¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 1.18 "Everyone Has a Copplepot" Promo:


Añadidos los rátings del 1.17 "Red Hood". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jada Pinkett Smith habla sobre esa escena de Gotham y su propio pasado con los cómics (people):
Jada Pinkett Smith habla sobre esa escena de Gotham y su propio pasado con los cómics
por Amanda Michelle Steiner 23 Febrero 2015

If there's anything that Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith) covets – more than reclaiming her nightclub and more than taking Gotham for herself – it's control.

Despite being locked in a prison that harvests the organs of its prisoners, however, Fish was able to reclaim at least a tiny bit of control on Monday's episode of Gotham, though it was pretty hard-won.

In an exclusive chat with PEOPLE, Pinkett Smith, 43, talked all about Fish's need for control, the superhero comic book she wrote in her twenties (in which she'd want her daughter, Willow Smith, 14, to play the title role in a movie) and how she draws from "Dark Jada" to play Gotham's most resilient character.

Spoilers for "Red Hood" are below! You've been warned.

So … Fish stabbed her own eye out. What was it like filming such an intense scene?
That was an interesting day because I was not feeling very well. It was really challenging just keeping my concentration and keeping my energy levels up, but it was a lot of fun, too. It's very rare that you get to do something so extreme. The crew was so good to me, and everybody was chipping in. It was definitely challenging. But I loved having the opportunity to do some outrageous stuff.

When we first met Fish, she was pretty much entirely in control of her situation. Then, thanks to events set in motion by Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor), her machinations kind of backfired. Now, in this prison – of all places – it seems like she's regained a sense of control over her life. Would you say that's accurate?
I would say that she's trying to. Fish really does a great job at making everyone believe that she has it all together even if she's terrified. Her motto is, "Never let 'em see you sweat. Never." I think what she's trying to do. I think she's figured out a way within the prison to have a certain amount of control, which is one of the reasons why she takes her eye out.

Fish is all about control, but at the end of the day, she's still very vulnerable and she's still trying to figure out how to have absolutely everything that she needs and wants, which is basically to get out of there and to get back to Gotham and get her club back – if that's even possible. She is desperately trying to gain control, and you see the desperation within that act of taking her eye out.

Will she get closer to getting back on top by the end of this season?
You know, we'll have to see if she makes it out alive! We'll have to see if Fish even makes it, you know. She may make it and she may not.

She is an original character, after all, so we don't really know her fate, as opposed to knowing that, say, Selina (Camren Bicondova) and Bruce (David Mazouz) will eventually be at odds. What is it like to have the freedom to shape your character, to be outside of the DC comic-book canon?
I think it's kind of cool, you know? It gives me an opportunity – like you said – to participate in creating a character that may become part of the canon. We have yet to see whether that will occur, but it definitely has been a real creative joy to have this opportunity to help create this character. I mean, who ever gets that opportunity?

On The Walking Dead, Daryl (Norman Reedus), who is one of my favorite characters, wasn't an original character in the comic books – which I was a fan of, as well. I bet you he'll be in the canon now! 'Cause he's, like, one of the most gangster characters on that show!

So, you're a comic book fan! Are you a fan of the DC Comics as well?
I am! I have been. I would say there are some comic books that I've loved that are a bit more obscure. I played my hand at creating a comic book before – called Menace – when I was in my twenties. I was trying to create a black female comic-book character that was from the 'hood.

You wrote it?
Yeah, I wrote it, and it was with a company at the time that went under, unfortunately. She was called Menace, and she was this character who was doing a lot of bad stuff. She died in a drug deal gone bad, and, as she's about to die, an angel comes to her, and he basically says, "Listen, I will return your life to you if you take this opportunity to redeem your soul. I'm going to give you the opportunity to save the souls of those who are like you" – basically, young kids who are out in the streets doing bad things.

So she takes the deal, and each soul that she saves brings her closer to eternal life and brings her from the dark to the light. She just has this struggle between dark and light. That was pretty much what that comic book was about. She was pretty hot, and her name was Menace 'cause she was a menace! [Laughs]

Have you ever thought about making that into a movie?
I have! You know, I really have, but I always struggle with the idea of like, "Oh man, it's a black female character," and just dealing with the politics of, like, "Will a studio make a black character like that?" And it might not be a role for me. It could be something I'll hold for Willow. Maybe it's something I'll hold for another young actress. But I think there's an opportunity to make it, for sure. I don't know if it will be made for me, necessarily, and that will be fine. I would just love to get it made! But I still have it, and it's a property that I feel still has value.

Totally – and things are changing slowly but surely ...
Surely! Absolutely! They are! But you know, in the comic-book world, the fanboys and fangirls can get a little tight! I don't know, we'll see! Now that I'm submerged back into this comic world, we'll see how it goes.

Is there anybody in the DC universe that you're hoping will join the fray in Gotham, or has your favorite character already joined?
I mean, we all love the Joker. That's coming. There's a really obscure character, that I used to like called Jane Doe. She could switch identities. I always thought that she was cool. It would be cool if she came – she's pretty, pretty awesome.

What's the best part about playing a "bad guy"?
One of the things that I love about this particular character is that I get to be so outside of myself. It's really a character. Of course there are certain aspects of Fish that I can pull from Jada, but, you know, I just love that Fish doesn't care about being politically correct. She can just be as vicious as they come, and I think I love that.

It gives me an opportunity to really explore and express my shadow side – my dark side – in a healthy way. Like, Fish really gives Jada an opportunity to get into some stuff that Jada wouldn't and express herself in a way that Jada wouldn't. Fish goes for it, and I love that about her.

It's a running joke with my girlfriends – they're like, "I need Jada to take a seat, and I need Fish Mooney to come to the table. I need Fish Mooney right now! We need to get this situation handled!" Be careful what you ask for! [Laughs] And sometimes I do call upon a little Fish Mooney energy sometimes, believe it or not. Not her vicious side but just her strength. Fish will just not back down, no matter what. And sometimes I do call upon that energy, that fierceness. She's been a great discovery. You do have to keep her in check, though!

http://www.people.com/article/gotham-ja ... _peoplemag

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales, incluído "The Dollmaker":

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- Nuevas imágenes BTS (27-02-15):

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(@camrenbicondova: Happy Birthday to one of the coolest dudes EVER!!!!!! @donallogue #gotham
@thedrewpowell: Happy Birthday to this tough guy with a heart of gold! Glad to know ya amigo! @donallogue #Gotham
@TJScottPictures: Having a great time collaborating wt @ben_mckenzie on ep 20 of #Gotham)

- Ben McKenzie junto a Morena Baccarin y Milo Ventimiglia en el set de "Gotham", N.Y. (27-02-15):

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http://www.justjared.com/2015/02/28/ben ... on-gotham/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM 1.18 "Everyone Has A Cobblepot" Featurette:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robin Lord Taylor habla sobre el ascenso del Pingüino en el submundo criminal de "Gotham" (CBR):
Robin Lord Taylor habla sobre el ascenso del Pingüino en el submundo criminal de "Gotham"
Por Bryan Cairns 02 Marzo, 2015

For the most part, Batman's future foes find themselves in the beginning stages of their villainous careers on Fox's series "Gotham." Selina Kyle is still a petty street thief, Edward Nygma's riddles are more cute than caper clues, and Ivy Pepper's obsession for plants hasn't yet blossomed.

And then, there's Oswald Cobblepot, who already goes by the monicker of The Penguin -- whether he likes it or not. A former lackey of Fish Mooney, Cobblepot manipulated, snitched and murdered his way into jumpstarting his own criminal empire, and while he may not have solidified his hold over Gotham City quite yet, those who ruffle his feathers don't live long enough to regret it.

Ahead of tonight's episode, "Everyone Has A Cobblepot," Robin Lord Taylor spoke with CBR News about "Gotham's" grounded take on the iconic villain. We discuss Det. Jim Gordon's uneasy alliance with the future crime boss, Fish Mooney's lasting impression on her onece-upon-a-time protege, and the potential impact the death of his mother might have on the breaking bad'mama's boy.

CBR News: In the episode "Red Hood," Oswald notes, "Perhaps it's our enemies who define us." How has Fish Mooney shaped him into the man he is and will eventually become?

Robin Lord Taylor: She is the one who taught him everything there is to know about this underbelly of Gotham City. He learned about the Falcone family, the Maroni family, how they work and how they operate, from Fish. There's a great moment in the pilot, where her bat was handed off to Penguin. He learned about that hard edge you need to have to be taken seriously in Gotham City. I think he really feels indebted to her in that way. Even though he does go behind her back, and even though they are somewhat arch-enemies, there is a strange kind of motherly connection that he has with her.

He really does miss her. There have been times in previous episodes, like when he comes back to the club for the first time and says to her, "I know you're still grumpy with me, but I really hope we can work through this." I do feel he would rather have her accept this as part of the game. This is part of Gotham City, and he needs to be taken seriously, but he also wanted to have a relationship with her, to a certain extent. It's a bit of a power play, too, because he knows she hates him with every fiber of her being, and her downfall is a direct result of his actions. He knows that and is toying with her, to an extent. Ultimately, deep down, he feels indebted to her.

Everyone always asks what traits or qualities actors draw from the source material or previous incarnations of a character. In your case, there have been some over-the-top versions of the Penguin. Were there certain attributes or mannerisms you were thankful the writers steered away from? After all, Oswald hasn't squawked yet.

Yeah, totally. There were certain obvious things that previous incarnations of the Penguin embraced. I'm just happy they are focusing more on him being a fleshed-out, real person, or as real as you can be in this world. I liked the fact that he's three-dimensional. Yes, there are over-the-top aspects of his personality, but he's not a cartoon. Everything he does is motivated from a real place. His personality is so well fleshed-out, it doesn't feel two-dimensional or cartoony at all.

I do try and incorporate the classic characteristics of the Penguin, which both Danny DeVito and Burgess Meredith did so well. There's that strange sense of fun that he has. There's a certain amount of charisma and glee in his life that he finds. Even though it's often dark, there's still some light moments, which I definitely also try to incorporate in the character.

As he continues to vie for power, in your mind, what are Oswald's strengths and weaknesses?

His greatest strength is the ability to read people and appeal to them on their level and then use them to his advantage. There is that charisma about him. It's something he's learned over the years. Because he was a bullied kid and because of the way he looks, nobody ever took him seriously. It was always about ingratiating himself to people and then using that to his advantage. If he had a super power, that's what it would be.

Basically, I feel his weakness is somewhat tied to that. His own ambition is so strong that he is unable to fully connect with people and fully empathize with them. It gets in the way of his ability to work with them in certain situations.

How would you describe Oswald's relationship with Jim Gordon?

It's one of my favorite relationships, because it's very complex in the sense that, on paper, they are enemies. Jim is on one side of the fence, and Oswald is on the other. However, what's interesting about it is, Oswald understands, and Jim as we go along understands this more, that in Gotham City, there is no black and white. Sometimes, to achieve your goals, you have to work with the other side to maneuver things for you and help you ultimately get what you want. There's this push and pull between the two of them that is so fascinating.

I really do believe Penguin thinks of Jim as one of his only friends. He only trusts two people in Gotham City: The first is his mother and the second is Jim Gordon. He sees in Jim a strength of character, and he's consistent in his beliefs. There's something there that is very attractive to Penguin. He respects that. Of course, being a manipulative person, Oswald does want to exploit that. At the same time, Jim saved his life, and he is indebted to him for that. It's this really fun dynamic to play, especially with Jim not wanting to be on board with Oswald, but then realizing he needs to. The dynamic is more complex than people think.

Oswald briefly encountered Edward Nygma in police headquarters. Does that have you curious about how Oswald's first meetings with Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, the Joker or the Scarecrow might play out?

That's one of the things I'm most excited about as we go on. When we got the official pick-up for the second season, I was like, "Yes!" because that means that as these other characters develop, or in Edward's case, becomes more and more of a darker person, it means he and Penguin are going to have to interact again at some point --- and it's going to be a new power dynamic. Edward will be another person Oswald has to deal with, either to embrace and try and be friends with, or he's going to be another adversary he has to look out for.

That was one of my favorite scenes to shoot. It was the first other classic villain from the Batman canon that I got to interact with. We all know what happens in the future, but the first meeting is so exciting. It sets the tone for how the two of us are going to interact in the future. I can't wait. Just from an actor's standpoint, we have such amazing actors on the show. The first season is a lot about the Penguin's rise. I'm just waiting for everybody to have their moment so I get to play with them. It's going to be amazing.

This week's episode is called "Everyone Has a Cobblepot." What does that title refer to?

What I can tease is, you are going to see more interaction between Oswald and Jim. When everyone has a Cobblepot, it's a reference to Jim as if to say that everyone has something in their life they have to reconcile with that ideally wouldn't be there. But, because Jim saved my life, he's set in motion all these things and let Oswald make his move to become a big player on the scene. You'll see Gordon actually have to come to Penguin and find a way to work with him to achieve his goals in the episode.

What else can you tease about Oswald's journey in the remainder of the season and the finale?

As far as Oswald goes, he has a club now, and he's slowly learning how to make that work. We know it was a huge failure. He hasn't been doing well. It was really funny because initially, when he first gets the club, that opening night in one of the early drafts was supposed to be this blowout, amazing success. "Oswald has arrived on the scene." We were going to have a ton of background extras. The whole club was going to be packed. Then, in the rewrite, they went in the other direction where it was actually a big failure, which I was actually super happy about. What I love about the character is he's still failing, he's still finding his footing in the city. It gives him somewhere to go. That's what we're going to be seeing with him.

He's establishing his club and establishing himself as a player in Gotham City. However, to do that, he's made so many enemies along the way that he has to deal with. Ultimately, Oswald answers to Falcone, but, in his ideal world, he wouldn’t have to answer to anybody. You are going to see him maneuver his way through that with these major players who have been in the scene in Gotham City for years and years. Now, there's this little punk who thinks he is Mr. Fancy Pants big shot, which he is not -- yet. And they definitely make him know that.

We're reminded during the club re-opening that Oswald has a soft spot for his mother. Do you feel her death, especially at the hands of an enemy, might push him right over the edge?

I do feel that, and it's worrisome. She really is Oswald's only vulnerable spot. He's been through so much this season. For a while, every episode, he got the crap kicked out of him and only escaped by the skin of his teeth. That's all in his control. The one thing he can't control is what happens to his mom. It is a vulnerability on his part. I feel that's definitely a possibility. I know nothing specifically about it, but if someone was going to get to Oswald, it would be through his mother. She's the only person he has in his life that he loves and would do anything for.

I get so worried, because working with Carole Kane has been a dream. She brings this whole other element, not just to the show, but to Oswald's personality and character. To lose her would be an incredible shame. If there's anything that could take Oswald into an insane psychosis, that would be it.

What's on your wish list for "Gotham's" second season?

I would like them to explore more personal things about Oswald. What Carole brings to the show illuminates so much about where Penguin comes from and who he is outside of his actions and aspirations. She informs us of who he is as a person. I'd like to see more of that, and more of that for everybody in the show. Where do these people eat? Where do they sleep at night? We get that from Jim, but I'd like them to get into more personal stuff with Oswald and Bullock and Edward Nygma. How do these people actually exist in the "real world?" That's what I would love to see.

Are you hoping the writers tackle Oswald's fascination with umbrellas sometime soon?

That would be so exciting, because that's also going to be part of his descent into madness. We're getting there as the show goes along. That requires incredible ingenuity. How do you make an umbrella that shoots bullets, or, if you get really fantastical like Tim Burton, an umbrella that flies? Who does Oswald find to make that stuff for him? It would be amazing to really explore that.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... nderground

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM 1.18 "Everyone Has A Cobblepot" Clip:

http://uk.eonline.com/news/631037/which ... -dollmaker

- Nuevas promos de la S1:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GOTHAM | 1.19 "Final 4 Episodes" Promo:


Añadidos los rátings del 1.18 "Everyone has a Copplepot". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts de la season finale (05-03-15):

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(@seanpertwee: The Gotham Crew (minus a few ) THE best company in the world #lasttableread #seasonfinale
@camrenbicondova: #TBT to early @Gotham shoots. Can’t believe we’re nearing the end of Season 1! It’s been #fantasmaznical #Gothamam)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jada Pinkett dice que no regresará como 'Fish Mooney' en la S2:
La estrella de “Gotham” Jada Pinkett Smith ha dicho que no regreserá en la segunda temporada del éxito de la FOX.

La actriz apareció en “Live With Kelly and Michael” la mañana del viernes y, cuando le preguntaron si regresaría para la ya anunciada segunda temporada, dijo:

“No lo creo, no. Firmé por un año, y el año ha terminado. Pero hay algunas cosas geniales que están por venir en ‘Gotham’ — créeme, hay muchas cosas buenas por venir.”

Tras esto, los productores de “Gotham” emitieron un comunicado a través de los representantes de la serie: “La historia de Fish Mooney toma muchos giros interesantes al final de la primera temporada de ‘Gotham.'”

Pero tanto la cadena como el estudio declinaron comentar más allá de esto.

Durante la aparición en “Live”, Smith habló entusiasmada sobre su esperiencia interpretando a 'Fish Mooney', la implacable gangster que fue la mentora del Pingüino (Robin Lord Taylor) antes de que la traicionara. “Conseguí interpretar a un personaje que hace cosas extremas. Es malvada — eso es siempre divertido,” dijo Smith. “Me lo estoy pasando muy bien.”

Kelly Ripa y Michael Strahan se negaban a aceptar la noticia de la marcha de Smith, con Strahan insistiendo, “Nunca se sabe, ¡Fish Mooney podría aparecer en cualquier parte!”

Smith estuvo de acuerdo, diciendo “Ella podría aparecer en cualquier parte, nunca se sabe.”

Video de la entrevista: http://link.brightcove.com/services/pla ... 7372325001

Como uno de los pocos personajes de “Gotham” que no ha sido tomado de los cómics de batman, Fish es el único villano importante de la serie cuyo destino es un misterio para los fans de los cómics. Pero la estupenda actuación de la actriz ha ganado sus muchos admiradores, lo que podría hacer que el matar a Fish sea tan controvertido como el hacérselo a un vilano del canon de Batman.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El actor Chris Chalk será 'Lucius Fox' en ‘Gotham’:
Otro personaje clave del universo de Batman de DC se dirige a "Gotham".

El actor Chris Chalk ("12 Años de Esclavitud", "The Newsroom", "Homeland") ha sido escogido para interpretar a 'Lucius Fox' en el drama de la FOX.

Chalk aparecerá en el penúltimo episodio de la S1 (1.21) con la opción de regresar en la S2.

'Lucius Fox' es un genio tecnológico que trabaja como residente en Wayne Enterprise. En una corporación ensombrecida por los tratos ruines, 'Fox' emerge como un ejemplo de moral para el joven Bruce Wayne. Su deseo de ayudar a Bruce a defender el legado de Thomas Wayne finalmente le hará ganar un lugar como uno de los más importantes confidentes del chico. De hecho, em los cómics, 'Fox' llega a convertirse en el Presidente/CEO de Wayne Enterprises cuando Bruce Wayne se convierte en Batman. En la trilogía de "The Dark Knight", el papel fue interpretado por Morgan Freeman.

http://deadline.com/2015/03/chris-chalk ... 201387789/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Detalles sobre la asistencia de "Gotham" al WonderCon:
Warner Bros. Television ha anunciado que emitirán nuevos episodios de "iZombie," "Gotham," "The Flash" y "Teen Titans Go" además de celebrar una sesión Q&A con el elenco y el equipo de esas series en el WonderCon de Anaheim, que se celebrará entre los días 3-5 de Abril de este año.


2:30–5:30 p.m. Screenings Especiales — WonderCon y Warner Bros. Television continúan orgullosamente su tradición anual de Screenings especiales, con episodios de Flash y Gotham, además de un sneak peek adicional a nuevos episodios de iZOMBIE y Teen Titans Go! Arena


3:45–4:45 p.m. Video presentación especial de Gotham y Q&A — Únete a Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Robin Lord Taylor y el productor ejecutivo John Stephens para una discusión Q&A y una video presentación especial, y sé uno de los primeros en descubrir lo que aún está reservado para la excitante conclusión de la primera temporada. Estos miembros del elenco, junto a los productores, estarán también firmando autógrafos a los fans.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -wondercon

El episodio de la Season 1 Finale será el Lunes 4 de Mayo del 2015 a las 8 p.m. ET

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales de la S1:

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- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S1 (10-13 Marzo, 2015):

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(@camrenbicondova: Field Trip!!!! #setlife #school #gotham
@seanpertwee: Shooting last episode commences.Shot taken by our fearless leader @DannyJCannon #manortime @realdavidmazouz @Gotham
@ErinRRichards @ben_mckenzie & @missmorenab taunting me on #Gotham set as I do my live#BelowtheLine challenge!)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (16-26 Marzo, 2015):

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(@SeanPertwee: @Gotham @GothamOn5 , Welcome back UK Gothamites ,we missed you. Tune in tonight @ 9pm C5
@ErinRRichards: 30 mins till LIVE Q&A talking #Gotham & #Belowtheline w @robinlordtaylor @Hughcevans
@camrenbicondova: #Gotham #SetLife
@camrenbicondova: I love these guys! @realdavidmazouz @ErinRRichards #Gotham)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Monaghan habla sobre el encontrar la voz de Joker y adelanta un regreso a "Gotham" (CBR):
Monaghan habla sobre el encontrar la voz de Joker y adelanta un regreso a "Gotham"
Por Bryan Cairns 16 Marzo, 2015

Nobody was laughing when Cameron Monaghan made his "Gotham" debut.

In "The Blind Fortune Teller," Monaghan played Jerome, a young man working at Haley's circus who killed his mother over her sexual promiscuity. Many of Batman's foes have been introduced this first season at one stage or another in their lives, including Scarecrow, Penguin, Riddler and Poison Ivy. So when "Gotham" promos teased the sinisterly grinning Jerome with his crazy cackle as "no joke," it certainly appeared that the Caped Crusader's arch-nemesis, the Joker, had finally arrived on the scene.

Monaghan opened up to CBR News about the versions of the Joker that inspired him, Jerome's downward spiral, mastering that maniacal laugh and which Joker cornerstones he believes the series should address. Monaghan also talked about his upcoming horror film, "Amityville: The Awakening," and why he's drawn to these darker roles.

CBR News: How much inspiration did you draw from the comic books and past incarnations of the Joker for your turn as Jerome?

Cameron Monaghan: I turned pretty much exclusively to the comics. Basically, I got the role right before everyone went on winter break for two or three weeks, right before Christmastime. I was very thankful to have that time, because I got to really educate myself on the character. I read pretty much every comic I could get ahold of. There were the obvious ones, like "The Dark Knight Returns" or "The Killing Joke," and some older ones like "The Laughing Fish." I looked at pretty much every writer you can think of, from Grant Morrison to Brian Azzarello. I was trying to understand how the Joker is portrayed throughout the media.

What I find interesting about the character is how every actor who plays him is going to bring something different, every time a writer writes him, he can be very different. Similarly, there's how he is drawn. One of my favorite versions is in "The Long Halloween." I don't know if he was drawn like this in other issues around that time, but in "The Long Halloween," he has this giant row of bottom teeth that stick out and are all jagged. He almost looks like a shark. He barely even looks human. It's really fascinating to see how this character evolves, depending on someone's perspective of him while they are writing or drawing him.

What was your take on the character, then?

I very much adore the sadistic nature of him. There's his ability to remain cool and calm and cunning. He enjoys making other people squirm, which I think is fascinating. He enjoys pressing buttons a little bit. I only had that one scene to really show off, so I wanted to take advantage of it as much as I could. I was playing with the character's intelligence a little bit there. I was lucky to get that scene where we get the turn, where we get that last punch line, where it's revealed he's been scheming all along. That moment is great. Like any actor, I was relying on the script to carry me, and I think it works.

How much practice did that Joker laugh require?

I'm surprised my neighbors didn't call the cops on me because I spent those weeks constantly laughing and staring at myself in the mirror. Even if I was driving in my car to get food or something, I was repeating the monologue. I allowed myself to be a crazy person.

Why do you believe Jerome snapped and killed his mother?

That's the question, isn't it? Maybe he did snap. Maybe he just felt like doing it at the time. I'm curious to see if this was a guy who was born bad and has no reason for being the way he is. Or, maybe his childhood did play into it. Maybe he did have such a miserable life that it broke him. Who knows?

Did the Gotham producers indicate Jerome would be back? Has that door been left open?

When I was on set, we discussed the possibly of me coming back in the second or third season. Nothing is set in stone yet. I think the producers have a firm plan for what they want to do, but I was not privy to it while I was filming. I would love to come back and do some more.

You mentioned "The Killing Joke" -- would you be interested in Jerome somehow running into Barbara Gordon? Or, perhaps, they could introduce a younger version of the Joker's sidekick, Harley Quinn?

Those characters would be so much younger in this timeline, although "Gotham" has its own canon. There's such an amazing rogues gallery for Batman. I'd be interested to see how some of the more grounded characters like Calendar Man fit in. Or, if some of the more fantastical ones like Killer Croc or Clay Face are going to be introduced into the mythos.

Relating it to Jerome, I'm so curious to see where they take him. Batman is so integral to the Joker's origin, and we don't have that right now. However, Jerome is a person who existed in some capacity before that. There's no reason he couldn't have been that person before all of this happened. It will also be interesting to see if they want to go the route of the vat of chemicals. In Christopher Nolan's films, he was a man who chose to simply put on make-up. Perhaps that's even scarier, since he made the decision to be this creature.

Comic book properties have flooded into movies and television over the last few years. Was "Gotham" the first superhero project you auditioned for?

I can't actually even say that, because I didn't audition for "Gotham." My agents got a call from the show. It must have been because I worked with the showrunner Bruno Heller on "The Mentalist" a while ago. Or, maybe they watch "Shameless." I'm not sure, but I got a call and they said, "Hey, there's a character that could potentially be the Joker. Do you want to play it?" I immediately said, "Hell, yeah." Then I was like, "Oh, wait. That's a lot. Let me think about it." I took the weekend to think about it, got back to them and I decided I definitely wanted to do it.

Shifting gears, you have the "Amityville: The Awakening" waiting for a release date. What makes it such a terrifying addition to the franchise?

I had the opportunity to do some ADR, some voice looping, a few days ago. I finally got to see a lot of the film. It's frightening. It doesn't hold back. It's not safe. I feel a lot of horror these days has lost its punch and danger. It can be a little standardized or follow a formula. Our director, Franck Khalfoun, also directed the "Maniac" remake from a few years ago. If you've seen that movie, you know he's quite willing to make the audience uncomfortable and squirm in their seats. He does it again in this one. It's horrifying. The character I play is an original movie monster. As evil as the character I play in "Gotham" is, this guy is pure animal. He's horrific. It was a lot of fun to play.

Your "Amityville" character, James, starts out comatose. How does his condition make him more susceptible to the house's evil?

He's been in a coma for at least two years. I don't think we're giving too much away by saying he wakes up and he's still a quadriplegic. He's still locked in. The entity of this house slowly, but surely, starts seeping into him. I don't think he has any defenses to stave it off. He's just trapped there. That's the basic idea.

While completing ADR, was there a scene that really creeped you out?

I'm not sure if there's just one. The first time you see the character moving and coming off the bed is a really great moment. I had really intensive make-up every single day for the job. Some days, it would take four hours in the morning to put on all the prosthetics and to paint it. The guys who did it are absolutely incredible, and it does pay off. It looks amazing.

Between "Gotham" and "Amityville," what has been creatively rewarding about exploring these dark corners of a character?

As an actor, you want to be able to explore the many facets of the humanity and the psyche. Sometimes that means comedy and being light and having fun and being silly. Sometimes it means going to dark places. Sometimes it's a combination. What always attracted me to this job was wanting to tell interesting stories about people. There's something interesting about trying to find the humanity, or the lack of it, in the darkest corners of people. And, you can't get much darker than the last couple of characters I've played.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.19 "Beast of Prey":
1.19 "Beast of Prey" (19 Abril 8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT): UN CASO SIN RESOLVER SE RE-ABRE - Gordon y Bullock investigan un caso sin resolver que involucra a Ogre, un asesino en serie cuyos objetivos son las mujeres jóvenes de Gotham City. Mientras tanto, Fish idea su fuga de Dollmaker, y Bruce y Selina enfrentan a Reggie. Estrellas invitadas: Peter Scolari como el 'Comisario Loeb'; Morena Baccarin como la 'Dra. Leslie Thompkins'; Colm Feore como el 'Dr. Francis Dulmacher'; David O’Hara como 'Reggie'; JDashiell Eaves como 'Kelly'; Milo Ventimiglia como 'Jason Lennon aka the Ogre'; Willa Fitzgerald como 'Grace Fairchild'; PJ Griffith como 'The Catcher'; Brendan Griffin como el Policía 'Len Moore'; Barbara Rosenblat como 'Lidia Bicchieri'.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
