"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS del rodaje de la S3 con los personajes Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance & Quentin Lance (11-07-14):

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http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/arrow-bl ... for-ep-301
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- Nuevas figuras coleccionables de 'Arrow' a la venta en el SDCC 2014:

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Podréis encontrarlas a la venta en la convención a partir del Jueves, 24 de Julio a las 10 am. en el stand de DC Entertainment y online AQUÍ

- Portada del especial de TVGuide para el SDCC 2014:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" adelantan 3 grandes villanos, una gran 'cita' y Flashbacks que no son de Oliver (TVLine):
Productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" adelantan 3 grandes villanos, una gran 'cita' y Flashbacks que no son de Oliver
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 15 de July 2014, 1:57 PM PDT

Tras los TCA, After Greg Berlanti habló con TVLine sobre algunos de los misterios de la Season 3 de "Arrow".

En línea con lo que ya comentara Stephen Amell sen los Upfronts de Mayo, Berlanti dijo que los Grandes Villanos tendrán “un feeling diferente” del Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke de la Season 2. Dicho esto, el siguiente adversario “tiene algunos elementos personales de conectividad con Oliver, de los que iremos sabiendo” — parte via flashbacks. “Con suerte, los fans del Universo DC estarán realmente contentos con quién es.”

En cuanto a los flashbacks de la serie, Berlanti ha dicho que en la Season 3 “no habrán tan sólo flashbacks desde la perspectiva de Oliver.” Como el drama ha hecho en raras ocasiones con Laurel y Diggle, “Hay algunas cosas en cuanto a historia pasada que va a salir de algunos de los otros personajes.”

Habrá un provocativo punto de la historia de la Season 3 que tendrá lugar en la actualidad que involucra a Oliver, a Felicity y una pregunta.

Como se reveló en la sinopsis de la Season 3, “con Arrow siendo ahora un héroe,” en crimen ha bajado en Starling City y mientras que “disfruta de su éxito,” “Oliver cree que finalmente puede tener una vida privada y le pide una cita a Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards).”

Berlanti le contó a TVLine que en lugar de quedarse en eso como una breve burbuja en una historia más larga, hay un “mejor contexto” para la proposición en cuestión. Pero sí, está pasando.

“Ellos son personajes reales para nosotros, y ellos tuvieron esa conversación en la playa, y tuvieron esa conversación en la casa para ayudar a capturar a Slade,” recuerda Berlanti. “Así es que la pregunta que tienes que hacer es: ¿Tiene Oliver sentimientos reales y genuinos hacia ella? ¿Y cómo de consciente está él de eso? ¿Y cómo de consciente va a hacerle a ella de eso? Ésa es una parte activa de la temporada este año.”

http://tvline.com/2014/07/15/arrow-seas ... y-romance/

- Sara Lance regresa en la S3 y revelado el título del 3.2:
TVGuide en su Megabuzz, ha revelado que Caity Lozt regresará en la season premiere de la tercera temporada de "Arrow" como Sarah Lance.

Junto a esto, greenarrowtv ha confirmado que el título del episodio 3.02 será "Sara".

No podemos más que suponer lo que esto significa, podría ser que tendremos un episodio centrado en flashbacks de Sara, o incluso que podría pasarle algo trágico.

Lo que sí es seguro es que Katrina Law (Nyssa al-Ghul) comentó que estaría rodando un episodio de Arrow en las próximas semanas y que teóricamente las fechas podrían encajar con el rodaje de este episodio.

Ciertamente sería genial el ver lo que le pasó a Sara una vez que se separó de Oliver y cómo de encontró con Nyssa al-Ghul y la League of Assassins.

- Primer vistazo al storyboard de la S3 (16-07-14):


(Thanks to @mguggenheim)

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (16-07-14):

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(@amellywood: Family fun at work!!
@katiecassidy: We mean serious business @tommyeurope)

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (17-07-14):


(@PaulBlackthorne: Lurking around in dark ominous spaces #Arrow country Season 3 episode 1)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SDCC 2014 Official Bag:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado el título del episodio 3.03:
Durante la CBS/CW/Showtime party en la TCA Press Tour, se ha revelado que el título del episodio 3.03 será “Corto Maltese”.

El nombre no les resultará extraño a los amantes de los cómics, puesto que ha sido mencionado en diversas ocasiones.

Corto Maltese aparece en la novela gráfica de Frank Miller "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" como el nombre de una isla de Sudamérica que está en el centro de un incidente con la Unión Soviética y también al levantamiento rebelde que se produjo después.

También es el nombre de un personaje de cómics, un marinero del Pacífico Sur, que fue creado por el dibujante italiano Hugo Pratt. Aunque hay varios cómics y películas sobre el mismo, apenas hay ninguna en inglés, con lo que se piensa que Miller usó el nombre como tributo a Pratt.

En Smallville, también se hizo referencia a "Corto Maltese" en el episodio "Justice", en el que Green Arrow y el equipo (Aquaman, Cyborg, and Impulse) le proponen a Clark Kent que les ayude a acabar con los planes de Lex en contra personas con habilidades superhumanas y, como primer objetivo, se marcan el destruir una gran instalación que éste tiene en "la isla de Corto Maltese".

En "Arrow" ya se ha hecho referencia al mismo en el episodio de la S1 "Lone Gunmen" en el que Oliver Queen menciona que Deadshot operaba en Corto Maltese.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/exclusive-f ... 3-is/18013

- Andrew Kreisberg Adelanta Nuevos intereses amorosos, villanos y sorprendentes regresos (TVGuide):
Andrew Kreisberg Adelanta Nuevos intereses amorosos, villanos y sorprendentes regresos
Por Natalie Abrams 18 de Julio, 2014 10:20 AM ET

The third season of The CW series will dare to answer that question when Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) attempts to have his cake and eat it too — in this case, that means being a superhero that the residents of Starling City actually respect while also trying to have a personal life. It's harder than it sounds — something that Ollie will learn fairly quickly into the season.

But Oliver's love life won't be the only thing that's complicated this season, especially since two of his ladies will actually be getting love interests of their own! TVGuide.com tracked down executive producer Andrew Kreisberg to get the scoop on the new season, including a surprising return from the dead, the future for Team Arrow and new villains ahead:

Will there be a time jump when the show returns?
Andrew Kreisberg: We're going to jump the same amount of time that we did last year. It'll be real time. It'll be seven or eight months later. For Oliver, things are good. As we like to say, everything is coming up Arrow. Crime is down. At the end of last year, there was victory. A lot of this season is about what happens when you win and how winning isn't always as easy as it looks.

What does it mean for Oliver now that the city actually accepts him?
Kreisberg: In the premiere, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) actually disbands the anti-vigilante task force in his new role as Captain. The Arrow is free to do his thing and it's different for Oliver. He spent the first two years being hunted and distrusted. Now, he's starting to feel like he has this under control. And then, of course, as Joss Whedon taught us all, you let your characters have a moment of happiness and then you take it all away from them.

You seemed to be setting the stage for Ra's al Ghul to be the villain in Season 3. Is he actually the villain? Can you say anything about the new villain?
Kreisberg: It's big. I can say that he's big and he's bad. We're still figuring that stuff out. As far as the Big Bad, there will be a Big Bad. Even last year, everybody was a subset of Slade's (Manu Bennett). Slade was the Big Bad. We will meet other villains along the way, as always. We'll have recurring villains and new villains we're starting with this year and people who are coming back from the previous two seasons.

Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver are going on a date in the season premiere. How do you avoid the TV trope that a hero can't be with the woman he loves just because of his duty?
Kreisberg: When you see the premiere and you see how things shake out, you'll come to a very sympathetic understanding of both of their positions. The premiere last year was a microcosm of what was happening for the whole year. In the same way that the premiere of last season was really about Oliver struggling with whether or not he should be the Arrow, in this season premiere it's, "Can I have everything I want?" That quest is going to take up his entire year, and hers.

How much of a foil will Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), Felicity's new rumored love interest and head of Queen Consolidated, be to Oliver?
Kreisberg: A big foil. It's Season 3, and Season 3 is typically when you add that game-changing character like Buffy did in adding Faith or Everwood did with adding Scott Wolf. First of all, getting Brandon — he couldn't be nicer, he couldn't be sweeter. It's just such a different energy that he's bringing to the show. A lot of what's funny about Felicity and Oliver is that he's so straight and she's the funny one. With Brandon, you get somebody who's as tall, square-jawed and handsome as he is [and] he's a really funny comedian. He and Felicity can have that verbal repartee that we haven't typically had on the show. As much as the show is getting darker, it's gotten a lot funnier. It's just such a different energy. He and Felicity are really cute together.

Talk about Roy's (Colton Haynes) role on Team Arrow and how he'll feel when he discovers he actually killed someone last season.
Kreisberg: In the beginning, Roy is feeling pretty good about himself too. He's part of Team Arrow. He thinks he's put behind him what happened last season. Like with all of our characters, the past has a terrible way of catching up with them. It's a new and interesting thing for Oliver to really have a mentee, somebody he is training beside. There's really lovely stuff in the premiere like, "You did a good job tonight." When we met Roy, he was living practically on the streets and stealing. To see him have this big brother, I don't think he's really had anybody believe in him. Obviously Thea (Willa Holland) did, but like a male character. You're happy for Roy in the beginning that he's really found his place. Of course, then we're going to shake his world up.

Sara (Caity Lotz) passed on her Canary jacket to Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Is that a mantle she'll take up fairly quickly and what will her relationship with Oliver look like this season?
Kreisberg: As always with all of these things, you can't just put on a mask and go running around. You'll get killed. Laurel is still just an attorney. She's an attorney with a jacket. I think Katie Cassidy fans are going to be very, very excited about her trajectory this year. Laurel is going to have a new love interest this season.

Interesting! Are you bringing back Colin Donnell from the dead?
Kreisberg: [Pauses] No...

Wait, I was kidding. What are you talking about?
Kreisberg: Colin Donnell is coming back in Episode 302. Tommy will be in the flashback story. We'll be telling the story about how Tommy and Oliver just missed each other in Hong Kong. It's a really amazing story and we're so excited to have Colin Donnell back. It's one of the advantages of the storytelling that we do that even when you die in the present day, you can still be alive in the flashbacks. It was something that we had talked about last year and then when we committed to doing the Hong Kong story, we knew we could really make it work.

How are the flashbacks different this year?
Kreisberg: It's really exciting for us because writing the island was not always easy. One of the things we really learned is that there were a lot of episodes on the island where we couldn't get to part of the story yet, so let's run around in circles. Sometimes we ran around in circles better than other times, but with this season in Hong Kong, we're able to tell better stories in the past because being in civilization and not being trapped, you're able to tell a much richer, fuller world. We've really committed this year to doing a lot more of the personal flashbacks. People, by now, are really able to go, "OK, well, if these three weeks in a row were in Hong Kong and then this one is a flashback to any one of the other characters, whether it's Sara, Dig (David Ramsey) or Felicity or Laurel," then they can go on that journey and come back to the Hong Kong story line without feeling too lost.

How much will Sara play a role in the new season?
Kreisberg: She plays a big role in the new season. We have her booked for three episodes and hopefully for more. We love Caity Lotz. She's so amazing. Watching the dailies of her in the premiere and seeing her back, it's always fun to see her. As much as her stuntwoman does, Caity really does get out there on her own and it's fun to watch.

How does Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) being pregnant change his mindset when he goes on missions?
Kreisberg: A lot. In fact, a lot of the opening episodes are about Diggle's changing circumstances and how that's affecting his decisions and how he approaches being part of Team Arrow. There's a lot of conflict between Oliver and Dig about Dig now being a father. There's also interesting conflict between Dig and Lyla because Lyla is still working at A.R.G.U.S., which we've painted as a less than savory organization. That tension between Dig, Lyla and Amanda Waller (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) — as big a part that Amanda is playing in the past, she's playing just as big a part in the present.

What path is Thea on after leaving town with Malcolm (John Barrowman)?
Kreisberg: We always say that if you're ever going to become who you are in the comics, you have to go to the island. Oliver literally went to the island. We always said last year was Roy's trip to the island. This season is about Thea's trip to her version of the island.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Seaso ... 84620.aspx

- Colton Haynes sobre la vida sin Thea, ¿Un nuevo romance para Roy? (TVFanatic):
Colton Haynes sobre la vida sin Thea, ¿Un nuevo romance para Roy?
Por Jim Halterman 18 de Julio, 2014 12:30 pm.

Roy Harper is moving on without Thea.

At least at the beginning of Arrow Season 3 he is.

When new episodes kicks off in October, Roy will be single, considering Thea broke up with him before leaving with her father, Malcolm Merlyn. But he won’t necessarily be alone since he’s more entrenched than ever with Team Arrow.

At last night’s TCA party in West Hollywood, Haynes told me what we can expect from Roy the fall, touching on his relationship with both Oliver and Felicity.

The actor also talked about how one thing he wrote on his positivity wall many years ago that has incredible come true...

TV Fanatic: What can you tell me about the new Arrow season?

Colton Haynes: Well, I’ve read the first three episodes….

TVF: Thea left town at the end of last season. Is Roy pining for her or is he just in his own world?

CH: He’s trying not to think about it. Every time he hears her name he says ‘I gotta go do a patrol’ or ‘I gotta get out there. I gotta clear my mind.’ He’s running away from it because Thea said she never wants to see him again or talk to him again, he’s been lying to her forever so he has to do what she wants so he’s giving her her space.

We’re going to see a frickin’ bad ass Thea coming. We’re also going to see a bad ass Laurel. Her guns are…if you see the pictures she’s posting on Instagram. She’s kicking ass. She’s just shredding it.

TVF: Roy is now in the mix with everybody so do we see him much more active instead of doing his own thing?

CH: He is and he also has a really cool story with Felicity this year. They’re both know-it-alls and when you put two know-it-alls in a room, they like to correct each other and we have some really fun banter this year.

I’m so happy because I adore Emily [Bett Rickards] and it’s so much fun to work with her. She’s so talented and so new to this world and she’s so naturally talented. It’s really awesome to work with her in a scene and so fun what she throws at you in a scene.

TVF: Before, Roy and Oliver’s relationship was more contentious. Are they more buddies now or it more mentor-like?

CH: The relationship is a lot more mentor. Roy is keeping a little bit of information this year and I can’t say about what but I can say it’s going to get him in a little bit of trouble. But he does still looks up to Oliver. Oliver is very gracious and attentive to helping Roy out and helping him through his journey.

TVF: Any new love interest for Roy or no time for that?

CH: I’m hearing talk. I don’t know who it’s going to be but in the comic books it was Cheshire but also in the comic books I lose my arm and I have a child. I think I’m still 19 on the show so I don’t know.

TVF: And John Barrowman is back!

CH: He’s the coolest person in the world, I’m so stoked that he’s back now and it’s going to drive the fans frickin’ crazy!

TVF: The first time I talked to you was for that first season of Teen Wolf. How have you made sense of how the last five years have gone for you? It’s been a whirlwind!

CH: I feel like I got thrust into it and it’s really so much fun. I like to still continue to have fun with everything and have a sense of humor even though people don’t get my sense of humor, but I still like to be a little weird. It’s nice I still get to do that and people are still nice to me, nobody throws shit at me. I think the days of the nice guy finishing last are a thing of the past.

TVF: You are a funny guy and I know you’re dying to get on The Goldbergs.

CH: Let me explain something to you. She is the reason I got a laugh at the Critics’ Choice Awards. She gave a huge laugh and everyone else laughed. My brother Tivo’d it and I watched it and Wendi’s got my back. Do something to get me on this damn show! I can play anyone [on The Goldbergs]. I’ll be an extra. Give me one line.

TVF: I want to see Colton Haynes in a mullet.

CH: [eyes wide] Oh!! Please, please! Talk to someone! Do something!

TVF: I saw you Instagram a picture with Dwayne Johnson.

CH: Our movie wrapped today. I did a movie called San Andreas that will be out next June with him. It’s a big earthquake disaster 3D film, my first movie! We shot for two months in Australia over the summer and then wrapped it here and a few days in San Francisco. It was just the coolest experience of my life.

TVF: Did you get to do some kick ass action stuff?

CH: I got to do some stuff. There was some puking for me because I’m afraid of heights but Dwayne is the most gracious guy. You can’t work with a nicer guy. I wrote on my positivity wall in 2007 that one of my goals was to do a movie with Dwayne Johnson and my first movie was with him.

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2014/07/arrow- ... mance-for/

- Entrevista a EP Marc Guggenheim sobreRay Palmer, Olicity & “Sara” (greenarrowtv):
Entrevista a EP Marc Guggenheim sobreRay Palmer, Olicity & “Sara”
Por Craig Byrne 18 de Julio, 2014

Yesterday at the CW’s Summer 2014 TCA Party, we spoke with Arrow Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim for a little bit to try and get some intel on Season 3. For starters, there was that Season 3 description which had some ominous tidbits for fans of “Olicity” – people who want Oliver and Felicity together. Should we worry about “shipper-baiting?”

“You know, it’s funny. I actually don’t know what shipper-baiting is,” Guggenheim admitted. “I will tell you, he does ask her out on a date. That is going to happen. I don’t know what to say beyond that, except that we’re really acknowledging the chemistry between the two characters and the attraction between the two characters, and we’re moving forward with their dance, that they’ve basically been doing since episode 3 of the show. From the moment they met each other, there was something going on, and we’re just honoring that,” he explained.

The other big news for Season 3 is the casting of former Superman Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, the hero known to comic book fans as The Atom. Guggenheim was quick to point out that the “Ray and Jean” reference from Season 1 was “just a fun Easter egg” and wasn’t necessarily meant to represent Ray. However, he did acknowledge the “Jean Loring” that we saw on Arrow last year, as Moira’s attorney.

“I’ll tell you this: Jean Loring has already been on the show, and if he was involved with that Jean, there would be a bit of an age difference,” he said, before adding that it will be addressed. “We will be acknowledging the Jean Loring that appeared in the beginning of Season 2 as Moira’s attorney, in the context of Ray Palmer, just not as boyfriend and girlfriend,” he said.

On the subject of Easter eggs, Ivy University is name-checked on the NBC pilot Constantine, which makes us wonder if this Ray Palmer is involved with Ivy University as well. “I would keep watching,” he told us about whether or not we’ll see Ivy on Arrow, but as for matching Constantine’s shout out, it won’t be connected to that. “When we do our Easter eggs, they’re never in conjunction with other DC Easter eggs,” he admitted, pointing out that Arrow is “just in the Flash universe.”

Moving back to Ray Palmer, Guggenheim sayid that the casting of Brandon Routh was “completely beyond cool, in so many ways.”

“First of all, I was excited when we came in and just met with him. And then, he did a chemistry read with Emily [Bett Rickards], and they were just so magical together. And then, I got to see him on set, and that was a completely different gear. I was already thrilled. I could not be happier. He is such a lovely guy; he meshes in with the cast, already, so well. He’s a wonderful addition,” he said.

Finally, we asked Guggenheim about the title of the second episode of Arrow Season 3, which is “Sara.” What does that mean, exactly?

“Sara looms very large in the episode, but that name may have a double meaning,” he teased.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-inter ... sara/18017

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers sobre Laurel y Felicity para la S3 (TVLine):
¿Podemos tener alguna primicia sobre la historia de Laurel Lanceen Arrow para la Season 3? –Anita
Oh sí, puedes. Hablamos con el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim el Jueves por la noche en la fiesta de la CW, donde comentó, “Una de las cosas sobre las que estamos más emocionados es la historia de Laurel. Todo lo que se ha estado construyendo, durante los últimos 46 episodios, tendrá su fruto” — posiblemente incluyendo ese paso de bastón/cazadora de cuero en la season finale. Cuando empiece la temporada, “Ella sigue estando en la oficina del Fiscal del Distrito,” añade Guggenheim, “Y habrán algunas nuevas interacciones con un personaje nuevo que no hemos anunciado aún…. Sus fans estarán real, realmente contentos.”

¿Vamos a saber algo del pasado de Felicity en esta temporada de Arrow? ¿Cómo posiblemente quién es su padre? –Becca
Como todos los fans de Felicity/EBR saben muy bien, “Tenemos una historia pasada para ella desde hace más de un año ya sobre la que seguimos diciendo, ‘TEste es el episodio en donde vamos a hacerlo,’ y no lo hacemos,” comparte Guggenheim. “Pero este es el año en el que vamos a hacerlo. Se está trabajando en ese guión al mismo tiempo que hablamos.”

http://tvline.com/2014/07/18/arrow-seas ... torylines/

- Nueva imagen BTS (17-07-14):


(@Captain_Rowe: Great to see everyone at @ARROWwriters today... Except for this guy. #Deadshot still owes you one)

- Nueva imagen BTS (18-07-14):


(@PaulBlackthorne: Friday night dinner with the #Arrow costume dept How civilized!)

- Nueva imagen BTS (19-07-14):


(@emilybett: This will be us for a while @brandonjrouth)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Colton Haynes Sobre lo que está por venir para Roy en la Season 3 de Arrow (ksitetv):
Colton Haynes Sobre lo que está por venir para Roy en la Season 3 de Arrow
Por Craig Byrne 21 de Julio, 2014

Here at GreenArrowTV, we’ve been fans of Colton Haynes, but the question has lingered on whether or not his character, Roy Harper, will be lightening up a bit in the future. We don’t want him to get to the level of kicking cats, after all.

We caught up with Colton last week at the CW Summer 2014 TCA Party, and of course, our first question is if Roy is going to chill.

“He’s lightening up,” Colton promises us, teasing a specific story that is coming. “There’s a really fun storyline with Roy and Felicity this season, that they think that each other is smarter than the other person, and they like to give each other sh!t. They like to tell each other why they think that they’re right,” he says.

Could this mean an attraction between Roy and Felicity, who already has two possible suitors in Oliver and Roy Harper?

“Maybe. Possibly. Not yet, but maybe. Who knows,” he teases.

As for the other lady in Roy Harper’s life, Colton says that Roy doesn’t know yet that Thea has gone off with her father. Ultimately, what Roy wants is for Thea to be happy. “I think Roy understands – he knows that he’s lied to her. He knows that her family’s lied to her,” Colton says. “So, I think he wants for her to be happy. I think he’s worried about her and cares for her, but I think that’s his #1 goal.”

Elsewhere in Roy’s life, it sounds like there will be consequences for Roy’s killing of a cop in “Seeing Red” last season. “In the beginning, Roy’s story is the fact that he doesn’t know. No one’s told him. So, eventually he’s probably going to find out that he is a cop-killer,” Colton says. In the meantime, though, don’t expect some master archery to be coming from Roy just yet — at least not with Colton behind the bow. “No. You can’t teach someone like me to be good at stuff like that,” he says humbly. “I hopefully can do justice to the character in the acting part, and trust the professionals in the stunt department to help me out on that side.”

And then there’s that magic word – “justice” – which makes us go to the topic of Young Justice, a series that had a Roy Harper that, despite coming before Arrow, had a Roy that looked a whole lot like the actor Colton Haynes – a notion that Colton himself had noticed.

“We look identical! That actually freaked me out, because when Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg called me in to have a meeting about the character, I didn’t know anything about it. When they showed me a picture, I was like ‘Wow! We look a lot alike.’ And then I ended up doing it, so yeah, it’s cool,” Colton told us about that backstory.

Colton promises good things for all viewers as Arrow goes into Season 3. “I think we’re really going to delve into a lot of the backstories of the main characters this year, and it’s going to be a lot more of an emotional season. Just like how it was when we lost Moira, it’s going to be emotional. Not just bad-ass, but it’s going to be a season that the guys are gonna stay for the action, the girls are gonna stay for the emotion,” he promises.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/interview-c ... on-3/18039

- Colton Haynes sobre Roy Harper, Arsenal, mirakuru y Olicity (zap2it):
Colton Haynes sobre Roy Harper, Arsenal, mirakuru y Olicity
Por Laurel Brown 21 de Julio, 2014

When "Arrow" Season 3 returns, it sounds like Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) will have a major part to play in the action. Zap2it caught up to Haynes at the 2014 TV Press Tour and learned some tantalizing tidbits about Roy's journey to Arsenal, lingering mirakuru issues and the young man's reactions to romance.

Zap2it: What can you tease about the Season 3 premiere?
Haynes: I can tease an Olicity date. I think Roy and Diggle are aware of the chemistry. They're finally aware of it in the first episode. They're like, 'Huh?'

What is Roy going to be like in the new season?
The cool part about Roy is his dry sense of humor gets him in a little trouble, but I think you're going to see a lot more of his sense of humor this year. And he's also becoming Arsenal. I mean, that's going to be huge. He's such a bad-a** character.

It's the route that Roy Harper takes. He took three different routes [in the comics]: Red Arrow, Arsenal or Speedy. Arsenal is his true calling, and he's got a lot of bad-a** techniques that he learns along the way.

How is his life, post-mirakuru?
They're going to try to keep giving him the cure. If he doesn't have it, he's gonna kill more people. Possibly people that he loves -- so they've got to watch out.

Thea and Roy officially broke up in the Season 2 finale, before Thea ran away with Merlyn. Is there any chance of a reconciliation with Roy?
I think there's always a chance. They're true loves for each other, but Roy wants her to be happy over anything. And if that means they have to take a break or they don't ever have to get back together, he just wants her to be happy.

http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/arrow_seaso ... ty-2014-07

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- Kreisberg Comenta el que DC esté expandiendo la mitología de TV en "Arrow" y "The Flash" (comicbookresources):
Kreisberg Comenta el que DC esté expandiendo la mitología de TV en "Arrow" y "The Flash"
Por Scott Huver 22 Julio, 2014

Writer/producer Andrew Kreisberg admits he's living out his childhood dream of overseeing the adventures of not one but two iconic DC superheroes in their TV Incarnations as an executive producer both "Arrow" and ""The Flash,"" and now, he reveals what lies ahead for the heroes as their shows launch and re-launch in the fall.

In an one-on-one conversation with Comic Book Resources, Kreisberg hints at an ever-expanding DC mythology as both shows move forward, reveals the role of Ray Palmer on "Arrow" and lays out exactly why Brandon Routh was right for the part. Plus, we get into how the creative team is holding nothing back as "The Flash" races out of the starting gates.

CBR News: How's it been on your side, getting everything off the ground for "The Flash" and still keeping one hand on the wheel for "Arrow?"

Andrew Kreisberg: It's been a whole new experience. It's been great, though. I mean, I was up in Vancouver yesterday, and I walked from one stage where Oliver Queen and Ray Palmer were having a scene and went to another stage where Barry Allen was having a scene. So this is, as hard work as it is, it's literally a childhood dream come true. It's just fantastic.

Let's start with "Arrow." What do you want to say about where the season is going to start?

When Season Three starts, everything's sort of coming up Oliver. He defeated Slade, the police have stopped hunting the vigilante, and crime is down. He's feeling pretty good about himself, and so much of the season is about him wrestling with what sort of a life he can have beyond the hood. That's writ large in the premiere, but it's sort of the theme of the season.

Oliver's love life has always been interesting. Where are his romantic relationships going this season?

I think they're going to get deeper and richer this season. We're not known for treading water on our show, so things will escalate, probably faster than people expect, as always. With whom is always the question. But we feel really good about what's happening this year. When it's the right time to do something, we do it, and we feel like, not just with Oliver, but with all the characters, we're really starting them off in the right place.

Have we seen all the fish in the sea for now, or are there new faces you might strike something up with as well?

Well, don't forget Oliver exists in two timelines. There's the present and the past. So there's new people. There could be potential new people in both areas.

What do you have planned for Ray Palmer -- or, perhaps, The Atom?

We're bringing in Ray as a potential bidder for Queen Consolidated. But I think, in the grand tradition of shows in Season Three bringing in a new character as a game changer, whether it was "Buffy" bringing on Faith, or "Everwood" bringing on Scott Wolf. Brandon and Ray are coming on to really shake up the whole world. Obviously, he's such a different energy, Brandon, from Stephen Amell. Just even the first scenes, it's created a whole new dynamic for the show.

Is there a clear eye on a spinoff, or will you cross that bridge when you come to it?

We will detonate that bridge when we get there. Right now, we are focused on "Arrow" and "Flash."

Was this an easy call, even though he's been a superhero before -- the superhero, in fact -- to cast him?

We felt like what the show had been lacking was more humor. What's funny about Felicity and Oliver is, he's really the straight man and she's sort of the one with all the funny lines. Brandon is such an amazing comedian -- he's so verbally adept, and he has this amazing Jimmy Stewart aspect to him that we knew we weren't bringing on an Oliver clone, because we already have one of those.

It's the same thing we have with "The Flash" when we cast Grant. Like we already have a Stephen Amell. We don't need another one. So we have a Grant Gustin. And in a way, Brandon kind of combines the charm and the funniness that Grant has with square-jawed superhero that Stephen has. As always, we're never looking to repeat ourselves, and now we've brought on somebody who can really play verbal tennis with Felicity. It creates a whole different dynamic and a whole different energy for the show.

With "The Flash," there's so many comics and eras to cherry-pick from for the series. What's the show going to be, in your eyes?

It's a more hopeful show than "Arrow." It's a lighter show. It's funnier. Obviously, there's the amazing effects, but Oliver is a very tortured soul, and we tend to put characters on that show through the wringer. On "Flash," just with him as the lead, you just have a much more accessible hero. When "Arrow" started, Oliver was as much a superhero as he ever was going to be. He was a fully-formed warrior, a killing machine. It's his morality that's evolved. With Barry, this is all new to him. It's day one. He's not even Flash 1.0 -- he's 0.0. It's really about watching him evolve and come to accept these powers that he has, watching him learn them and learn what he can do and learning what he can't do. Barry wears his heart on his sleeve. While Oliver can be very stoic with his losses, Barry, dealing with his inability to save everyone is something that's fresh and new in the superhero genre.

Will Season One largely focus on just establishing your Flash universe rather than reaching too far outside other DC properties that you could touch on?

I think we've done very well on "Arrow" sort of reaching out into the greater mythology, and "Flash" itself is an outcropping of "Arrow" reaching out into the mythology. So there's no reason to think we won't be doing more of that.

What can you just not wait to get to in "The Flash?"

Huh! Well, there's a couple of Easter eggs in the pilot that I wouldn't mind seeing. It's so funny -- usually, the kind of storytelling that we do, when we started "Arrow," there was a lot of, ‘Well, we'll do that later. We'll do that at the end of the season. We'll do that in Season Two.' And Greg Berlanti has really taught us, "If you're excited about it now, why wait?" So there's a lot of what I think people will think is accelerated storytelling in those first five episodes of "The Flash." There's nothing I'm sitting there going, "Man, I can't wait until we get to that," because I'm really loving what we're doing now.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=54234

- Productor de 'Arrow' revela detales sobre el gran villano de la S3 de y el episodio del crossover con 'Flash' (EW):
Productor de 'Arrow' revela detales sobre el gran villano de la S3 de y el episodio del crossover con 'Flash'
Por Marc Snetiker 22 de Julio, 2014 at 2:53PM

What’s that? You say you need to know what’s going to happen on this season of Arrow after last season’s absolutely bonkers finale that saw the greatest freighter-based showdown this side of Lost?

EW caught up with Arrow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg—who now has his hands full with The CW’s other new flashy (get it?) superhero show The Flash (now you get it). But since Kreisberg is pulling double duty with the DC Comics heroes, that means he’s got double the scoop to offer.

Perhaps most pressing is the question of which villainous threat Oliver Queen will face this coming season, which picks up six or seven months after the season-two finale. Crime is down and the police aren’t hunting Ollie—but peace never lasts that long in Starling City. Despite last season’s startlingly sinister Slade, this year’s villain will have to up the ante even more.

“Slade had a very specific agenda—he was out for revenge and had set up this elaborate five-year plot,” Kreisberg tells EW. “What’s interesting about the villain in season three is that he doesn’t necessarily disagree with [Oliver]. He doesn’t have any personal animus towards the Arrow, and he actually in some ways has a very similar worldview. [But] the Arrow is thinking too small.”

Kreisberg continued: “In some ways, as Oliver is struggling with whether or not he can be the Arrow and Oliver at the same time, the villain of season 3 is saying, ‘Being Oliver Queen is what’s holding you back from fulfilling your true destiny.’ So it’s a very interesting dynamic, but it is tied in the same way that Oliver last year was wrestling with, ‘Am I a hero or a killer?’ The theme of identity is tied up very much in how the villain is presented to Oliver.”

Kriesberg teases that the casting of this year’s Big Bad—one speculative fan theory suggests it’s Ra’s al Ghul—will happen “soon.” Certainly iconic baddie al Ghul would fit the bill for Kreisberg’s description of what Ollie will face in the coming year.

But while he’ll face a new villain, he’ll also encounter a new hero—or, a familiar one, actually. Fans have been buzzing about the announced Arrow/The Flash crossover episode, which will happen in the eighth episode of both shows (think November). So why is this Barry Allen-Oliver Queen mash-up more special than other crossovers?

“It’s really going to be an adventure with the Arrow and Flash on both episodes. Watching the two teams come together and fight alongside each other, it’s one of the most fun parts,” says Kreisberg. “We just don’t believe in waiting. We really believe in accelerated storytelling and especially for those first nine episodes of the season—for both shows—hopefully we’ve designed it so that none of these [make you say], ‘Well, I missed that one, it’s fine.’”

Kreisberg’s entire approach to both Arrow and The Flash operates on the hope that none of the episodes feel like duds. That’s why Kreiger and company have “spectacular and amazing midseason finales planned for both shows that are both game-changers … and what better way to lead into it than by having this amazing team-up?”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/07/22/arrow ... crossover/

- Spoilers de la S3 de 'Arrow': Caity Lotz, un nuevo cillano y la cita Olicity (zap2it):
Spoilers de la S3 de 'Arrow': Caity Lotz, un nuevo cillano y la cita Olicity
Por Laurel Brown 22 Julio, 2014

"Arrow" Season 3 is coming, and who better to share spoilers from the new episodes than executive producer Marc Guggenheim. Zap2it caught up with the writer and producer at the 2014 TV press tour and got teases about Caity Lotz's return, new and old villains, Oliver's path and that much-anticipated Oliver-Felicity date.

Zap2it: How does Season 3 begin?
Marc Guggenheim: In many ways the season begins in a completely opposite place from where Season 2 began. In Season 2, Oliver was sort of in self-imposed exile, he was mourning the loss of Tommy, things were awkward with Laurel. He wasn't even in Starling City. Season 2 sort of started out with a "Blah, everything sucks" note.

Season 3 is the exact opposite. We come in and everything's coming up Arrow! The team is clicking like you wouldn't believe. Things are great. He's got a relationship cooking with Laurel where it's like "You catch 'em, I cook 'em." Because she's a DA, he's setting them up and she's knocking them down. It's a great deal of fun to see them have this completely new relationship. And in the city, crime is down. The city is finally not falling apart.

Can everything be so good after the attacks of the Season 2 finale?
At the same time, we really do acknowledge the logical and natural consequences of our last two season finales. There have been two terrorist attacks in two years! So we're dealing in a very grounded and realistic way the natural consequences of the last two years of our show. At the same time, the Arrow's popularity couldn't be higher and everything's absolutely fantastic. But it's "Arrow," so of course it's not going to stay that way.

Are the good times going to last for "Arrow"?
I think that's part of the fun for me as a writer, to go, "Oh, it's all going to fall apart!" And I think you'll see quickly how that happens.

How will the season progress after it all falls apart?
There's gonna be a central mystery that will drive us through at least the first half of the season. One of the things that we enjoyed doing in Season 1 -- but we didn't do in Season 2 because of the nature of Season 2 -- was in Season 1 we had a mystery: the Undertaking and the notebook. This year we want to bring back the sense of mystery. So this season we have a big humdinger of a mystery, and that's going to be a through-line throughout the year.

What is going on with Oliver's personal life, considering where you left things at the end of Season 2?
We honor that. Oliver, we even say, "Last year, you told Felicity you loved her." We're dealing with the repercussions of the season finale in a very honest way -- leading up to Oliver asking her on an actual date. To which Felicity responds, "You mean a date? A date-date? Like an actual date?" As she must, because if I were Felicity, I would want some clarity. And this is an actual date, with actual dating going on. It's an actual person and there's no cameras and there's no Slade Wilson and there's no super-villain -- and no one is trying to kill anyone.

In the other big finale twist, Thea went off with Malcolm. When does she return?
Thea is still gone, but when she comes back to the show is a mystery -- not a mystery, but that's something we would like to let the audience speculate on. So it's a big deal.

Another big return is Caity Lotz's character of Sara Lance. What can you say about that?
I don't know why we kept a lid on that as long as we did, but I'm glad we finally got it out. I was like, "When are we going to talk about this?" Caity Lotz is coming back in a recurring role. She's awesome. We love her to death, and her first line in Season 3 I think is really awesome. She has a really great entrance line.

Who is Oliver Queen this year?
His arc this year is: Season 1 it was the vigilante, Season 2 it was hero, in Season 3 it's "Who is Oliver Queen?" Just like if you look at the second season premiere, it was a bit of a microcosm of his arc for the entire year. That was when he decided, "I'm going to be a hero, and I'm not going to kill." And that sort of kicked off the whole season arc for Oliver. We took the same approach in the Season 3 premiere: It's also a microcosm of Oliver's over-arching season-long arc.

What can you say about new villains in Season 3?
There will be a Big Bad like there was in Seasons 1 and 2 ... I'm not going to say who it is. I will say that our goal was we always try to create a villain that has an agenda that the villain believes in. The villain is the hero in his own story. Slade and Malcolm, they both really thought they were doing right, that they were in the right. We definitely have taken the same approach with this Big Bad. At the same time, we wanted a Big Bad who was very different from both Slade and Malcolm. And I think we've done that.

Speaking of Malcolm, how will Merlyn come to play in the new season?
First of all, John Barrowman is so great to write for and so great to have on the show, and we've got just a really great arc planned out for him this year. Our goal with Malcolm is to be unexpected. Everyone thinks they know Malcolm Merlyn is, and we're going to learn -- it's like "He's the bad guy! He's nefarious! He's this! He's that!" We've got more time with him this year, so we can pull back more layers of the onion. The John Barrowman/Malcolm Merlyn onion.

http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/arrow_seaso ... te-2014-07

- Marc Guggenheim da un adelanto previo de la S3 (comicbookresources):
Marc Guggenheim da un adelanto previo de la S3
Por Scott Huver 23 Julio, 2014

"Arrow" soared to new heights in its second season, introducing more DC Comics characters to The CW's burgeoning small screen DC Universe and gaining both critical acclaim and increased viewership. Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim promises a third season filled with identity crises for pretty much everyone in Oliver Queen's orbit, a brand-new Big Bad and even a new comic book series to bridge the gap between seasons 2 and 3.

Speaking exclusively with CBR News at The CW's party for the Television Critics Association, Guggenheim says plans are afoot to quickly knock Stephen Amell's Oliver off the high he's riding in the aftermath of Season Two.

CBR News: Marc, give us the bird's-eye view of the season ahead -- the overarching look at what you have planned.

Marc Guggenheim: Every year, we start off with a theme. If Season One was about Oliver going from sort of vengeance to vigilante and Season Two was about vigilante to hero, this year, it's all about identity. And what is exciting about that, unlike the other two seasons, is that theme actually resonates with all of the characters on the show. Every single character has has a story and an arc that relates to identity, the theme of identity. So this is really the first year where Oliver's overarching theme is going to be really reflected in just about every character we have, so that's one of the things that really excites us.

Is there going to be a new driving villain throughout the season?

Yes, absolutely. We follow the Joss Whedon model -- we give this a Big Bad each season. This season will be no exception. But what's fun about Season Three is when the season begins, right at the very open, everything's just going great. Everything's coming up Arrow. They're riding the high of the victory over Slade from last year. And it's fun to do that and to see everyone sort of enjoying their lives. And then it's more fun to tear it all down.

Of the characters that have come in out of Oliver's life in the last two seasons, who are you eager to see reenter his life?

I'm always eager to see Jessica De Gouw as Helena Bertinelli back. We love Jessica -- love writing for that character! I don't know if this quite includes Oliver, but the Suicide Squad was such a fan favorite last year, definitely got to bring them back -- Michael Rowe was at the office today, really loved seeing the Suicide Squad. Who else? I don't know if it counts because we sort of treat her like someone who's not in and out of Oliver's life, but sort of more of a mainstay, but now that we can say Caity Lotz is coming back with her recurring role as Sara [Lance] is very exciting to us.

Does that necessarily mean that Caity's still our Black Canary, or is there room for that identity to shift to somebody else -- say, perhaps Laurel?

Well, the thing we've always said is Sara is the Canary. Without a modifier. That's my answer. I'm sticking with that.

Tell me about Ray Palmer.

Well, Brandon Routh is playing him, as been widely reported, and he's just a great deal of fun. What makes Ray so much fun is he's basically the smartest person on our show. The guy's a scientist. He's an inventor. He's basically brilliant, and he has plans that go beyond his designs on Queen Consolidated. He actually has an agenda that will impact all of Starling City.

Whether it's Ray as the Atom or somebody else, are you thinking about incubating another character this season that could jump into their own show in the same way that you did with the Flash?

The difference, here with the Flash, we knew we were doing that at the very beginning of the year. Those episodes were designed to launch the Flash. Originally, we were doing a backdoor pilot, episode 20. We don't have any plans like that now. That said, quality problem. If a certain character resonates with people, it's wonderful. But I think it would be more like an organic kind of, 'Oh, wow, people are responding to that character -- spin them off.' As opposed to, like, from [the] jump, this is what the plan was.

You've done some pretty fun stuff with the comic books tie-ins themselves. Are there plans for more of that?

Thank you, for asking! Yes, finally, someone asked! Yes, we are doing something that I am incredibly excited about. Myself and Keto Shimizu, one of the writers on the show, we are going to write "Arrow Season 2.5," and we are going to bridge the end of Season Two with the beginning of Season Three. And we're going to answer questions. We're going to introduce characters. And because it's being written by me and another member of the staff, it will really fill in some major gaps. And what's nice is because the digital copy is going to come out in September, that means, for a month, it's your only "Arrow" fix. And I could not be more excited about it. It's a great deal of fun because we're writing it basically, not just to answer these questions, but we really, really want to push ourselves to come up with sequences that we could never afford on the show in a million years.

Who's going to draw that?

Yes. Joe Bennett is our artist. He drew our "Adventures of Superman" story that I wrote. He is amazing. He just brings a level of dynamism and shot composition to everything he does. This is the first page, and it's going to be our "Season 2.5" version of the saga sell -- 'My name is Oliver Queen...' And when I say stuff that we can't afford -- Roy and the Arrow hanging off of a C130 in midair -- it's going to be a lot of fun.

Any room for my personal favorite Oliver Queen artist, Mike Grell?

Actually, I love Mike! He did [work for the "Arrow" tie-in comic] in Volume One. One thing that we are doing with this series, which unlike last series where it was like a la carte artists. We're telling one continuous story line, and we're trying to keep one continuous team. But I would love to like be able to do a satellite story or have Mike do a cover or something. I love Mike to death, and his work is amazing. Working with him as been like one of the great joys of this experience for me. So I'd love to figure out some way to get him involved in this.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=54252

- Andrew Kreisberg sobre el introducir a The Atom, Firestorm & Katana (IGN):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre el introducir a The Atom, Firestorm & Katana
Por Eric Goldman 22 de Julio, 2014

Andrew Kreisberg is keeping busy. The executive producer of Arrow is now launching, along with Greg Berlanti and Geoff Johns, the highly-anticipated spinoff series, The Flash, while Arrow is going strong into Season 3 this fall.

As we head into Comic-Con, where both Arrow and The Flash will be appearing, I spoke to Kreisberg about what’s to come on both shows, including the introduction of Roy Palmer/The Atom (played by Superman Return's Brandon Routh) and Katana (played by Sin City's Devon Aoki) on Arrow and the introduction of Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm (played by The Tomorrow People's Robbie Amell, who also happens to be Stephen Amell's cousin) on The Flash. With all these DC heroes populating both shows, could we eventually see a TV version of the Justice League?

IGN TV: You’ve got both shows going now. Is it just an amazing, overwhelming world of DC heroes running through your head?

Andrew Kreisberg: Yes! But it's a childhood dream come true. I was on one stage yesterday watching Oliver Queen and Ray Palmer. Then I walked over to the other stage where I had Barry Allen and Iris West. I mean, it's the hardest I've ever worked. It's the hardest work I've ever done, but there's zero reason to complain. There are so few people who get to even become a writer or producer anyway, but then to get to write and produce these characters that are so much a part of my own personal DNA and so much a part of my life that I get to be one small part of taking them on this leg of their journey is insanity.

IGN: So let's start with Arrow. It’s been reported that Sara is returning. Can you talk about her coming back and what's been going on while she's been gone?

Kreisberg: We have her [Caity Lotz] booked for three episodes, with hopefully more. She has come back to Starling City because she is on a mission... and that is all I can say.

IGN: Will we see Nyssa or get an update on Nyssa?

Kreisberg: A lot of what we did in Season 1 was setting up Season 2. You can be assured that a lot of the things we did in Season 2 are to help set up Season 3.

IGN: Continuing on that track, a lot of rumors have been circulating about Ra's al Ghul. Anything you can say about him? In Season 1, you referenced him without naming him. Then in Season 2, you named him and you brought in Nyssa. There's a logical next step, you know? [Laughs]

Kreisberg: You know us -- we're never one to do the logical thing! You know, I can't comment on that -- I can neither confirm nor deny. But rest assured, we have a lot of amazing stuff set up, mythology-wise, this year that will really feel like an extension of everything we've done before.

IGN: Where is Oliver at when we begin this season, in the wake of defeating Slade?

Kreisberg: Well, the show picks up six or seven months later, and he's actually in a really good place. Marc Guggenheim likes to joke, "Everything's coming up Oliver." He defeated Slade, crime is down in the city, the police have disbanded the anti-vigilante task force. You know, he's starting to get the feeling that there might be life beyond the hood, and that's really the theme of this season, for Oliver: "Can I be Oliver Queen and be Arrow?" One of the things that the beginning of the season, especially the premiere, shows that, for right now, it's easier to be Arrow than it is to be Oliver Queen. Getting his company back and having a life are going to prove to be a lot harder than he suspected.

IGN: And what can you say about Mr. Ray Palmer?

Kreisberg: I think, in the great tradition of shows when they hit Season 3, we're bringing on a game-changing character, somebody who's brought on specifically to shake up all the characters, and we are overjoyed and beyond thrilled that Brandon is willing to come on. First of all, he's such an amazing guy. Beyond that, he's just such an amazing actor. One of the things we really wanted to inject more into the show was humor. What's funny about Oliver and Felicity is that he's the straight man. She sort of gets all the funny lines.

What's great about having Brandon on the show is Brandon's an old-time movie star. He's like Jimmy Stewart. He can play that rat-tat-tat, Preston Sturges, you know, His Girl Friday with Felicity. It just brings a whole other energy to the show. It's similar for us when we brought on Grant [Gustin]. Like, we already had a Stephen Amell. So when we were casting the Flash, we wanted somebody who looked different and felt different and had a different energy. In a way, Brandon almost combines Grant and Stephen. He's obviously got the superhero looks and superhero physique, but he has the fun and funny and charm that Grant brings to Barry. Just from what I've seen so far in the dailies, we are so grateful that he's taken another step back into the DC Universe.

IGN: What about his alter ego? Any hints of that or how that might present itself?

Kreisberg: Well, you don't bring Brandon Routh onto your show to not go down that path. As always with these things, how, when, where and why will be the journey of the season.

IGN: Let me flip over to The Flash, and the introduction of another DC character, with the recent Firestorm announcement.

Kreisberg: Well, we'll first meet him in flashbacks, and then we'll see how it evolves from there. I got to know Robbie [Amell] a little bit. Obviously I didn't work on The Tomorrow People, but Greg [Berlanti] did. So I got to see him on the set and got to know him a little bit. He's just such an amazing kid and just a special guy. When we knew we wanted to bring Ronnie in, you know, it was a list of one. Again, we're just so grateful Robbie was willing to come and play.

IGN: I know the week these casting announcement came out, there were some jokey tweets and retweets going around with the Amells and Brandon and Grant about how you're building quite the pseudo-Justice League here between these two shows -- lots of DC characters going on!

Kreisberg: Yeah, I mean, you've got Ray Palmer, you've got Ronnie Raymond, you've got Oliver Queen, Barry Allen.

IGN: You’ve got your Canary!

Kreisberg: Canary! You have Katana. So there's a lot.

IGN: So you know people are going to be hoping for that super-mega crossover where all these people are standing there together in costume eventually.

Kreisberg: I'd be hoping for that too! Like I said, all of this is a dream come true. When we started Arrow, I had no idea that we'd ever be standing here with a spinoff, let alone a spinoff including the Flash, let alone having both shows have Firestorm, Huntress, Katana and all of the other amazing DC characters at our disposal. It's been so thrilling for DC Comics and how open they've been with their playbook for us. We just keep getting these opportunities. It's pretty cool.

IGN: Before I let you go, since you mentioned her, I'll ask about Katana and opening up the flashbacks to an off-island scenario to introduce her.

Kreisberg: This is actually something we've been planning for a really long time. We had a couple of big ideas early on. One was that Sara was alive, and one was that, at the end of year two, Oliver wakes up and he's not on the island. So it's actually pretty amazing to be here, starting Season 3, and having so many of these big ideas come to fruition. You know, we're so excited by it, because for one thing, as fun as the island was, it did start to become very limiting. There was a limited number of characters, and sometimes we had to tread water to avoid hitting some big sign posts too fast. Sometimes we treaded water better than other times. One of the things that we really learned was that the audience now is able to follow along, and if we do an -out-of-sequence flashback, like seeing Dig's flashbacks last year or Sara's flashbacks, this year we're able to do more of that. Hopefully the flashback story feels more streamlined. Just being in Hong Kong and seeing -- you know, I think people assumed it was five years on the island, but there've been these hints all along, whether it was stuff Oliver said or his relationship with Amanda, where in the present there were hints that Oliver had a much richer life than five years on the island, and getting to explore that and seeing the kinds of things he did and the missions he went on and what kind of choices he was force to make. There's still some hope in humanity in Oliver, and I think the guy who comes back in the pilot is a pretty dark, tortured character. This is really the year where, as terrible as things have been up until this point with flashbacks, this is really where we're taking a big step into the darkness.

IGN: What can you say about Katana as far as her personality or how we meet her?

Kreisberg: You know, Oliver has many, many skills, some of which we've seen and some we haven't -- and Katana is going to be another surprisingly large influence on his growth as both a hero and a fighting machine.

IGN: How cool is it for you to see the action figures coming out based on your versions of those characters?

Kreisberg: It's absolutely insane. It is absolutely insane. I keep saying the same thing, and I feel like I sound like a broken record, but to get that box with Oliver Queen and Deathstroke in it, it's just, you know -- I have pictures of myself holding Batman and Superman and Robin when I was three, four or five. That I have that with these characters, it's pretty cool.

http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/07/22/a ... ana?page=1

- Jefes de 'Arrow' Revelan los secretos de la Season 3: Nuevos Romances, Arcos Oscuros y Grandes Sorpresas (THR):
Jefes de 'Arrow' Revelan los secretos de la Season 3: Nuevos Romances, Arcos Oscuros y Grandes Sorpresas
Por Philiana Ng 23 de Julio, 2014 7:00 AM PDT

"If season one was about Oliver going from vengeance to vigilante and season two was vigilante to hero, season three is about identity," executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells The Hollywood Reporter. "It's the first season where this theme of identity is not only about Oliver but is also about all the other characters."

It's a natural progression for The CW comic-book drama, which has expanded its focus beyond the titular superhero over the past two seasons as it continues to broaden its universe. "It has become an ensemble where it's not just about the Arrow," Guggenheim says. "It feels appropriate that we'll have a theme that will resonate with the whole group."

Guggenheim, along with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg preview season three — which picks up six months after the finale — with THR.

"Strongest arcs of the season"

The end of season two saw Laurel and Thea in very different places from the start of the year. Laurel, for one, was one step closer to becoming her comic-book alter ego while Oliver's younger sister Thea teamed with her biological father, the pot-stirrer Malcolm Merlyn (new series regular John Barrowman), in her bid to go dark. "Laurel and Thea are the two characters we haven't done as much with in the past and they have the strongest story lines that we've ever given them," Guggenheim says.

About that Oliver and Felicity date

"Olicity" fans had something to celebrate when it was revealed Oliver and Felicity would be going on a date in the season-three premiere — or at least attempting to. "Oliver might be catching up to how some of the audience feels in that maybe there's a life with her," Kreisberg says with a laugh. It's in line with the new arc the former Starling City billionaire Oliver faces this season. "This season, particularly the premiere episode, is Oliver questioning whether there's a life beyond the hood," he explains. "Can he be Oliver Queen and the Arrow at the same time? One of the things about being Oliver would be what kind of romantic life he could have?"

For once, Oliver won't be a smooth operator when he and Felicity do go on that date. "Let's just say, Oliver is the one who has trouble completing sentences," Kreisberg hints. As he tells it, the timing was right to further evolve the Oliver and Felicity dynamic. "The way the show has shaken out and the experiences the two have had, it feels like it's time to explore that," he says.

Thea's dark path with Malcolm

What exactly transpired between father and daughter in the limo? Guggenheim hints that viewers will find out the answer in season three, though they'll have to be patient. "We are going to do a flashback at some point in the season that takes you back to that car and continues the conversation, so you'll get to see what Thea said to Malcolm and what Malcolm said to Thea," he says. Adds Kreisberg: "At some point, if all the characters are going to become their comic-book selves, they have to go through their island ... This year is going to be Thea's island. How that plays out and which side she lands will be the fun of the season."

Roy's guilt

Thea's whereabouts at the start of the season "is sort of the mystery at the beginning," Kreisberg says, hinting that Roy doesn't take her disappearance well at all. "Roy knows why she left and Oliver doesn't, so that'll play an interesting part in the Oliver-Roy-Thea dynamic."

Diggle's impending fatherhood

Diggle discovered some key news in the finale: He was about to become a father. Though he decided to keep that to himself — Kreisberg insists it was to let the scene on the beach be about other things — everyone is in the know by the premiere, by virtue of it picking up roughly six months later. Kreisberg hints that they won't shy away from Diggle's impending fatherhood. What can viewers expect to that end? "There's a trip to the OB-GYN [in the premiere]," Kreisberg teases.

Oliver Queen, comedian?

Stephen Amell crosses over to The Flash in the very first episode and takes on a lighter beat, smiling and even cracking a joke — a rare sight on Arrow. "We felt like what Stephen did in The Flash pilot was tell the audience was that you can like this guy too because I like him," Kreisberg says. Even so, expect the mothership to embrace the happier moments in a more significant way. "One of the things we are doing this season on Arrow is injecting a little more humor," he says. "It's part of the reason why we brought Brandon Routh in" as Ray Palmer, aka the Atom.

Felicity's new love interest

Everyone's favorite techie will have her hands full this season with Routh's arrival as a new partner in Queen Consolidated, who will come between Oliver and Felicity in unexpected ways. "The verbal banter between him and Felicity this season is a new thing we're bringing to the show that I think audiences will really like," Kreisberg hints. "He'll be invading Oliver's life in every aspect, whether it's his business, his personal life and possibly down the road in his nighttime activities."

Sara Lance's new "mission"

Caity Lotz returns for at least three more episodes as Laurel's sister Sara, starting with the premiere. Last seen giving Laurel her black leather jacket in the finale as a handing of the baton to the next presumed Black Canary, Kreisberg was mum about the context of her appearance: "She's come back to Starling City with a very specific mission." Laurel, he maintains, has a long road ahead to becoming her comic-book alter ego. "She's an attorney with a nice, sweet jacket," Kreisberg says with a laugh. "We're going to see Laurel take a few big steps towards her comic-book self this season. Let's just say that Katie Cassidy is pumping iron."

Welcome to Hong Kong

This season's Hong Kong flashbacks are drastically different from the two seasons spent on the island, especially in its vibe. (Kreisberg described season one's time warps to a Steven Spielberg film and season two's to Apocalyse Now.) "It has a whole new feel to [the flashbacks]," Kreisberg says of the new season. "It was something we always intended on doing. One of our big ideas when we were doing the pilot was to have Oliver wake up at the end of season two not on the island." Hong Kong will serve to answer several looming questions introduced in the past two seasons, notably Oliver's backstory with Amanda Waller, what he knows and what he's able to do — like fly a plane, mentioned offhand in the finale. Kreisberg says with a laugh: "We will learn how Oliver knows how to fly a plane."

Suicide Squad's eventual return

The Suicide Squad episode in season two may have seemed like an unofficial backdoor pilot, but Guggenheim insists any suggestions that it was were unintentional, more that it was borne strictly out of a desire to forward the Diggle and Lyla story further. "We haven't quite found the right story yet but we love the Suicide Squad and and we love Deadshot — Michael Rowe was just in the DC offices. For sure we'll be doing something with the Suicide Squad this year. We have to find the right time and the right moment."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ets-719881

- Nuevos spoilers sobre "Arrow" y "The Flash" (TVGuide):
¡Muchas gracias sobre la primicia de Arrow, pero no había lo suficiente sobre Felicity! — Mark
Délame arreglar eso. Los productores están planeando una serie de flashbacks centrados en Felicity que ellos llaman "el origen secreto de Felicity Smoak." "Vamos totalmente a conseguir conocerla," dice el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim. "Sabemos que fue a MIT, sabemos que su madre era una camarera de cocktail en las Vegas y vamos a conocer a esa madre. Y también sabemos que su padre no está presente." ¿Alguna teoría sobre la identidad del querido y viejo padre?

¿Alguna información sobre los episodios de crossover de Flash y Arrow? — Leona
He escuchado que los arcos narrativos en geeral de las series estarán de alguna manera relacionados esta temporada, lo suficiente como para que ese crossover tenga sentido. "Algo pasará al final del Episodio 7 de Arrow que enviará al equipo de Arrow a Central City y descubrirán que era una trama mayor, lo que los llevará a todos de nuevo a Starling City," dice Andrew Kreisberg.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-C ... 84751.aspx?

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Título y créditos del 3.02:
Marc Guggenheim ha vuelto a revelar el título y créditos del episodio 3.02. En esta ocasión, tendrá por nombre "Sara". Está escrito por Jake Coburn y Keto Shimizu y dirigido por Wendey Stanzler.


- Nueva Q&A de Stephen Amell antes del SDCC:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primera imagen de Colton Haynes como Roy Harper con el traje completo de 'Arsenal':


- Nueva imagen BTS de Stephen Amell (23-07-14):


(@amellywood: My friend Danielle's #SDCC collectible bag seems pretty authentic)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "ARROW" en el "SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON 2014" (23-27 Julio) -

- Imágenes:
- Promos:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Candids:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Panel:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- WBDC Panel:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Press Line:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Signing:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Interviews:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Entertainment Weekly:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Warner Bros. Television's Comic-Con cocktail media mixer at the Hard Rock Hotel's FLOAT Rooftop Bar:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

-Entertainment weekly party:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Nintendo Lounge On The TV Guide Magazine Yacht At Comic-Con:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Playboy And A&E's Bates Motel Event:


- TVguide yatch:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- IGN Comic-Con Portraits Studio:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- SiriusXM's Entertainment Weekly Radio Channel Broadcasts:

Imagen Imagen

- Warner Bros. Television photo studio:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Videos:
Arrow - SDCC 2014 Season 3 First-Look

ARROW Season 3 Preview — with Ra’s al Ghul

Hitting the Target: ARROW’s New WBTV & DC Animated Comics Logos (Warner Bros TV)

Arrow - Comic-Con 2014 Panel (The CW)

Last bit of Arrow's SDCC 2014 panel (Pop Goes the World)

USA: Stephen Amell promises, "Arrow will only get better" (RuptlyTV)

Arrow SDCC Official Panel 2014 - Season 3 (Full Panel)

SDCC 2014 DC WB Panel Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, and Constantine Full Panel (Gonturan74)

Stephen Amell Plays Host During SDCC 2014 (Pop Goes the World)

Ted Grant Wildcat Arrow Announcement SDCC Hall H San DiegoComic-Con (The_Con_Fluence Covers...)

Stephen Amell Shows His Abs to Hall H (Edward Roske)

Stephen Amell Does The Arrow Intro Live At SDCC 2014 (Flicks And The City)

#EWComicCon #arrow Social Photobooth 1 (EW)

#EWComicCon #arrow Social Photobooth 2 (EW)

The 'Arrow' cast gets very, very comfortable at the EW Hideout (EW)
http://video.ew.com/v/94989049/the-arro ... ideout.htm

Arrow @ Comic-Con 2014! Stephen Amell! Katie Cassidy! Emily Bett Rickards! (TVGuideMagazine)

Arrow - Caity Lotz, David Ramsey, Paul Blackthorne Season 3 Interview - Comic Con 2014 (IGN)

Arrow: Colton Haynes, Emily Bett Rickards, Willa Holland Season 3 Interview - Comic Con 2014 (IGN)

Arrow: Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, Marc Guggenheim Season 3 Interview - Comic Con 2014 (IGN)

Interview with Arrow's Stephen Amell, SDCC 2014 (TVForTheRestofUs)

Interview with Arrow's John Barrowman SDCC 2014 (TVForTheRestofUs)

Stephen Amell "Arrow" Talks Oliver/Felicity Relationship & IVs - Comic-Con 2014 (Clevver News)

Willa Holland "Arrow" Talks Thea's Return - Comic Con 2014 (Clevver News)

Colton Haynes "Arrow" Talks Arsenal Outfit & Future with Thea - Comic-Con 2014(Clevver News)

Stephen Amell Interview - Arrow Season 3 (HappyCool)

Willa Holland Interview - Arrow Season 3 (HappyCool)

John Barrowman Interview - Arrow Season 3 (HappyCool)

Colton Haynes Interview - Arrow Season 3 (HappyCool)

Paul Blackthorne Interview - Arrow Season 3 (HappyCool)

Arrow Season 3: What To Expect (HappyCool)

ARROW Season 3: Marc Guggenheim Teases Ra's al Ghul as the New Big Bad (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

ARROW's Stephen Amell on Hosting the WBTV/DC Comic-Con Event (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

ARROW: Stephen Amell Teases the Season 3 Flashbacks (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

ARROW: Greg Berlanti on Season 3's Theme, Team Arrow's Money Troubles, and More (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

ARROW: Colton Haynes on Roy's New Costume, How Long the Cure Might Last, And More (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

ARROW: John Barrowman on Malcolm and Oliver's Eventual Reunion, Daddy-Daughter Dysfunction, and More (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

Stephen Amell Interview - Arrow (ShowbizJunkies)

John Barrowman Interview - Arrow Season 3 (ShowbizJunkies)

Colton Haynes Interview - Arrow Season 3 (ShowbizJunkies)

David Ramsey Interview - Arrow Season 3 (ShowbizJunkies)

A Conversation with Stephen Amell (The Nerd Machine)

John Barrowman "Arrow" Interview at Comic-Con 2014 (TVLine)

Comic-Con 2014 Outtakes & Highlights (TVLine)

'Arrow' star Stephen Amell teases Season 3: Is he Arrow or Oliver? (Zap2it)

'Arrow' Season 3 at Comic-Con 2014: John Barrowman's Malcolm Merlyn plans (Zap2it)

'Arrow' at Comic-Con 2014: Willa Holland's changed Thea in Season 3 (Zap2it)

'Arrow's' Colton Haynes at Comic-Con 2014: Roy, Arsenal and mirakuru (Zap2it)

'Arrow' Season 3: Greg Berlanti teases new characters and Olicity at Comic-Con 2014 (Zap2it)

'ARROW' SEASON 3: Swords, Ray Palmer and Tommy Merlyn's return (zap2it)

'Arrow' Season 3 at Comic-Con: Ray Palmer and shaking up Team Arrow dynamics (zap2it)

Comic-Con 2014: Arrow – Exclusive Cast and Crew Interviews (CraveOnline)

John Barrowman Teases Arrow Season 3, TV Fanatic Cameraman; Requires Co-Stars to Undress (TVFanatic)

Stephen Amell ARROW Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

Greg Berlanti ARROW Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

Colton Haynes ARROW Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

John Barrowman ARROW Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

Paul Blackthorne ARROW Interview Comic Con (theseat42f)

SDCC 2014: Carpet Interview with Manu Bennett for The Hobbit and Arrow (Gig Patta)

SDCC 2014: Stephen Amell Talks ARROW Season 3 (the TV Addict)

John Barrowman Talks ARROW Season 3 (the TV Addict)

Paul Blackthorne Talks ARROW Season 3 (the TV Addict)

Willa Holland Talks ARROW Season 3 (the TV Addict)

Colton Haynes Talks ARROW Season 3 (the TV Addict)

Stephen Amell finds out a piece of Arrow trivia (Ksitetv)

John Barrowman - Arrow Season 3 - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

Arrow Season 3 - Stephen Amell Interview - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

Arrow Executive Producer Greg Berlanti On Season 3 - SDCC 2014 (Ksitetv)

Arrow Season 3: Paul Blackthorne at Comic-Con 2014 (Ksitetv)

Arrow at Comic-Con: Colton Haynes Interview - 2014 (KsiteTV)

Arrow Interview with Executive Producer Greg Berlanti About Season 3 (BuddyTV)

Arrow Interview with John Barrowman (BuddyTV)

Arrow Interview: Stephen Amell on Flashbacks, Olicity, His Baby, and More (BuddyTV)

David Ramsey on Diggle and Lyla, the Suicide Squad and more (meredithjj's channel)

Marc Guggenheim Previews ARROW Season 3 @ SDCC: Returning Characters, Brandon Routh and More (meredithjj's channel)

Stephen Amell @ SDCC: ARROW Season 3, Olicity, THE FLASH Crossover and More (meredithjj's channel)

EP Andrew Kreisberg Discusses Olicity in ARROW Season 3 @ SDCC (meredithjj's channel)

Holland, Blackthorne & Cassidy Look Back on "Arrow" Season Two (CBR):
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=54524

Caity Lotz & Emily Bett Rickards hablan sobre las relaciones de "Arrow" Relationships y el humor (CBR):
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=55940

San Diego Comic-Con 2014: Behind the Con (CBR)

Arrow - Fan Q&A Part 1 (The CW)

Arrow - Fan Q&A Part 2 (The CW)

Wonder Woman's New Costume -- Stars at Comic-Con React! (toofab)

ARROW: Stephen Amell on the Challenges of Oliver Queen... smiling! (VoicesFromKrypton)

Stephen Amell & Colton Haynes greet fans while departing 2014 Comic Con Panel SD (PopCandies TV)

Stephen Amell & Stephen Amell with Willa Holland depart 2014 Comic Con Panel in SD (PopCandies TV)

Grant Gustin & Willa Holland with Jesse L Martin greet fans at Late Night After Party 2014 Comic Con (PopCandiesTV)

Grant Gustin & Willa Holland with Jesse L Martin meet fans departing After Party for 2014 Comic Con (PopCandiesTV)

Grant Gustin & Willa Holland with Jesse L Martin enter Late Night After Party for 2014 Comic Con SD (PopCandiesTV)

Tiffany Brouwer & friend meet Stephen Amell on the way to Late Night Party for 2014 Comic Con SD (PopCandiesTV)

Willa Holland on Phone at Late Night After Party for 2014 Comic Con SD (PopCandiesTV)

Willa Holland greets fans while entering 2014 Comic Con Panel SD (PopCandies TV)

Stephen Amell & Aisha Tyler greet a fans while departing Late Night After Party for 2014 Comic Con (PopCandies TV)

- Informaciones:
- Colin Donnell aparecerá en el segundo episodio en un flashback, ahondándose más en la historia de Tommy con Oliver.

- Uno de los temas de la temporada es "¿a qué precio es la victoria"?. WCuando la serie regrese, "todo el mundo está disfrutando la paz," dice Kreisberg. "Como Marc [Guggenheim] dice, todo está llegando a Arrow." Kreisberg hace referencia a Joss Whedon como punto de partida del cómo quitar con éxito la felicidad de los personajes. ‘En el momento en que le das a uno de tus personajes la felicidad, tienes que arrancársela.’”

- Crossover: The Flash y Arrow tendrán un evento de crossover de dos horas durante los respectivos episodios 8 de cada serie, y Felicity hace una aparición en Central City en el episodio 4.

- "La cita Olicity" va "horriblemente" mal: Guggenheim apunta que Oliver y Felicity "van a un Italiano." Berlanti insiste en que los productores "no estaban intentando engañar a nadie con la confesión que le hizo Oliver a ella al final del año pasado, así es que trataremos directamente con eso este año" y aclarando que los sentimientos que tienen el uno hacia el otro “siempre han sido genuinos.“No es como si no hubiera habido tensión sexual entre los dos personajes”, dice Amell — aunque el actor es inteligente en no revelar quién piensa realmente que es la persona a la que le pertenece Oliver, Laurel o Felicity.”Amell dice que la cita sale "horriblemente."

- Los traspiés de Roy-Oliver: Roy está finalmente en modo compañero pero los productores reafirman que habrán algunos obstáculos en el camino. Amell dice que con Roy a su lado mientras que trabaja en su camino hacia Arsenal, Oliver se ha convertido en más humorístico y sarcástico, elementos clásicos del personaje "hacia los que estamos construyendo." Amell apunta que habrán "asuntos sin resolver" de la pasada temporada con Roy que están aún saliendo a la superficie. “Por muy bien que estén ahora,” dice, “Estoy seguro de que se pondrán mal realmente rápido”, especialmente cuando descubran que Thea es básicamente la nueva compañera de Malcolm. Añade Barroman, "Va a ir por el lado emocional para intentar controlar a Thea." ¿La parte favorita de Colton Haynes de convertirse en Arsenal?, “Es el traje más guay del mundo. Me pusieron culo.”

- El viaje de Thea: "Thea está pasando por algo bastante loco," dice Holland. "Todo lo que puedo decir es que he estado machacándome en el gimnasio un poco... Definitivamente hace un gran cambio. La chica que vísteis en las temporadas 1 y 2 no es la chica que váis a ver en la Season 3." Marc Guggenheim promete que la serie revelará, via flashback, lo que les pasó a Thea y Malcolm cuando dejaron la limusina. Kreisberg comenta que el tener de vuelta a John Barrowman fue genial y que siempre fue su intención el hacer regular a John en la Season 3. "Va a ser la relación padre-hija más fantásticamente disfuncional de la TV de todos los tiempos", dice Barrowman.

- ¿Diggle está dejando el Team Arrow?: Ramsey apunta a que con la inminente paternidad de Diggle, "las apuestas son más altas" con un niño a remolque. "¿Se quedará con el quipo? ¿Se marchará?" bromea.

- La historia pasada de Felicity: En uno de los primeros episodios de la S3 tendremos flashbacks centrados en Felicity sonde ahondarán en su historia en M.I.T. El título de dicho episodio es "Oracle." Definitivamente, Ivo no es su padre.

- La introducción de Routh: Kreisberg apunta que los productores querían traer un personaje externo "más desenfadado" a Starling City y que trabajara frente a Oliver, que es por lo que decidieron traer a Routh como 'Ray Palmer' ya que Ted Kord no estaba disponible. Roy Palmer (Brandon Routh) tendrá sus ojos puestos en Felicity. "Tienes que hacer el triángulo amoroso," bromea Guggenheim.

- Nuevo sheriff en la ciudad: Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) ya no será más un detective, sino que será el nuevo capitán de policía en la Season 3. Es uno de los personajes que aparecerá en el crossover.

- El secreto de Oliver: El que la gente conozca el secreto de Oliver lo hace todo mucho más fácil para los escritores. La relación de Laurel y Oliver y el viaje de Laurel es mucho más interesante con ella conociendo el secreto.

- Emily Bett Rickards sobre su personaje: "Me siento muy afortunada y orgullosa de interpretar a una mujer tan inteligente y bien escrita en la televisión. Tremendamente agradecida."

- Caity Lotz ha leído los cómics de 'Birds of Prey' y de 'Black Canary'.

- Se confirma la aparición del personaje de 'Ted Grant' aka 'Wildcat' en esta temporada. Tendrá interacción con Laurel.

- Al preguntarles por las referencias a "Ferris Air", los productores dicen que "Nosotros nunca decimos nunca," sobre una posible aparición de 'Green Lantern' en la serie.

- Se confirma a Ra's al Ghul como el gran villano de la temporada: "Realmente sucedió muy orgánicamente en el sentido de que teníamos esta noción de que en el episodio 16 íbamos a revelar que Malcolm Merlyn fue entrenado por la League of Assassins y eso es por los cómics. Decíamos, ¿sabéis lo que vamos a hacer? Vamos a salir con la pequeña referencia sobre un tipo en Nanda Parbat que cambió su vida," comenta el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim. "Éso era sólo el principio." "Lentamente empezamos a trepar y trepar hacia ahí. Luego empezaron a haber conversaciones con DC y luego Superman-Batman empezó y comenzó a dirigirse hacia un foco más claro," dice. "El personaje parecía estar disponible mientras que no fuera usado en las películas. Fue una progresión muy muy orgánica. Eso fue divertido para nosotros, lo natural que pasó." "Tenemos una idea realmente clara de cómo hacer a Ra's este año que sea fiel a los orígenes de los cómics pero diferente de la manera en la que Ra's fue mostrado en las películas de Nolan. No quieres competir con Batman Begins, incluso aunque diempre hemos dicho que Batman Begins fue una gran influencia para nosotros," comenta. "Realmente queríamos que nuestro Ra's fuera muy distinto — al menos nuestra versión a lo Arrow." "Cuando estuvimos hablando sobre Ra's en el tercer epiosido de la segunda temporada, era una cuestión de ¿cuántas veces deberíamos mencionar su nombre? ¿con qué frecuencia deberíamos hablar sobre él? Porque tiene mucho poder especialmente en el lado de los cómics. No queríamos sobreexplotarlo y usarlo excesivamente," dice Guggenheim, "No vamos a mostraros tan sólo una pequeña pista de Ra's, también repetimos todas las veces que mencionamos su nombre, lo que os muestra el tiempo que hace que hemos estado hablando sobre esto y pensando sobre esto".

"Queríamos presentar a Oliver con un nurvo reto con un nuevo villano que pudiera hablar de lo que Oliver había estado pasando emocionalmente," dice Kreisberg. "Esta temporada, Oliver está debatiéndose con, '¿Hay una vida para mí más allá de ser Arrow?' Lo que el villano de la Season 3 viene a decirle a Oliver es, 'La razón por la que no tienes completemante el éxito como Arrow es porque sigues aferrándote a Oliver Queen. He dejado atrás mi identidad y abracé mi causa y tú deberías hacer lo mismo.' Es algo completamente nuevo en donde el enemigo en realidad, de alguna manera, admira a Arrow y lo que está haciendo. Tan sólo piensa que Arrow está pensando demasiado en pequeño."

- Posibilidad de que Merlyn y Oliver hagan equipo ahora que tienen un enemigo en común: "Hemos establecido firmemente que Ra's al Ghul odia a Merlyn y a Oliver no le gusta Merlyn," dice Kreisberg. "Va a ser una serie de quién odia más a quién. El enemigo de mi enemigo es mi amigo." Aunque el tema de Arrow sigue siendo "identidad," Kreisberg añade que "aliados y lealtad" son también parte de el arco de la temporada. "¿Qué lado vas a tomar?".

- Nueva aparición de Nyssa y qué significará la aparición de su padre para ella y Sara: Nyssa "absolutamente aparecerá en la temporada y tenemos un arco realmente guay planeado," dice Guggenheim. "La primera vez que veamos a Ra's es en una escena entre él y Nyssa." Y en cuanto a qué lado tomarán ella y Sara, comenta, "Hay otra guerra aproximándose y en qué lado va a estar la gente es otra de las cosas que dirige la temporada."

- Greg Berlanti adelantó que habrá una pelea de superhéroes, y reveló que el episodio 8 del crossover se llamará "Flash vs. Arrow."

- Al hacer la pregunta de ¿"Felicity y Oliver o Felicity y Barry?" Emily Bett contesta, "¿Y qué me dices de Ray Palmer aka Atom? Él es un hombre."

- Andrew Kreisberg explica que los tonos muy diferentes entre The Flash y Arrow fue algo intencionado "estábamos muy al tanto de no querer hacer la misma serie dos veces." Así es que, como Arrow tiene una "cualidad mucho más oscura," Flash es "menos serio, más brillante, y con un poco más de cielo azul."

- Sobre la posibilidad de un spinoff del 'Suicide Squad': David Ramsey comenta con los periodistas, "Están hablando sobre un spinoff del Suicide Squad. No sé si realmente van a hacerlo, pero han estado hablando de ello". "La gente realmente ha respondido al Suicide Squad, respondieron mucho a Deadshot y a Harley Quinn y Bronze Tiger". "El consenso es que los escritores y los productores ven estas cosas en los medios sociales, ven estas cosas en las páginas y no es que completamente sobleguen su voluntad a ello, pero responden las preguntas y la curiosidad ditige a los escritores en cierto grado". "Lo que se habla es de conectar lo de la pasada temporada con el principio de la nueva temporada con quizá algún Suicide Squad durante el hiatus quizá," dice Ramsey. "Ésa ha sido una opción. La otra ha sido el tener dos o tres episodios durante la temporada."

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primicias sobre el nuevo rol de Roy, el status de Sara, el niño y más (TVLine):
Primicias sobre el nuevo rol de Roy, el status de Sara, el niño y más
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 23 Julio 2014, 1:21 PM PDT

Already, TVLine has updated you on Arrow Season 3 as it pertains to Oliver’s connection to the next Big Bad, Laurel’s awaited journey, Felicity’s imminent backstory, the big “date,” a “super” new frenemy and a flurry of foes.

But wait, there’s more — even before Comic-Con descends upon us this week.

Here, exec producer Marc Guggenheim shares a peek at what’s on tap for Roy, Diggle, Thea and a familiar face’s can’t-miss, quotable comeback.

FULL ARSENAL | Guggenheim admits that one of Season 2′s shortcomings was the incorporation of Roy into Team Arrow, stop-and-start and scattershot as it was due to the Mirakuru mess. So going into the fall, “I’d love to see us stick the landing a bit better” with regards to Roy’s role among our heroes. “This year you really feel like he is a part of Team Arrow, in a very integral way.” That includes suiting Roy up (see photo) as well as “exploring the repercussions” of his Mirakru’d rampage. “He went through this major trauma, and we always said that was necessary for him to become a hero,” the EP reminds. “But this is the year we get to play with all of that.”

BACK WITH A BANG | Seeing as Episode 2 is titled “Sara,” it should come as no surprise that Caity Lotz’s Arrow days are not over just yet. And she still has some bon mots left in her quiver. “Her first line [upon returning] is one of my favorites….She says something amazing.Seeing Red It’s like a movie trailer line,” Guggenheim effuses. “In fact, it may end up in a commercial or something.”

OH, BABY! | When last we tuned in, amidst so, so much mayhem and destruction, Diggle learned that he’s going to be a daddy. “Diggle has some major storylines coming up — the biggest obviously being Lyla is pregnant,” Guggenheim notes. Specifically, the EP singles out Episode 3 as “very Diggle-oriented” (though perhaps not to the same degree as “Keep Your Enemies Closer” or “Suicide Squad”).

THE ‘NEW’ TEAM MEMBER | Guggenheim says it’s “a fun thing” to now have Laurel in on Oliver’s secret, allowing the writers to thus bring her into the Arrowcave as needed. “There’s a great scene between her and Felicity in Episode 3 that we never could do in the last two seasons. And she now can interact with Diggle in a separate way,” he observes. “It’s fun to see these colors mixing together that you’ve never seen before.”

SISTER ACT | Of course, things weren’t shiny-happy for all of Oliver’s loved ones as Season 2 came to a close. Sister Thea — hurt by so many secrets and lies — climbed into her newly discovered “dad” Malcolm Merlyn’s limo, embarking for points (and a destiny) unknown. Guggenheim gets closed-lipped on this topic, other than to say: “At some point this season, we’re going to flash back to the end of [that finale], stay in the limo for their conversation and see what Malcolm said to her — and what she said to Malcolm.” (With reporting by Vlada Gelman)

http://tvline.com/2014/07/23/arrow-seas ... ggle-baby/

- Descubre lo que Felicity le dice a Oliver tras su cita de la premiere de la Season 3 (EW):
Descubre lo que Felicity le dice a Oliver tras su cita de la premiere de la Season 3
Por Tierney Bricker 24 de Julio, 2014

Check, please!

Has an episode synopsis ever generated so much fandom freakout than the description of Arrow's season three premiere, which is ominously titled "The Calm" and reveals that Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) were going to go on a date? After the huge "I love you" fake-out in the season two finale, this was a major win for the "Olicity" fans.

But come on, there's no way a date between the fan favorite pairing can end well, right?!

"There's actually a line in the script where after you see what happens on the date, she even says, 'That was still not my worst date!'" executive producer Andrew Kreisberg shared with us at the CW's 2014 Summer TCA Party.

So silver lining: Felicity's had worse?

Felicity and Oliver's premiere date disaster will play directly into the main theme of the CW hit's third season, Kreisberg previewed.

"So much of this season as a whole is about Oliver trying to figure out if he can be both Oliver Queen and the Arrow and finding out if there's a life for himself beyond the hood," he spilled. "He's taking his first tentative steps towards that in the premiere. That's really going to be a struggle for him for the whole season."

Kreisberg continued that a bad date with Felicity will be the least of Oliver's worries this season. "He's going to be facing challenges as Oliver that he's never had to face before and he's going to be coming up against an adversary as dangerous and diabolical as any he's faced before," he teased. "As tough as things have been for Oliver Queen, he's about to face his toughest challenge yet."

But he won't be the only superhero facing major struggles in the new season. Arrow fans almost broke Twitter on Wednesday after the first look at Colton Haynes in his Arsenal costume was unveiled. As you can see from the photo above, he looks freakin' badass.

Alas, season three isn't going to be kind to our new superhero, as Kreisberg said, "Oliver and Roy have really developed this nice partnership. Oliver has had all these failed attempts at mentoring people and this mentorship is really working well and for Roy, he's finally found his place in the world. But as always on these shows, the past is reaching out to pull people back. This blissful period before all hell breaks loose, it won't last long."

So enjoy it while you can, Arrow fans.

http://uk.eonline.com/news/562851/arrow ... miere-date

- Productor de Arrow dice que la cita Olicity no es una 'farsa' (EW):
Productor de Arrow dice que la cita Olicity no es una 'farsa'
Por Samantha Highfill 25 de Julio, 2014 at 12:10PM

When Arrow fans first met Oliver Queen in season one, he was Laurel’s ex-boyfriend. You know, the one who had cheated on her when he took her sister, Sara, on a boat trip, only to have the boat sink and Sara die. Or, at least, that’s what viewers thought.

By the end of the first season, Ollie is a changed man, and he and Laurel rekindle their flame—for a time. But by that point, another girl had caught the audience’s eye. Enter Felicity Smoak, the witty IT girl who nearly drooled every time Oliver walked into a room. Their relationship seemed so impossible that fans started rooting for it.

But as time went on, romance didn’t seem so impossible anymore. To recap: By the penultimate episode of the second season, Oliver and Felicity have exchanged loving glances, had loaded conversations, and even hugged, but it wasn’t until the season-two finale that fans got something bigger. When Slade kidnapps Laurel in the season-two finale, Oliver hides Felicity at the Queen mansion, where he tells her that Slade is after the woman he loves and that Slade had taken the wrong woman when he took Laurel. He then tells the awestruck Felicity that he loves her.

It was an epic moment, until fans later figured out that it was all a scheme to trick Slade. Felicity is in on it the whole time. Although, as she later tells Oliver on the island, he gives a very convincing performance.

So, naturally, ever since news broke that Oliver and Felicity are going on a date in the premiere, fans have been speculating about whether it will be a romantic date, another scheme, or something platonic. When EW caught up with Arrow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, we asked him the obvious question: Is this another fake-out?

“It’s not a fake-out,” Kreisberg said. “Felicity and Oliver actually have a pretty raw discussion about what they mean to each other, which we’re really excited about, and [it] is actually an extension of what happened at the end of last year.”

In fact, fans can expect a different type of identity crisis for Oliver this year—one that might change his outlook on Felicity.

“So much of this season is going to be devoted to Oliver,” Kreisberg said. “He never really stopped to let himself think about if there was a life for him beyond the hood. When we saw him in the pilot, he came back with a very specific agenda, and I don’t even think he necessarily thought he was going to survive it. And certainly last year with Slade’s return, there was again, I don’t think he ever thought he would live past last season.

“What’s interesting about the beginning of season three is it’s been about six or seven months since the finale, and crime is down, Lance has disbanded the anti-vigilante task force, police aren’t hunting him anymore, and Dig actually says to him in the premiere episode ‘It’s never going to get better than it is right now,’” Kreisberg said. “So much of that first episode is really Oliver saying, ‘Am I Oliver Queen or am I the Arrow? And can Oliver Queen have a life?’ That extends to running Queen Consolidated, and it also extends to romance, and as much as that’s the story of the premiere episode, it’s really the story for this season.”

But there’s reason to doubt the imminence of the Olicity happy ending: It’s been announced that Brandon Routh is joining Arrow‘s third season as Ray Palmer, a.k.a. the perfect stud to complete Olicity’s love triangle.

“When you have characters who a large portion of the audience are pulling for, the only way those things work is if you actually provide a plausible second option, and one of the things that Brandon brings to our interpretation of Ray Palmer, which is something that we actually don’t have on the show right now, is somebody who she can verbally spar with,” Kreisberg said. “Emily is such a naturally gifted comedian and I think people might not realize this about Brandon, but he is an incredibly gifted comedian. He is like a movie star from a different time—he’s like Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant. And what’s funny about Oliver and Felicity is that he’s the straight man to her humor and there’s a whole different energy to having Brandon on the show.

“We sort of say, if you take Grant [Gustin] and Stephen [Amell] and mix them together, you get Brandon. You get the guy who looks like a superhero, because Brandon obviously is. But you get that sort of charm and verbal dexterity that Oliver doesn’t necessarily have that Ray has in spades, so seeing [Ray and Felicity] together, it’s already fun.”

So it sounds like this year’s new big bad won’t be the only thing weighing on Oliver. As Kreisberg put it, “Now there’s a real legitimate threat, or at least a real legitimate choice for Felicity to make. Oliver’s reaction to it and the decisions it forces him to make are the emotional crux of the episodes.”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/07/25/arrow ... 375207d811

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por isma20 »

Pinta interesante, gracias :smt023

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

Pues mírate algunas de las informaciones del SDCC de la S3 que creo que te van a interesar :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell Habla sobre la Season 3, cuándo se convertirá su personaje en ‘The Green Arrow,’ y el estar cansado de hablar sobre la ‘Justice League’ (Collider):
Stephen Amell Habla sobre la Season 3, cuándo se convertirá su personaje en ‘The Green Arrow,’ y el estar cansado de hablar sobre la ‘Justice League’
Por Tommy Cook 28 de Julio, 2014

The consummate under-dog, CW’s Arrow quietly staked a claim in the periphery of the DC-verse at the outset of the 2012 TV season. I don’t think anyone expected much from the show – and early episodes struggled to balance its comic-book aspirations under a TV-friendly budget. But over the course of its first season and especially in its second year, Arrow slowly came into its own, deftly balancing sci-fi heavy tropes within a surprisingly grounded moral quagmire. It became clear that Arrow himself wasn’t the prototypical hero he or the audience initially believed. As the dark nuances of the titular character were explored, the show grew by result. Much of the credit to the show’s qualitative success can, of course, be laid at the feet of star Stephen Amell. Amell has since become the poster-child for the DC Television verse – and with his dapper looks and sharp stare it’s not hard to see why.

In the following round table interview with star Stephen Amell, he discusses just when the character will finally become ‘The Green Arrow’, his relationship status on the show, and why he’s sick to death of talking about The Justice League. For the full interview, hit the jump.

Q: Oliver seems to be under the delusion he can have a normal life [at the start of the new season]…

Stephen Amell: Delusion is the correct word choice.

How long does the delusion last?

Stephen Amell: About twenty minutes. This will be an interesting year. Now granted I know what happens — but if you go back and watch the first episode of Season Two, all of the themes are really touched upon in that episode. The same is true of the pilot and when you watch our first episode of season three, all of the themes present there echo throughout [the season].

Are you happy you don’t have to answer any more Justice League questions?

Stephen Amell: Yes — and by the way, there’s a The Flash show, we have Firestorm, we have Canary, we have The Atom… The actual Justice League film — I don’t know when that’s coming out. You can watch The Justice League on television now. But the reason I’m happy to not have to answer the question anymore is because I think it undersold what we did on TV. I would put our degree of difficulty – having to produce twenty-two episodes of television every year, spinning off the show, giving people the confidence to green-light other DC properties — up there with producing a two hundred million dollar film. They’re very different things. I never want to feel as though our existence is only going to be justified by being part of the cinematic universe. That has nothing to do with anything. We are stamping out our own spot.

[What is the romantic situation like for Oliver this season?]

Stephen Amell: There’s one lady in Oliver’s life.

Just one?

Stephen Amell: Just one. There’s one woman in Oliver’s life this year.

Is that his sister?

Stephen Amell: No — it’s Felicity.

It just seems he’s got Sarah out there and Laurel…

Stephen Amell: The ship has sailed on those romances. I don’t think we’ll ever see Oliver & Sarah or Oliver & Laurel together again. I mean – they’ll be together but just not ‘together-together’. They’ll be teammates. We discover in the premiere the way that Oliver feels about Felicity. Because of that — if we just introduced random love interests, it would undersell what we do in the premiere.

Over the past two seasons, has there been a decision or a choice that Oliver has made that you personally have trouble justifying?

Stephen Amell: I can’t think of a specific choice. I will say the storyline where Oliver has a child really hit home for me. We filmed that episode — my daughter was five months old and we were shooting those scenes with Susana [Thompson]. The most difficult scene I’ve ever had to shoot on the show is when Oliver finds out that this girl lost the baby. Besides the feelings it stirred up in me personally, it was also my last scene with Susana Thompson whom I love and adore and respect and miss. So it was really difficult to divorce my personal feelings from that scene and some of them actually shown through. But for the most part, we live in a pretty fantastical world on Arrow and I’m able to divorce Oliver’s reasoning from my own.

What is the dynamic between Thea and Oliver like this season?

Stephen Amell: It’s all about unspoken things. Oliver made a commitment to Thea to be more honest with her. And when Oliver and Thea meet up, he is more honest with her. He reveals things that he’s never told her. Things he regrets very much.

How aware are you of the direction of the character throughout this season and for future seasons as well?

Stephen Amell: I really do think we are moving to a spot where we will refer to my character as ‘The Green Arrow’. We are moving to a spot where we will continue to embrace the fundamental classic elements of the character. Because we have that license now. We’re 46 episodes in. People like it. They buy into it. But unless this character is evolving — The Hood to Arrow to The Green Arrow — then people are going to lose interest. So I always want there to be a journey for him. And this year’s journey is really interesting.

Does that evolution involve the goatee?

Stephen Amell: No.

http://collider.com/stephen-amell-arrow ... comic-con/

- Stephen Amell Habla sobre la Season Three, Olicity y The Atom (comicbook):
Stephen Amell Habla sobre la Season Three, Olicity y The Atom
Por Russ Burlingame 28/07/2014

Just hours before the big reveal that Ra's al Ghul will be the Season Three Big Bad on Arrow, series star Stephen Amell was among those who joined the press to look forward to the upcoming season, tease what he could and dodge questions he couldn't.

ComicBook.com was on hand to talk with him about The Flash, The Atom, "Olicity" and more.

It seems like, with the crossover happening, the biggest conversation, the biggest emphasis sometimes is on crossover episodes.

Stephen Amell: Sure.

How do you feel about that conversation, that being that it seems to dominate a lot especially during the finales this way?

Amell: Well, I mean, consider that for a second. My first Comic Con was in 2012 and I was here, and there was one comic book show that was about to be on the air, and it was us.

So last night at the WB party you know, there are five DC properties on television this fall. The fact that we're able to talk about crossovers is because we took -- I mean, granted 99% of it is Grant Gustin but we took a character that people really identified with in Barry Allen, and BOOM! He got his own show. I think that's awesome.

Being in The Flash pilot – spoiler – was so cool, you know what I mean? The opportunity to do a big two night crossover event? Awesome, man. I mean, it's one of those things that you want to have happen on TV as a viewer and as a fan. I actually came up with an idea for a crossover on The Flash that's going to be much less publicized, you'll know it when you see it, and, remember, it was my idea.

So can you tease it out a little bit? Just a little?

Amell: A character that in Starling City is going to appear in Central City. We know they're there, and they're going to...reference something that teaches us an Arrow lesson, okay?

I know the fans have a lot of questions about the fake declaration of love for Felicity in the season finale...

Amell: Was it fake?

Well, it was a bait and switch, anyway. How do you feel about that?

Amell: I'm glad that viewers who felt like maybe they were faked out, they are getting a full resolution. Because telling the truth was the line --- you have to wait one more episode, I'm sorry that it's in October, but you get a full explanation as to what that meant.

What do you think about Brandon Routh's character? What was he do to the dynamic?

Amell: Very exciting. That's an element to the show that we haven't had. He's funny, I found myself in our first scene together, he's giving this big speech, and I found myself giggling. As Oliver I'm supposed to be pissed, but in my head I was giggling a little bit. He's great, super-professional, really good actor, and it's an element to the show that didn't have before. I'm excited.

Season Three adding something like Brandon, and adding the Hong Kong element to the flashbacks – it's important, it keeps everything fresh.

What are your feelings on all the strong female characters on Arrow?

Amell: Yeah! Hey, listen one of the coolest things on the show is introducing a character like Canary and having Caity Lotz just be such a bad ass. She kicks ass, and let's get as many people on the show that can kick ass – men, women, gay, straight – let's get as many people who kick ass as we can.

One of my favorite things on the show is – true story – I love when I was getting the s--t kicked out of me on the show. It's one of my favorite things! Oliver's not blessed with powers, we have to believe he is fallible, that he is vulnerable, that the world is dangerous. Because it takes mistakes of the show and raises [he says “rises,”] them up.

I wanted to ask you about the Emmys...

Amell: Yeah! Us not getting nominated for stunt-coordination is such horse s--t, okay? On such a high level.

I don't want to talk down on the other shows, but Jesus Christ, like, c'mon guys! The only thing I will say about the stunt-coordination is, every once in a while, we simplify it.

For example, in our second episode, I'm interrogating a guy. He's a...fringe character, he's not important to the central story, but I'm trying to get information out of him. And it was written as, "Oliver places him in crazy martial arts wrist lock and twists it and bones crack." And I'm saying to Bam Bam, "Dude, how 'bout instead of that, I ask for information, he doesn't give it to me, and I punch him in the stomach as hard as I can, and then I ask him again, and he doesn't do it, and I take the bow and I crack him in the leg?"

So, every once in awhile, we simplify things, but I'm very very proud of our stunt work.

How do you feel about Thea, and where her arc is going?

Amell: So fired up. You know, Willa is so capable, and such a wonderful actor, and the fact that we've had her for forty-six episodes, and haven't had a Thea-centric episode?

We've cultivated this character, the audience has come to know this character for two years, and we're going to give her the car keys for this year.

Season three is her graduation – metaphorical, not actual. I'm so fired up for her. Our third episode is flashbacks for her, and she's going to nail it.

Talking about keeping up your character's vulnerability, there are so many people now who know his real identity...

Amell: That's true.

Is there any point when that vulnerability comes into play, where he's trying to protect people who don't know – there's so few left now. Does that have anything to do with--?

Amell: Well, knowing now – knowing, not knowing – my periphery is just loaded with danger. That's a theme we address in the first episode this year.

I really hope we get to a point in the show where I pull a Tony Stark at the end of Iron Man, be like "Hey, hey guys: I'm the Arrow everybody!" Hood down, mask off – and that way, I wouldn't have to get the eye makeup anymore.

http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/07/28/sd ... licity-an/

- Stephen Amell habla sobre los Flashbacks de la S3… Incluído el regreso de alguien (Ksitetv):
Stephen Amell habla sobre los Flashbacks de la S3… Incluído el regreso de alguien
Por Craig Byrne 28 Julio, 2014

One of the most interesting aspects of Arrow is the flashback narrative, and this year, that narrative will be a little different as a lot of the action happens in Hong Kong. Some new faces and some returning favorites will be found there as Oliver Queen enters another part of his flashback life.

ArrowOne thing we are particularly excited about is that the second episode of Arrow Season 3, “Sara,” features the return of Colin Donnell’s Tommy Merlyn, but in flashback form.

“We’re shooting on Monday. I’m so excited,” Stephen Amell enthused in the Arrow press room on Saturday at the Comic-Con International in San Diego.

Amell didn’t linger on the subject of Tommy’s return much, but he did offer a quick hint of something we will see: “I see Tommy from a rooftop. And he’s talking to his dad,” he teased.

“It’s interesting,” Amell said. “There are a couple of characters we’ve met in our first two seasons, where I’ve purposely played it as though we have met before. It’s not just Amanda Waller. There are characters that come in… and I think this is really cool. I love this stuff. We’re using the flashbacks to explain things that happened in previous seasons. Like the whole ‘Eddie Fyers wants to shoot down an airliner?’ Why? Answers forthcoming.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-steph ... turn/18115

- Andrew Kreisberg y Marc Guggenheim adelantan la S3 (schmoesknow):
Andrew Kreisberg y Marc Guggenheim adelantan la S3
Por Alex Welch 26 Julio, 2014

As we’ve previously discussed, I love Arrow. It is a great show and an excellent adaptation of a character that, admittedly, I knew nothing about going in! But, I’ve heard that it’s a good representation, so I’ll go with it. Ahead of Friday’s panel at Comic-Con, executive producers Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim chatted with The Hollywood Reporter, about the upcoming third season:

“If season one was about Oliver going from vengeance to vigilante and season two was vigilante to hero, season three is about identity,” says executive producer Marc Guggenheim. “It’s the first season where this theme of identity is not only about Oliver but is also about all the other characters.”

Which absolutely makes sense, given the fact that just about everyone in Oliver’s life now knows that he’s The Green Arrow. The show has become more of an ensemble, turning its focus away from Oliver Queen and on to the other people that make up Team Arrow. And I have to admit, I like this idea. They have introduced some very interesting characters over the past two seasons, and I am looking forward to finding out a little more about them and what makes them tick.

Now, that being said, two of the weakest characters, in my opinion, on the show are Katie Cassidy’s Laurel Lance and Willa Holland’s Thea Queen. Up until now, the show-runners haven’t done a whole lot with either character, instead only pulling them out of the background when they needed a plot device to move the story along. It appears, however, that we are in for some changes in regards to these ladies in the coming season.

“Laurel and Thea are the two characters we haven’t done as much with in the past, and they have the strongest storylines that we’ve ever given them.”

On Thea’s possible dark path:

“We are going to do a flashback at some point in the season that takes you back to that car and continues the conversation, so you’ll get to see what Thea said to Malcolm and what Malcolm said to Thea,” Guggenheim says. Adds Kreisberg: “At some point, if all the characters are going to become their comic book selves, they have to go through their island. … This year is going to be Thea’s island. How that plays out and which side she lands on will be the fun of the season.”

I can get on board with this idea, Schmoeville. While I’m not a fan of the character right now, I think it would be really great to see her go down a darker path. It might make her slightly more interesting and less annoying, and it’s always fun to watch someone go with their darker, possibly baser instincts and go all bad side for a while. Besides, if that means more John Barrowman (Who has been promoted to series regular! Yay!) then I’m all for it!

As fans already know, new characters are being introduced to Starling City this year, the most interesting being Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, aka The Atom. Looks like he’s going to possibly be battling Oliver Queen for the affections of one Miss Felicity Smoak, among other things. And let’s face it, a little competition is never a bad thing! Makes you re-evaluate things.

“One of the things we are doing this season on Arrow is injecting a little more humor,” Kreisberg says. “It’s part of the reason why we brought Brandon Routh in. The verbal banter between him and Felicity this season is a new thing we’re bringing to the show that I think audiences will really like. He’ll be invading Oliver’s life in every aspect, whether it’s his business, his personal life and possibly down the road in his nighttime activities.”

Of course, this leads to talk about some of the characters that have left Starling City, and whether or not they might make a return appearance. Such as Caity Lotz’s Sara Lance, perhaps, and what that means for the whole passing of the torch, er… jacket to sister Laurel?

“[Sara’s] come back to Starling City with a very specific mission.” Laurel, Kreisberg maintains, has a long road ahead to becoming her comic book alter ego. “She’s an attorney with a nice, sweet jacket,” he says with a laugh. “We’re going to see Laurel take a few big steps toward her comic book self this season. Let’s just say that Katie Cassidy is pumping iron.”

And of course, everyone’s favourite team of criminals, The Suicide Squad:

Says Guggenheim “We haven’t quite found the right story yet but we love the Suicide Squad and we love Deadshot — Michael Rowe was just in the DC offices. For sure we’ll be doing something with the Suicide Squad this year. We have to find the right time and the right moment.”

One of the biggest surprises of last season was the direction that the flashbacks took, and where Oliver ended up. But it looks like that was the plan all along:

“It has a whole new feel to [the flashbacks],” Kreisberg says of the new season. “It was something we always intended on doing. One of our big ideas when we were doing the pilot was to have Oliver wake up at the end of season two not on the island.”

I will say, it will be interesting to see past-Oliver (Younger Oliver? Less ripped Oliver? Shipwrecked Oliver?) no longer on the Island and how, in a place with billions of people, he never managed to get away and contact someone in the States to let them know he was alive. I’m just saying, all it takes is one collect phone call… Just one of the many questions and answers we have waiting for us this season.

http://schmoesknow.com/eps-andrew-kreis ... deo/27073/

- Nuevos spoilers sobre Ray Palmer (TVLine):
Interpretando, el recién llegado a 'Arrow', el una vez Supermán Brandon Routh es (como la una vez Lois Lane Teri Hatcher) “espectacular,” dice el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim. “El ha sobrepasado las más altas expectativas de todos. Y lo que es divertido sobre la forma en la que Brandon interactúa con todo el mundo es que queríamos a alguien que ofreciera un poco más de lo que Grant Gustin hizo — alguien que esté un poco más en el lado del espectro de colores de Felicity, y al mismo tiempo es muy diferente de Grant. Y Brandon, es este agente de cambio que agita a todo el mundo.” Dicho esto, un chico tiene sus secretos. “Váis a ver que hay muchas cosas que están pasando con él,” apunta Guggenheim. “No es lo que inicialmente parece ser.”

http://tvline.com/2014/07/28/ncis-seaso ... -spoilers/

- Imagen BTS (24-07-14):


(Thanks to Colton Haynes)

-Nueva imagen BTS (28-07-14):


(Thanks to @willaaaahh)

- Stephen Amell de regreso al set de 'Arrow' en el Marine Building en Vancouver, Canada (28-07-14):

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http://www.justjared.com/2014/07/28/ste ... n-weekend/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El actor J.R. Ramirez será 'Wildcat' en la S3 de "Arrow":
El actor J.R. Ramirez ha sido el escogido para dar vida a Ted “Wildcat” Grant en la temporada 3 de Arrow que legará a nuestras pantallas el próximo otoño.

Marc Guggenheim anunció en el Comic-Con este pasado fin de semana que el personaje sería introducido en esta temporada, pero no reveló quién sería el elegido para el papel.

En los cómics, In the 'Ted Grant' es un miembro de la Justice Society for America, y también el mentor y entrenador de otros vigilantes enmascarados, como 'Black Canary'.

En Arrow, Grant será un antiguo boxeador que regenta ahora un gimnasio para jóvenes desfavorecidos. Un hombre con un misterioso pasado, interpretará un personaje primordial en el arco de Laurel Lance de esta temporada. Wildcat es uno de los dos personajes de DC más importantes que se añadirán a la serie esta temporada, junto con el villano Ra’s al Ghul.

Esto marca el regreso de Ramirez a la CW desde que interpretó un papel recurrente en Emily Owens, MD.

El actor, está representado por Mavrick Artists y su mánager Marie Matthews, y ha hecho un papel recurrente en el drama de Starz "Power".

http://www.deadline.com/2014/07/arrow-j ... asting-cw/?

- Imagen BTS de J.R. Ramírez en la sala de escritores (30-07-14):


(@ARROWwriters: Look who stopped by @Ramirez8JR @RapaportCasting #TedGrant #Arrow)

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (31-07-14):

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(thanks to Glen Winter & Stephen Amell)

- Título y créditos del episodio 3.03:
Una vez más, Marc Guggeheim ha compartido con nosotros el título y créditos de un nuevo episodio.

El 3.03 tendrá por nombre "Corto Maltese". Está escrito por Erik Oleson & Beth Schwartz y dirigido por Stephen Surjik, y ya ha comenzado a rodarse.
https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 9364316160

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
