Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
"COMIC-CON 2015" (09-10 Julio, 2015) [Fotos, Videos e Info]





Outcast Cinema Fox Party:

Fandango Movieclips Comic-Con party:

Press Room:


NerdHQ Party:

20th Century Fox San Diego Comic-Con 2015 Party:

Playboy and Gramercy Pictures' Selfless Party:

Videos: AQUÍ

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Últimas candids de la actriz en L.A. (16-18 Julio, 2015):

(@vandiekins22: Hiking with this weirdo @davidivkovic this morning. #Canadians #TooHotForTheDogs
@vandiekins22: Saying goodbye to all of these faces tonight. Xoxo #LeJardin you guys were missing wandering around somewhere !!!!
@vandiekins22: Go after what your heart calls for! Dream big... Night y'al
@vandiekins22: We got a little carried away with the sweets for movie night. @abigailklein_ #Trainwreck)
- Laura Vandervoort, Night out at Le Jardin, L.A. (16-07-15):

(Thanks to @LV_forumfree_it)

(@vandiekins22: Hiking with this weirdo @davidivkovic this morning. #Canadians #TooHotForTheDogs
@vandiekins22: Saying goodbye to all of these faces tonight. Xoxo #LeJardin you guys were missing wandering around somewhere !!!!
@vandiekins22: Go after what your heart calls for! Dream big... Night y'al
@vandiekins22: We got a little carried away with the sweets for movie night. @abigailklein_ #Trainwreck)
- Laura Vandervoort, Night out at Le Jardin, L.A. (16-07-15):

(Thanks to @LV_forumfree_it)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Nuevas candids de la actriz en L.A. (22-23 Julio, 2015):

(@jeffreyareddick: The lovely @supervandie. Thanks @bpmajor #v #lauravandervoot #geek
@lauravandervoort: Wolfing out one last time with @mllovitt & @asics @pearsports #BYE #LeavingOnAJetPlane)

(@jeffreyareddick: The lovely @supervandie. Thanks @bpmajor #v #lauravandervoot #geek
@lauravandervoort: Wolfing out one last time with @mllovitt & @asics @pearsports #BYE #LeavingOnAJetPlane)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Imágenes y Scans de la revista "Kode Magazine" (Summer Issue 2015):

http://www.kodemag.com/#!Laura-Vandervo ... eab027617b
Imágenes de la photoshoot: AQUÍ

http://www.kodemag.com/#!Laura-Vandervo ... eab027617b
Imágenes de la photoshoot: AQUÍ

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Nuevas candids de Laura con 'Frankie', 'Sloan' y Asher (05-08-15):

(@vandiekins22: Waking up with these two. #KitchenFloorMeeting #NeedCoffee #SloanCouldEatMeAsASnack
@vandiekins22: Sliding down a huge slide at the fair with bro in law and Asher @vandersgardner)
- Nuevas candids de Laura en Toronto (08-09 Agosto, 2015):

(@vandiekins22: #TorontoBeerFestival @shawnpiller
@vandiekins22: When it's Sunday morning and you have to do an audition tape but the coffee isn't working anymore ;( #Life @adamll)

(@vandiekins22: Waking up with these two. #KitchenFloorMeeting #NeedCoffee #SloanCouldEatMeAsASnack
@vandiekins22: Sliding down a huge slide at the fair with bro in law and Asher @vandersgardner)
- Nuevas candids de Laura en Toronto (08-09 Agosto, 2015):

(@vandiekins22: #TorontoBeerFestival @shawnpiller
@vandiekins22: When it's Sunday morning and you have to do an audition tape but the coffee isn't working anymore ;( #Life @adamll)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Nuevas candids de Laura Vandervoort en Toronto (13-19 Agosto, 2015):

(@vandiekins22: Work it... TO
@vandiekins22: @Frankie_blueeyes came to another meeting today. A dogs job is never done!!
@vandiekins22: This guy @ShawnPiller
@vandiekins22: On a boat... Again @corymgrant
@vandiekins22: Loving on my pups tonight! #SundayNight @frankie_blueeyes
@vandiekins22: Sometimes (every night) I sleep with polkadots on my face. Thanks @KatVonPire ...Ladies gots to do what ladies gots to do! Am I right ladies!!?? High Five... Ladies? .... No one? That's cool..... Fist bump?)

(@vandiekins22: Work it... TO
@vandiekins22: @Frankie_blueeyes came to another meeting today. A dogs job is never done!!
@vandiekins22: This guy @ShawnPiller
@vandiekins22: On a boat... Again @corymgrant
@vandiekins22: Loving on my pups tonight! #SundayNight @frankie_blueeyes
@vandiekins22: Sometimes (every night) I sleep with polkadots on my face. Thanks @KatVonPire ...Ladies gots to do what ladies gots to do! Am I right ladies!!?? High Five... Ladies? .... No one? That's cool..... Fist bump?)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
"Walker Stalker Con Boston 2015" (21-23 Agosto, 2015) [Fotos, Videos]

(Thanks to @vandiekins22, @WalkrStalkrCon, @agentLwalker, @anneroo, @BeantownReview, @Byflutterby, @kimmiemorrissey, @lisa_amico, @mokiavelli, @MysticFaeArt, @sabrina3011, @alimarie340, @Bands_BVB_CS, @elloco4life, @FeatherMishap, @ilyandzebras44, @jt4pres, @LauraLaFleur3, @lifeasamaven, @Pirate6562, @TwoEms616, @Wolf_Pack_Pride, @ZombieLeader1, @kchin5000, @Niall_D_Smith)
Videos: AQUÍ

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Nuevas candids de Laura con 'Sloan' y 'Frankie' (24-25 Agosto, 2015):

(@shawnpiller: @supervandie #sloan lets do this!!! #toronto @bitten_syfy @bitten_tv @havenherald #haven5b #savehaven
@vandiekins22: Happy #NationalDogDay to my baby girl @frankie_blueeyes My love, light, travel companion, cuddle bug, smile maker and child. Xoxox)
- Laura Vandervoort, imagen bts de la S3 (27-08-15):

(@vandiekins22: Waiting patiently for season 3 #Bitten T-12 DAYS!!)
- 1ª Mesa de lectura para la S3 de "Bitten" (01-09-15):

(@vandiekins22: Read thru & cast dinner for season 3 with these two. #Bitten @leven_stund @greystonh @eOne_TV @SpaceChannel @SyfyTV #DarkerHairDontCare
@wilzmak: First cast read through. #BittenS3)

(@shawnpiller: @supervandie #sloan lets do this!!! #toronto @bitten_syfy @bitten_tv @havenherald #haven5b #savehaven
@vandiekins22: Happy #NationalDogDay to my baby girl @frankie_blueeyes My love, light, travel companion, cuddle bug, smile maker and child. Xoxox)
- Laura Vandervoort, imagen bts de la S3 (27-08-15):

(@vandiekins22: Waiting patiently for season 3 #Bitten T-12 DAYS!!)
- 1ª Mesa de lectura para la S3 de "Bitten" (01-09-15):

(@vandiekins22: Read thru & cast dinner for season 3 with these two. #Bitten @leven_stund @greystonh @eOne_TV @SpaceChannel @SyfyTV #DarkerHairDontCare
@wilzmak: First cast read through. #BittenS3)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Nueva candid junto a su sobrino Asher (02-09-15):

(@vandiekins22: So in love with this little man #Asher @vandersgardner #ChillinOnTheFloor)

(@vandiekins22: So in love with this little man #Asher @vandersgardner #ChillinOnTheFloor)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Imagen bts del primer día de rodaje de la S3 de "Bitten" (09-09-15):
(@vandiekins22: Day 1 of Season 3 #Bitten and there's already blood!! But is it on me! #OutDamnSpot @eOne_TV)
- Imágenes bts del rodaje de la S3 (10-16 sept 2015):

(@vandiekins22: Bruise #1 Season 3. Fight scene got real. Table met head, head met table & a goose-egg was born. It was love at first blood. #supaouch #WorthIt #RealBruise #Oops (You should see the other guy... Umm the table.)
@vandiekins22: What Oh no that's just a new makeup trend. Blue brow bone contouring lol. #Bruise #Bitten
@vandiekins22: With @jotabey & @holmes_ar #Toronto
@Byflutterby: Dream come true!!! Thanks everyone @bittentv!! #BittenS3 set visit!! @frostbittenwolf & I had an incredible time
@vandiekins22: Mornings on: #Bitten @frankie_blueeyes my bruised black eyelid has transformed into what looks like dark eyeshadow. Works for me!!
@vandiekins22: Just got my ass kicked by Michelle @StudioLagree Thanks @BenMulroney for directing me
@vandiekins22: Night shoots #Bitten
@vandiekins22: Season 3 #Bitten with @wilzmak)

(@vandiekins22: Day 1 of Season 3 #Bitten and there's already blood!! But is it on me! #OutDamnSpot @eOne_TV)
- Imágenes bts del rodaje de la S3 (10-16 sept 2015):

(@vandiekins22: Bruise #1 Season 3. Fight scene got real. Table met head, head met table & a goose-egg was born. It was love at first blood. #supaouch #WorthIt #RealBruise #Oops (You should see the other guy... Umm the table.)
@vandiekins22: What Oh no that's just a new makeup trend. Blue brow bone contouring lol. #Bruise #Bitten
@vandiekins22: With @jotabey & @holmes_ar #Toronto
@Byflutterby: Dream come true!!! Thanks everyone @bittentv!! #BittenS3 set visit!! @frostbittenwolf & I had an incredible time
@vandiekins22: Mornings on: #Bitten @frankie_blueeyes my bruised black eyelid has transformed into what looks like dark eyeshadow. Works for me!!
@vandiekins22: Just got my ass kicked by Michelle @StudioLagree Thanks @BenMulroney for directing me
@vandiekins22: Night shoots #Bitten
@vandiekins22: Season 3 #Bitten with @wilzmak)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Nuevas candids de Laura en TO (12-09-15):

(@vandiekins22: I'm still a child I swear
@vandiekins22: Don't be hating but I may have the coolest and prettiest bike in the land Early Birthday Surprise thanks to @ShawnPiller #BabyBlueCruiser)

(@vandiekins22: I'm still a child I swear
@vandiekins22: Don't be hating but I may have the coolest and prettiest bike in the land Early Birthday Surprise thanks to @ShawnPiller #BabyBlueCruiser)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
Re: Fotos de Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl)
- Primera imagen bts de "Super Deelia" (12-09-15):

(@vandiekins22: #SuperDuperDeelia to the rescue!!!)

(@vandiekins22: #SuperDuperDeelia to the rescue!!!)

¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!