"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes del elenco de "Arrow" durante el rodaje de unos flashbacks para el capítulo 3.14 "The Return" (15-12-14):

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- Tras los flashbacks, pasaron el día y la noche rodando en el Whytecliffe Park de West Vancouver (16-12-14):

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http://yvrshoots.com/2014/12/shoot-arro ... JFhgHtHJ1D

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por isma20 »

Gracias x la info! La tercera temporada me está gustando mucho, igual que las otras. Me he quedado intrigado después del 3x09 así que seguiré el foro con interés. :smt023

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡Que te va a crecer la nariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- On the Set: Arrow's Stunt Coordinator Teaches Us How to Fight Like Oliver Queen (TVGuide):

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-James ... 91182.aspx?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS de Manu Bennett (18-12-14):


(@manubennett Time to make a comeback kids - Slade)

- Stephen Amell y Willah Holland felicitan a los fans por Navidad (19-12-14):


(@wilaaaah: happy holidays from what's left of our dysfunctional family to your normal-ish one)

- Nueva imagen BTS con las chicas de "Arrow" y "The Flash":


(@Live_for_Films: Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy, Danielle Panabaker and Caity Lotz. #Arrow #TheFlash)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.10 “Left Behind”:
3.10 “Left Behind” (21/01/14): EL EQUIPO LIDIA CON LA DESAPARICIÓN DE OLIVER — Como consecuencia de la pelea de Oliver (Stephen Amell) con Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), Diggle (David Ramsey) y Arsenal (Colton Haynes) continuan protegiendo la ciudad en ausencia de Arrow. Sin embargo, tras tres días sin oir nadade Oliver, empiezan a temer que lo peor puede haberle pasado a su amigo. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) se niega a creer que Oliver pueda estar muerto hasta que Merlyn (John Barrowman) les hace al equipo una visita sorpresa. Thea (Willa Holland) sospecha que hay algo más tras la desaparición de Oliver y le pide a Merlyn que la haga un favor. Mientras tanto, Ray (Brandon Routh) prueba parte de su nuevo traje y Laurel (Katie Cassidy) toma el relevo de Black Canary. Glen Winter dirige el episodio escrito por Marc Guggenheim & Erik Oleson (#310).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-spoil ... hind/20771

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CW Image Campaign 2014 Director's Cut:


- Revelado el título y créditos del episodio 3.15:
Ya tenemos el título y créditos de un nuevo capítulo gracias a Marc Guggenheim:


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 5348186112

El episodio 3.15 de 'Arrow' tendrá por título "Nanda Parbat". Está escrito por Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski y está dirigido por Gregory Smith.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CWTV - 2015 Midseason Sizzle:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW 3.10 "Left Behind" Promo #2 (HD):


- ARROW 3.10 "Left Behind" Extended Promo (HD):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.11 “Midnight City”:
3.11 “Midnight City” (28/01/15): PONÉOS LOS TRAJES — Arsenal (Colton Haynes) y Diggle (David Ramsey) confrontan a Laurel (Katie Cassidy) sobre el intentar meterse en los zapatos de su hermana y la advierten de que pare antes de que consiga que la maten. Sin embargo, cuando Brick (la estrella invitada Vinnie Jones) secuestra a los concejales de la ciudad y amenaza con matarlos a todos a menos que la policía evacúe The Glades, se ponen todos manos a la obra. Mientras tanto, Ray (Brandon Routh) aparece para ayudar a Lance (Paul Blackthorne) y a la fuerza policial para luchar contra Brick, mostrando a Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) una nueva faceta de su jefe. Malcom (John Barrowman) le dice a Thea (Willa Holland) que Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable) está tras él y su familia y que deben abandonar la ciudad inmediatamente. Nick Copus dirige el episodio escrito por Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#311).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-3-11- ... city/20787

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "ARROW" en la TCA Winter Press Tour, L.A. (11-01-15) [Imágenes, Informaciones y entrevistas] -

- Imágenes:

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(Thanks to @danielletbd, @EricIGN, @greenarrowtv, @insidethetube, @JarettSays, @MattMitovich, @TheFlashPodcast, @VladaGelman)

- Informaciones:
- La CW anuncia la renovación temprana de "ARROW" para una S4: “Cada una de estas series han ayudado a definir lo que la CW es hoy, una cadena que es el hogar para una programación inteligente, provocativa, de calidad, poniendo la mira en una audiencia adulta entendida,” dice el presidente de la CW Mark Pedowitz. “Al escoger estas series ahora, nuestros productores ejecutivos puedenb empezar a planear las historias de la próxima temporada, y el seguir con estas series durante la próxima temporada garantiza que la CW tendrá más series originales probadas para nuestro calendario de otoño, midseason y verano del 2016.”

- Pedowitz dice que ya está en discusiones sobre el expandir el universo de Arrow y Flash, pero declinó el proporcionar más información. "¿Podría haber otra hora en ése universo? Posiblemente. Siempre y cuando no haya cansancio en la audiencia". "Tienes que ser juicioso. Eso es por lo que estamos en discusiones preliminares. La serie tiene que mantenerse por ella misma".

- El productor ejecutivo de Arrow y The Flash Greg Berlanti, respondiendo a una pregunta sobre un spinoff de Atom (Brandon Routh), le dijo a los periodistas que están "en unas muy tempranas conversaciones sobre una idea muy general". Routh, por su parte, ha dicho que le encantaría seguir interpretando al personaje. “Cuando me propusieron el papel de Arrow, dudé en meterme de nuevo en el mundo de DC. Nunca pensé que interpretaría a otro superhéroe habiendo interpretado, en mi mente, al personaje cumbre. Pero fui con los brazos abiertos, porque aprecio el trabajo de la serie, viendo Arrow y el gran trabajo que están haciendo ahí. Y, sabes, no ha sido otra cosa más que una increíble experiencia, el poder interpretar a un personaje en el que voy y me divierto y ser alegre la mayor parte del tiempo, y divertirme con Emily Bett Rickards, quien interpreta a Felicity Smoak. Todos los de la serie son una gente increíble con los que trabajar, y es genial estar en una serie que es tan querida y apreciada. Me está encantando interpretar a este personaje. Así es que sí, me gustaría seguir interpretándolo tanto como sea posible”. "Con cada personaje que traes a la serie hay una oportunidad, dependiendo de cómo los fans reaccionen y cómo el personaje sea recibido y desarrollado. Sabes han mostrado con The Flash que tan sólo siendo una parte de Arrow eso puede funcionar. Es excitante. El cielo es el límite. DC y la CW han hecho un gran trabajo con las dos series y las plataformas en términos de ser sus propias entidades. Lo que el futuro depara, ¿quién lo sabe? Pero todo es una posibilidad".

- En cuanto a crossovers futuros entre Arrow/Flash, Pedowitz dice que los ve convirtiéndose en algo anual al estilo de los especiales de Navidad de "Doctor Who". Amell dice que los futuros episodios serán incluso mayores. Berlanti confirmó que veremos pequeños crossovers entre personajes (como el que vimos entre 'Felicity' y 'The Clock King' en "The Flash" esta temporada), añadiendo: "Haremos eso unas cuantas veces en la segunda mitad de esta temporada. Eso es lo excitante. Lo hacemos con los escritores, lo hacemos con la gente del elenco, lo hacemos con los especialistas, algunas veces lo hacemos con las casas de efectos especiales. Eso es también de muchas maneras el beneficio de hacerlo. Es realmente divertido para algunos escritores el decir, ‘¡Oh, voy a escribir en Flash esta semana!’ o vice versa. Todo eso siempre da vida y hace las cosas mejor porque tiene una nueva perspectiva todo el tiempo así es que vamos a hecer eso con los personajes también". Aunque en cuanto a qué personajes serán los siguientes, Berlanti respondió, "¡Estamos empezando a contratarlos así es que no puedo decirlo o aumentarán su precio!".

- Amell dice que supo que Oliver iba a perder la batalla al principio de la producción de la temporada, y que le encanta el darle a otras personas la oportunidad de llevar el peso de la serie: “Personalmente adoro cuando hay adversidad para el protagonista y le damos a otros personajes de la serie la oportunidad de... ser papeles más protagonistas. Si no le damos a otros personajes la oportunidad de soportar la carga, entonces no le damos nada a los espectadores a lo que sentirse apegados. Estoy emocionado por la oportunidad de todo el mundo”, dice Amell. Así, la muerte de Oliver hará que Laurel finalmente abrace sus destino y se vista como Black Canary. Ray Palmer también se convertirá en The Atom, aunque en una dirección un poco diferente al "Team Arrow". Diggle se vestirá de nuevo con el traje de 'Arrow' en ausencia de Oliver y Arsenal también aparecerá en escena.

- La desaparición de Oliver también generará la pregunta de “‘¿Por qué sigue junto el equipo?’ Si seguimos juntos, esta cruzada que empezó con Oliver se ha convertido en nuestra cruzada, ¿pero por qué? ¿Qué significa Oliver para mí? ¿Por qué quiero a este tipo? Algunas de esas preguntas serán contestadas durante este análisis emocional.”

- "Una de las cosas que siempre ha sido parte del diseño de la S3 es que habrían más y más personajes con disfraces habitando Starling City. Oliver empezó como tan sólo un hombre y cuando dijo en el piloto que tenía un plan, nunca visionó a todas estas personas siendo parte de ese plan. Pensaba que actuaría solo. Parte de lo que experimentó este año es ver la cruzada crecer más allá de él y eso está todo diseñado. Enlaza en casi todo lo que tenemos planeado para la Season 3, de lo que no puedo meterme en más detalles sin spoilear algo", dice Guggenheim.

- En cuanto a Laurel y su transición a "Black Canary", Cassidy dice que se sentó con los productores antes de que rodaran el piloto y que sabía que iba a pasar: “He estado por que esto pasara, y estoy muy excitada y emocionada por ello". Sabe que Laurel tocó fondo en la S2 y que ahora ha ido de “vengar a su hermana a honrar a su hermana a convertirse en su hermana.”

- Ramsey se rió ante la pregunta de cuánto es de importante que Diggle sea negro. Ya en serio, apuntó que es importante porque Diggle es de muchas maneras, el segundo de abordo de Arrow, y es una persona equilibrada, tiene una hija, etc. Le gfusta que haya este hombre honorable que ahora está en el Universo DC y que puede ser interpretardo en el futuro por otra persona también. Ante la pregunta de si le gustaría también un disfraz contestó, "Los héroes no necesitan un disfraz". Ramsey dice que los productores han estado hablando sobre ello, pero que el duda de ponerle a Diggle una máscara, diciendo que su atracción es que es un personaje con el que cualquier persona puede identificarse. "No quieres que una máscara te quite eso," dice Ramsey.

- En cuanto a 'Olicity': “¡Ella dice lo que piensa!” dice el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg. “Definitivamente dice lo que piensa, pero no de la manera en la que creo que la gente está esperando. Tiene muchos sentimientos profundos”. Guggenheim adelanta que su escena favorita de Felicity tiene lugar en el episodio 3.12, “probablemente es mi interpretación favorita de Emily Bett [Rickards] de todas. Está tan, tan, tan, tan increíblemente fuerte en esa escena, es increíble”. En cuanto a la parejita “esta temporada va realmente sobre ellos diciendo todas las cosas que nunca dijeron” después de dos años de “jugar el uno con el otro,” añade Kreisberg. “Eso los lleva a algunos lugares duros, pero también a algunos lugares correctos. El cómo y el por qué y el cuándo de eso es lo divertido de la segunda parte de la temporada.”

- En cuanto al tema del padre de Felicity, Marc Guggenheim dice que el desvelar ese misterio es algo que la serie hará “probablemente a medida que avance la historia,” más que esn esta temporada. “Dicho esto, si todo va según el plan, sabremos un poquito más sobre su padre” antes de que termine la S3. “Pero no hemos llegado al episodio aún o se ha escrito la escena, así es que sin promesas específicas.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/cw-give ... 201400164/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... -dc-762524
http://tvline.com/2015/01/11/arrow-flas ... ernatural/
http://insidetv.ew.com/2015/01/11/cw-ar ... 0deac05232
http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... live-blog/
http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/01/11/ ... l-spinoffs
http://watchtowerofbabelnews.blogspot.c ... -2015.html
http://insidetv.ew.com/2015/01/11/arrow ... as-fallen/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... pts-762551
http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/01/12/ ... nce-a-year?
http://tvline.com/2015/01/12/arrow-seas ... or-oliver/
https://tvline.com/2015/01/13/castle-th ... -spoilers/
https://tvline.com/2015/01/13/castle-th ... -spoilers/
http://www.tvgoodness.com/2015/01/19/th ... -villians/

- Entrevistas:

Marc Guggenheim Habla sobre el spin-off de 'ATOM' con Brandon Routh (nerdist)
Marc Guggenheim Habla sobre el spin-off de 'ATOM' con Brandon Routh
Por Joseph McCabe 11 Enero 2015

Today at the Television Critics Association’s annual Winter Press Tour in Pasadena, Arrow and Flash executive producer Greg Berlanti revealed that he and his fellow producers Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg are in early talks about an Atom spin-off series starring Brandon Routh, whose Ray Palmer is set to become DC’s iconic mighty mite in the second half of Arrow‘s current third season. While speaking on the CW’s Arrow/Flash panel Berlanti said he’s not allowed to say any more about the spin-off. But we caught up with Guggenheim immediately afterwards, who elaborated on why Routh’s character deserves his own show, and what fans can expect when his Atom suit is finally unveiled on Arrow!

NERDIST: You just mentioned you’ve given some consideration to an Atom spin-off series…

MARC GUGGENHEIM: The thing that we’ve been talking about is just how do we further expand the universe; and we love Brandon and we love having him on Arrow.

N: He brings a new dynamic to the show in his scenes with Emily Bett Rickards’ Felcity, a kind of screwball comedy vibe.

MG: He does. When we met with Brandon, the whole point of Ray Palmer for us — not the whole point but a big piece of Ray Palmer — was… Felicity’s voice is of a different show and we always say that Emily’s playing tennis against herself. [Laughs.] So we wanted to create a character that could vibrate at her frequency. And Ray really brings that and brings that energy and he’s so much fun to write. He’s a joy to write. Brandon’s so terrific and embodies the role so well that when we talk about how to further expand things, he’s a natural person to talk about. It’s like Brandon said on the panel, originally when we met with him we just wanted to bring a great character onto the show and we wanted a great actor to play him. That’s really how it always starts. With the exception of Grant Gustin on Arrow last year, there’s never been a [decision] to bring in a character with the intention to spin them off. It’s always, “What services the show the best?”

N: Thus far your discussions about an Atom show have been preliminary?

MG: Yeah, we’ve talked in the most preliminary of ways about doing something with Brandon beyond Arrow.

N: Is that something you’ve kept in mind when designing his costume, about whether it could work in an Atom series as well as on episodes of Arrow?

MG: No, the costume is just “How do we get it to work on Arrow?” Maya Mani did the design that she always does. It’s her best costume, and that’s really saying something. It’s coming together beautifully. Brandon just did his third fitting with it, and it’s the most ambitious costume we’ve ever done on the show. One of the things I like about it is we did it without consideration of a spinoff. We did it because this is a cool thing to have on Arrow.

N: It sounds unique in that it will have an armor component but not be CG like Iron Man’s suit.

MG: No. And our goal when we had an idea to do a super suit was “How do you do it in a way that’s not Iron Man?” That’s the trick creatively. Because we don’t want to duplicate Iron Man, we want to do our own thing. So there’s a lot of practical elements to the costume that on Iron Man they have done with CG. We’re gonna do it practically.

N: Is it to soon to say which episode the suit will debut in?

MG: It is only in so far in that it’s one of those things that I’ve got to get clearance to talk about. But I finally know. Unlike every other time I’ve done an interview, where it’s like, “It’s when the suit’s ready!” [Laughs.] Now I finally know what episode it’s going to be.

N: This must be your biggest technical challenge yet on Arrow in that you’re not just introducing a new character with super powers but the universe in which he travels as well. That’s gotta be expensive.

MG: Very much so. And we’re doing in addition to the costume a digital double like they have on Flash for Barry Allen, so that’s its own envelope-pushing thing. Yeah, we’re trying some new stuff that we’ve never done before production-wise on the show — and practically. That’s exciting. It’s always exciting to push the envelope but it’s also nerve-wracking at the same time.

N: We can’t wait to have a new Atom action figure lined up next to our Arrow and Flash figures.

MG: Yeah, they’re already planning the action figure!

N: Excellent… Thank you, sir. It’s always a pleasure.

MG: Of course. Thank you!

http://www.nerdist.com/2015/01/exclusiv ... -off-show/
Brandon Routh habla sobre el vestirse como Atom en Arrow (superherohype)
Brandon Routh habla sobre el vestirse como Atom en Arrow (superherohype)
Por Fred Topel 12 Enero 2015

Brandon Routh joined the cast of “Arrow” this season as Ray Palmer. Comic book fans know Ray Palmer as The Atom, and sure enough, Routh’s Palmer revealed his plans to build a powered suit named A.T.O.M. We’ll see how quickly Palmer suits up when “Arrow” returns January 21, but now we know that Routh has already tried the A.T.O.M. suit on.

The CW brought the casts of “The Flash” and “Arrow” to speak with the Television Critics Association and we got a one on one with Routh. Right after our interview, Routh joined a panel for “The Flash” and “Arrow” where producers said they were considering an A.T.O.M. spinoff. If that happens, we’ve got an early interview with the next DC universe star, but for now at least, the next superhero to join the ever-expanding “Arrow” universe.

SuperHeroHype: Superman Returns was before Geoff Johns became CCO of DC. Did you have a relationship with him back then?

Brandon Routh: No, he was not, to my knowledge anyway, involved. I think that was maybe at the beginning of all his involvement. We actually met for the first time in person yesterday. He’s awesome.

SHH: Does the DC world feel different in the television milieu they’ve created than the film world?

Routh: That’s a hard question. Just TV and film are different animals, but I definitely feel that DC, Warner Bros. and CW are handling the television entities in a great way, with “Arrow” and “Flash” really creating a great world and supporting the characters really well. The way they’re making the effects so seamless, with Firestorm taking off and that looking so cool. A.T.O.M.’s hologram suit looking totally legit, it’s feeling really pretty epic.

SHH: So we’ve seen the A.T.O.M. plans. How do you feel about the prospect of putting on another costume?

Routh: It’s cool. I was a little wary at first. I never really thought that I’d play another hero in the DC world having played kind of the pinnacle of them all. But it’s been a lot of fun bringing Ray to life. The suit is pretty awesome and very different than Superman’s suit, so I’m excited about the potential of actually being out and being seen moving, getting into action with it.

SHH: When you got the role of Ray Palmer, did you start reading Atom comics?

Routh: I did, because I didn’t really know too much about Atom before. It wasn’t essential because the character is being re-envisioned a little bit for the show, but it’s great for me to be able to understand the history and there’s a couple different iterations of it. Like, right now I’m reading “Sword of the Atom,” which is a cool series in the early ‘80s where actually he doesn’t really even size change that much because he’s afraid he might blow up because of what’s happening. What remains is his brain in all the thing, his leadership quality that he has that exists in both what we’re creating now and what’s in the comics of what I’ve read.

SHH: He was never a corporate executive.

Routh: No, that’s totally a new thing to make him able to take over Queen Consolidated. That adds another cool go-getter aspect to him which I think is fun, which is where a lot of his passion and energy comes into the fact that he’s a self-made man in this way. He’s created this huge empire for himself. Now that he’s reached the pinnacle, what is he going to do? He had this tragedy in his life and now he’s going to give back. It’s a cool story.

SHH: He comes across as very sincere, and that might just be because of you and our associations with you. Obviously he’s earned Felicity’s trust, she believes in him. Do you feel he’s sincere or are you throwing some shade at us?

Routh: [Laughs] No, for me it’s absolutely sincere until the writers or producers tell me otherwise. To a fault, I’m sincere to a fault with my characters. I want them all to be the good guy. It’s hard for me to turn the bad guy on, because I just want to be the good guy intrinsically. I think it’s one of the reasons for casting me too is the history that I bring with me as Brandon. You really feel like this guy is here to stay and that even though they put this little edge on him of he’s hounding Felicity to get him to work for him, I don’t think he’s too much of a jerk or crazy person. As far as sincerity, I think everything he’s doing is out of sincerity at this point.

SHH: When you got the role, did they tell you it would eventually come to fruition as Atom/A.T.O.M. or was it just Ray Palmer?

Routh: No, they told me that Ray Palmer would become Atom at some point. When that happens, who knows, but that was the eventuality.

SHH: Have they taken your measurements for potential costumes?

Routh: Oh yeah, we’re into it. You’ll definitely see the suit before the end of the season.

SHH: Have you tried it on already?

Routh: I have. It’s pretty epic. It’s very cool. I’m very excited.

SHH: It looks so technological because he’s inventing it, so does it feel different than the Superman suit?

Routh: The basis of the suit, all those suits are kind of similar. They have that same tight fitting quality that are kind of inherent in pretty much everything, if only just to make everything else, all the other layers on top fit snugly and look good. So there’s that aspect of it but it’s a very powerful feeling. The best way to describe it is it’s an Iron Man/RoboCop-ish feel, but different from all those too. Like, something you haven’t seen, exoskeleton as you can see from the hologram, that’s pretty badass.

SHH: Have you done action in it yet?

Routh: Just like moving, trying to see how it feels, if it’s grabbing, if it’s tight. Because I’m going to be in it for some time, we want it to be as comfortable as possible. So jumping around, a little light jog. It’s a whole different deal.

SHH: Have you worked on any of the shrinking effects yet?

Routh: There’s been none of that right now. I don’t even know what the capabilities of the suit are other than that it makes me look cool. Everything’s gone into just building the suit first. Everything else comes after.

SHH: I loved Superman Returns, but what DC is doing in the film world now is so ambitious with Batman v Superman and Justice League with all the standalone characters. Have you been impressed to watch what direction they’re going in?

Routh: I think they’ve got a big slate now. They’ve said this movie’s coming, this movie’s coming out, which I think is good. It gives them a bar to go and you have to make sure you reach the bar. So I think that’s cool and having a strong path is [important]. When it started out, everyone said, “Oh, superhero movies, they’re doing well. Okay, now they’re doing really well.” Now having a plan helps everyone feel more confident that they’re going towards something, just like the TV side is building bigger and bigger. There’s Flash. What comes next? There’s all these other DC properties on other networks popping up and really strengthening the brand and the DC universe.

SHH: I have to ask, have you seen Man of Steel?

Routh: I did, yes. I think Henry did a great job.

http://www.superherohype.com/features/3 ... h4.twitter

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

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- Stills del 3.10 "Left Behind":

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- Nueva imagen bts de la S3 (12-01-15):


(@amellywood: On set w @erikoleson. Erik is the newest & shortest member of the @ARROWwriters)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

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- Katie Cassidy sobre qué esperar de Laurel como 'Black Canary' (IGN):
Katie Cassidy sobre qué esperar de Laurel como 'Black Canary'
Por Roth Cornet 14 Enero, 2015

Arrow is set to return after an eventful mid-season finale, with Starling City down their vigilante savior Oliver Queen - for now. There to step into that void will be Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) who will be making her debut as Black Canary.

IGN had the opportunity to sit down with Cassidy to talk about what we can expect from her take on the iconic character, as well as the tensions that will arise as she comes into contact with Malcolm Merlyn, Thea, Arsenal, and Team Arrow.

IGN TV: So let's dive right into the suit.

Katie Cassidy: The suit!

IGN: It looks amazing. Is it comfortable?

Cassidy: Yes. Shockingly, yes. [Laughs]

IGN: How has felt for you after all this time to finally be suiting up and diving into this aspect of the character?

Cassidy: Honestly, it's everything I've ever wanted. I waited a long time to get to this place. I'm just so grateful and so happy. The writers have been so good to me. It was a long time coming, but I think it was well worth the wait. As with every superhero, you have to earn it. You can't have a character turn into a superhero over night. So Laurel had to hit her rock bottom before she came out on top. Yes, on January 21st you'll see me in the costume, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm good -- yet. She's still learning, still training. She still has a long way to go. But she's driven, and she's fearless. Seeking vengeance for her sister is what's moving her.

IGN: Laurel's already endured so much loss, how do you think she'll respond to what's happened now with Oliver?

Cassidy: I've always said this: I think if anyone could handle it, it's Laurel. I think that she is a believer. I think that she's a strong woman, and, yeah, she has had a lot of loss. So she loses these people, but I feel like that makes her that much stronger in the end. And she lives for that. After they pass, they're still very much a part of her.

IGN: Can you talk about what she's going to take from Sara and what she's going to bring to Canary as just Laurel?

Cassidy: In Season 3, you'll see Laurel go from avenging her sister to honoring her sister to then becoming her. But I think, A) The suit is not the same, but it's definitely similar; the jacket is almost identical, and B) She's doing this for her sister. Part of what she brings to it is heart. She's fearless, she's driven, she's doing this because, deep inside, it's what she believes in and what she wants. I'm not necessarily sure that Sara -- you'd have to ask Caity Lotz, because it's a character choice -- but that's where she was coming from. She sort of fell into it mistakenly, because of the crash in Season 1. Being on the island, she had no choice. Laurel has a choice, and she's choosing this because she's that strong and realistic, and has heart about it.

IGN: Is Malcolm Merlyn going to be her number one target, given all he's directly and indirectly taken from her? Is there going to be a confrontation there, or is she going to have to reconcile what happened with Thea, first?

Cassidy: I think that Malcolm's always been a target. She will find out who actually killed her sister. She doesn't know at this point. But when she does find out, I think the audience will be really surprised. Her reaction isn't what you'd expect.

IGN: Interesting! Originally, superpowers were going to be kept off the show. Now that it's a little more open, a lot of people want to know if she will ever have the actual Canary Cry, versus the device that Sara used.

Cassidy: That's a really good question for our producers and writers. [Laughs] Having said that, I believe so, but not necessarily in the same form.

IGN: There's going to be a void in the city with Oliver gone, which would give her a good opportunity to rise up and be a protector, or work toward that. And there are at least three heroes in play - Black Canary, Arsenal, and now there's going to be The Atom. How do you think these three would interact with one another? Will she work with Team Arrow, or is she going to go off on her own and grow a little bit?

Cassidy: I think at the beginning, when she goes out onto the streets, Arsenal and the team don't agree with it. So she's just on her own. But eventually she proves herself, and they see that she's following her heart and doing it for her sister; she's avenging her sister's death and honoring her sister, and will stop at nothing. They recognize that. It's Arsenal who is the first to support her and says, "You know what? She's smart. Even though she's not trained, she's good for not being trained, huh?" She's training, but she's not a professional. So they do end up coming around to it.

IGN: How has the training been for you? In that boxing scene, you can really see the work.

Cassidy: Yeah. It was pretty intense. It's all about what you put into it. Me as an actor, I want to be as authentic as possible. I didn't want to just be like, "Okay, they're making me train with a trainer three or four times a week." I was like, "I'm going to bust my ass!" I actually ended up with three different trainers. I had a boxing trainer -- a fighting trainer -- then a weightlifting trainer, and then I did Callanetics. So it was all different types, but I didn't want my stunt double doing all the fight scenes -- like that boxing scene. I wanted that to be me. So I was actually training six days a week, three hours a day for a couple of months. If I had a longer period of time -- I mean, I was so into it. I was watching Million Dollar Baby at night, like, "I want to be like Hilary Swank!" [Laughs] But I wanted it to be real. I feel like that's what Laurel would be doing. It was definitely hard, especially once we started shooting, but I knew at some point -- you put all this time and effort into it -- I want to say probably around November, I could back off a little bit, because once you have that muscle you don't have to work so hard. Once it's there it's like, "Okay. I can chill a little bit." So it's definitely not as intense right now, but I'm definitely still training. I used to be a competitive gymnast, so I try to incorporate as much as I can. It's been amazing.

IGN: Now that she's Black Canary, do you think we might fully see Birds of Prey?

Cassidy: [Coyly] I don't know...[Laughs]

http://au.ign.com/articles/2015/01/14/a ... ack-canary

- Stephen Amell Sobre la Pelea, Black Canary & Olicity – Felicity es la pareja de Oliver (accesshollywood):
Stephen Amell Sobre la Pelea, Black Canary & Olicity – Felicity es la pareja de Oliver
Por Erin O'Sullivan 14 Enero, 2015 06:08 PM EDT

If you're not caught up on "Arrow" (and haven't seen Season 3's game-changing mid-season finale), stop reading now!

After watching our favorite Starling City hero suffer the ultimate defeat at the skilled hands of shirtless Ra's al Ghul, Access Hollywood sat down with Stephen Amell to get info on the potential for Oliver's resurrection, Katie Cassidy's badass Black Canary coming out party, Olicity, Raylicity and more.

First things first: we're willing to bet that Oliver will not remain "dead" for the remainder of the show, especially since The CW hit was just renewed for a fourth season. So, will The Arrow (and his abs) return to us via The Lazarus Pit?

We tried to get a tight-lipped Stephen to hint at whether Oliver had been to the pit by asking if he's had any recent below-ground experiences, perhaps a mud bath-type deal... We failed, miserably.

"Nope. Too cold where he is," a straight-faced Stephen told Access at the Television Critics Association Winter Tour in Pasadena, Calif., sticking strictly to what we've seen in the preview for Episode 310. "He's been on a rickshaw of some type… being dragged through the wilderness. [It's] snowy, blankets. That's it so far."

The Ra's vs. Arrow sword fight was rather epic as TV battles go, thanks to fight coordinator James Bamford, and "two weeks" of preparation on Stephen's part.

"I learned it and then started working on the moves and probably did five or six sessions with our stunt coordinator James, and Matt [Nable, who plays Ra's] and Matt's double – that was a lot to learn," Stephen said. "Swords are – even though we're not using super sharp metal [that] could puncture your skin necessarily – they're still, if you miss, it will really hurt."

And the faux-fight brought about some real injuries, as the actors swung away in the bitter cold atop Vancouver's Grouse Mountain.

"I had a boot mark on my forearm, because I get kicked in my forearm and the only real way to do it was to just kick me," Stephen told Access. "I'm supposed to just be prepared to take my arm away, but I think I just caught it at the wrong momentum and I just took the kick full-force.

"I had a boot mark on my arm," he adding, laughing. "It was like going over, 'Hey, did you get that shot? You did? OK, no more kicking on the arm, please.'"

Stephen's not the only "Arrow" cast member who's kicking butt. In the mid-season premiere trailer, we see Katie Cassidy in full Black Canary garb for the first time.

Although Oliver hasn't interacted with BC, Stephen said he thinks Katie's new alter ego will be "great."

"I think Katie Cassidy looks fantastic in the suit, which is half the battle," he said. "It's probably, at this point, the eighth or ninth costume that … the entire wardrobe team behind 'Arrow' and 'The Flash' have just nailed. I think that it cannot be overstated how difficult it is to do superhero costumes, and the fact that we just keep cranking them out, and they keep just being sort of universally accepted by a very critical audience, should not go unsaid."

Now for Olicity (heads bowed in moment of silence for Felicity and Oliver's goodbye/ "I love you" scene that had us screaming): while Ollie will seemingly always love Laurel Lance, and – if the show follows the original DC lore – will end up with her, who would Oliver currently pick if he had to choose between Emily Bett Rickards' Felicity and Laurel?

"Like in a fight?" Stephen joked, before answering, "I normally shy away from this question, but right now, the answer is Felicity, clearly.

"Laurel is a love from a different part of his life. It's always gonna be there, but the person that he is now… in his mind, Felicity is the match," he continued. "It's just the match that he can't have, from his perspective."

Filming their goodbye scene was "really cool," Stephen said.

"That scene between Emily and I, I really enjoyed it," he shared. "I enjoyed the early part of it too with David [Ramsey] and Colton [Haynes]. You know, there was the scene in our first season finale when both David and Emily, their characters, really decide that they want to be there, and Emily has that great line, 'If you're not leaving, I'm not leaving.'

"And so I thought that that was a very similar scene for our [Season 3] mid-season finale, but 30-plus episodes later," he continued. "I thought it was a really nice barometer check on how far the team has come."

We know how Oliver would feel about Felicity romancing it up with newly-installed Queen Consolidated CEO Ray Palmer (played by Brandon Routh), but how does Stephen feel about Raylicity?

"I like it! I like Brandon Routh," he said. "It's ironic – I've had one scene with him, and it was on our third day of shooting in July. So, Brandon and I actually had a chance to go to dinner just before the Christmas break and catch up, because I never see his character."

Adding, "I think he's doing a fantastic job – great addition to the show. I think they've done a good job creating some good chemistry."

http://www.accesshollywood.com/arrow-st ... cle_102803

- Cassidy canta sobre el convertirse en la nueva Black Canary de "Arrow" (cbr):
Cassidy canta sobre el convertirse en la nueva Black Canary de "Arrow"
Por Scott Huver 15 Enero 2015

It's all about good news for Katie Cassidy these days.

Just as CBR News was sitting down with the actress to take about Laurel Lance's long-awaited transformation from crusading D.A. into the full-blown superhero Black Canary (assuming the role from her late sister Sarah), even more glad tidings came Cassidy's way as she learned that "Arrow" had just been renewed for a fourth season.

To say Cassidy was in an upbeat mood was an understatement, especially after having the thrilling prospect of becoming TV's incarnation of comics superstar Black Canary -- first dangled before her by the producers when she first entertained the notion of joining the series two and a half seasons ago -- finally came to pass, as she reveals in her chat with CBR.

CBR News: Congratulations on the renewal! What does it mean to you to know that this cool job of yours is going to keep going?

Katie Cassidy: I love it! I mean, we have such a wonderful cast and such a wonderful group of people -- honestly, you become a family. I'm so happy and grateful and lucky to be working with everyone.

Speaking of the family, tell me what it means for your character to be without Oliver this season.

On January 21, you will see Laurel in the suit and becoming Black Canary -- but just because she suited up doesn't necessarily mean she's good, first of all. But it's part of her journey. In Season Three, she goes from avenging her sister's death, to honoring to her sister, to basically becoming her sister, but her own version of it. And she really steps up to the plate, I think. Now that Oliver's gone, [she] takes the reins and is like, "I got this." She's a strong woman, and I think she's going to kick some butt.

Your costume's been a long time coming, From the beginning of the series, everybody wondered if, when, how? So what did it mean for you to finally get to this point?

Yeah, I mean, it's truly an honor. When I originally sat down and met with Greg [Berlanti] and Mark [Guggenheim] and Andrew [Kreisberg], they pitched me the characters attached to the show. And they had said Black Canary, and I was, like, over the moon. I wanted to do something action-packed. I thought that was great. And then it's television -- anything can happen. But Season Two, obviously, they brought my sister back, and she was the Canary. It was disappointing at first, but they explained to me, and it really made sense.

I'm actually happy that it worked out this way because they were like, "You can't just come become a hero overnight. You have to earn it." Oliver was on an island for five years. Laurel can't just all of a sudden wake up one day, put on the suit and turn into the Black Canary. She has to earn it. I feel as though Season Two, she really hit rock bottom, and the writers really wrote for me, which I totally appreciate. She's earning it. She's training. She's fighting. She's following her heart, and she's going out there on the streets. She's doing what she believes in.

Tell me about the suit itself, the good things and the things you need to work with?

Honestly, I have to say, there's nothing about the suit that is that uncomfortable. It's actually quite comfortable. And shooting in Vancouver, where it's freezing -- it's warm! It's always leather. Yesterday, we did a bunch of shots, and I was inside here in the costume, and I had some fighting sequences. I was drenched in sweat. Because in Vancouver, it's cold, and it actually works out perfectly. If there's anything, I'd say that it could be adjusted -- I have this, like, garter that I wear, and leather stretches. It has a tendency -- it's starting to sort of get a little bit looser, so I'm constantly like pulling it up. But it's pretty comfortable, and it looks amazing. I love it.

And the wig?

The wig is great. I'm really happy they went with a straighter version -- it was my idea to go with a straighter version! I think the wig's awesome.

The last time you and I talked, you were teasing that you were getting ready for the physicality of the role this season. How has that gone for you? Has it been fun?

Yeah, absolutely. I trained like crazy. I wanted it to be as authentic as possible, and it was my decision to really [push it] -- like, when you see that boxing scene, I wanted it to be me. I didn't want it to be my stunt double. I wanted it to be as real as it possibly could be. I love being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. I love working out. I was like very excited about it. I have three trainers: a weight lifting trainer, a boxing trainer, and then Callanetics. I was working out like five to six times a week, almost three hours a day for a bit, so it was pretty intense. But it was almost like therapy. Like that release, you know, with boxing, I love it. It's so good. It's so fun. Now, obviously, I don't have to go that crazy because once you build up that muscle, to sustain, it is easier. It's just a matter of getting it. So it's not as intense any more, but it was hard. Once we started shooting, it was hard, but I was game and ready to go and thrilled that I've been given this opportunity. This is honestly a dream of mine, so I couldn't be happier.

How much do the repercussions of Sarah's death continue to play out?

I think Sarah's death -- and especially being the one that witnesses it -- that's what's moving Laurel and motivating her and driving her. I think that Sarah will always be very much a big part of Laurel, no matter what.

Who have you gotten to play with in the back end of this season that you haven't spent a lot of time with before?

In Season Two, it was great to finally be in the Foundry -- and the Lair. It was so cool. I was in there a lot, and it's awesome. I loved being a part of the A-story. I love working with Emily [Bett Rickards]. She's wonderful. Our characters, we have a really, really incredible interaction in Episode 13, and she is just wonderful. So I love working with her. I love working with Colton [Haynes] and David Ramsey. I don't really work with the three of them that often -- or haven't. Now, I work with them a lot! It's great.

Oliver's love life is always complicated, but he and Laurel have a history, and the characters from the comics have a legendary history. Do you still hold hope that, should he not in fact be deceased, their relationship will be rekindled?

I'm not really sure -- I don't think Laurel's even thinking that. For me, personally, I don't want to say I've forgotten about that, but her headspace is so not there, so my head space is definitely not there. I don't know whether the writers decide to play that out or not. Who knows?

Is there something about the comic book character that you would still like to play or bring into the show?

Obviously, the Canary Cry! We haven't seen that yet. But I do feel like maybe at some point, Laurel will have her own version of it, and maybe it won't be necessarily in the same form [as the comics].

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=58493
- Caity Lotz Talks habla sobre Sara Lance y la representación en los medios en la New Orleans Wizard World Comic Con (themarysue):
Caity Lotz Talks habla sobre Sara Lance y la representación en los medios en la New Orleans Wizard World Comic Con
Por Eris Walsh 15 Enero 2015 at 5:30 pm

One of the more popular panel at last weekend’s Wizard World Comic Con New Orleans was a very laid back, casual chat with Caity Lotz (Arrow/The Machine/Mad Men), where she spent the better part of an hour answering fan questions about everything from her role on Arrow to women in films to LGBT representation in television and comic books. Did you miss it? That’s ok; I’m here for you. I’m magnanimous like that.

We all know that fan Q&A panels aren’t exactly cohesive, so I’ve combined a lot of the information into topics rather than leaving it all jumbled.

[Quick warning: If you’re not caught up on Season 3 of Arrow this might not be the best article to read, as it’s pretty spoilerific.]

On Arrow and Black Canary

Q: When Arrow first came out, nobody quite knew what to expect, and I would say that there was a lot of reluctance before it came out, because you don’t know what CW is going to deliver, where you aware of that/did you feel some of that?

Lotz: Well, I think if you’re not a comic book fan people don’t know who Green Arrow is, people don’t know who the Black Canary is, and I think that’s actually cool because everyone knows who Batman is, everyone knows Superman—you know those stories, and for [Arrow] to come to TV for the majority of people who aren’t into the comic book scene, it was a whole new world. So, it’s cool that that gets to get onto a more mainstream level; I think that was really fun. But, there’s also, I noticed, a lot of pressure that you’re playing this character and everybody [who] knows this character [is expecting] a lot from it, you know, and I get it. If you grew up reading the Black Canary comics, and it’s going to be put on TV, you don’t want somebody coming on and ruining that vision that’s been in your head for so long, so there’s a lot of, I feel, responsibility to do that justice.

Q: How did you feel when you got the role of The Canary? Did you expect anything like this when you got the role?

Lotz: No. When I originally auditioned for the show, they didn’t say “you’re playing The Canary” or “you’re playing Sara Lance.” I auditioned for a character named Lisa, and they wrote fake sides so you had no idea what you were really doing. So I was like, “Oh, yeah I’ll be playing some character names Lisa.” And I remember they were making a really big deal out of it, like it took weeks of like, “They want you! They don’t know! They’re flying in Stephen in from Vancouver to come meet you…” and I was like, “Why is this such a big deal? Just hire me already.”Then when I finally booked it, I went in to meet with the producers and they’re like, “Here’s the thing, you’re not playing Lisa, you’re playing Laurel’s dead sister, Sara Lance, who comes back from the dead. And you’re also playing The Canary.”

So it was really exciting, and I guess I did not realize the fandom that lives with this show, either. I wasn’t expecting it; it’s so cool to be a part of something that means so much to people, and they get so involved. That’s the best part. People really care about what happens to your character and what’s going on, and they follow it and interact with it, and they’re so supportive. So, I think that was a really good surprise to have so much support.

Q: When did you first note the impact of the show, not just in nerd circles? Was it via social media, or on the street?

Lotz: I think I got the first taste even before I started shooting when it leaked at Comic Con that I was going to be playing The Canary. I was like, “Why is that… This is something that leaks to the media?!” It’s a big deal, and everyone [at the studio] is calling me like, “Who did you tell?! How did they know?” and it’s like, “Oh, this is a big deal, cool!” So that was like the first taste of it, and it wasn’t until the episodes aired and people saw Sara for the first time, that was when I felt it the most. On social media for sure!

Q: Do you actually read the comic books?

Lotz: I didn’t before, but once I got the part they sent me a bunch of the Black Canary and Green Arrow comics, and the Birds of Prey, and I started reading those and it’s a lot of fun!

Q: The personality quirks of your TV character and the comic book character can be different. Are there any personality quirks from the show that you really liked, or is there anything from the comics that you really wished you could have seen in the show?

Lotz: Well I think the sonic scream, of course, would have been fun to have, but it also didn’t make sense on Arrow since it’s so realistic, which it’s kind of nice that they kept it that way. And I think [it didn’t make sense] because Sara Lance wasn’t in the comics, which was kind of cool because I got to take a lot of liberties to do whatever I wanted with [the character], which was fun.

Q: When you found out that they were going to kill you off in season 3 [of Arrow], how did you react?

Lotz: Well they told me, the producers, towards the end of season 2, which was nice cause you hear about some shows where the actors don’t know and then, you know, they get the script and they’re sitting there with everyone else, like, “ok, guys, let’s do this next episode!” and then they’re reading and they’re like, “what?!” They were really cool about it, and they called me and were like, “you know, Caity… we really wanna kill ya off.” [laughing] They’re like, “we love your character, but it would just be sooo good.”

And, you know, it was kinda necessary, story wise, for Laurel’s character to really be able to actualize into the Black Canary; [that] would be difficult to do with The Canary around! And it was such an impetus for a lot of things, plot things, that were happening in season 3, which is cool to kind of be a part of that. So, they called me and they told me and you know, I was bummed. It was like, “oh, this sucks,” but, at the same time, thus is life and one door closes and another one opens. […] And it’s like, it’s a comic book, so like somebody’s gotta die! [laughing] You know, Laurel would still just be Laurel if she hadn’t lost her sister!

Q: She’s really gone down a dark path! Did they know this whole time, like did they prepare you, that she was going to arise to the Black Canary status?

Lotz: Yeah, I think everybody knew that. I mean, it’s what’s in the comics. That would be a big one for [the writers] to diverge from. I feel like the fans would be kinda bummed. And they spent all of the first season building that up…

Q: So, we do know that you’re returning, uh, on the show. Do you know when that episode airs?

Lotz: It’s episode 13, I don’t know.

Q: Anything that you can reveal about your return? Is it a flashback, or do you come back from the dead?

Lotz: Well, I can say that the episode is called ‘Canaries’, so that’s all I can really say about that. And then the one thing everyone always asks me is “are you really dead?” and, I mean, I got shot three times in the heart, I fell off the roof, hit the ground, and buried. Like, Sara died. She did die.

Q: Well, you say that, but it’s also the comic book world…

Lotz: Yeah, well I feel like that’s why the writers made it such a like, “she’s dead!” kinda thing going on because they wanted people to know that she’s actually dead.

Q: Like, she’s really dead. She’s dead dead [laughing].

Lotz: She’s dead. I’m surprised they didn’t, like, after I fell off the roof, have a truck run over me [laughing].

Q: Did you have trouble, when you found out that you were going to be killed off, did you have trouble playing it straight at Comic Cons and to fans?

Lotz: It’s actually funny, because the scene where Sara dies and Laurel is picking her up, and there’s all the blood in her hair? That scene, we finished shooting it at like 6 in the morning in Vancouver and then Katie [Cassidy], Emily [Bett Rickards] and I had to go get on a plane, literally, we didn’t sleep. We went straight from set to the airport and flew to do Comic Con San Diego, the big one, and I literally still had blood in my hair. [laughing] I couldn’t shower, so I still had blood in my hair from my death scene and then going to Comic Con and pretending, like, “Yay, season 3, everyone!” So that was funny.

That was a funny one to me, because everyone keeps asking these questions, and I thought it was really clever of them to add me to the Comic Con because that really added to the surprise of, “Oh, Sara’s dead,” because no one was expecting that. But it was hard to be on stage and everyone’s all like, “How excited [are you] about season 3?” and I’m like, “So excited…” [laughing] “You’re gonna love it!”

Q: Filming that actual scene, how long did it take to get that shot? To take the arrows and fall off the roof?

Lotz: We actually ended up having to reshoot part of it. That was a very hard scene to get down and a very important one to get right. Originally they wanted to have Laurel pick Sara up and then carry her down the alleyway in one of those dramatic shots, like “NOOOOOO!!” But Katie [Cassidy]’s character had heels on, like these little stilettos, and I’m a strong girl, like I’m not like a little waif that you can just pick up, so we were trying to do it, with her picking me up in her heels she’s like tripping down the thing [laughing], and, yeah, so that didn’t work out, they just kept it on the ground.

Q: How did you feel about the relationship between Sara and Sin? Did you want it to be developed more?

Lotz: I think that it definitely was an interesting relationship, so I think they could have done more with it. Unfortunately we didn’t really have time. ‘Cause that was like a really interesting sisterhood they had going on, and both were like such misfits, you know. And I liked that about them. And when Sara had no one, she had Sin; that was the only person she really had and who really accepted her. So, yeah I wish they would do a little bit more of that. I heard that, and I hope this isn’t a spoiler because I think I read it on the internet, that Sin is going to be in episode 12, so that’ll be fun to get to see that character again.

Q: Do you have any favorite moments with Katie Cassidy, or any favorite moments in regards to their sisterhood?

Lotz: You know what’s a lot of fun? Katie [Cassidy] has two sisters, and I don’t have any sisters (I have a brother), but when we would work on scenes together and talk about it she would share with me what’s going on with her sisters and we would be able to use that and kind of put it into the scene. It was fun playing the ‘old school’ us too, like in the flashbacks, because we’re so ridiculous! [laughing] It’s like, “What boys are you talking to in college?” But then even later, I remember a scene in Verdant when Sara was bar tending and Laurel comes in to apologize and I remember when she was doing that and crying and you could so feel that—the love that was between them. [TV shows] do need more sister stuff! Yeah!

Q: The women on Arrow all have different characters; they have real fight scenes instead of just sexy ladies fighting sexy ladies. I was just wondering if you could talk a little about playing a woman in an action type role, and if you think that sort of a trend that’s spreading?

Lotz: I really hope so! People have tried on a few different shows with female superheroes and the same with movies, and if it doesn’t do well they’re like, “Oh, it’s doomed! Nobody likes female superheroes!” but a lot of times it’s like, “No, it’s the script. It’s the writing. It’s not necessarily because it’s a girl!” But it is harder, and you see it’s a little bit of a boy’s club, and I think we have to keep, you know, fighting to make it not [a boy’s club], and to bring in the [female] presence and not just as like, “Oh I’m so cute and sexy” but like, “No, I’m badass and I can do this just like a guy can!” And I really do hope it’s a trend and that we have more of it. I think as consumers, and the fans, and the viewers, you guys have a lot of say in that. So, I think we definitely, we have to support that and keep bringing it, and then it will be more of a trend.

Q: Was that something that you discussed when you were cast [in Arrow], that you did not want your character to be just a prop or accessory?

Lotz: I think that when Sara was dreamt up, nobody was like, “Oh, this is going to be some like weak chick or arm candy.” They wrote this knowing that they wanted Sara to be strong, and I was always happy that I got to play it like that. There’s a few times when something was written in and it was like, Sara was so girly and kind of weak, and I’m like “I don’t know if I would really say that.” And I remember one time there was [a scene], and Sara was with Oliver and they were in a fight, and they had it written where she was like, “Talk to me about your feelings. What are you feeling?” and I was like, “I don’t know if Sara would do that,” and they were like, “You know what? You’re right, she wouldn’t do that.” They never had to play the damsel in distress; like, Sara can hold her own, and I think that’s one of my favorite things about her is that she does have that power.

Q: Have you noticed with these [kinds of] roles that there’s a ripple effect? Have you noted that there are more action roles for women that are emerging, or that there are stronger roles for women, and do you think it’s as a result of shows like Arrow and superhero movies and things of that nature?

Lotz: Yeah. I think, [the movie] Lucy is a good example. That’s kind of like a super heroine movie that did well; people liked it. I think we still have a far ways to go, there’s definitely a lot more stuff for men than there is for women. I think that you can also look at pay and stuff. You know, we’ve been reading articles about how actresses don’t get paid as much as their male counterparts even if they’re like in equal places, and it is a problem. And it’s weird because I never really noticed it before, and now it’s like I’m paying attention to it more and, you know, we do need to pay attention to it more. It’s weird to me because I’ve always had strong female characters. I always get to play these cool roles; I’ve never played the pretty girl that’s just there (which would be incredibly boring) but I hear from a lot of people that that’s still what it is, so I think we have a ways to go. I’d like to say, “Yeah, everything is equal and there’s all these great roles for women” but there’s really not. We need more.

Q: Did you feel a lot of pressure or anxiety over playing a more bisexual Canary? Was it kind of hard for you to think about putting that on TV, because we don’t see a lot of lady love on TV, especially ones where there’s an actual relationship happening?

Lotz: That’s a really good point! I didn’t feel at all awkward or intimidated by it. For me, it wasn’t a big deal. Sara loves this person; Sara loves that person. It doesn’t really matter that that person’s a girl or that person’s a boy. Someone told me an interesting term I hadn’t heard of before was pan, like pansexual…

Q: …or maybe demisexual, where there’s no sexual attraction until there’s a connection?

Lotz: Yeah!

Q: …but anything that isn’t like, go throw yourself at Green Arrow like he’s the only game in town kind of thing…

Lotz: I liked that about Sara. I think it was easy because it wasn’t about “is she a lesbian, is she straight, is she this?” It’s like, it doesn’t matter, she just loves who she loves, and that was it. So that, to me, was just very normal.

Q: Well, thank you for bringing that kind of representation because it’s hard to find that on TV shows and comic books, really.

Lotz: Yeah, we need more of that. I think you see a lot more gay men than you do women, and I think they really need to be represented more on TV.

Q: In the show, it wasn’t a big deal, it wasn’t a conversation point; it just was. Was it that way from the beginning? Was there ever dialogue [that didn’t make it to airing] that made it more of a big deal?

Lotz: No, the writers were on the same boat with that. It was never a thing, and I really respect them for doing it like that. They never tried to capitalize on it and make it so taboo or anything. It was very natural and simple.

[Finally, Lotz was asked where she would like to see her career going from here]

Lotz: To the stratosphere! [laughing] I don’t know. I want it to go up, I want it to go in a good direction, and it’s fun working on TV. I like that because you get this on-going relationship with the fans, so I think it would be great to get on another show full time (that would be cool); and, I love movies so I’d love to do like a good indie drama. I’ve done a lot of action stuff lately so it would be good to do a drama.

http://www.themarysue.com/caity-lotz-wi ... rld-panel/
- David Ramsey habla sobre la ausencia de Oliver y el enmascarar a Diggle (cbr):
David Ramsey habla sobre la ausencia de Oliver y el enmascarar a Diggle
Por Scott Huver, 15 Enero 2015

David Ramsey thinks he has a pretty solid notion about when his "Arrow" character John Diggle should consider putting on a mask -- and when he should take off his shirt.

With Oliver Queen apparently dead at the hands of the villainous Ra's al Ghul in series' midseason finale, Ramsey explains that Team Arrow has to step up their game, with Diggle leading the charge. And while Dig's been carrying his responsibility's more comfortably than anyone else in Starling City, with his relationship in a good place and his enjoyment at becoming a father, will taking center stage, especially without the benefit of a secret identity, eventually put his loved ones in harm's way?

Ramsey gives Comic Book Resources a preview of what to expect in the back end of the CW series' third season, as Diggle, Roy, Laurel and Felicity fill in for the missing Oliver, Diggle continues to balance his personal life with that of a crime fighting vigilante and the pride he feels at his character's popularity expanding beyond the world of the show. Plus, Ramsey spills on one of the burning questions on many fans minds -- why do the show's ripped stars sometimes go a few episodes without taking their shirts off?

Comic Book Resources: What have you loved about this season, for you and for Diggle?

David Ramsey: Well, fortunately, now that Oliver Queen is dead, Diggle gets a lot more screen time, which is great -- just selfishly, I have to say that! But besides that, I just like the fact that Diggle is probably the most well-adjusted of the characters. He has a family. He has a child and potential wife, and he fights crime at night. And he's fine with all of those elements of his life, and well-adjusted to each of them. I think he's probably where Oliver Queen will be in five years, just in terms of psychologically where he's adjusted to. He's had his crucible. Afghanistan was his crucible. I like the fact that they're making him kind of a model, in some ways, of what Oliver Queen can and should be.

So you're expecting this balance to stay in place?

To continue? Well, it never does, does it? I mean, not on "Arrow!" There's peace, just to set you up for some chaos. So, no, I don't expect it to stay that way, but it's nice in the meantime.

Tell me about Diggle's life in the world of Dead Oliver.

Well, he stepped up to the plate. And the rest of the team, obviously -- Canary, Arsenal and Felicity -- we all have to step up in the absence of Oliver. But I think they do look to Diggle to some degree. Diggle is older than all of them, and to some great degree, experienced more in the field, reconnaissance fighting, so they do look to him for some leadership. And it's good -- that's a good element for Diggle to exercise, but it's shared. It really is shared. All these opinions are shared, and there's a certain amount of -- Oliver's absence really does something to us all emotionally, because we all have to reassess why we're there, personally. We've taken on this crusade which began as Oliver's, and it's kind of slowly become our own, so we all have to come up with some reasons as to why we decide to stay, if we decide to stay. There's a lot of introspective work that we do.

Tell me about fight scenes and stunts. What's the coolest thing you've gotten to do recently?

Well, I get to do some hero stuff where I get to slide underneath this truck and come up and fight this big bad guy and pull out two guns and start firing. Stuff that Stephen [Amell] gets to do on a regular basis that we just kind of take for granted. I've learned in Stephen's absence, as I get to do more action stuff, that I just don't envy him at all. He does this stuff every week. So yeah, the coolest stuff has been this big warehouse fight that's coming up. A huge warehouse fight that Diggle gets to be the star fighter of that scene.

Do you want a costume and code name?

That's a great question! Well, Oliver says something very interesting. He said to Arsenal, "The mask isn't to protect you. It's to protect the people you love." I think if anyone kind of has a reason to protect himself for loved ones at this point, it's probably Diggle. So there's been a big kind of hoo-rah on line in terms of "Diggle needs a mask. Diggle should get a mask."

At first, I wasn't really paying that much attention to it, but as I've just heard more of it, and kind of thought about it myself and thought, well, maybe. Maybe there should be something, and also just visually, right? You see Arsenal, Arrow, Canary coming into a big fight scene, and they're all leathered and masked up. They're clad in their uniforms, and their identities are protected -- and then here comes Diggle, in a bomber jacket with two guns blazing, like, "Hey, I'm ready to fight!" No mask. Visually, there probably should be some adjustment to that, maybe. But I don't know what that would be. I just don't know what that would be.

The Diggle character, to their great credit and to my great honor, they've taken great strides in making Diggle kind of a part of the lexicon of "Arrow" and the lore of "Arrow." And they've made him part of the comic book. So what do you do with that? Do you give him a mask there and here? I don't know how this all logistically works. In terms of the story, would it be nice to see him [masked] when he's out in the field? That makes complete and total sense to me. I just don't know what that would be.

What did it mean to you when you found that they were bringing Diggle into the comics?

A great pleasure, man. I got to share that with these two guys, Mark [Guggenheim] and Andrew [Kreisberg], and Greg Berlanti, obviously, and even the fans. The fans really demanded that. They really just fell in love with Diggle. I can't take all of that credit, but I was totally flabbergasted and honored by that. If Diggle survives in the comic books, 15 years from now, if there's a character named John Diggle in the Green Arrow universe, I mean, that's great. If there's ever another show of "Arrow," or in the movies, then they can bring that character to life. That's great that it began here, you know.

Have you gotten to play with anybody that you haven't had a lot of screen time with up until now?

Katie Cassidy, yeah. There's some great moments that she and I get because, obviously, again, emotionally, there's something that's we're going through in Oliver's absence. She and I share some really fantastic moments that we never get to do besides this. So yeah, Katie Cassidy, it was great working with her, in particular.

Throughout your career, you've always been in peak physical condition.

Well, thank you. I'll pay you for that later.

You've got a show to shoot every week. Is it easy to keep it up?

Well, it's interesting you asked that. You have to kind of find your rhythm. I think, probably in the middle of the second season, I kind of found the rhythm in terms of, how do you work out with this type of schedule? You work 14-hour days, and how do you work out three or four times a week with that? So, no, it's not easy, but you kind of find a rhythm. One week, we go on hiatus, during the break, you have to kind of find the rhythm again. And then you come back. So it's all kind of a rhythm thing, and it takes some time to find it. And it is difficult. It is. So sometimes you might see us not having our shirts off for five or six or seven episodes. We're not having our shirts off in five, six, seven episodes, that's deliberate because we just haven't quite found the rhythm yet. And once we do, the shirts come off.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=58520
- Oliver regresará antes de lo que pensamos y puede haber una dinámica sorpresa con Ra's Al Ghul (IGN):
Oliver regresará antes de lo que pensamos y puede haber una dinámica sorpresa con Ra's Al Ghul
Por Roth Cornet 16 Enero 2015

We're going to be talking about the significant conclusion of the battle between Oliver Queen and Ra's Al Ghul, here. So if you haven't seen it yet and don't want to be spoiled, you may want to head out and return when you've had the opportunity to catch up.

Still with us? Okay!

Arrow left off with a big cliffhanger - almost, but not quite, a literal one. With Oliver soundly -- almost humiliatingly -- defeated by Ra's Al Ghul and chucked off a cliff like so much refuse, the question became: What's to become of The Emerald Archer?

IGN had the opportunity to speak exclusively with Ra's himself, Matt Nable, at the TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour, as well as follow-up with Arrow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg with a small group of reporters about when we can expect to see Oliver again and how the relationship between Ra's and the Arrow may evolve (assuming that Oliver makes it through...which we do).

When Will Oliver Return?

"I think the way in which [Oliver] is a part of [the upcoming episodes] isn't quite what people are expecting".

As Eric Goldman said in our discussion about the mid-season finale, the show is called Arrow and Stephen Amell is the star. There hasn't been a contract dispute, so it's fairly safe to assume that he'll be back.

"He didn't have that much time off," Kreisberg confirmed when a reporter asked how long Amell had been away from production. "That would suggest that he's not a part of these [upcoming] episodes. He is. I just think the way in which he is a part of them isn't quite what people are expecting."

Nable, for his part, is headed back to set next week. "[Ra's] obviously comes back in the mid-season finale in the battle with Stephen," the actor said when we asked when we might see the villain reappear. "So he'll be coming back and interacting with Arrow pretty quickly."

The Lazarus Pit

Now, how Oliver will return is another question all together. Amell will likely appear in flashbacks -- at the very least -- when the show returns. Many fans are speculating that the series will be utilizing the Lazarus Pit to justify Oliver's resurrection from the as-good-as-dead state we last saw him in.

"I think the key to Ra's's longevity will be explored," Kreisberg said when we asked if we'd be seeing the Pit. "But we want to keep surprises in store. We always say we make this show for two audiences: we make it for me and my wife. My wife doesn't know anything from anything -- as far as comic books are concerned. But it has to appeal to both audiences. We know there are going to be some comic book fans watching it, and they're going to be like, 'I know exactly where this is going.' Hopefully we flip it on its head enough to where they're challenged and there's enough mystery involved, and for the regular audiences they're just going along for the ride anyway."

As to Ra's longevity, when Nable was crafting his character, he had to incorporate the idea that he's centuries old and simply does not see the world as others might.

"He's immortal, and he's been around for such a long time," Nable reflected. "I think it's in the way he speaks, an economy of words. He's seen so much, and he doesn't get flustered. But for me as well, as opposed to some of the other interpretations, I like for him to have a physicality. If he's lived that long and he's this badass, then it's okay to be a bit scrappy around the edges. That's the way I see it. Look, I've only lived 42 years, and I'm tired. [Laughs] So if he's lived that long, I'm sure he's a bit rough around the edges at times."

"I think that character, more than just about anyone on this show, would understand what life and death is," Nable continued. "He's taken thousands of lives, and he's lived past so many others, so he's got a good perspective on it. I don't think he's insane, and I don't think he's lived his life in bliss, but I think his perspective on it would be a lot clearer and measured than with other characters that he's interacting with. Living that long and knowing you're going to live forever would be a difficult thing to get your head around, but he's had thousands of years to get his head around it. So he's very comfortable with life -- with his life, in any case."

Ra's is also very comfortable with death -- with being, judge, jury, and executioner.

"I think he's done that for so long, he'd be very uncompromising with his judgments," Nable reflected on his character's ridged ethical code. "You know it's, 'If you've done that, you're done.' It'd be very black and white for him. You know, I don't see Ra's as a bad person. I see him as he says: 'I'm replacing evil with death.' So he's a righteous man. From that point of view -- you don't have to like every character you play, but you need to understand them, and I certainly understand him."

There are some who speculate that Oliver's old compatriot from Hong Kong, Maseo - now in the League of Assassins - will step in to bring the fatally wounded Oliver to the Lazarus Pit (or somewhere like it) to save his life.

"I don't think he'd be too happy," Nable laughed when we asked how Ra's would respond to one of his own disobeying him by rescuing Oliver. "I don't think he'd be too happy with that at all."

Ra's does have a respect for Oliver, though. So it seems possible that if (and when) he does survive, that Ra's may take that as a potential opportunity to bring Queen into his fold.

"Yes, I think there could be," Nable told us when asked if there might be a future where Oliver and Ra's have a mentor or ally relationship. "Yes. [Laughs]...I can say no more."

A Formidable Force

"I think there will be a gentler side shown, a mentoring side perhaps".

Ra's is the villain that many fans have been waiting for, so the question is: How present will be be as the season progresses?

"I think he's going to be a formidable force, yeah," Nable said of his continued place on the series. "There's no doubt about that. I think you alluded to it before with Arrow. I think there will be a gentler side shown, a mentoring side perhaps. I'm still a little bit in the dark. So definitely formidable, but I also think nurturing."

Creating That Fight Sequence

"What we were hoping to get out of it, for Ra's al Ghul, was an economy of movement, so that he was making Arrow look really silly".

There was a great deal riding on that confrontation between Ra's and Oliver, both in terms of the story and in terms of fan expectations. Each actor seemed to know that, and take it seriously.

"I worked really, really hard with the stunt guys, and obviously so did Stephen," Nable said of the battle. "Stephen did everything that day. I had a stunt double that day who did quite a bit of my stuff, because there was a lot of swordplay, and just time-wise -- but I'd learned the choreography. What we were hoping to get out of it, for Ra's al Ghul, was an economy of movement, so that he was making Arrow look really silly. So it wasn't even going to be close. It was just so easy for this guy. So that's what they wanted to get across, and I think they got that. He only has to move the slightest bit to beat Stephen. That was the idea."

New Interpretation of Ra's:

"I mean, Keaton was a great Batman, but so was Adam West, and so was Christian Bale, and I'm sure Ben Affleck will be; the young boy on Gotham is another great iteration of Bruce Wayne. These characters were meant to be played by different people".

Whenever a character as iconic as Ra's is reintroduced in a new incarnation, both the actor and the creative team face a tremendous amount of pressure to satisfy - or exceed - expectations.

"To take on a character that lives so freely and so presently in people's minds, we feel like we had a lot of people to convince, but we are in love with Matt," Kreisberg said of Nable's casting. "You watch episode nine, and he is Ra's al Ghul. That's one of the great things about all these characters. I mean, Keaton was a great Batman, but so was Adam West, and so was Christian Bale, and I'm sure Ben Affleck will be; the young boy on Gotham [David Mazouz] is another great iteration of Bruce Wayne. These characters were meant to be played by different people. Everyone brings something different to them. That's fun for us as writers: people have expectations for who this character is; what can we do to provide those expectations. What can we do that's different? Hopefully we've done that with Matt and Ra's."

"I think what they wanted more than anything was a physicality for the role," Nable reflected, in thinking about his version of the character. "I think they had seen me in Riddick, so they had a very specific idea of what they wanted for this Ra's. And I think going up against someone like Stephen Amell, who's also a really physical guy, I think they had in mind that physical quality. Beyond that, I think I was really lucky in the sense that they just said, 'Make it yours. Whatever interpretation that you come up with, we trust you.' To be honest it was quite nerve-racking, because I didn't want to muck it up. Those are big shoes to fill, with Liam Neeson and some of the other performers who've played that character."

As far as the backstory for this iteration of Ra's is concerned, Nable says that the writers and producers encouraged him to research as much as he could about the character, which he did.

"There's so much mythology involved with that character," the actor said. "Thousands, and thousands, and thousands of words that you read up on. But they're still developing things as we speak, so I'm finding out as I go along what's happening. You can only interpret script by script where you are, which is actually really fun. It's unfolding in front of my eyes as well."

Does this particular Ra's Know Batman?

Ra's assertion to Oliver that he hadn't faced a such a foe in 67 years seemed to be a strong indication that Ra's doesn't, in fact, know Batman in this particular DC universe. Or at the very least that he hasn't seen him in quite some time. Nable hasn't specifically been told whether he does or does not know The Dark Knight.

"I just assume all those things," the actor said. "I'd guess he does. That's my interpretation of it, that all those things have happened and they're in the past, and this is the present day with Oliver Queen. For this character, for this role, I don't think too hard about that. I'm just concentrating on -- I mean, Ra's comes in and out of things, so what happens with all those moments between Arrow or whoever else is in this production, who knows what he's doing? He could be interacting with Batman, with Bane, whoever."

Is Nyssa Ra's Soft Spot?

We haven't seen much of Ra's relationship with his daughter, yet. When asked if there is any softness in him, if Ra's has it for Nyssa, Nable said absolutely and that he has hopes that they'll "get to explore that a bit this season as well."

"We know she's been developed a lot as well, Katrina Law [the actress who plays Nyssa]," the actor continued. "So yeah, I've done some scenes with Katrina and if it fleshes out and we have those moments together, then I'd certainly like to bring that gentleness, that side, to this character. She's his daughter and he loves her. That would be nice to show as well."

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/01/16/ ... hul?page=1
- Colton Haynes Dice que Arsenal "Tiene que dar un paso al frente y no está preparado" (cbr):
Colton Haynes Dice que Arsenal "Tiene que dar un paso al frente y no está preparado"
Por Scott Huver, 19 Enero 2015

Roy Harper's never had an easy path on "Arrow," but now that his mentor has fallen at the hands of Ra's al Ghul, Colton Haynes reveals that it's time for Arsenal to man up – whether he's ready or not.

The character takes a central role in crimefighting in Starling City starting with this week’s return episode “Left Behind.” Rather than falling apart now that Oliver Queen appears to be dead, Haynes explains that Arsenal's ready to focus more intensely on his crusade for justice, but the rest of Team Arrow may not be on the exact same page.

The actors offered CBR News some hints at where Roy's headed in the second half of Season 3, what the reveal of Sarah’s killer means for the show and some behind the scenes tidbits – including the co-star whose superpower is apparently the ability to instantly break Haynes up.

CBR News: So as sad as we all are to know that Oliver is dead, it's kind of a good thing for the rest of you guys on the show, right?

Colton Haynes: It is. It gives us a lot of work. We have a lot to catch up on. [Laughs]

Tell me how Roy steps up in Oliver's absence.

He's still dealing – he's not sure if he's pissed off that this happened. He is very emotional when it comes to that because he lost a mentor and he lost a friend. And he really has to step up, and he isn't really ready to. So he's going on his own ventures, as it is, trying to figure out if anything that anyone's saying is true or not. It's almost like having too many cooks in the kitchen. It's a vote every time we have to do something, so that's kind of frustrating. And at the same time, no one really listens to each other. They all have their own ideas of how they want to do things. But it is nice because it creates a team with everybody, and everyone goes off the hinges once this happens. He is the linchpin of the entire show and the entire team, so once he's gone, everyone goes a little batshit crazy, yeah.

Who have you gotten to work with a little bit more now, in the wake of Oliver's death?

It's been a lot with Diggle and Felicity, and also with Laurel – the Black Canary now – so that's been really, really fun to do. We have terrible laugh attacks that don't stop, and we really, like, ruin peoples' workdays because we can't stop laughing. And it's a problem. We should be more professional and stop, but it's been nice to actually do that. And it's been nice to work with them as a team as opposed to just one other person.

Who's the easiest to break and who's the hardest?

David Ramesy is, by far, the easiest person. David and I can't look at each other in the eye. We actually have different eye-lines, because he is the funniest person I've probably ever met in my entire life. And he will just say anything – anyway, he's just the funniest person ever. The hardest to make break is definitely Barrowman. You'd think that he would be the easiest one to break, but he breaks everybody. He'll say something, a random joke, right before you're going to do a take, and you're like, "They just said 'rolling,' and now I have to actually get through the scene.”

In the realm of fight scenes and action, what's been the coolest thing you've gotten to do recently?

There's been so many things – I'm thinking! I got to do a lot of stuff with the batons, which is cool, but I'm not the most coordinated so I kind of look like a baton twirler as opposed to like a badass. But my stunt double's the best. He made me look cool, and I had to do a bunch of work on the mat and everything, so that was cool.

Since we met Roy, he's been a tortured kind of guy. Is there any relief, even in the loss of Oliver?

Yeah, he is able to because he's now making an effort to – what people forget is that Roy killed someone. And he was under the influence, so therefore, he wasn't himself, and that's not fair. And it's also really causing him to be emotionally just distraught. So now he's taking the steps to figure that out, and he's going back and seeing people from the past to see what he can do to manage his emotions because Roy doesn't want to make a bad decision on an emotional level, as opposed to a logical one.

Thea's been going down a fairly dangerous path so far. Where does their relationship stand moving forward?

They're good friends. They work together, and they're really good friends. And Thea's going to find out some really big information going forward that only makes Roy and Thea closer. And [it] really makes them question if was just – it was big lie. Roy did lie to her, just a massive lie. Whether that lie is a big enough reason to be apart, you know? Because they kind of need each other in all of this, and they've gotten each other from the beginning. It's a matter of forgiveness.

Where does the mystery of Sarah's murder fit in the back half of the season? Is it still front and center?

It is. Certain people don't know who killed her. So once those people find out, people are going to be at each other's throats once...it's funny because now I'm like thinking "Who knows?" Not everybody knows who actually killed Sarah. Not even the person that killed Sarah knows that she killed Sarah. When that happens, imagine the relationship between Thea and Laurel. Imagine the relationship with all of that. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of catfights coming up. We'll see.

What element of Roy from the comic books would you still love to play?

The drug aspect and the losing an arm. I think Roy's very emotional, and we're toying with that. He's toying with how he's going to cope with his deep issues. And I think that would be fun to do that kind of dark, edgy aspect of it.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=58560

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

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- ARROW 3.10 "Left Behind" Extended Promo:


- ARROW 3.10 "Left Behind" Producer´s Preview:


- ARROW 3.10 "Left Behind" Canadian Promo:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/01/arrow- ... adian.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.12 “Uprising”:
3.12 “Uprising” (04/02/15): MALCOLM HACE UNA OFERTA PARA AYUDAR AL TEAM ARROW — Todavía operando sin Oliver (Stephen Amell) y desesperados por detener a Brick (la estrella invitada Vinnie Jones), el Team Arrow se ve forzado a considerar la oferta de Malcolm (John Barrowman) se ayudar a derrotar a Brick ya que Malcolm tiene un marcador personal que resolver con el criminal. Roy (Colton Haynes) y Laurel (Katie Cassidy) apuntan que el equipo podría usar alguna ayuda para salvar a los inocentes de The Glades, pero Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) está rotundamente en contra. Buscan a Diggle para que tome la decisión final. Mientras tanto, los flashbacks hacen la crónica de la caída de Malcolm de ser un padre y marido generoso al asesino a sangre fría en el que se convierte tras el asesinato de su esposa. Jesse Warn dirige el episodio escrito por Beth Schwartz & Brian Ford Sullivan (#312).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-3-12- ... tion/20941

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept Arts de "Arrow" con Mejoras en el traje y la flecha del Guante de Boxeo:

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El artista conceptual Andy Poon diseña los trajes para las dos series de la CW "Arrow" y "The Flash" y ha posteado algunos concept arts nuevos que las muestran mejoras del traje de 'Arrow' q se hicieron para el crossover especial con The Flash. "La cincha para el carcaj es ahora más una bandolera que sujeta las flechas con las puntas de los trucos especiales," escribe Andy. "Hay sujecciones para los dardos que se han añadido a su brazo izquierdo, la parte de abajo de la espalda y sus muslos. Se añadieron dos costuras a la parte baja frontal de la chaqueta que hace que parezca más las líneas de los abdominales que todos sabemos que Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) tiene, pero también para el nuevo cinturón de la chaqueta por el que se abrocha y que sujeta dos zurrones."

En la última imagen también se puede ver la flecha con la punta del guante de boxeo. Es una versión que Andy diseñó sólo por diversión, pero terminó usándose en el episodio de "Guilty" de la pasada temporada.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
