"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado título y créditos del episodio 4.06:
Marc Guggenheim ha compartido el título y créditos del episodio 4.06, coincidiendo con el inicio de la producción de mismo.


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 4585965568

El episodio 4.06 tendrá por título “Lost Souls”. Está escrito por Beth Schwartz & Emili Ortega Aldrich, con dirección de Antonio Negret.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow S4 Promo "Embrace Your Dark Side" (HD):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Spoilers sobre el tono más ligero y más de la S4 de "Arrow":
Tras estos tres años, parece que la S4 de "Arrow" está preparada para llevar a Oliver Queen a que cumpla con su destino en los cómics como 'Green Arrow', el protector de 'Starling City'.

Y este cambio, conlleva también un cambio en el tono de la serie: “Desde que Slade Wilson [Manu Bennett] llegó a la ciudad alrededdor de la [season 2, episodio 15], la serie ha estado en este camino muy, muy oscuro, llevando hasta la muerte de Sara [Caity Lotz] y la culminación de la season 3. Nuestro objetivo es regresar la serie más al tono de la primera temporada y media”, dice Guggenheim.

Esto también se debe en parte a que Oliver se encuentra en un lugar mucho más feliz ahora, “Se siente como si Arrow, pero al mismo tiempo, Oliver tuviera una nueva perspectiva de la vida, Estamos llevando el conflicto a la serie de maneras en las que nunca lo habríamos hecho en los primeros tres años. Así es que aún se siente como Arrow, pero es una versión diferente de la serie.”

Damien Darhk también es un villano diferente, “Es realmente pura maldad, no se detendrá ante nada para conseguir sus objetivos. Vamos a descubrir que este villano ha estado operando en la ciudad durante los pasados tres meses. El Team Arrow ha estado básicamente tratando de mantenerlo a raya, pero entonces algo pasa en la season premiere que es la gota que colma el vaso y hace que Laurel [Katie Cassidy] y Thea [Willa Holland] vayan a encontrar a Oliver y le hagan regresar”. “Realmente disfruta de ser malvado, disfruta el poder que eso le otorga. Puede definitivamente patearte el trasero, pero puede hacerlo de una manera muy diferente a la de Malcolm, Slade o Ra's al Ghul”.

Pero descubrirán a un Oliver muy distinto al que conocíamos las pasadas temporadas, “Le hacemos como el chico que regresa a casa de la guerra con un trastorno de estrés post-traumático por los tres primeros años. Ahora ha dejado descansar esos demonios, o eso piensa él, y hay un desenfado en él como resultado de lo que aprendió el año pasado”, dice Guggenheim, lo que concuerda con la nueva ligereza de su traje y la nueva guarida. Oliver “tiene más fe en la humanidad de la que tenía en el pasado. Es menos sobre el borrar el legado de su padre y más sobre el establecer el suyo propio”, dice Mericle.

No obstante, Diggle seguirá enfadado con Oliver a su regreso: “[Diggle] es el que más enfadado estaba por las elecciones de Oliver al final de la S3. Y ciertamente es el que está más en contra del regreso de Oliver y el que se vea forzado a trabajar con él”. “Una de las cosas con las que estamos realmente emocionados en la primera mitad de la temporada es con cómo va Oliver a ganarse de nuevo a Diggle.Cuando se encuentren de nuevo en la 4, va a ser frío. No está bien. En el pasado, Oliver habría estado muy a la defensiva y quizá habría tachado a Diggle o realmente defendido su posición. Lo que es interesante ahora es que está en un lugar diferente. Está feliz con Felicity. Está más dispuesto a decir, 'Quizá cometí algunos errores.' Su reconciliación, el cómo llegan ahí, va a ser un camino pedregoso. No va a resolverse totalmente”, comenta Mericle.

Y Diggle ha estado deseando enfrentarse a Damien Darhk y su organización que acabó con su hermano años atrás, “Es algo que motivará a Diggle en la primera mitad del año. Está muy unido a lo que está pasando entre él y Oliver”, dice Mericle.
La conexión entre su hermano e H.I.V.E. "va a ser una gran pieza en la historia de Diggle y realmente se llevará la mayor parte de su arco emocional de esta temporada. Quiere respuestas. Está contra algunos chicos muy malos. Pero va a pillarlos."

La S4 jugará con el explorar el cómo otros miembros del equipo encuentran su propia identidad: En cuanto a Felicity, “la serie no la está definiendo sólamente por su relación con Oliver. [Tras la aparente muerte de Palmer] ella va a encontrarse con algunos retos inesperados, pero nos da una oportunidad de realmente mostrar un lado distinto de Felicity. Ella aún es esa chica divertida, ingeniosa e idealista, pero también es ahora la CEO de una corporación y también va a tener ahora que ser fuerte, confiar en sí misma e imaginativa además de sus otras ya maravillosas cualidades” dice Guggenheim.

En cuanto a Thea, “desde la S1, realmente no hemos hecho mucho con Oliver intentando mantener su identidad en secreto en la serie. Pero eso es algo con lo que vamos a jugar con Thea a medida que nos adentramos en la temporada y ella intenta equilibrar una vida personal con el ser una superheroína — algo con lo que nunca ha tenido que lidiar antes.” Esa vida personal incluye un nuevo interés amoroso, Alex Davis (Parker Young) que proporcionará ese toque de humor a la serie, aunque Thea también tendrá una inesperada conexión con Lonnie Machin, a.k.a. Anarky (Alexander Calvert), un criminal psicótico que es una gran amenaza en el segundo episodio.

En cuanto a Sara y los efectos secundarios del Lazarus´pit, “Es diferente de lo que fue con Thea. Para decirlo claramente, ella está más muerta. Necesitábamos a alguien que llegara y básicamente la resucitara y trajera de nuevo su alma (John Constantine). Realmente estábamos encantados de que pudiéramos tener a Matt Ryan. Es el personaje perfecto para hacerlo”. ¿Quién es el que ha tenido la idea de hacer esto después de casi un año de su muerte? “Probablemente no tienes que pensar mucho para hacer los cálculos y saber quién estaba más cercana a ella, quién la quería más y quién sería el que estuviera más involucrado en traerla de vuelta. Obviamente, su familia es la primera en eso. Lo que va a ser interesante es que incluso cuando regresa, Laurel y Lance tendrán una reacción muy diferente a su presencia.”

“[La resurrección de Sara] llega mucho por las decisiones que Laurel hace y las elecciones con las que Laurel tendrá que vivir luego” dice Guggenheim adelantando un momento crucial de Black Canary en la premiere. “Los episodios tratando con el regreso de Sara están probablemente entre el material más duro que hemos tenido para Laurel. Estamos usando el regreso de Sara para realmente meternos bajo no sólo Laurel como persona, sino la relación que ella tiene con Thea y la amistad que tenía con Oliver.”

Laurel estará muy centrada en su trabajo y no tanto en su vida personal, sin planes de introducir un nuevo interés amoroso para ella, "Pienso que hay una virtud en tener un personaje fememino en la serie que no esté necesariamente involucrada con un hombre," explica Mericle. "Tiene muchas cosas con las que lidiar en términos de su hermana Sara y también en encontrar una nueva relación con Oliver ahora que Felicity está en el panorama... Es más sobre el encontrar su lugar en el equipo." “Definitivamente pienso que estos meses pasados ella ha podido encontrarse más a sí misma,” dice Cassidy. “Siento como que es su tiempo de brillar. Ella va a hacer todo lo que sea necesario, especialmente en lo que respecta a salvar a Starling City — [que es] algo que siempre ha hecho de libro. El ser abogada y trabajar en la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito, ha estado muy involucrada en la parte legal de las cosas, y pienso que este es su momento de ser parte de la historia principal y de la acción.”

El Captain Lance sigue estando muy en contra de los luchardores contra el crimen, "Él aún sigue rastreando cada cosa mala en Starling City desde la llegada de Oliver y la llegada de las máscaras." Sin embargo, dada la llegada de Damien Darhk y "cómo de serias son las dificultades de la ciudad, va a empezar a verles como un mal necesario, algo que a él no le gusta ni lo abraza pero que reconoce que puede que sea la única respuesta para salvar su hogar."

Malcolm es el nuevo líder de la Liga de Asesinos, pero no dirá por completo adiós a su vida pasada, ya que Guggenheim adelanta que "se pondrá de nuevo su capucha en el episodio 3".

Lyla "tendrá un nuevo lugar de trabajo. Van a psar cosas que la motivan a quizá no regresar a A.R.G.U.S., pero ciertamente a coger el testigo y regresar a la lucha." En cuanto a la relación con su marido, Mericle confirma que es "muy sólida. Oliver y Felicity puede que pasen por unos cuantos altos y bajos esta temporada, pero Lyla y Dig, ya lo han visto todo."

En cuanto a los flashbacks, Oliver se enfrenta a una organización criminal totalmente distinta: "Shadowspire", dirigida por el Barón Reiter (Jimmy Akingbola), contra el que Oliver se enfrenta en Coast City — sí, la casa de Green Lantern. “Hay un guiño o dos,” adelanta Guggenheim. “Hay un cartel con el que la gente flipará, y puede o no puede haber un anillo en la season premiere.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/09/10/ar ... 4-spoilers
http://tvline.com/gallery/arrow-season- ... poilers-8/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow S4 Promo "So Cool" (1 Minute Promo):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts de la S4 (10-12 Sept 2015):

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(@emilybett: See you soon my snuggler @katiecassidy
@MzKatieCassidy: Check. Run it, all hundreds. #fitness
@PaulBlackthorne: After tthe take. Great having Jeri around, very nice lady.
@PaulBlackthorne: Cameron received a lot of comments about his T-shirt.
@PaulBlackthorne: EBR, glowing as ever.
@PaulBlackthorne: SA & a crossword puzzle
@PaulBlackthorne: The lonliness of the preparation process - Jeri Ryan ladies & gents.
@PaulBlackthorne: TV siblings
@PaulBlackthorne: Video village
@paulblackthorne: It was THIS big...
@paulblackthorne: KC has left the building
@paulblackthorne: Susie script checking in with KC.
@MzKatieCassidy: Lost without you face @EmilyBett
@emilybett: She left me [triumph] but not before I took a sneaky photo @katiecassidy)

@EmilyBett: In the combative words of Gabrielle Union "Bring it." https://amp.twimg.com/v/760ac40f-ae76-4 ... 84582d0442

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Katie Cassidy sobre el patear traseros, el trabajar con el Team Arrow y Legends of Tomorrow (comicbook):
Katie Cassidy sobre el patear traseros, el trabajar con el Team Arrow y Legends of Tomorrow
Por Russ Burlingame 13 Septiembre 2015

One of the most often-repeated pieces of criticism about the return of Sara Lance in the upcoming seasons of Arrow and DC's Legends of Tomorrow is the notion that it will pull at the thread of character development for Laurel Lance, her sister and replacement as the (Black) Canary.

At Comic-Con International: San Diego this summer, ComicBook.com and a roundtable of reporters spoke with actress Katie Cassidy, who plays Laurel, about what Arrow's fourth season will look like for Laurel, what her connection to the Legends of Tomorrow might be and whether she's hoping for crossovers with her not-dead sister.

How's it feel to be at the first one of these big events where you can talk really openly about being Black Canary?

It's great and amazing. I'm like "Finally! I can say it!"

It's completely fulfilling. This character, this job, this world, this series has been a dream come true and I really wanted to do action and living in this genre, so I couldn't be happier.

Are you working out every minute of every day?

Every minute of every day? No! No, no. I've been working out a lot and really, really hard, but I think it's cool because it makes it that much more realistic and believable. It also feels good to be in good shape and to know that I could kick anybody's ass! [Laughs]

So do you do your own stunts?

I try and do as much as I possibly can. There are obviously...there's insurance involved sometimes, where I shouldn't be jumping off rooftops, which is fine by me, but as far as physically in the fighting, I do as much as I can or as much as they let me. I've been in martial arts training and stuff like that, and training with the [weapons].

Is it a relief to finally be a part of all aspects of the show?

Yes! You have no idea. It was a long time coming, but again I think it was the right thing to do. I think the writers wrote really well for me and it was more believable. As an actor, it was amazing because I wasn't in Season Two the Black Canary overnight. I had to go through hardship and it made it that much more believable and realistic and I was just doing what they were writing and it was that much more helpful for when I finally became Black Canary. It was more legitimate, if that makes sense.

What can you tell us about Laurel's arc this season, and where she's starting in the premiere?

You'll definitely see Laurel a lot more polished, and good at being a quote-unquote superhero. Obviously last season, she was a fighter, she's always been a fighter, but it was a lot more heart. This season, I think it's not just heart; she actually has been training and working on that aspect of herself, the going out at night. It's also been a big role to take on, along with Felicity and Diggle, to take Oliver's position, I think. Whether or not they're capable of doing that, you'll have to watch Season Four, but I definitely think Laurel will play a big part on influencing the creation of Legends.

Are you able to tell us anything about Laurel's awareness of Sara?

No! I can't tell you that! But I think that if Sara got to see Laurel right now, I think that she would be proud of her for all the hard work she's put in. I also think that she would be worried probably, because she loves her sister and doesn't want her sister to get hurt, but I think she would definitely be proud. I know I am!

Are you going to miss the bonding scenes you had between Laurel and Nyssa last season?

Absolutely! Katrina's awesome and I love working with her. I'm hoping she'll come back. It's still television, anything can happen. As of right now, [working with Merlyn] is what's happening, but I have a feeling there will be more to the story.

So you're having a lot of crossover with Legends, then?

I hope so. That would be awesome.

http://comicbook.com/2015/09/13/arrows- ... rrow-and-/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡El regreso de 'Malcolm Merlyn' en la S4!:
Sabemos que Merlyn regresa en la S4, pero muchos han estado preguntándose cuál será su papel en esta nueva temporada tras haber sido nombrado jefe de la "liga de Asesinos".

Pues bien, el productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim nos ha dado la dirección que tomará el personaje cuando regrese el mes que viene:

“La mejor manera de decirlo es que papá lo sabe 'peor' que nadie. Malcolm regresa a la historia mucho más en el papel del padre de Thea que en el papel del Jefe de la Liga de Asesinos. Es muy divertido el jugar con Malcolm como padre porque sus elecciones son muy inusuales. Para el disgusto de Thea, él no maneja las cosas como un padre típico lo haría.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/09/11/sp ... 8021555d9b

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set de la S4 (14-19 Sept 2015):

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(@amellywood: Feels like a Monday
@charlotteross: Soo much FUN on set with Stephen today! @amellywood #arrow #arrowseason4 #mamasmoak
@EchoK: Green Arrow and Mr. Terrific in the building. Sort of. #ArrowSeason4 #GreenTerrificArrow
@EmilyBett: @charlotteross this woman is beyond a dime piece #MamaSmoak
@charlotteross: Playing with the animals! @EmilyBett #arrow #arrowseason4 #animals
@charlotteross: Thank you @antonionegret for being such an awesome director to work with!#arrow #mamasmaok #arrowseason4
@amellywood: Wire work is frightening.They cinch U in...The fulcrum point of leverage is precariously close to UR unmentionables...They raise U up...&...Go... Be sure to look cool of course
@emilybett: Gone fishing @echokells
@emilybett: Waiting for the tropics @karibeeander
@MzKatieCassidy: Chic
@david_ramsey: We protect Starling... what you got?
@caitylotz Blood: Sweat. Tears. Sara. #Arrow)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Marc Guggenheim habla sobre 'Constantine' en "Arrow":
Marc Guggenheim fue entrevistado recientemente por SuperheroHype.com sobre su nuevo cómic, "The Infinite Adventures of Jonas Quantum", y durante ella tuvo la ocasión de hablar de el haber conseguido a 'John Constantine' (Matt Ryan) en "Arrow" para el quinto episodio de la S4:

“Cuando lo veas en la serie, sinceramente se siente como si estuviésemos haciendo un crossover entre Constantine/Arrow, y es tan emocionante...,” dice Guggenheim entusiasmado.

“Estamos realmente contentos de que consiguiéramos la oportunidad de extender la carrera de Matt Ryan como 'Constantine' al menos por una hora más de televisión. Creo que veréis que encaja muy esmeradamente en nuestro universo. Nunca se siente forzado, se siente correcto. La onda de Stephen en pantalla con Matt es muy natural, es como si estos chicos hubieran estado trabajando juntos desde siempre. Pienso que la gente va realmente a adorar el episodio. John Badham (‘WarGames,’ ‘Saturday Night Fever’) lo dirigió y fue una feliz coincidencia, porque John también había dirigido un episodio de "Constantine". Todo funcionó y lo hizo realmente sin ningún esfuerzo. Funcionó sin esfuerzo con mucho esfuerzo debería decir. No puedo esperar a que la gente vea ese episodio, si persabas que fue emocionante tan sólo el ver esa toma de Matt en el trailer esperad hasta que veáis un episodio completo con él”, dice.

http://www.superherohype.com/features/3 ... Gs.twitter

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 4.01 "Green Arrow":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW Season 3 - DVD/Blu-Ray Promo:

- ARROW "Bringing the Black Canary to life" DVD/Blue-Ray Featurette:

- Second Skins: Creating The Uniforms of Arrow - Flexibility Of The Costumes (DVD/Blue-Ray Featurette):

- Second Skins: Creating The Uniforms of Arrow - Stephen Amell and more spill on their characters kickass costumes:
http://www.etonline.com/news/172218_exc ... index.html

- ARROW Season 3 - Best Lines from the Cast (DVD/Blue-Ray Featurette):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.01 "Green Arrow":
4.01 "Green Arrow" (07/10/15): MI NOMBRE ES GREEN ARROW — La feliz escapada de Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) se ve interrumpida cuando Thea (Willa Holland) y Laurel (Katie Cassidy) les hacen una visita y le dicen a Oliver que necesitan su ayuda de vuelta en Star City. La ciudad ha sido atacada por “Fantasmas,” asesinos liderados por un peligroso hombre llamado Damien Darhk (la estrella invitada Neil McDonough). Sin embargo, cuando Oliver regresa, Diggle (David Ramsey) deja muy claro que no quiere a Oliver en el equipo. Thor Freudenthal dirige el episodio con historia de Greg Berlanti & Beth Schwartz y guión de Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#401).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-offic ... een-arrow/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Katie Cassidy sobre los personjes femeninos fuertes, los disfraces y el patear traseros (themarysue):
Katie Cassidy sobre los personjes femeninos fuertes, los disfraces y el patear traseros
Por Eris Walsh Friday, 18 Septiembre 2015 at 8:25 am

Laurel Lance has been through a lot on Arrow. A lot. She’s lost people she loved, got them back again, lost them again, descended into a deep depression highlighted by substance abuse, destroyed her relationship with her father, and become the Black Canary (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg for this beloved comic character).

Katie Cassidy has spent the last few years bringing this complicated character to life, and sat down with a room full of reporters at Dragon Con to answer a few questions about her training schedule, how much input she had in the Black Canary costume (including a few tips for cosplayers), what’s in store for Laurel in Season 4, and if fans will get to see Laurel and Sara fighting the good fight together:

Reporter: How’s the training going?

Katie Cassidy: It’s good. It’s really good. I actually brought my trainer with me just because I am the type of person that if there – if he’s not here, if I’m not with my trainer, it’s easy for me to be like, “oh, I’m just too tired this morning.” But it’s really good. It’s really, really hard, but I’m in it. It’s awesome.

Reporter: Have you had to ramp up the training for having more of a role on ‘Team Arrow’ as Black Canary?

Cassidy: Oh yeah, absolutely. I think second season, Mark Guggenheim and I had a discussion about the physicality and the difference between Laurel, you know, how pre season 2 you saw her go from being an alcoholic and a drug addict. Literally it was like a disaster all day every day. Which as an actor, it’s challenging, and I love that. But it was really nice and I think a really good arc for me to come out the other side. You know, hit rock bottom, get sober.

And then Season 3, we spoke about the physicality of Laurel, how there has to be a drastic difference. So I spent a lot of time, and still do, obviously, to dedicating my hiatus to training and working out. When I first started, it was 5 days a week, and I was training 3 hours a day. But not just straight up weights or cardio, it would be a mixture of things. It would be like an hour of weights, and then it would be an hour of kickboxing, and then an hour of yoga. So it wasn’t like – there were definitely breaks in between. But I don’t know, I feel like I wanted to make the character, for me as a professional actor, as legitimate as possible.

Reporter: Do you do a lot of your own stunts?

Cassidy: As much as they let me do. For insurance reasons, obviously they’re not going to let me jump off a building. But I would love to – it would be fun, for sure. But they let me do as much as I can. And my stunt double, Atlin [Mitchell], she is fantastic. And I always say, like, I watch her – she’s really good at morphing herself to the actor. Because she’s also doubled Caity Lotz before. And Caity Lotz and I, we have different mannerisms, obviously we’re different people. And when she doubles Caity Lotz, she does a really good job at sort of forming and morphing into that. And when she doubles me, same thing.

We get to talk – and what’s cool about it is, I spoke with her the other night – she shoots, you know like when they do giant masters? It’s normally – during fight scenes – it’s normally the stunt team because they want to go all out. And I get that, that’s totally fine with me. But we’ll discuss if the Black Canary is going to jump off the roof and onto the ground, I am trying to – I’ll talk to her about picking up mannerisms for Caity because we’re sisters. So, even just like the way she falls, she lands, and the way she looks up, and the way she kind of crouches – just small little things just to sort of tie us together and create that, I guess, sisterly bond.

Reporter: How comfortable is the costume?

Cassidy: It’s actually really comfortable. Maya [Mani], who is fantastic, our costume designer – I love her. She let me actually have a little bit of input. And I have to say, I was really – I was just really happy I was not – I was not fully exposed. Oh good! I’m not going to be running around in a – what are those things called? A corset?

Audience Member: A bustier.

Cassidy: A bustier, yeah. And I saw Caity when she was wearing it, and she was freezing all the time. I was just like, I’m going to remember when designing my costume, not to do that. But they let me incorporate, you know, the – I wear these like motorcycle gloves that are fingerless, I guess, gloves. You know, just a hats off to like the comics and the fishnets. They’re fishnet. And then the bodysuit underneath, the top of it is sort of like a fishnet. And so they let me put little touches here and there. I also had a lot to do with the makeup.
It’s interesting – we had several – we had probably 6 different tests of what the Black Canary is going to look like when it was the Black Canary and when I’m suited up in costume. Everything looks very – I look so masculine in the mask because everybody has blacked out eyes. My suit, though, is so masculine. I was just like – I just looked very intense with the suit being masculine and then the face, and the black – I was just like, can we just make this a little bit more girly, sexy, not so like, harsh?

And they actually, at first, that was like their least favorite look. Or Mark Guggenheim’s. And then our makeup artist and Greg Berlanti pleaded their case, and they were like – she looks better this way. And the suit is masculine enough, so they let me incorporate a lot of the details of the makeup.

Reporter: Is that where the dark lip comes in?

Cassidy: Yeah, that was me. [Laughter] And the uh – it’s Vino, by the way. MAC. It’s actually a whole process, and I’m very specific, and I love minor details. My bottom eyelashes – and I don’t know even if it translates – but I’m really into fashion and I just love it. I basically take my bottom lashes and make them kind of like – you remember Twiggy? So I separate them with a tweezer, but it takes like 20 minutes. Just for bottom lashes. So I literally sit there and tweeze them together so they have that more dramatic effect. But I think it looks cool. And it’s funky. Spice things up a bit.

Reporter: So after 2 years of seeing everybody else get into costumes, and having fights, and being able to do all that, would have been kind of really exciting to be able to get in there and join them.

Cassidy: Oh my gosh, yes. Absolutely. I feel like – I met with The CW – I’m going to start over. I met with The CW before I even read Arrow, got offered Arrow, before Arrow was even around. And I said, ‘listen, I really want to do – I’ve played a lot of strong female women characters. I’ve always wanted to do action, I’ve always worked out. I think having a healthy lifestyle is important. I just, I want to do some like, bad-ass, kick-ass, action show. If you guys have one, let me – you know, let’s talk.’

So Arrow came about and I met with Greg, and David Nutter, Andrew Kreisberg, and Mark Guggenheim, and they pitched me the show. And they were like, well, in the comics, Laurel Lance is Black Canary, so probably like, you know, season 1, season 2. And I was like, ok great. And then obviously the way – it’s television, anything can happen.

I’m actually grateful and glad the way that they went about it, because it gave my character someplace to go. And when you’re on a show season after season, after season, I am so lucky that I’ve had this wonderful arc that they wrote for me. But, yeah, definitely in season 1 and season 2, it was a little frustrating because I wasn’t a part of a story, and I wanted to be in there. And then when Caity Lotz came on – who by the way, I love. She’s amazing. It was definitely hard because I didn’t know. They hadn’t told me that she was coming until like a week before. And I was like, I didn’t say this – I thought this in my head. I’m pretty sure they told me that I was supposed to do that. And then I was just like, you know what? I would just have faith and I trust them, they know what they’re doing. It’s television, I’m a professional. I’m not going to – I tried to handle it in the best way possible. And she was so great.

It was also good, I think, just watching. Because we were still trying to find our legs in season 1 and season 2. It was obviously – it’s been an honor. I am so happy and lucky, and I’m so grateful, and I’m so excited I’m finally part of ‘Team Arrow’.

The one thing I will say is though, when you’re a superhero, and you’re in a show, you work until 4 or 5am. So, I’m nocturnal. My family in L.A. they’re always like, they’ll call me or whatever. And I’ll call them back at like 2 in the afternoon or 3, they’re like, ‘what’s up? How are you?’ And I’m like, ‘sorry, I just woke up.’ And they’re like, ‘it is 3 in the afternoon.’ And I was like ‘I have to go to work at 7pm and work until 7am!’ And they’re like ‘ooohhhh, right. Why?’ I’m like, ‘have you seen our show? We’re a night show.’

But it’s fun, and I’m grateful.

Reporter: So did you and Caity get to do any kind of training together, or working together on it. I know she’s done a lot of action stuff before. She has a good fighting background, and whatnot. Did she give you any pointers or anything like that before you took over the mantle?

Cassidy: Not really, because, again, Laurel was the Black Canary, but she went out there and was fighting with her heart. She didn’t know how. So, trying to play it as legitimate as possible. I went through – I was on Supernatural for a year. And they had put me through fight training. I mean, a long time ago, but I kind of knew. And just from being in television and doing film and just watching, I know how to sell things, and I kind of know blocking-wise, the basics. But I have a feeling that she and I will be training together.

And I just think it’s cool, and she’s become a good friend of mine. And now, absolutely – I totally look up to her. She’s badass, obviously – I feel like she’s a stuntwoman. She’s just so good at it, and she’s really dedicated, and I am as well. And I think the two of us, even if it’s on-screen or off-screen, I think the two of us will definitely be training together.

Reporter: I was going to ask about White Canary/Black Canary possible fights together. Is that something you think, maybe Arrow? Or do you think you will be on Legends of Tomorrow?

Cassidy: I don’t know. I think you’re going to have to watch both of them. I can’t tell you. As much as I’d love to tell you. What’s great about this whole universe and what our producers did so brilliantly with three shows, we’re all in Vancouver, we all are in the same world. And it’s obviously definitely a possibility to do – everyone to be crossing over. And first, Sarah being my sister, you’d think that at least, Paul [Blackthorne] and I at some point would probably be involved in their show, and hopefully they are involved in ours. And I am just so happy to have more friends in Vancouver.

And Danielle Panabaker is a dear friend of mine. She’s actually my roommate. I’ve known her for a really long time, and her coming, and Caity, and I was just like – ‘Yes’. Because season 1 and 2 it was our show and I didn’t know many people in Vancouver, aside from our cast. It gets a little lonely, but it’s awesome. I’m so happy and excited.

Reporter: How many months are you there?

Cassidy: 10 and a half.

Reporter: So you essentially live in Vancouver.

Cassidy: Yeah. I sold my house in L.A. I have an apartment in Vancouver. I love it, I mean, it’s beautiful. It’s just day in and day out and then, obviously, it’s a bit dark for a while. I call it dark days. You know, when it starts to get rainy. I try to get away for like a weekend or something. Get some sunshine. But in the summer it’s the most beautiful city ever. It’s gorgeous – the weather’s just perfect.

But it’s such a good location for film because – like a dark show, or a darker show. You know, it’s gloomy and it sort of just helps set the tone.

Reporter: Are there going to be more Laurel storylines that don’t necessarily involve a love interest?

Cassidy: You know, it’s interesting, I have to say I am really happy because I like the way they’ve – the direction they’ve gone with my character. Because they’ve created – I’m not the girlfriend or the love interest. I actually have my own storyline and I’m not just there to serve as the love interest. I feel like – yeah, I’m sure at some point – hopefully, I mean, not to be selfish on a personal level, hopefully they’ll cast someone to potentially be a love interest. I think that it will probably happen, and I like that I kind of have my own storyline aside from ‘Team Arrow’ as well. I feel like I have my own identity. I honestly, I don’t know when they would do it, because I feel like Laurel right now is so – because being on a team, being part of it so, still is new to her – that’s sort of just where she’s focused. And again, kind of just owning her – what she’s doing. Owning herself, the Black Canary, proving herself. And I think she’s sort of just leaving that world, and supportive of Oliver and Felicity…. I love Emily. I love her so much. Sorry, I just have to say it.

We call ourselves – someone said on Twitter once, recently, because she’s become like one of my best friends. What did they call it – Kamly. Katie and Emily. They called us Kamly, and I thought that was cute.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado título y créditos del episodio 4.07:
Marc Guggenheim ha compartido el título y créditos del episodio 4.07, coincidiendo con el inicio de la producción de mismo.


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 4245236737

El episodio 4.07 tendrá por título “Brotherhood”. Está escrito por Speed Weed & Keto Shimizu, con dirección de James Bamford.

Paul blackthorne también le ha dado la bienvenida al director con una simpática imagen:
(@paulblackthorne: Good luck to our man @JamesBamford - day 1 directing his first #Arrow ep - go get 'em big man! @cw_arrow @thecw)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Exclusive Clip: "The Women of Arrow" Kicking butts (USAToday):

http://entertainthis.usatoday.com/2015/ ... sive-clip/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
