"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow
Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo
- Lionel Luthor
- Mensajes: 138
- Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
- Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
Hoy estrenan en calle 13! a ver si tiene exito y no la quitan a mitad.... que yo la veo igual aunque vea antes los capis en VO jaja
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
Los rátings van bien en EEUU. No creo que la cancelen a medias, tiene demasiada promoción detrás...
- Colin Donnell & Willa Holland Adelantan la interacción de The Thea/Tommy en “Legacies” (greenarrowtv):
- Carteles de Arrow por las Calles de la Capital de España (Madrid) por el estreno de la serie En Calle13:

- Colin Donnell & Willa Holland Adelantan la interacción de The Thea/Tommy en “Legacies” (greenarrowtv):
Colin Donnell & Willa Holland Adelantan la interacción de The Thea/Tommy en “Legacies”
Por Craig Byrne November 14, 2012
A few weeks ago, we visited the Vancouver, BC sets of Arrow in anticipation of the series launch. Now we’re several weeks in, still with some quotes left unshared, so we thought we’d share come bits from Colin Donnell (Tommy) and Willa Holland (Thea) in tonight’s episode, “Legacies.” As we saw in the preview clip, the two characters get to interact a bit this week.
“I have a very nice few scenes with Tommy,” Willa reveals about her role in “Legacies.” “There’s a nice little arc between us. A little relationship spark, to say the least. It’s gonna be interesting. You guys enjoy that one.”
Is Thea going to be getting in the way of what’s going on with Tommy and Laurel, perhaps going up against Laurel for his affections? “Not against Laurel by any means. I mean, maybe in her own mind,” she says.
The other half of that equation, Colin Donnell, is a bit more realistic about the current situation for the characters. “Aside from the fact that I point out the fact that she’s gotten really hot in the past five years, Tommy looks at Thea as a little sister. They grew up together in the same way that she and her brother did. So there is some really interesting stuff — it goes back to seeing the good side of what Tommy is. I think people are going to be interested in seeing the relationship develop between the two of them — in one way or another,” he says.
For now, though, Tommy’s top priority as far as females go is Laurel. “You see Tommy trying to develop the relationship in a way that he’s not used to. So there’s a lot of fun things that happen. You see him go back and forth really. There’s been a lot of fun stuff to play. I’m trying to be as delicate as I can, but there’s some wonderful stuff that happens between Laurel and Tommy and I think it will be fun for people to see where things may or may not go as far as their relationship is growing or not growing,” Colin says.
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/interviews- ... cies/12523
Por Craig Byrne November 14, 2012
A few weeks ago, we visited the Vancouver, BC sets of Arrow in anticipation of the series launch. Now we’re several weeks in, still with some quotes left unshared, so we thought we’d share come bits from Colin Donnell (Tommy) and Willa Holland (Thea) in tonight’s episode, “Legacies.” As we saw in the preview clip, the two characters get to interact a bit this week.
“I have a very nice few scenes with Tommy,” Willa reveals about her role in “Legacies.” “There’s a nice little arc between us. A little relationship spark, to say the least. It’s gonna be interesting. You guys enjoy that one.”
Is Thea going to be getting in the way of what’s going on with Tommy and Laurel, perhaps going up against Laurel for his affections? “Not against Laurel by any means. I mean, maybe in her own mind,” she says.
The other half of that equation, Colin Donnell, is a bit more realistic about the current situation for the characters. “Aside from the fact that I point out the fact that she’s gotten really hot in the past five years, Tommy looks at Thea as a little sister. They grew up together in the same way that she and her brother did. So there is some really interesting stuff — it goes back to seeing the good side of what Tommy is. I think people are going to be interested in seeing the relationship develop between the two of them — in one way or another,” he says.
For now, though, Tommy’s top priority as far as females go is Laurel. “You see Tommy trying to develop the relationship in a way that he’s not used to. So there’s a lot of fun things that happen. You see him go back and forth really. There’s been a lot of fun stuff to play. I’m trying to be as delicate as I can, but there’s some wonderful stuff that happens between Laurel and Tommy and I think it will be fun for people to see where things may or may not go as far as their relationship is growing or not growing,” Colin says.
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/interviews- ... cies/12523
- Carteles de Arrow por las Calles de la Capital de España (Madrid) por el estreno de la serie En Calle13:

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- Arrow Extended Promo 1x07 - Muse Of Fire [HD]:
- Descripción oficial del 1.08 “Vendetta”:
- Descripción oficial del 1.08 “Vendetta”:
1.08 “Vendetta”: ARROW Y THE HUNTRESS HACEN EQUIPO — A medida que Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Helena (la estrella invitada Jessica De Gouw) se unen más, Oliver la entrena para que sea su aliada, completándolo con enseñarle cómo puede usar un arco. Diggle (David Ramsey) desaprueba el que Oliver comparte su secreto con Helena y no está seguro de que se pueda confiar en ella, pero Oliver se niega a escuchar sus preocupaciones. La búsqueda de venganza de Helena prueba ser demasiado fuerte para que Oliver la pueda manejar después de que ella mate a la cabeza de la Tríada y se desate un infierno. Katie Cassidy, Colin Donnell, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson y Paul Blackthorne también aparecen. Ken Fink dirige el episodio escrito por Beth Schwartz & Andrew Kreisberg (#108)
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-episo ... tion/12534
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-episo ... tion/12534

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
Añadidos los enlaces del 1.06 "Legacies" y los primeros del 1.01 Pilot doblados al español. Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ.

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- Video BTS, Arrow : Stunts: Silo Fight:

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- Video BTS de las estrellas de Arrow Stephen Amell, Paul Blackthorne y la estrella invitada Seth Gabel:

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- Stills 1.08 "Vendetta":
- The CW Winter Sizzle Promo:
- Janina Gavankar nuevo papel recurrente importante en 'Arrow' (zap2it):
La estrella de "True Blood" Janina Gavankar ha fichado en "Arrow" para hacer un arco multi-episodio.
Gavankar interpretará a McKenna Hall, una policía criminal del Departamento de Policía de Starling City. Dura, sexy y considerablemente formidable, McKenna tiene una complicada historia con Oliver (Stephen Amell).
Por su trabajo, McKenna conocía a Oliver antes de sus días en la isla, cuando era tan sólo un chico malo millonario inofensivo en lugar del poderoso vigilante que es hoy en día.
Ella entrará por primera vez en juego cuando una nueva droga experimental llamada Vertigo golpea las calles, cuando la droga viene de un nuevo y convincente enemigo de Oliver, interpretado por Seth Gabel de "Fringe".
Gavankar es más conocida como Luna en "True Blood", como Papi de "The L Word" de Showtime y como Shiva en "The League."
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -role.html
- Revelados los títulos de los episodios 1.12 "Vertigo" y 1.13 "Betrayal".
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-title ... aled/12591
- Imagen BTS del equipo de "Arrow" durante una cena (17-11-12):
(thanks to @GBerlanti)
- Entrevistas de Warner Channel traducidas:
Willa Holland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dauKU8NJCRo
Andrew Kreisberg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4uwkQZyVjs
Stephen Amell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlVPm_X3zLY
Greg Berlanti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey2aZBMrM3U

- The CW Winter Sizzle Promo:
- Janina Gavankar nuevo papel recurrente importante en 'Arrow' (zap2it):

Gavankar interpretará a McKenna Hall, una policía criminal del Departamento de Policía de Starling City. Dura, sexy y considerablemente formidable, McKenna tiene una complicada historia con Oliver (Stephen Amell).
Por su trabajo, McKenna conocía a Oliver antes de sus días en la isla, cuando era tan sólo un chico malo millonario inofensivo en lugar del poderoso vigilante que es hoy en día.
Ella entrará por primera vez en juego cuando una nueva droga experimental llamada Vertigo golpea las calles, cuando la droga viene de un nuevo y convincente enemigo de Oliver, interpretado por Seth Gabel de "Fringe".
Gavankar es más conocida como Luna en "True Blood", como Papi de "The L Word" de Showtime y como Shiva en "The League."
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -role.html
- Revelados los títulos de los episodios 1.12 "Vertigo" y 1.13 "Betrayal".
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-title ... aled/12591
- Imagen BTS del equipo de "Arrow" durante una cena (17-11-12):

(thanks to @GBerlanti)
- Entrevistas de Warner Channel traducidas:
Willa Holland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dauKU8NJCRo
Andrew Kreisberg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4uwkQZyVjs
Stephen Amell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlVPm_X3zLY
Greg Berlanti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey2aZBMrM3U

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
- Lionel Luthor
- Mensajes: 138
- Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
- Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
Una razón más para ver la serie jajaja, como devorador de series yo también veo true blood y janina es mi 2ª actriz favorita de la serie, así que por fin "tendré" actriz favorita en arrow jaja
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
Y seguro que te encanta sólo por lo "buena" actriz que es ¿verdad? jejejejeje 

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
- Lionel Luthor
- Mensajes: 138
- Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
- Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
sí, solo por eso jajajajaja. En True Blood tampoco tiene que "actuar" mucho, pero es guapa y que quies que te diga, me pasa lo mismo con Kristin Kreuk será mejor o peor actriz pero me gusta por lo guapa que es jajaja
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
jejejeje... No me lo habría ni imaginado, Heli...
- Descripción oficial del 1.09 "Year's End":

- Descripción oficial del 1.09 "Year's End":
1.09 "Year's End": ES NAVIDAD EN EL HOGAR DE LOS QUEEN — Oliver (Stephen Amell) descubre que despu´s de que su padre se perdiera, Moira (Susanna Thompson) y Thea (Willa Holland) dejaron de celebrar la Navidad. Determinado a compensar por el tiempo perdido y resaturar el sentido de la normalidad al hogar de los Queen, Oliver decide hacerle a su familia una fiesta de Navidad. Mientras tanto, Tommy (Colin Donnell) le pide a Laurel (Katie Cassidy) que pase las Navidades con él pero ella le dice que la Navidad era también el cumpleaños de su hermana Sara y que necesita estar con su padre (Paul Blackthorne). Tommy sugiere que el cambiar las cosas puede ser la mejor forma para que todo el mundo se recupere pero Laurel no está segura de que su padre esté preparado para eso. Moentras tanto, Diggle (David Ramsey) le cuenta a Oliver que alguien está matando a la gente de la lista de su padre con flechas, lo que lleva a Oliver a enfrentarse con su más duro adversario. John Dahl dirige el episodio con historia de Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim y guión de Andrew Kreisberg & Marc Guggenheim (109).
http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/arrow- ... press.html
http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/11/arrow- ... press.html

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
- Lionel Luthor
- Mensajes: 138
- Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
- Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
Más razones para ver arrow, el grupo Antena 3 compra la serie.
-'Arrow', 'Revolution', 'Dallas' y 'The Following' se estrenarán en el Grupo Antena 3
-'Arrow', 'Revolution', 'Dallas' y 'The Following' se estrenarán en el Grupo Antena 3
Los canales del Grupo Antena 3 se llenan de estrenos: las ficciones 'Arrow', 'Revolution', 'Dallas' y 'The Following' se podrán ver muy pronto en nuestro país gracias al acuerdo alcanzado con Warner para la emisión de los éxitos de esta temporada. El Grupo Antena 3 también estrenará las ficciones 'Transporter' y 'Boardwalk Empire', así como las nuevas temporadas de 'Juego de Tronos', 'Pulseras Rojas' o 'The Walking Dead'.
http://www.antena3.com/objetivotv/actua ... 00188.html
http://www.antena3.com/objetivotv/actua ... 00188.html
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- CTV Arrow Promo "Muse Of Fire":
- "Arrow" Star Willa Holland Declares Love for Bacon & Skateboarding (YoungHollywood):
http://www.younghollywood.com/videos/yh ... rding.html
- "Arrow" Star Willa Holland Declares Love for Bacon & Skateboarding (YoungHollywood):
http://www.younghollywood.com/videos/yh ... rding.html

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- Arrow : Stunts: Helipad
- Stills 1.09 "Year´s End":
- Jessica De Gouw sobre el llevar a The Huntress de DC Comics a la TV (ign.com):
- Stills 1.09 "Year´s End":

- Jessica De Gouw sobre el llevar a The Huntress de DC Comics a la TV (ign.com):
Jessica De Gouw sobre el llevar a The Huntress de DC Comics a la TV
La actriz australiana habla sobre el interpretar a la hija del jefe del crimen convertida a vigilante.
Por Matt Fowler 26 de Noviembre, 2012
This Wednesday's episode of Arrow, "Muse of Fire," features the debut of Australian actress Jessica De Gouw as Helena Bertinelli - aka DC Comics' The Huntress! I had a chance to visit the set of Arrow and talk to De Gouw outside the awesome Vancouver lakeside estate being used for the Bertinelli Family Mansion and get the scoop on her character.
De Gouw, who was dressed as Helena, daughter of crime lord Frank Bertinelli, realized that her whole color scheme, even when she wasn’t in costume as The Huntress, hinted at her alter ego. “There are hints of purple in most things,” she said. “Just a little dab here and there. Just to suggest the right things. But it’s definitely part of the costumes.”
Looking around at the lavish set, it was obvious that Helena was just about as well off as Oliver is, family fortune-wise. But is there room for two wealthy vigilantes in Starling City? “Helena comes from a very difficult upbringing," De Gouw shared. “They’re her family, but I think she differs from them in her ideals and with what she thinks is right. So it kind of creates a conflict for her and while Oliver is trying to do what his father wants, Helena is the opposite. And separating yourself from one’s family is a big thing for anybody. I’d like to think I’m a little different with my family, but it’s pretty bold. And she has to be a pretty bold person to follow through.”
“It’s challenging for me because I play Helena and the Huntress and I have to be able to hold my own regarding the duality of the role,” De Gouw continued. “And I have to be able to kick butt and all of that. And I’m quite feminine in my normal every day life, so the fighting and all of that is new and interesting for me. But it’s good. I’m really enjoying it. I’ve really been thrust into it so you might as well just jump in, right?”
When asked about how Huntress first appears on the screen, De Gouw was silent for a moment but then laughed and said “With a punch,” not wanting to give too much away. “She comes in strong. But I don’t really know what else I can say about that. She’s a force. She’s a force of nature. And not only the Huntress but Helena is pretty sassy in her own right.”
Describing the dynamic between Arrow and Huntress, De Gouw remarked, “[Oliver and Helena] come from such different backgrounds and circumstances, but there’s something very similar about them,” De Gouw said. “And I think that’s where the attraction comes from. They find something they can relate to and appreciate. And I don’t think the rest of the world necessarily gets it all the time. It’s just sort of an instant recognition maybe. Of something pretty cool.”
As far as inspiration for her performance went, De Gouw stuck close to the source material. “I went back to the comics,” she said. “I think the comics are the best place to start. That’s where it originated. That’s what the fans want to see. That’s what I wanted to go for. I don’t think it helps to impersonate someone else who’s already done it perhaps. Because this isn’t like anything else. It looks different and it feels different. And it’s a different tone.”
“She’s pretty ruthless,” De Gouw added. “She’s certainly not as controlled as she possibly could be. I mean, she’s a vigilante of sorts and in her own head she justifies the choices she makes. It’s born out of the relationship with her family and her father and rectifying the wrongs that were done there. So that’s where it all comes from.”
http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/26/ ... s-huntress
La actriz australiana habla sobre el interpretar a la hija del jefe del crimen convertida a vigilante.
Por Matt Fowler 26 de Noviembre, 2012
This Wednesday's episode of Arrow, "Muse of Fire," features the debut of Australian actress Jessica De Gouw as Helena Bertinelli - aka DC Comics' The Huntress! I had a chance to visit the set of Arrow and talk to De Gouw outside the awesome Vancouver lakeside estate being used for the Bertinelli Family Mansion and get the scoop on her character.
De Gouw, who was dressed as Helena, daughter of crime lord Frank Bertinelli, realized that her whole color scheme, even when she wasn’t in costume as The Huntress, hinted at her alter ego. “There are hints of purple in most things,” she said. “Just a little dab here and there. Just to suggest the right things. But it’s definitely part of the costumes.”
Looking around at the lavish set, it was obvious that Helena was just about as well off as Oliver is, family fortune-wise. But is there room for two wealthy vigilantes in Starling City? “Helena comes from a very difficult upbringing," De Gouw shared. “They’re her family, but I think she differs from them in her ideals and with what she thinks is right. So it kind of creates a conflict for her and while Oliver is trying to do what his father wants, Helena is the opposite. And separating yourself from one’s family is a big thing for anybody. I’d like to think I’m a little different with my family, but it’s pretty bold. And she has to be a pretty bold person to follow through.”
“It’s challenging for me because I play Helena and the Huntress and I have to be able to hold my own regarding the duality of the role,” De Gouw continued. “And I have to be able to kick butt and all of that. And I’m quite feminine in my normal every day life, so the fighting and all of that is new and interesting for me. But it’s good. I’m really enjoying it. I’ve really been thrust into it so you might as well just jump in, right?”
When asked about how Huntress first appears on the screen, De Gouw was silent for a moment but then laughed and said “With a punch,” not wanting to give too much away. “She comes in strong. But I don’t really know what else I can say about that. She’s a force. She’s a force of nature. And not only the Huntress but Helena is pretty sassy in her own right.”
Describing the dynamic between Arrow and Huntress, De Gouw remarked, “[Oliver and Helena] come from such different backgrounds and circumstances, but there’s something very similar about them,” De Gouw said. “And I think that’s where the attraction comes from. They find something they can relate to and appreciate. And I don’t think the rest of the world necessarily gets it all the time. It’s just sort of an instant recognition maybe. Of something pretty cool.”
As far as inspiration for her performance went, De Gouw stuck close to the source material. “I went back to the comics,” she said. “I think the comics are the best place to start. That’s where it originated. That’s what the fans want to see. That’s what I wanted to go for. I don’t think it helps to impersonate someone else who’s already done it perhaps. Because this isn’t like anything else. It looks different and it feels different. And it’s a different tone.”
“She’s pretty ruthless,” De Gouw added. “She’s certainly not as controlled as she possibly could be. I mean, she’s a vigilante of sorts and in her own head she justifies the choices she makes. It’s born out of the relationship with her family and her father and rectifying the wrongs that were done there. So that’s where it all comes from.”
http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/11/26/ ... s-huntress

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr
- Noticias de Cásting de "Arrow": David Anders se dirige a Starling City (zap2it.com):
El actor David Anders (conocido por los fans por sus papeles en "Alias", "Vampire Diaries" o "Once Upon a Time"), se dirigirá hacia Starling Citypara luchar con Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) en el episodio 13.
En "Arrow," Anders interpreta a Cyrus Vanch, una nueva amenaza para Starling City. Vanch es un rudo criminal que es liberado de prisión después de una larga condena. Por supuesto, tan pronto como consigue su libertad, regresa de nuevo a sus malvados modos.
Laurel (Katie Cassidy) está particularmente involucrada en derrotar a Vanch. Cuando descubre que la policía no puede sacarle de las calles, acude a Arrow en busca de ayuda. Desafortunadamente, el astuto Vanch va un paso por delante de ellos -- él está buscando tomar el control del subframundo criminal de Starling City, y para probarse a sí mismo ante los bajos fondos, tiene en mente eliminar al hombre que los criminales temen más.
Naturalmente, las cosas no van como lo planeado, y sus intentos por llevar a Vanch ante la justicia pone tanto a Laurel como a Oliver en peligro, por muchas y diferentes razones. Vanch no es como ninguno de los enemigos a los que Arrow se ha enfrentado, y representa todo un nuevo reto para nuestro héroe.
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... queen.html

En "Arrow," Anders interpreta a Cyrus Vanch, una nueva amenaza para Starling City. Vanch es un rudo criminal que es liberado de prisión después de una larga condena. Por supuesto, tan pronto como consigue su libertad, regresa de nuevo a sus malvados modos.
Laurel (Katie Cassidy) está particularmente involucrada en derrotar a Vanch. Cuando descubre que la policía no puede sacarle de las calles, acude a Arrow en busca de ayuda. Desafortunadamente, el astuto Vanch va un paso por delante de ellos -- él está buscando tomar el control del subframundo criminal de Starling City, y para probarse a sí mismo ante los bajos fondos, tiene en mente eliminar al hombre que los criminales temen más.
Naturalmente, las cosas no van como lo planeado, y sus intentos por llevar a Vanch ante la justicia pone tanto a Laurel como a Oliver en peligro, por muchas y diferentes razones. Vanch no es como ninguno de los enemigos a los que Arrow se ha enfrentado, y representa todo un nuevo reto para nuestro héroe.
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... queen.html

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!