La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CONSTANTINE Official Trailer #2:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen de Matt Ryan como "John Constantine":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por isma20 »

Pinta interesante.. lo q ocure veo una poca serie y soy incapaz de seguirles dia. Pero seguire las infos con interes.

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

Bueno, yo voy a intentar seguirla, ya te diré qué tal :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El director Neil Marshall Habla sobre CONSTANTINE en los Saturn Awards (
El director Neil Marshall Habla sobre CONSTANTINE en los Saturn Awards
Por Hunter Daniels 28 Junio, 2014

Last Thursday, Collider attended the red carpet festivities for the 40th Annual Saturn Awards, held at at the Castaway Starlight Ballroom in Burbank, Calif. Always one of the best events for geeks with eclectic tastes, this is the only award show where you can find cinematographers from obscure exploitation movies walking the red carpet right alongside A-list directors, with both getting equal attention.

While working the carpet we got a chance to chat with director Neil Marshall about a slew of his past, present and future projects. During the conversation, we discussed how The Descent is arguably scarier than a gun pointed at your head, the upcoming book of essays on the film’s themes, the origins of Doomsday and his thoughts on the new Mad Max: Fury Road stills, how network censors cured Constantine of lung cancer, what the NBC series’ monsters may look like and more:

1:25 – Is there a shared aesthetic between the monsters in The Descent and the demons Marshall has created for NBC’s Constantine?

MARSHALL: So far? No, not yet. I want to try and create new looks and new things, but equally scary, hopefully. But a new kind of style.

1:50 – Can John Constantine smoke on TV?

MARSHALL: No we’re not. It’s the one thing, a compromise I guess. On network it’s the one thing you can’t smoke on network. That’s one of his character traits. We’re working around that. We’re trying to get aspects of it in there as much as possible. We’ll see.

2:15 – Does he still have cancer of some type, can you say?

MARSHALL: I have no idea where the story is going to go beyond the pilot, so I can’t answer that one.

In the pilot, does it make any mention of him having any kind of cancer?

MARSHALL: No, it doesn’t.

2:25 – Finding the correct tone and keeping the immense darkness of the character on NBC – not CW – primetime?

MARSHALL: Hannibal is on NBC, and that’s pretty dark and disturbing. Whatever the regulations are, you can be as dark and disturbing as you want and we’re going to go in that direction. The intention is to be as dark and scary as possible with the show. And that was our whole kind of plan going in, to make it scary. So we’re going to explore all kinds of things. But the smoking is very frustrating. Who knows where it will go; where the story will go; where the character will go? There’s still lots of options.

Are most of the demons humanoid in form, or are we going to see…?

MARSHALL: I’m not going to give anything away.

I love creature effects though, and you’ve done some really great creature effects.

MARSHALL: You want a mix, you know? There will be humanoid demons and creatures.

Podéis ver la video-entrevista y el artículo al completo: ... nCQ88yhi5-

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Planes de la WBTV y DC Comics sobre Gotham, Flash, Arrow, Constantine & iZombie para el SDCC:
¡Fans de DC!

Preparáos para una espectacular noche de sábado en el Comic-Con 2014, cortesía de Warner Bros. Television (WBTV) y DC Entertainment (DCE). Por primera vez en la historia del SDCC, WBTV ay DCE presentarán un evento especial de tres hotas durante la noche del Sábado, 26 de Julio en el Hall H, diseñado especialmente para los fans de DC Comics y que mostrarán a algunos de sus mayores personajes. Abriendo la exclusiva noche está el screening público de la premiere del muy anticipado drama Gotham (el único screening de Gotham en el Comic-Con de este año), seguido por el screening del piloto completo de la nueva serie de acción-drama The Flash, y exclusivas video presentaciones del éxito Arrow y del nuevo thriller Constantine. Miembros del elenco y productores de las cuatro series harán apariciones especiales durante la noche.

Los pilotos de Constantine, iZOMBIE y The Flash también se mostrarán en su totalidad el Miércoles, 23 de Julio, durante la Preview Night.

Gotham World Premiere: Por primera vez en la historia, los fans de DC Comics entrarán en el peligroso y absorvente mundo de Gotham con el screening del episodio piloto, seguido de una aparición del elenco y los productores.

The Flash Pilot Screening: Tras el screening del piloto completo de The Flash, el elenco y los productores dejarán de correr el tiempo suficiente como para subir a escena.

Constantine Exclusive Footage: El enignático John Constantine hace su debut televisivo en el Comic-Con con material de la próxima serie, y los fans serán premiados con una visita del elenco y del equipo creativo.

Arrow Season Three: Arrow regresa al Comic-Con con un teaser nunca antes visto con matrial de la próxima tercera temporada seguido por las preguntas más destacadas de los fans al elenco y los productores.

Además, las series contarán con sus paneles individuales, confirmánsose fecha e invitados que asistirán a los mismos:


11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — iZOMBIE (Midseason en la CW): iZOMBIE hace su debut en el Comic-Con con un screening del piloto completp, seguido por una sesión de Q&A con las estrellas de la serie Rose McIver (Once Upon a Time), Malcolm Goodwin (Breakout Kings), Rahul Kohli y Robert Buckley (One Tree Hill), y también con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) y Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars). Room 6BCF

5:30–6:30 p.m. — Arrow (Miércoles 8/7c The CW, season premiere 8 de Octubre): Las estrella de Arrow Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne y John Barrowman — con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim y Andrew Kreisberg — apuntarán a San Diego con una presentación espcial de video y un panel en el que adelantarán la muy anticipada tercera temporada de la serie. Ballroom 20


5:15–6:15 p.m. — Constantine (Viernes 10/9c NBC, series premiere 24 de Octubre): Basada en los personajes de DC Comics, Constantine refleja la tradición de un favorito de los fans de los cómics, combinando una historia oscura con la evolución de la mitología de John Constantine, un personaje retado moralmente que no puede encajarse ni el el lado bueno ni malo... pero que al final puede ser nuestra única defensa frente a las fuerzas oscuras del más allá. Los asistentes verán un screening del episodio piloto al completo, seguido por una Q&A co las estrella de la serie Matt Ryan (Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior), Harold Perrineau (Lost) y Charles Halford (True Detective), junto con los productores ejecutivos Daniel Cerone (Dexter) y David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, The Dark Knight films). Room 6BCF ... tine/34042 ... -tv-panels

- Imagen BTS del actor Harrold Perrineau (30-06-14):


(@HaroldPerrineau: getting ready for @NBCConstantine with@ChasKravMaga & @LcStrength. Let's get some boys!!!)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Portada del especial de TVGuide para el SDCC 2014:


- Nuevas imágenes BTS del elenco en los TCA (13-07-14):

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(Thanks to @nbc & @HellblazerTV)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Lucy Griffiths sale de la serie, Angelica Celaya nueva protagonista femenina y más detalles sobre la serie:
El nuevo drama de la NBC basado en el cómic de Constantine se ha desprendido de su protagonista femenina.

La actriz de "True Blood" Lucy Griffiths ha salido de la adaptacioón de Hellblazer después de que los creadores de la serie optaran por moverse en una dirección diferente.

Constantine se centra en el maestro de lo oculto John Constantine (Matt Ryan), que lucha con su fe cuando es torturado por los pecados de su pasado y de repente es lanzado en el papel de defender a la humanidad de las fuerzas de la oscuridad.

Griffiths interpretaba a Liv, la protagonista femenina y la mujer que se encuentra haciendo equipo con Constantine después de que sea marcada por la muerte por un poderoso demonio. Con la habilidad de ver el mundo natural que hay entre nosotros, se convierte en una pieza clave en la batalla entre el bien y el mal.

La NBC no hará un nuevo cásting del personaje, dino que añadirá al personaje de "Zed", mano derecha de Constantine. Aparecerá en uno de los primeros episodios de la serie junto a personajes adicionales de Hellblazer y el universo oculto de DC que será introducido más tarde.

La actriz latina Angelica Celaya (cuyos créditos incluyen 'Dallas' y 'Burn Notice') ha sido la escogida para protagonizar a la nueva protagonista femenina.

En los cómics, Mary “Zed” Martin es una artista que se convierte en la amante de John Constantine’ y se une a su lucha contra las fuerzas de lo oscuro. En la serie de TV, será una psíquica que ya tiene poderes cuando se encuentra con Constantine.

“Ella es alguien que puede ir mano-a-mano con John. Queríamos ese tipo de relación más que la de profesor y estudiante. Es sólo que no se sentía un área tan fértil y rica como la de que fueran un hombre y una mujer fuertes que son muy diferentes entre sí”, dice el productor ejecutivo Daniel Cerone. “Constantine es un embaucador. es un vagabundo espiritual. Es un artista del engaño. Zed es un personaje que es intuitivo y puede detectar las mentiras. Es la persona perfecta para llamarle la atención con sus cosas".

En cuanto a la salida de Griffiths, Cerone explica, “Los pilotos son geniales porque son un poco como una prueba de fuego, tenemos que ver lo que funciona y lo que no… Liv es un gran personaje, es ingenua, reactiva, pero nos sentíamos un poco atados de pies y manos [por su propia naturaleza], sinceramente.” Liv era un personaje inventado específicamente para la serie por uno de los escritores, mientras que Zed tiene una historia con Constantine en el canon de los cómics.

"En la sala de escritores tras el piloto nos dimos cuenta de que nos metimos a nosotros mismos en una esquina," añade el productor ejecutivo David Goyer. "Pensamos, '¿Por qué no usamos a Zeb?' y luego decidimos hacerlo. Es un personaje con el que nos emocionamos."

Al final, la clave para los creadores era proporcionar un Constantine fuerte y darle un poderoso aliado contra el que trabajar. En cuanto a lo que se refiere al personaje principal, Goyer dice que estaba decidido a tenerlo "rubio, británico y con un poco de barba."

Además, Zed trae consigo un “interesante pasado oscuro con muchos secretos,” adelanta el productor ejecutivo David S. Goyer.

Although Liv seguirá apareciendo en el piloto, Goyer dice que una de las escenas del piloto voloverá a ser rodada - y al compartir eso, quizá dejó escapar un pequeño spoiler cuando describió cómo será mencionada la ausencia de Liv de ahora en adelante.

“Los amigos de [John] caen como moscas,” dice Goyer. “Él es este clásico personaje de novela negra que con frecuencia acaba solo, y pensamos que era consistente con el personaje.”

En cuanto a su la serie será fiel a los cómics de Hellblazer en los que está basada, los productores prometen ser leales a la fuente del material, particularmente en lo que se refiere al hábito de fumar del personaje.

“Es un fumador en la serie, no estamos tratando de esconder eso, pero no vamos a glorificarlo,” dice Goyer.

“La [NBC] está obligado a seguir el standard también”. “Sabemos el universo en el que estamos metidos — oímos un montón de cosas tales como ‘démosle un parche o hagamos que masque mucho chicle,’” pero los productores decidieron que el verle apagar un cigarrillo era más fiel al personaje”, comenta Cerone.

“Es como, mira, él es un fumador,” dice Cerone. “Estamos en una cadena de television, así es que estamos limitados a lo que podemos hacer y podemos mostrar. Pero dentro de ese marco vamos a ser muy honestos hacia el personaje… Creo que Constantine tiene una vida sexual muy sana, y no vamos a ver eso en TV tampoco.”

Uno de los aspectos del personaje de John Constantine que parece que no se explorará es su bisexualidad, que ha sido mencionada en una serie de cómics desde su debut, más notablemente en los de Brian Azzarello del 2002 de “Ashes & Dust in the City of Angels.”

“No hay planes inmediatos” de explorar la bisexualidad de Constantine, dijo Goyer durante los TCA, ya que esta es tan sólo una de las interpretaciones del personaje de los 30 años de la historia de Constantine.

Los fans pueden esperar muchos easter eggs tanto en el piloto como en el resto de la serie (incluída la posible introducción de otros personajes de DC).

Goyer admite que considera a Constantine “uno de los mejores personajes de la literatura moderna,” y que fue su primera opción cuando le ofrecieron adaptar una de las propiedades de DC. “Lo que adoraba de Constantine es que era un tipo listo en un mundo se superhéroes y demonios… un tío de la clase trabajadora con un retorcido sentido del humor,” dice Goyer.

En cuanto al personaje de Harold Perrineau, dice que es "Un ángel con cuestionables propósitos." ... nbc-717266 ... elaya-zed/ ... 201261906/ ... ne-details?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "The Spectre" podría aparecer en "Constantine" e incluso conseguir su propio spin-off:
Durante los TCA, el productor ejecutivo David S. Goyer contestó a una serie de preguntas tras el panel y comentó que es posible que un personaje de DC adicional de la serie pueda conseguir su propio spinoff.

"La intención es que tenemos abierto para nosotros un universo oculto de DC y el hecho de que tengamos el casco del Doctor Fate en el piloto es un indicativo de que vamos a estar haciendo eso. Estamos introduciendo otro personaje del universo de DC en los primeros ocho o nueve episodios también".

Sabemos que Zed, interpretado por Angelica Celaya, va a ser añadido al elenco como regular de la serie, pero el personaje adicional al que se refiere Goyer, será un papel recurrente y que van a potencialmente traer muchos personajes que no se encuentran necesariamente en Hellblazer, pero puede que estén desarrollando la idea de una serie adicional que pueda usar a Constantine para introducir a los personajes.

Cuando le preguntaron qué personaje le gustaría adaptar ahora, dijo: "Ya lo veremos, quizá alguno de ellos aparezca en Constantine."

En una entrevista posterior, Daniel Cerone reveló a IGN que el personaje en cuestión no era otro más que 'The Spectre'.

"Mira, te estoy metiendo en una de las primeras discusiones creativas," dice Cerone. "Podría pasar, podría no pasar. Este es el punto en el que nos pillas. Ahora mismo, se está pincelando. En el contexto del episodio cinco, tenemos la necesidad de un oficial de policía que cea que los diablos sobrenaturales existen. Justo ahí, vale, hay una oportunidad de introducir un personaje de DC. Así es que hablamos con nuestros representantes de DC y les dijimos qué tal si hacemos a este personaje Jim Corrigan, quien va a convertirse en The Spectre. Para aquellos que no lo saben, Jim Corrigan es un oficial de policía que se toma la ley en sus propias manos… y termina muriendo y se reencarna como The Spectre. Así es que es una oportunidad perfecta para nosotros, porque podemos llamar a este personaje Jim Corrigan y en nuestra historia, para el público general, eso funciona, porque ahora Constantine tiene un amigo en la policía. Para los fans de los cómics es, '¡Dios mío, es Jim Corrigan!' Y podemos regresar al personaje y desarrollarlo lentamente y quién sabe, quizá haya una oportunidad en el futuro de incluso ver su propia serie de orígenes desarrollarse en el marco de nuestra serie de TV. Crea oportunidades y creativamente tienes que meterte, tender esa base e intentar que se desarrolle de forma natural. Así es que estamos en mitad de que nos aprueben eso, pero es una idea que estamos explorando ahora mismo."

¿Así es que lo veremos? Quién sabe... Pero Goyer enfatizó que su intento es "lanzar Constantine y hacerla exitosa y conseguir una segunda temporada para que podamos seguir ahondando en estos estupendos personajes e historias."

Goyer ya ha dicho que no hay problema en que los mismos personajes aparezacan en TV y en las franquicias de cine interpretados por actores diferentes.

Y si el ver a estos personajes en la serie podría preceder el que los incluyeran en las películas, Goyer ha dicho de nuevo que, "Se ha tomado la decisión de que está bien el que haya una promoción cruzada de estos personajes y que la audiencia puede soportarlo".

Y en cuanto a su le gustaría que el mismo actor interpretara el papel tanto en la serie como en la película, dijo, "Creo que eso es un dolor de cabeza, pero..." ... onstantine

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista con Matt Ryan de "Constantine" (greenarrowtv):
Entrevista con Matt Ryan de "Constantine"
Por Craig Byrne, 14 de Julio 2014

Yesterday, NBC hosted a Constantine panel at the Television Critics' Association press tour, featuring the cast and producers of the TV series adaptation of the DC/Vertigo Comics series Hellblazer.

Playing John Constantine on the TV show, which premieres on October 24, is actor Matt Ryan (Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior). We caught up with Ryan at NBC's All Star Party in Hollywood, to talk about the character and the mythology that he will be bringing to life on Friday nights.

KSITETV's CRAIG BYRNE: At the TCA panel for Constantine you mentioned a longtime friend who had been a fan of the Hellblazer comic book series who was quite excited when you got the role. Were there any specific Hellblazer stories that he told you to read?

MATT RYAN: Well, Dangerous Habits, straight away. He sat me down and he was like "Okay, there's a few things you need to know," and he just took me through all the character traits, what he's like, and all of these things, and even now, I'm constantly getting e-mails from him about stuff. It is great to have a real fan; he's going to be my harshest critic though, I know. So if I can please him, I think that I'll be all right.

How did your friend react when it was announced that Zed would be coming along?

He was blown away. He was trying to find out what we were going to do with Zed, and if it was going to true to the comics, and I was like "I don't know, man! I'm as excited as you!" I'm trying to keep him updated, but obviously I can't give away any spoilers.

Are you hoping to see Zatanna?

Oh, man. That would be awesome. That would be something, yeah.

If John Constantine could interact with anybody else from the DC Universe, be it TV or movies, who would you like it to be and why?

Anyone from the DC Universe? I think Batman, because I'm just such a huge fan of Batman. But I don't know. The whole Justice League Dark stuff as well… all that crew… but Batman, because Batman has got that kind of dark edge to him as well, and that gritty, tormented stuff going on. That's similar to John as well.

When do you all start filming the second episode of Constantine?

We start on Tuesday, man. I'm really looking forward to it. I think it's going to be a great episode.

Had you been aware of David Goyer's previous movies and TV before working with him on the show?

Yeah. All of the Batman franchise, and the Superman stuff… yeah. That guy's a dude. He's just such a dude, man. I was like "David Goyer? Okay. All right. Yeah. That's awesome." And he's such a great guy; him and Daniel Cerone, as well, he's awesome. Both of them have been so supportive of me, and they've been champions of mine from the start. I feel really blessed to be doing such an iconic character. It's an awesome thing, and to have them be so supportive as well… it's just great.

Are you ready for your first Comic-Con?

I actually went last year. I did Assassins' Creed: Black Flag, the video game… but I think this year's going to be a little bit different. Everyone's telling me about how crazy it's going to be, so I'm trying to prepare myself, but how do you prepare for something like that?

Any last words for fans who will be racing this?

Just that we're trying to stay true to the source material, and I'll try my best to interpret the character and make him true to John Constantine. I hope you enjoy the show. ... ryan/34960

- Entrevista Exclusiva de Matt Ryan sobre Constantine (superherohype):
Entrevista Exclusiva de Matt Ryan sobre Constantine
Por Fred Topel 15 Julio, 2014

At this year’s Television Critics Association summer press tour, the first of three comic book TV shows to present a panel was “Constantine.” NBC’s adaptation of Hellblazer stars Matt Ryan as John Constantine, a blonde haired, British exorcist/demonologist. During the panel, producers David S. Goyer and Daniel Cerone discussed the decision to eliminate the new character Liv Aberdine (Lucy Griffiths) and announced the casting of Angelica Celaya as Zed, from the comic books.

After the panel, I got to sit down with Ryan himself to discuss his role as John Constantine. I’ve seen the pilot with Griffiths, the minimal depiction of smoking per network standards and practices, and the appearance of Doctor Fate’s helmet, whom Goyer promised would appear on the show.

SuperHeroHype: A lot has been made about how little John Constantine can smoke on the show. Do you care one way or another if you get to smoke? Is that a big deal to you?

Matt Ryan: For me, he’s a smoker. John Constantine is a smoker. There’s no question about it. I think in the original description of the character, it’s the third thing that’s mentioned. So yeah, he’s a smoker. He has to be a smoker, without question. We can’t make him not a smoker. It’s just that we’re not going to dwell on it too much. There’s only so much we can show but yeah, we’ll have him putting out cigarettes, doing a lot of other stuff like that. It’s still an essential part of the character. It’s got to be in there. For me, it’s got to be in there.

SHH: Does it become a fun challenge of how can you insert those elements in a way that fits network TV?

Ryan: Yeah, I think that’s the key really, to see it as a challenge rather than a hindrance. ‘Oh, this’ll be a cool moment to do that,’ so that we can actually make some fun out of it and it’s a nod in the right direction, rather than going, “Aw, we can’t do that” and being disappointed over the fact that we can’t maybe do as much as we want. But he’s a smoker, definitely.

SHH: I thought I saw a cigarette in the pilot.

Ryan: There’s one in the end, at the bar. I stub a cigarette.

SHH: He is a hard drinker too, but so far it’s mostly beer. Does he drink harder stuff too?

Ryan: Oh yes, yes. I think he likes Bloody Marys, Gin and Tonics, whatever he can get his hands on really.

SHH: If they can’t do the lung cancer story, maybe John can get liver disease instead.

Ryan: That’s interesting. That’s interesting. You should be in the writer’s room.

SHH: Is it tough to find out that Lucy Griffiths won’t be a part of the show since you built this dynamic with her in the pilot?

Ryan: Yeah, Lucy’s great, but I’ve known Lucy for years. I worked with her before on a TV show called “Collision” in the U.K. She’s a wonderful actress and she’s fantastic. She did a great job in the pilot. I can see where the guys have gone in terms of the character of Liv is someone who’s more susceptible to John’s manipulations, so maybe then it’s not as hard for John to manipulate her. I think the character of Zed is someone who can maybe take John up on his sh*t a little bit more, be a little bit more in his face. I can see where they’ve gone creatively with that but obviously, I love Lucy and it’ll be a shame not to work with her.

SHH: How soon will that take effect, like right in episode two?

Ryan: I don’t know, man. I think she’ll be in a couple of episodes.

SHH: Have you already shot those?

Ryan: No, we start on Tuesday.

SHH: Was today the first you heard about Angelica Celaya?

Ryan: I heard about Angelica yesterday. She’s great. I did a reading with her a while ago and she’s fantastic.

SHH: Did you read with a lot of potential Zeds?

Ryan: I did, yes. Angelica was great. I was really pleased and I just sent her a little text actually saying, “They just announced you.” She’s great. I’m really looking forward to working with her.

SHH: How would you describe the chemistry you have with her and the chemistry John might have with Zed?

Ryan: I think she’s feisty. I think she’ll get a lot more in John’s face and challenge John a little bit more. I think John’s the type of person that feels he can easily manipulate anyone. When there’s someone who comes along who can take him up on his sh*t, he kind of likes that. There’s the possibility of a sexual chemistry there as well. He likes this person because she can give it back to him. I think that makes an interesting dynamic for the show and the episodes that they’re not always going to agree with each other. She’s not just going to follow him around. She’s a leader as well.

SHH: Was lighting his hands ablaze from the comic books?

Ryan: The thing is, what he does there is he douses his hands with petrol and lights his hands on fire. There is actually a little bit that we cut. He walks around the corner and puts his hands out [mimics burning pain].

SHH: Is that something he might do again or just a one off?

Ryan: Maybe, yeah. He’s a con man. He’s always looking for new tricks and stuff. That’s just one of the things he’s got up his sleeve.

SHH: Did you recognize Doctor Fate’s helmet when it was on set?

Ryan: I didn’t, no, to be honest. All I saw was, I was like, “Wow, man. Look at all these Easter eggs and trinkets.” When I saw that set, I was blown away and I just spent 20 minutes walking on the set, looking at all the little trinkets and things that they have. They really went to town. There are so many little subtle Easter eggs and things in there, but at the time I’d got the job and we had two-and-a-half weeks before we started shooting the pilot. So I’d only had two and a half weeks to read as many comics as possible and then prep as well. I hadn’t really read that many so I wasn’t really as up to speed as I would like to have been.

SHH: Do you remember which issues or series you did read?

Ryan: I jumped all around the place, because they sent me a bunch of stuff that was going to be relevant to what we were doing, so I jumped around the place and what I’ve done now is I’ve gone back and started to make my way forward again. There’s still so much to get through.

SHH: How did the role come to you? Were they looking for a type and going out to blonde, British actors?

Ryan: Well, I was doing a Shakespeare play. I was doing “Henry V” in the West End with Jude Law, with long hair and a big beard. I was dark as well. I dyed my hair. It’s naturally dark, but the role came up and I went in for an audition in London. Then they liked me but they were like, “Look, he’s got really long hair. Can he cut the hair?” I was like, “I can’t because I’m doing a play.” So I’d get another tip, another tip, another tip. There were some people who couldn’t see through the beard and the hair but Daniel and David really liked me. Then eventually when the play finished, I cut off the hair. The play finished on a Saturday. We had a party on the Saturday night and I jumped on a plane in the morning, flew over. I think it was a holiday that day, so I had a friend of mine call his hairdresser friend. He came over, cut my hair off, and then I went in the next day, tested, and then got the job. It was a long process, they saw a lot of people for it, but I was over the moon when I got it. It’s such an awesome character.

SHH: Why did you want it so badly, having not been so familiar with the comic books?

Ryan: My best friend, one of my great friends, he’s such a comic book fan that he has his own comic book company now called Improper Books, and he writes his own comics. He’d been telling me about John Constantine for years so I’d heard a little bit about it. Then he sat me down before I had the audition and was like, “This is what John is like.” Gave me the whole low down on it. He actually gave me a comic before I did the audition and I kind of scanned it, but I didn’t have much time before the audition and I was doing a play, so I did as much as I could. Once I started to read those comics and hear the depth, when you look online and you see the synopsis of the character, you do as much research into a role as possible and he really seemed like someone who was multi-faceted and three dimensional. Someone who’s tortured but has this amazing, cynical British ironic wit. That’s a really interesting thing to play, and also he’s a con man. He’s a quick-witted con man who will stick the middle finger up to the Devil as he’s making his way back up from hell. That sh*t’s cool. So yeah, I want to do that. And the fact that he’s dark and he walks around with all this guilt and the weight of the world on his shoulders as well. It’s got everything. It’s really fun and awesome to play for an actor.

SHH: Are we going to see more of his con artist side?

Ryan: I think the great thing about this show, I think is that we get to see a lot of different sides of John. I think from the pilot, we can really now flesh out the character and get under his skin. There are so many different layers to him that now we can all start peeling pack. For me as well, I’ve gotten to know him quite well since I got the role, but as we progress, you get to know the character even more and more. Things deepen even more and more so I’m really looking forward to that process of getting to know him even more and deepening everything, and then seeing what storylines they throw out and what different parts of his personality we draw out from episode to episode.

SHH: It’s funny to think he’s a con artist who happens to know for sure there are actual supernatural forces. He’d still choose manipulation over using real powers?

Ryan: That’s what’s great about him, right? Isn’t that such an interesting character thing. Yeah, I could put a spell on someone or put a curse on someone, but you know what? He likes a challenge. He’d rather use his wit and con someone, which I think is awesome.

SHH: Producer Rockne S. O’Bannon said he’s interested in working the “Hunger Demon” story into the first season. Are you familiar with that?

Ryan: Oh yeah, yes.

SHH: Would you be excited to do that story?

Ryan: I would, yeah. It’s great. It’s an interesting one. I think that John’s manipulation of Lester and the way all that works out, and you see again one of John’s friends dying around him. I think that shows a part of John which we haven’t seen yet and a part of him that’s willing to sacrifice. There’s loads of great things about that. If you just look at it in terms of a special effect, how it would look, you could do lots of interesting things with that. So it’d be interesting if we do go down that road, how we adapt it.

SHH: Did you happen to see the Constantine movie?

Ryan: Yes, I saw it years ago and then I watched it again before we did the pilot.

SHH: Did you know at the time they’d changed some significant things?

Ryan: No, I didn’t. My friend obviously was the comic book fan that said stuff but when I watched it myself, I just took it as a standalone thing. I didn’t really know that they’d changed it.

SHH: Do you think the subsequent episodes will keep up the pace of the pilot?

Ryan: I think with the pilot, the pilot’s always something in itself, isn’t it? I mean, there’s lots of stuff going on. I think the pace of the show will change slightly. I think we’ll get a lot more suspense and scary, but I think the pilot moves quite fast because there’s a lot we’re setting up in the pilot. As the show goes on, the pace of the show will change a bit.

SHH: Would you like John to get back to London?

Ryan: I’d like him to go back to London at some point, yeah. So many of them are set in London, aren’t they? And all of his London friends, the Newcastle stuff. There’s so much of it that would be great to explore.

SHH: Are you excited or nervous to see the reaction at Comic-Con?

Ryan: I’m excited, man. Having become a fan of the comics now, I think we’ve got something that’s pretty good and I think that hopefully the fans will like it. Hopefully we can do the comics justice and hopefully we can do the fans justice. ... onstantine

- Nueva imagen BTS (16-07-14):


(@mattryanreal: And we're on our way... @NBCConstantine #Constantine)

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Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SDCC 2014 Official Bag:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "CONSTANTINE" en el "SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON 2014" (23-27 Julio) -

- Imágenes:
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- Panel:

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- WBDC Panel:

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- Signing:

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- Interviews:

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- Press line:

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- SiriusXM's Entertainment Weekly Radio Channel Broadcasts:


- Warner Bros. Television photo studio:


- Warner Bros. Television's Comic-Con cocktail media mixer at the Hard Rock Hotel's FLOAT Rooftop Bar:


- Videos:

CONSTANTINE Preview Trailer Unveiled at Comic-Con 2014

On Fire! New WBTV & DC Comics Animated Logos for CONSTANTINE

Music to Our Ears: Bear McCreary Scores CONSTANTINE (Warner Bros TV)

Comic-Con 2014: Constantine Full Panel (Constantine)

Constantine - Matt Ryan's Day in the Life at Comic-Con (Constantine)

Constantine - Pilot Screening Reaction - Comic Con 2014 (IGN)

Bringing Constantine to Television With the Executive Producers- Comic Con 2014 (IGN)

Constantine Cast Interview - Comic Con 2014 (IGN)

CONSTANTINE (2014) [HD] Comic-Con Interview - Matt Ryan (Geek Mundo)

Matt Ryan of Constantine at Comic Con AndroidTV press day (AndroidTV)

Constantine (2014) HD Comic-Con 2014 Soundbite

SDCC 2014 DC WB Panel Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, and Constantine Full Panel (Gonturan74)

Stephen Amell Plays Host During SDCC 2014 (Pop Goes the World)

Matt Ryan CONSTANTINE Comic Con 2014 Interview (theseat42f)

Harold Perrineau CONSTANTINE Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

Angelica Celaya CONSTANTINE Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

Charles Halford CONSTANTINE Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

Comic-Con 2014: The Cast of ‘Constantine’ (CraveOnline)

Matt Ryan Interview - Constantine (ShowbizJunkies)

Angelica Celaya Interview - Constantine (ShowbizJunkies)

David S Goyer and Daniel Cerrone Interview - Constantine (ShowbizJunkies)

Charles Halford Interview - Constantine (ShowbizJunkies)

Constantine: Matt Ryan Comic Con TV Interview (ScreenSlam)

Constantine: Charles Halford, Harold Perrineau & Angelica Celaya Comic Con TV Interview (ScreenSlam)

'Constantine' star Matt Ryan: John Constantine is 'the ultimate working-class antihero' (EW)

Angelica Celaya - Constantine's "Zed" - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

NBC's John Constantine: Matt Ryan - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

Constantine: Executive Producers Daniel Cerone & David Goyer - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

Constantine: Charles Halford (Chas) Interview - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

Matt Ryan, Constantine, Comic-Con 2014 Press Room -Pt 1 - (TV Goodness)

Matt Ryan, Constantine, Comic-Con 2014 Press Room -Pt 2 - (TV Goodness)

Matt Ryan, Constantine, Comic-Con 2014 Press Room -Pt 3 - (TV Goodness)

Angelica Celaya, Constantine, Comic-Con Press Room 2014 (TV Goodness)

Charles Halford, Constantine, Comic-Con Press Room 2014 - Pt 1- (TV Goodness)

Charles Halford, Constantine, Comic-Con Press Room 2014 - Pt 2 - (TV Goodness)

Harold Perrineau, Constantine, Comic-Con Press Room 2014 (TV Goodness)

Daniel Cerone and David S. Goyer, Constantine, Comic-Con Press Room 2014 (TV Goodness)

Angélica Celaya (Zed Martin) Interview - Constantine (HappyCool)

Constantine - What To Expect (HappyCool)

Harold Perrineau (Manny) Interview Constantine (HappyCool)

Matt Ryan (John Constantine) Interview - Constantine (HappyCool)

Charles Halford (Chas Chandler) Interview - Constantine (HappyCool)

Matt Ryan Previews John's Relationships in CONSTANTINE @ SDCC (meredithjj's channel)

Harold Perrineau Talks 'Constantine' at Comic-Con 2014 (fanbolt)

Angélica Celaya Talks 'Constantine' at Comic-Con 2014 (fanbolt)

Constantine SDCC Official Comic Con Panel 2014 (Flicks And The City)

Constantine Comic Con Interview - David S. Goyer & Daniel Cerone (Flicks And The City)

Constantine Comic Con Interview - Angelica Celaya (Flicks And The City)

Constantine Comic Con Interview - Harold Perrineau (Flicks And The City)

Constantine Comic Con Interview - Charles Halford (Flicks And The City)

Constantine Comic Con Interview - Matt Ryan (Flicks And The City)

Comic Con 2014 Constantine - Matt Ryan (Three If By Space)

Comic Con 2014 Constantine - Harold Perrineau (Three If By Space)

Comic Con 2014 Constantine - Charles Halford (Three If By Space)

Comic Con 2014 Constantine - Daniel Cerone & David S. Goyer (Three If By Space)

Comic Con 2014 Constantine - Angelica Celaya (Three If By Space)

Matt Ryan Discusses Playing Constantine (BuddyTV)

Constantine Interview with Charles Halford (BuddyTV)

Constantine Interview with Executive Producers Daniel Cerone and David S. Goyer (BuddyTV)

Constantine Interview with Angelica Celaya (BuddyTV)

Constantine's Angelica Celaya at SDCC 2014 (The Televixen)

Constantine's Harold Perrineau at SDCC 2014 (The Televixen)

Constantine's Charles Halford at SDCC 2014 (The Televixen)

Constantine On NBC At Comic Con 2014 (zennie62)

#SDCC Constantine Experience (IXN Transmedia)

SDCC 2014: Constantine NBC Offsite Preview Night San Diego Comic-Con (The_Con_Fluence Covers...)

Matt Ryan & Harold Perrineau depart 2014 Comic Con Panel SD (PopCandies TV)

- Informaciones:
- Cambio en la protagonista femenina: "Originalmente en el piloto teníamos a un personaje Liv [interpretado por Lucy Griffith] que no estaba en los cómics," dice David S. Goyer. "Era muy reactiva y crédula y sentíamos como si realmente ella no pudiera ir mano a mano con John." Liv aparecerá en el piloto, pero se marcha al final del capítulo.

- 'Zed' interpretada por Angelica Celaya será la encargada de ocupar su lugar. "Es todo un viaje," dice Celaya. "Estoy tan emocionada por hacer a Zed de carne y hueso y actuar frente a John Constantine."

- Otro cambio que veremos con respecto al piloto, es que en el piloto original, en la batalla final Constantine se enfrenta a un demonio hecho por CGI, mientras que en el que veremos en otoño, Constantine se enfrentará a una versión demoníaca de sí mismo. "Hay un demonio diferente en el tejado luchando contra John," dice Daniel Cerone. "Terminamos realmente involucrados en el mundo del CGI con ese demonio pero queríamos que fuera tan convincente y real como fyera posible. ¿Y qué mejor manera que el tener a Constantine enfrentado a una versión demoníaca de sí mismo que aguantará todos sus fallos como un espejo?"

- Matt Ryan, quien interpreta a Constantine, disfrutó interpretando a esta versión demoníaca de Constantine en esa escena. "Fue divertido el interpretar contra mí mismo," dice el actor.

- Cuando les preguntaron sobre un universo combinado de Gotham, el creador de Gotham Bruno Heller dijo que es pronto para decirlo, pero que "nunca digas nunca". Pero apuntó, "Sí esos dos [Gotham y Constantine] mundos coinciden, entonces podría funcionar. Pero no estoy realmente seguro de la cronología. Quizá Constantine tenía sólo 5 años cuando Gotham tiene lugar."

- Hacia el final de la temporada, introducirán a todo el equipo de 'New Castle'.

- Vuando les preguntaron sobre su acercamiento a la serrie, los productores ejecutivos contestaron "Lo hacemos a la vieja escuela."

- El creador de la serie, David S. Goyer, explica por qué este personaje fue la elección corrrecta para él tras escribir películas como las de the Dark Knight y Man of Steel: "No tiene nada de spandex lo que es agradable". "Primero intentará lanzar un hechizo y si no funciona puede que intente luchar. Si eso no funciona puede que intente con un engaño. Si eso no funciona, puede que intente darle una patada en los huevos. Y si eso no funciona, puede que sólo salga corriendo."

- Matt Ryan y Goyer confirman la aparición de 'Jim Corrigan' aka 'Spectre' y 'Papa Midnite'. "Tenemos acceso a la esquina oculta del Universo DC," añade Goyer, y parece que van a aprovecharse de ello.

- Cuando les preguntaron si Zatanna o algún otro miembro de la Justice League Dark puede aparecer, Goyer contestó, "Estoy seguro de que muchos vísteis el casco del Doctor Fate [en el piloto], y éso fue un claro indicador de nuestras intenciones."

- Matt Ryan, admitió que ganó un nuevo interés literario cuando fue elegido para la serie: "Leí un cómic," dice Ryan sonre su proceso de pre-audición. "Y aún sigo leyéndolos," añade. ... rt-2014-07 ... ans-721461 ... onstantine ... ne-2014-07 ... rendacosta

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (28-29 Julio, 2014):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Qué otros personajes de DC Comics Characters nos encontraremos en Constantine? (io9):
¿Qué otros personajes de DC Comics Characters nos encontraremos en Constantine?
Por Perri Nemiroff 01/08/14

There are a lot of DC Comics series coming to television this fall — but only Constantine is holding down the supernatural side of the DC Universe. Creators Daniel Cerone and David S. Goyer told us how they'll make a show that comics newbies can enjoy — and hinted at tons of cameos in the first season.

While in San Diego to show off the pilot episode at Comic-Con, star Matt Ryan sat down with reporters, along with Cerone and Goyer, and told us a bit about developing the show and what we can expect from upcoming episodes.

How important was it for you with this show to stick close to the text? Obviously there was a film before that kind of strayed from that.

David S. Goyer: Super important. We're huge fans of the comic book. We both have been fans of it for a long time and we wanted to make sure that it had that integrity. We're not adapting any one specific storyline. We'll be sort of weaving in and out of them, but I think hardcore fans of the books will feel that it's a very authentic interpretation of the character.

Daniel Cerone: We're going straight back to the source material. When Constantine first appeared in Swamp Thing, that's the timeline. That's when we're meeting him in our series. In fact, the American Gothic storyline heavily inspires our first season arc, so all the things that happen to Constantine over the course of the 30-year run in the comics, it's all ahead of him. So those are all things that we can explore and dip into and take viewers sort of along the journey.

Goyer: Yeah, so we might do a version of the Dangerous Habits storyline, but that would be season three or four or something.

This is a very edgy, dark character. How are you going to get into that character on network television?

Goyer: Have you seen Hannibal?

Cerone: No, they're pushing us. I was a showrunner the first two seasons of Dexter and our development executive at NBC and the president of Showtime at the time, Bob Greenblatt, they were the two supervising executives on Dexter. That's their sensibility. They want to bring that kind of programming, that kind of edge and that kind of darkness, that kind of moral ambiguity, they want to bring that to network television and they're pushing hard for it.

This time slot that we're moving into has been a challenging one for them, and I think some shows might have tried to push a little too hard. I think what we want to do is find a balance between the darkness and the humanity, and at the end of the day, if you follow the Constantine [pronounced Constantyne] character, he's a humanitarian.

Goyer: You said Constantine [pronounced Constantyne]!

Cerone: Oh my – good! We went through that too like, Constanteen, Constantyne. [Laughs] That was a big issue.

What can you tell us about how the show's going to span other DC realms?

Goyer: We've been given sort of permission from DC Comics, Geoff Johns and the rest of them, to use the other people from the occult DC universe, so as long as they're not in spandex, we can kind of use them. We don't want to make it guest star of the week and we want to make sure that even non-comic book fans get to know these characters, but we'll be rolling out a couple in the first season and, you know, hopefully the goal is, when we are rolling them out, they're here as recurring characters. It's not just in and out, so we will slowly be expanding that.

Cerone: I would say that our focus is really on getting this character right.

Goyer: Yeah, we have to start with John and have people fall in love with John.

Cerone: I mean, in success, we can branch out and do any number of things. If we were tipping too hard towards trying to introduce new characters or DC characters just for the sake of introducing them, I think we would be taking away from building a character that people are going to want to watch and fall in love with, so that's our priority, but, as David said, within the context of that, there are opportunities or Easter eggs that we will drop and that we fully intend to follow up on.

Goyer: And there are definitely Easter eggs in the pilot and there will continue to be throughout the show just because we and the crew love that stuff.

Where did you find your voice for John Constantine?

Matt Ryan: Oh, the comics, man. Yeah, I started reading them. I haven't read them all yet because there's a lot of them, but I just started reading them and using the source material. And then I've got this thick moleskin book of just all my John Constantine stuff with images and little different lines that I use from the comics and stuff, and just glean in as much as I can from the source material.

Were you aware of the character at all before?

Ryan: It's funny. I'd been told for years and years by a friend of mine who was a big comic book fan, he's got his own comic book company now called Improper Books and they've got some good stuff. He'd been telling me for years, 'John Constantine's my favorite comic book character, the Hellblazer stuff,' and when I got the audition, he just sat me down, man, and took me through the wringer. [Laughs] He was just like, 'Okay, it's gonna be like this.' And so, yeah, he's like my worst critic.

Did you have to work on the accent though because you're …

Ryan: My accent's different, yeah.

Exactly. That's been the fandom's first …

Ryan: Yeah, a lot of people have been saying I'm using my own accent. I'm not using my own accent. The funny thing is, Liverpool is right next door to Wales, but, the thing is, I thought about doing a full on Liverpudlian accent, but you'd have to put subtitles on it for America television. You would for a full on Welsh accent as well and so I kind of came up with the idea that he's from Liverpool - like, I'm from Wales, but then I left Wales when I was 19 and then I've traveled, so my accent isn't as thick as it would be if I was still living in Wales, so I applied that to John. It's like he was born in Liverpool, he was brought up there, but then he moved away, so we've taken the basis of that accent and the vowel sounds and the consonants and then just flattened it out. And then some of the vowel sounds are actually similar to the Welsh vowel sounds because they're right next door to each other anyway, so it's kind of a more accessible kind of traveled accent.

How grueling was the audition process?

Ryan: It was quite tough, man. Yeah, I was doing a play in London, I was doing a Shakespeare play, Henry V,in London. I had long hair and a big beard and when I did my first tape for it, they were just like, yeah. Daniel and David really liked me, but then some other people were like, 'I don't see it because of the beard,' so I went through this whole process, had to wait for the play to finish and then flew over to LA, chopped all my hair off, shaved my beard and I went from there.

Which character do you enjoy interacting with most?

Ryan: I'd say Manny because they're both kind of manipulators, you know? And they're both kind of trying to get one up on each other all the time, but there's also a mutual respect for each other, so there's this kind of dance, this toe-to-toe dance that they're doing all the time. They're uneasy allies, you know? I think that makes for a really interesting dynamic and interesting conflict between the two of them. ... +PNemiroff

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32868
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - NEW TV Promo "What´s on the way":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
