SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel"-"Batman V Superman" de SNYDER

Foro dedicado a temas de Superman

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos rumores sobre "Man of Steel":
Nuevos rumores sobre Man of Steel y Krypton están apareciendo en la red.

Al parecer, según cosmicbooknews, el rumor es que Krypton no explotaría en Man of Steel, y que Zod está en realidad en la Tierra para recuperar a Kal-El que es el único kryptoniano nacido naturalmente, ya que los otros kryptonianos han sido criados genéticamente para ciertos propósitos (ciencia, ejército, etc.).

Ahora el rumor en realidad podría tener algún crédito ya que se ha dicho que Zod quiere que Kal-El regrese a Krypton. Obviamente, ¿cómo iban a regresar si Krypton explotó?

Descripción de

"Tendría que ser una amenaza mundial, una que también pudiera dar lugar a un conflicto interno sobre si pertenece a la Tierra incluso aunque él anhele estar entre los de su especie. Eso es lo que lo enfrenta contra el General Zod (Michael Shannon), un tirano kryptoniano que quiere que Clark se una a él en el nuevo Krypton, lo que significaría abandonar su puesto de defensor de los débiles de la Tierra".

Ahora bien, si esto es cierto y Zod quiere llevarse de vuelta a Superman - ¿cuál es exactamente el problema con eso? ¿Superman no querría? No, él no querría, ya que Superman estaría esencialmente un fuera de la ley Kriptoniano o un fugitivo.

Básicamente, esto cambia toda la dinámica de Superman, y con Krypton todavía alrededor, en realidad abre todo un nuevo mundo de posibilidades y le da un nuevo significado al póster de Man of Steel en el que lo veíamos esposado y siendo escoltado por el ejército.

Sin embargo, comicbooknews, más tarde informó que su fuente en DC les dijo todo lo contrario cuando le preguntaron sobre este tema:

"Krypton explota en mil pedazos. ¡Puedo asegurarte eso!!" contestó la fuente.

Parece que tenemos otro nuevo inerrogante que no se resolverá hasta el 14 de junio... ... ton-rumors

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes de la novela gráfica juvenil "Man of Steel: The Early Years":

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- Nuevas imágenes de la novela gráfica infantil "Man of Steel: The Fate of Krypton":

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- Nuevas imágenes de la novela gráfica infantil "Man of Steel: Superman Saves Smallville":

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- Nuevas imágenes de la novela gráfica infantil "Man of Steel: Superman Superpowers":

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- Nuevas imágenes del sticker book de "Man of Steel":

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- Nuevo banner oficial de "Man of Steel":


- Nuevos banners promocionales de "Man of Steel":

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- Nuevos Wallpapers/Backgrounds para los teléfonos de "Man of Steel":

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- Nuevos Wallpapers/Backgrounds para iPad/Tablet de "Man of Steel":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Man of Steel - TV Spot #3:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo rumor: LexCorp no es la única gran compañía que se necionará en "Man of Steel":
Los fans de Supermán se emocionaron cuando vieron el edificio de la LexCorp de Lex Luthor en el tercer trailer de "Man of Steel" que se emitió en Abril.

Pues bien, según comentan en, esta no será la única gran compañía que se mencionará en la película...

Sí, es lo que estáis pensando: Wayne Enterprises será mencionado en la película. Pero eso no es todo, también habrá una referencia más directa al personaje de Batman (aunque no, no sera el de Bale, sino el nuevo Batman que la WB está creando en caso de que MoS sea un éxito).

Otra cosa que se ha revelado en las novelas juveniles es que el tercer kriptoniano al que Supermán se enfrentará es Nam-Ek. Al parecer, Faora y Nam-Ek son subordinados de Zod, y le informan directamente. ... z2SbWfrTag

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Man Of Steel - Official Soundtrack Preview (60 seg x track):

- Man of Steel Official OST - Superman Theme by Hans Zimmer (HQ):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Mackenzie Gray Habla sobre su papel en "Man of Steel" y sobre el traje de Supermán:
El papel del actor Mackenzie Gray en "Man of Steel" ha sido objeto de especulaciones y rumores desde que su intervención en ella saliera a la luz hace unos meses.

En una reciente entrevista con JTM Games, Gray nos dio un poquito más de información sobre su papel sin revelar muchos detalles:

JTM Games: Hola Mackenzie, ¿podrías darnos tu opinión sobre la película de Zack Snyder Man of Steel?
Mackenzie Gray: Man of Steel va a ser una película fantástica, es un reboot total de Supermán; es como si no hubiera ninguna película de Supermán antes de ella. Empieza desde el principio con grandes interpretaciones también. Henry Cavill es un estupendo Superman; Michael Shannon como el General Zod es fantástico, Russell Crowe, Diane Lane, y Kevin Costner – es decir es un cast increíble.

No me está permitido decir el papel que interpreto, es un gran secreto así es que me lo quedaré para mí. Pero puedo decir que Man of Steel es realmente una película fantástica. Creo que los fans de Supermán y de las grandes películas la van a amar igualmente.

JTM Games: Mencionaste que es un papel súper-secreto, ¿cuánto tiempo te preparaste para tu papel en Man of Steel?
Mackenzie Gray: Alrededor de un mes, y luego fui a Chicago a encontrarme con Zack y a hablar sobre el papel. No fue realmente mucho tiempo porque el guión no había sido publicado aún, y tenías que ir allí a conseguir tu guión. Fue bastante rápido, de hecho, ni siquiera me mandaron por e-mail el nombre de mi papel. Tuve que ir a set a descubrirlo.

Sobre el traje comentó: "Oh sí, la cantidad de detalles en Supermán es increíble. El traje de Supermán, es un traje de tres capas; hay una capa pegada al cuerpo y luego está la capa de músculos que fue moldeada para los músculos de Henry – es de goma plateada, metáloca... Es simplemente increíble, el diseño de la película es fantástico. Todos los conceptos y los diseños son simplemente remarcables y no tuvieron que contruir músculos falsos para Henry porque está realmente macizo." ... -the-film/

- Henry Cavill habla sobre la implicación de Nolan en "man of Steel" (F*** Magazine):
En el último número de "F*** Magazine", hay una extensa entrevista de 10 págs con Henry Cavill en donde el actor habla sobre su preparación y aproximación a Man of Steel y el personaje de Supermán.

Una de las cuestiones que se plantearon fue la participación del productor Christopher Nolan en el proyecto. Cavill dice que una vez que la cámara empezó a rodar, fue todo Zack Snyder. "Chris Nolan no estuvo allí durante la producción en sí misma, aunque no estoy seguro cuánto trabajo ha hecho detrás de cámara. Estoy seguro de que Zack tuvo una llamada o dos con él, pero esto es definitivamente el niño de Zack. Él era el hombre al cargo, y creamos al personaje juntos, en lugar de tener muchas influencias de afuera."

Cavill continuó compartiendo que Zack es un director muy colaborativo y agradece las sugerencias de sus actores. "Es un proceso colaborativo y Zack quiere que le hablemos sobre las cosas y que trabajemos con él en sus ideas. Si dices, 'y qué tal si hago esto,' él dirá 'no sé si me gusta aún, pero le daremos una oportunidad.'

El director y el escritor han sido sinceros sobre el hecho de que no hay kriptonita en la película pero Cavill dice que se esforzó por hacer a Supermán vulnerable en otros sentidos. "De nuevo, volvemos al elemento humano; porque está solo y no hay nadie como él. Eso debe de ser increíblemente aterrador y solitario, el no saber quién eres o de dónde eres, e intentar descubrir lo que tiene sentido. ¿Dónde está tu base? ¿Desde dónde marcas? ¿Dónde pones el límite al poder que tienes? En sí mismo, eso es una increóble debilidad." ... s/?a=79125

Entrevista al completo:

Beneath the Mantle:
A Sensitive New Age Superman?
By Raphael Lim

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F*** met the man who will be Superman, Henry Cavill, for an exclusive chat in L.A.

It probably comes as a surprise to no one, but Superman has one hell of a handshake.

By Superman of course, we mean Henry Cavill, the British actor and heir apparent to the iconic mantle of Superman, in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel. I’m seated in a room in the Montage Hotel, Beverly Hills with several other writers — flown in from across the globe for an interview with Superman — when a 6’1”, impressively muscled Cavill strides into the room. No one exclaims at the likeness, or winces from the aforementioned iron handshake that Cavill gives when he introduces himself, but the unspoken consensus in the room says it all: boy, does this guy look the part.

What does strike one as surprising, however, is how mild-mannered Cavill is in the ensuing interview. It only serves to underscore the fact that, while movies are occasionally accurate representations of reality, more often than not they’re Bizarro mirror images of the real world, 180-degree inversions of fact and personality.

In the DC universe, Superman’s identity is hidden beneath the gentle, bespectacled facade of Clark Kent, reporter at The Daily Planet. In this universe, Cavill’s introverted (dare we say geekish) pleasures — fantasy novels, quiet walks and introspective turns of mind — are obscured by his public image as an actor best known for action-packed movies such as The Cold Light of Day, Immortals and The Count of Monte Cristo.

In person, Cavill’s only apparent superpower is his charm, an understated mix of self-deprecation and frank humour. In place of heat vision, the actor has a penetrating gaze, as well as a tendency to mull deeply over questions before answering them. This holds particularly true in the case of queries that probe into his own biography, as if Cavill too has a secret identity to keep.

Despite his guardedness, we came away with a handful of intriguing facts from beneath the mantle. To whet your appetite, let’s just say that the Man of Steel sure likes his computer games.

What did you have to do to get Superman’s body, and how tough was the training regime?

I had to make very good friends with Mark Twight, my trainer. It was just hours of training every week… lots of mass gain training, which means eating a lot of food and lifting lots of heavy weights and bulking up to reshape the body.

After that, when I got a certain size, it became a process of leaning the body down so I didn’t look like a big chubby superhero, so that you could see the muscle structure underneath.

Training was for about one-and-a-half hours every day, which doesn’t sound too bad until you try it... and then it becomes torturous. Mark would take no prisoners, and the rowing machine was an absolute nightmare. One thing he used to say when I was on it was, ‘Don’t believe the lies’, which was his way of saying to switch your brain off and find your real limit.

When you’ve finished training with Mark, you’ve left everything in the gym. One thing he would always say is accelerate out of the gym… you don’t go ‘okay, now it’s the end’ and taper off, you work harder and harder until you literally exhaust every last fibre of energy in you.

He wouldn’t let you lie down after finishing, either. He would say ‘That’s what a dog does’. You’re supposed to stand and walk it off. What I really like about Mark is that he knows how far to push someone to their limit, and if that was their real limit or it was the limit they believed in their head.

And the ‘Superdiet’? I assume it consisted mainly of green stuff and chicken breasts and nasty stuff like that?

[laughs] Well surprisingly, no! It’s one-third carbs, one-third fats and one-third protein in every single meal, and I ended up eating a lot. I was having thousand-calorie shakes at one stage... and I loved them. I do love eating. It was quite sad when I finished them. I keep hearing other guys going ‘It’s so difficult to get 5,000 calories down’, and I think ‘Oh, really?’ As you can probably tell, [putting on bulk] wasn’t tough. The training, on the other hand, was extremely difficult.

How did you feel the first time you put on the Superman costume?

There’s no feeling quite like it. It’s all very surreal. You can be there for the costume building, the costume tests, popping in and out of scenes... and you’re training very hard, meeting with the director and the producers. But when it’s all finished and you put that suit on, that’s when it becomes real.

Were you intimidated by how iconic the role of Superman is? What was the most psychologically challenging aspect of playing the part?

That’s a tricky question. The most psychologically difficult thing was actually the sheer immersion. There’s a lot of pressure from the outside related to playing the role, and doing it correctly, but I think I just put all that into the physical conditioning. If you start worrying about that kind of thing, it can be detrimental, so you want to put it somewhere else, where it won’t do any damage.

If you transfer that anxiety elsewhere, it may actually help you, and how it helped me in this case was in the gym, with me thinking ‘First things first, I have to look like Superman’. Every time you feel weak, you think of that, and of fans being disappointed, so you push yourself that much harder.

But as far as pressure from the outside, if I let that affect me during the shoot itself, it would have been destructive, like Kryptonite.

How much was Christopher Nolan involved in the making of the film?

Chris Nolan wasn’t there during the production itself, although I’m not sure how much work was done behind the scenes. I’m sure Zack had a phone call or two with him, but this is definitely Zack’s baby. He was the man in charge, and we created the character together, as opposed to having too many outside influences.

Can you share Zack’s vision and concept for Man of Steel?

There’s only so much I can really say without giving away stuff, but we wanted to make it very real; as realistic as one can be, when one talks about a super-being from another planet that can fly. That was the idea — to make it one of the more realistic, believable movies that Zack’s done.

What’s the origin story for this incarnation of Superman?

Well, we’re taking a lot from the source material and being very true to it, but we are also recreating what the franchise is, and bringing it into the modern world. There’s no particular comic book that we’ll be drawing from directly... we’re taking it from all the sources, and mashing them together.

Did you have any expectations of how making the movie would be like?

I didn’t know what to expect. Zack had spoken to me of it, and I didn’t want to have any initial presumptions so as not to sully the character. When I read the script I was blown away, it’s a great script... one of the best I’ve read. There’s so much on the page that humanises the character, and all that’s left is to do my job of portraying the emotions there accurately. You have to add a human element to this incredibly alien being, making him fit and yet stand out at the same time, and that was my job, but the script helped immensely.

Is Zack a collaborative director? Did you have space to give suggestions?

Very much so, it’s a collaborative process and Zack wants us to talk to him about stuff and work with him on his ideas. If you say, ‘how about I do this’, he’ll say ‘I don’t know if I like it yet, but give it a shot’.

What kind of research did you have to do to prepare for the role?

To see me without a comic book at that stage was very rare… even when I was eating. I got as many comic books and collections as I could get my hands on, and studied and read through all of them. I wanted to get a real sense of who this character is, on a deep level.

As much as growing up with the comic books would have been a different experience, it was so nice to get the chance to indulge in the Superman myth all in one go, like being able to watch an entire TV series through a box set.

I noticed that, while things vary between the storylines and the artists and the representations, there’s always this baseline of personality that’s difficult to describe... but I felt it, and it infused every single action I have when performing.

From the trailer, there seems to be a strong focus on that human element.

Yes! That’s the most important thing with this movie. It’s so easy to make it fantastic, and ‘chocolate box’ and exciting and hyper-coloured, but there’s a very real story behind the Superman character, and we wanted to explore the difficulties that Kal-El, Clark, Superman, in all his facets, was going through in various situations.

Growing up being so very different and not knowing why... that would be petrifying, and lonely, and that’s the human element we wanted to follow, because that’s what makes it different.

That being said, the tone of the movie will be familiar; you’ll recognise the realm you’re in, but we’re hoping that the story will be refreshing and new.

What was it like working with costars like Russell Crowe and Amy Adams?

Working with Russell Crowe was fantastic. He’s one of those veteran actors who have had so much experience, and the gravitas that he brings to the role is extraordinary. You get to feel him as an actor, and feed of his vast experience, and that’s quite rare.

Amy Adams is a wonderful actress. I can’t describe in words how nice it is to work with her. As a person, she has a great energy on set, really fun to be around, professional... you knew when action was to be done, it was go-time for her, and after the cut you could talk to her like a normal person, which is a really wonderful thing.

You were at Comic Con 2012 in San Diego. What was the experience like?

It was nerve-wracking, and one of the first times I got really nervous. You’re showing the character to the people that really matter. I remember standing off-stage, with Zack showing the trailer on the big screen, and I got really excited, my adrenaline just spiked through the roof. I vaguely remember stepping out onstage and thinking ‘Okay, these people can ask any question they want... I just hope they’re gentle with me’. And thankfully they were, [they were] wonderful and I couldn’t ask for more in terms of support and friendship.

Were you a comic book fan yourself as a child or a teenager?

I certainly am now. But you see, I went to boarding school and all you got to do in boarding school was study, write essays, maybe watch a bit of TV, eat, sleep and do sports. There were no comic books stores around.

I would say that there’s a big comic book fan base [in the UK], but it’s not as accessible as in the US. It wasn’t like I was able to go to the comic book store and get a new comic book every week, but certainly when the role [of Superman] came along... boy, did I jump on it.

As an actor, have you ever dreamed of playing a superhero?

That’s a tricky one, because you never know what kind of story is being told in that medium. But with the way this has turned out, and the way we’ve worked on this story, absolutely, I would dream of playing this character.

To be honest, I don’t have a childhood memory of idolising Superman in particular. I certainly think every kid runs shouting ‘I’m Superman’, with a tea towel draped around their shoulders at one stage. But I had no conscious memory as a boy of a single moment when I went ‘Cool, I’m Superman’.

It was probably the cartoons that were my first introduction to Superman, rather than watching any of the old TV shows or the movie itself. I think it was just waking up in the morning before school and flipping through the channels, watching the cartoons.

It seems that there are two diverging trends in superhero movies. Do you prefer the more realistic approach or the more ‘over-the-top’ sci-fi approach?

I prefer the more realistic approach. It’s more natural, and honest. There’s so much of a sci-fi element in it anyway; to run with that in all aspects makes it atonal, whereas running with the least obvious bit — that is to say the human element, which is usually less covered — enhances the fantasy of it all.

Perhaps you can give us some insight into Clark Kent. How do you make Superman vulnerable, apart from Kryptonite?

Again, it comes back to the human element; because he’s alone and there’s no one like him. That must be incredibly scary and lonely, not to know who you are or what you are, and trying to find out what makes sense. Where’s your baseline? What do you draw from? Where do you draw a limit with the power you have? In itself, that’s an incredible weakness.

An aspect of the movie explores Superman’s origins. What are your origins as an actor?

I started out doing various school plays, and my parents responded well to them. Obviously at twelve to thirteen years old, that’s a nice feeling to have. Then I went to Stowe boarding school, where I was terribly homesick.

They had a really good drama department, and I dealt with my homesickness by throwing myself into drama. A casting group came round for The Count Of Monte Cristo, and I happened to look just right, with a bit of acting experience. I got an agent halfway through that… I just got really fortunate and never looked back.

So if you weren’t an actor, what profession would you have attempted, and why?

That’s a really good question. I’m from amilitary family, my father’s from the Navy, and my eldest brother is in the Army, while my second eldest brother’s from the Marines. I probably would have gone down a similar route.

When I was seventeen, I was still thinking of getting a scholarship, going to a good university, study something and feel out what the Armed Forces were… certainly a more economical plan for me and the folks. I hadn’t really thought about it otherwise, as I’ve been very fortunate, and things have worked out.

At one stage I was tempted to say goodbye to the acting industry because things won’t working, but I stuck in there, because of the Bond screen test, as a matter of fact. Even though I didn’t get the role, I thought ‘If I can get to second on that sort of thing, perhaps I can get to first on other big things.’

Do you regret not having gotten the part of James Bond?

I think James Bond would be a lovely character to play, but I think Daniel Craig’s done such a great job, and he’s so perfect for the role now. Maybe my time will come in the future.

I’d rather the movie hire the right guy and be fantastic, than hire the wrong guy — including me, I do think I was the wrong guy for Bond at the time — and make less of a story. Daniel completely nails the role. I’m flattered that Martin Campbell wanted me, and maybe in the future we’ll get to work together.

James Bond has a larger-than-life, almost mystical quality as a character. Do you tend towards wanting to play characters that are fantastical or larger-than-life?

[emphatically] Yes, good question. Most of the books I read are sci-fi and fantasy genres like David Gemmell and Dan Abnett, and I do like a fantastic story. And it does influence my character choices. Having said that, having played so many fantastic characters, it would be nice to play someone more grounded in reality. But certainly, those are the stories that I like to read and that I like to tell.

How did your family initially react to your wanting to be an actor?

I was thinking about going to a drama school instead of university, and my father initially said ‘Absolutely not... go to a university, get a proper degree, and if you want to go to drama school after university, that’s fine. But get a real degree so you have something to fill back on, rather than chasing the acting dream without going anywhere.’ From my father’s perspective, he wanted to make sure that his son had a livelihood and can take care of himself and his own when the time comes.

You were speaking earlier about the isolation of the character you play. Where do you call home?

I call home wherever I lay my head. I don’t really have the luxury of calling anywhere home; home base, where my parents are, will always be home of a sorts. I do have a place in London, but how long I spend there? Different story. London is where a lot of my stuff is, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s home.

You mentioned enjoying fantasy novels. What else do you do to unwind from acting?

I really enjoy walking. There’s something about the solitary act of it that’s very peaceful. Walking through cities and nature are very different, but they both provide the visual input to help structure one’s thoughts, and a sense of rhythm in your head. I wish I had enough downtime to go out with a backpack and explore the world and my surroundings.

I love playing computer games as well... I’m a really big PC gamer.

Cool! Which genres are you into?

I’m more of an RPG guy, particularly MMORPGs [Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games]. It varies enormously, I like all sorts of games and I can lose myself for hours in them. I got Guild Wars 2 when I was in London, but I haven’t had the chance to sit down and really get into it just yet.

How about genres like Action RPGs or First Person Shooters?

First Person Shooting isn’t so much my thing unless it’s online. Halo was more of an Xbox thing for so long, and they weren’t releasing it on PC at the same time. I love the idea of interacting with people, so online multiplayer games are really my thing, whether sci-fi or not. I love the immersion, and I’ll play almost any game I can get my hands on.

Are your family members excited about your role as Superman?

Oh, yes. Here’s something interesting: I have two nephews, aged 6 and 4. One of my nephews is known for telling wild tales in school, and I’m fairly sure he gets that from my brother as well. During one of the classes, he was asked to talk about his family members, and what they do professionally. And so, he started saying, ‘My uncle’s Superman’.

You could see the teachers going: [puts on an exasperated face] ‘Not this again.’ Naturally she tells him off; but my nephew’s adamant about it, as he’s adamant on every tall tale he’s told. When my sister-in-law came to pick him up, the teacher talked to her about it: ‘He’s at it again, this is a really bad habit.’ So my sister asked, ‘What did he say this time?’ ‘He said his uncle’s Superman.’ ‘Well… actually, he is.’

Do you feel more secure in your ability to play Superman now, as compared to seven to eight years ago?

Definitely, I feel a lot has changed. I’ve been acting now for twelve and a half years, and that’s 75% of my acting career right there. I got to play the same character for four years every summer for The Tudors, and that character was constantly shifting and evolving and changing. The things I’ve learned from that are vast.

Out of acting experience alone, I definitely feel more ready to play a character like this… but also, in terms of live experience, this is a very real incarnation of what this character would be like if he really existed. In a sense, you have to go through life and experience its ups and downs, the tears and the laughter, before you can portray it more accurately.

How similar or different are you in personality to the character you play?

Some differences are starker than others, for instance I can’t fly. But there are certainly similarities. I try to be the best person I can, but I make mistakes like everyone does. Personality-wise I try to do the right thing, and try to look after the people I love to the best of my ability… and hopefully I’ll succeed at that.

What’s your real-life Kryptonite?

That’s a very good question, one that I’m not too sure I’m willing to answer. [smiles and thinks] My real-life Kryptonite is not being able to protect the ones I love. That’s the one thing that can really affect me and bring me low. My heart, giving that to someone, that gives them complete power over me… yeah, you might as well be giving me a piece of Kryptonite.

Throughout the process of making Man Of Steel, when did you start to feel most like Superman?

Every morning when I put the costume on; the first time it happened, I looked at myself in the mirror and had a big ‘oh my god’ moment.

Then there are the times when you’d see people look at you — they don’t realise you noticed — and you feel that the lines of the role are being blurred. That’s a really good feeling, because these people are standing behind the smoke and mirrors... if a crew member is standing there looking at you in a certain way, something has to be going right.

And that’s when you start thinking: ‘I’m Superman, this is crazy.’ ... f-magazine

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Posible descripción de un nuevo anuncio de TV para "Man of Steel"(
Sabemos Kal-El es más poderoso que un humano. ¿Y qué me decís de más poderoso que un kryptoniano? Echa un vistazo a lo que parece que ser la descripción del próximo anuncio de televisión de MoS.

El próximo spot de El Hombre de Acero tendrá nuevas imágenes y diálogo de Jor-El:

Voz en off: "Debes aprender a vivir entre ellos, tus poderes les harán temerte."

Un autobús escolar está bajo el agua y el joven Clark Kent lo levanta. Arranca la puerta trasera para sacar el agua.

Voz en off: "Aunque puedes alzarte por encima de ellos, no mostrarás deseos de gobernarlos."

Superman caminando esposado. Un jefe militar (¿un general?) está sentado delante de Superman. Le pregunta: "¿Cómo sabemos que podemos confiar en tí?" Superman se mira las esposas y pregunta: "¿Puedo quitarme esto?" y el general responde "De acuerdo", deja caer sus llaves. Superman rompe las esposas, coge las llaves y se las entrega de nuevo. El general mira a otro militar con cara de incredulidad.

Voz en off: "Tu fuerza será incluso mayor que la de un kryptoniano, pero una vez que los humanos crean en tí, tu presencia les inspirará esperanza."

Zod is seen grabbing someone in the streets of what appears to be Smallville. He raises his fist ready to strike him down. Superman enters the frame at super speed. Time appears to slow down for a moment as if from his perspective of time. Superman gets in front of the human just in time to catch Zod's fist with his hand. Zod's eyes begin to show heat vision about to come out. Superman's eyes become even brighter red to show ensuing heat vision.

Se ve a Zod cogiendo a alguien en las calles de lo que parece ser Smallville. Levanta su puño preparado para golpearle. Supermán entra en el plano a supervelocidad. El tiempo parece relentizarse por un instante como si fuera su perspectiva del tiempo. Supermán se pone delante del humano justo a tiempo para coger el puño de Zod con su mano. Los ojos de Zod comienzan a mostrar la visión calorífica a punto de salir. Los ojos de Supermán se vuelven incluso de un rojo más brillante para mostrar la subsiguiente visión calorífica.

[Fin del anuncio] ... s/?a=79044

- "Man of Steel" tendrá un screening previo en el Festival de Cine de Los Angeles (
Los fans de Supermán del área de Los Ángeles podrán ver "Man of Steel" el 12 de junio en el Festival de Cine de Los Angeles, en un sólo cine y dos días antes del estreno de la película .

Nota de prensa del Festival:
"La proyección especial pre-Festival de Man of Steel de Zack Snyder de la Warner Bros. Pictures y Legendary Pictures stiene lugar el 12 de junio a las 7:30 pm y está protagonizada por Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni y Russell Crowe. En la película, un niño descubre que tiene extraordinarios poderes y que no es de esta Tierra. De joven, emprenderá un viaje para descubrir de dónde viene y cuál es el motivo por el que fue enviado. Pero el héroe en él debe emerger si quiere salvar al mundo de la aniquilación y convertirse en el símbolo de esperanza para toda la humanidad. Warner Bros. estrenará la película el 14 de junio".
A partir del 10 de Mayo, los que tengan los pases al Festival tendrán la oportunidad exclusiva de comprar las entradas para este screening (a un precio de 13.00$ cada una) antes de la venta al público general a través de la website del mismo.

Para más información de las entradas o del screening y de los eventos programados: ... m-festival

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes de "Man of Steel" del merchandising de los calendarios para la película:

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Podéis conseguir los calendarios: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Super Powers of the Man of Steel Teaser 1:

- Soldier of Steel Episode 1- Introduction (National Guard):

- "Soldier of Steel", BTS featurette with the National Guard:

- "Soldier of Steel" Theater Spot 1:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Man of Steel: UK TV Spot:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Official Man Of Steel Guidebook From Walmart Stores:

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- Nuevas imágenes de Christopher Meloni en "Man of Steel" como el Coronel Hardy:

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- Nuevos pósters oficiales de "Man of Steel":

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- Scans de Henry Cavill para InStyle magazine (Junio 2013):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Man of Steel new Nba playoff tv spot:

- Man of Steel - TV Spot 4:

- Man of Steel - TV Spot 5:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Referencias a Booster Gold en ‘Man of Steel’ ofrecen nuevas pistas hacia un Universo Compartido de DC:
Durante las últimas entrevistas con Zack Snyder y el resto del equipo de "Man of Steel" se nos han estado prometiendo muchas referencias al resto de los personajes del Universo de DC.

Muchos fans han estado atentos al último material que va saliendo sobre la película buscando posibles pistas, más aún con la expectación de una posible película de la Justice League.

Así, en el tercer trailer, han visto algo que puede pasar fácilmente desapercibido en una de las secuencias de acción, cuando el General Zod y Superman corren el uno hacia el otro. En la parte de atrás que nos muestra las calles de Metrópolis podemos ver un cartel publicitario con un logo familiar en él:

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Los lectores habituales de DC reconocerán este logo como una referencia a Booster Gold, personaje tampoco desconocido para los seguidores de Smallville, y que es un miembro del Universo DC y de la Justice League. A diferencia de Supermán, Booster Gold no tiene ningún poder innato, pero como viajero del tiempo del siglo 25 tiene gadgets del futuro que le dan formidables poderes, tales como volar, superfierza y lanzar ondas energéticas.

Blaze Comics es una compañía ficticia del universo de DC que fue responsable de la versión ficticia de los cómics de Booster Gold. Los cómics son una de las muchas formas de merchandising que se Booster Gold creó para auto-promocionarse y venderse a cualquiera que fuera capaz de hacerle más famoso de lo que ya es.

Esto podría indicar cualquier cosa, desde una referencia ocasional a que la Warner Bros esté planeando hacer una película/serie de Booster Gold siguiendo la saga de Man of Steel, o quizá con los rumores de que puede que Zack Snyder/Goyer/Nolan repitan equipo en la tan comentada película de la Justice League, que Booster Gold pueda ser uno de los héroes que podrían salir en ella. ... ster-eggs/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Man of Steel" OST: "DNA" Track

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: SUPERMÁN: "Man Of Steel" de NOLAN / SNYDER

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 8 nuevas imágenes de MAN OF STEEL con la descripción de los personajes:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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