"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Registrado: Sab Oct 06, 2007 10:14 am
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Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por donovan320 »

Entonces es guapo,pero además su papel lo hace interesante,además que a menudo sale sin camisa xD.

Por cierto,hace muchísimo que ví los 6 primeros,me encantan,pero en fiestas no echaron el 7,ha habido 2 semanas de repeticiones,si en USA van por el 10,no me extraña,vá muy seguida.


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Svmarines »

- Stills Episode 1x11 “Trust But Verify”:

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Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 1.10 "Burned" Producer´s preview:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell responde a las preguntas de los fans de facebook:

- Arrow : Stunts: Prison Riot:

- Stephen Amell habla con Celebuzz en los "Golden Globes":


- 'Arrow': Detalles sobre los nuevos villanos, viejos enemigos, nuevos aliados y lo que está por venir para Oliver (huffingtonpost.com):
'Arrow': Detalles sobre los nuevos villanos, viejos enemigos, nuevos aliados y lo que está por venir para Oliver
Por Maureen Ryan 15 de Enero, 2013 12:48 pm EST

When "Arrow" (Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on The CW) returns with new episodes, Oliver Queen's list of enemies is going to get a lot longer.

Actors from "Fringe," "Battlestar Galactica" and "Spartacus" will be stopping by to play various villains in the next month or two, and in a few weeks, we'll see the first-ever villain team-up on the CW show, along with the return of one of Oliver's most deadly enemies and another run-in with the Huntress.

The roster of good guys will expand as well, with Colton Haynes joining the cast as Roy Harper. He'll start out as a potential love interest for Oliver's sister Thea (wait until you hear how they meet), but he will soon strike up his own important relationship with the hooded avenger. At the end of this post, you'll find not only a list of detailed intel about guest stars, the return of key characters and the big story for the second half of the season, but also a podcast featuring executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Greg Berlanti talking all things "Arrow."

As the producers explained, when the show returns Wednesday, Oliver is at a low point -- he's even considering hanging up his bow and hoodie.

"The last time we saw him, he got his butt kicked" by the Dark Archer, Berlanti said. But having Oliver (Stephen Amell) experience serious self-doubt about his mission is all part of the "Arrow" team's overall plan for the show's first season, which will depict his evolution from "a vengeance-based vigilante to a justice-based hero," Guggenheim said.

Part of that evolution involves Oliver, the wealthy scion of the Queen family, expanding his focus beyond the list of wealthy Starling City evildoers that his father had drawn up just before his death. As we saw in the fall episode in which Oliver stopped a gang of bank robbers, the producers said he would come to realize that his calling is less about hurting the richest one percent of the city and more about helping the community as a whole begin to right itself.

"When we initially started the show, we had this engine of the list, and Oliver was going to go through and cross names off the list each week and they were always going to be one-percenters," said Guggenheim, who added that the list was always intended as the "springboard" that would occupy the first phase of Oliver's Starling City adventures. "We will always keep the one-percenter thing alive, but his trajectory as a character is probably away from that laser-like focus on the one-percenters, but that's just [so we can] tell the story of Oliver going from vigilante to hero."

Guggenheim and Berlanti -- who, along with fellow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, form the show's brain trust -- said that over the course of the first half of the season, they realized that, to an extent, they had to reverse their ideas about how Oliver would takes steps along that road to mature heroism. As viewers saw in the show's pilot, he came back from a five-year stint on a remote island more able to fight and focus on his targets, but those aren't the only skills he needs to take on the problems affecting his city, his family and his soul.

"A very traditional model for this kind of show is, 'What does your hero learn at the end of the episode? What's the takeaway?'" Berlanti noted. "What we realized rather quickly is, we have a guy who learned a lot of things on an island so that could survive -- [things] that, in a lot of ways, he has to unlearn. So rather than have a hero who always has to learn something," he's in the process of modifying and expanding what he learned on the island in order to "regain his humanity."

That will involve, as you might expect, quite a bit of fisticuffs. The show's creative team spends a lot of time planning and storyboarding fight scenes and the time spent on that aspect of the show is "not dissimilar to the kind of time and energy they may put into musical production numbers on other shows," Berlanti said. "We always think the most successful [fights] are where you're learning something about the character through them. You're not just stopping the story, you're also learning something [them] as well."

The attention to both action and character paid off; "Arrow" is one of the few unqualified successes of the fall. The drama, which I chose as one of my favorite fall pilots, has consistently had some of the best shot and best rendered fight scenes on TV, and even if everything else that transpired last fall wasn't quite up to the level of the fine pilot or the intriguing two-episode Huntress arc, the show has been a solid slice of escapism with a brooding undercurrent of ambiguous morality. Just before it took its holiday break, the show appeared poised to mine its ample potential, and the upcoming evolution of Oliver's journey, as described by the producers, made me eager to see what transpires when the show returns.

"We were able to go through the hell of the first seven or eight [episodes] that I think you have to go to, to sort of calibrate how to make a good episode and how to make it on time and on budget and all that stuff, and [we started] to get real, true audience feedback about what people are enjoying most," Berlanti said. "So this next run of episodes is the byproduct of a conversation we've had with the audience and then also our own learning curve in terms of how to make better episodes."

What Guggenheim and Berlanti sounded most excited about was populating Starling City with a wide array of villains, some of which will come back to tangle with Oliver again. But they cautioned that the characters (who include a new villain who did not originate in the DC Comics universe) may just be early versions of who they eventually become.

"One of the things that has been fun about the show is that we introduce different characters and almost use their comic book backgrounds both to entice and surprise the audience," Guggenheim said. "For example, when we first met [Oliver's island mentor] Yao Fei, he was in the Green Arrow hood." Expect those kinds of mysterious character introductions to persist.

And expect Oliver's education to continue. As Guggenheim said, "Arrow" does not yet depict "a full-blown, fully formed hero" yet (within the show, his vigilante character is simply called "the Hood" at this stage). Oliver will continue to struggle with whether he should impose his own moral will on the city or play by at least some of the rules of the community. Ultimately, "Arrow" is about Oliver arriving at a "more perfect moral code," Guggenheim added.

Star Stephen Amell has already formed a more perfect torso, Guggenheim noted. "It's a silly thing to note," but the show's star, who got quite a bit of notice for his killer abs, has "bulked up" his chest and upper body in the past few months. "He was an impressive physical specimen before, but he has found a new gear," Guggenheim said.

So does that mean the show will continue to do exposition downloads while a shirtless Oliver works out in his secret hideout? In a word, absolutely.

"If they can do sexposition on 'Game of Thrones,' we can do abs-position on 'Arrow,'" Guggenheim said with a laugh.

In the podcast below, we talked even more about the politics of "Arrow," the relationship between Oliver and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and how the show compares to the comic book. If you just want the highlights regarding what's next -- and who's next -- for Oliver Queen, here's the lowdown on the rest of the season and what's coming up for key characters and guest stars.

At least one other person (aside from Diggle) will learn Oliver's secret identity fairly soon, the producers said.

The villain in Wednesday's episode uses fire, which is a special challenge for Oliver. "We thought: What's more scary than fire? And also: Let's make things doubly difficult. Let's have him confront a villain he can't punch. He doesn't have a fire-extinguisher arrow," Guggenheim said.

Ben Browder ("Farscape") guest stars in Episode 12 as Diggle's former commanding officer and mentor. John Barrowman, who's been appearing as Tommy Merlyn's father (Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer), will also be in that episode.

Seth Gabel arrives as "the Count" in Episode 12, and he will almost certainly be back. Count Vertigo, a character from the comics, is the loose basis for this villain, but it sounds as though the writers have some tricks up their sleeves when it comes to the Count, whom Gabel discussed in this recent interview. "We love Seth and his interpretation of the character and the Count was always introduced with the plan to make him a recurring villain. In fact, Episode 12 ends with a set-up for his next appearance," Guggenheim said. "Seth plays the character with a lot of flair and it's a new color for the show. Those people who think the Arrow is all about business suited one-percenters will really want to check out this episode."

David Anders ("Once Upon a Time") arrives in Episode 14, and he'll play a brand-new villain created specifically for the TV show. "We wanted to have a villain who was purely sociopathic and without conscience and limitations, but also someone who was so incredibly smart that his tactics and the intelligence of his strategy would rival Oliver's tactics and ability to strategize," Guggenheim said. "We'd been having so much fun with established DC villains that we thought it was time to create someone new and add a new toy to the toy box. The fun about Vanch is that he's absolutely ruthless, but at the same time, a great tactician. He's the thinking man's villain."

Manu Bennett, best known to "Spartacus" fans as Crixus, arrives in Episode 13. He's playing Slade Wilson/Deathstroke -- or is he? "I'd caution against making any assumptions about the role he's playing," Guggenheim said. "We're a bit crafty over here at 'Arrow' and we've demonstrated a certain fondness for using people's comic book-based expectations against them. That said, Oliver will make a shocking discovery about Manu's character that will completely change how much -- or even whether -- he can trust him."

James Callis appears as the Dodger, a jewel thief, in Episode 15. There are no specific plans at the moment to bring him back, "but Andrew and I were watching James' first day of [shooting] and immediately vowed to bring him back. He's terrific," Guggenheim said. "The Dodger is a new type of adversary for us. He offers a slightly lighter touch than previous villains we've had on the show, but James really grounds him with an air of menace that makes the Dodger fit with the tone we've established in the first 14 episodes."

Haynes ("Teen Wolf") arrives as Roy Harper in Episode 15 as well. Hey, wasn't Harper known as Speedy in the Green Arrow DC comics? And hasn't Oliver's sister Thea also been called Speedy on the TV show? Yes and yes. The producers wouldn't say much more, but they did offer that Thea meets Roy, who's from the rough part of town and who is a potential love interest for her, after he steals her purse. Aww, what a meet cute!

Supervillain alert: There will be a team-up between Deadshot and China White in Episode 16. Yes, Deadshot is not dead -- he's going to return with "an all-new look," Guggenheim said, and the show will address how he can do what he does with only one eye.

Badass alert: Huntress fans, rejoice! Jessica De Gouw will be back as Helena Bertinelli in Episode 17 of the season. For more on Oliver's relationship with the character, check out the two-part interviews my colleague Laura Prudom did with Amell and Ramsey.

There will be a new development in the life of Diggle (David Ramsey) that "affects him pretty profoundly," Berlanti said.

Thea's arc will change "fairly immediately" as the show begins to give her more things to do (more than complain, that is -- and fixing that repetitive problem was near the top of the writers' to-do list, Guggenheim said). In Wednesday's episode, "she has this terrific scene with [her mother] Moira, which takes all their previous scenes and turns them on their head," Guggenheim said. Thea (Willa Holland) will soon have more people in her orbit and a wider variety of storylines (including one in which she gets in trouble with the law).

Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), the computer expert Oliver's been consulting lately, has "a big role to play in the second half of the season," Guggenheim said. "Of course, she'll continue to be Oliver's unwitting assistant, but also remember that, thanks to Walter, she has a copy of the Second Notebook."

When will we see a GLBTQ character on "Arrow"? Yes, that's certainly on the producers' list of things to do. "As an out writer/producer, that's always important to me, but it's also equally important to do it in a way that's fresh and interesting," Berlanti said. What they want to do is have the character be someone who works with Oliver and someone viewers see regularly, not just a villain fans might see only a couple times per season. "Hopefully we'll get to introduce the character before the end of year," Berlanti added. "It's definitely high on our priority list."

Speaking of Moira Queen (Susanna Thompson): "Viewers who are wondering when Oliver is going to realize his mom is naughty will want to pay particular attention to Episodes 12 thru 14," Guggenheim said.

Will Laurel evolve into the Black Canary? Will Tommy (Colin Donnell) start becoming a villain this season? We talked about those things at greater length in the podcast, but the important thing to know is that developments related to Tommy and his father "form the spine" of the rest of the season, according to the producers. "He doesn't know that his dad is the Dark Archer. What's going to happen if and when Tommy makes that discovery? How does his father's uber-scheme affect Tommy? Those are the questions we're raising [when the show returns] and then driving to our big finale," Guggenheim said.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/1 ... 74482.html

- 'Arrow' está de vuelta: ¡6 Adelantos de la Premiere! (ETOnline.com):
'Arrow' está de vuelta: ¡6 Adelantos de la Premiere!
Por JARETT WIESELMAN 15 de Enero, 2013

While many new shows hit the bulls-eye in their pilot episode only to miss the mark with subsequent installments, The CW's Arrow fired off one stellar episode after another throughout 2012, resulting in a fairly flaw-free first season thus far.

This week, the show returns from a one month hiatus with Burned, an episode that reveals fans haven't been the only ones without The Arrow's services. Sterling City has been missing their new savior as well while Oliver Queen licked his wounds after losing a bout with the Dark Archer. ETonline caught up with Arrow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg to find out what awaits in 2013 -- from hints of Black Canary to the arrival of Arrow sidekick, Speedy!

ETonline: What can you tease about this week's episode?
Andrew Kreisberg: We wanted to advance things a little bit, take advantage of the time lapse. As we saw at the end of 2012, Oliver was defeated emotionally and physically by the Dark Archer, and when we come back, his physical wounds have healed, but surprisingly for Oliver, who has been so stoic for so long, the pain is lingering within him. We're going to see an Oliver that's different from the guy we've come to know. He's a little more damaged than even he would like to admit. The episode has all the action and adventure and fun and excitement that it always has, but we're doing something a little bit different by giving him a strong emotional journey that I think the audience will appreciate.

ETonline: How important was it to remind the audience and Oliver that he is, in fact, human and capable of being injured?
Kreisberg: That's always important to us. Every story we tell should remind everyone that Oliver is not a superhero, he is just a person. We said from very early on that his superpower is that he's not afraid to die. The island really robbed him of a lot of the things you and I would face in our daily lives. Every day was about living from sunrise to sunset. He did that for 5 years and it made him hard. Since he's been back, he's been moving pretty swiftly and cleanly through the criminal underworld. He really took it on the chin in episode 9 and that's something he hasn't experienced in a long time, which was exciting for us to explore. Not just to remind the audience that he's human and fallible, but to remind him. If your hero is invincible it gets old fast. Oliver can lose and the forces that are lined up against him are strong and deep so he'll have to overcome a lot, not just physically, but emotionally.

ETonline: Is that why Oliver and Laurel can't be together right now; if he's given something to lose, he might trade his vigilante life for his Oliver life?
Kreisberg: Yeah, that's sort of the central tenet of this week's episode, and comes out in an argument between Diggle and Oliver. He realizes for the first time that he has something to lose now. The overall story arc of this season, and the series, is about how Oliver integrates being The Arrow and being Oliver Queen on a given day. This episode was an opportunity to explore what happens when the invincible persona of The Arrow is taken down a peg. How does that affect both The Arrow and Oliver Queen? The first half of the season was about getting the pieces on the chessboard and starting this week we can now play with the internal conflicts, personal dilemmas and traumas he has to overcome.

ETonline: As we've seen countless times with superheroes, it's not just romantic relationships they're incapable of having, but also true friendships. When I look at Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn, I think of Peter Parker and Harry Osborne. Is that a storyline you're looking forward to playing out, whenever it comes to pass?
Kreisberg: For us, that's the interesting stuff. A lot of the general audiences might not be familiar with the Merlyn story trajectory, so they're experiencing it as it happens, but for the people who do know what's coming, they're going to look at Oliver and Tommy with a sense of sadness. You see how close they are, especially in the pilot. For all of Tommy's selfishness, he loves Oliver like a brother. There's a scene in an upcoming episode where it's Tommy's birthday and he's saying that this is the best year of my life because he got his best friend back. I got a little misty writing that scene because you know that these friends are destined for tragedy. But at the same time, that's where the drama comes from and it's exciting. When you loved someone once and then hate them now, all that gets mixed in together. Despite the show being an action-adventure show, it's really a family drama between the Merlyns and the Queens.

ETonline: When you were auditioning actors for Tommy, who could potentially become a big villain, or Laurel, who could potentially become The Black Canary, did you test them to see if they're capable of also puling off, what is ostensibly, a second character?
Kreisberg: Yeah. I mean, we knew neither of those characters were going to be [going that route] right away and since it wasn't front and center, we wanted to find the best people to play those characters right now. But in both of those cases, we saw that Colin [Donnell, who plays Tommy] is a good looking guy and has a little bit of that darkness in him that one day, should we go in that direction, let us know he could play that villain. And with Katie [Cassidy, who plays Laurel], we'd seen the work she'd done on Supernatural and Harper's Island, so we knew that she was a great actress but should we need her to kick ass, she can do so. Also, when you see episode 13, Betrayal, you'll see a little bit of the pre-Canary in action. Which fans should love.

ETonline: We've just seen Colton Haynes deliver great work on Teen Wolf for the last two years, and now he's joining Arrow as Roy Harper, who eventually became Green Arrow's sidekick, Speedy, in the comic books. What can you say about your incarnation of Roy?
Kreisberg: There's a little bit of every version of Roy in our Roy. He has a very clear story trajectory but he's very nascent. This is Roy at the beginning. When we meet him, he's not the most upstanding citizen. In the same way we hope that all our characters go on tremendous journeys of professional growth, we'll get to see Roy go on that same journey. Whether he picks up a bow or not, he'll be forever changed by his interactions with The Arrow and we're very excited about that.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/129217_Arrow ... index.html

- Primer Vistazo Exclusivo de Arrow : Seth Gabel Debuta como "The Count" (TVGuide):
Primer Vistazo Exclusivo de Arrow : Seth Gabel Debuta como "The Count"
Por Natalie Abrams 15 de Enero, 2013 07:15 PM ET

¡Llega The Count!

El alumno de Fringe Seth Gabel llegará a Arrow el próximo Miércoles, 30 de Enero, titulado "Vertigo." The Count está basado en el supervillano de DC Comics Count Vertigo, aunque con la versión de Arrow, Vertigo será en realidad el nombre de una droga que plaga Starling City.

Es adroga viene de The Count, así es que no debería ser una sorpresa que cuando Thea (Willa Holland) cae víctima de ella, Oliver (Stephen Amell) vaya tras el hombre mismo. "Lo que pone a Oliver en la órbita de The Count y los pone a ambos en conflicto es en realidad una motivación realmente personal," dice el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim. "Alguien cercano a él es herido por The Count. esta es la primera vez que Arrow va tras alguien por pura venganza. hay una discusión sobre que la misión general de Arrow es de venganza, pero esto es muy específico. Esta vez, es personal."

Su nombre puede haber cambiado, pero esperad que The Count sea tan diabólico como su homólogo de los cómics. "Es un personaje muy interesante, y la manera en que Seth lo interpreta, él lo hace con mucha clase," dice Guggenheim. "Lo curioso sobre The Count es que es en realidad un hombre de negocios. Tiene una vena de sociópata, seguro, pero se ve a sí mismo como un empresario, como que crea no drogas, sino arte. Él compara su droga con el realizar un trabajo social y con un buen vino, así es que tiene una visión muy sesgada de qué es lo que hace. Al mismo tiempo, sabemos que él no es sólo un sociópata, sino muy sádico también."

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http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Seth- ... 59166.aspx

- Productor Ejecutivo de 'Arrow' Habla Sobre la Evolución de Oliver Como Héroe y las 'Grandes Bombas' que nos esperan (thehollywoodreporter.com):
Productor Ejecutivo de 'Arrow' Habla Sobre la Evolución de Oliver Como Héroe y las 'Grandes Bombas' que nos esperan
Por Lesley Goldberg 9:00 AM PST 16/01/2013
Oliver y Malcolm descubriéndose el uno al otro, los motivos de Moira y por qué está trabajando con Dark Archer para "Proyecto" están entre los grandes misterios que serán revelados en la segunda parte de la temporada.

The CW's Arrow returns with its winter premiere Wednesday to find Stephen Amell's central hero struggling with having endured a beat-down of epic proportions at the hands of Malcolm Merlyn's Dark Archer.

As was revealed in December's midseason finale, John Barrowman's Malcolm is working with none other than Oliver's (Amell) mother, Moira, and plotting a deadly Undertaking that would drastically transform Starling City. Meanwhile, Oliver begins to question whether the list he's been working off of actually originated with his father.

The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim to preview the second-half of the CW's freshman hit and answer some of the burning questions ahead -- including how Teen Wolf's Colton Haynes will factor into the series' mythology.

THR: After failing against Malcolm, how will we see Oliver struggle?
Marc Guggenheim: That's the question posed by our first episode back. We get under how Oliver is dealing with a crisis of confidence in the wake of a pretty severe beat down he got from the Dark Archer. It's an exploration about the nature of fear for Oliver. Oliver has never had to deal with the fear of death before. One of the things we're using this episode to explore is the way Oliver has changed, from the guy who came back in the pilot to the guy we've seen 10 episodes in. We use this as an opportunity to check in with him emotionally and dig into the fact that when he was on the island, he was making this grand plan to save the city. He never anticipated or expected to deal with his family and friends and all the relationships he's reignited since returning from the island. He wasn't focused on being Oliver Queen, he was on being the Arrow. It's a real challenge for him to deal with possibility of death now that he has all these people in his life. That's what Diggle is there for, to help him manage his fear and be the guy who as Diggle says, "jumps off of rooftops" while still being the Oliver Queen he's come to be since the pilot -- someone who is more engaged with his family and friends and less aloof. At same time, we're telling a season-long arc with Oliver. When we first met him, he was this guy who was damaged and aloof and this angry vigilante. Over course of the first season, we're slowly evolving him into someone who's a better Oliver Queen but also a better hero. It's the transition from vigilante to being a hero; from being the Arrow to being the Green Arrow, which is our shorthand way of saying he starts off being about this vigilante who is all about crossing names from his father's list to being a true hero, someone who's actually trying to be a force for positive change in the city.

THR: What lengths will Oliver go to in order to successfully take down Malcolm? After a beat down like that, he's got to make some fundamental changes to his approach and training.
Guggenheim: The first big change is an emotional one; it's recognizing that he has to change his mindset when he goes into the field -- this is even before he has the rematch with Malcolm. That's something we'll be teasing a little bit; we're going to make you wait a little bit for that epic rematch. Oliver's next major interaction with Malcolm is the last thing in the world you'd expect. Oliver doesn't know that he's the Dark Archer, nor does Malcolm know that Oliver is Arrow. There are two bombs underneath the table in the latter half of the season: When is Oliver going to discover that Malcolm is the Dark Archer and when is Malcolm going to discover that Oliver is the Arrow, and which one is going to come first? We will be revealing the Arrow's identity to another character in short order.

THR: Any chance that'd be Thea, especially since you've got Roy Harper's potential Speedy character coming soon?
Guggenheim: I don't like to handicap these things!

THR: The other big "bomb" waiting to go off is Oliver learning that his mother is behind his kidnapping and torture. How will you be addressing that?
Guggenheim: That's been something we've been keeping on a low simmer since the pilot. As we started to construct latter half of the season, we discussed how much longer can Oliver go without knowing his mother is up to no good without him seeming stupid or avoiding the thing that's right under his nose. Starting in episode 11 and going through episode 14, is a multiepisode arc that will deal with this question.

THR: Malcolm and Moira are working together. What's their end game? Might they have penned Oliver's hit list?
Guggenheim: That's the big question for remainder of year. In episode nine, we learned of this event that they're planning, the Undertaking, and we're starting to lay the foundation for Oliver making the discovery of what the Undertaking is. It's our big end game for the season. The question of what Moira and Malcolm are up to will be explored as we go through episode 10 and on. It may not be quite what you expect but it sets up our big finale. The twists and turns of getting there is part of the fun of the second half of the season.

THR: Colton Haynes will play Roy Harper. What's the nature of his relationship like with Oliver? Might he be Speedy?
Guggenheim: We're going to start off with Roy being a love interest for Thea. The first iteration of his relationship with Oliver will be as the new boyfriend to his younger sister. We saw in episode 9 the way Oliver tends to react to guys who date his sister. We plan on having a bit of fun with that. We also plan on having fun with the fact that Roy is from The Glades, this area that's the worst of the worst in Starling City. That's a very far cry from the way the Queens live their lives and we'll have some fun with the worlds colliding, both in terms of Thea and Roy and Oliver and Roy.

THR: In other news, the CW is casting Diana for its Wonder Woman prequel, Amazon. Considering your background in the genre, whom do you like for the role?
Guggenheim: Angelina Jolie, but I don't think she'll be doing television anytime soon. She would be the entirety of the CW's budget. I'd like them to go with an unknown. I think much the same way we cast Stephen Amell, who had been on some shows but wasn't a household name, I'd like them to take the same approach with Diana.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ark-412271

- ARROW: Andrew Kreisberg Adelanta Dark Archer Versus Arrow, la tapadera de Oliver siendo descubierta, y más (givememyremote.com):
Andrew Kreisberg Adelanta Dark Archer Versus Arrow, la tapadera de Oliver siendo descubierta, y más
Por Marisa Roffman 16 de enero, 2013

ARROW is finally back!

The most addictive show to come out of the fall 2012 season took a break for the holidays, and based on the teases ARROW executive producer Andrew Kreisberg shared during out chat, it seems like it hits the ground running with tonight’s brand new episode.

Take a look at what Kreisberg had to say about more people finding out what Oliver’s been doing in his spare time, the threat of the Dark Archer, guest stars, and more…

What can you tease about ARROW’s 2013 return?
Andrew Kreisberg: We’re really excited to be back on the air after six weeks, and I guess the biggest tease is the Oliver we’ve seen previously has taken a physical and emotional hit from his experience with the Dark Archer. So while he’s physically back to full strength, he’s emotionally not quite [there]. This is the first time we’ll see him suffer a setback.

There’s lots of great scenes with Oliver and Dig, and Dig challenging Oliver that he eventually needs to get back on the horse. So while the episode is filled with all this excitement and action and adventure that we normally have, it’s also a strong character story, and we’re really proud of [it].

Will the shadow of the Dark Archer be hanging over him for the rest of the season?
AK: Both the shadow and the threat of the Dark Archer are going to be looming over the rest of the season. Oliver’s quest to discover his identity and take him down will be in the background of every episode, even if it’s a standalone episode with a new adversary.

Will Oliver finding out that the Dark Archer is really Tommy’s dad, Malcolm, make him alter his approach to taking him down?
AK: Well, he’s not going to find out who he is for a while yet. He’s definitely going to be on the hunt. Malcolm Merlyn – both in his guise as Malcolm Merlyn and as the shadow Archer — he’s closing in on Oliver on every front: between the interactions with his mother and the Dark Archer is a physical threat to the Arrow. So it’s really exciting for us. We feel we’ve set up a situation where it’s not just a good guy versus a bad guy; it’s this inter-family plot, and machinations, and loyalties tested, and also the physical threat of Oliver chasing an archer who might be beyond his equal.

Where does that leave the relationship between Malcolm and Tommy?
AK: That’s one of the things that happens over the next run of episodes that we’re excited about. We always say the villains are always the hero of their own stories, and Malcolm believes everything he’s doing — and everything he’s done — is done in the service of the angels. So one of the things we’re doing is we’re really going to explore the relationship between Malcolm and Tommy, which will make Malcolm, I think, a more fully-fleshed out character. And hopefully even somewhat sympathetic, which is always the most interesting villain.

So especially in episode 11, “Trust But Verify,” there’s a very strong Tommy and Malcolm relationship episode, building up to our midseason finale, episode 16, where there’s a lot of revelations between the characters that we’re very excited about.

Speaking of revelations, there have been rumors someone else may find out that Oliver is Arrow. What can you tease about who that might be and when they might be learning the truth?
AK: Hm…I think that what I can say is two more people are going to find out this season. One, you probably won’t be that surprised about. One, I think you’re going to be very surprised about.

When we hit upon the very surprising person to find out, we all looked at each other and got scared, and I think we’ve always found that if it scares us in the writers’ room, it’s generally the way to go. That’s what gets the most excitement in the audience, and also forces us to raise our game. His persona is definitely going to be exposed, but we take it very seriously. We don’t want it to happen just to happen, for one moment in one episode. Anyone who finds out, it’s going to change Oliver’s life, too. If we do it, it’s going to be for a good reason. We’re excited about who finds out. We think it’s going to really be fun, and dangerous, and dramatic for their character.

I know you have a lot of guest stars coming up, but is there one you’re particularly excited for viewers to see?
AK: That’s like asking me to choose among my kids! I think we have the best guests. We have the best casts on television, and I think we have one of the best guest casts on television.

I’m going to apologize in case I forget anybody, but we have Janina Gavankar from TRUE BLOOD, playing McKenna Hall, the new love interest for Oliver. The amazing Manu Bennett from SPARTACUS, whom I’m a huge fan of, playing Slade Wilson. James Callis is coming up playing a villain called The Dodger. We have Ben Browder playing Ted Gaynor, who’s an old military associate of Dig’s, who is actually in the next episode. And we have Seth Gabel playing Count Vertigo, which we’re really excited about, because aside from Merlyn, Vertigo was probably the Green Arrow’s best known villain. And we couldn’t have found a better actor in Seth; he’s so talented, so dynamic, so amazing.

And then we have Colton [Hayes] joining us as Roy Harper. If you’re a Green Arrow fan, this is the best time [for the show].

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.13 “Betrayal” (CW):
1.13 “Betrayal”: DAVID ANDERS (“ONCE UPON A TIME,” “THE VAMPIRE DIARIES”) ESTRELLA INVITADA — Cyrus Vanch (Anders), un perverso criminal, es recientemente liberado de prisisón e intenta re-asegurar su posición como líder del inframundo. Su primer paso es derrotar a su mayor oponente en la ciudad – Arrow (Stephen Amell). Mientras tanto, Oliver le muestra a Moira (Susanna Thompson) la agenda de su padre y le pregunta sobre los nombres de la lista. Thea (Willa Holland) está deprimida al empezar su interinidad con Laurel (Katie Cassidy) en la oficina de ayuda legal y el Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) comete un error mortal que pone a Laurel en el punto de mira de Vanch. David Ramsey y Colin Donnell también aparecen. Guy Bee dirige el episodio escrito por Lana Cho & Beth Schwartz (#113).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-episo ... ease/13152

- Stills del 1.12 "Vertigo":

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- Arrow 1x11 Promo "Trust But Verify" (HD):

- Arrow Extended Promo 1x11 - Trust But Verify [HD]:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.10. Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

- Arrow : Trust But Verify Producer's Preview:

- El productor de Arrow Andrew Kreisberg sobre Vertigo, Black Canary y Cyrus Vaunch (fanhattan.com):
El productor de Arrow Andrew Kreisberg sobre Vertigo, Black Canary y Cyrus Vaunch
Por Jenna Busch 16 de Enero, 2013

Arrow returns to The CW for its mid-season premiere tonight (Jan. 16) and we got a chance to chat with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg about what’s coming in the show. He gave us the scoop on how Count Vertigo (Seth Gabel) and Cyrus Vaunch (David Anders) will mess with Oliver (Stephen Amell) and whether or not Moira (Susanna Thompson) is really a villain. He also gave us an idea of where the show is going in terms of Laurel (Katie Cassidy) becoming the Black Canary. When you’re doing, click here to watch some behind-the-scenes clips of tonight’s episode.

Fanhattan: When I spoke to you back at New York Comic Con, you told me that the island flashbacks would continue for as long as the show is on the air. I love that idea, because it’s like watching two separate shows. Do you have a plan for what island secrets will be revealed in terms of the second, third and fourth seasons and beyond?

Andrew Kreisberg: Yeah. I can’t say that we’ve got every single thing mapped out, but we’ve certainly know all the kinds of things that we want to do. And I think the hard thing for this part is to have the patience. And you know, we sort of can’t wait to get to the next thing. But we have the mine, the current story line that it is. But we sort of have a clear trajectory of everything that it is, the various experiences that helped to form the man in the pilot. I think that what’ll be interesting moving forward is as bad as some of the stuff that Oliver’s experienced that we have seen so far, it is nothing compared to the stuff that he is going to face coming up—both physically and emotionally. I think that because we are doing a TV series, we are forced to sort of mine that origin story for all that it’s worth. And, hopefully, if it goes well, the series takes on this very interesting shape, like we said, that the very last flashback in the very last episode of the show, hopefully will be Oliver looking up and seeing the boat that rescued him in the pilot, so that you are really experiencing two series at the exact same time. Hopefully, when you get the end of the series, you’ll be able to look back and go, “Oh, all of those things from the series—all those things I saw in the flashbacks—really came to fruition in the present day story, and I really see how those experiences shaped him”. And, that sort of dual structure, that story telling, has been really gratifying. And we are very excited that the audience has really responded as well.

Fanhattan: What sort of things are we going to see in terms of Yao Fei (Byron Mann) and Edward Fyers (Sebastian Dunn)?

Andrew Kreisberg: The flashback story line of this season is really going to be its own story. We will discover why Fyers is on the island; we will discover the true identity of Yao Fei; we will discover what Fyers wants with Yao Fei. And, what’s really interesting for us is that its like there’s this giant thriller going on in the island that Oliver Queen just kind of washed up on the shore and ended up getting himself involved in. He’s a very minor bit player in this crazy adventure that’s going on … he’s sort of having greatness thrust upon him and he’s really rise to the occasion, not just to help the good guys save the day, but also just to survive it. And that’s been really interesting because, conversely, the present day story, he is the hero of the story. So, it’s not just showing the difference in Oliver, in the difference he has become as sort of the young, callow youth who is shipwrecked. Also its telling a very different kind of story where he is very much the hero and making things happen in the present day. In the flashbacks, things are very much happening to him. The other thing that makes it so gratifying is that it’s very easy to write, but when you see how Stephen (Amell) has really made a flashback Oliver of his own character. I’m not really sure he gets enough credit as an actor for the amazing job he does and the difference with his voice and the way he holds himself in those flashback stories. Because, whether you realize it or not, the thing that ground those things and makes them believable and makes you feel like you’re somebody. It’s not just question of making him look younger. Stephen makes him feel younger. I truly don’t think as an actor he gets enough credit for making all of that work. Because, if he were not able to do that, none of it would work.

Fanhattan: What can you talk about in terms of the villains you have coming up?

Andrew Kreisberg: Count Vertigo is probably Green Arrow’s biggest adversary in the comic books. So we were very eager to bring him into the series. In the comics, he was much more of a sort of fantastical character. He’s literally a count. He’s from royalty, and he’s developed the Vertigo inducing beam. That is a bit too fantastical for the world that we’ve created for our show, so we have somewhat re- conceptualized the character. He still has some of the same panache, but Vertigo in our show is directed as a drug, a street drug. But he is just as dangerous of an adversary for the Arrow. And Cyrus Vanch: he’s a good adversary for us because he’s sort of part of the grounded universe, looking to take over the power of Acumen city that has been left because Helena (Jessica De Gouw), the Huntress, took down her father’s empire and killed the head of the triad. So, he’s looking to step inside of the power vacuum and we are so lucky to get David Anders to play him. I’ve worked with David before on Warehouse 13 and he is an incredibly nice guy, but he plays the villain so well and fills the bad guy shoes really nicely. He ended up doing a lot of our work for us just by agreeing to play the character, because he comes on board with this great mix of charm and malevolence, which made a great adversary for our hero.

Fanhattan: Is there a chance Moira is heading towards being a known DC Villain?

Andrew Kreisberg: I don’t think she’ll be a known DC villain, but I think its no surprise that we are heading towards all of these secrets and lies all coming out, leading to confrontations between the characters. I think that, hopefully, after episode nine, people got a little bit more of a sense that she’s not an entirely evil character that you maybe suspected of her based on the things that she has done earlier on. We always say that everyone is the hero of their own story. And, everything she is doing is from the perspective of protecting her family—protecting Walter, protecting her children. So, I think as the season goes on, we are going to see just how in over hear head she is, but then interestingly, one of the things that’ll come up for her is that, like she says in nine, “I spent a long time trying to fight them, and then I realized I was them.” I think she’s going to see that she can’t get a little bit pregnant and once you sort of, to quote Yoda: “Once you start down the dark path…” I think both she and the audience will be surprised about the lengths that she will go to keep her family safe and to come out with this with her on the other side.

Fanhattan: What can you tell us about Black Canary? Will we see her this season? Will there be hints?

Andrew Kreisberg: I think there are always hints. We’ve been very clear. It took Oliver five years to go from being the playboy shmuck to being this ruthless warrior. Anyone else who is going to sort of make that transition from who they are in series now, to a more faithful comic book iteration, they are going to have to go through a similar crucible of fire, both physically and emotionally. And, those things take time. We don’t have any plans of putting Laurel in fishnets, a blonde wig, and a leather jack, and having her kick ass, because in the “reality” of the world that we have created in the story—she’d be dead in ten seconds. And Oliver wouldn’t let her do it anyway. So, we sort of have to let these things marinate. But, that being said, what’s so fun for us as both writers and fans is putting in the Easter eggs and in episode thirteen, “Betrayal”, you’ll definitely see a glimpse of the Canary in action. But we are always conscious of that stuff, and we are always excited by it. We know how much it meets the sand, and we do those things for ourselves as much as we do it for the fans, because, like I said, we started as fans, and started as comic book writers, and that’s the—all the experience we bring with or television work, we also bring with our fandom with us. Fulfilling the audience’s expectations in those ways is one of the most fun aspects of working on the show for us.

Fanhattan: You’ve taken this universe and grounded it in reality. Is there a DC character with more supernatural elements that you want to rework for the universe like you did with the Royal Flush gang?

Andrew Kreisberg: I think we’ve gotten to do a lot of that. I think tomorrow night’s episode, with Firefly—you know, in the comic books he has a fire sword and a gun that shoots flames and he is able to fly, literally. And we have interpreted him in a much more grounded way, like with Count Vertigo, who has this vertigo inducing laser beam that’s been interpreted in a sort of much more grounded fashion. We found that even the most fantastical characters can be reinterpreted to fit our show. So, I’m not sure that there is anyone out there specifically that I’ve been itching to get my fingers on, but I do think that with Firefly and with Count Vertigo, we have certainly taken steps to take some of those more fantastical characters and bring them down to earth. We look forward to doing more in the future.

http://blog.fanhattan.com/2013/01/16/ar ... us-vaunch/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Rekha Sharma, estrella invitada en "Arrow" (greenarrowtv.com):
Rekha Sharma, quien interpretó a “Tory Foster” en la serie "Battlestar Galactica", estará en el episodio “Dodger” del nuevo hit de la CW como un personaje llamado Claire Abbott.

La actriz ha revelado estas noticias a través de su página oficial de Facebook. Ahí, ella menciona el trabajar en el episodio junto a Janina Gavankar, y menciona que hay alguien más con quien se va a volver a reunir (que con toda seguridad se trata del Sr. Callis).

Esta no es la primera vez que Sharma tiene relacion con el Universo DC, pues ya apareció en siete episodios de Smallville como la “Dra. Harden.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/james-calli ... dger/13198

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Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow : Stunts: Deathstroke Vs. Yao Fei:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La Black Canary original aparecerá en esta temporada de Arrow (zap-2-it):
Zap2It ha informado que Dinah Drake, la madre separada de Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), aparecerá en esta temporada de Arrow:
"Arrow": La madre de Laurel, Dinah, abandonó a Laurel hace años, pero en el Episodio 16, ella regresará a Starling City con el interés de reunirse con su hija. En los cómics que inspiraron "Arrow," Dinah es la Black Canary original, y Laurel más tarde toma el relevo de su madre. Por supuesto, en los cómics Dinah también sale con Oliver Queen... lo que suponemos y esperamos no se traslade a la versión de TV.

En otras noticias de "Arrow", esperad que China White haga unas cuantas apariciones más en esta temporada. Kelly Hu nos cuenta que no hemos visto lo último de su personaje. "Puedo deciros que consigo hablar -- consigo hablar un poco más. Y también tengo mucha más acción," dice.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... tle-l.html?

Aún ninguna información sobre el cásting está disponible, así es que no hay ni una palabra sobre quién exactamente interpretará a la matriarca.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado el título y créditos del episodio 1.16 “Dead To Rights.”
1.16 “Dead To Rights.”, escrito por Geoff Johns y dirigido por Glen Winter


- Productor de 'Arrow' EP adelanta nuevas facetas para Tommy, y dice que los fans estarán 'deslumbrados' (examiner.com):
Productor de 'Arrow' EP adelanta nuevas facetas para Tommy, y dice que los fans estarán 'deslumbrados'
Por Danielle Turchiano 22 de Enero, 2013

The character of Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell) on The CW's Arrow is constantly in someone else's shadow. First it was Oliver's (Stephen Amell), as Tommy was seemingly second choice and second best when it came to business, wealth, and winning the heart of Laurel (Katie Cassidy), but as we've gotten to know Tommy, we've learned it cuts much deeper than that, as he is in his father's (John Barrowman) shadow first and foremost, and that may just inform who he is and the decisions he makes more than anything else.

"In episode 11 we’re really going to get underneath the nature of his relationship with his father. We’re going to learn why it went south, and we’re going to learn more about Malcolm and his background and the circumstances that led him to become the Dark Archer," Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim said to LA TV Insider Examiner about "Trust But Verify."

Those of you on "Team Tommy" will be pleased to know that he has a larger, more important arc coming up that really only starts in the eleventh episode of the season, though. And it's not all about Laurel anymore.

"He’ll always be pursuing Laurel, and that will always be a fun dynamic, but we’re adding a lot of layers to Tommy’s character in the second half of the season," Guggenheim said.

"In episode 13, we’re going to service more of Tommy’s reaction to Laurel’s relationship with The Arrow, and then as we build to our mid-midseason finale in episode 16, there will be some major, major seismic shifts in Tommy’s life that will propel him forward for the remainder of the season."

Guggenheim was glad to hear just how many Tweets we personally get about Tommy, but when asked if the audience should be actively rooting for Tommy as much as Oliver over the next few episodes, Guggenheim admitted he doesn't consider his characters that way. Whether or not that has any bearing on whether Tommy will follow in his father's dark footsteps, though, you'll just have to keep tuning in to find out!

"I like to come from the point of view of wanting fans to be intrigued by a character. I just want them emotionally invested. Whether they’re rooting for a character or hating a character, to me, both are good because for me, the whole point of making television is to create an emotional response from the audience. Whether it’s love or hate, they’re both good to me!" Guggenheim said.

"[Tommy]’s a favorite of ours; he’s a joy to write; and Colin is wonderful. To all the people who are Tweeting, they’re definitely going to want to watch 11 and 13, but wait until you get to 16! You’re going to be blown away!"

http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-e ... blown-away

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Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Ficha a la actriz Alex Kingston como la madre de Laurel (ew.com):
Hace unos días, se dio a conocer que la madre de Laurel aparecería en la serie en esta temporada como personaje recurrente, aunque no se sabía quién sería la actriz elegida para interpretar al personaje.

Ahora, gracias a Entertainment Weekly, sabemos que “Dinah” – la antigua mujer de Quentin y madre de Laurel – será interpretada por la actriz Alex Kingston (Urgencias, Doctor Who).

En los cómics, la madre de Laurel era la primera y original Black Canary. ¿Podrá finalmente Laurel seguir en camino similar?


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Deadshot Regresa. ¿Conseguirá Diggle su Venganza? (TVGuide):
Deadshot Regresa. ¿Conseguirá Diggle su Venganza?
por Natalie Abrams 22 de Enero, 2013 11:36 PM ET

¡Deadshot no está muerto!

El pistolero asesino, a quien Oliver (Stephen Amell) le diaparó en el ojo, regresará en la segunda mitad de la primera temporada de Arrow.

Deadshot (Michael Rowe) aparecerá de nuevo por primera vez en un episodio escrito por el veterano de DC Comics Geoff Johns llamado "Dead to Rights," en el que él y Ollie se enfrentarán el uno al otro de nuevo.

Sin embargo, veremos a Diggle (David Ramsey) — cuyo hermano aparentemente Deadshot asesinó, basado en el tatuaje de su nombre en el cuertpo de Deadshot — ir tras el villano de DC Comics en un episodio futuro de Arrow también.

"Vemos que Diggle se hace muy vulnerable y realmente lidia con sentimientos de venganza," le cuenta Ramsey a TVGuide. "Tiene una cierta cantidad de culpa por la muerte de su hermano. Su búsqueda de venganza por vengar la muerte de su hermano se mostrarán. Algunas de las cosas sobre las que ha estadoi advirtiendo a Oliver, Diggle tendrá que tratar con ellas."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Deads ... 59448.aspx

- David Ramsey y Andrew Kreisberg Adelantan ‘Trust But Verify’ (givememyremote):
ARROW fans will get to learn a bit more about Diggle in tonight’s brand new episode, “Trust But Verify,” when Dig’s old military buddy, Ted Gaynor (played by FARSCAPE’s Ben Browder), pops back into his life.

“You find out a lot about Diggle,” David Ramsey (Diggle) teased to reporters on set late last year. “We know Diggle has a big military background, and Ted Gaynor is one of his partners back during his military days. Diggle has to make some decisions because Ted proves to be a little more than Diggle thought. [Tonight's hour] is a big episode for me because there’s some loyalties that perhaps aren’t as loyal we thought…We were very tight in the military. Brothers, in fact, in many ways. And those loyalties come into question in a big way.”

Causing complications? Gaynor is on Arrow’s list of people to take down.

“He did [follow the same path], but he may have veered to some other paths,” Ramsey allowed. “That comes into question in a big way. Not so much from me, but the Arrow has some questions for Ted Gaynor. So I have to, in many ways, have to gauge who’s right and where my loyalties stand. Am I loyal to Ted or am I loyal to Oliver?”

That very question will lead to some tense times between Oliver and Diggle.

“There’s some harsh language,” ARROW executive producer Andrew Kreisberg laughed when we spoke last week. “What’s so great about the show — and one of the things we had envisioned for the show that wasn’t really present in the pilot — was this great relationship between Oliver and Diggle and all the kinds of things we thought we could do. And now that we’re finally there, we’re so gratified that not only can we have these great scenes between Oliver and Dig as partners, as friends, as fellow soldiers, as two men who have been through a war and changed by war, but changed in different ways. Watching them come at each other, it’s better and more thrilling than we had even hoped for early on. And when you have David Ramsey and Stephen Amell (Oliver/Arrow) yelling at each other, ready to come to blows — I watched a lot of those scenes on the set, and it’s thrilling to watch. When it comes together in the episode, I think fans are going to be really excited. What separates the show from just being an action-adventure show is we do get to have these brief conversations about the nature of justice and the nature of loyalty and the nature of friendship. I think that’s what the fans and we as writers have been waiting to get to; we’ve spent half the season laying the foundation, now we can really play.”

Kreisberg noted that while this specific incident doesn’t push Oliver to drastically overhaul the list, it does change things a bit.

“I think the nature of the list and what it means and what it means to Oliver will constantly be evolving,” he said. “We’ve always said in someways the list is kind of selfish: it’s Oliver having a very narrow view of justice and very quantifiable for him. So the arc of his journey of his character over this season and over the series is the realization that justice is about more than crossing names off a list. And I think that’s the perspective that Diggle brings to the partnership. The same way with episode six, what happened with the Royal Flush Gang was one small step forward in the evolution of Oliver’s view of the list and we do get another one.”

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... ut-verify/

- ¿Sobrevivirá la relación de Oliver y Diggle a la lista? (TVGuide):
Oliver may soon discover that Arrow's revenge list may cause more harm than good—especially when it comes to his partner.

The next person on Oliver's (Stephen Amell) list is Ted Gaynor (Ben Browder), Diggle's (David Ramsey) former commanding officer and mentor from Afghanistan, who has stayed in touch over the years. Unfortunately, it also appears he has a penchant for robbing armored trucks.

"They've grown very close over the years and he's a very standup guy, but he's on the list," Ramsey tells TVGuide.com. "Diggle doesn't agree with that. Oliver and Diggle have already been at odds in terms of approaching that stuff. Oliver has seen that there are other ways to approach crime in the city, not just the list. But in this particular case, he hasn't abandoned the list altogether."

Still, though the promos show Diggle and Oliver at arrow- and gunpoint with each other, Ramsey says their relationship won't be forever damaged from this case. "Diggle will come to understand some of the trauma that Oliver has gone through and his experience on the island in a way that he hasn't really had," Ramsey says. "It leads to a deeper understanding."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Scoop ... 59462.aspx

- Productor de 'Arrow' Habla sobre los villanos; dice que la confrontación con Moira Confrontation Ocurre 'Mucho antes de lo que pensáis' (hollywood.com):
Relatively speaking, things seemed pretty okay at the end of last week's Arrow: Moira was out of her funk, Laurel was beginning a working relationship with The Arrow, Tommy was being useful, and The Huntress was nowhere to be found. But, alas — producer Andrew Kreisberg and Mr. Diggle himself, David Ramsey, recently told Hollywood.com that the peace will come crashing down sooner rather than later.

First, there's the drama in tonight's episode, which will largely center around a spat between Diggle and Oliver — who, once again, have a different opinion on how Starling City should be saved. "There will be more [confrontation between them], which I think is great," Ramsey says. "It serves our hero well. It serves the show well, just in terms of how [Diggle and Oliver] see this city being saved. Diggle has his own philosophy of how the city can be helped, and so does Oliver. Diggle sees things that Oliver just can't, at the end of the day. Because it's a burden that's been placed on him — Like Hamlet. The burden of fulfilling his father's dying wish lies heavy on this man who is suffering from post-traumatic syndrome in a serious way. Diggle sees that. It's not that Oliver is not intelligent and can't, he's just not emotionally in a place where he can."

But the two men are going to have to work it out, because the a new villain from the comic books — Seth Gabel's Vertigo — will soon appear with a nasty street drug that wreaks havoc on one beloved member of the Queen family. "[Vertigo is] like Cillian Murphy's scarecrow [from Christopher Nolan's Batman series] — he's got a wicked look in his eye, and he's a little bit demented," Kreisberg says. "He has a provocative allure, and that's what Seth does so well. Our Vertigo is different from the comic book Count Vertigo — in the comic book he was literally a Count, [which is] a little bit fantastical for the world of Arrow we've created. He's going to be playing a dealer who is peddling a new narcotic called Vertigo that Thea runs afoul of. It's going to make Arrow taking down the Count extremely personal."

Which doesn't mean that you should count out the Dark Archer, who was recently revealed to be Tommy's dad, Malcom Merlyn. "John Barrowman [who plays Malcolm] is really our big bad of the season, but as far as long-term villains, we're excited about what the Count could be for the Arrow-verse," Kreisberg says. But does this mean that Barrowman, who currently only recurs on the show, could be upgraded to regular status? "Anything is possible!" Kreisberg teases.

To add to the headache, Oliver — not Arrow, though the two are very much entwined — will deal with personal drama from two very important ladies in his life (well, three, if we're counting Thea's drug issues). The confrontation between Oliver and his mother is coming a lot sooner than you may think," Kreisberg says, referring to the fact that Moira is somehow in cahoots with Malcom, and knows a lot more than she's telling.

In semi-related news, The Huntress will also rear her not-so-ugly head — just as things start to go well in Oliver's romantic life. "The Huntress is going to make a return appearance in a story that we broke down in the writer's room as what happens when your crazy ex girlfriend shows up when you're finally dating someone nice and new," Kreisberg says, referring to True Blood's Janina Gavankar, who will soon recur as a love interest for Oliver. "Oliver is going to try and date her, and then finds out that she is now a police officer, and she's assigned to the task force to bring the Arrow down," he says. "He's dating her by day, and she's hunting him at night."

Do things ever go well for Oliver? Not at the moment, but Kreisberg promises that there is a silver lining for the hood: "Throughout all of this [drama], there's Oliver and Laurel. They're star-crossed lovers. Their friendship, their chemistry, their love, their affection, their anger — it's always present in a scene that they're in together, so that will always be in the background."

http://www.hollywood.com/news/Arrow_Spo ... l/48728088

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.14 Odyssey:
1.14 “The Odyssey”: MANU BENNETT (“SPARTACUS”) ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO SLADE WILSON — Después de que Oliver (Stephen Amell) sea disparado, acude a una sorprendente persona para que le ayude – Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards). Diggle (David Ramsey) se queda estupefacto cuando ve a Felicity entras por la puerta de la guarida arrastrando a un moribundo Oliver tras ella, y los dos hacen equipo para salvar la vida de Oliver. Mientras que Oliver (Stephen Amell) se debate entre la vida y la muerte, tiene un flashback hasta un trascendental evento en la isla – un osado intento de escape con su nuevo amigo Slade Wilson (la estrella invitada Manu Bennett). Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne y Susanna Thompson también aparecen. John Behring dirige el episodio con historia de Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Andrew Kreisberg y Marc Guggenheim (#114)

http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/01/arrow- ... lease.html

- Arrow 1x12 Promo "Vertigo" (HD):

- Arrow Extended Promo 1x12 - Vertigo [HD]:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes de John Barrowman, Colin Donnell y Susanna Thompson filmando el capítulo 1×16 de Arrow en el Bayshore Hotel (22-01-13):
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Según informa yvrshoots, Barrowman y Donnell llegaron al set juntos y se divirtieron mucho en los ensayos con sus esmoquins, tanto que improvisaron un número de baile/canción a lo Fres Astaire en las escaleras del Centro de Convenciones.

En la escena que estaban rodando, Malcolm Merlyn, junto a sus guardaespaldas, al parecer es galardonado con algún tipo de premio. Tommy también está presente. Tras un breve discurso, Malcolm baja del escenario y es cuando se va la luz, empieza a sonar la alarma de incendios y toda la gente presente empieza a correr para salir del edificio. Entre la multitud también puede verse algunos de los miembros de la Triada y se informó de que China White (Kelly Hu) estaba en el set también.

http://yvrshoots.com/2013/01/shoot-the- ... more-10697
http://yvrshoots.com/2013/01/shoot-moir ... hotel.html

- Seth Gabel adelanta su debut en 'Arrow' (insidetv.ew.com):
Seth Gabel adelanta su debut en 'Arrow'
Por Sandra Gonzalez 24 Enero 2013 10:00 AM ET

In its first season, Arrow has wasted no time introducing classic villain’s from the Green Arrow mythology and next week, Count Vertigo will make his debut. But there’s a twist.

“The character doesn’t have any super powers to start with but any superpowers that the comic book character had get manifested in the form of a drug called Vertigo that I sell on the street,” explains Seth Gabel, who plays the character The Count. “I’m a street drug kingpin, and I’m flooding the street of Starling City with Vertigo.”

That’s where Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) comes in to stop him, but as daunting of a match as Arrow seems to be, Gable explains, The Count’s quest for notoriety overshadows his fears of defeat. “I found that at the end of the day, the [he's] obsessed with power and money and whatever it takes to get that is what he’s willing to do. [He wants] to ride to the top and be one of the most powerful people in Sterling City. So to have the opportunity to take on the Arrow character and prove himself to himself and to the rest of the city is everything he wanted and more.”

To the genre audience, Fringe alum Gabel has little to prove. As agent Lincoln Lee, the actor became a fan favorite — especially after developing a romance with Bolivia in a parallel universe. And with the show now complete, Gabel says he’s excited to enter a new genre world. “I was always prepared for my Fringe journey to end immediately. I had only signed up for a guest role but they kept bringing me back in the third season as a recurring character. So pretty much every time I went to film a Fringe episode I kind of said goodbye to the show, but then they kept bringing me back. But [now that it's over] it feels really great to have a sense that I was part of this show that was a phenom and will hopefully have a lasting impact for the genre audience — and the drama audience in general.”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/01/24/seth- ... row-debut/

- Imagen BTS de Janina Gavankar junto a Amell (24-01-13):


Stephen @Amellywood is teaching me how to do that handsome furrowed eyebrow thing. How'm I doing?


- Créditos del episodio 1.16 "Dead to rights":

1.16 "Legion" escrito por Geoff Johns y dirigido por Glen Winter.

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.11 "Trust but verify". Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.13 "Betrayal":

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- Manu Bennett (Deathstroke) hable de "Arrow" (ETOnline):
ETonline: ¿Qué te emociona que los fans de Arrow vean de tu encarnación de Deathstroke?
Bennett: Stephen [Amell] y yo hemos empezado realmente a construir algo que sé que a los fans les emocionará. Pero Slade será una gran sorpresa para la gente -- la relación entre él y Oliver no es algo que nadie se espere. No empezamos de la forma en que la gente se espera que empecemos. Eso es en realidad todo lo que puedo contar sobre ello.

ETonline: No es necesario decir, ¿podemos esperar mucha acción de este papel?
Bennett: Durante la audición [de Arrow], necesitaba hacerle una llave a Arrow ... y ahogué al que estaba leyendo. Se cayó al suelo. No quería hacerlo, sinceramente no quería. Me dejé llevar por el momento. Miré al director de cásting y esperé que me sacaran a patadas de la habitación, pero les encantó. Me estaba mirando como si hubiera hecho algo extraordinario, no criminal. Hubo algo en mi realismo que toiene significado en esta industria. No soy un gran subscriptor del método de actuación, pero el realismo es algo que siempre quise poner en mis papeles. Soy un firme creyente de que hay una delgada línea entre el actuar y el vender una escena como algo que la audiencia realmente crea. Y me lo tomo muy en serio. Quizá demasiado en serio en este caso [risas].

http://www.etonline.com/tv/129666_Manu_ ... index.html

- Revelado el título y créditos del 1.17:

1.17 "The huntress returns", escrito por Jake Coburn & Lana Cho y dirigido por Guy Bee.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
