Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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Añadidos los links y rátings del 1.04 "Basic Instinct". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ.

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- La actriz Bridget Regan, papel recurrente en "Beauty and the Beast" (TVLine.com):
Según ha informado TVLine.com La actriz de "Legend of the Seeker" Bridget Regan volverá a nuestras pantallas en un arco de la serie de la CW Beauty and the Beast.

Regan aparecerá en un papel recurrente en el nuevo drama como Alex, la antigua prometida de Vincent, quien durante años ha creído que el amor de su vida murió en Afghanistan. Cuando descubre que Vincent está de hecho vivo... bueno, tanto ella como nosotros tan sólo podemos preguntarnos qué pasará ahora.

Regan aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 9.

Desde que Seeker terminó en Mayo del 2010, hemos podido ver a la actriz en distintos papeles (Perception, Person of Interest, NCIS: Los Angeles y el piloto The Frontier).

http://tvline.com/2012/11/05/beauty-and ... get-regan/

También hemos sabido que en el Episodio 1.10 veremos la introducción de un nuevo personaje recurrente llamado David. Es un policía psicólogo que es asignado para ver si Cat es capaz de permanecer en el campo. Aunque tiene otros motivos...

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/beauty ... sting.html

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva Still del 1.05:


- Nuevo póster promocional:


- Jay Ryan adelanta la mayor amenaza de Vincent y Bridget Regan en 'Beauty & the Beast' (examiner.com):
Jay Ryan adelanta la mayor amenaza de Vincent y Bridget Regan en 'Beauty & the Beast'
Por Danielle Turchiano, 6 de Noviembre del 2012

The last we left Vincent (Jay Ryan) on The CW's Beauty and the Beast, he had turned himself into Muirfield in order to protect those he cares about, including Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) and JT (Austin Basis). It wasn't something he saw as a risk because he knows he can always make an escape. However, when Catherine showed up at the facility, he tapped into his Beast side in order to protect her from the agents on the spot. His intentions were good, but by taking out a small section of Muirfield, couldn't that actually leave him in even more danger from those who remain-- and now may want revenge?

"He’s really exposed himself in that respect, and I think he feels that he has to get out of Muirfield full-stop. He got to sort of have a plan of attack where he handed himself in, but he ended up slaughtering the guard. So he’s kind of in this place where he has a sense of slight relief because the men that were mostly after him have now been taken out. He has a bit of breathing room, he feels," Ryan revealed to LA TV Insider Examiner.
'Beauty and the Beast' 'Saturn Returns' clip
Video: 'Beauty and the Beast' 'Saturn Returns' clip

"Muirfield’s sort of off his tail for now, so there’s room for Vincent to jump into the relationship a little heavier."

Though maybe not too heavily. After all, as Ryan reminded us, this is the first time in ten years that Vincent has let someone new into his life-- let alone someone for whom he has feelings. Though he said the relationship between Vincent and Catherine is "deepening constantly" as episodes go on, Vincent is still afraid of the "image of the Beast" that Catherine has already seen and therefore "afraid to take the jump" into something more serious-- or physical.

"They're both afraid to experiment with it at this point," Ryan said. "But the biggest leap Vincent has taken is with his relationship with Catherine."

Still, holding back will leave both characters having to deal with other potential significant others while still dancing around each other. For Catherine that is Evan (Max Brown), who Ryan admitted is "hot on Vincent's heels," even without realizing it.

"We are exploring more about how the Beast within him is changing him on a DNA basis—how it’s changing Vincent on an emotional, chemical basis. And as he’s leaving these traces, there’s the threat of Evan finding out who he is because he’s so close to Catherine. Evan’s job, as you know, is to dissect bodies and detect DNA; he’s like the genius of this stuff, like what JT’s doing on a smaller level. Evan knows more of the progression of Vincent, even though he doesn’t know who Vincent is yet," Ryan said.

"The real human element of Vincent comes into it, and that's jealousy...He also has this jealousy factor because not only can Evan unleash Vincent’s identity to the world, he also can steal Catherine’s heart. For Vincent, at this point, that’s a bigger threat for him in this world than being caught by Muirfield."

Ryan added that there are also parts of Vincent's past coming into play, too, as some who knew him before he went off to war (and believed he was dead this whole time) find out about his new life and where he lives to pop in and create more complications.

"His ex-fiancee pops up into the picture, and that’s a huge shock for Vincent because he’s kind of really left himself open to that woman, and he has to deal with these old feelings," Ryan said of the on-screen relationship with guest star Bridget Regan to be explored in episode nine.

"You find out the reasons why he left that relationship, and we also learn more about the state he was in when joined up with the army when he lost his brothers. It gets quite dark at that point."

There are certainly obstacles standing in Vincent and Catherine's way of a "traditional" relationship. Catherine even makes a concentrated effort to stop thinking about Vincent because she claims she can never really be with him (well, not in public anyway). But at the end of the day, if they're not still drawn to each other, and if they're not still trying to make something work, there wouldn't be a show anymore, right?

http://www.examiner.com/article/jay-rya ... -the-beast

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.07 - Out Of Control
1.07 - "Out Of Control": CAT DESCUBRE LA VERDAD SOBRE LOS DESMAYOS DE VINCENT — JT (Austin Basis) piensa que Vincent (Jay Ryan) puede de alguna manera estar involucrado en la investigación criminal de Cat (Kristin Kreuk) después de que ella mencione que el hermano de una fraternidad universitaria local fue brutalmente asesinado. JT examina a Vincent para determinar la causa de sus crecientemente frecuentes desmayos, pero cuando Vincent empieza a convertirse en bestia, JT se ve forzado a tranquilizarle. Mientras tanto, Evan y su nuevo interno encuentran un extraño corte en el tobillo de la víctima, que concuerda con el del cadáver de una mujer que fue dejado en el campus un año antes. Cuando Evan trabaja para descubrir más pistas de la escena del crimen, es secuestrado. Cat le suplica a Vincent que le ayude a encontrar a Evan y que salve su vida, sin darse cuenta de que está poniendo la vida de Vincent en serio peligro. Rick Bota dirige el episodio escrito por Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders (#105).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/beauty ... ut-of.html?

- BTS CW Beauty and the Beast Set Visit (ET Canada):

- Imagen BTS del 1.05 "Saturn Returns":


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast: 1.05 Saturn Returns Producer's Preview:

- Kristin Kreuk Habla sobre el drama de Catherine Chandler (accesshollywood.com):
Kristin Kreuk Habla sobre el drama de Catherine Chandler
Por Jolie Lash 8 de Noviembre, 2012 5:04 PM EST

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Kristin Kreuk from ‘Beauty and The Beast’Caption Catherine Chandler (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent Keller (Jay Ryan) are getting closer on The CW’s “Beauty and The Beast,” but this week things might get complicated for the pair, as the detective spends more time with another man in her life – Evan (Max Brown).

For weeks, Evan has been handling the medical side of Catherine’s investigations both on the books and off – including looking into Vincent’s cross species DNA – and flirting with his pretty co-worker.

In addition to addressing Catherine’s boy troubles on the way, Kristin told AccessHollywood.com about the drama coming up with her character’s sister, Heather (Nicole Gale Anderson), and her dad, who has that wedding on the calendar.

AccessHollywood.com: There’s another guy in the picture – Evan. She flirted with him in the first episode… Where is that going, because – at some point – she’s going to need a date for her father’s wedding.

Kristin Kreuk: (Laughs)… She does… [Catherine] and Evan — in my whole perspective of it — they’ve been flirting for years… He’s someone she cares about very deeply, like he’s a really good friend. He knows about everything to do with the cross species DNA, she talks to him about it, she’ll bring information to him about it and he cares about her a lot and he’ll tease her and there’s just such a familiarity and he’s so simple. So I think that as these episodes go on, the complexity of Vincent and the simplicity of Evan become more and more clear until (laughs) things change dramatically in her relationship with both of them, but really with Evan, because he finds out a whole bunch of information.

Access: I don’t trust him. He works alone with dead bodies.

Kristin: He does work alone with dead bodies. I think eventually we’ll find out why he does that.

Access: Are we going to meet Catherine’s dad?

Kristin: Yes… We meet him in about two or three episodes… He’s gonna be a big part of a couple of her arcs because he’s her dad and she feels very responsible for him losing his wife and for all of the things that happened to their family. So, Catherine starts to try to protect her dad and it causes a few problems in his relationship.

Access: Her sister has been bringing guys home, she’s a little wild, but at the same time, she didn’t have a mother as long as Catherine did. Is trouble on the way?

Kristin: I love Nicole, [who plays Heather], and I love having her on set. She’s amazing. Heather really represents someone who didn’t go through trauma in the same way Catherine did. She didn’t see her mom die in front of her and Catherine feels responsible for her. But you’ll see – Heather gets into a little bit of drama, but it’s mostly with boys and causing problems with boys.

Access: Speaking of boys, will we get to see more romantic interactions between Catherine and Vincent coming up?

Kristin: There’s gonna be some beautifully romantic moments, there’s going to be attempts at romantic moments that are foiled by drama. The two of them [are] very honest with each other very quickly about how they feel, but they’re both so uncomfortable with all of it – especially him. We’re gonna shoot one [romantic scene] this episode that’s gorgeous. This episode that were shooting right now is kind of like a fairytale, so there’s just these really lovely moments interspersed with drama that keeps them apart.

Access: A fairytale – does that mean great dresses?

Kristin: Yeah, it’s the wedding. We’re shooting the wedding this episode.

Access: Can Vincent be Catherine’s wedding date – through the window maybe?

Kristin: (Laughs)… I don’t know how much I can say. They make jokes about him taking her to the wedding. Obviously he can’t technically take her to the wedding because then he’d be out in public. It’s very romantic… This is the episode that will air right before Christmas and winter holiday..

http://www.accesshollywood.com/beauty-a ... icle_72312

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.07 "Out of control":

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- Beauty and the Beast Extended Promo 1x06 - Worth [HD]:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- La CW ordena la temporada completa de "Beauty and the Beast":
Beauty And The Beast acaba de conseguir la temporada completa por parte de la CW, lo que la convierte en la segunda de sus tres nuevas series en conseguirlo tras Arrow.

He aqui la nota de prensa oficial:

“Beauty And The Beast”

Noviembre 9, 2012 (Burbank, CA) – La CW escogió una temporada completa de su nuevo drama Beauty And The Beast, como ha anunciado hoy Mark Pedowitz, Presidente de la CW.

Beauty And The Beast está protagonizada por Kristin Kreuk (“Smallville,” “CHUCK”) como Catherine, Jay Ryan (“Terra Nova”) como Vincent, Max Brown (“The Tudors,” “MI-5”) como Evan, Nina Lisandrello (“Nurse Jackie”) como Tess, Nicole Gale Anderson (“Make It or Break It”) como Heather, Austin Basis (“Life Unexpected”) como J.T., y Brian White (“The Shield,” “The Cabin in the Woods”) como Joe.

la pasada noche BEAUTY AND THE BEAST subió un 9% en total de espectadores frente a la semana pasada, y también creció en las demos de adultos de semana a semana. Hasta el momento, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST está consiguiendo 2.4 millones de espectadores y un 1.3 rating entre mujeres 18-34, y 0.9 de rating entre adultos 18-34, en la mayoría de los datos Nielsen.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST está producida por CBS Television Studios en asociación con Take 5 Productions/Whizbang Films con los productores ejecutivos Sherri Cooper (“Brothers and Sisters”) & Jennifer Levin (“Without A Trace,” “Felicity”), Brian Peterson (“Smallville”) & Kelly Souders (“Smallville”), Gary Fleder (“Life Unexpected,” “October Road”), Bill Haber (“Rizzoli & Isles,” “Thurgood”), Paul J. Witt (“A Better Life”) & Tony Thomas (“A Better Life”), Ron Koslow (“Moonlight”), Frank Siracusa (“The Yard”) y John Weber ("Borgias").
http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/1 ... cw/156899/?

Añadidos los links y rátings del 1.05 "Saturn Returns". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Rueda de prensa de Kristin Kreuk con la prensa international un día después de que se ordenara la temporada completa para "Beauty and the Beast":


(Thanks to @CBSIntlTweet)

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk Habla sobre "Beauty and the Beast," Interpretar a una Bella de armas tomar, y sus "Aventuras salvajes de mujeres" (complex.com):
Kristin Kreuk Habla sobre "Beauty and the Beast," Interpretar a una Bella de armas tomar, y sus "Aventuras salvajes de mujeres"
Por Tara Aquino | 13 de Nov, 2012 | 9:57 am

After Kristin Kreuk left Smallville, fans who fell in love with her as Lana Lang were undoubtedly heartbroken. Luckily, Kreuk would soften the blow by returning to TV for a guest stint on Chuck the next year, before disappearing from primetime for another two years.

Now, the Canadian beauty is back on the air—here to stay—in a starring role as the titular beauty of Beauty and the Beast. The show, which airs on Thursdays at 8 p.m. on The CW, follows Kreuk as Catherine Chandler, a no-nonsense NYC detective trying to uncover the truth about her mother's murder with the help of a reclusive super soldier, Vincent Keller (played by Jay Ryan), who's in hiding after being injected with a faulty serum that turns him into a monstrous (and titular) beast.

We got a chance to speak to Kreuk, who was busy filming her new action-drama in Toronto, about her penchant for playing classic characters, her show's modern take on a classic fairytale, and the wild adventures she has when the cameras stop rolling.

How did you land the role?
The producers of the show, Sherry and Jennifer, pursued me for the role, which was really lovely. I met with them and talked with them and really adore them as people and as women and as mothers and writers and as everything they are. I decided that it would be a possibly interesting collaboration to work with them and that’s kind of how it happened.

What’s it like going from playing the sweet girl-next-door in Smallville to being this bad-ass action star?
Catherine, she’s a little damaged I guess you could say. She’s shut off a lot of her vulnerability and she’s very driven to make sure she makes things right in the world. She’s kind of taken on a lot in her life. It’s interesting for me to play someone who is so restrained in a way because my impulse sometimes is to express really freely and Catherine’s not like that. It’s really wonderful that she’s got a lot of complexity and these layers that are sometimes kind of dark. As these episodes go by, I get to delve into that a bit more, which I really enjoy.

You have a lot of fight scenes. What was it like preparing for that?
Well I have a purple belt in karate and I’ve just been very physically active my whole life. I was a competitive gymnast. Luckily, I think I had the skills already; there wasn’t a lot of preparation needed, which was great. I can kind of just jump on set and figure it out as we go. But it’s fun. It’s very different from what I do as an actor. The physical component, it feels like I have a weird alter life on set where I fight people. I like the challenge.

Do you do your own stunts?
Not all of them. I do all of the fight sequences pretty much all the way through unless there’s a fall or something like that. Normally I’ll do a couple passes, then a stunt double will do a couple passes, then they’ll edit it together. Often when I’m on my back, it’s probably not me most of the time. Sometimes it is. It just depends on what works best and we pick the best pieces for editing.

What surprised me most was that this show took a whole different take on the Beast. He’s not this bad guy who was being punished, he’s a super soldier.
Yeah, I really actually like it. It feels very modern. The themes are beautiful and you can explore them in any context truly, you know? I like the idea that this guy is a soldier and he’s gone through this experience, I would even dare to say like any soldier really does, and he is dealing with the effects of what he’s done as this beast creature and trying to regain his humanity. How can he do that? Is it possible to do that? How does he handle that beast which is both like the actual beast of him turning into a beast and the beast also being the stuff that he’s done that was horrible to him? I really like that. I think it’s fascinating and honest.

You’ve played a fairytale character before. I remember watching you in Snow White and now you’re essentially Belle. What’s your favorite fairytale?
I actually do like Beauty and the Beast if we call it a fairytale. I think there’s something about seeing deeply, for their humanity, beyond what they look like and what has gone on in their lives, the things they think are horrible about themselves, and really building love with another person. That’s what love is. It’s “I see you for all that you are, and I still love you.” And I think that’s really beautiful.

Do you feel any pressure to play these beloved characters?
Not really. I think if I did I wouldn’t do them as much. [Laughs.] I look at the history of the story and things like that, but I try to focus on the story we’re telling now. What’s the metaphor we’re exploring now? What goes on for this person in this version of this story? I don’t measure to other things because that’s not what we’re exploring and it’s totally different. I don’t know if that would benefit me in any way.

What’s it like to work with a new cast?
The cast is so wonderful. They’re all capable, interesting and dynamic actors. As people, they’re just wonderful. I know people say that all the time, but truly, I get to go to set and work with some of the most lovely human beings. I get to laugh all the time. We laugh a lot on the set. You’re building a new family, in a way, and there’s growing pains to that but it’s really wonderful on set.

When you’re not filming, I know you have your “wild women adventure.” What exactly is that?
[Laughs.] Every year, I go with three of my girlfriends somewhere in the world. The whole original idea was that we would just go as girls. It would be about building our relationship with each other and also challenging ourselves as women and really putting ourselves in circumstances that would push us to grow, you know?

Coming up this Christmas is our fifth year, and now we’ve got people with babies—there’s two babies and a grown child—so this year, we’re going to go as a family, boyfriends and husbands and kids. We’re going to go to Italy probably. We do it every year. We’ve done some crazy stuff.

Where have you gone so far?
The first year, we did Ecuador, so we went to the Galapagos, we went to the Amazon jungle, we stayed with a shaman, we went up into the Andes. That was amazing. The second year, we did Syria and Turkey, which I’m so happy we did because of the political situation right now. It’s obviously not a good time to be heading to that part of the world. I’m glad we go to experience it before all of that happened. The ruins there are stunning, and the people, and the culture, and the religion are all so wonderful. We went out in a desert there and drove in a blizzard from Syria into Turkey and go into hijinks.

The next year, we did Argentina, which was an easier trip. Buenos Aires, we tangoed. Mendoza, we had wine. Then the year after, because my friend was seven months pregnant, we did Sedona and did that crystal kind of thing. This year, we’re going with the family, but I think us girls are going to break off and go to Rome for some time or something.

http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2012 ... -the-beast?

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Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
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Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
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Mensaje por heli »

¡¡Bien!! muy buena noticia que hagan temporada completa. Ya estoy alegre pal resto jajaja


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Me lo imaginaba... jejejeje :wink:

- Descripción oficial del 1.08 “Trapped”:
1.08 “Trapped”: JT (Austin Basis) sospecha que Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) es el detonante de los desmayos de Vincent (Jay Ryan), así es que para refutar esta teoría, Vicent le permite a JT que le inyecte endorfinas y sedantes que le fuercen a estar un estado de fuga disociativa. En un flashback, Vincent recuerda su tiempo en Afghanistan cuando recibió su primer disparo como super soldado, y recuerda quién le inyectó la sustancia que alteraba el ADN. También recuerda cómo los otros soldados experimentaron impredecibles efectos secundarios, incluyendo estados mentales disociativos, y se alivia al saber que Cat no es la que está causando sus desmayos. Vincent comparte lo que recuerda sobre Murifield con Cat, quien experimenta también sus propios recuerdos. Entonces, cuando Cat y Tess (Nina Lisandrello) investigan el intento de asesinato de una estrella del pop adolescente (la estrella invitada Max Schneider), Evan sospecha que Cat está protegiendo deliberadamente al vigilante que le salvó en el metro. Paul Fox dirige el episodio escrito por Emily Silver (#107).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... lers/17806

- Imagen BTS del 1.06 "Worth":


(thanks to @BatBWriters)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1x07 "Out Of Control" Extended Promo HD:

- Añadidos los enlaces del 1.06 "Worth". Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- The CW Winter Sizzle Promo:

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Beauty And The Beast", descripción oficial del 1.09 "Bridesmaid Up!":
1.09 "Bridesmaid Up!": WEDDING BELLS RING — Cuando el padre (la estrella invitada Rob Stewart) de Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) se casa, la novia y sus damas de honor intentan encontrar a la hija del novio una cita para la boda. Incómoda con la situación, Cat a regañadientes admite que está viendo a alguien y le confiesa a Vincent (Jay Ryan) que desearía que él pudiera ser su pareja. En el banquete, Cat se entera sobre una beca de investigación que Evan (Max Brown) recibió para estudiar las células de ADN mutantes que encontró en las escenas de crímenes locales. Cuando ella le cuenta a Vincent sobre la teoría de Evan de cómo las células están cambiando para convertirse en más de tipo animal y menos humano, ella se encuentra con un inesperado giro que podría cambiar el curso de su relación. Mientras tanto, Tess (Nina Lisandrello) y Joe (Brian White) cruzan la línea románticamente a pesar del hecho de que Joe es un hombre casado. Mairzee Almas dirige el episodio escrito por Sherri Cooper y Jennifer Levin (#108).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/17933

- Revelado el título del episodio 11 "Cold Turkey":
http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/beauty ... title.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS (20-11-12):


(thanks to kristinlaurak on instagram)

- Stills 1.08 "Trapped":

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- Imagen BTS 1.07 "Out of control":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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