¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.04 "Arkham":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | Major Crimes Unit:


- GOTHAM | The City of Opportunity from 1.03 "The Balloonman":


- GOTHAM | The Killer Came From There from 1.03 "The Balloonman":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nicholas D’Agosto será 'Harvey Dent/Dos Caras' en "Gotham":
Otro enemigo de Batman se dirige hacia "Gotham".

El actor Nicholas D’Agosto (Masters Of Sex) se ha unido al elenco del drama de la FOX como 'Harvey Dent/Dos Caras', en un papel recurrente en esta temporada con opción de convertirse en regular en la S2.

En la serie, 'Harvey Dent' es descrito como un brillante, encantador e idealista Ayudante del Fiscal del Distrito cuya única misión es erradicar el crimen y la corrupción que ha envenenado a Gotham. Es guapo, cariñoso y cautivador, constantemente manteniendo una alegre disposición incluso cuando trata con la más sórdida gentuza de la ciudad. Aunque un día servirá como el caballero de brillante armadura que Gotham necesita tanto como Fiscal del Distrito, Dent tambien nos ofrece un breve vistazo del horrible villano en el que se concertirá — 'Dos-Caras'.

En la adaptación de Chris Nolan, el papel fue interpretado por Aaron Eckhart.

David Zayas fue recientemente escogido en el papel recurrente del Jefe de la Mafia 'Salvatore Maroni', el hombre responsable de desfigurar a 'Dent', llevándole a la transformación en el villano que todos conocemos.

http://deadline.com/2014/10/nicholas-da ... ox-845139/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robin Lord Taylor sobre el abrazar el poder del "Pingüino" (CBR):
Robin Lord Taylor sobre el abrazar el poder del "Pingüino"
Por Kiel Phegley, 04 de Octubre del 2014

Only two episodes into Fox's Batman origins drama "Gotham," if one had to pick a breakout character from the series it'd likely be Robin Lord Taylor's Oswald Cobblepot. The future Penguin has been a volatile piece of the DC Comics adaptation, oscillating between mannered gentleman and bloodthirsty killer. And to hear the actor tell it, the black comedy that results from those polar opposites will continue as the series unfolds in the weeks ahead.

"When I look at past Penguin performances like Burgess Meredith and Danny DeVito, the thing I walk away with is the sheer glee and fun that they bring to this sadistic person," the actor said in a press call ahead of Monday's new episode. "This is a very dark show that deals with dark themes, but I still love those moments where he missteps. You watch him grow and develop in front of you. It would be a disservice to the character if you started out and he knew exactly what he was doing."

This 'character before the character' concept permeates "Gotham," though Taylor didn't even realize he was trying out to portray the famed supervillain at first. "The roll, I auditioned for blindly. It was a fake scene they wrote with fake character names. I wasn't told the name of the project," he recalled. "It wasn't until I was going in -- the night before -- when my agent called me and said, 'Oh by the way, this is a young Penguin and the origin story of Batman.' I was like 'Okay!' But I'd already prepared, so I just went in and did my thing, and it worked out for once. And when I read the script, it all came together in such a brilliant way. The pilot script was one of the best ones I ever read.

Taylor said he responded to this particular take on Cobblepot because "what was brought to the page was this humanity -- the fact that we're trying to bring some real human pathos to this fantastic character and this fantastic world." For both the performer and show runner Bruno Heller, the goal was to avoid a "two-dimensional, Snidely Whiplash character."

"I'm in excellent company. Everyone across the board from Bruno to every guest star we get is just a dream. It's amazing."

Looking beyond the show's creative goals, the actor said he drew inspiration from Penguin performances both concrete and theoretical in building the part. "I was definitely inspired by both Burgess Meredith and Danny DeVito. To be next to them in any way -- I'm still trying to wrap my brain around them," he said. "Briefly, they were considering in the Chris Nolan series -- and this was probably all rumor and conjecture -- but the thought was bringing in a Penguin character played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who is one of my idols as an actor. He's just such an inspiration for me in everything that I've done."

In the episodes ahead, however, the character will start to add some elements not shared with past iterations -- primarily Oswald's mother, played by longtime character actress Carol Kane. "I've been a fan of hers for years and years, and the connection we have personally as well as professionally is very near and dear to my heart," Taylor said. "Those scenes stand out to me because it is a moment where Penguin doesn't have to be plotting so much. I mean, he is constantly, but he can let his guard down a little bit. It's so gratifying to show another side of him, and she's such a brilliant actress. You just lose yourself in her eyes as you're sitting across from her."

The actor explained Mrs. Cobblepot will help explain much of how the future Penguin is portrayed on the show, including his mannered affectation. "Oswald was raised -- though they didn't have much money -- from a sort of aristocratic background. They came from Europe, and there's a sense that they had a lot of money there and then fled so it went away," he said. "But the traditions keep through. Carol Kane is bringing that to her character, and when you see more of her, you'll understand why he speaks the way he speaks and where he's coming from as a person. Again, it's something relatable in this fantastic character. I love the sort of heightened way that he speaks because it sets him apart from everybody else. It shows where he comes from and what it is about him that's different and just sort of off about him."

Speaking of off, viewers can expect a very different kind of mother/son relationship when the pair meet up on screen. "They have a remarkably close relationship. Looking at the comic book history, he was a bullied kid who didn't have any friends. He was alone and didn't have peers he could rely upon. So he found a lot of that in his mother. I feel like their connection and closeness -- it's not so much creepy as it is an insular connection that they have."

Taylor is also excited to continue his on screen connection to other cast members as "Gotham's" first season rolls along. "Every chance I get to work with Jada [Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney] is an unbelievable experience. I've never worked so intimately with a star of her caliber and her talent. Like on the pilot, when we first were interacting, I was so nervous. Everyone has misconceptions about people before you meet them, but she was so open and giving and so committed to the work. There was no ego and just open arms. She was there and ready to play. That's an actors dream. You want to be with someone who is as committed to and excited about the project as you are."

Overall, the actor praised the efforts of the producers and cast in delivering a high rating for "Gotham's" debut. "The script itself? Everything was there. I didn't feel like I needed very much guidance because what was on the page was so clear. We had a mutual understanding of where we wanted the character to go -- it was just a matter of keeping it going in that direction. One of the validating things for me was that people seem to be picking up on that."

As for how quickly Oswald will embrace the Penguin name he loathes, Taylor said that's the trick to mapping out the character's inner journey. "As he discovers his own power inside of himself, I think he starts to embrace that. It's always been a name he's been called, that's tortured him his whole life, but he reaches a point where he thinks, 'If you're going to call me this, I'm going to embrace it and run with it and use it. I'm not going to be a cowardly person anymore.' I think that's Penguin's trajectory."

And will that include getting to murder someone in grisly fashion with one of the villains signature umbrellas? "I hope so!" he said with a laugh. "I have to imagine that he befriends someone like Q from James Bond who invents him all these fun, funky umbrella gadgets. But who knows what's coming down the pike?"

In the end, the goal of "Gotham" is to build that recognizable Batman world with new layers and depth. "It's such a new twist on this whole world that's been around for 75 years," Taylor said. "I would be a robot if I didn't feel some pressure, and this is above and beyond anything I've done before in my career. My goal was just to have health insurance, and anything beyond that would be great. Then you find yourself in this role, with an amazingly smart and devoted audience, so of course I want to fulfill everyone's expectations and hopefully exceed them. But with Bruno Heller and [director] Danny Cannon, I just trust them and feel so comfortable in their hands. They're so smart and know exactly where this world is going that I don't feel a fear that people will be disappointed. I'm excited for people to start seeing new things about these characters that have been a part of popular culture for 75 years."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=56003

- Spoilers sobre el 'Pingüino' y el 'Enigma':
¿Cuándo regresará el 'Pingüino' a Gotham? — Andrew
Lo veremos llegar a la ciudad la próxima semana. Hará lo que sea necesario para no terminar en manos de Fish Mooney, dejando un rastro de cuerpos a su paso y acudiendo a nuevos potenciales aliados. Pero su resurgimiento puede ser un mal que por bien no venga para Gordon después de que alguien escuchara rumores de que él estaba tras el asesinato de Cobblepot. Es bueno que el 'Pingüino' no esté realmente muerto, ¿verdad?.

¿Alguna primicia sobre el 'Enigma'? –Mason
Dado que tiene buenos modales (aunque extravagante) hasta ahora, le pregunté a Cory Michael Smith qué podría llevar finalmente a Edward Nigma hacia su destino como villano. “Él es alguien con increíbles buenas intenciones... pero es un poco malentendido y maltratado. Ciertamente es sometido a abusos por parte de Harvey Bullock,” comenta el actor. “Es un tipo brillante que no tiene mucho poder pero que piensa que lo merece, así es que cuando finalmente empieza a saborearlo, querrá más.”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/03/spoil ... -spoilers/
http://tvline.com/2014/10/03/once-upon- ... erers-hat/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Registrado: Sab Oct 06, 2007 10:14 am
Ubicación: Jaén-España

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por donovan320 »

He visto ahora mismo los 2 primeros episodios y me ha resultado una serie aburrida. Me ha fascinado toda aparición de Selina, pero si no sale más catwoman de joven, poco interés tendría para mí la serie. Odio a los enemigos de Batman, me resultan ridículos, me desagradan. La búsqueda del asesino de los padre de Bruce será muy engorrosa. No me atrae, pero si no tengo otra cosa que ver, la veré la daré una oportunidad hasta que me canse.

A mí me encantan, Batman, Catwoman y Superman, pero individualmente.

Es como Arrow...vi la 1ª temporada entera, tengo la 2ª en un disco duro y empecé a verla 6 o 7 episodios, y me resultó cansina y también engorrosa. Me gustaría verla entera, porque aprecio el personaje, pero son series tan simplonas. Y me gustaría ver la 2ª de Arrow también, para enlazarla con "Flash", que la quiero dar otra oportunidad, pero es que estoy muy atrasado con la temporada y ni me acuerdo, tendría que verla desde el 1º...y sigo tantas series....solo de pensarlo,me agobia :smt022


Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

Jajajajjajajaa Eso me suena de algo... Creo que ahora mismo estoy viendo unas casi 40 series... :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Sí, a mí la trama también me ha parecido algo lenta, aunque van muy pocos capis aún, básicamente lo que han hecho hasta ahora es presentar un poco los personajes, así es que veré cómo sigue.

En cuanto a Arrow, ya lo dije en otras ocasiones: mi problema es la versión que están haciendo de Oliver/Green Arrow. No tiene ni pizca de chispa, es básicamente un emo-Green Arrow, lo que lo convierte en un cuasi-Batman...

La verdad no me gusta que le quiten los rasgos distintivos a los personajes y los conviertan a todos en una imagen de Batman (y eso que Batman me encanta, ojo)... pero si quiero ver a Batman, pues veo cosas de Batman, no de imitaciones baratas del mismo...

El piloto de Flash me encantó, tiene mucha chispa y mucho ritmo... aunque, como todo, esperaré a ver la serie para ver si me merece la pena o no :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Donal Logue sobre Hype, el pasado de Bullock y nuevos villanos (nerdrepository):
Donal Logue sobre Hype, el pasado de Bullock y nuevos villanos
Por Kyle Wilson 06 Octubre, 2014

Donal Logue is a good friend to The Nerd Repository, currently starring in the hit WBTV-produced Batman prequel-drama Gotham as Detective Harvey Bullock. One of the most recognizable character actors in television and film, Logue has starred in numerous productions from Grounded for Life to more dramatic fare like History’s Vikings and Sons of Anarchy.

In part one of our exclusive interview, Logue talks about the hype leading up to the debut of the highly anticipated Gotham, cultivating relationships with co-star Ben McKenzie, and some early criticisms about villain overload. Beware of mild spoilers below, and be sure to check back next week for part two.


First I just want to say I’m going to miss you on History’s Vikings next season. King Horik was awesome.

Oh, thank you. I miss Vikings. I love those people.

Is it going to be weird watching Season 3 as a viewer and not part of the cast?

I think it’ll be exciting. I knew I was coming on at the end of Season 1, so it was fun watching the show. I’m just a fan of it and I’m a huge fan of Michael Hirst [Vikings' showrunner] and I’m just excited to watch. And of course I got close to everyone that was coming in – Alexander Ludwig, the old guard and the new guard. I was there for the bridge. It’ll be fun to watch where it goes. The word I get from the set is that it’s bigger, crazier. It’s on overdrive.

I want to get into Gotham, because I’m really enjoying your portrayal of Harvey Bullock. He’s not your stereotypical crooked cop. He even has some really funny lines to deliver at times. Was that part of your approach to the role?

I know that was part of what Bruno Heller [Gotham's showrunner] wanted. It was certainly part of my approach. I do think that sometimes if it is a cardboard cutout, if it’s just that grumpy, curmudgeon-y… you can’t go that far with it. If he becomes a one note guy – it’s been complicated, it’s been tricky. Part of what’s tricky is mixing that element of comedy and drama, and the second one is if he’s that stumbling and bumbling, then he’s not a legendary detective. That’s just in name. If he doesn’t show excellence at some point, in some way, then you haven’t earned much with Bullock.

And I do know for fact, that by the time you get to episodes 6, 7, and 8 you’re going to learn a lot more about his past and why he became who he became and why he’s at where he is at. He’s also in flux right now because I think Bullock, when you meet him, would have been perfectly happy to keep his side means going and just crawl towards retirement with a pension check and survive than get back into this big battle of good vs evil stuff.

He’s seeing a lot of do-gooders coming down the pipes, and he’s just watching them crash and burn. Then James Gordon shows up and he’s someone who is a different level of human being. He just has a different skill set. He’s kind of the varsity version of the do-gooders. It changes Bullock and it kind of reinvigorates something in him about who he used to be.

One of the neat parts of show is that dynamic between Bullock and Gordon. Your performances are really interesting to watch and if viewers don’t want to watch Gordon and Bullock, Gotham doesn’t work. What was it like developing that rapport with Ben McKenzie?

You know our rapport happened very quickly. My sister worked with Ben on Southland and really liked him, and I was really predisposed to liking Ben to begin with. It was funny because years ago I remember watching Junebug, that my friend Phil Morrison directed, with Amy Adams and Ben was in that movie and I was like “Oh man, that’s that kid from The OC.” Yeah weirdly, I was like “I like this good, gritty really cool indie film.”

When I walked in, first of all, he confirmed every positive suspicion that I had about him when I first met him and we bonded immediately. We’re aware of that, too. We got each other. Even when you go through things like there’s a lot of pre-game hype for Gotham, obviously a lot of collective understanding of the world, that there’s going to be criticism that you can’t avoid sometimes. It’s kind of like I have a friend to walk through all that stuff with. So it operates both on and off camera.

He’s fantastic. First of all, he works really hard, he’s incredibly patient. So when stuff’s coming down and it could be hectic and overwhelming, he’s kind of like this beacon of calm and strength in the middle of the storm. Which is critical. If the stewardess is freaking out…”you’re the one that’s supposed to be calm in this situation!” When there’s turbulence, you want the pilot to say “Everything’s okay, we’re encountering a little bit of…” and he’s got that kind of strength about him and kindness and patience.

He has a lot of Gordon-esque qualities in him and he’s a go’er. He was a football player in high school in Texas, a student athlete, great with the action stuff. Throws himself in there and it’s great energy to be around. I got super lucky. They got really lucky. I know Ben would he say he got lucky and is so appreciative of it, but they really got the right guy for the part.

When the two of you are bickering back and forth onscreen it’s really fun to watch.

He’s the kind of guy that – we’re friends and I have full permission to do whatever I want and it’s not throwing him. And if it’s too much, we can pull back. But I don’t ever feel bitch-slapped by him by like “Oh, don’t do that.” We have a great partnership that way.

I have to say that lot of people, and they might not understand too, but when you do these kinds of jobs it’s interesting because sometimes it’s disastrous when they get a couple of people together to be partners. Sometimes they’re people who are not as giving or whatever, but it’s hard to be stuck with someone when you’re in that situation and they’re pretending to play friends or antagonists. You cannot be enemies with someone you are playing an enemy of. Just like Travis Fimmel [History's Vikings], or Charlie Hunnam or Ron Perlman [Sons of Anarchy]. They’re all giving people, like “Go for it. Nothing’s throwing me and we’ll just try.”

You know, from an ego perspective you can’t be afraid to look foolish or fail in front of somebody like they’re judging you. You have to feel like you can try different things and vice versa. That’s what I love about really good people and good actors: that as human beings they’re kind of not overly judgmental. They’re the giving kind of people and so you know I have that friendship with Ben, regardless of the show. Like Michael Raymond-James [Terriers] who is always like a brother to me. It translates and makes the work life a hell of a lot richer and it helps the work.

I want to talk about the just released full season trailer from Gotham that revealed Victor Zsasz and a heavy Arkham focus. Will those both be part of a big arc coming up?

Zsasz comes in and… we’re filming episode 9 right now so the stuff that you get, I would say that full season tease kind of teases what we’re going to halfway through. Arkham definitely plays a really big part. But Zsasz comes in and I pray that Zsasz comes back, I love that guy. I love the actor [Anthony Carrigan] playing him and he was fun to have around.

I didn’t have really much to do with him in terms of scenes, but when I think about the days you pull – sometimes 15, 16 hours – you spend a lot of time with these people just talking and rapping, and [you have] mutual friends. I wouldn’t even call it a game, because you’re also establishing friendships with people you’re going to go in and do stuff in an arena where you can be potentially humiliated. So yeah, you make friends. But Arkham plays a heavy role, but so far I’m only privy to what’s up happened through episode 10.

What would you say to people that have complained about villain overload on the show?

You know, the thing about pilots are they rarely… everyone was just getting to know each other. One thing that was really odd to me was there was a lot of hype on the show obviously and when the pilot started, I remember day one people wanted to do a lot of behind the scenes interview and interviews of this type that we’re doing right now. They were like ‘What’s it like to do this and do that?’ I don’t know man, I’ve been here for four hours. You know?

I don’t mean to be a dick, but it’s so much nicer having the last few months under my belt and being able to talk about the world and really get to see it in a way that I can articulate, that I couldn’t when we started. Pilots are overloaded with a lot of… you forget that deeper seasons of The Sopranos, you know so much about these characters that so little needs to be said. So much shorthand goes so far. A look goes a long way. It’s loaded with all of that collective knowledge of the path of the characters.

I don’t mind any criticism, because you always look super defensive when you just go back on your heels and you can learn from criticism. But I think we had to establish how these different characters were connected in some way, and as the season progresses we can take more time with certain character arcs and not have to have everyone involved all the time.

We’re starting to get these new characters that are coming in – the Zsasz and Harvey Dents of the world. I think it’s getting kind of exciting. I didn’t know if it would be a real slow burn with all the villains, but from the collective decades of this world there’s so many people to explore that the well isn’t going to run dry.


- 'Gotham's' Erin Richards: How will Montoya impact Barbara and Jim's relationship? (zap2it):

http://www.zap2it.com/videos/gothams-er ... hip-379188

- GOTHAM: Erin Richards on Barbara's Surprise Visitor, and What Comes Next (gimmemyremotetv):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | You're Supposed to be Dead from 1.03 "The Balloonman":


- GOTHAM | Who Gave The Order? from 1.03 "The Balloonman":


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS (06-10-14):


(@robinlordtaylor: 10 Minutes! Finn and I are ready! How about you and MrG, @camrenbicondova #Gotham #Balloonman)

- Nuevo póster promocional:


- Gotham 1.04 Promo "Arkham" (HD):


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.03 "The Balloonman". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La actriz Makenzie Leigh se une a GOTHAM (deadline):
Se acuerdo a Deadline, la joven actriz Leigh Makenzie Leigh ha firmado para interpretar un personaje en la serie de la FOX "Gotham":

Makenzie interpretará a 'Liza', una "chica salvaje", pero eso es literalmente toda la información que la página nos ha ofrecido al respecto por ahora.

Se espera que el personaje haga su debut en el episodio de la semana que viene 1.04 "Arkham".

http://deadline.com/2014/10/makenzie-bo ... le-846979/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS del rodaje de "Gotham" en Brooklyn (07-10-14):

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(thanks to @Dble_O)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers sobre Gotham: llega un nuevo personaje (TVLine):
¿Alguna noticia o spoiler sobre Gotham? Estoy enganchado después de ver sólo tres episodios y tengo curiosidad por saber lo que nos esperad. —Eric F.
Ausiello: Una mejor pregunta sería quién nos espera, y la respuesta es... la Dra. Leslie Thompkins. Los aficionados de DC Comics la conocerán por ser la madrina de Bruce Wayne, pero he oído que Gotham está cambiando la tradición de Batman un poquito convirtiénsola también en un interés amoroso para. (Nota para Barbara Kean: No dispares al mensajero).

http://tvline.com/2014/10/07/the-flash- ... -season-1/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 1.04 "Arkham" Clip "Send Him Over":


- GOTHAM | 1.04 "Arkham" Clip "At least you can Sing":


- GOTHAM | 1.04 "Arkham" Clip "What's In It For Me?":


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS (08-10-14):


(@realdavidmazouz: So having a stunt doubles is cool… and weird @camrenbicondova @Gotham)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | New Featurette "The Underworld":


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
