"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Ladies of ARROW Get Feisty with Newsarama:

http://www.newsarama.com/common/media/v ... rrow_girls

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow : 5.2 Questions For Stephen Amell:

- David Ramsey adelanta la nueva relación entre Diggle & 'Arrow' (examiner.com):
Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) took a major risk in Arrow when he chose to bring Diggle (David Ramsey) into his secret hideaway to save him from one of Deadshot's poisoned bullets. He could have saved Diggle and dropped him off on the street somewhere, but instead, he sat with and watched over his friend to ensure a proper recovery. And that resulted in Diggle learning Oliver's secret, which now puts Diggle in the precarious position of what to do with the knowledge.

But don't worry, Arrow fans, you won't have to wait long to see what Diggle decides. In the next all-new episode, "An Innocent Man", Diggle takes a second to process what he witnessed and ask himself a few key questions before ultimately joining Oliver in what Ramsey himself called a partnership.

"The questions that he asks himself: is this the right thing to do? Should he be doing this? He makes the decision, and he tells Oliver why he makes the decision," Ramsey told LA TV Insider Examiner when we caught up with him earlier today.

"There’s something that Diggle makes clear to Oliver when he joins him in that he’s not going to be just a 'yes man.' Diggle is a soldier, and he takes the sense of what’s right very seriously. He does agree with Oliver in the sense that the city does need help and law enforcement can’t do everything, but it doesn’t always prove to be just. He doesn’t always agree with the way that Oliver does things. He’s there to be a moral compass in a lot of ways."

Click here for your first look at Diggle and Arrow training together.

Since Diggle comes from the Starling City world, he is very much a regular guy who will serve to constantly remind Oliver of his own humanity and challenge some of his seemingly rash decisions to take down the bad guys at any and all costs.

"I think Diggle is a lot slower to kill in general," Ramsey, who shared he is personally more closely aligned with Diggle's views than Oliver's, said.

"I don’t agree wholeheartedly with capital punishment. I believe in the justice system in terms of people being judged by their peers, but I don’t think that we’ve evolved to a place where we can judge a person and say ‘You must deserve death'...But I think Oliver needs that; I think Oliver needs a person that will say something to make him reconsider it. I think that helps the show; it helps the argument in terms of what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s ethical and what isn’t. And I think it helps Oliver’s development as a person because he has turned into someone else on that island, and he has to be reminded how the person he has become fits into this world he has returned to."

Ramsey also pointed out that Diggle won't be pressuring Oliver to tell his secret to anyone else, nor will Diggle himself be sharing the news with loved ones, despite the danger in which they could find themselves.

"He understands the need to be covert," Ramsey noted.

"As the series goes forward, there are consequences to each of their actions…there are people from each of their lives who are put in harm’s way. [But Diggle]’s never been afraid to put himself in harm’s way. He’s a guy who lives on the grenade. In terms of sacrificing his own life for what’s right, he’s been doing it since he was thirteen years old and decided he wanted to be a soldier…He doesn’t question that. But there will be some re-examining of his decision based on what is done to his extended family and the people he cares about."

http://www.examiner.com/article/david-r ... artnership

- David Ramsey de Arrow Sobre el cómo Diggle sabiendo el secreto de Oliver 'Eleva la serie' (TVLine.com):
Arrow‘s secret is out! Now that Oliver’s bodyguard has learned that his charge is a hooded vigilante, Diggle will have to make some big decisions about what to do with that information in this Wednesday’s episode (The CW, 8/7c), his portrayer, David Ramsey tells TVLine. Below, the actor talks about making Oliver accountable and whether someone else will learn about Ollie’s hidden identity.

TVLINE | To date, how would you describe Diggle’s relationship with Oliver? What did he think Oliver was up to during his absences?
Diggle, being the cautious, observant person that he is, nderstands that there’s much more to Oliver than meets the eye. If you remember, he threw the knife across the room and saved his life in one of the episodes. … He got out of the car while Diggle was driving in a way that’s humanly impossible. So Diggle’s antennas are up, and he’s very suspicious that Oliver could be hiding something. But all of that, as you can see at the end of Episode 3, will come out at the beginning of Episode 4. Diggle’s going to have to make a decision about what Oliver has revealed to him.

TVLINE | I understand this week’s episode marks a big step in shedding the secrecy between their characters. He is propositioned by Oliver. He’s told that he was brought here for a reason and that Oliver has a great deal of respect for him. Oliver can’t do it all alone. Ultimately, he needs him. And Diggle has to make a decision about that and what he’s going to do with that information.

TVLINE | So how does Oliver feel about someone knowing his secret?
Ultimately, Oliver does realize it’s a good thing for him. … Oliver realizes his limitations in trying to be faithful to his father and getting rid of the people in the book and how that can be done and stay secret at the same time. So he needs help. When he reaches out to Diggle, it’s something that’s planned. He thinks this is the best thing for him.

TVLINE | Does Diggle become the “Alfred” to Arrow’s Batman? Not so much a sidekick, but a confidante?
The one thing that Diggle is not is a sidekick. He looks like he’s a sidekick because he works with him. But you’re not going to see them on a rooftop, costumed, fighting together like a typical sidekick. He has a very strong moral compass. And he keeps Oliver on that moral compass. He reminds Oliver of his own humanity. He reminds Oliver, even in Episode 4, of what killing people does to the human psyche. This is an important element not just of Diggle, but of the whole show – of what is right and our sense of what is right and who deserves it and who doesn’t deserve it. These are the questions that we should be asking ourselves, but Diggle has the voice that we should have. He’s the one that questions things the way that we should question things. Ultimately, you want to see your superhero doing the things he’s meant to do, which is fight and kill bad guys. But there should be a voice someplace in us that says, “Did we kill the right guy?” Diggle, among other things, provides that voice.

TVLINE | But what skills can he bring to the table when needed?
In terms of physical skills, he’s a soldier. He’s a trained martial artist. You see a lot of that. You see some of that already with his fight with China White, and you’ll see, in Episode 5, him taking out four or five guards. He trains all the time with Oliver. Diggle can absolutely handle his own, and Oliver wouldn’t have chosen him if he couldn’t. So he’s not a liability physically. He knows everything there is to know about explosives and artillery. Again, he’s a trained soldier. He was handpicked by Oliver. He can more than handle himself on the battlefield, whether that battlefield be Afghanistan or Starling City.

TVLINE | Given that he was hired by Moira, does this put him in a difficult situation? Does he feel like he has to let the family in on what’s going on with Oliver?
That’s a good question, and, no. Initially, there is some question as to whether or not he will report what he’s found out about Oliver to the family. Because you’re right, that is his employer. But ultimately, his allegiance is to Oliver.

TVLINE | Do you get to go up against any of the characters coming into the show from the comics?
That’s coming down the line. China White has been the only one, thus far, that Diggle has had an encounter with. But there’ll be more.

TVLINE | Going into the show, did you know it was going to be more than a “bodyguard” role?
I had a meeting with [director] David Nutter and [executive producer] Andrew Kreisberg when I first got hired. There wasn’t much for Diggle to do on the show. I was doing a recurring role on Blue Bloods, and they were like, “We don’t know how this is going to fit into what you’re doing on Blue Bloods, but we really want you on the show. This is a great role. We promise there’s going to be so much more to do than in the pilot!” When I read the character, there wasn’t a whole lot to do in the pilot. But I saw what they were after in terms of who he was and where they were going with the character and the relationship between him and Oliver. [It's] unlike any relationship that Oliver has. It elevates the show because Oliver is called to question a lot of decisions that he makes. That challenge is always great for any superhero, and Oliver’s no different in that respect. So yeah, I was told where the character was going, and I bought into it. I bought into Andrew Kreisberg and [Greg] Berlanti and David Nutter’s vision.

http://tvline.com/2012/10/30/arrow-seas ... er-secret/

- Scoop de Arrow: ¡El secreto de Oliver está al descubierto! ¿Qué es lo siguiente? (TVGuide):
That didn't take long!

Arrow's titular character has already been unmasked! After Oliver's bodyguard Diggle (David Ramsey) was hit by one of Deadshot's poisonous bullets, Oliver (Stephen Amell) was forced to bring him back to the foundry and show Diggle his true identity at the close of last week's episode. That's exactly where Wednesday's episode (8/7c, The CW) will pick up.

"Oliver has to deal with it immediately," Amell tells TVGuide.com. "He immediately explains to Diggle, or at least tries to, why he is doing what he's doing, and it doesn't go very well. It brings a dynamic to the show which I really enjoy, which is Oliver without his suit on, without his makeup on, without his bow and arrow, being able to act like the hood."

This new dynamic — which the producers previously teased would facilitate Oliver having to answer for his sometimes questionable methods — will also work in Oliver's favor. "He obviously told him for a reason," Amell says. "Throughout the course of [Wednesday's] episode, he realizes that there are going to be situations and ... opponents like Deadshot who force him to utilize other people. Going forward, hopefully it would be Diggle."

That's not to say Diggle will be the Robin to Oliver's Batman. "I don't think that Oliver positions it as a sidekick," Amell says. "He offers him a partnership. There are things that Diggle can do in his position within private security and in his position ... that Oliver can't. He can operate in plain sight. It would be more of a partnership if, in fact, it were to happen."

However, Oliver will find help in someone else as he must turn to Laurel (Katie Cassidy) for assistance when an innocent man is framed for murder. "Oliver is given reason to believe, based on the names on his father's list, that this gentleman is possibly innocent," Amell says. "There are things that he can't do and ways that he can't go back and track what has happened. So, it's a job for a lawyer. That's where Laurel comes into the picture."

With Oliver letting Diggle in on his secret, it's only a matter of time before others begin to question why the hooded vigilante showed up the same time Oliver returned to Starling City. That very question will be addressed when Oliver is arrested on suspicion of being Arrow, and Laurel comes to his aid in the courtroom in next week's episode. "I don't think that she feels that Oliver is capable of being this vigilante," Cassidy says. "She just doesn't believe it, so she just knows in her heart that if she doesn't believe it, she can prove to everybody else why they shouldn't believe it either."

Are you surprised Oliver was unmasked so quickly?

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Scoop ... 55321.aspx

- Imágenes de Amell y Katie Cassidy en el set de "Arrow" (26-10-12):
Las estrellas de Arrow Stephen Amell y Katie Cassidy estuvieron el la estación de Bomberos en Burnaby el viernes (26 de Octubre, 2012) grabando escenas para el 10º episodio de la serie.

Desde el otro lado de la calle, fue posible el tener una buena vista de los actores grabando un diálogo afuera de la Estación de Bomberos de Lobley Park.

Bajo la lluvia, los actores grabaron y tuvieron tiempo de acercarse a hablar con los fotógrafos y agradecerle a los fans que asistían a la grabación.

Y para las chicas, Stephen Amell confirmó que se quitará la camiseta en casi todos los episodios de la serie.

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Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Firefly llega a 'Arrow' (EW.com):
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El personaje de DC Comics Firefly llega a Arrow y estará interpretado por el actor Andrew Dunbar (Tower Prep, Battlestar Galactica: Razor) en el episodio 10 de la serie.

Firefly era un bombero llamado Garfield Lynns que sufre unas horribles quemaduras durante su trabajo hace tres años y nunca se recuperó, ni mental y físicamente, como consecuencia de lo cual se convirtió en villano, aunque en la línea de Arrow será un personaje más basado en la realidad.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.04 "An innocent man". Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow, 1.05 "Damaged" Promo:

- Primera imagen de "The Huntress" (Entertainment Weekly):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow : Stunts: Chair Fight:

- Arrow : Stunts: Intro to the Stunt Series:

- Arrow : I Swear Preview:

- El productor de 'Arrow' Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre "the Huntress" (nsidetv.ew.com):
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Tell me what made you want to introduce the Huntress — and so early in the show’s run, for that matter.

ANDREW KREISBERG: Geoff Johns [from DC Entertainment] was up on the set when we were shooting the pilot and while we were sitting in Vancouver outside freezing our butts off [while] shooting the island sequences, we sat around going, ‘Well, we don’t want to jinx ourselves, but let’s say we do get picked up: What kind of DC characters do you think we can bring to the show?’ And we started spit-balling, I’m not sure which one of us it was but somehow we got this idea for the Huntress. She is the dark mirror version of Oliver, and it was a nice contrast to him because he’s pretty extreme. He goes a lot further than not only his comic book version but lots of comic book characters — most have a code of draws the line against killing. Our [Oliver] is obviously past that. [So we wondered] what could we do if we brought the Huntress in. Since we already have a character who goes to extremes, how much more extreme can we make her?

What we really liked was that on an emotional level, she and Oliver are both damaged by their pasts. As we say on the show, they’ve both gone through a crucible and come out the other side. This is the way they’re coping, but somehow, Oliver has taken the darkness inside with him and is doing something positive with it. She’s taken the darkness inside her and is seeking revenge and doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. All of these interesting philosophical discussions: What is vengeance? What is justice? Where do you draw the line and how far is too far? And then the fact that she’s hot and Oliver is into her makes it all the more complicated. [Laughs]

What ended up being the answer to your first question — how did you make her more extreme than Oliver?
When you watch the episode, someone close to Oliver is almost killed by the Huntress’ actions and that sets him on his quest. So it’s kind of interesting because in some ways he’s seeking revenge and then he collides with somebody else who’s entire reason for being is revenge. And what’s interesting is that Oliver is on autopilot in some respects as far as his mission. Everything is about the mission and righting his father’s wrongs. And it’s only until he bumps into this sad, damaged, angry but beautiful woman that he realizes how lonely he is and the toll that lying to everybody in his life is taking. So he’s going after a bad guy and he suddenly realizes that he has a lot more in common with her than just about anyone else in his family. That creates this amazing fun relationship for them.

Will we see more of her after her initial appearances?
We hope so. It’s two episodes for now but we definitely hope we see more of her. We certainly set her up as an interesting foil for Oliver and we’re excited to see where else we can take her.

Let’s talk about her costume.
For the Huntress — she’s basically wearing a cape and a purple bikini in the comic. That wouldn’t play so well. So her costume is much more functional while also being sexy and you see there are also hints of purple, which ties into her comic book costume. We also think that on our show, no one is wearing a costume — they are uniforms or outfits. Also, in the comic, Helena is devoutly Catholic. You can see in the Kevlar she’s wearing on her chest, it’s actually in the shape of a cross, which we thought was really cool.

Will her Catholicism play a big part of your TV version of the character?
Her religion has really become revenge. She wears a cross around her neck and that plays a key role in the episode. We don’t touch too much upon the religion, but the iconography is certainly there from the comic books. You can see the DNA of the comic book version in the outfit that our Helena wears. It was just really fun to see because since the pilot, it’s really our first out-and-out hero outfit that we’ve designed, and we really think we’ve succeeded.

http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/11/02/arrow ... ive-photo/

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Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Svmarines »

- Imágenes BTS de Amell durante la grabación en Vancouver (01-11-12):

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gracias a @JustJared & vancityfilming.com :wink:


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Canadian CTV Promo 1x05 - Damaged [HD]:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Trailers en español de "Arrow" de Calle 13:

- "Vertigo", uno de los grandes villanos de la primera temporada de "Arrow" (TVLine):
Según ha informado TVLine en exclusiva, el último villano del Universo DC que llegará a "Arrow" no es otro más que "Vértigo".

Sin embargo, el personaje será muy diferente del Vlatavan de los cómics, tanto que incluso tendrá un nuevo nombre. Por otro lado, la nueva droga mortal que se está convirtiendo en el azote de Starling City en el episodio en el que se introducirá al villano (y que se emitirá en teoría a principios del 2013) se llamará "Vértigo".

No obstante, las habilidades del personaje de Vertigo quedarán intactas (la habilidad de desorientar y desequilibrar a sus víctimas). Pero él no va a ser sólo un malvado villano, sino uno realmente terrorífico.

“Será realmente escalofriante y horripilante,” adelanta un afuente que lo declara “El adversario de Oliver más mortífero que se puede concebir".

Hasta la fecha, se desconoce el actor que dará vida al conocido villano o si este personaje tendrá que ver con el de Barrowman.

http://tvline.com/2012/11/06/arrow-spoi ... 1-vertigo/

- Descripción oficial del episodio de la midseason 1.09 "Year’s End":
La CW ha publicado la descripción del episodio 9 de Arrow, que se emitirá el miércoles 12 de Diciembre y que también será la mid-season finale, lo que significa que podemos esperar encontrar en él varios cliffhangers. También se tratará de un episodio de temática navideña.

1.09 "Year’s End": Oliver (Stephen Amell) descubre que después de que él y su padre desaparecieran, Moira (Susanna Thompson) y Thea (Willa Holland) dejaron de celebrar las Navidades. Decidido a compensar por el tiempo perdido y restaurar el sentido de la normalidad a la casa de los Queen, Oliver decide hacerle a la familia una fiesta de Navidad. Mientras tanto, Tommy (Colin Donnell) le pide a Laurel (Katie Cassidy) que pase las Navidades con él pero ella le apunta que las Navidades eran también las fecha de cumpleaños de su hermana Sara y que necesita estar con su padre. Tommy le sugiere que el cambiar las cosas puede ser la mejor manera de que todo el mundo se cure pero Laurel no está segura de que su padre esté preparado para eso.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-midse ... tion/12416

- Revelado título y créditos del 1.11:

1.11 "Trust by verify", escrito por Gabrielle Stanton y dirigido por Nick Copus.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Canadian CTV Promo 1x06 - Legacies [HD]:

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces del 1.05 "Damaged". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

- Arrow - Season 1 - November Sweeps Promo:

- Más imágenes BTS del rodaje en Vancouver en las que se puede ver a Jessica De Gouw como Helena Bertinelli aka The Huntress (01-11-12):

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http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/9/post/2 ... tress.html

- Ben Browder de Farscape and Stargate SG-1 Interpretará al personaje de DC Comics Ted Gaynor en "Arrow" (IGN.com):
Arrow traerá a otro personaje de DC cómics en el episodio 11 de la serie que se titulará “Trust But Verify”, y que será emitido a principios del 2013.

Ben Browder interpretará a Ted Gaynor. En Arrow, Gaynor es el comandante de Diggle de su primer tour en Afghanistan, quien ahora trabaja como guardaespaldas para el Blackhawk Squad Protection Group en Starling City. Cuando una serie de robos de camiones blindados golpea la ciudad, Gaynor prueba el ser una figura de referencia entre Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Diggle (David Ramsey).

Ted Gaynor apareció por primera vez en DC Comics en Blackhawk #266 en 1984, mientras que un arco de un par de años antes en Batman Confidential involucraban al antiguo miembro del Blackhawk Squadron encargándose de Batman, Blackhawk y Lady Blackhawk. Aunque no parece que Arrow vaya a involucrar al personaje de Blackhawk (al menos no aún), hay un gran guiño a la historia de los cómics de Gaynor’ a través de la inclusión del nombre del Blackhawk Squad.

Browder es bien conocido por los fans de la ciencia ficción por sus papeles en Farscape y Stargate SG-1, y recientemente, ha sido estrella invitada en series como Chuck y Doctor Who. Esta será la segunda vez que Browder interpreta a un personaje de DC, ya que previamente le dio voz a Bartholomew Lash en un episodio de la serie animada de la Justice League.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/07/ ... ted-gaynor

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Katie Cassidy de Arrow: Laurel Quiere Creer que Oliver es Inocente (TVGuide):
Katie Cassidy de Arrow: Laurel Quiere Creer que Oliver es Inocente
por Natalie Abrams 6 de Nov, 2012 11:00 PM ET

Oliver is in troooouble!

Arrow's titular superhero found himself on the wrong side of the law last week after being arrested by Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne), who suspects that he is the vigilante who has been plaguing Starling City. Of course, Lance is totally right, but he'll have to prove it first.

This is where Laurel (Katie Cassidy) will step in to represent Oliver (Stephen Amell) — and she'll have her work cut out for her in the courtroom, going up against Kate Spencer (Chelah Horsdal). Yes, that Kate Spencer.

How will this case change the dynamic between the duo? TVGuide.com asked Cassidy what's in store for Laurel and Oliver and when we'll get to meet her Black Canary.

Oliver keeps pushing Laurel away, only to bring her back in. Do you think she could ever really forgive him?
Katie Cassidy: If anyone could forgive, I feel like Laurel would be the one to be able to do it. It takes an enormously strong person to ever forgive someone for doing to her what has been done to her. She has a lot of love for him and she kind of can't help herself. You'll continue to see this dynamic between the two of them and this dance that they're in. I think that she's trying to forgive and trying to move forward, but it's not easy.

Oliver now knows about Tommy (Colin Donnell) and Laurel's relationship. How will that play out going forward?
Cassidy: Laurel is not apologetic for it. She doesn't feel bad about the fact that she has been with Tommy because she feels like, "Hey, I was dealt pretty bad cards too!" We all deal with it. She's sort of like, "Just accept it. This is what happened and these are the repercussions from what you've done. I'm not going to feel bad about it. You did some bad stuff to me." Had he not done the stuff that he had done, I don't think that she would even be put in the position to maybe accept Tommy as a love interest.

And now Laurel will be forced to help Oliver after he's arrested.
Cassidy: These few episodes, in my opinion, they're my favorite because you get to see a fun dynamic between Laurel and Oliver, and then you got to see a fun dynamic between Laurel and the Arrow and those parallels. You get to definitely see a bit more understanding of their history. You also get to see Laurel when she's in court and that day was crazy! All the legal jargon and being in court and fighting for her case, it was a huge scene and it was monstrous for me. It was so fun. I love scenes like that and I love a challenge.

What can you tell us about Laurel helping Oliver in court?
Cassidy: Laurel is very passionate about what she does and she knows she's good at it. She's willing to do whatever it takes to prove that. She wants to prove what's right. I don't think that she feels that Oliver is capable of being this vigilante. She just doesn't believe it, so she just knows in her heart that if she doesn't believe it, she can prove to everybody else why they shouldn't believe it either. And she's good.

These episodes seem to indicate there will be an increasing divide between Laurel and her father, Detective Lance.
Cassidy: You definitely get to see some family drama and their relationship being tested at times, but Laurel and her father are extremely close. As Paul [Blackthorne] and I discussed, the family lives and dies between the two of them. It's been just the two of them since Sarah left because her mother left after, so they've had a close relationship. You'll definitely see that relationship get challenged.

Will Oliver and Laurel ever find some common ground since they're both trying to clean up Starling City?
Cassidy: That's just it, with the parallel between the two of them, but she doesn't necessarily know that's Oliver. I think there's enough weight there, almost like a respect, because they both have gone through so much. I think Laurel starts to understand that he's actually been through a lot and she maybe shouldn't be so hard on him.

How sick are you of the Black Canary questions?
Cassidy: [Laughs] I actually don't mind the Black Canary questions because maybe it will encourage the writers to head in that direction. I think it's something that certainly drew me to this project. I think it would be really fun. Being in a show that's so action-packed is certainly something that I wanted to do. Being a superhero? Or hero? It would be pretty cool.

Are we going to see more of Laurel kicking ass?
Cassidy: We got a little taste of it, but certainly throughout there have been times where maybe she's in there somewhere.

What do you hope Laurel stands for between now and her turning into the Black Canary?
Cassidy: It's not necessarily that she's going to stand for anything. In the pilot, she says, "If I don't save the world, who will?" Her intentions are always very good, she likes helping people and likes saving people. She's a very strong character, and if anything, you're going to be able to see, on her journey, that maybe going through the law isn't always what's morally where her integrity is. She's been raised that way that everything is by the book because her father is a cop, but I think you'll get to see her flirt with the idea of, "I'm still doing right, even though it's breaking the law." She'll have to go on this journey to experience that and open her eyes a little bit more. I think she'll be pretty badass.

Are there any DC Comics characters you're hoping to see on the series?
Cassidy: Specifically, I'm excited about everyone. Selfishly, Black Canary. [Laughs]

Video: http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Katie ... NqR7HUQWC1

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Katie ... 55632.aspx

- Arrow - Legacies Extended Preview - HD:

- Descripción oficial del 1.07 - Muse Of Fire:
1.07 - Muse Of Fire: THE HUNTRESS LLEGA A STARLING CITY Y CALIENTA LAS COSAS CON OLIVER — Oliver (Stephen Amell) se encuentra con una misteriosa mujer, Helena Bertinelli (la estrella invitada Jessica DeGouw), hija del jefe de la mafia Frank Bertinelli (la estrella invitada Jeffrey Nordling), con la que finalmente puede ser él mismo, pero pronto se da cuenta de que ella está escondiendo tambien peligrosos secretos. Helena está en su propia misión personal de venganza y Oliver se ve atrapado en medio. Mientras tanto, Tommy (Colin Donnell) se ve pillado por sorpresa por un desafortunado giro de eventos y busca a Laurel (Katie Cassidy) para que le ayude. David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson y Paul Blackthorne también aparecen. David Grossman dirige el episodio con historia de Andrew Kriesberg ay guión de Geoff Johns & Marc Guggenheim (107).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/arrow- ... press.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.07 "Muse of Fire":

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- Nuevo papel recurrente para la serie (SpoilerTV):
En el episodio 1.13 de Arrow veremos la introducción de un nuevo papel recurrente.

Se llama Halloway y es un agente secreto de la CIA. No se sabe aún si es amigo o enemigo de Oliver y tampoco se conoce al actor que le dará vida aún.

Seguiremos al tanto de las noticias.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/arrow- ... -role.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Michael Daingeerfield, nuevo personaje invitado en "Arrow" (GreenArrowtv):
Michael Daingerfield ha sido escogido para el papel de “Ned Foster” en el episodio de Arrow titulado “Burned,” que será el primer nuevo episodio de la serie en el 2013.

Para los seguidores de Smallville, Daingeerfield es un actor más que conocido, ya que interpretó a “Gordon Godfrey” en varios episodios de la Décima Temporada y también a un guardia de seguridad del capítulo de la 3ª temporada “Shattered”.

También fue la voz de "Unicorn" en las película animada "Iron Man: Armored Adventures" y en la película de "Catwoman".

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/greenarrowt ... rrow/12457

- Arrow Sneak Peek 1x06 - Legacies:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell Explica Por Qué la Necesidad de que Oliver sea us asesino (comicbookmovie.com):
En una entrevista con SFX, Stephen Amell explicó el por qué la decisión de que, en Arrow, Oliver use la fuerza letal tan fácilmente:

SFX: ¿Hubo muchas deliberaciones detrás de cámara sobre la decisión de que Oliver matara para conseguir sus objetivos? Es una dirección muy atrevida en la que meter a un conocido superhéroe.
Stephen Amell: “El personaje central de todas las grandes series de televisión, y no estoy diciendo estos nombres para hacer comparaciones, pero como ejemplo – Tony Soprano, Walter White, Don Draper – todos son gente con montones de defectos que hacen cosas de las que arrepentirse, cosas terribles, cosas imperdonables. Pero mientras que estén persiguiendo un objetivo general, y mientras que enganchen a la audiencia, eso es por los que esas series suenan. Siempre quise interpretar a alguien que no se arrugara, que se marque unos objetivos y que los siga. eso es por lo que tenemos que matar a gente en la serie, porque él está tratando de limpiar la ciudad. Pensar que no habrían daños colaterales, eso sería una farsa.”

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ ... G3bl5Ds.01

- Arrow Dispara a Seth Gabel de Fringe para interpretar al gran villano 'Vertigo' (TVLine.com):
El actor de Fringe Seth Gabel se une a Arrow como un “temible y terrorífico” super-villano basado en el personaje de DC Cómics "Vertigo".

Como se mencionó anteriormente, la versión de Vértigo de Arrow será muy diferente de la del Vlatavan de los cómics. Lo primero, no se llamará Vertigo. Segundo, el personaje estará asentado en la realidad al estilo de Christopher Nolan. Por otro lado, la nueva droga mortal que se extiende en Starling City es el episodio introductorio de este villano y se llamará "Vértigo". La habilidad del personaje de desorientar y desequilibrar a sus víctimas permanecerá intacta.

El villano será el “más mortífero villano que Oliver se encuentra.” Gabel, hará su debut a primeros de Mayo.

http://tvline.com/2012/11/13/arrow-seas ... l-vertigo/

- Arrow : Mr. Popular Preview:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
