La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del episodio de "Arrow" 4.05 "Haunted":

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- Imágenes promocionales del 4.05 "Haunted":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Extended Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Canadian Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" New Zealand Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Australian Promo | The CW: ... lian-promo

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Producer´s preview | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Clip #1 | DC Entertainment:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Clip #2 | The CW: ... fd1bf0abde

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Matt Ryan habla sobre el regreso de 'Constantine' en "Arrow" (Variety):
Durante una entrevista de "Variety" con el actor Matt Ryan con motivo de su próximo trabajo en Broodway junto a Keira Knightley (“Therese Raquin” de la Roundabout Theater Company’), el actor también tuvo ocasión de hablar sobre su próximo regreso en pantalla como 'John Constantine' en el episodio de la próxima semana de la S4 de la serie "Arrow" de la CW:
la próxima semana se emite tu episodio de “Arrow”. ¿Tuviste que ajustar a tu personaje, John Constantine, para que encaje en el mundo de una serie en otra cadena?

Hay ciertas cosas que ellos están haciendo, como el coger una espada y luchar con ella, que son ligeramente diferentes. Y hubo un periodo de ajuste también, cuando me puse por primera vez la gabardina de nuevo. En la primera toma pensé, “¿Qué estoy haciendo?” Pero después de un poco era, “Ah, ahí está. Está la postura. Están las cualidades físicas de él”. Lo que es genial sobre ese episodio es que John llega a este mundo de “Arrow”, y todo el mundo no creee, o no lo conoce, estos mundos ocultos que hay entre nosotros, y John está como, “Mira, esta es la manera que es toda esta mierda”. Y es un maldito arrogante también, así es que todo el mundo está un poco confundido por él.

¿Has saboreado un poco el gusto del fandom de los cómics?

Es una locura. Han sido los fans más increíbles. Incluso ahora siguen usando el hashtag de #BringBackConstantine. Es una pena que no fuéramos capaces de encontrar un hogar para la serie. Esos fans de culto, son muy intensos, sabes. Los adoro. Son tan leales. Tan sólo el ponerme la gabardina para “Arrow,” me entristeció un poco. Hay 300 números de ese cómic, y hay muchas historias geniales para contar. Estábamos tan sólo empezando, tío.

Por su parte, su compañero y estrella de "Arrow" Stephen Amell no hace más que corroborar lo dicho por Ryan y lo emocionado que estaban todos por tenerle en la serie:
“Lo primero de todo, Matt Ryan estuvo realmente fantástico en la serie. La primera escena que rodamos juntos, hicimos la primera toma y entonces él empezó a saltar diciendo, ‘Tengo que encontrarle de nuevo, tengo que encontrarle de nuevo, tengo que encontrarle de nuevo.'”

“Entretejimos a Matt de una manera muy buena y al personaje de Constantine de una manera muy buena”, adelanta. “Manteniéndonos en el marco de nuestra serie, nos prestamos hacia cosas que hacen divertido a Constantine como personajer.” ... 201628932/ ... mcdonough/

- Constantine Visita Arrow: un sorprendente vínculo, Oliver vs. Laurel y más adelantos (TVLine):
Constantine Visita Arrow: un sorprendente vínculo, Oliver vs. Laurel y más adelantos
Por Vlada Gelman / 30 Octubre 2015, 5:30 AM PDT

What do you do when your recently resurrected ex-girlfriend has turned into a feral killer? Call Constantine, of course!

Next Wednesday’s Arrow (The CW, 8/7c) finds Oliver reaching out to his old buddy (played by Matt Ryan) for help, and we’re sharing some teasers after viewing the special crossover installment.

First of all, the way that the former NBC player is incorporated into the CW series is surprisingly seamless — and suffice to say, he leaves behind a mark.

Read on for scoop on Constantine’s guest spot, Oliver and Laurel’s relationship, a dynamic new duo and more.

* Oliver and Constantine’s first scene takes place under unexpected and tense circumstances.

* While the purpose of the exorcist’s appearance is to help restore Sara’s soul, he also has a connection to two other storylines. In related news: Constantine gives Oliver a parting gift of sorts — and a warning.

* Oliver and Laurel have a much overdue and heated conversation about all the secret-keeping they’ve both done and the state of their friendship.

* Earlier this month, executive producer Wendy Mericle hinted at an unlikely partnership between Diggle and Lance. “We will have some cool things where Dig and Lance find themselves on the other side of Oliver, going on independent missions,” she teased. This week, viewers will get the first taste of that.

* Naturally, finding and helping Sara is the first priority, so romance takes a backseat in the episode. But Oliver and Felicity do have a nice talk about the people they’ve lost.

* Do not mess with post-Lazarus Pit Sara. Seriously. Just stay away. Especially if you’re Thea.

* For a Bad Man, Damien Darhk sure does provide a lot of helpful answers.

* Those flashbacks that my colleague Matt Mitovich is not a fan of actually feel significant and have purpose this week!

* There is so much action in the episode that about halfway through, I realized I’d forgotten all about Parker Young (Suburgatory), who’s introduced as a political strategist toward the beginning of the hour. “Wow, that feels like ages ago,” I thought. (He eventually popped back up to remind me Ryan Shay is still good looking.)

* Did you know the new lair has a P.A. system? (Oliver is so regretting it.) We’ll also get a peek at the suh-weet garage. ... -spoilers/
- Matt Ryan habla sobre el llegar a Arrow, Más apariciones de Constantine y responde a las preguntas de los fans (ComicBook):
Matt Ryan habla sobre el llegar a Arrow, Más apariciones de Constantine y responde a las preguntas de los fans
Por Russ Burlingame 03 Nov, 2015

During our conversation with Constantine star Matt Ryan yesterday, we wanted to try something a little bit different.

Since Constantine went off the air at the end of its first season, its vocal fan base kept hope alive for more new content, leading to a guest appearanceon tomorrow's episode of Arrow. When Ryan spoke to us, we got a few questions out of the way and then handed the virtual microphone over to the #Hellblazers hashtag, where a number of fans submitted questions about the character's past and future.

Ryan, for his part, was happy to oblige...

You know, when I spoke to fans to get some questions for this article, there were a number of them who were like "Oh! I saw him outside the theatre yesterday!"

Oh, bless 'em, bless 'em. Do you know what's amazing, man? Lots of Hellblazer fans have been turning up to see the show, and [Therese Raquin] is a show that's a classical piece of theatre and to have fans who are actually fans of a genre TV show and comic actually turning up to see this kind of work that I'm doing right now, is amazing.

I wanted to ask you about the fan experience. Everyone always asks, "How was your first Comic-Con," but after that they kind of lose interest. Is the way fans are following you from the show to other works kind of new to you?

Yeah, it is, man. I've got to say, doing Constantine is something I'd never experienced before. The fans, the Comic-Con scene, the cult following, has been a great experience. It's been great to see the fans who maybe wouldn't see a play like this, coming to see the play because they've taken an interest in me. And that's wonderful I think because they get to actually experience something outside of what they would normally go to see, as well.

How early were you tipped on to Arrow?

I was actually doing a bunch of comic conventions at the time, and people kept saying, "You know, there's this rumor you're doing an appearance on Arrow." And I was like, "Is there?"

It was actually quite late in the process, and what's amazing is that they moved heaven and earth to get me there. The episode we shot was supposed to be shooting while I was doing the play, which would have meant that I couldn't done it. So they actually switched it around to get me there, which is absolutely fantastic. All of the producers and everyone were really keen to see these characters unite.

It wouldn't have been the same if they were just like "Show's over. Let's just bring in anybody as Constantine."

Yeah, absolutely. You know what's great, man? This season, you're introducing magic into the world of Arrow and really, who better in the DC Universe, if you've got access to those characters, than John Constantine to help you out in that situation?

So now that you've done Arrow, do you have any interest in doing another DC show?

Do you know what? At the moment, I'm concentrated on the play. I'm doing this play til January. But I love this character; it's one of my most favorite characters I've ever played and having this chance to play him again has been great. I wouldn't say no to another opportunity of donning the trench coat again.

Obviously, as John you were in Mucus Membrane, and you in fact do sing and play guitar. Is there an album on your horizon someday?

That's an interesting question! Do you know what? I used to be in a band called the Kings of Camden when I was younger. It is something I'd like to do, yeah, is music and writing and stuff. What's funny is that Jonjo O'Neill, who plays Gary Lester on the show, is one of my oldest friends and he plays guitar as well. And we were talking about, if the show got picked up, how we were going to maybe write something for Mucus Membrane as well. Obviously that didn't come to fruition because the show was cancelled. But it is something that I'm interested in. No plans on the horizon as of yet, but it's something that I'd consider.

You're a guy who has varied tastes. Is there any part of you that sees not being locked into a TV series lead forever as a blessing?

In terms of my career, I'm interested in the medium of film, television and theatre, as you know. But as I said, this character has been so enjoyable to play that it's something that I would jump into at any time, to be honest with you. I think that ultimately, in terms of the scope of my career, I'd like to be able to play a wide range of characters, but you're not in control of that as an actor, so we'll see what comes.

Stephen said a few weeks ago that after the first take, you had to step away and kind of shake it off and psych yourself up a little, even though everyone else there thought you were doing great. Was it odd kind of stepping into this same role, but with a different cast and setting and everything?

Yeah, it was strange. On the set of Constantine, we had a team. The crew, you get to know people, and this was doing the same thing in a different environment. But what's great about Stephen and all the cast and crew of Arrow, is how much they made me feel part of their family on their show, and they've been doing it for four years.

And he's great, man. He's been a champion of the show, trying to get it picked up and all those things. So it was great to actually sit there and talk about it and to get to play this amazing, iconic character opposite the Arrow and see how these two characters interact. But it was funny because we were doing this walk and talk shot and I was like, "Oh! What's going on here?" I've been working on this play, thinking about a lot of other things, and then I was on Arrow and it was like "Oh, John Constantine."

And it was great, because he just came back to me after the first take. It was terrific.

If you were to come back at some point down the line, either here or on Legends or whatever, would you want to get Zed and Chas back? I feel like the chemistry you guys had was something special.

Yeah, exactly. I also think that John is someone that -- Chas has a certain skillset, Zed has a certain skillset, and there's a reason that they are around him in his world. So they would be integral to anything that John would tackle, really, because they have these specific useful skillsets.

And also, do you know what would be great? Is just to work with those guys again.

There's a Hellblazer music podcast, and so fans are wondering: if you yourself had a theme song or an anthem, what would it be?

Wow! A theme song or an anthem? I have no f---ing idea, to be honest with you. I listen to a lot of music in my work. At the moment, I'm doing a classical play so I listen to a lot of classical music before I go onstage, but when I was doing John Constantine, I was listening to a lot of rock music. I would listen to the Sex Pistols and the Stones and stuff, to get you into a mood. So I'm so changeable that I couldn't pin it down to one song. ... ances-and/
- Arrow enlista a Constantine para restaurar el alma de Sara (EW):
Arrow enlista a Constantine para restaurar el alma de Sara
Por Natalie Abrams 03 Nov 2015

With bloodthirsty Sara on the loose in Star City, Team Arrow has to turn to one of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) allies to restore her soul. Enter Matt Ryan, reprising his titular role from NBC’s short-lived Constantine.

“It just felt organic,” says showrunner Wendy Mericle, noting that Team Arrow will have varying reactions to Constantine’s arrival. “Oliver’s very welcoming. [Oliver has] a deep well of experience with things that don’t make sense and science can’t explain, so he’s very open to the idea.”

But Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Diggle (David Ramsey) are a different story. “Laurel just wants her sister back, so she’s willing to do whatever it takes, and Diggle will be, not a skeptic, but certainly maybe not as welcoming as Oliver might be.”

They have little choice once Oliver discovers that Sara has been resurrected. “He has an interesting reaction,” Mericle says. “He finds out in a very dynamic and interesting way in action. He’s shocked. He did not see that coming. Laurel’s been keeping this very much under wraps. He’s also somewhat relieved to know that she’s out there, but his biggest concern is that he quickly puts two and two together and knows how Laurel and Thea [Willa Holland] pulled this off. He’s worried for the safety of the city and for Sara’s safety as well.”

As he should be. It was recently revealed that those who are healed in the Lazarus Pits come back with pieces of other souls, causing them to be bloodthirsty until they avenge themselves by slaughtering the person who killed them. In this case, it’s Thea, whom Sara will target in Wednesday’s episode. “It gets scary,” Mericle says. “Obviously Oliver knows that and is very concerned. When that starts to happen, it escalates.”

“It makes for a really cool scene between him and Laurel,” Mericle continues. “It interestingly puts their friendship and their relationship on a completely different footing for the rest of the season, which we actually are really excited about.”

But getting Sara’s soul back won’t be an easy feat. “What we typically do in our Act 5 sequence, we have a lot of action,” Mericle says. “This is a different way of doing that. Constantine takes them to a different place, they fight, and they get her soul back. It’s a pretty cool, interesting, very different sequence for us on the show.” ... b18531b9ab
- Matt Ryan habla sobre el meterse de nuevo en el papel de 'John Constantine' para "Arrow" (accesshollywood):
Matt Ryan habla sobre el meterse de nuevo en el papel de 'John Constantine' para "Arrow"
Por Jolie Lash 03 Nov, 2015 3:46 PM PST

John Constantine arrives in Star City on this Wednesday night's "Arrow."

With Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) a danger to everyone since that magical resurrection in the Lazarus Pit turned her wild, unpredictable and even more deadly, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is forced to call in a favor from his old friend.

Although actor Matt Ryan had another project in the works on Broadway, producers of The CW show were able to get the Welshman to slip back on the trench coat, loose tie, slacks and button down shirt to once again play John Constantine (from NBC's 2014-2015 drama "Constantine"), for Wednesday's episode of "Arrow."

Ahead of his evening performance in "Thérèse Raquin," on the Studio 54 stage alongside Keira Knightley (in her Broadway debut), Judith Light and Gabriel Ebert, Matt spoke with Access Hollywood about his "Arrow" debut. First of all, who called you and said they wanted yto make a Constantine appearance happen on 'Arrow'? When was that call made? How did this all come about?
Matt Ryan: I actually first heard about it when they announced it at Comic-Con and I was hearing rumors from fans on Twitter that – 'Are you going to be on 'Arrow'?' People were asking me and I was like, 'I have no idea.' I had booked another job, so I was like 'Well, no, I'm doing this amazing play.' But then… my UK agent called me and said, 'Look, this is real. They wanna make it work, so let's do it.'

Access: Were you nervous at all about putting back on the trench coat [and] getting back into John Constantine?
Matt: I was excited. He's such an iconic, amazing character and he's so fun to play and he's dark and he's funny and it was great. I was so excited. Obviously, when the show wasn't picked up, I was disappointed and I felt that I still had unfinished business with the character, so to be able to get the trench coat on again was a great thing.

Access: And it's kind of rare to have a crossover like this work so well. Did the experience feel very special because of that, or was it exciting to put it back on no matter what?
Matt: I think, fundamentally, just to kind of get in his skin again was a great thing, but to see these two iconic DC characters interact -- and [the] first thing I thought was how would they interact, what would be their story and how would John react to Oliver Queen and vice-versa? And that's what really excited me about doing it.

Access: Stephen said you were walking around on set saying, 'I gotta find him.' How hard was it to find [the character again]?
Matt: (Laughs) Well, it's funny because the first take I did, I was like, 'What am I doing?' And then… I started jumping around and shaking around and then, actually, it was probably about two or three takes and I was like, 'There he is.' The physicality of him came back and it was great and Stephen's such a joy to work with as well. He's been a champion of the show 'Constantine' since we started and to be able to work with him was fantastic. And he's a wonderful actor and a great man.

Access: What was it like on set working with him and with the rest of the cast?
Matt: It's was great. You know what's interesting – they're on their fourth season now and I think that doing a TV show for so long, people can get jaded, it can wear them out or they can start to take the experience for granted and going on to the set of 'Arrow' was not like that at all. Everyone was so welcoming and so up for doing the work and that was really, really fantastic. And on 'Constantine,' we really did have a family and it was a wonderful experience and to go into the 'Arrow' world, where they have their own family was wonderful because they welcomed me with open arms and I really felt at home.

Access: [Tell us] about the costuming. Was any of it the same from 'Constantine' or how did that work out?
Matt: Yeah, it was actually the same costume that we had for 'Constantine' -- the same trench coat that we used all season. … At the end of the show we changed the jacket to a longer jacket. We didn't use that jacket because I don't think it was available, but we used the same shirt, the same trousers, the same shoes, everything, so it was literally like just putting on your old clothes.

Access: Sara Lance is back from the dead, but not quite right. How far gone is she? How bad is it when John first sees her?
Matt: What's interesting is John is called in by Oliver to help out in this situation. Magic is introduced to the world of 'Arrow' and who better to call when you need to phone a friend than John Constantine. Although that might not be a good thing -- John's the type of person that normally, his friends end up dead, but you know, he's called in and he doesn't have a personal connection to the character, but he ultimately is there just to do a job and help out an old friend…

Access: Can you give us any hints as to what they'll have to go through to make her right again?
Matt: What's interesting is John knows there are worlds beyond ours, and I think that a lot of the characters on 'Arrow,' they don't really know about that universe -- about that world -- and John is someone who lives in it every day so he turns up with his nonchalant kind of quality and knowing that these worlds exist beyond ours, and the rest of the team on 'Arrow' are surprised by that.

Access: Arrow's also known really for its fight sequences. Did you--
Matt: I did. I got to do some fighting. It was great.

Access: How was learning the choreography? Was it difficult? What was that like?
Matt: It was great. I've done a bit of fight work earlier on in my career, but what's great is the guys on 'Arrow' -- it's such a well-oiled machine and because they do so much of it, these guys were literally just teaching me how to do it and I learnt it so fast. And it was great, John picks up a sword and starts swinging a sword around, and that's not something we got to do on our show.

Access: Is it something you would be interested in going back to, either on 'Arrow' or on 'The Flash' or even in any of the other DC shows...?
Matt: I had such fun and such fond memories of doing the show 'Constantine' and all the Hellblazer fans have been so fantastic, and to be able to get the trench coat on again is a fantastic thing and it's not something that I would say no to again.

Access: How are you excited are you for the Hellblazers to see this episode?
Matt: I'm so excited for everyone to see the episode and for them to get to see John interacting with Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, and all that team. It's a shame I won't be able to kind of watch it live and live Tweet because I'm going to be on stage at the time, but I hope that all the fans enjoy it.

Access: You're back on Broadway for the first time in several years. Has it felt different at all?
Matt: Yeah, it is a different experience. When I was first on Broadway in 2009, I was doing Michael Grandage's production of 'Hamlet,' starring Jude Law, and that was a show that we actually did in the West End, in London, and then transferred. This time, this show was created over here, so we had the whole rehearsal process here. So, it has been a different experience, but a wonderful one at that.

Access: And you're starring opposite Keira Knightley, who is making her Broadway debut. Have you shown her the ropes at all? How is she picking it up?
Matt: Oh, she doesn’t need to be shown the ropes, believe me. She's amazing. She's a true professional and a really giving actress and it's wonderful to work with her on her Broadway debut.

Access: It sounds like a really incredible production too because there are a lot of scenes where you're in the water and they've kind of made that come to life on stage. How does that work?
Matt: We actually are on a rowboat in the middle of Manhattan – it's a huge pool on a stage. It's unbelievable. As you can tell, I've got a little bit of a cold and that's because we're going into the water eight times a week. But it's amazing. You're there on Broadway, and there's a river on stage. It's fantastic.

Access: And tell me a little bit about your character. How are you enjoying playing it?
Matt: I play the character of Laurent, who is basically -- he's a lothario. He's someone who doesn't have much money, he's down on his luck, but he's an opportunist. He's someone who can make the best out of any situation and he comes into the world of the Raquin family and sees an opportunity and he takes that opportunity and seduces the character of Thérèse, [who] is played by Keira Knightley. But then, ultimately, he falls in love with her and they fall in love and they engage in this adulterous relationship. ... And what it's about really is what happens when people give in to their most primal urges without any sense of morality and the consequences of those actions. ... ole-arrow/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Daniel Cerone comparte lo que sería el guión de un Episodio 1.14, si hubiera continuado la serie: ... t.pdf?dl=0 ... 9211928576

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Matt Ryan's message for #Hellblazers:

- Matt Ryan On Helping Out Oliver Queen on "Arrow" and his Latest Broodway Run (accesshollywood):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW/CONSTANTINE | Stunts: The Battle for Sara's Soul | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Rumor: ¿se unirá 'Constantine' al elenco de "Legends Of Tomorrow" en el 2017?:
Desde la página de Bleeding Cool nos afirman que, según una muy bien conectada fuente, les llega la noticia de que la próxima serie de TV "Legends Of Tomorrow" está planeando el radicalmente cambiar el elenco y las misiones cada temporada. De hecho, como modelo ha sido comparada a los dibujos animados de la "Justice League Unlimited".

Además, esto significaría otra gran oportunidad para los fans del 'John Constantine' de Matt Ryan, y no es otra más que la serie está planeando que 'John Constantine' aparezca como regular en la serie en la S2 que se estrenaría en el 2017.

La serie también estaría buscando contratar a R McQueen,quien interpreta a 'Jeremy Gilbert' en "The Vampire Diaries"para hacer otro superhéroe sin confirmar en la S2.

Pero, por otro lado, también se están escuchando rumores que apuntan a que la serie es increíblemente cara y que no están seguros de si habrá una S2, poniendo en su lugar otra serie completamente distinta. Así es que cualquier decisión sobre quién está en la temporada es más un tema de presupuesto.

¿Qué pensáis? ¿Emocionados de nuevo por la posibilidad de volver a ver Constantine en la pequeña pantalla). ... ch-season/ ... nstantine/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La S1 de "Constantine" se lanzará en DVD y Blu-Ray:
The Warner Archive -- el servicio de impresión por petición de la Warner Bros. para DVDs y Blu-rays -- lanzará la S1 de la serie "Constantine" de la NBC en DVD y Blu-ray pronto, según ha sido anunciado en las tapas traseras de los cómics de DC de esta semana.

Desde que la serie fue cancelada hace casi año y medio, los fans han estado pidiendo el lanzamiento de la misma en DVD o Blu-ray sin éxito.

Hasta el momento, no hay señal de la serie en la Warner Archive Store, pero el anuncio -- que dice "la fantástica TV se ve mejor en Blu-ray -- también muestra The 100, iZombie, y Lucifer. Al menos los lanzamientos en Blu-ray de The 100 e iZombie a través del Warner Archive habían sido previamente anunciados. Y también dice "Constantine ahora en Blu-ray & DVD."

"Si eso es cierto, entonces los fans lo han hecho posible," dice el antiguo showrunner de Constantine showrunner Daniel Cerone, que actualmente es productor ejecutivo en Motive y The Blacklist. "Les doy todo el mérito porque han hecho que sus voces se oigan y nunca han desistido. Me siento continuamente abrumado por la pasión que hay ahí afuera por este personaje."

Esta no es la primera vez que alguien ha sugerido que el Warner Archive era un hogar potencial para la serie y, recientemente, Cerone le dijo a los fans que el estudio había contratado nuevos músicos para reemplazar algunas de las costosas canciones que habían sido usadas en la banda sonora de la serie, cosa que normalmente se hace para hacer un lanzamiento en video menos costoso.

Constantine was cancelled after one season at NBC, with good reviews and a die-hard fanbase not being able to save it from middling ratings and a huge budget. There were attempts to find it a home on other networks -- most notably on The CW, where series star Matt Ryan guest-starred on Arrow last season as John Constantine -- but they failed and ultimately cast and crew contracts lapsed.

La serie también llegó hace meses al servicio gratuito de la CW Seed, lo que dio a los fans algo de esperanza por el posible regreso del personaje de alguna manera en la CW. Desde entonces ha estado disponible digitalmente de nuevo para su compra.

No hay noticias oficiales sobre cuándo estará disponible para ordenarlo online en su formato de DVD/Blu-ray, y el Warner Archive respondió a la pregunta con un "Cuando haya un anuncio, lo sabréis.

ACTUALIZADO: "Constantine: The Complete Series" saldrá a la venta en Blu-ray y DVD el 04 de Octubre del 2016. La colección estará disponible a través de, Amazon, y otros proveedores online. ... r-archive/ ... announced/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 'Constantine' resucitada por la CW como serie animada con la voz de Matt Ryan y póster promocional:
"Constantine" está de vuelta.

El drama de DC Comics, que fue adaptado recientemente a TV por la NBC y cuyo personaje principal hizo una aparición invitada en otra de las series de DC de la CW en el 2011, "Arrow", llevando al personaje al mismo universo compartido en el que existen "The Flash", "Supergirl" y "Legends of Tomorrow", regresará como serie animada en la CW Seed, según ha anunciado la cadena durante la Television Critics Association winter press tour este domingo. Adicionalmente también han publicado el póster promocional de la serie que podéis ver arriba.

Matt Ryan, quien protagonizó la serie en acción en la NBC prestará de nuevo su voz al personaje. En esta etapa temprana, no se ha dicho nada sobre si algún otro miembro del elenco de la encarnación de la NBC estará también involucrado en el proyecto.

La serie animada consistirá en 5 ó 6 episodios de 10 minutos que se estrenarán durante la temporada 2017-2018. En la CW Seed, Constantine se une a su compañera animada de DC Comics "Vixen", que estrenó su segunda temporada el pasado mes de Octubre. Adicionalmente, los 13 episodios de la serie de acción están disponibles en streaming también en la CW Seed.

Cuando durante el tour de prensa se preguntó sobre un nuevo posible crossover en las series de acción, el presidente de la cadena Mark Pedowitz dijo que "no hay planes para ello," pero añadió que adoraría tener a Ryan de vuelta.

Basado en el personaje de DC creado en 1985, "Constantine" se centra en John Constantine, un hombre que lucha con su fe mientras que se ve atormentado por los pecados de su pasado y de pronto se ve arrojado en el papel de defender a la humanidad de las fuerzas de la oscuridad. En la serie de la NBC, era un exorcista británico y detective ocultista que pasaba sus días cazando entidades sobrenaturales.

Daniel Cerone y David S. Goyer fueron los productores de la serie en la NBC, siendo Goyer de nuevo productor ejecutivo en la serie animada de la CW, junto a Greg Berlanti y Sarah Schechter. ... eed-961873?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32839
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Rumor: La WB podría estarse planteando el hacer de nuevo una serie de 'Constantine' con Matt Ryan:
No, no hemos viajado de alguna manera en el tiempo de vuelta al 2015. we haven’t traveled back in time to 2015 La Warner Bros. podría estarse planteando el hacer una nueva serie de 'Constantine' y esperan que Matt Ryan sea el hombre que retome el papel.

Según We Got This Covered, la Warner Bros. se ha quedado impresionada con lo bien que ha funcionado la serie animada y también por cómo ha sido recibido el regreso de Ryan tanto en "Arrow" como en "Legends of Tomorrow". Al parecer, esto habría llevado a discusiones sobre la posibilidad de una nueva serie de 'Constantine' y que el estudio quiera mantener a Ryan en el papel titular.

El gran debate será, sin duda, si al final esto llega a materializarse, si la serie debería ir a la CW o al servicio en streaming del DC Universe. Quizá esta segunda opción sería más adecuada ya que le daría mucha más libertad al personaje, además que hay que tener en cuenta los vínculos que tiene el personaje con "Swamp Thing", ya que el personaje hizo su debut en los cómics precisamente en las páginas de Alan Moore del famoso monstruo del pantano. Además, esto haría más fácil el poder conectar el DC Universe con el Arrowverse a través del personaje si se quisiera hacerlo.

A esto hay que añadirle el que quizá en la CW no se podría ser tan fiel al personaje de los cómics por el apoyo comercial y los censores. Sería como el volver de nuevo a lo que pasó en la NBC.

En cualquier caso, por mucho que nos gustaría ver de nuevo a Matt Ryan como 'Constantine' en pantalla, no podemos considerar esto más que un rumor, así es que sólo podemos cruzar los dedos y ver si realmente se le iluminan las ideas a la WB y decide llevarlo a cabo por cualquiera de las dos vías posibles. ... matt-ryan/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
