and took out the third.

Slotted in right after "Vampire Diaries," at 9/8c on Thursday nights, the show has gone head-to-head in the ratings with two election debates. But for post-debate newcomers looking for a little drama, tonight's the night to tune in. Muirfield, the secret group that conducted the experiments that turned soldier (and doctor) Vincent into a "Beast," is about to come into the light - and into play, challenging Catherine's growing feelings for Vincent. Kristin told AccessHollywood.com what to expect, and how she's handling her physically intensive role.

VIDEO: http://watch.accesshollywood.com/video/ ... 7634617001

AccessHollywood.com: Poor you in this series -- you're sliding under fences in the dirt, you're running all the time. We're you surprised at how physical this role ended up being?

Kristin Kreuk: I was... We really established Catherine in the first four episodes as someone who is capable of physically taking care of herself, which is great for her dynamic as a person because it makes sense that she would do that. But it's been fun. I like that she's not prissy - a detective wouldn't be. You'd get under the fence like, 'Who cares if you're gonna get dirty?' Right?

Access: When I talked to your co-star Jay at the beginning of the season -- and he considers Vincent to be very physical - we talked about how he started buying fitness magazines, got a trainer, and a new diet. You've always been physically fit, but did you ramp up your routine somehow?

Kristin: No, not really (laughs). I am pretty physically fit and capable to a certain degree and I just work out. I don't do as much yoga as I did before because it's harder to get to classes because I'm more at the gym than I was before, which changes my physicality to a certain degree... For him, it's a different thing because he's a super soldier and his DNA is supposed to be crazy animal like, so it makes sense for him to really change the shape of his body. For me, I wanted to make myself a little more muscular looking, but that was it.

Access: Every episode I think you're running at least three times.

Kristin: The episode where Nina [Lisandrella, who plays Catherine's partner, Tess] and I have this massive chase scene -- I think it was the first episode after the pilot -- I was sore for two weeks. We were sprinting so fast for so long, the two of us were like, 'What is happening!' It was the middle of summer... How often do you sprint, like really sprint? Since high school I haven't sprinted.

Access: Last week, Vincent gave Catherine his cell phone number, which due to his fears over Muirfield, is only active for three days. Does that mean he's into her, at least for a short period of time?

Kristin: For three days! I think that, for her, it means he trusts her, and that's a big deal for her.

Access: In a normal relationship, that's probably a deal breaker.

Kristin: Yes, it would be, but in their circumstances, it's a leap of faith, although he has been following her for 10 years, so he knows her pretty well. For her, he's saying that he trusts her -- and that's really important -- and that he wants to continue to relate with her, which is also very important to her because she cares about him a lot.

Access: Do you think he kind of wants to spend time with her because she's the only girl he's had interactions with in the last five years? He can't exactly date.

Kristin: From Catherine's perspective, God, I hope not (laughs)! Like, 'I only want to hang out with you because you're the only girl that talks to me,' would suck for her. I can't answer it from his perspective, [but] from her perspective, there's so much that goes on with her relationship to Vincent and it's tangled in so many traumatic experiences and fears and hopes and he's mixed up in all of that for her.

Access: So, the secret group Muirfield that turned Vincent into a super soldier -- this week they are going to try and use Catherine to get to Vincent. She's smart enough to know these people aren't trustworthy, right?

Kristin: Yeah, she knows they're not trustworthy and she knows that they're involved in some way in her mother's murder. She doesn't know the full thing yet. But that's part of Catherine's weakness - is that anything that has to do with her mom and what happened to her mom has been her motivating factor for 10 years and I think that this episode, they're going to try and use her against Vincent and you'll see how that happens exactly. But she struggles between her heart, which says, 'This is a good man,' and, 'He's a victim in many ways; he's like her mom,' [and then] they provide her with all this information [where she thinks], 'There's also all these things he does that aren't OK.'

Access: How dangerous are they to her or is she somewhat protected because she's a high profile detective?

Kristin: She's not protected in any way. [They are a] big organization that they could make something happen and no one would know... She is definitely not safe and neither is anyone in her life. Catherine has been -- for the last few episodes -- kind of naive to all of this and it's becoming more and more clear to her that they're really a scary group of people and it's important to take them seriously.

Access: Speaking of taking people seriously, when I did talk to Jay, I remember he said all of the guys on set -- their jaws drop open when they see you do fight scenes. Are you aware of this?

Kristin: No! I don't know if that's true. I think Jay is exaggerating.

Access: He seemed sincere when he said it -- and awestruck! Are you noticing the crew guys get nervous around you?

Kristin: No, I'm a goofball. Like I can turn it on and do the fight scene, but ultimately I'm pretty silly, so I don't think anyone feels threatened by me. I think that sometimes people have certain expectations and when you don't meet them, they're kind of like, 'Whoa! What the heck just happened?' And I think that maybe that this is the case [here]. I'm not sure (laughs).

http://tv.yahoo.com/news/beauty-beast-q ... 06138.html

- Beauty and the Beast Extended Promo 1x05 - "Saturn Returns" [HD]:

- New Promo Poster:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.06 "Worth":

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- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1x05 - Saturn Returns:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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