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- DC's Legends of Tomorrow Official Trailer:


- Legends of Tomorrow BTS Featurette:

http://www.latino-review.com/news/come- ... f-tomorrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Ciara Renee dice que ni se ha probado las alas de Hawkgirl aún (comicbook):
Ciara Renee dice que ni se ha probado las alas de Hawkgirl aún
Por Lucas Siegel 14/05/2015

The CW Upfronts may as well have been the DC TV Universe show, with the majority of the casts of The Flash, Arrow, and the upcoming third show in their family, Legends of Tomorrow all present. While most of the prior casts were looking equally to the past and present as what's next, the Legends additions were all about the future.

Ciara Renee is new to the DC Universe on screen, but the actress revealed she's a longtime fan of the comics and the characters who will grow into Legends on the show during a red carpet interview with ComicBook.com on Thursday. Despite the trailer that shows a CGI Hawkgirl soaring above the city, Renee hasn't gotten to actually put on the wings of Hawkgirl just yet. It's clear from her appearance on the red carpet Thursday, though, that she can't wait for Kendra Saunders to take flight.

Ciara, Hawkgirl is a very different kind of superhero than what we've seen in this CW/DC Universe so far. What's the inital appeal to you about playing a character like this?

Ciara Renee: I think the fact that she's a girl is amazing! We don't see many superheroines, so it's going to be great to see a couple more bolstering the team. And, you know, she can fly! Which is not half bad! (laughs)

In the comics and even on the Justice League animated series, Hawkgirl has usually been a sort of balls-to-the-wall take nothing from anybody kind of character. Is that something you're looking to bring to her on Legends?

CR: Oh yeah, absolutely. It's interesting, because I think we're finding her before she really understands her powers and her purpose. So she's not necessarily a balls-to-the-wall human just yet, but when she gets angry... well you'll see! (laughs)

Rumor has it we'll see you Tuesday night on the season finale of The Flash. What was it like getting to tease the character a little bit before some of the other cast?

CR: Right! It was super cool. It was kind of a last minute thing. I signed on for the show, and they said, "Let's try this!" and I just said, "Absolutely!" I'm excited to see it and how that turned out.

Did you get to put on the wings?

CR: No, we don't have that costume yet, sadly. We're still waiting for that, so not yet.

Are you hoping for the full beaked mask and all?

CR: I love her costume! I think it's hot, man! I'll take any part of it, wings and beak and everything.

What's the general appeal to you of coming into the DC Universe and this new family of comic book shows?

CR: It's so cool. It's such a great community, and the fans are so passionate and excited about this. I was such a nerd as a kid; I watched Justice League all the time, and Justice League Unlimited, and Batman and Superman; I loved those, I love all those cartoons. So it's really cool to be playing the real life version of one of the coolest characters on those shows.

http://comicbook.com/2015/05/14/legends ... ls-wings-/

- Brandon Routh dice que Ray Palmer es "Un líder del equipo" en Legends of Tomorrow (comicbook):
Brandon Routh dice que Ray Palmer es "Un líder del equipo" en Legends of Tomorrow
Por Lucas Siegel 15/05/2015

The "Superhero Redemption" story is a popular one in comics. Whether it’s a literal death and rebirth, a fall from grace followed by a triumphant return, or - borrowing from wrestling – a heel turn that leads back to the eventual babyface move, comic book fans love a comeback.

Chris Evans found his feet as Captain America after being a hothead. Ben Affleck gets to don the cape and cowl as Batman after a heavily criticized turn as a blind hero that many wish they didn’t see. Brandon Routh, though, started as Superman, who most consider the first modern superhero, and the aspiration of all of them!

So how does he come back to the DCU after playing their biggest hero? As their smallest hero, of course! After joining the cast of Arrow for season 3, Routh will continue his turn as Ray Palmer and The Atom on the new spinoff series Legends of Tomorrow, due to debut mid-season in the 2015-2016 TV year. The actor revealed to us that he’s something of a team leader of this ragtag group that includes Firestorm, Hawkgirl, White Canary, Captain Cold, and Heatwave. During the red carpet reception for The CW Upfronts on Thursday in NYC, Routh told us what it’s like to come back to the world of DC Comics, how he puts himself into Ray, and teases a bit more about Legends of Tomorrow.

Brandon, you had an explosive finale there for your character on Arrow!

Brandon Routh: Indeed, indeed!

You’ve obviously been part of the DC Universe before on film, but what was it like being able to build a character over the course of an entire season of television like this?

BR: It’s been a lot of fun. You know, Ray did change a little bit from the first couple episodes, and definitely molded into both what the writers are giving me, but also what they are letting me do.

I think in the beginning, he was intended to be maybe a little bit more brash, and as it went on, that brashness became just exuberance about life and his geekiness with the tech. That was something I brought and really enjoyed bringing to him.

Yeah, what is it like always being excited about something as Ray?

BR: (laughs) It’s fun! That’s, you know, that’s how I like to live my life most of the time, and it became a part of Ray Palmer. It allows for more comedy and contrast between the darkness on Arrow, but without being too much. I mean, obviously, you could have too much energy, but I think that was the purpose of having Ray on season 3, to bring up the mood and lighten it a little bit at times.

You got to have that contrast on Arrow, but have you talked at all with the creators about Ray and the Atom’s position with the team on Legends?

BR: I think he’ll have a similar purpose, bringing the comedy as well as the superhero stuff. But I think Ray will tend to be a little more of a leader of the team, having been a businessman and running Palmertech, being a billionaire, he knows how to bring people together and have them work as a team.

And he’s been a superhero for a little bit more than some of them…

BR: A little bit more! (laughs) I mean, he may have more to learn from the rest of them as far as that’s concerned. But as far as bringing disparate people, very different people, together, Ray will be the one to really help gel them together as a team.

What keeps you coming back to DC Comics characters and the worlds of comic book based entertainment?

BR: I keep – you know, the two that I’ve done, I’m blessed with just great characters. I have said so often that I couldn’t find a role better than Superman. While that still holds true, this is a close second for me. That’s based on not only his superpowers, but just playing Ray Palmer himself. Being able to play Ray Palmer and The Atom is just icing on the cake.

Anyone in particular that you’re excited about interacting with on Legends?

BR: Everybody on the new show! I mean I haven’t really gotten to work with any of them yet, they’re all new! Even Grant, I didn’t work with him as Flash really, not as Atom and Flash together, so I’m looking forward to that, too.

http://comicbook.com/2015/05/15/brandon ... egends-of/

- Marc Guggenheim sobre Arrow, Legends Of Tomorrow y su nuevo cómic (io9):
Marc Guggenheim sobre Arrow, Legends Of Tomorrow y su nuevo cómic
Por Rob Bricken 15 Mayo, 2015

You probably best know Marc Guggenheim as the creator of Arrow, but he was a comic writer and fan long before Stephen Amell ever grabbed a bow. Now he’s returning to comic book stores with The Infinite Adventures of Jonas Quantum, and we got the details — including what’s in store for DC’s TV universe this fall.

Since you’re in charge of Arrow, writing a comic book TV show is you day job. Why are you writing a regular comic book in addition to that?

Guggenheim: (laughing) Great question.

Are you not sick of telling comic book stories?

Guggenheim: I know. You’d think I would be. In terms of time and the amount of money I can be paid in Hollywood, it’s not a great return on investment. At the end of the day, I love the medium of comics. Obviously, I love superheroes, I love comic book characters but I…I guess I’ve had a lifelong affection for comics and while I love the characters so much, I also love the medium. I love telling stories in the comic book form. And so while Arrow certainly scratches my itch for writing superheroes, it doesn’t scratch that itch for telling a superhero comic book even though I do the Arrow 2.5 comic on the side. My wife is asking these questions too: “You’re doing all this stuff with Arrow, the comics, the show…why’re you writing this other stuff? Spend more time with the kids.” And she’s right and you’re right and I think I can only say that clearly I have a problem.

So onto TV. Since the Arrow finale just aired this week, what can you tell us about next season?

Guggenheim: Ah, good question. It will take a lighter tone. That’s pretty much the only thing I say without spoiling it.

We’ve been working for about a month now in the writers’ room, talking about season 4, and I think that one thing we all collectively understood was season 3 beginning with Sara’s death, because it’s the death of a major character on the show, it set a tone for the remainder of the season. And I’m not the least bit apologetic for that tone. I happen to like dark and I like the fact that Arrow is a pretty dark show particularly for a network show. That said, every year you want to mix things up and there was sort of a collective desire on all of our parts to try to inject a little bit more lightness into the show, a little bit more humor. It’s not going to radically change. The show’s still going to be the show but in terms of tone we’re coming off a very very hard season for all of our characters. We wanted to try to mix it up a little bit.

Can you comment on the fact that Arrow season 3 has followed the same basic story of Batman Begins?

Guggenheim It’s funny. Certainly a lot of people have found parallels to both Batman Begins and also to Ra’s al Ghul and the comics as he’s been portrayed. I think to a certain extent it comes with the territory of telling a story with the League of Assassins and Nanda Parbat and Ra’s al Ghul. One thing I often say, for us the difference between Batman and Arrow, the difference between our version of Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne is that Bruce Wayne tends to make the right decisions. You can’t really point to too many instances where Bruce Wayne’s been on the wrong side of a judgment call whereas I think Oliver makes a lot of bad choices. Oftentimes I joke in the writers’ room that Oliver’s bad choices are part of the currency of the show.

Well, Oliver has grown as a character a lot more than Bruce Wayne did in the Dark Knight trilogy.

Guggenheim: I think so too and one thing we’ve always said is that the whole show is really Batman Begins. There’s a reason why the show is called Arrow and not Green Arrow. And he is in constant evolution and part of being in constant evolution and needing to grow both as a hero and as a human being is the fact that he doesn’t always make the right choices. Or at the very least he makes choices that feel right to him but don’t feel right to other people. And I think that’s something we definitely see in play in the final episode of season 3 whereas Bruce Wayne, y’know, he usually gets it right. To me that’s the key difference.

Okay, if Arrow is the dark superhero show, and The Flash is the lighter, more comic book-ish show, what will that make Legends of Tomorrow? It can’t just be the team show, because both Arrow and The Flash have pretty big teams themselves at this point, right?

Guggenheim: It’s definitely not just the team show. I think the show is going to be bigger, louder, more ambitious even than Flash and Arrow. I think Flash raised the bar on Arrow in terms of adding superheroes and we’re looking to now have the show raise the bar on Flash so you feel like the shows are getting bigger and bigger. One thing we sort of always tell you is that with Flash we’re really trying to provide a feature film every week. With this show we’re trying to provide a summer blockbuster every week.

DC is doing a pretty fantastic job with its TV shows. What do you think makes DC superheroes seemingly so much better suited to TV than Marvel’s heroes?

Guggenheim: You know, I’m married to one of the showrunners of one of the Marvel shows so I’m trying to think of an answer…

Well, I don’t want to get you in trouble at home.

Guggenheim: Honestly, I absolutely love Daredevil and I think… y’know, I mean, um… it’s funny, it’s a little bit like… it’s hard for me to answer that question without accepting the premise and if I were to accept the premise, it would get me into a fair amount of marital trouble.

Let me put it this way: If someone had told me five years ago that there would be a TV show starring the Atom, I would have laughed in their face. Ho do you make putting DC heroes on TV look so easy?

Guggenheim: Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, that’s much better. Honestly, we’ve been very lucky that we’ve put together, starting with Arrow, a machinery and a way of working that really works for us and does allow us to do things a bit faster and still maintain a high level of quality. I would never say that we have it down to a science but each of those things is really really hard to pull off and they defy any attempt at making it easier. That said, we feel like we got a really good group of people to rely upon. There’s a lot of cross-pollination among all three shows now, with Legends, in terms of our casting people and post-production and overlapping writers. It’s just helpful. We have a really successful team. I think that, fundamentally, more than anything makes a difference.

http://io9.com/marc-guggenheim-on-arrow ... 1704792903

- Arthur Darvill 'Aprendiendo a Luchar' para 'DC's Legends Of Tomorrow' (accesshollywood):
Arthur Darvill 'Aprendiendo a Luchar' para 'DC's Legends Of Tomorrow'
Por Jolie Lash 17 Mayo, 2015 04:25 PM EDT

As Rip Hunter in "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," Arthur Darvill has a big task ahead -- recruiting heroes and villains to save the world.

On Sunday, the actor said in a Reddit AMA (ask me anything) chat (to promote his new film, "Captcha") that he is already working hard to get ready for his new role.

"i'm still preparing - i'm doing some gym time and learning to FIGHT. so WATCH OUT," he wrote on Reddit, referencing Rip Hunter's martial arts abilities.

Arthur's character, Rip, is a member of the Time Masters, and the promo trailer showed him working to bring together a team that will fight to save the world from Vandal Savage and his army.

The series, whose cast includes Brandon Routh (The Atom), Caity Lotz (White Canary), Victor Garber (Professor Stein/Firestorm), Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold), Dominic Purcell (Heatwave) and Ciara Renee (Hawkgirl), is expected to air mid-season on The CW.

Filming on the show has so far been limited to just the trailer that debuted earlier this week during The CW's upfront presentation.

"I really have only filmed the teaser trailer - in the middle of the night - extremely jet lagged so i haven't had much experience with them yet - everyone seems quite good at martial arts - i'm gonna need to get me some lessons," Arthur wrote of his experiences on the show so far.

Arthur said he's "very excited" to be a part of the project from the DC and CW family (whose shows already include "Arrow" and "The Flash").

"I'm very excited to be entering that world! I think the shows they've got already are really good and the scale of this one is gonna be huge," he wrote. "I'm not really allowed to talk very much about it but... the little details I do know are really exciting and its definitely a new challenge and a new type of character for me to explore."

But as for how he landed the prime role, the "Doctor Who" alum said he is still unclear on how it all came about.

"i have no idea," he wrote in response to a user on Reddit, who asked how he got the part. "They sent me a load of comics of a guy who looks nothing like me and i said i'd do it."

"I'm very VERY excited about it," he added.

But as for how he landed the prime role, the "Doctor Who" alum said he is still unclear on how it all came about.

"i have no idea," he wrote in response to a user on Reddit, who asked how he got the part. "They sent me a load of comics of a guy who looks nothing like me and i said i'd do it."

"I'm very VERY excited about it," he added.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/arthur-d ... cle_107736

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Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- The CW: "Dare to Defy" Promo:


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Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

"CTV Upfronts 2015", Toronto (04-06-15)

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The stars of ‘DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’ in the etalk newsroom

‘DC’s Legends of Tomorrow’ star Victor Garber in the etalk newsroom

etalk on the CTV Season Preview Red Carpet: Victor Garber

etalk on the CTV Season Preview Red Carpet: Caity Lotz and Ciara Renee


- Víctor Garber confesó que tanto él como Robbie Amell regresarían a "The Flash" en la premiere de la S2, "Robbie y yo bos uniremos en el primer episodio de la próxima temporada de The Flash, y luego veremos lo que pasa".

- Robbie Amell no será regular en "Legends of Tomorrow", pero se espera que haga una aparición.

- La serie tiene ordenados 15 episodios iniciales, debutando en la midseason del 2016, pero Garber asegura "Ellos [The CW] no van a intyroducir una serie limitada. Esto no es la HBO. Quieren el Full Monty".

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... off-800147

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Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- DC's Legends of Tomorrow! Meet the cast! (TVInsider):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robbie Amell habla sobre 'Firestorm' en la Season 2 de "Flash" y "Legends of Tomorrow":
Durante una de sus últimas entrevistas sobre su proyecto "The Duff", Robbie Amell tuvo ocasión de hablar con MovieWeb sobre su ausencia en "Legends of Tomorrow" y su nueva aparición en la Season 2 de "The Flash":
"Todas esas preguntas [Legends Of Tomorrow] serán contestadas pronto, pero no puedo contarte nada sobre ello. Lo que puedo decirte es que estoy de vuelta para rodar más episodios de The Flash en Julio."

Cuando le preguntaron sobre qué le gustaría que le pasara a Ronnie en la nueva temporada, el actor comentó:
"No me han dado ningún guión aún, pero empieza inmediatamente donde lo dejó la finale, porque fue un gran cliffhanger, así es que tienes que hacerlo. No sé lo que me gustaría ver. Lo bonito de la finale fue el conseguir realmente interpretar a Ronnie. Viste a Ronnie en mi primer episodio, y luego era ese hombre asustado y esquizofrénido, y luego estaba intentando averiguar cosas con mi otra mitad, y finalmente conseguí interpretar a Ronnie en la finale. Estaba disfrutando ese personaje. Me gustaría interpretar más de eso, y la relación con el personaje de Caitlin de Danielle Panabaker, pero siempre disfruto mucho rodando con Victor, así es que cualquier cosa más que Victor y yo podemaos rodar juntos sería genial."

En cuanto a si la premisa del márketing del "Superhero Fight Club" podría ser incluído alfuna vez en la serie, Robbie Amell dijo:
"No sé de quién fue esa idea, creativamente, pero estábamos tan sólo haciendo una sesión fotográfica, y dijeron, 'Por cierto, hay un escenario.' Glen Winter, quien dirigió un grupo de episodios, lo dirigió, y Bam Bam y todos los coreógrafos de lucha de Arrow y The Flash, todos coreografiaron. Ellos lo hicieron rápidamente como en un día y medio de photoshoots, cogiendo a la gente cuando podían, y fue increíblemente inteligente. No sé más de lo que habéis visto. No han habido conversaciones para implementarlo, pero fue uno de las mejores estrategias de márketing que he visto desde hace tiempo. Fue genial el rodarlo, y me encantaría absolutamente el hacer más cosas delSuperhero Fight Club."

http://movieweb.com/flash-season-2-lege ... bie-amell/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Podrán el 'Capitán Cold' y 'Heat Wave' llevarse bien con el resto del equipo?:
IGN tuvo la ocasión de hablar con Wentworth Miller y Domic Purcell sobre cómo creen que funcionarán sus dos personajes con el resto del equipo de "Legends of Tomorrow", teniendo en cuenta su naturaleza villana.

“No estoy completamente seguro,” dice Wentworth Miller. “Mi esperanza es que el Captitán Cold consiga mantener su agudeza, su humor. Pero no es una sorpresa total para mí que esté trabajando con estos tipos buenos, o que esté preparado para trabajar con ellos. Él tiene corazón, y pienso que vemos eso en la relación con su hermana. Así es que no está fuera de lugar el que pueda hacer algo bueno para cambiar.” añade Miller, “Pienso que es un personaje con muchos grises y me gustaría verlo balanceándose en la línea tanto como sea posible porque eso es muy divertido para mí.”

Dominic Purcell dijo, “Por supuesto que puede. No soy como Spider-Man o Supermán pero Mick Rory y el Capitán Cold son tan fascinantes, inteligentes y carismáticos; igual de interesantes. Y luego está el fusil de llamas, puedo también ser un superhéroe porque esa cosa es como una bomba atómica. No pienso que sea un problema en absoluto.”

Por supuesto, el resto del equipo desconfiará de ellos, pero ¿pueden al menos confiar el uno en el otro?:

Miller dice, “Eso creo, pero incluso en esa relación hay desconfianza y un cierto grado de competitividad, así es que es una suposición.”

Purcell añade, “Es la relación amor/odio entre estos dos tipos. Es algo tácito entre ellos. Al final del día, si le dices a alguien que el Capitán Cold es el cerebro y Heat Wave es el matón/el músculo… Wentworth y yo nos hemos dado la mano en eso. “De acuerdo, tú estás al mando, lo que sea.” Y esa es la forma en la que uqremos que siga.”

Ambos personajes estarán en un equipo con muchos personajes con los que nunca se han encontrado antes, y en cuanto a eso y el hacia dónde va la serie, comentan:

“Pienso que hay muchos fans que están esperando verlo ya que estos personajes no han interactuado necesariamente antes en el universo de los cómics de DC y ahora lo están. Estoy más emocionado por los actores que interpretan a los personajes. Pienso que tenemos un elenco muy fuerte”, comenta Miller.

“Estoy deseando trabajar con ellos. Tengo el presentimiento de que la serie, Legends of Tomorrow, va a ser un éxito, así es que es siempre agradable el tener ese sentimiento de unidad familiar, lo que normalmente sucede cuando estás en una serie de TV”, comenta Said Purcell sobre sus compañeros.

En cuanto a cómo llevará Leonard Snart no ser el que esté al cargo, comenta Miller:

“Pienso que está más cómodo en un papel de líder e incluso si eso no se le ofrece, puede que encuentre una manera de conseguirlo.”

No obstante, volveremos a ver al Capitán Cold antes del estreno del spin-off:

“Incluso aunque tengamos el spinoff, estoy emocionado por su continua presencia en The Flash. Van a haber algunos episodios de crossover el próximo otoño, así es que hay mucho por lo que esperar”, apunta Miller.

Ninguno de los actores sabían que un spinoff estaba en proyecto cuando firmaron sus contratos como invitados en "The Flash", y ofrecen su visión de cómo han sido estos meses inmersos en este mundo de DC:

“Estoy dejándome llevar con ello lo mejor que puedo. Tan sólo dice sí a un personaje invitado. Había potencial para que el Capitán Cold regresara una o dos veces a The Flash y el hecho de que esté involucrado en este proyecto mayor, me siento agradecido por tener un lugar en esta mesa”, dice Miller.

Purcell recuerda, “Nunca leí un cómic en mi vida. Cuando empecé a rodar Heat Wave en Flash, no tenía ni idea de quién era y empecé a trabajar sobre el terreno. Pero me encontré con la onda adecuada para él y la gente y los productores estuvieron muy contentos con lo que estaba haciendo. Eso es básicamente lo que me dio la confianza para ir más allá con él. Y ahora con la nueva serie, puedo hacer básicamente lo que quiera, ¡así es que eso es lo que voy a hacer!”.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/06/08/ ... h-the-team

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Ciara Renée comienza su transformación en 'Hawkgirl':
Los héroes de "Legends of Tomorrow" no descansan ni en vacaciones.

La catriz Ciara Renée, quien interpreta a la heroína 'Hawkgirl' en la serie, ha compartido en su instagram una imagen en la que están haciéndole los moldes para lo que será el característico casco del personaje:
(@ciarareneeofficial: I feel like a cone head! #ScanMe #Hawkgirl #CGI #DCLOT #LegendsOfTomorrow #TheMakingOf #LA #WheresMyHelmet)

Junto a ella, también ha compartido un video en el que se ve a la actriz sometida a una sesión de escaneo facial que servirá más adelante para poder hacer un modelo digital de 'Hawkgirl' con su físico que podrá ser usado a la hora de realizar grabaciones de efectos especiales:


¡Todo sigue poniéndose a punto para que nuestro equipo llegue a nuestras pantallas! :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡La WBTV anuncia su programa para el SDCC 2015!:
Muchas series de TV llegan al San Diego Comic-Con cada año y el estudio que normalmente suele llevar la mayor cantidad de ellas es la WB. Eso parece que seguirá en la misma línea este año, ya que la WBTV ha anunciado su programa de series para la convención, con un total de 18, entre las que están "The Flash", "Arrow", "Gotham", "iZombie", "Supergirl", "Legends of Tomorrow", "Lucifer" y la nueva serie de animación que comparte universo con Arrow y The Flash "Vixen".

Por segundo año consecutivo, la WBTV tendrá un mega-evento especial en la noche del Sábado dedicado a sus series de acción basadas en DC Comics ("Supergirl", "The Flash", "Arrow", "Gotham", "Legends of Tomorrow" y "Vixen"). Ninguna de las series que están incluñidas en la "Super Hero Saturday Night" tendrá sus propios paneles, manteniendo su presencia centrada en este evento. No se ha dado una lista específica de los invitados que aparecerán en ella aún, pero teniendo en cuenta el precedente del año pasado, es casi seguro el esperar que acudan casi los elencos completos de las distintas series.

También, la WBTV continuará su tradición de mostrar los pilotos de las nuevas series el miércoles por la noche, durante la noche previa de la Comic-Con:


6:00–10:00 p.m. La primera vez es siempre la mejor. Comic-Con y Warner Bros. Television continúan con orgullo nuestra tradición de la Noche Previa, con las premieres exclisivas de los episodios pilotos de nuestras más anticipadas series para la temporada 2015–16 — Supergirl, Blindspot, Containment y Lucifer — así como un episodio completamente nuevo de Teen Titans Go!. Ballroom 20


Nota: Las estrellas y equipos creativos de las series que está previsto que asistan están sujetos a cambios. Se proporcionará más informacion sobre las sesiones de paneles, firmas y otros eventos a medida que se sepan más noticias.


• 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Lucifer (Midseason on FOX): Sexy, oscuro e irreverente, Lucifer hace su debut en Comic-Con con screenings del episodio piloto al completo, seguido por una sesión de Q&A con las estrellas de la serie Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Lesley-Ann Brandt, DB Woodside y los productores ejecutivos. Room 6BCF

• 5:45–6:45 p.m. iZOMBIE (Tuesdays 9/8c on The CW): El cerebral éxito de iZOMBIE regresa a San Diego para su siguiente aparición en la Comic-Con. Tras los impactantes eventos de la season finale, sed uno de los primeros en conocer las primicias sobre lo que está por venir en la season 2 con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas y Diane Ruggiero-Wright, junto con las estrella de la serie Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley y David Anders. Ballroom 20


• 8:00–11:00 p.m. Warner Bros. Television & DC Entertainment Presenta: La Super Hero Saturday Night Ofrece a los Fans un vistazo interior a los mundos de "Arrow", "The Flash" y "Gotham", además del screening del piloto de "Supergirl" y Video Presentaciones de "Legends of Tomorrow" y "Vixen": DC fans … ¡preparáos para otra Super Hero Saturday Night! Warner Bros. Television y DC Entertainment darán de nuevo la bienvenida a los fams en los mundos de algunos de los más grandes personajes de DC Comics durante una super-experiencia de tres horas en el Hall H. El evento exclusivo mostrará los pilotos de la altamente anticipada nueva serie de acción "Supergirl", seguido de una sesión de Q&A con las estrellas y productores; además, video presentaciones individuales especiales y sesiones de Q&As con las estrellas y productores de "Arrow", "The Flash" y "Gotham". También, no os perdáis una sesión especial de Q&A con el elenco y productores de "Legends of Tomorrow" y un vistazo a la nueva serie digital "Vixen". Hall H

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- Franz Drameh habla sobre "Legends Of Tomorrow" en una nueva video-entrevista:
Durante la premiere de "Legacy", Red Carpet News TV habló con Franz Drameh, quien interpreta a “Jay Jackson” en la serie de la CW "Legends of Tomorrow".

El actor sigue sin desvelar cuál es su personaje en la tradición de DC, pero asegura: “Pienso que los fans estarán felices cuando descubran exactamente de qué se trata”.

Además, Franz habló sobre el ser parte de “todo el género de superhéroes,” y compartió su entusiasmo de empezar cuando empiece el rodaje. También dijo que estaría “tocando el cielo” si hiciera un crossover con "Arrow" o "The Flash".

Podéis ver el videeo de la entrevista: AQUÍ

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- "Legends of Tomorrow" encuentra showrunner:
El nuevo spinoff de la CW de Arrow/Flash "Legends of Tomorrow" ha añadido a su equipo al veterano Phil Klemmer ("Tomorrow People") como showrunner.

Legends vuelve a unir a Klemmer con su antiguo productor ejecutivo de "Tomorrow People" Greg Berlanti. Los dos también trabajaron juntos en "Golden Boy" y "Political Animals".

Entre otros trabajos de Klemmer como productor ejecutivo/escritor también están "Chuck", "Veronica Mars" y también ha servido recientemente como productor consultor del último drama de ABC "Forever".

Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim y Sarah Schechter serán productores ejecutivos junto a Berlanti y Klemmer.

http://tvline.com/2015/06/24/legends-of ... cw-series/

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- Victor Garber adelanta lo que podemos esperar de la serie y de 'Vandal Savage':
EW habló con Victor Garber, quien repetirá en su papel del 'Dr. Martin Stein' en el spinoff de The Flash/Arrow, y que contará con el personaje de 'Vandal Savage', un notable villano del universo DC:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Cuando firmaste para The Flash, ¿sabías que tenían planes para DC’s Legends of Tomorrow?

VICTOR GARBER: No, no tenía ni idea de eso hasta —hice dos episodios, y luego regrese para otro—hacia el final de la temporada, que fue cuando todo se hizo patente. Estuve realmente sorprendido, sinceramente, y feliz. Es un personaje divertido, y me gusta mucho la gente con la que trabajo.

¿Siempre habías querido interpretar a un superhéroe?

No, no. Lo encuentro gracioso, que en este punto de mi vida, sea esto lo que estoy haciendo ahora. Es genial. Es un regalo inesperado, realmente.

¿Qué fue lo que te atrajo del personaje y del proyecto?

Son los giones de Greg Berlanti y sus conceptos. La forma en que humaniza el surrealista mundo de los superhéroes, porque, realmente, no sería interesante si no fueran creíbles, y pienso que eso es por lo que las series son tan exitosas, porque él y Marc Guggenheim, quien lo escribió, saben cómo hacer que la historia funcione y que sea creíble, incluso aunque sea fantástica. Eso es lo que me intriga. Es siempre el material de los guiones lo que hace que me interese en algo. Estaría muy nervioso si ellos no estuvieran a bordo.

Vandal Savage fue apuntado el mes pasado. ¿Qué pueden esperar los fans del tipo malo de Legends?

Pienso que pueden esperar más de lo que exactamente están esperando. Sinceramente, no hemos rodado aún ni un sólo fotograma de la serie—no he leído ni un guión, no hicimos un piloto. Es una de esas cosas de las que espero que sepan lo que están haciendo [risas], porque todo el mundo se siente tan confiado, y yo digo, "¡Bueno, vale, bien! Espero que funcione".

¿Estabas familiarizado anteriormente con el mundo de los cómics?

No—para nada, en realidad. Este es un mundo nuevo para mí.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/06/24/vi ... 75e1b40fc1

- Garber habla sobre los héroes, Villanos y lo peor de "Legends of Tomorrow," y el enfrentar su primer SDCC (CBR):
Garber habla sobre los héroes, Villanos y lo peor de "Legends of Tomorrow," y el enfrentar su primer SDCC
Por Scott Huver 26 Junio, 2015

Victor Garber has had a diverse acting career, belting out showtunes as the Music Man, heading up the most dangerous spy agency in the world in J.J. Abrams' "Alias," and playing Vice President to Samuel L. Jackson's President in the just-released "Big Game." But really, isn't that all small potatoes compared to being a superhero?

As Professor Martin Stein, Garber is one of the newest faces on the superhero scene. Along with his co-star and partner in superheroics Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell), Garber's Stein forms the hero known as Firestorm. Having debuted on "The Flash" and appearing in several episodes throughout the season, Stein is slated to co-star in The CW spinoff series "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" in 2016.

Though Garber denies having much knowledge of what to expect when Stein stands alongside the Atom (Brandon Routh), White Canary (Caity Lotz), Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and other DC Comics heroes and villains, he tells CBR News he's ready for the challenge. And, perhaps even more importantly, he's ready to face the challenge of heading to San Diego in a few weeks for his very first Comic-Con International appearance.

CBR News: The most recent incarnation of your TV career, as Dr. Martin Stein on "The Flash," has been very interesting. What was most exciting for you about working in a superhero universe?

Victor Garber: Well, first of all, I couldn't have been more surprised that it came my way. Greg Berlanti who created those shows is someone I worked with years ago on a TV show called "Eli Stone," which was also quite innovative and different. He just called me up one day and said, "Listen, I want you to play this professor. And here's the story." And I said, "It sounds great."

Again, I trust Greg, and he is one of the best writers, and the people he works with are great writers, so I knew I would be looked after, and it's proven to be that. I love the cast. I love the people I'm working with. And I think it's kind of a hoot that at this point in my life -- I mean, I'll be going to Comic-Con [International] for the first time, so that is daunting, terrifying and exciting!

You're going to have a blast, I promise you.


You will not be prepared for the amount of love from the fanbase that you're going to receive.

Wow -- that's a nice recommendation! I mean, our new show hasn't even been on yet, and we're already going to Comic-Con, so that's kind of exciting.

What did you find that you enjoyed most about playing Martin Stein?

His eccentricity -- the fact that he's kind of like an absent-minded professor. There's a comedic aspect to the character that I like, and also, his good heart. He's arrogant, but the bottom line is, he's a good guy and he really just wants things to be right. I liked that aspect of him. And the fact that when he is part of this -- he's a metahuman, and he's conjoined with this other entity who, together, they are Firestorm -- I just thought this was kind of wild.

Are you looking forward to the day when we might see Martin in control of Firestorm and even get to physically represent the superhero side of it?

You don't want to see that! [Laughs] You really don't. No, that's the best part of it. Every time we become Firestorm, I can be in the trailer or go home.

I know you have to keep many of the details about "Legends of Tomorrow" close to the vest right now. What are you able to say about your experience getting it up and running so far?

Well, the fact is, I haven't read a script, and we haven't shot an episode yet, so I really don't know. You know as much as I do, frankly, about what it is, because the promo that we shot when I was doing "The Flash" where we're all on the rooftop. And that very expensive, kind of elaborate introduction is really all I know.

I just know that there were a lot of people together that, normally -- it's like the most dysfunctional family ever assembled because we all, together, are the only force that can change or can achieve the goal of eradicating a worse people. So we're good and evil meet worse. And that's kind of the drama of it. I don't know anything more than that, really.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... first-sdcc

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- ¿DC's "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW", retrasado hasta la primavera del 2016?:
¿Se ha retrasado el spinoff de Arrow/The Flash, "Legends of Tomorrow"?

Inicialmente, se confirmó que la serie iba a emitirse durante la midseason del 2015, que es usualmente alrededor de Diciembre/Enero.

Sin embargo, según la cuenta oficial en twitter de los escritores de la serie, ahora el estreno de la serie está previsto para la Primavera del 2016, aunque tampoco podemos afirmar al 100% la noticia, ya que incluso ellos utilizan una interrogación en el tweet (tweet ahora retirado), así es que parece que incluso ellos no están seguros.
Lo que sí es cierto es que con personajes como 'A.T.O.M.' y 'Firstorm', además de centrarse fuertemente en los viajes en el tiempo, quizá necesiten más tiempo para perfeccionar los efectos especiales de la serie.

De cualquier manera, deberíamos tener información más concreta durante el SDCC de este año a primeros de Julio durante el panel de las series de DC.

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- Nuevo Concept-art y más detalles sobre el equipo (EW):
Entertainment Weekly, en su número especial con motivo de la Comic Con 2015, incluye un arte conceptual del spin-off de The Flash/Arrow "'Legends of Tomorrow' en el que aparecen varios de sus protagonistas:
En la entrevista, de acuerdo al productor Phil Klemmer, los protagonistas de 'Legends of Tomorrow' son un desastre al estilo de "Guardianes de la Galaxia" y por lo mismo la serie será una locura:

“Son un desastre. En lugar d pasar de puntillas a través de la historia, van pasando lenta y pesadamente por ella, dejando todas sus huellas dacticales y pisadas y constantemente teniendo que preguntarse si van a fastidiar el futuro más que arreglarlo. Va a ser una completa locura.”

“La idea de viajar a través del tiempo tiene una idea de salto en ela, y eso es lo que estamos buscando. Sí, estará la gran trama de ‘intentar detener a Vandal Savage’, pero la gente inevitablemente se dividirán es sus pequeñas misiones paralelas y cuando la gente intente detener su propia línea temporal, hí es cuando realmente empiezas a liar las cosas.”

http://dclegendstv.com/2015/07/04/new-l ... -the-team/

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