"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de Grant Gustin durante el rodaje de "The Flash" en Vancouver (05-11-14):

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http://www.justjaredjr.com/2014/11/06/g ... out-ofhim/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.07 "Power Outage":
1.07 "Power Outage": THE FLASH TIENE UNA VISITA DE LOS PERSONAJES DE DC COMICS FAROOQ Y THE CLOCK KING —The Flash (Barry Allen) va contra Farooq aka Blackout (la estrella invitada Michael Reventar), un metahumano que puede usar electricidad. Durante su batalla, ataca a The Flash y desvía toda su electricidad, dejando a The Flash sin su velocidad. El Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh), Caitlin (DaniellePanabaker) y Cisco (Carlos Valdes) prabajan para reinvertir los efectos en Barry, pero sus esfuerzos se ven interrumpidos cuando Farooq empieza a golpear las puertas de los Laboratorios S.T.A.R. Labs en busca de Wells, a quien culpa de su accidente. Son los poderes de Barry para protegerlos, el grupo debe idear una manera de salvarse del metahumano. Mientras tanto, Tockman (la estrella invitada Robert Knepper) se las arregla para dar un golpe en el departamento de policía de Central City y toma a varias personas como rehenes, incluyendo a Joe (Jesse L. Martin) e Iris (Candice Patton). Mientras que Iris está segura de que The Flash los salvará, Eddie (Rick Cosnett) tiene un truco bajo su manga. Larry Shaw dirige el episodio escrito por Alison Schapker & Grainne Godfree.

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ ... iews/news/?

- Patrick Sabongui sobre 'David Singh', las posibilidades de la historia y su experiencia hasta el momento (cartermatt):
Patrick Sabongui sobre 'David Singh', las posibilidades de la historia y su experiencia hasta el momento
Por MattCarterMedia 06 Noviembre, 2014

Over the first few episodes of “The Flash,” we have started to get to know not just the character of Barry Allen, but also the complicated world that surrounds him in Central City. This includes everything from STAR Labs to his work with the Police Department, where there he is under the watchful eye of both Joe West and Captain David Singh.

Singh has made his presence felt on the CW series already, and we have a feeling that you’re going to be seeing much more of them in some of the stories coming up this season. We recently had a chance to chat via email with series star Patrick Sabongui about his character, the chance that his story on the show could be different from the comics, and his overall experience working on a show where he can take on the same character every week.

CarterMatt – So far, what has the experience been like working on ‘The Flash’ compared to so much of the other work you’ve done over the years?

Patrick Sabongui – It’s been incredible. I can’t complain. The cast is so talented and so positive to be around, we have a great time together on set and off. It’s a fun environment, and when it’s time to work you instantly realize that you’re in the company of absolute professionals.

This is a different type of gig for me. It’s rare that I get to play the same character over such an extended period of time. I love being able to visit and revisit the character week in and week out, and to take the time to discover more and more about him as we go. It’s fascinating. I’ve never been in this situation where I have to wait for the next script to learn more about my character. Singh is obviously a well-established character in the comic books, but the producers, Andrew [Kreisberg] and Geoff [Johns], made it clear that the show wouldn’t necessarily follow every letter of the source material. So, even for us, there’s some mystery as to who’s really who and what’s really going to happen.

How would you describe David Singh, and how Barry Allen or Joe West probably perceives him?

Singh is hell-bent on cleaning up Central City. He may not often take the time to be congenial, but he’s got a huge responsibility on his shoulders and he takes pride in getting the job done. He may not be equipped for the brand of villains that have started cropping up, so it’ll be interesting to see how he deals with these new bad-guys.

Singh has a lot of history with Joe West. They’re old friends. If anyone in the department can get through to Singh, it’s Joe. You’d have to ask Jesse how Joe West perceives Singh, but I like to think that Joe respects Singh’s authority. They may but heads from time to time, but there’s mutual respect and friendship there.

Singh is hard on Barry, but it’s because he knows that Barry could do better. Barry probably thinks Singh is a rude, over-bearing prick… but I’m purely speculating, here. Singh’s leadership style is just a form of tough-love, his way of motivating you to realize your potential.

With Singh being a character originating in the comics, have you gone back to look at how he was presented there?

I have, yes. I was a fan of the comics when I was younger. So, I got all excited to revisit the Flash worlds and get familiar with the new ones. I also look forward to finding my own ‘inner David Singh’, y’know? We have the opportunity here to create our own character within this world. That’s the gift of this show. The comic books were- and continue to be- a source of inspiration, though.

Still, there is quite a bit that we don’t know about him, both in the comics and on the show. Is there an excitement with that, to be able to discover more of who this guy is?

Absolutely. It’s fun to hear the speculation among the fans, too. To be honest, I’m not even sure where his storyline is going. There are so many possibilities, some from the comics, some from the writer’s room… pretty much anything can happen. I’m learning about him right along with you. And one thing is becoming clear that everyone in Central City has a secret. You never know what creative twist the writers will come up with. Come to think of it, waiting for the next episode’s script reminds me a lot of waiting for the next issue of The Punisher or Batman when I was a kid. That anticipation for cool characters and heroic moments… I’m so glad to be part of it now.

It’s already been announced that Pied Piper / Hartley Rathaway has been cast for the show. Given that he and Singh have a history in the New 52 comics, is there a chance we could see the two characters interact sometime soon?

I’m honestly just as curious as you.

Is there anything else you want to say about your time on the show, and what is coming up?

I have a feeling cool stuff is coming up. Whether you’ve read the comics or not, you’re in for some crazy adventures. I mean, we’ve only really begun to scratch the surface of The Flash universe: the villains he faces, the powers he discovers, the conflicts that await… There are so many stories to be told.

I’m just grateful for the opportunity to be part of it. I love coming to work. The cast inspires me: just to be surrounded by that many severely talented individuals. The writers visit set fairly regularly and we get to talk about new ideas – it’s great to have that creative conversation on set. And we work with some of the best directors in the business. I just hope this show goes on forever.

http://cartermatt.com/139482/flash-excl ... ience-far/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.05 "Plastique" Clip 1:


- Stills del 1.06 "The Blash is born":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash - "Tarmac Sighting":


- El actor de "The Vampire Diaries" Micah Parker aparecerá en un próximo episodio de "The Flash":
El actor de "The Vampire Diaries" Micah Parker ha sido elegido para interpretar el papel de 'Clay Parker' en el episodio 1.12 de la serie de la CW "The Flash".

No parece que haya ningún personaje de consideración con este nombre en el universo DC, pero sí es probable que lo tenga su novia en la serie, aunque aún no nos han especificado quién será:

"Clay Parker, un recluso de la Iron Heights Prison, es encerrado por robar dinero y trabajar con un importante jefe dek crimen en Central City. Cuando la novia de Clay lo saca de prisión, Clay explota sus sentimientos hacia él y la convence para utilizar sus poderes meta-humanos para un último atraco antes de que dejen la ciudad para siempre".

http://comicbook.com/2014/11/07/exclusi ... ker-in-up/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de los November Sweeps:


- Póster promocional completo del SDCC:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kelly Frye adelanta su explosivo debut y su enamoramiento de 'spoiler' (TVLine):
Kelly Frye adelanta su explosivo debut y su enamoramiento de

Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 10 Noviembre 2014, 3:00 PM PST

This Tuesday on The Flash (The CW, 8/7c), Barry and the S.T.A.R. Labs team meet Bette Sans Souci, a metahuman who is not innately villainous, but whose “explosive” talent is at risk of being weaponized by the very military she once served.

Explaining her character’s origin, Kelly Frye (Rake, The Mentalist) tells TVLine, “Bette was in Iraq defusing roadside bombs when an explosion left shrapnel inside her body.” The war vet was then transported back to the States… just as S.T.A.R. Labs’ particle accelerator began accidentally (?) going haywire. As a result, “The same explosion that caused The Flash to get his powers gave Bette her ability.”

Specifically, Bette can turn any object into a bomb just with her touch — a lesson Barry learns when she unintentionally sets his costume to combust, forcing the poor lad to strip down and be left buck naked (as seen in a promo). “That was pretty cool,” the actress recalls with a laugh. But lest you think Barry will add yet another crush to his list, it’s a different S.T.A.R. Labs superstar whose fuse is lit by the fiery newcomer. “There may be a little something between Cisco and me…,” Frye teases, adding that the tech whiz’s christening of her as “Plastique” is “a really cute part of the episode.”

When Barry & Co. first get wind of the volatile new metahuman in their midst, they of course fear the worst, only to realize that Bette wishes not to exploit her ability, let alone allow General Wade Eiling (played by Sleepy Hollow‘s Clancy Brown) use it for his black op squad’s nefarious purposes. “He is trying to get a hold of me, to use me as a weapon,” Frye shares. “He wants what I’ve got!”

Frye counts working alongside Clancy, an actor of many and varied credits, among the highlights of her Flash experience. (“He’s super-cool, and such a presence,” she notes.) There was also some nifty underwater stunt work involved and, yes, most likely a Nicolas Cage-style “Walk Away from an Explosion in Slo-Mo” moment for her character. But the actress also found a certain honor in serving as somewhat of an avatar for Brooke Eikmeier, who penned the episode (with Aaron and Todd Helbing).

“Brooke is a strong female like Bette Sans Souci. And like Bette, she was in the army, as a cryptolinguistics specialist,” Frye reports. “I got her whole story while on set, and it’s pretty amazing.”

All told, Frye hails the freshman drama’s cast and crew as “so professional, so talented and so cool,” including but far from limited to Candice Patton, who like Frye hails from the Lone Star State. “It’s a really great group,” she says, “and I hope they get to do this show for a long time.”

http://tvline.com/2014/11/10/the-flash- ... elly-frye/
- La Plastique de "The Flash" es diferente de la de los cómics, pero sigue siendo una 'supervillana' (zap2it):
La Plastique de "The Flash" es diferente de la de los cómics, pero sigue siendo una 'supervillana'
Por Chris E. Hayner 10 Nov, 2014

With the return of "The Flash" after a one week break, comes a DC Comics supervillain to oppose our speedy hero. Rather, a supervillainess.

Kelly Frye plays the title character in the episode "Plastique," a metahuman who has the power to turn just about anything into a bomb. While her character in the comics is on the evil side of the fight, "The Flash" is giving the character a bit of a different spin.

Is there any hope of her aligning with the Flash, though? Frye spoke to Zap2it about the changes Plastique's character went through for the series and whether or not she has a future on the show.

Those who know the DC universe well know who Plastique is, but who is she on "The Flash"?
Well, Plastique in the comics is a bit different from Plastique on the TV show. On "The Flash," she's actually part of the army. She was diffusing roadside bombs in Iraq when an explosion went off that caused shrapnel to get in her body. That's when she was flown stateside to Central City. When the [particle accelerator] explosion went off that gave The Flash his powers, I get my powers.

That's a cool new take on her.
It is pretty cool. I'm so excited I get to play her. The best part about it is the woman who wrote Plastique on the TV show, Brooke Roberts, is former military. She was in the army. How cool is that?

If ever there was going to be someone to write that part ...
She's the perfect person! She was on set with me the whole time, in Vancouver together for two weeks. There were moments where I'd say lines that were a little bit more military jargon and I'd pop over to her and say, "Hey Brooke, would you say the line like this?"

I just had this wealth of information sitting right in front of me so I used it. She was a great source of military knowledge.

Since Plastique is changing from the comics, who is she siding with? She's normally a villain. The teasers for the episode make it seem like it could go either way, though.
Well, we just don't know. I don't think i can say whether she's good or bad. But, I have to say, I love the term supervillainess. How cool is that?

There really is no better thing you could be called.
Right? I was like, 'I get to be called supervillainess? Okay!' I put that on my Twitter.

Did you go back into the comics at all to learn about the original Plastique?
I happen to have a good resource right in my family. My oldest brother is a huge DC Comics fan. Big time. When he was a little boy, he actually thought he was Batman.

He sleepwalks and one night he was sleepwalking and he jumped off the landing on the staircase thinking he could fly. Thinking he was Batman.

Was he okay?
I think he was fine. He probably broke his arm or something, but little kids heal quickly. I broke so many bones when I was a kid. I had four brothers, so I was such a tomboy.

So Jason, my oldest brother, when I was going out for this role I was like, "Jason, I'm going to audition for the role of Plastique" and I asked him, "Do you know anything about her?" Before I could finish my question he was like, "Oh my God, I just read Plastique was going to appear on the TV show on the message board. I can't believe you're auditioning for it."

I got a little background on her from him, then I knew she was a little different from the comic books. I knew her story from the script and I knew what he had told me about Plastique.

I'm excited because I get to have powers. There's all these cool special effects and visual effects and she's such a bada** woman, which I'm all about. It's definitely an exciting role. Everybody in my family is stoked.

Hopefully this isn't the end for her. So far they're building this great rogue's gallery of villains to go back to. If it's all building to an eventual super-powered showdown, that would be incredible.
I hope so. [laughs] My brothers said to me, "Does this mean there's going to be a Plastique show? Are you going to get a spinoff?" I was like, 'Alright guys, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Let's just be really excited that I'm on 'The Flash.'"

You never know, it could happen.
It's true, it could happen. And the DC universe is huge. I'm learning so much about the comic book world. Which, by the way, I love. I feel like the people in the comic book world are so fun. They're so fun and excited about what they do, excited about characters and story. They're so passionate about these worlds that are created.

The fans are pretty passionate too and can't wait to see how the episode turned out.
Uh, me too!

And fingers are crossed that Plastique comes back again. You might not be in charge of that, but find a way to make it happen.
I am doing my best. I'm doing everything in my power to make sure I'm on that show for a long time.

http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/the_flash_p ... in-2014-11
- Clancy Brown adelanta el la visita a Central City del "Sediento de Poder" General Eiling (THR):
Clancy Brown adelanta el la visita a Central City del "Sediento de Poder" General Eiling
Por Philiana Ng 7:00 AM PST 11/11/2014

DC veteran Clancy Brown is about to wreak havoc on The Flash.

Brown is no stranger to the comic-book universe, having voiced several DC villains in various animated TV series, most notably Lex Luthor. Brown will venture into the live-action space when he enters Central City as the powerful and ruthless General Wade Eiling, the head of a black ops army team pursuing Plastique (Kelly Frye) in hopes of turning her into a human weapon.

"He came out of the post-Vietnam suspicion of the military, so he was never really a good guy," Brown tells The Hollywood Reporter ahead of his Flash debut (General Eiling first appeared in comic form in 1987). "He was a representative of the man, of the status quo, and that was under major assault at that point in time. [The military] wasn't respected the way it is now, which makes him an interesting character to play."

It wasn't lost on Brown, a beloved character actor who provided the voice for Paralax in Greg Berlanti's 2011 feature Green Lantern, that his introduction fell on Veterans Day — an observation he would continuously bring up during the interview. "There's not the same skepticism about their role in society. I think it's healthy to reintroduce that, especially in this day and age, because it's a powerful institution," he says.

Brown still isn't fully aware of General Eiling's true motives behind building a human army; instead used the comics as potential clues for where his alter ego may be headed. "It was simply that sort of power-mad, bad-guy, fascist, Nazi military crap that was going on back in the day. Now it's a little different," he says, citing recent threats such as ISIS and Ebola.

To better familiarize himself with the world in which General Eiling may be immersed, Brown also turned to American Heroes Channel's Future Weapons, a program that explores how technology can enhance a soldier. "They can basically put on suits that can give them superpowers. They can put on clothes that make them bulletproof. There's all sorts of crazy tech that emulates a lot of the superhero stuff," he says. "Eiling now, in terms of what he's doing, I think that's being done already. There are already people dedicated in the army R&D divisions to making super-soldiers."

One Flash character General Eiling has a deep history with is the mysterious STAR Labs head Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh). "It's the military-industrial complex," says Brown, who mainly interacted with Cavanagh and Frye. "Somebody like Wells, who's doing cutting-edge physics experiments and built a secret particle accelerator in a metropolitan city, you don't do that without the military knowing about that and giving their blessing. They know of each other and they probably worked together a lot back in the day. If you're a dedicated scientist [like Wells], you've got to make that deal with the devil to do theoretical physics, I guess. Makes you wonder."

Admittedly, Brown wasn't an avid reader of The Flash comics when he was younger, though he read others. "I didn't really get The Flash; I didn't really like the suit," Brown says with a laugh. "But this iteration is much better. Even the initial concept was really cool — the pseudo-science of it. Plus Grant [Gustin] is great in it, and quirky."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ing-747497
- Clancy Brown sobre el meterse en Central City como el General Eiling (accesshollywood):
Clancy Brown sobre el meterse en Central City como el General Eiling
Por Jolie Lash 11 Noviembre, 2014 01:57 PM EDT

Clancy Brown joins "The Flash" family on Tuesday night as General Eiling, who is about to bring the power of the military to Central City.

In Tuesday's episode, titled "Plastique," General Eiling brings the army to town after a bomb goes off in downtown (only it's not a bomb, it's metahuman Bette Sans Souci). And the new military force in town leaves Detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) less than impressed.

"I loved doing that scene with Jesse and Rick [Cosnett] and those guys. That was a lot of fun 'cause you're right, he just rolls in and he sort of takes over and Jesse can give you this look of 'What the hell just happened!'" Brown said, when Access Hollywood spoke to him on Monday.

And in this week's episode, S.T.A.R. Labs isn't the only facility that's been involved (accidentally or on purpose) in altering human DNA. Eiling was involved in a super soldier program.

The Eiling character has a great love of his country, and is expected to dwell in shades of gray, and the complex nature of the role is something the actor was interested in playing.

"I like the grayness of the character," Brown said. "It's like, you know, what freedoms are we willing to give up for our security and all that and… the idea of portraying somebody who you are actually surrendering your security to and making him human and making him flawed and not sort of this ideal that we have around this time of year -- that's interesting to me."

As the episode unfolds, Brown said fans will see that Eiling has a history with Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh).

"There was a shot in this episode that showed maybe … maybe just one scene in the episode where we saw that Harrison Wells and General Eiling knew each other, and were actually working together at S.T.A.R. Labs, which makes perfect sense of course, because you're not gonna have bleeding edge science and physics without some kind of military involvement, you know it's the military science industrial complex after all, this is America. But we see that that is a marriage that had occurred at one time. It's not current. It's not a good marriage," he said.

In fact, with all of Wells' secrets, all of Harrison's relationships on the show have proven to be complex.

"I think maybe hopefully he's met his match a little bit with Eiling, but there's a bit of a tai chi contest going on between us. That's very interesting," Brown said.

In the episode, the bomb is actually Bette (Kelly Frye), who now is nuclear following the S.T.A.R. Labs explosion, but Brown said there won't be any flashbacks to her pre-Plastique days.

"I would've loved that. Kelly was fun to work with. No, we don’t get to see that unfortunately. It's Bette with her power and Eiling going after her and Barry showing up and you know, it's the first season, right? Maybe we'll come back and we'll see how it happens," he said.

Brown didn't get to catch the excellent "The Flash" pilot before signing on to play Eiling, but he quickly fell for the show's charm.

"No I didn't see it before , but yeah, it's pretty impressive. Pretty dog gone good show," Brown said.

The actor said he feels like television is the perfect place to tell a story like Barry Allen's.

"I'm kind of a curmudgeon about superhero stuff. I think it lives really well within comic books and animation and strangely enough, I think TV really serves it well in live action. I don't like the movies, I have to be honest with you. I've never fallen in love with superhero movies, not once, ever. Sorry to say, but TV I really like, because TV is TV, and I grew up on the Adam West 'Batman.' That was my favorite show of all time and I think you can create a fun world in television that you can come back and visit every week, which I think 'The Flash' does. I think it has just enough charm and wit and geekiness and a little bit of camp and angst, but also like this great sort of action pseudo-science stuff," he said. "It's really fun. You can't do what they did back in the '60s with Batman anymore, but you can update it and you can make it more new millennium. Audiences are more sophisticated and I like the idea of pulling in kind of the lesser known characters, the lesser known heroes and the lesser known villains of the DC Universe and giving 'em life. … [The] big screen has got to be all about the big heroes -- the Batmans and the Supermans, but I think you can do justice to Arrow -- the Green Arrow -- and Flash on television a lot better."

And speaking of "Arrow," which features Amanda Waller, Access asked if fans might see a hint dropped about the General's connection to that character in "The Flash" episode, since the two have connections in the comic book universe.

"You don't. I don't know anything about it so no, you don't get to see anything about it in this episode of 'The Flash,'" Brown said.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/lsquothe ... cle_100614

- Clancy Brown: El General Eiling "No es tan egoísta," "tan sólo tan Obsesivo" como Lex Luthor (comicbook):
Clancy Brown: El General Eiling "No es tan egoísta," "tan sólo tan Obsesivo" como Lex Luthor
Por Russ Burlingame 11/11/2014

Tonight's episode of The CW's hit DC Comics adaptation The Flash introduces a couple of new characters -- Plastique and General Eiling -- both of whom wil be familiar to longtime DC Comics readers.

The Flash's Eiling, though, isn't entirely new to DC fans; he's played by Clancy Brown, who has done voice work for a number of DC projects over the years, most notably his years-long run as Lex Luthor in the Superman and Justice League animated series.

Brown joined ComicBook.com for a discussion about his character and his debut on tonight's episode, which airs on The CW at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

With your debut on The Flash and your introduction to the world of Warcraft, this is a pretty exciting week for you, isn't it? Are you getting any sleep, or just doing press?

Oh, no, no. Warcraft is very tightly-controlled and Blizzard has that firmly under its own thumb. They haven't hit me up for any kind of participation yet. But as the year that it opens approaches... [Laughs]

What is it? It's not for a couple of years still. They're handling it their way and all I had to do was sign stuff to say I wouldn't talk about it. I guess they'll have to come kill me since I talked about with you.

You've done this sort of role a lot, right? Looking to The Shawshank Redemption, or to your time as Lex, you're the guy who has it under control. How do you play the grades of that kind of character so you can keep it different each time?

Well, the character's completely different. Lex is Lex; he's an industrialist, he's a Republican. Eiling is a military man; he's a career military guy. That gives you a very different worldview than somebody who's in a for-profit endeavor. I guess there is similarity in that they tend to look at the world through a prism of how it's going to advantage them -- Lex, how it's going to advantage Lex and LexCorp and Eiling how it's going to advantage the United States military and therefore the United States.

It's different, believe me.

...Well, you tell me. Maybe you'll watch the episode and you'll go, "Man, all he did was Lex Luthor! Why'd they cast him? He should be doing something else!" [Laughs] But it's not quite as selfish, even though it's just as obsessive I suppose.

Obviously Eiling is a character who's got ties around the DCU. Were you familiar with Eiling from your previous work with DC?

It's funny you'd say that because I'd characterize him as kind of peripheral. He shows up intermittently, he's never really lived his own story arc, if I'm not mistaken and when he did, it wasn't very satisfying if I recall.

I feel like being so peripheral in DC gives you an ability to slot him in anywhere that you need a military presence.

Right, right, so maybe that's what it's going to be. I really don't know how they're going to develop him. I'm sure it will depend on what the ratings are but hopefully they'll develop him in a way that is as logical as the show has been so far, which is a fantastic, imaginary city and event and people, dealt with in a rational and realistic way. I don't think they're going to have him run for President, anything like that, but he is going to follow his mission and try to leverage all of these meta-beings and the science into an advantage for his team, for sure. That's what logically would happen.

Do you think that starting with Plastique, a character whose powers are inherently dangerous, positions you as somewhat more sympathetic?

You know, you've got to see the show. It doesn't really come off that way. Because you know about Plastique and Eiling and stuff, you have...it's going to surprise you. She's a very sympathetic character, it turns out. I thought it was an odd pairing, to be honest with you, but when you read the script, they make it make sense and everybody's motive was the right motive and it all clashed together and I think it makes for a pretty good evening of television and it gives you a good idea and makes you excited for what you may see in the future.

You've got to kind of throw out what you know from the books.

Eiling in the comics is something that eventually gets his own powers. Is that something you'd like to do in live-action?

I guess you didn't see Sparks. [Laughs] That was my one venture into super powers.

I don't know. To be honest with you, I never liked what happened to Eiling in the comic books. I liked his character before all that nonsense happened.

It's like Thunderbolt Ross -- I don't like that he necessarily turned into the Red Hulk but it was sort of the way the narrative had to go. The Red Hulk and Thunderbolt Ross exist perfectly well exclusive of each other and I think that Eiling turning into...what did he become in the comics? Some kind of Nazi-werewolf nonsense? I don't think that's relevant these days.

There may be something else that logically flows out of that from the writers but I think as a representative of the military and the fact that the military itself...it's all superheroes in the military, right? That's the way we treat them. And the science that they have available to them and the tech they have available to them -- the extraordinary capability that the U.S. military has is sci-fi stuff.

I think that would be interesting if that was his super power is that he had sway over all of this incredible capability that the U.S. military has. He doesn't need to be big and muscular and have his shirt ripped; he just needs to have access to all the toys. But we'll see -- that's not for me to decide. I'm cool with whatever they decide. If they want me to put on a rubber suit and fly around with a cape then that's cool, but I think they're smarter than that.

You have, at one point, voiced Gorilla Grodd...

Ed. Note: In Adult Swim's most recent Robot Chicken DC Comics Special

[Laughs] Yeah! That was...

Do you have any advice for whoever takes on that role in The Flash?

To do Gorilla Grodd? [Laughs] Well, my Gorilla Grodd was a joke! Powers Booth did it in the Justice League Unlimited and he did a great job. I don't know what Grodd's going to turn into but no, no. I don't have any pointers. [Laughs] Hell, no. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with him.

http://comicbook.com/2014/11/10/the-fla ... selfish-j/

- Candice Patton sobre cuánto las investigaciones de Iris la pondrán en peligro (IGN):
Candice Patton sobre cuánto las investigaciones de Iris la pondrán en peligro
Por Eric Goldman 11 Nov, 2014

Like many a superhero before him, Barry Allen is trying to keep his identity secret on The Flash, including from Iris West (Candice Patton), his lifelong best friend – and someone he has romantic feelings for that Iris is quite oblivious to.

On the set of The Flash, Patton spoke to a group of visiting journalists (myself included) about Iris’ current relationship with Eddie, her dynamic with Barry and the danger she’s putting herself in by investigating “the Streak.” Plus, Patton talks about the upcoming crossover between The Flash and Arrow and more.

Question: Should we find it odd how hung up Barry is on a girl who he basically grew up with her as a sister?

Candice Patton: I don’t think you should find it odd. Love is complicated. Listen, at the end of the day, they’re not brother and sister so it’s not weird. It’s not technically weird. [Laughs]

Question: Do you think Joe would rather have your character end up with your not quite brother or his partner?

Patton: I don’t know... That’s a question for Jesse [L. Martin]. I think Joe loves both Barry and Iris. I can’t answer that question because it’s weird for me to be like, “Yeah, my dad would love for me to date my pseudo brother. It just makes total sense!” [Laughs] I don’t know, but I think the way Grant and I play it, it’s more just long time best friends. Yes, we happened to grown up in the same house together and yes, it is kind of brother and sister but at the end of the day we’re not related and we are best, best friends. That’s how I view it and that’s how it makes sense and is not so gross to me, so we’ll go with that.

Question: Your character is very actively looking into the Streak. Clearly Barry doesn’t want you to find out his identity. At the same time, is Iris putting herself in danger the more she’s investigating these things?

Patton: Iris likes danger, apparently. I think just in proximity of her dad being a detective and Barry also being the Flash, she’s constantly going to be somewhat in danger. And the fact that Iris is innately curious and inquisitive... She’s always going after the story or what’s exciting, so yeah, she’ll be in a lot of dangerous situations.

Question: How close or not close is she to finding out who Barry is? Does she ever have those moments of, “Hmmmm…?”

Patton: I think we’re playing… I mean you can see it in episode two, Iris is just kind of curious as to why Barry is acting different. I don’t know that she’s put two and two together yet, but I think she knows that something different is going on with Barry and Barry is constantly trying to come up with excuses for why he’s acting different and why he’s gone all the time. I’m assuming she’ll find out at some point. When that will happen, I don’t know.

Question: Right now Barry and Joe are working on clearing Barry’s father’s name. Is Iris aware of what’s going on? Does she have any concerns about them diving into that whole thing and what that might do to them?

Patton: She’s not aware actually of them doing that, but I don’t know that she would have concerns. I think that Iris has always believed Barry and she’s always believed that his father was innocent and more than anything Iris wants Barry to kind of move forward so I think she would be thrilled for him to figure that out.

Question: Can you talk about the crossover with Flash and Arrow and her involvement?

Patton: She’s not super involved in any of the major action. You guys know it’s Felicity and Oliver who come to Central City, and Diggle. A few of them stop into Jitters and there’s some fun interaction that happens especially between Felicity and Iris and Iris and Oliver. It was really fun to work with Stephen and see the dynamic between Iris and Oliver.

Question: What do they make of each other?

Patton: Iris makes very well of him. Iris likes Oliver. It’s fun. I don’t even want to give it away because it’s so fun.

Question: Danielle told us there’s an episode where everyone goes out for drinks. What’s that like, since Iris has only had minimal interaction with the Star Labs crew?

Patton: Iris comments to Barry, “It’s nice to meet your friends.” Because really, for most of Barry’s life, it’s been Iris. Barry’s a little socially awkward so it’s nice for her to see that he’s made friends outside of Iris. It’s fun. We all get to hang out, play some darts.

Question: How are Barry and Eddie getting along in the midst of this? Obviously Iris doesn’t know what Barry really feels so as far as she’s concerned, is it like, “My best friend and my other friend are cool?”

Patton: I think she hopes that it will be like that but it’s definitely very difficult for Barry and I don’t think she’s aware that it’s difficult for him. He does a very good job of trying to keep that from Iris. Barry and Eddie just have an awkward relationship, and the thing is, Eddie is a nice guy. That makes it really hard for Barry to hate him because at the end of the day, Barry wants Iris to be happy and she is. She just is happy with Eddie.

Question: Are we going to see Eddie maybe possibly see that Barry does have feelings for Iris?

Patton: Yeah, Eddie starts to get the impression that there’s more than meets the eye, at least with Barry. And he will confront Iris about that.

Question: What was your reaction seeing how strongly the show premiered and how its been received?

Patton: It was amazing, because we’re here in Vancouver and we’ve been with this show for months now since we shot the pilot. So we’ve been making it and we’re just hoping it’s great and we had no idea how people would respond to it. I guess it got leaked, and people at Comic-Con responded really well, but you know, numbers matter and so it was great to see how many people tuned in. I think we all feel really lucky.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/11/ ... -in-danger

- J.R. Ramirez Habla sobre la S3 de ARROW, el Unirse a la Serie sin Saber qué papel iba a Interpretar, el Trabajar con Katie Cassidy, POWER de Starz’s, y más (collider):
J.R. Ramirez Habla sobre la S3 de ARROW, el Unirse a la Serie sin Saber qué papel iba a Interpretar, el Trabajar con Katie Cassidy, POWER de Starz’s, y más
Por Christina Radish 11 Noviembre, 2014

In what has become typical Arrow fashion, the action for Season 3 of The CW hit series is big and the personal drama is even bigger. Team Arrow is facing new villains and new heartache, all while trying to recover from the death of one of their own. In Episode 6, entitled “Guilty,” a body is found strung up in the Wildcat gym and Ted Grant (J.R. Ramirez) is the main suspect, leading Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) to argue over Ted’s innocence.

During this exclusive phone interview with Collider, actor J.R. Ramirez (who also plays Julio on the Starz drama series Power) talked about not knowing exactly what role he’d be playing until he got hired, who Ted Grant (aka Wildcat) really is, why he loves having people under-estimate him, the similarities he sees in Laurel, how much fun he has working with Katie Cassidy, how big this next episode is for his character, having a run-in with the Arrow, and how grateful he is to have the challenge of developing and exploring two very different characters on two different shows. Check out what he had to say after the jump, and be aware that there are some spoilers.

Collider: So far, we’ve only seen glimpses of your character, and a lot of that has been in leading Laurel down her path. What can you say about who Ted Grant really is?

J.R. RAMIREZ: Ted has a massive background in the comic world. He’s a guy that has gone through a lot in his life. He’s seen a lot of darkness and a lot of struggles. One of the things that I love the most about him is his passion for being able to take everything that he’s learned and give back. He opened this gym to help these kids and take them off the street. He really is a good guy, no matter how tough his exterior is. Right now, he’s happy that Laurel has come in to work with him. He’s just making sure that he takes it slow and day be day, and make sure that she uses all this anger and pain that she has and put it into boxing. She has to make it about fighting and not about revenge ‘cause that never ends very well. I feel like Ted can relate to her a lot.

When they first meet, Laurel assumes that Ted is just a dumb fighter. Is he someone who likes having people under-estimate him?

RAMIREZ: Oh, he loves it. He’s under-estimated quite a bit, but needless to say, he can hold his own. Ted has a nice little witty sense of humor about him, and it definitely fuels him for people to think that.

What do you think it was that drew Ted to Laurel? What does he see in her that inspired him to train her?

RAMIREZ: When she finally opened up to him, he realized that he saw a lot of himself in her. That was something that he could obviously relate to, and he knows what steps to take with her. He’s just being very cautious and taking things slow, so that she doesn’t take it to an extreme, put on a costume, and go out there and hurt herself. To become a good fighter, it takes a long time. It takes a lot of years, and he wants to make sure that he shows her the ropes and that he takes the right precautions with her, teaches her the proper techniques, and makes it about the fighting and not revenge. But, he sees so much of himself in her that it fuels him to train her.

Even though these fights are choreographed and you’re not really fighting each other, what’s it been like to get into the ring with Katie Cassidy?

RAMIREZ: I’m scared for my life! No. She’s a tough cookie, man. She loves what she does. She’s been training really, really hard at it. I boxed a lot, as a kid, so it’s something that comes second nature to me. I’d been boxing for five years before getting the show, so it was fun to put the gloves on and get into it with her. But, I wasn’t expecting her to be as good as she is. She just loves it. Any second she gets to get in the ring, she’s in there. Forget the stunt double. Her energy and passion for the role is something that drives me and makes me want to get in there and make sure that I’m on my toes because, if I’m not, that glove will be coming right in my face. She’s great, man. She was awesome to work with.

How did you come to Arrow? Did you know what role you were actually auditioning for, or were you auditioning for a fake character?

RAMIREZ: Yeah. I forget the guy’s name, but it was a completely different character. He was just this boxing guy who trains Laurel and had a nice little arc in the storyline this season. I was just excited to be a part of a show that’s so successful and has such a huge fan base. But once I got it, I got a call from everybody over at Arrow, explaining to me that the guy’s name is Ted Grant, aka Wildcat, and he’s a big superhero. To be honest with you, I didn’t really read a lot of DC comics, as a kid, but I was obsessed with Batman, and still am. Once I realized how big this guy is and how much of an impact he has on these big DC characters, I literally became a kid in a candy store. I was so excited. That just added a whole other level to being able to do this job.

The cast and crew of Arrow had been working together and bonding for two seasons, before you showed up. What was your first day on set like, and what was the first scene that you shot?

RAMIREZ: The first scene I shot was with Katie, and she was amazing. Before I even showed up, she had already emailed me and said, “Hey, here’s my number. If you want to talk about anything with the character, or if you’re in town before we start working, let’s get together and get to know each other.” She’s so sweet and loves her work, and that just made it so easy for me to get in there. I can honestly say that I wasn’t nervous, this time around. Sometimes you have nerves, as an actor, walking onto such a big set. But the cast and crew is so open and sweet, and you can tell that they love what they’re doing and they’re so happy to be a part of something like this. It just made it to easy to go in there and say, “All right, let’s play. Let’s have a good time.”

What can you say about this next episode and how your character is involved?

RAMIREZ: You’ll definitely get to see a bit more background of who Ted Grant is, in this episode. I’m really excited about this episode, to be honest with you. You’ll get to see Ted go through some stuff, for sure. He gets tested quite a bit. He gets accused of something that he did not do, and it’s a serious charge. Stuff just starts showing up in his gym, and he’s trying to figure out what’s going on and who’s doing it. He’s got a really nice little back-and-forth power struggle with Arrow that I think the fans are going to really enjoy. It’s going to show them the possibility of where he can go, in the future. None of us know, but I’m hoping that everyone loves him enough to suit me up and let me get in there and play with the team.

Ted Grant has a bit of a run-in with Arrow in this episode, which means that you’re not on the other end of the barrel of a gun, but are instead on the other end of a bow with an arrow pointed at you.

RAMIREZ: Yeah, I don’t know which one’s better!

How will that meeting between them go, and what was it like to shoot those scenes with the Arrow?

RAMIREZ: Stephen [Amell] is amazing. He’s one of the most talented actors that I’ve had the pleasure of working with, and right off the bat, we had great chemistry. We have a lot in common, actually, so it was really fun to go in there and have that kind of stand-off, man-to-man. It was really fun, being able to stand up to him. You’ve gotta give him respect. It’s his show. It was just so much fun to go in there and play off of someone who was so willing to collaborate with me and explore. There’s some good stuff in there, for sure. I feel like we both end up getting to the point where it ends somewhere different from where it started. It’s not that we both need each other, but we don’t feel the same about each other, at the end, as we do in the beginning. It’s a nice little storyline.

Laurel was brought to the gym because of a case, and now the Arrow is brought to the gym because of a case. Is Ted Grant starting to feel a bit cursed, or does he just draw that kind of attention?

RAMIREZ: I think he’s just used to it. This is a whole other level of stuff, though. I don’t think he’s ever been accused of killing anyone, like this. He’s a little bit out of his element, so it’s going to be fun to see where he goes and how he handles it all.

As an actor, how have you enjoyed dividing your time between doing a show like Arrow and doing a show like Power? Do you find that they both stretch you very differently, as an actor?

RAMIREZ: I’ve been waiting my whole career for something like this. It’s a pleasure. It’s so much fun to be able to go back and forth between characters that are very different. I was talking to my mother about it, the other day. I just count my blessings. I’m so grateful, and very prepared and ready to take on the challenge.

http://collider.com/arrow-season-3-j-r- ... interview/

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Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash "Chosen" Trailer:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.05 "Plastique" Clip 2:

http://tvline.com/2014/11/11/the-flash- ... al-eiling/

- DCAA sits down with actress Kelly Frye to discuss what it was like bringing Plastique to The Flash (DCAA 233) :


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "The Flash" S1 Profile Cards by Ivan Reis:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "The Flash" añade otro 'Firestorm' a su lista de personajes de la S1:
La serie de la CW "The Flash" ya tiene a Robbie Amell como 'Ronnie Raymond' y a Victor Garber como 'Martin Stein', las dos mitades de 'Firestorm'.

Pero ahora, Ksitetv tiene la confirmación oficial de que el actor Luc Roderique ("Supernatural", "Godzilla", "iZombie") va a unirse también al creciente elenco de personajes de DC en la serie para interpretar a 'Jason Rusch', otra de las mitades de la entidad de 'Firestorm' que apereció por primera vez en el 2004.

En los cómics actuales, 'Raymond' y 'Rusch' comparten la entidad de 'Firestorm body', mientras que en el pasado era una de las dos mitades junto al 'Profesor Stein'. 'Rusch' y 'Ronnie' tienen una cierta relación de adversarios, ya que Jason trata a 'Ronnie' como a un deportista estúpido y a 'Ronnie' no le gusta compartir con él su tiempo como 'Firestorm'. Eventualmente, Jason se hace cargo de 'Firestorm' tras la muerte de 'Raymond'.

No sabemos por qué combinación optarán en la serie, pero en ella el personaje es descrito como:

"Un estudiante de postgrado en la Universidad de Hudson, que era parte del equipo de investigación de Martin Stein en el proyecto F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M". In the DC comics, Jason takes over the Firestorm matrix after Ronnie Raymond's death.

Jason Rusch aparecerá en el episodio 1.10 de la serie.

http://www.ksitetv.com/news/firestorm-w ... sive/46524

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Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.06 "The Flash is Born" Promo (HD):


- The Flash 1.06 "The Flash is Born" Extended Promo (HD):


- The Flash 1.06 "The Flash is Born" CTV Promo (HD):


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.05 "Plastique". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S1 con Grant Gustin:


- Descripción oficial del 1.09 “The Man In The Yellow Suit”:
1.09 “The Man In The Yellow Suit”: BARRY CELEBRA LAS NAVIDADES CON LOS WESTS — Barry (Grant Gustin) disfruta de la tradición anual de la tala del árbol y el intercambio de regalos con Joe (Jesse L. Martin) e Iris (Candice Patton). Él le da Iris unconmovedor regalo, pero el momento se ve interrumpido por la llegada de Eddie (Rick Cosnett). Ralph Hemecker dirige el episodio escrito por Todd Helbing & Aaron Helbing (#109).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-episode-9- ... ails/17644

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.08 "Flash vs. Arrow" (crossover):
1.08 "Flash vs. Arrow" (02/12/14): PARTE PRIMERA DEL EVENTO ÉPICO DEL CROSSOVER DE THE FLASH Y ARROW — Barry (Grant Gustin) está encantado cuando Oliver (la estrella invitada Stephen Amell), Felicity (la estrella invitada Emily Bett Rickards) y Diggle (la estrella invitada David Ramsey) llegan a Central City para investigar un caso que involucra a un boomerang mortal. Emocionado por hacer equipo con su amigo, Barry le pregunta a Oliver si le gustaría ayudarle a detener a Ray Bivolo (la estrella invitada Paul Anthony), el meta-humano que Barry está actualmente siguiendo. Bivolo hace que las personas pierdan el control de sus emociones y ha estado usando esa capacidad para robar bancos, Desafortunadamente, su equipo con el superhéroe no va tan bien como Barry esperaba. Cuando Oliver le dice a Barry que aún le queda mucho por aprender, Barry está decidido a probarle que está equivocado intentando detener a Bivolo solo. Sin embargo, cuando Bivolo infecta a Barry y lo pone como loco, todo el mundo está en peligro, y el único que puede detenerle es Arrow. Mientras tanto, Iris (Candice Patton) está furiosa cuando Eddie (Rick Cosnett) intenta conseguir una fuerza de asalto para detener a The Flash, Joe y el Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) están de acuerdo en que Arrow es una mala influencia para Barry, y Caitlin y Cisco lidian con un nuevo equipo en los Laboratorios S.T.A.R. Glen Winter dirige el episodio con historia de Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Ben Sokolowski & Brooke Eikmeier (#107).

http://www.ksitetv.com/green-arrow/flas ... odes/45821

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.07 "Power Outage":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- On the Set of The Flash: Stars on Firestorm Transformation, Chances of SnowBarry (TVGuide):

https://player.ooyala.com/iframe.html?e ... ck&options

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
