"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash - Don't Tell Dad Interview (CW):


- The Flash 1.03 "Things You Can't Outrun" Clip 1:


- The Flash 1.03 "Things You Can't Outrun" Clip 2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La CW ordena una temporada completa de "The Flash":
La CW acaba de anunciar una temporada completa para "The Flash", como ha anunciado su Presidente Mark Pedowitz.

'THE FLASH' debutó como la premire más vista de la CW, con 6.1 millones de espectadores con los rátings Live + 3 Day Nielsen, y fue la premiere más alta de la cadena entre adultos 18-49 desde hace más de cinco años, desde el debut de "THE Vampire" Diaries en el 2009.

"Hemos tenido un fantástico inicio de nuestra temporada este año, con THE FLASH laznándose como nuestra premiere más vista, y JANE THE VIRGIN recocida como la mejor serie nueva de la temporada por la crítica de todo el país ," dice Pedowitz. "A lo largo de las últimas tres temporadas, hemos hecho nuestra misión de crecer y aumentar nuestra audiencia, y mantener elevando el listón de la calidad y el impacto de nuestras series nuevas, y THE FLASH y JANE han superado ambos nuestras expectativas en todos los aspectos. Estoy encantado de anunciar temporadas completas para estas dos increíbles nuevas series."

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2014/1 ... cw/317861/

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (21-10-14):

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(@CavanaghTom: @dpanabaker and I? Just hangin' on set, waiting for The Flash
@rickcosnett: Happiness on #TheFlash costume truck with lizdubney Join us tonight. Live tweeting 8-7c cwtheflash)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.04 "Going Rogue":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.04 "Going Rogue" Promo (HD):


- The Flash 1.04 "Going Rogue" Extended Promo (HD):


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.03 "Things you can´t outrun". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.05 “Plastique”:
1.05 “Plastique” (11/11/14): KELLY FRYE ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO 'PLASTIQUE' DE DC COMICS Y CLANCY BROWN ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO EL 'GENERAL EILING' — Después de que una bomba explote en el centro de la ciudad, el ejército, liderados por el General Eiling (la estrella invitada Clancy Brown), llega y se hace con el caso, para sorpresa de Joe (Jesse Martin). Desconfiado, Joe le dice a Barry (Grant Gustin) que él y sus amigos de S.T.A.R. Labs deberían investigar sobre la implicación del ejército. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) informa al equipo de que Eiling estuvo experimentando con sus hombres para transformarlos en súper soldados. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) confirma que uno de los soldados de Eiling, Bette Sans Souci (la estrella invitada Kelly Frye), estuvo en el lugar de la bomba. The Flash la sigue y se da cuenta de que ella no está poniendo las bombas, sino que es una meta-humana que puede hacer explotar las cosas con tan sólo tocarlas. Mientras tanto, cuando Joe descubre que Iris está escribiendo sobre “el rayo,” le pide a Barry que la haga parar. Barry se da cuenta de que Iris no le escuchará así es que decide que The Flash le haga una visita. Dermott Downs dirige el episodio escrito por Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing & Brooke Eikmeier (#105).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-episode-5- ... tion/17230

- The Flash 1.04 "Going Rogue" New Zeland Promo (HD):


- "The Flash" Behind the Scenes (Sky1HD):

http://www.sky.com/tv/show/the-flash/vi ... the-scenes

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS (26-10-14):


(@JesseWarn: The secret to how #theflash runs so fast!)

- "The Flash" 1.04 "Going Rogue" CTV Promo:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Actriz de 'Vampire Diaries' se une a 'The Flash' como un personaje clave de DC Cómics (THR):
Actriz de 'Vampire Diaries' se une a 'The Flash' como un personaje clave de DC Cómics
Por Lesley Goldberg 27/10/2014 9:00 AM PDT

La actriz de "The Vampire Diaries" y "Star-Crossed" Malese Jow se ha unido a "The Flash" para interpretar el personaje clave recurrente de DC 'Linda Park'.

El personaje es descrito como una reportera de mente rápida que trabajará en el Central City Picture News. Se hace muy amiga de Iris (Candice Patton) en el trabajo y la ayuda a navegar por el rápido mundo del periodismo. Cuando conoce a Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) en un bar local, los dos congenian rápidamente y se convierten en amigos. El personaje aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 1.12 y será un potencial interés amoroso para Barry.

En los cómics de Flash, 'Linda Park' aparece por primera vez en el número 28 como la novia y futura esposa de Wally West. (Wally es el primer Kid Flash y el tercer Flash de tosos).

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... lum-743252

- El piloto de "The Flash", la emisión más vista de la CW de toda su historia:
De acuerdo a una nora de prensa emitida hoy por la CW, la premiere de "The Flash" ha roto el récord de la cadena como la emisión más vista de su historia.

En los rátings Live + 7 Day Nielsen, "The Flash" ha alcanzado los 6.8 millones de espectadores, subiendo un 41% de su emisión en vivo del día del estreno. También es la emisión más altamente valorada con un ráting Nielsen de 3.2 entre hombres 18-49. Además, el piloto ha sido visto más de 13 millones de veces en total en todas las plataformas.

El éxito de la serie no debería ser una dorpresa para los fans, dada la respuesta positiva de la crítica, espectadores y de la misma cadena.

"Todo el mundo ha puesto mucho cariño en el personaje y en DC, y estamos realmente orgullosos de cómo resultó," DC dijo Johns en Octubre. "Estoy realmente ordulloso de hacia dónde está yendo la serie -- no podría estar más contento con Grant [Gustin], el equipo de efectos, el elenco, y nuestro equipo de escritores. Somos extremadamente afortunados de tener a un grupo con tanto talento en todo el equipo de trabajo de la serie."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=56649
http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/10/the-fl ... -most.html

- Estrellas de "The Flash" hablan sobre la llegada de Felicity — y una 'Dura' e 'Incómoda' Doble Cita (TVLine):
Estrellas de "The Flash" hablan sobre la llegada de Felicity — y una 'Dura' e 'Incómoda' Doble Cita
Por Vlada Gelman / 27 Octubre 2014, 3:36 PM PDT

The Flash has super speed and quick reflexes, but does he have the power to juggle two love interests in one evening?

Now that Barry Allen is out of his coma, his Arrow flirt partner Felicity Smoak (played by Emily Bett Rickards) will venture to Central City on this Tuesday’s episode (The CW, 8/7c) to participate in the world’s most uncomfortable double date with Barry’s crush Iris and her boyfriend Eddie.

“It’s pretty awkward,” Grant Gustin previews during a set visit. “For the audience, it’s going to be very funny and enjoyable. It’s not a typical double date. It’s more like [an] awkward game night between friends” at the Jitters coffee house.

But Iris, sensing the chemistry between Barry and the blonde, hopes to push the two into romantic territory. “Immediately, Iris can see that Barry and Felicity are both super nerds and they speak the same nerd language — so for them to be together just makes sense to Iris,” her portrayer Candice Patton explains. “She sees Felicity and thinks, ‘Barry, what is wrong with you? Why wouldn’t you go after this girl?’”

And thus, Iris “is very adamant that Barry invite Felicity [to their get-together]. It is fun to watch them squirm with each other,” Patton adds.

The outing was even a treat for those who weren’t part of the moment. “Jesse [L. Martin] was actually sitting at Jitters — we have a balcony above — and he was watching the scene,” Rick Cosnett, who plays Eddie, recalls. “Every time we cut, he just burst out laughing. ‘Cause there’s so much going on. From the get-go, it’s just a mess. Some people are sweating, some people are flirting.”

One of the people perspiring might be Barry, because “it’s not necessarily fun” for him to see the woman he loves, Iris, and the woman he could love, Felicity, together. “It’s hard, and Iris can be frustrating,” Gustin admits — particularly in the way that she remains “oblivious to how Barry feels” about her.

Another reason to sweat, or more accurately, shiver: The introduction of new villain Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold (played by Prison Break‘s Wentworth Miller). The adversarial relationship between the baddie and the newbie superhero is not a pleasant one for Barry. However, “it’s fun for Snart, and that’s the whole thing that’s driving him,” Gustin says. “It’s like, ‘Oh, what’s this new challenge?’ And it’s reenergizing [for him], trying to take his game to the next level. But for Barry, it’s just a pain in the ass. This guy won’t go away. And there are bigger things that Barry’s trying to focus on, and it’s hard to focus on everything at once.”

Despite all the danger from Cold and the double-date nerves, there’s also an “old friends” vibe that persists between Barry and Felicity, Gustin adds. “They’re comfortable with each other, and they have more fun than you’ve seen them have. But it’s pretty clear by the end of the episode what their relationship is,” the actor concludes before changing his mind. “I guess that’s not true.”

Could there be a smooch to confuse the pair about their feelings for one another, as glimpsed in this trailer? “It looks like we’re about to kiss. You don’t see us kiss though, so I don’t know,” Gustin replies with a coy laugh.

http://tvline.com/2014/10/27/the-flash- ... y-romance/
- Emily Bett Rickards Sobre el Aoarecer en The Flash y qué es lo Próximo para Felicity en Arrow (IGN):
Emily Bett Rickards Sobre el Aoarecer en The Flash y qué es lo Próximo para Felicity en Arrow
Por Eric Goldman / 27 Oct 2014

Felicity Smoak is everywhere these days. On Arrow, the character continues to play a crucial role on the team, while she also now has a new day job working alongside Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh). And this week, Felicity will also be seen on The Flash, as Emily Bett Rickards guest stars on the spinoff series, after Felicity goes to visit Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), following their initial friendship and flirtation when Barry was introduced on Arrow last year.

I spoke to Rickards about her guest role on The Flash and how Felicity gets along with that group of characters – which we’ll see even more of in a few weeks when The Flash and Arrow have a bigger crossover event involving the casts of both shows across both series. We also discussed Felicity’s current dynamic with both Ray and Oliver Queen, next week’s Arrow -- which will reveal more about Felicity’s origins -- and how she feels about the Green Arrow comics recently introducing a new DC Comics incarnation of Felicity modeled after her version of the character.

IGN TV: We’ll be seeing you on The Flash this week. What is it like for these two characters to meet again at this point, given that time has passed and a lot of things have changed now for both of them?

Emily Bett Rickards: I think it's important to realize the big changes that are going on for Barry and who he's becoming. He's going through a big life change, and Felicity is a friend. Obviously there was romantic interest at some point, and there's always going to be that sort of spark, but with these big life changes happening, they're just looking for a friend, I think, and it's really important to value their friendship.

IGN: What does she make of the fact that he's turned into what he's turned into -- he has these abilities and is a costumed superhero -- given the other superhero she's hanging out with all the time?

Rickards: Yeah, that's true. I think this is now her life. Not to say it's not unique or surprising; I just think she's just so willing now to not believe she knows everything anymore. She's open to learning all of the time, because she's going to get new things thrown at her every day. For the rest of her life I think she's prepared for that -- as prepared as you can be. The fact that he has super speed, she's just like, "Okay, I accept that. I accept you. Let's do this. Let's move on!” [Laughs] “Let's try and figure out other things about it."

IGN: From the pictures and clips, it looks like she really gets to work with the team this week. What's it like for her to work with Team Flash as a shakeup from her usual Team Arrow duties?

Rickards: Well, STAR Labs has something that we in the Arrow world don't. They have these other sort of tech abilities that -- I mean, Felicity can only provide so much. So I think that's really exciting for her, at least for her intellect addiction. I think that her and Caitlin are really great together because there's not a lot of women of that caliber in on the secret. Where we are with Starling and Central City, she doesn't get to work with a whole lot of women, especially women she can talk to in a certain "IQ" sort of way. Obviously that's a little sad, but it also makes it very special when you have that sort of relationship arise. And Felicity and Cisco getting to work together is a really cool dynamic. She's a huge fan of Dr. Wells; he's like an idol in their world. So she's being welcomed into an amazing world.

IGN: Of course, a few weeks after this will be the big crossover between the two shows. Does the fact that Felicity has already kind of been the ambassador from Arrow to go over and help once before ease some tensions or give her a different connection with the group than anyone else from Arrow does?

Rickards: That's exactly what it is. She's definitely there to ease tensions. She's there to bring them together and act as a translator sometimes, because I think that can be lost. She really values teamwork and working together, and she believes the more people the better. Obviously we're dealing with a whole bunch of secrets -- protection of identity and that sort of thing is important, but when you need people to help you out, she's that person to be like, "Okay, we need these people. We all need to work together." So that's her role.

IGN: These shows exist in the same world, but The Flash is a lighter show in tone than Arrow often is. Is it interesting to see how they bounce off each other, given those differences?

Rickards: Well, I think Felicity's interesting in that she's sort of the lighter part of the Starling City world. So having her fit into Central City isn't totally foreign I don't think. There's a lot more daylight in Central City, which is interesting. Although, they do more night shoots. I'm very confused about how that happens. [Laughs]

IGN: Really? That is weird!

Rickards: I feel like we're always in the dark in Starling. But I think she fits into that world properly, because she is sort of that light. I think the contrast of her in Starling City makes sense. You know, she likes being that way, but I think Central City is sort of like, "Oh!" It's almost like it wouldn't be too hard to believe that Felicity grew up in Central City or something like that -- not that she did; it's just that I wouldn't be surprised, by any means.

IGN: Well, that is a wonderful transition you just gave me into Felicity and where she grew up -- because next week’s Arrow is a big episode for your character. What can you say, given the title, about “The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak?” Were you pretty surprised by anything you learned?

Emily Bett Rickards: Yeah, I was surprised. I mean, "surprised" is maybe not the right word. I think I've just been craving to know these things about her. I'm so grateful that I -- I feel like I'm so much closer to my best friend now. [Laughs] It's so weird! It's the weirdest thing. She's so special to me. She has a darker path than I ever wanted to really play with, because I think that makes me a little sad that she's gone through a few really terrible things. But it's interesting, because I can connect with her on that level to a certain extent as well. I don't know, she just really warms my heart.

IGN: I'm also curious about the dynamic between her and her mom, since we're going to be seeing this very key figure from her past show up.

Rickards: Ah, yes. That's a whole thing. They are completely different people, except for their ability to really, really care. She definitely has the maternal gene from her mother. Her mother really tries, and that effort doesn't go unnoticed.

IGN: There's been a lot of fun material with Felicity and Ray Palmer lately. But then we had that scene in the last episode with this possibly ominous moment with him after she left. Should we be concerned for Felicity?

Rickards: I think that we can safely say we should always be concerned for Felicity. [Laughs] I don't know how she doesn't go to therapy. I think she has very strong morals and is very protected by who she knows who she is, but I feel like she's thrown into these situations a lot of the time. They're situations you couldn't even imagine are going to happen. I think her occupation and extracurricular activities aren't exactly the safest. She lives a high-risk lifestyle. But I believe she'll always come out on the other side. I think she's always going to be dealt a difficult hand of cards.

IGN: So in the weeks to come, what should be expect as far as her and Ray working together and their relationship?

Rickards: Oh, they're good. I like their relationship; I like their dynamic. I like how they use honesty. Ray's really interesting because he really asks the tough questions. He's her boss, but he believes in a personal life. He's not one of those people like, "Oh, don't bring your personal life to work." He's like, "What are you dealing with? Do you need help?" I think that's really admirable and a really great quality in a person. And they're really fun. They get along really well, so there's that too. I don't know where it's going to go, but hopefully he doesn't turn into some crazy psychopath -- but we never know!

IGN: One would hope! And how are her and Oliver, going forward? Is it difficult or strange for them to be working together right now in the wake of their own issues, or are they -- especially with what's happened with Sara -- both focused on the goal at hand?

Rickards: I think Sara was such a huge part of forced reality, of "Anyone you care about could be ripped away from you." That's a thing they’ve faced a few times, with Moira and Tommy as well. Everyone’s dying! But I think that Oliver's dynamic in comparison to Ray's… I feel like Oliver's ability to cut off a limb to a certain extent is something that Felicity, you know, she can't really do it that well, but she knows that he can and, therefore, we're not going to talk about it. "This is our experience as friends." She doesn't really know what they are or who they were or where they stand now. I don't know, I've been there. I'm still confused. [Laughs] I don't know how she's going to figure it out. Felicity and I have no hope!

IGN: Lastly, what did you think of Felicity popping up for the first time -- or a much more "you" version of Felicity, I should say -- in DC Comics recently, in Green Arrow?

Rickards: That was really cool. I can't believe it. I'm so speechless. It doesn't feel like reality to me. I'm like, "Oh, that's me? That's Felicity in a comic book? That's weird and so awesome!" I'm speechless. It's super rad. I'm super stoked about it.

IGN: Wait 'til you get your first action figure.

Rickards: Oh, God. There's a Barbie! There's a Barbie named Felicity that wears glasses, which is weird. I'm like, "Why a Barbie? Why not, like, a Care Bear?" I'd be so stoked.

http://au.ign.com/articles/2014/10/28/e ... y-on-arrow
- Wentworth Miller Sobre el Llevar al Captain Cold a The Flash (IGN):
Wentworth Miller Sobre el Llevar al Captain Cold a The Flash
Por Eric Goldman / 27 Oct 2014

A big new villain makes his debut on The Flash this week, as Wentworth Miller makes his debut as DC Comics villain Leonard Snart, AKA Captain Cold. Cold will be an ongoing threat this season, with Miller appearing in a recurring status, beginning with this week’s episode, “Going Rogue.”

Speaking about the dynamic between hero and villain, Grant Gustin (“Barry Allen” / “The Flash”) told a group of visiting journalists, “It’s not fun for Barry like I think it’s fun for Snart. And that’s the whole thing that’s driving him, is like, 'Oh, what’s this new challenge?' It’s kind of reenergizing I think, trying to take his game to the next level, but for Barry it’s kind of a pain in he ass. It’s like this guy won’t go away. And there’s bigger things that Barry’s trying to focus on and it’s hard to focus on everything at once.”

During the same recent set visit, we also spoke to Miller, as he took a break from filming a big confrontation scene between The Flash, Captain Cold -- who has no powers in this incarnation, but does have a very powerful gun -- and his associate Heat Wave (Miller’s Prison Break co-star Dominic Purcell, who will be introduced later this season). Miller discussed taking on the role and returning to TV in an ongoing capacity for the first time since Prison Break ended, after which he transitioned into screenwriting with Stoker and other upcoming film projects.

Question: How was this character pitched to you?

Miller: I hadn’t heard of Captain Cold before but I had heard of [Flash executive producer] Greg Berlanti. I had a lot of respect for what he’s achieved in this business so I came in to meet with him and liked what I heard. And I saw the pilot, which I thought was really strong and I thought this was something that I want to be a part of.

Question: We’ve heard some pretty rave reviews for your performance from your costars. What was your angle on the character going in, since you weren’t familiar with the comic books?

Miller: When I was cast, I went online and googled a few images and some of them I responded to and some of them I did not and I thought, “Let me take my cue from what the writers have planned." Because I got the sense early on that there was a willingness to respect what’s come before but also an interest in reinventing and giving things a fresh spin. So I thought let me take the character from the pages of the script specifically. What I responded to was this very powerful guy who has been at the top of his game for a long time and maybe he’s gotten a little bored, a little complacent and then suddenly this extremely worth adversary shows up and suddenly the game is interesting again. And I think while he has it out for the Flash, on some level there’s also an appreciation and a certain degree of resect. I like the fact that he’s a villain but there are hints that other things are stirring beneath the surface.

Question: This show is filled with a lot of meta humans and special abilities. How does it feel bringing the human side to the evil?

Miller: Well I like the fact that I’m not strictly evil, that there are shades of gray, that there are things for me to explore and layer in that speak to the human side of Snart. Because he does have a history and it is complicated and it does speak to who he is now. It’s my hope that given time we have a chance to explore some of those things.

Question: Did you have an itch to come back to semi-regular or regular TV acting? You’ve had this very successful screenwriting career that you’re in the middle of. Had you missed parts of the TV grind as well?

Miller: Thank you for the compliment in there. What I missed most was the sense of community. There’s a sort of family dynamic that happens organically on a set. I feel it when I come and visit this particular set. It’s a very ambitious show and the cast and the crew are in it together t put together a great story week after week after week and that’s something I was familiar with or was familiar with on Prison Break. When I was writing for two or three years or just writing, it was me alone in my living room and I was my own boss to a certain degree but it was also sort of a lonely experience. I missed that sensation of we are all in this together and it’s about putting something great on TV each and every week.

Question: If Grant were to come to you for advice, what do you think you’d tell him?

Miller: I don’t know that I would have listened to anyone who came to me with advice in the first season of Prison Break. I think you have to experience it for yourself and it’s impossible to anticipate and it’s probably different to a certain degree for everyone but he’s in for a ride, that’s for sure. But what I know about Grant and I think it’s one of the things that radiates from him on the screen in this character is he’s got this great heart and this innate sense of decency. You believe him as this character. I think given the various challenges of a challenging business, that should serve him well.

Question: What do you remember from the initial phenomenon of Prison Break that you carry over as you’re on a new show now that’s building moment?

Miller: I remember suddenly being recognized on the street, whereas the day before, the week before, I wasn’t. We were shooting in Chicago. It was from one airing of the show to the next, it seemed suddenly people were recognizing me. There’s something about coming into people’s homes every week, especially over the course of years, where when they finally do meet you on the street or what have you, approach you like a family member. There’s a real relationship and connection that can build up.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/27/ ... -the-flash?
- Wentworth Miller sibre su regreso a la TV: Quería esa "Electricidad" de Nuevo (THR):
Wentworth Miller sibre su regreso a la TV: Quería esa "Electricidad" de Nuevo
Por Philiana Ng 6:00 AM PDT 28/10/2014

Prison Break star Wentworth Miller returns to television with a splashy role on The Flash as Leonard Snart, the man who becomes one of Barry Allen's biggest foes, Captain Cold. Miller, who took a lengthy break from TV after toplining Fox's Prison Break for four seasons and a TV movie, makes his anticipated debut on Tuesday's episode, "Going Rogue." Later in the season, he'll be reunited with his Prison Break co-star Dominic Purcell, who plays Rogue member Heatwave.

Miller's decision to return to the front of the camera after putting on his writer's hat (2013's Stoker, 2015's The Disappointments Room) and starring on the big screen (Resident Evil franchise) was a conscious one; he cited the often "lonely experience" of spending his days alone as a big factor. Ahead of the episode, the 42-year-old actor answered five questions via email for The Hollywood Reporter about his anticipated introduction to Central City.

It's been a few years since we've seen you on the small screen, save for a few guest spots here and there (Law & Order: SVU in 2009, House in 2011, voicing Deathstroke in 2013's Young Justice). What about The Flash and Captain Cold made you want to get back into the swing of TV?

I'd been writing for a few years and it was a lonely experience. Initially I enjoyed sitting at my desk and setting my own hours. Being my own boss. But I started missing the community and the connection you find on set. Especially a TV set. The cast and crew of The Flash bust hump every week putting together something great. And that creates this really tight, close-knit dynamic. A certain electricity. And I was looking for some of that in my life again.

Producers Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns intimated that it was your idea to bring Dominic Purcell in for Heatwave. Why did you believe he would be a good fit and what was it like reuniting for the first time on screen since Prison Break?

As soon as they described the character to me I thought of Dom. "Unpredictable, force-of-nature, a little rough-and-tumble...." But I never dreamed it would actually come together. And I'm so glad it did. As men, we couldn't be more different. But he gets me and I get him. And that's true of our characters as well. What I would have had to generate from nothing with another actor — history, intimacy — Dom and I already had the moment they yelled "action."

Speaking more specifically to your character, what was most intriguing about Leonard Snart/Captain Cold?

Snart's a villain but he's also very human. That's one of the things that drew me to him. The chance to play his various levels. When I watched the pilot I thought, "This is a show where there seems to be a real balance between action and character. They're investing in both." So I knew it wouldn't just be Snart blasting things with his Cold Gun. We get to see the man too.

What similarities might he have to Michael Scofield?

They're both clever, but where Michael is willing to sacrifice himself for others, Snart likes it the other way around.

The Rogues are a big part of The Flash mythology and it appears Captain Cold is building up his army. What's his drive in stopping The Flash at any cost?

It feels like his motivations are pretty classic. Dominance. Supremacy. First prize in the local pissing contest. It's how men like Snart pass the time and keep themselves amused. Taking what they want when they want. And anyone who gets in the way of that has to be eliminated.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... urn-743822?
- Wentworth Miller Habla Sobre el Captain Cold (ksitetv):
Wentworth Miller Habla Sobre el Captain Cold
Por Craig Byrne, 28 Octubre, 2014

Prison Break's Wentworth Miller plays one of The Flash's deadliest rogues - Leonard Snart, a.k.a. Captain Cold - on tonight's episode of The Flash, airing at 8PM on The CW. The hour also features a guest appearance by Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak.

The episode is called "Going Rogue" and we spoke with Mr. Miller earlier this month on the Vancouver set of The Flash.

"I had not heard of Captain Cold before, but I had heard of Greg Berlanti, had a lot of respect for what he's achieved in this business, so I came in to meet with him and liked what I heard," Miller says of his Flash origin story. Miller also relates how he saw the pilot - which he thought was "really strong" - and knew that The Flash was something he wanted to be a part of.

Upon getting the role, Miller Googled some images of Captain Cold, and some he responded to, and some he did not. He chose to take some cues from what the writers had planned. "I got the sense early on that there was a willingness to respect what's come before, but also an interest in reinventing and giving things a fresh spin, so I thought, let me take the character from the pages of the script, specifically," Wentworth relates. "What I responded to was this very powerful guy, who I think has been at the top of his game for a long time and maybe he's gotten a little bored, a little complacent and then all of a sudden this extremely worthy adversary shows up and suddenly the game's interesting again, and I think while he has it out for The Flash, on some level there's also an appreciate and a certain degree of respect and I like the fact that he's a villain, but there's hints that other things are stirring beneath the surface."

"I like the fact that I'm not strictly evil," Miller says about his character. "That there are shades of gray, that there are things for me to kind of explore and layer in, that speak to the human side of Snart, because he does have a history and it is complicated and it does speak to who he is now and it's my hope that given time, we have a chance to explore some of those things."

Does Miller have advice for his young costars? "I think you have to experience it for yourself," he says. "It's impossible to anticipate, and that's probably different, to a certain degree for everyone, but he's in for a ride, that's for sure. But, what I know about Grant [Gustin], and I think this is one of the things that radiates from him on screen in this character, is he's got this great heart and this innate sense of decency. You believe him as this character, and I think, given the various challenges of a challenging business, that should serve him well."

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/the ... cold/44588
- El Elenco de "The Flash" adelanta la introducción del Captain Cold y la visita de Felicity (Screenfad):
El Elenco de "The Flash" adelanta la introducción del Captain Cold y la visita de Felicity
Por Clarissa 28 Octubre, 2014

Wentworth Miller joins the cast of The Flash tonight as one of Barry’s long-standing nemeses: Leonard Snart, a.k.a. Captain Cold. The addition of Snart as a villain in Central City complicates Barry’s life as he continues to settle in to his new powers and interrupts his visit with Felicity, who has come to town from Starling City after learning that her friend has woken up from his coma.

During a recent visit to the Vancouver set of The Flash, we spoke to stars Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Jesse Martin, Rick Cosnett and Wentworth Miller about Captain Cold and Barry’s feud, the awkward double-date that Felicity and Barry go on with Iris and Eddie, how the metahuman prison under S.T.A.R. Labs will become an issue, and how Barry’s powers will develop as The Flash continues.

Felicity’s Arrival. “It’s nice,” Gustin said of Felicity’s crossover to The Flash. “They’re kind of like old friends. There are awkward moments, of course, because it’s those two characters. So it’s awkward at times. But they’re comfortable with each other and they have more fun than you’ve seen them have. Felicity brings out a lot more of his awkwardness when she comes. So there’s not necessarily more smoothness when Felicity is around. That episode it’s almost a sudden back to the original Barry when she’s around just because she makes him all nervous.”

A Double-Date. Felicity’s visit to Central City in tonight’s episode of The Flash will take an awkward turn, according to Patton, who said “There is a trivia night at Jitters and Iris is very adamant that Barry invite Felicity to that and it is fun to watch them squirm with each other.”

Barry and Captain Cold’s Adversarial Dynamic. “It’s not fun for Barry,” Gustin explained. “It’s fun for Snart and that’s the whole thing that’s driving him. It’s like ‘ohhhh, what’s this new challenge?’ And it’s kind of reenergizing [to him] trying to take his game to the next level. But for Barry, I think it’s kind of just a pain in the ass. This guy won’t go away. And there’s bigger things that Barry’s trying to focus on and it’s hard to focus on everything at once.” Gustin had great things to say about Wentworth’s performance as Snart, gushing that “it’s really subtle but there are a lot of details and it’s kind of creepy, but there’s a joy in there. Snart loves being this villain and it’s fun for him and Wentworth really brings that to the role.” Martin hinted that “All I can say is Captain Cold is just the slowest, smoothest burn you’ve ever seen. And it’s funny to use the word “burn” because he’s Cold, but it is. It’s a slow burn, just deadpan funny, almost no inflections and still cool as hell. That guy’s amazing.” Miller added that “And what I responded to [in my research of this character] was this very powerful guy, who I think has been at the top of his game for a long time and maybe he’s gotten a little bored, a little complacent and then all of a sudden this extremely worthy adversary shows up and suddenly the game’s interesting again, and I think while he has it out for The Flash, on some level there’s also an appreciate and a certain degree of respect and I like the fact that he’s a villain, but there’s hints that other things are stirring beneath the surface. I like the fact that I’m not strictly evil. That there are shades of gray, that there are things for me to kind of explore and layer in, that speak to the human side of Snart, because he does have a history and it is complicated and it does speak to who he is now and it’s my hope that, given time, we have a chance to explore some of those things.”

The Metahuman Prison. The S.T.A.R. Labs team decided to begin imprisoning dangerous meta humans in the particle accelerator underneath the lab in the last episode and this is something that we’ll see The Flash revisit going forward. “There will be more characters in the metahuman prison and there’s a possibility things could go wrong with that,” Gustin warned.

The Quest to Clear Barry’s Father. “Things start to be revealed pretty quickly after episode 3 and Barry and Joe are teaming up together,” Gustin said. “First, it changes everything as far as Barry’s mindset because for 14 years he was the only one that really believed in this and he was fighting the battle alone. So to have Joe, who has been the person that he looks up to the most, be on his side and doing this with him means everything to him. And, yeah, Joe is spending a lot of time looking into things that Barry wouldn’t necessarily think to look into. So things start to get revealed very quickly.”

Is Barry Suspicious of Dr. Wells? Fans of The Flash know that Dr. Wells can’t necessarily be trusted and that he hides a lot of secrets, but is Barry suspicious of the man who act as his mentor? Gustin explained that “Barry has moments where he doesn’t necessarily trust him but there’s no real, like, questioning his character too much from [Barry's POV]. Barry really looked up to Harrison. Before he was a mentor to him he was someone he aspired to be like professionally. And now they’re becoming friends and kind of co-workers and he’s becoming a real person to Barry. And he’s finding flaws in him, yeah. So he’s kind of fallen off the pedestal maybe a little bit but there’s no real, like, ‘what’s this guy up to?’ Nothing like that or anything.”

Can Barry Stop Iris from Her Interest in the Red Streak? Unfortunately, according to Gustin, “No, it just makes Barry really nervous because she’s so close to it but….he’s just trying to get her to stop doing it. There’s not really much else Barry can do differently, really, I don’t think, to keep the secret hidden. He’s not telling her, he’s avoiding her knowing anything about it as much as he can. And now he’s trying to get her to stop writing the blog for her safety and because he doesn’t want her to find out.”

Super Speed Doesn’t Make Barry Invincible. The first three episodes of The Flash have revealed that Barry’s new powers don’t actually make him invincible and we’re going to continue to see him struggle as he learns how to fight enemies who may be stronger and better able to heal than he is. “Joe said [to Barry] ‘you’re just really really fast, how does that help, really, at the end of the day?’ It’s true,” Gustin explained. “So he constantly is finding himself in trouble because his speed doesn’t always help. So pretty much everyone Barry has faced thus far has caused some issues one way or another before we’re able to figure out how to kind of take them on. [Barry has] a limited skill set right now, but like in the comics he’s constantly discovering new ways to use his powers so the writers will continue to discover more ways and we’ve already discovered more ways. I mean, I haven’t vibrated through anything yet. Eventually stuff like that’s going to start to happen. So there will be more and more ways to use his powers.” Gustin also dropped a hint that The Flash writers have mentioned before, saying that “time travel will be a part of the show. The first time it happens, I think it’s an accident and that’s going to be fun to play with. I’m looking forward to that.”

Iris and Eddie’s Relationship. Joe finding out that his daughter is dating his partner is going to put him in a bit of a tough situation going forward, according to Patton: “I think it becomes hard for Joe. I think he is very frustrated. It puts him in difficult position because that is his partner and someone he works with everyday and their job is very dangerous. For Joe it is not just Iris dating Eddie, but he has to protect this person that Iris loves and that is hard for him.” Meanwhile, Patton also mentions that Barry’s interest in Iris, though seemingly invisible to Iris, might cause some issues for her current relationship: “Eddie starts to get the impression that there is more than meets the eye, at least with Barry, and he will confront Iris about that.” Cosnett also hinted that another problem between the couple will be Iris’ interest in the Red Streak: “it’s definitely a point of tension that starts to develop in their relationship. The Red Streak, what’s happening with that, how she’s investigating it, how he reacts to it, and how it affects their dynamic is quite a big point of contention.”

http://www.screenfad.com/the-flash/the- ... ller-27302
- 6 Escalofriantes preguntas con Wentworth Miller de "The Flash", Incluída una actualización de la película de Prison Break (EOnline):
6 Escalofriantes preguntas con Wentworth Miller de "The Flash", Incluída una actualización de la película de Prison Break
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 28 Octubre 2014 11:00 AM PDT

Better grab a jacket, because tonight, The Flash is getting cold.

Prison Break hottie Wentworth Miller makes his grand debut as the iconic DC villain Captain Cold—aka Leonard Snart—during tonight's episode of the CW's hit superhero show, and we can't stop brainstorming all the cold puns in honor of his brrrrrr-illiant new role! (Sorry.)

So when we got the chance to melt Miller's icy exterior and get scoop on his chilling character, we froze.

Just kidding! (And we're done with cold puns now, we promise.)

We asked Miller six questions about The Flash, including whether his Captain Cold will differ from the comic book version, what it was like acting with his Prison Break costar Dominic Purcell on the CW show, and much more! Plus, he even gave us scoop on a possible Prison Break reunion that we absolutely need to see.

E! News: What can you tease about your new villainous role on The Flash?
Wentworth Miller: Very little. Sorry. All I can say is that it's a great introduction. Glen Winter directed my first episode and he's fantastic. I totally lucked out there. Glen had insights and camera moves that really helped me sell the character.

How is it going to be different from the Captain Cold we know from the comics?
I don't know if I can speak to that. Because I haven't read too many of them yet. I didn't grow up reading comics. Not because they didn't appeal. They did. But they were frowned upon in my house. Although I did get deep into Elfquest for a beat. On the sly. Anyway, I'd never read The Flash, I'd never heard of "Captain Cold" before getting hired, and as far as playing him on the show, my sense is that the writers have a take on the character that's slightly different than what's come before. So I'm content to riff on whatever they cook up episode to episode.

I know we're going to meet you in this week's episode, but what can you tease about your epic return in episode 10?
Nada. Not without getting in trouble. Although I will note that I think it's pretty cool they went to [Prison Break costar] Dom[inic Purcell] for the role of Heat Wave. I've been trying to think of another situation where two actors closely associated with one show were recast on another show, playing two new characters, and I can't. It feels really unusual. Special.

What new problems will your villain present to Barry and the S.T.A.R. Labs team that we haven't seen from any other villains yet?
To be determined. But I'd like to imagine that Snart's impact on Barry—and vice versa—could potentially be very personal. Barry's clearly got some father issues, and from what I'm told Snart does too. So they've got that in common. And maybe that will express itself in some way. Or I could be making all that up.

What was it like reuniting with Dominic as Captain Cold and Heatwave? Is the brotherly bromance still alive?
100%. Which works well in that you can really tell Captain Cold and Heat Wave have spent time in the trenches together. But these are very different characters from "Michael" and "Lincoln" and that's been cool to explore. Also, Dom makes me laugh. He can be very, very funny. I hope one day he gets to give people a taste of that onscreen. They'll be surprised.

There are so many remakes coming to TV these days. Could you ever see Prison Break coming back? Or even doing a movie at some point?
It's funny—Dom and I were just talking about that. We were saying there could easily be another "hidden chapter," a stand-alone, like at the end of PB's final season with Sara in trouble. I've got people coming up to me every day—people who were kids when the show first aired—and they're just starting to watch the first season on Netflix or DVD. To them it's like the show is still present tense. It's amazing how many times I get asked when it's coming back.

http://uk.eonline.com/news/592260/6-chi ... vie-update
- Wentworth Miller sobre el decir sí al papel de 'The Flash': Echaba de menos el 'Sentido de Comunidad' de la serie (accesshollywood):
Wentworth Miller sobre el decir sí al papel de 'The Flash': Echaba de menos el 'Sentido de Comunidad' de la serie
Por Jolie Lash 27 Octubre, 2014 09:24 PM EDT

"Prison Break's" Wentworth Miller heads to The CW this Tuesday night on "The Flash."

The actor will play Leonard Snart/Captain Cold, a foe of Grant Gustin's Barry Allen. It's a recurring role for the actor and screenwriter, and he talked about what made him want to get involved on the show in that sort of capacity.

"What I missed most, I think, was the sense of community because there's a kind of family dynamic that happens organically on a set," Wentworth told reporters on location for "The Flash," in Vancouver earlier this month. "I feel it when I come and visit this particular set.

"It's a very ambitious show and the cast and the crew are in it together to put together great story week after week after week and that's something I'm familiar with, or was familiar with on 'Prison Break,'" Wentworth continued. "When I was writing for two or three years and just writing, it was me alone in my living room and I was my own boss to a certain degree, but it was also a lonely experience and… I missed that sensation of, you know, we are all in this together. And it's about putting something great on TV each and every week."

Wentworth's first appearance as Capt. Cold will air this Tuesday, October 28, in an episode titled "Going Rogue."

Several weeks later, he will team up on screen with his "Prison Break" co-star Dominic Purcell, who joins the cast as villain Heat Wave. That part is one Wentworth recommended his friend for.

"We were shooting my first episode. was in conversation with ['The Flash' Executive Producer and DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer] Geoff Johns and he mentioned this character Heat Wave -- did I have any ideas, and as he started to describe the character, the first and only name that… emerged was Dominic Purcell," Wentworth said during the session with reporters. "Never in a million years did I think that they would be able to pull that together, but so excited that they did."

http://www.accesshollywood.com/wentwort ... icle_99952

- Miller Disfruta las "Sombras de Grey" como el Captain Cold en "The Flash" (CBR):

Miller Disfruta las "Sombras de Grey" como el Captain Cold en "The Flash"
Por Albert Ching, 28 Octubre 2014

In the comic books, Captain Cold and The Flash have a history dating back to 1957's "Showcase" #8. In his costumed bad guy identity, Leonard Snart was one of the first supervillains faced by DC Comics' Barry Allen incarnation of speedy hero, so it's with a certain sense of historical symmetry that the character debuts in this week's fourth episode of "The Flash" on The CW, with titular star Grant Gustin facing Wentworth Miller's Captain Cold.

One of the most prominent Flash villains in history -- frequently seen as the leader of the Rogues, a collection of speedster-averse supercriminals -- Captain Cold has often been depicted as a surprisingly complex villain, with his own moral code and flirtations with heroism (he's even currently a member of the Justice League). He's also a personal favorite of DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, who wrote "The Flash" comic book for years and serves as an executive producer on the TV show. Johns worked closely with Miller and episode director Glen Witner on tonight's episode -- aptly titled "Going Rogue" -- and earlier this month showed off photos of Miller as Cold in the character's live-action debut, with the parka and Cold Gun strongly hinting that the show's stated objective of embracing its comic book roots remains a priority.

In advance of "Going Rogue" -- which also features Emily Bett Rickards in her "Arrow" role as Felicity Smoak -- CBR News spoke with Miller about taking on the Captain Cold role, working in comic book-based material what the future may entail for his character and reuniting with Dominic Purcell, who he co-starred with for four seasons on Fox's "Prison Break."

CBR News: Wentworth, "The Flash" is certainly part of this current explosion of comic book-based live-action prime time TV shows -- with more seemingly announced each week. As an actor who's worked in a variety of genres, what's exciting to you about getting to work with this type of material, and being a part of that larger movement on TV?

Wentworth Miller: You know, I'm a fan of the genre and happy to be part of a show that's been so well-received, but to be honest, it's never been a particular dream of mine to play a superhero or comic book character. The enjoyment I get from playing Captain Cold isn't about riding a popular wave. It's primarily creative. I find the material supports almost any choice I might want to make as an actor. There are dramatic moments, comedic moments, I can be subtle, I can twirl my mustache... That's satisfying for me. It keeps things interesting.

Captain Cold occupies a very distinct and very prominent place in the Flash rogues gallery. What are the qualities in the character that were attractive to you?

Captain Cold is a bad guy with shades of gray. And I like that. The writers have shared some of his backstory with me -- which we may or may not get to -- and I thought, "Ah -- there's a reason he is who he is. Or reasons, plural." There are beats in my first episode where I'm an out-and-out bad guy and there are beats that hint at something else. The character's got dimension. Depth.

And did you do much research into the source material to prepare for the role?

I took a look at the comics but there's a lot out there. It's a little overwhelming. So I made the choice to let the powers-that-be tell me what I need to know. They'll guide my course.

Speaking of research -- DC chief creative officer and "Flash" executive producer Geoff Johns is probably the most famous Captain Cold fan there is. How much have you discussed with him about the character?

He's been great. And Kai Yu Wu, who co-wrote my first episode, has been a real asset as well. They were both on set, making themselves available, and whatever questions I had they were happy to answer. It was actually out of my back-and-forth with Geoff that the idea to approach Dom about Heat Wave emerged.

Speaking of that -- of course, much has been made about your "Prison Break" brother Dominic Purcell also joining "The Flash" cast as a rogue, Heat Wave. Have you shot any scenes together yet? And how meaningful is it you to once again be on the same show as Purcell?

Anyone tuning in to see the two of us onscreen at the same time will not be disappointed. We've got a lot of scenes together. I just wrapped my second episode -- Dom's first -- in Vancouver and it was a blast. And a blast from the past. Dom and I played brothers for four years, and we developed a bond that really does feel brotherly. It was a lot of fun to tap into that but also push into new creative territory. This isn't "Michael and Lincoln Take Two." But there are moments that did feel a little wink-wink-nudge-nudge. Let's just say it was a good time.

Given the major role Captain Cold plays in The Flash mythos, presumably you'll be sticking around for a bit -- is there any indication at this point how many episodes you'll be appearing in, now that "the Flash" has been picked up for a full season?

That's up in the air. But I wouldn't be surprised if I showed up one or two more times this season. It depends on availability and what the writers have planned big-picture. Meanwhile, I'm just happy to have a place at the table.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=56665

- Wentworth Miller Habla sobre el Captain Cold (Variety):

Wentworth Miller Habla sobre el Captain Cold
Por Laura Prudom 28 Octubre 2014

Things will get a little chilly during the Oct. 28 episode of “The Flash,” titled “Going Rogue,” which introduces one of the Scarlet Speedster’s most iconic and enduring villains: Captain Cold.

Cold, aka Leonard Snart, is played by “Prison Break” star Wentworth Miller, making his return to the small screen after a sojourn spent writing screenplays, including 2013’s gothic thriller “Stoker” and the upcoming “Disappointments Room.”

Speaking to Variety via email about what drew him back to television, Miller admitted, “I’d never heard of Captain Cold. But I’d heard of Greg Berlanti. I have a great deal of respect for what Greg’s accomplished, and I was interested in working with him in some capacity, as an actor or writer or both. So when the offer came in, I was open to coming on board even before I’d read the script. The fact that it was a great part was icing on the cake.”

DC Comics’ Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns co-wrote the episode, and counts Captain Cold as one of his favorite characters (his office door is emblazoned with artwork of the villain). He previously compared Cold’s “Flash” iteration to Robert De Niro’s character in “Heat,” recently telling reporters, “He’s just this guy who pulls jobs very carefully and suddenly there’s something else in the city and he has to change his game up; he has to figure out how to deal with this new threat in Central City to his way of life. So it’s all about him evolving and surviving in this new world order, and guns aren’t gonna do it, so he’s got to have something a little stronger.”

Miller agreed, “Snart’s street smart but he also understands people. What makes them tick. Or vulnerable. Then he uses those insights to press his advantage.” In tonight’s episode, that insight includes getting his hands on a stolen “cold gun” that could kill The Flash — a weapon that was secretly created by Barry’s ally, Cisco (Carlos Valdes), in STAR Labs.

When asked whether Snart considers Barry to be a true threat or just a nuisance, Miller opined, “I think the answer is ‘both.’ Snart recognizes The Flash is a game changer. When meta-humans start popping up around Central City, it’s not just the good guys who have to adjust. The bad guys do too. Nothing’s the same now. Snart knows he needs to adapt in order to compete. Or go the way of the dinosaurs.”

Miller makes his debut in episode four, but it won’t be the last we see of Captain Cold — he’ll return in episode 10 alongside Miller’s former “Prison Break” costar Dominic Purcell, who plays Heat Wave, another villain from The Flash’s colorful rogues gallery.

While Miller declined to reveal much about their storyline, he did give expand on the relationship between the two criminals: “I think their dynamic speaks to balance. Hot and cold. Brawn and brains. And so on. Snart’s aware enough to know he’ll need help taking out The Flash. As far as the specifics of how that goes down, naturally I can’t tell you.”

http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/flash-g ... 201341023/

- Grant Gustin Revelaque el nuevo villano de Wentworth Miller es un ‘Grano en el C–’ (The Wrap):

Grant Gustin Revelaque el nuevo villano de Wentworth Miller es un ‘Grano en el C–’
Por Travis Reilly 28 Octubre, 2014 @ 5:13 pm

Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) makes his debut Tuesday night on the CW's “The Flash” and the iconic DC super-villain — at first known as Leonard Snart — promises to be every bit the thorn in Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) side as comic fans might imagine.

“It's not fun for Barry,” Gustin told TheWrap and other press on-set in Vancouver. “Like, it's fun for Snart and that's the whole thing that's driving him. It's like ‘oh, what's this new challenge?’ It's kind of re-energizing [to him] trying to take his game to the next level.”

“But for Barry, I think it's kind of just a pain in the ass. This guy won't go away. There are bigger things Barry is trying to focus on.”

Miller certainly embodies the part on Tuesday's episode — with his ice-cold shades and his ferocious freeze gun — but the actor was actually completely unfamiliar with the character earlier this year.

“I had not heard of Captain Cold before, but I had heard of [executive producer Greg Berlanti], had a lot of respect for what he's achieved in this business,” Miller explained. “I saw the pilot, which I thought was really strong, and thought this was something I want to be a part of.”

It would be the “Prison Break” veteran's first recurring TV role since wrapping on the well-received Fox series in 2009, but the actor resisted any urges to over prepare. Instead of purchasing back issues of “The Flash” at his local comic shop, he deferred to the talented showrunners who wooed him in the first place.

“I went online and I Googled a few images and some of them I responded to and some of them I did not and then I thought, let me take my cue from, from what the writers have planned,” Miller said. “I got the sense early on that there was a willingness to respect what's come before, but also an interest in reinventing and giving things a fresh spin, so I thought, let me take the character from the pages of the script, specifically.

“What I responded to was this very powerful guy, who I think has been at the top of his game for a long time and maybe he's gotten a little bored, a little complacent and then all of a sudden this extremely worthy adversary shows up and suddenly the game‘s interesting again.,” he continued. “He has it out for The Flash, but on some level there's also an appreciation and a certain degree of respect.”

Unlike each previous villain The Flash has faced, Captain Cold isn't a meta-human. He wasn't granted unbelievable powers during the pilot's particle accelerator accident — he's just a mostly bad and completely resourceful guy.

“I'm not strictly evil,” Miller explained. “That there are shades of gray that speak to the human side of Snart … it's my hope that given time, we have a chance to explore some of those things.”

If Central City's quick-footed protector isn't slowed by a fresh, frozen menace like Captain Cold, perhaps a blossoming love triangle with “Arrow's” Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Iris (Candice Patton) will stop Barry in his tracks. Tuesday's cross-over episode puts Barry and Felicity on a double-date with Iris and her boyfriend Eddie (Rick Cosnett) and the cast agrees awkwardness will most certainly ensue.

“Felicity brings out a lot more of his awkwardness,” Gustin explained. “[He reverts] back to the original Barry when she's around just because she makes him all nervous.”

“There is a trivia night at Jitters and Iris is very adamant that Barry invite Felicity to that and it is fun to watch them squirm with each other,” Patton said, describing the date.

“It's so awkward,” Cosnett added . “It's Felicity, Barry, Iris and I. From the get go, it's just a mess. Some people are sweating, some people are flirting.”

http://www.thewrap.com/the-flashs-grant ... -in-the-a/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.05 "Plastique":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.05 "Plastique" Promo:


- The Flash 1.05 "Plastique" Extended Promo:


- The Flash 1.05 "Plastique" CTV Promo:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/the-fl ... tique.html

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.04 "Going Rogue". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CTV "Villains Within" Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.06 “The Flash Is Born”:
1.06 “The Flash Is Born” (18/11/14): GREG FINLEY ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO EL VILLANO DE DC COMICS GIRDER — The Flash (Grant Gustin) se enfrenta con un nuevo meta-humano llamado Tony (la estrella invitada Greg Finley, “Star-Crossed,” “Secret Life of the American Teenager”), quien puede convertirse en acero templado a su voluntad. Mientras que el Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) y Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) están preocupados por la seguridad de Barry, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) llega con un plan para derrotar a Tony. Mientras tanto, el blog de Iris (Candice Patton) sobre The Flash la mete en problemas, y Eddie (Rick Cosnett) es testigo de las habilidades de Tony de primera mano y empieza a hacer preguntas que Joe (Jesse L. Martin) no quiere contestar. Joe le pide al Dr. Wells que le ayude a resolver el asesinato de Nora Allen. Millicent Shelton dirige el episodio escrito por Jaime Paglia & Chris Rafferty (#106).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-episode-6- ... rder/17459

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S1 con Grant Gustin (31-10-14):

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(@grantgust: A friend just sent me this pic from when @tylergust10 visited set a month or so ago.
@grantgust: I also had this one with Dad too)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Grant Gustin Interview on "The View" (31-10-14):


- The Flash - The Rogues Gallery Interview:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts del rodaje en Vancouver con un primer vistazo a 'Piper Pier' (04-11-14):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
