"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Promo:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Extended Promo:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" GlobalTV Promo:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Clips #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Clips #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Clips #3:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Clips #4:

http://www.ign.com/videos/2015/11/06/su ... xwell-lord

- SUPERGIRL | 1.03 "Fight or Flight" Clips #5:

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/51807/ ... ron-video/?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.04 "How Does She Do It?":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Emma Caulfield se une a "Supergirl" como 'Cameron Chase":
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La alumna de "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Caulfield ha firmado para interpretar el papel de 'Cameron Chase' en la serie de la CBS "Supergirl", según nos informan desde TheMarySue.com.

Según la descripción:
"Tras el violento asesinato de su padre, Cameron Chase decide dedicar su vida a las fuerzas de la ley. Ahora como una agente del FBI rígida y sin limitaciones, las armas a elección de Chase son la manipulación y la fuerza de trabajo. Con poca simpatia y muchas sospechas, ella persigue a sus objetivos con una implacable determinación."
En los cómics, Chase debutó en "Batman" #550 y pronto lideraría su propio título "Chase" de Dan Curtis Johnson, J.H. Williams III y Mick Gray, en donde se unió a la DEO tras el asesinato de su padre. En los New 52, ha resurgido en "Batwoman" #1 e investigó a Kate Kane por sospechosa de actividades terroristas en nombre de la DEO. Fue enviada a capturar a Batwoman, pero ésta terminó rompiéndole el brazo y escapando.

http://www.themarysue.com/emma-caulfiel ... irl-chase/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.05 "Livewire":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Supergirl" ficha a la actriz Tawny Cypress como la 'Senadora Anti-Aliens':
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La estrella de "Unforgettable" Tawny Cypress se ha unido a la serie de la CBS "Supergirl" en el papel de 'Miranda Crane', quien es descrita como "una senadora que está vendiendo sus creencias anti-aliens para conseguir votos". Sin embargo, su postura puede que se suavice un poco tras un viaje a National City, donde Supergirl interviene para salvar su vida durante un atque alienígena.

Los rumores de que la serie estaba buscando hacerse con Crane resurgieron la semana pasada, donde fue descrita como "una dinámica, persuasiva y peligrosa ideóloga quien se estaba preparando para su carrera hacia la Casa Blanca basada en una plataforma anti-aliens."

El reportaje original también decía que el personaje debutaría en el episodio 1.11 y que aparecerá como personaje recurrente.

Entre los trabajos de Cypress también están "Heroes", "Rescue Me" y "House of Cards."

http://tvline.com/2015/11/05/supergirl- ... nda-crane/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo interés amoroso para Kara en "Supergirl":
Mucho se lleva especulando sobre si finalmente en la serie se verá la clásica relación de pareja de los cómics entre Kara y James Olsen, apuntándose a que quizá no veamos eso tan pronto en la serie y una nueva primicia de manos de TVLine parece dar la razón a dicha teoría.

En su sección de "Ask Ausiello" la página nos ha revelado que "El episodio 11 marcará la introducción de un nuevo personaje recurrente llamado Matthew, un rompecorazones macizo y fornido con proplemas de abandono y que es un potencial interés amoroso de Kara".

Así es que ya véis... parece que Olsen se encontrará con más competencia en el camino hacia el corazón de Supergirl.

¿Preferencias sobre cástings? :wink:

http://tvline.com/2015/11/05/arrow-who- ... -spoilers/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL "Superlatives Cast Votes 'Who Is Most Likely To...'":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Facinelli Explica por qué Maxwell Lord no es el Lex Luthor de la serie (cbr):
Facinelli Explica por qué Maxwell Lord no es el Lex Luthor de la serie
Por Bryan Cairns 09 Nov, 2015

Though he's not well known among the general public, for longtime DC Comics fans, Maxwell Lord is a big deal.

The shrewd businessman debuted in the mid-80s, helping to establish one of the most popular incarnations of the Justice League. However, he eventually showed his true colors when he killed Ted Kord (aka the superhero known as Blue Beetle) following the discovery that Lord was secretly gathering information on Earth's superheroes, who he considered to be a threat to the planet.

Now, the character, played by Peter Facinelli, has set his sights on the Maid of Might in CBS' "Supergirl" -- but will Facinelli be bringing the benevolent, superhero-championing incarnation of Maxwell Lord to life? Or will this Lord take his cue from the hero-murdering phase of his comic book counterpart?

Ahead of his character's debut on tonight's episode, "Fight or Flight," Facinelli spoke with CBR News about Maxwell Lord's determination to humanity. We also spoke about his character's sense of style, his disdain for super-powered heroes and villains alike, and why he promises his Lord isn't merely a Lex Luthor stand-in for Supergirl.

CBR News: Between your research and the "Supergirl" scripts, what is your impression of Maxwell Lord?

Peter Facinelli: In the comics, he's kind of this Trump-esque businessman and very stern. For the TV series, we wanted to make him a different type of businessman. He's more like Steve Jobs, someone who is more sophisticated and smart. He's a Green Tech billionaire, so he's trying to save the planet in a way that's not related to superheroes. He feels humanity should save themselves. There are little differences, but he's less "Forbes" and more "GQ."

This is the first time Lord has been depicted in live action. In what ways did that give you more leeway in creating this character?

It gave me complete creative freedom. I didn't have to base it one someone else's performance, or have it compared to someone else's performance. I looked at the source material and what the scripts were and went from there.

What does Max make of Supergirl's heroics and all the Phantom Zone escapees?

He looks down on all superheroes or any sort or aliens that are interfering with the human race. He believes humanity needs to save themselves. That's one of his messages, that we shouldn't have any outside interferences. When you rely on a superhero too much, what happens when they are not there one day? For him, he admires the power that they have. He wishes he could harness that power in some way -- not for evil, but to save the human race.

What can fans expect from Max's first meeting with Supergirl?

It does happen in the next episode or two. I don't want to give too much away, but it's a lot of fun to watch the dynamic between them.

With a resume that includes "Supernova," "The Scorpion King," "Fastlane" and "The Twilight Saga," you're no stranger to action. How much of those beats are we going to see from Max?

It's not superhero action at all. He rolls up his sleeves when he needs to. He's more brains than brawn. You'll see his power in the form of intelligence and not physical power. He's a cunning businessman and you'll see how smart he is.

There's also a flare in the way he dresses. In the comics, he's always wearing these purple suits. We wanted to keep some kind of flare for him in the sense of he always has a handkerchief. I didn't want to wear ties. When you're confident, you don't have to show people your power. It's more inviting to get people to come to you through your charisma. I felt a tie would close people off. "Let's not do ties. Let's always have Max wear buttoned-up shirts." It's more inviting and trusting. We worked on little subtle things like that.

In the comic books, Max has telepathic abilities that allow him to control others. Has that facet been incorporated into this version of the character?

Not that I've seen, so far.

At the end of the day, do you view Maxwell Lord as good or evil?

There's a fine line between good and evil. He doesn't purposely do evil acts. In his mind, he does things for good. Sometimes you have to do bad things to get there. Even when you are at war, sometimes you have to sacrifice one for the greater good of many. That's where his mindset is. He's not a Lex Luthor, selfishly trying to take over the world. In his righteous mind, he's doing good.

Viewers got a brief glimpse of Max in "Stronger Together." How is he further introduced in tonight's episode "Fight or Flight?"

That episode has to do with Calista Flockhart's character, Cat Grant. There's a little exchange between the two of them, showing their history.

Cat and Max seem to run in the same social circles. How would you describe their relationship?

They are both powerful in their own right. There's a sense of a sexual undertone, so it's a playful rivalry as opposed to foes. They are not mean-spirited to each other.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... lex-luthor
- Peter Facinelli piensa que es el momento adecuado para Supergirl, incluso aunque su personaje definitivamente no (E!Online):
Peter Facinelli piensa que es el momento adecuado para Supergirl, incluso aunque su personaje definitivamente no
Por Billy Nilles 09 Nov, 2015 11:28 AM PST

As National City continues to embrace its new superhero, one of its most prominent citizens will remain a Supergirl naysayer.

We got a quick glimpse of Peter Facinelli's Maxwell Lord on last week's episode of Supergirl as the tech billionaire expressed his disinterest in his city's alien protector, and he'll be back in tonight's episode of CBS' new hit drama, still as opposed as ever. But it's nothing personal, Facinelli tells E! News—It's all just a part of his larger worldview. "His whole ideology is that humanity should save themselves and aliens—good or bad, superheroes or super villains—it's just outside interference that we don't need," he says. "So everything that he does kind of stems from that ideology."

Why, exactly? "You'll get to see in the show as to why he doesn't like people with power dictating what people should do," Facinelli teases.

So, just who is this Maxwell Lord? In the comic books, he's a powerful businessman who plays a major part in the development of a little something called the Justice League. As for the TV version of him, Facinelli tells us he's been given a bit of an update. "In the comics, he's more of a Forbes-esque kind of businessman. And I think that in the series, he's more of an Elon Musk, Steve Jobs," he says. "Hipper, cooler. Less Forbes, more GQ, but really intelligent. It's just a different kind of billionaire today. A high-tech billionaire, not a stock billionaire, and he's got more charm."

That charm will come in handy when Maxwell encounters Supergirl's—excuse us, Kara Danvers' (Melissa Benoist)—high-powered boss Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart). "They're both powerful in their own right, and they're rivals. And it's more of this sexually-charged rivalry, as opposed to a more bitter rivalry," Facinelli teases. "There's a lot of cat and mouse between the two of them...which will be a fun one to watch."

And about that Justice League connection? Facinelli confesses to having no knowledge about any possible plans for that on the series. "I have no idea what the powers that be are thinking or what their agenda is," he says.

While Maxwell may not be a fan of Supergirl, the man bringing him to life certainly is. "I think it's time for there to be some female-driven shows that are inspirational for young women. I have three daughters myself, and I think a show like this sends a great message," he tells us. "It's not about the guy always coming in to save the girl."

http://uk.eonline.com/news/714174/peter ... y-does-not
- Supergirl: ¿Abrazará National City a su nueva superheroína? (EW):
Supergirl: ¿Abrazará National City a su nueva superheroína?
Por Natalie Abrams 09 Nov, 2015

Though Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist) made a heroic first impression in the Supergirl pilot by saving a plane full of helpless passengers, National City’s newest superhero hasn’t quite gained the same popularity as her famed cousin after a number of mishaps around town. But that will all change as the Girl of Steel begins to hone her powers.

“Her reputation on the show mirrors her reputation to the audience,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “There’s some people who came to the show with a little bit of [apprehension]. ‘What’s this going to be about? Can she do it? Is she going to be as strong as Superman? Can she do all the things he can do?’ As the audience falls ever more in love with Melissa, Melissa’s portrayal, and the show itself, so too does National City fall in love with its hero. She really becomes a symbol of hope and justice just as her cousin has.”

With that said, Supergirl’s meteoric rise will be a departure from what fans of the Berlanti-verse have seen with Arrow and The Flash. “It’s interesting for us because it’s the first time we’ve really had such a real public superhero right from the get-go, and dealing with that instant fame and the impact on the city is part of the series,” Kreisberg says.

What may not help Kara’s case, however, is giving Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) the first exclusive interview, since the media magnate plans to run an exposé on Supergirl during Monday’s episode. “Kara’s never had to deal with having a secret identity,” Kreisberg says. “At first she’s very concerned that Cat is going to out her as Kara if she figures it out. The exposé turns out to be much more of a critique about Supergirl’s impact and her millennial-ness, which really rubs Kara the wrong way.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/09/su ... t-spoilers
- Jeremy Jordan de "Supergirl" no está presionando por nada de cantar (zap2it):
Jeremy Jordan de "Supergirl" no está presionando por nada de cantar
Por Jay Bobbin 09 Nov, 2015

Everyone needs a trusted confidant … even a superhero.

Or superheroine, in the case of “Supergirl.” Jeremy Jordan is filling the role of co-worker and best pal of the Girl of Steel (played by Melissa Benoist) in CBS’ new Monday adventure show. Though the part of Winslow “Winn” Schott, who also is known as the Toyman in the Superman comic series, doesn’t involve –- at least not yet — the ample singing talent he displayed on NBC’s “Smash” and in the movie “The Last Five Years,” Jordan is very happy with his latest gig.

“One of the things that really excited me about doing this was the fact that I was able to land a series that didn’t rely on my musical abilities,” he tells Zap2it. “That was a big goal of this past pilot season for me when I was going out for shows … to kind of take a step way from that, honestly. I wouldn’t be opposed to [singing] if they asked me, but I’m certainly not expecting anything like that. And I’m not pushing for it, either.”

On the other hand, Jordan would embrace being involved in the stunt work that “Supergirl” surely encompasses. “I would love to,” he confirms, “though you’re more likely to see me on the back end of that stuff, like getting saved. I don’t foresee any superhuman strength for myself anytime soon.”

Having also appeared on Broadway in “Rock of Ages,” “Newsies” and a musical version of “Bonnie & Clyde,” Jordan could be deemed to have that sort of strength already for the stamina it takes to do so many live performances weekly. Still, he reasons that each undertaking has its own level of demand.

“You try to challenge yourself a little bit more with each new project, and hopefully, you don’t hit a plateau … ever. You try to keep pushing yourself, because it’s when you feel you’ve hit it that it’s a warning signal. Nobody’s ever going to be perfect, ever, so I just try to better myself as a person and as an actor. And every opportunity I get to explore that, I take.”

In that sense, Jordan adds of “Supergirl’s” Winn, “One of the things I liked the most about the character when I read the script was his relatability. He’s the nerd’s way in, the sort of fanboy proxy on the show, and that’s a really fun aspect of it. It provides a lot of comedic opportunities. More often than not, my lines are punch lines, at least in the beginning.”

http://zap2it.com/2015/11/supergirl-jer ... o-singing/
- Peter Facinelli: Maxwell Lord tiene un problema con cualquiera que esté en el poder, superhéroes o gobierno (comicbook):
Peter Facinelli: Maxwell Lord tiene un problema con cualquiera que esté en el poder, superhéroes o gobierno
Por Russ Burlingame 09/11/15

Peter Facinelli just can't seem to escape Comic-Con culture.

The actor, best known for his work in the Twilight Saga, recently joined CBS's Supergirl as Maxwell Lord, an entrepreneur who doesn't like superheroes and believes the Girl of Steel will be a trouble magnet bringing supervillains to National City, just like her cousin did in Metropolis years ago.

So far, of course, she's squared off against two supervillains in two weeks -- and this week she'll meet Reactron, who has a history with Superman already.

So...what does the actor have to say about this turn of events? Facinelli joined ComicBook.com for a short interview about the show.

How did they approach you for this part? Obviously these things are usually pretty secretive and Max is a big character.

Yeah. Well, Greg Berlanti asked me to come in and meet with him and Sarah Schechter and the showrunners. I wasn't even sure what it was for, but when Greg Berlanti calls, you go in. They told me about this character, and I thought it would be a lot of fun.

Obviously the comic book universes are big on TV and film. When you take a part like this do you ever hesitate because if you do TV, it's harder to get a movie later?

No. I think there's such a crossover nowadays. I go where the good scripts are, and I think there's not such a line between television and film anymore. Film actors are doing TV, TV actors are doing film. If you look at Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., they have film actors from their franchises in the show. So the way I look at it is, if the script is good, whether people are watching it on a big screen or a little screen isn't important to me.

In the comics, Max had a lot of hidden faces. In your head, are you playing him as somebody who's very up-front with everything, or as somebody with something to hide?

Well, everybody's got their secrets, and I think Max does, too. What I like about this character is he shows different personae to different people; he's got his public image and his public persona, and then he's got his private persona, and it's interesting to play those different levels of him. He's not the same person in private that he has to always be in public.

We've seen that you have some screentime with Cat and her son. Are there any relationships that you can tease? Who do you like bouncing off of in the show?

Everybody's so good. I love working with Calista and Melissa's great. I have stuff with Chyler. Everybody I've worked with so far, I've enjoyed it, so that's a hard question, I'm sorry.

You come with some baggage in terms of fan expectations. Are we seeing the more self-made, independent version of Max, or will he come with his own backstory and supporting cast that we will see down the line?

I think he's a green tech billionaire and his ideology is that humanity should save themselves with any interference from superheroes or supervillains. I think he stands by that and everything he does is based on that ideology.

After your character said in last week's episode that Superman was not an example to follow because of the villains who followed him to Metropolis, this week we get Reactron, who's a Superman villain. Will the reality of Superman's villains crossing over into National City increase Max's sense of urgency?

Yeah, for sure. I think anything you can use to speak that ideology, he'll use it. And whether Reactron's there to fight Superman or Supergirl, it's an outside interference that we don't need. The threat to him with Supergirl is that it's bringing it into his home city. With Superman, at least it's kind of "over there," but with Supergirl it's in Max's back yard.

There are obviously some comparisons people have drawn to Lex. Is it fun to play a similar character to that archetype, but to have a bit more flexibility to build Max up as your own character?

I think the main difference is that Lex Luthor is an evil genius in the sense that he's doing everything for his own self-interest. He wants to be rich, he wants to be powerful, he wants to take over the world. Max Lord is already rich, he's already powerful, he doesn't need those things. What he wants is to save the world and he wants humanity to save themselves. It creates animosity toward the superheroes because in the same way Lex Luthor's against them, he's against them.

I think there's a similarity in terms of philosophy to almost Libertarian politics of "you think you're helping me, but get out of my way." Do you think that kind of philosophy will put him at odds with other authority figures down the line, particularly a government ortanization like the DEO?

Yeah. I don't think he likes the government at all, or any people who have power over the people. Aliens or DEO, I think he struggles with that. With government. And there's a backstory as to why, too.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/09/supergi ... ith-anyon/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Promo:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Promo #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Clip #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Clip #3:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Clip #4:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.04 "How does she do it" Clip #5:

http://www.etonline.com/tv/176570_super ... index.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S1 (09-12 Nov 2015):

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(@aliadler: #behindthescenes #SUPERGIRL hottest day of the year at a wrecking yard @melissabenoist in a supersuit #flashback
@karterhol: @MelissaBenoist IS @supergirlcbs in every way! #UpUpAndAway 2nite!
@karterhol: Get @twitter talkin' @supergirlcbs 2nite! @MelissaBenoist @MehcadBrooks @JeremyMJordan @chy_leigh @DavidHarewood
@karterhol: Get 2 superheroes 4 the price of 1 on @supergirlcbs 2nite! @MelissaBenoist & @chy_leigh R awesome!
@karterhol: Insanely talented @LauraBenanti shows off her puffy eyes 2 mean writer after emotional scene @supergirlcbs 2nite!
@karterhol: The insanely talented @JeremyMJordan rocks on @supergirlcbs 2nite! #UpUpAndAway @MelissaBenoist @larryteng
@karterhol: Things heat up at the DEO w @chy_leigh & @DavidHarewood! Watch @supergirlcbs & hang on tight! @MelissaBenoist
@supergirlofficial: No one throws a party like #CatCo! #BehindTheScenes #Supergirl
@chy_leigh Happy: #SuperMonday friends!! Make sure you're watching #Supergirl tonight! @melissabenoist
@karterhol: @MehcadBrooks gets in character (that's #JamesOlsen to you!) #Supergirl @MelissaBenoist @chy_leigh @JeremyMJordan
@karterhol: @MelissaBenoist @MehcadBrooks @JeremyMJordan #Supergirl #superfriends #UpUpAndAway @DavidHarewood @chy_leigh
@karterhol: Getting ready 4 action on the set of #Supergirl @chy_leigh @MelissaBenoist Big ep next week #GameChanger
@karterhol: I honestly believe @MelissaBenoist can hold up a building! Real life #Supergirl @DavidHarewood @chy_leigh
@karterhol: It's a great day when UR on set watching @DavidHarewood do his thing #Supergirl @chy_leigh @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: Love watching @peterfacinelli work Focused & Intelligent #MaxLordRocks #Supergirl @MelissaBenoist @chy_leigh
@karterhol: Just a few more days until next #Supergirl Very happy-proud of it! @MelissaBenoist @chy_leigh so good in it!
@karterhol: So exciting 2 be on sets with Kryptonian pods! #Supergirl #UpUpAndAway
@karterhol: Wait til u see what @peterfacinelli has in store 4 U #Supergirl fans Thrill 2 watch him work!
@karterhol: @jennaldewan & @MehcadBrooks from next week's ep! #Supergirl #bts
@karterhol: I could watch this woman work all night (& sometimes do!) @chy_leigh rocks
@chy_leigh: All dressed up and not an alien in sight... Put me in the game coach! #setlife #waitinggame #AlexDanvers #Supergirl #DEO
@karterhol: another moment when I'm just in awe of focus & talent of @MelissaBenoist #Supergirl @DavidHarewood @chy_leigh
@chy_leighThe amazingly awesome stunt woman @katieeischen who helps me make #AlexDanvers look like a badass. Hey, I can’t take all the credit ;) Otherwise she’d totally kick my butt. #DEO #stunts #beautyinstrength #mystuntwomancanbeatupyours #Supergirl
@aliadler: What about all the superness between takes @melissabenoist @supergirlofficial @supergirlcbs #SUPERGIRL
@Glen__Winter: So happy to be back with this girl!#Supergirl)

- Nueva imagen promocional de la S1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | "Stars Go Inside The Dept. of Extra Normal Operations" (bts featurette):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.06 "Red Faced":
1.06 "Red Faced" (30-11-15): LA IRA DOMINA A KARA CUANDO VA DEMASIADO LEJOS DURANTE UN EJERCICIO DE ENTRENAMIENTO CON RED TORNADO, UN CYBORG MILITAR ENCARGADO POR EL PADRE DE LUCY LANE - El estrés personal y profesional domina a Kara cuando va demasiado lejor durante un ejercicio de entrenamiento contra Red Tornado, un cyborg militar encargado por el padre de Lucy Lane, el General Sam Lane. También, el duro exterior de Cat se ve perturbado por la visita de su crítica madre, Katherine, y Alex recluta a Winn para que investigue la misteriosa muerte de su padre. Estrellas invitadas: Iddo Goldberg como 'Red Tornado' y su creador, el 'Dr. Morrow'; Joan Juliet Buck como 'Katherine Grant', la madre de Cat; Glenn Morshower como el 'General Sam Lane', el padre de Lucy; y Luke Macfarlane como el 'Agente Donovan'.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/11/cbs-up ... es_12.html?
http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-ep ... o-arrives/

- Stills oficiales del 1.06 "Red Faced":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Superhero Talk w/ Melissa Benoist, Olivia Wilde & Saoirse Ronan (The Late Late Show with James Corden):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 1.05 "Livewire" Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33026
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jenna Dewan-Tatum adelanta los 'asuntos sin resolver' de Lucy Lane con James, su amistad con Kara (TVLine):
Jenna Dewan-Tatum adelanta los 'asuntos sin resolver' de Lucy Lane con James, su amistad con Kara
Por Rebecca Iannucci / 16 Nov 2015, 11:04 AM PST

The last time Supergirl viewers saw Kara Danvers, her heart had just cracked a bit at the sight of James Olsen with his ex, Lucy Lane — his beautiful, kind and intelligent ex, no less.

In tonight’s episode of the CBS drama (8/7c), the titular heroine’s love life will have only gotten more complicated. In fact, because the network opted to reshuffle its episode order and air “Livewire” in place of “How Does She Do It?” — a choice made in the wake of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris — James and Lucy will have (spoiler alert!) already rekindled their relationship.

Jenna Dewan-Tatum, who plays Lucy, is all too aware that her character’s presence in National City may cause those nascent James/Kara sparks to fizzle out — but for good reason.

“There’s a lot of unfinished business [between James and Lucy],” Dewan-Tatum tells TVLine. “There’s a lot of unspoken feelings. Her motivation, when she comes back, is to right her own wrongs. She didn’t end things well with him… and she knows she made a mistake, so she goes to get him back. I found that really empowering as a woman.”

And even though Kara will want so much to hate Lucy — as will James/Kara ‘shippers, probably — Dewan-Tatum hints that it will be difficult for Kara to hold a grudge. “[Lucy is] really sweet to her, and she says, ‘I want to be your friend.’ There’s a warmth to her that’s really hard to fight,” she teases. “There’s an inherent friendship between them that Kara can’t deny.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean Kara’s budding feelings for the CatCo art director will actually go away. But according to Dewan-Tatum, this inevitable love triangle won’t feel as though it’s been done before.

“What I love is that [the writers] are really about making the James/Kara/Lucy triangle unexpected,” she says. “I’m not coming into town to play this bitchy, icy woman that just wants to ruin the relationship that everyone wants to be together. I hope people will understand and get invested in this relationship, rather than [seeing me as] just the foil for the two of them. It takes on a life of its own, which is also really empowering.”

Speaking of empowering, don’t expect to see Lucy glued to James’ side during her stay in National City. Dewan-Tatum says Lucy will be seen quite a bit outside of said romance, as the series explores “the relationship with my father, General Lane [played by 24‘s Glenn Morshower]… and a relationship with Cat Grant. It definitely isn’t one-noted.”

As for whether Lucy will find out about Kara’s caped alter ego, Dewan-Tatum will only say: “As far as we know, she has no idea. But Lucy’s a very smart girl.”

http://tvline.com/2015/11/16/supergirl- ... lucy-lane/
- Jenna Dewan-Tatum ‘jura secreto’ sobre Lucy Lane como Superwoman (zap2it):
Jenna Dewan-Tatum ‘jura secreto’ sobre Lucy Lane como Superwoman
Por Andrea Reiher Nov 16, 2015

Jenna Dewan-Tatum has joined CBS’ “Supergirl” as Lucy Lane, the younger sister to Lois Lane and former flame of Jimmy Olsen (Mehcad Brooks). Her arrival in National City is met with mixed feelings by Olsen and Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist), but Dewan-Tatum tells Zap2it that Lucy really does have good intentions. She also reveals that she’s definitely playing the role knowing that Lucy becomes Superwoman in the comics, plus four more tidbits about her character.

Lucy has unfinished business

“Lucy is a very ambitious, strong, powerful, smart yet warm person. I really love that the producers created this character without the intention of her being this evil ice queen who comes in to break up America’s sweethearts,” says Dewan-Tatum. “She has a strong history with James — they are and were very much in love — and there’s a lot of unfinished business there. She comes to right her wrongs in that relationship.”

Kara and Lucy are not enemies

“She and Kara are friends, Lucy’s not some total diva b****y ice queen,” says Dewan-Tatum. “Lucy loves Kara .. she has not even an inkling of an idea that there is a relationship between Kara and James, so she really looks at Kara as an ally. She just moved to town, she doesn’t have any friends, she has good intentions for Jimmy and she thinks Kara is such a great person — she genuinely wants to be her friend.”

But that doesn’t mean there are no bumps in the road

“For Kara it’s a little hard because I have such history with someone she’s in love with, but at the same time she thinks, ‘I really like this girl, I want to be her friend.’ The producers make a really real relationship rather than what may be expected with this love triangle,” says Dewan-Tatum. “But not everything is what it seems, of course.”

“Lucy is developing as I’m playing her. There’s no secret that I’m hiding as of yet, let’s put it that way. But there’s a lot of history with her and her life and her father and with Jimmy Olsen,” the actress continues. “There’s a lot of secrets and history that comes out.”

Speaking of Lucy’s father …

“It’s a very complicated, tense relationship. She has a lot of love and respect for her father, she was the ultimate daddy’s girl,” says Dewan-Tatum. “She wants to work with him, work well for him, but there’s a moral predicament that she finds herself in between her father and Jimmy.”

General Lane isn’t Lucy’s only complicated familial relationship

“[Lucy and Lois] don’t have the closest relationship,” says Dewan-Tatum with a laugh. “Lois was always the one that got all the attention and a lot of the accolades, and Lucy tended to be the one that people pushed aside. She was the underdog and people didn’t give her the same respect and attention that Lois got.

“Lucy was pretty and not a lot of people recognized her for being a smart, powerful woman like Lois. We get to learn a bit about her relationship with Lois and the dynamic and the complications and layers that are there. It definitely wasn’t what I expected.”

A Superwoman plot may be coming

“They love to keep everything under wraps a little bit with the storylines, but I do know Lucy is Superwoman in the comics, and I know that that is an intention we’re all playing on the show,” says Dewan-Tatum. “How that works, when that shows up, is all to be uncovered and I’ve been sworn to secrecy. But there are fun developments to come — I mean, who doesn’t want to play Superwoman? How amazing is that?”

http://zap2it.com/2015/11/supergirl-jen ... mic-books/
- Dewan-Tatum desvela las motivaciones de Lucy Lane y su amistad con Kara (CBR):
Dewan-Tatum desvela las motivaciones de Lucy Lane y su amistad con Kara
Por Meagan Damore 16 Nov 2015

She's here! Jenna Dewan-Tatum's Lucy Lane has arrived on "Supergirl," and that's about to make things very complicated for Kara. During an interview with TVLine, Dewan-Tatum opened up on where Lucy and Jimmy Olsen now stand as well as her character's budding friendship with Kara.

Due to this weekend's terrorist attacks in Paris, CBS has rearranged "Supergirl's" episode order so that "How Does She Do It?" -- where Kara defends National City from a series of bombings -- has been dropped from the schedule, at least for now. "Livewire," which finds a volatile CatCo employee transforming into the villainous Livewire, will run tonight in its place. As last week's episode left off with Lucy arriving in National City, an update is in order: by "Livewire," Lucy and Jimmy (Mehcad Brooks) will be back together.

"There’s a lot of unfinished business [between James and Lucy]," Dewan-Tatum explained. "There's a lot of unspoken feelings. Her motivation, when she comes back, is to right her own wrongs. She didn't end things well with him… and she knows she made a mistake, so she goes to get him back. I found that really empowering as a woman."

However, Lucy didn't show up in National City just to thwart Kara's affections for Jimmy. Instead, Lucy will develop a friendship with Kara. "[Lucy is] really sweet to her, and she says, 'I want to be your friend.' There's a warmth to her that's really hard to fight," Dewan-Tatum shared. "There's an inherent friendship between them that Kara can't deny."

"What I love is that [the writers] are really about making the James/Kara/Lucy triangle unexpected," she added. "I'm not coming into town to play this bitchy, icy woman that just wants to ruin the relationship that everyone wants to be together. I hope people will understand and get invested in this relationship, rather than [seeing me as] just the foil for the two of them. It takes on a life of its own, which is also really empowering."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -with-kara
- Andrew Kreisberg sobre Supergirl, Superman, las teorías de los Fans y más (comicbook):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre Supergirl, Superman, las teorías de los Fans y más
Por Russ Burlingame 16/11/2015

With Arrow and The Flash firing on all cylinders this season and DC's Legends of Tomorrow coming in just a couple of months, it would have been easy enough for Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg to limit their scope to The CW.

Instead, they took on Supergirl, arguably the most ambitious project yet if only because it involves a number of touchy elements -- including Superman. So far, it's been a big hit, with one of the biggest premieres of the season and a two-week drop-off that's comparable to the losses in the first week of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., a big hit for rival ABC by any measure.

Kreisberg joined us to talk about the series, its challenges, and what they're doing to make it different from both expectations...and their own, previous successes.

Supergirl airs tonight at 8 p.m., when Helen Slater and Brit Morgan will guest star in an episode titled "Livewire."

You guys have had Superman onscreen. Even in the limited capacity that you can do that, that's pretty huge. Who makes those calls? Is that Geoff, or Diane, or somebody else?

There really isn't anything we've asked for that was not given to us, you know? The show's call Supergirl and it's about Supergirl. It's not like we've been jonesing to have Superman on it.

We also didn't want to...you know, if you're going to cast Superman, you've got cast Superman right! Just like when yout hink about all the time and effort and energy that's gone into finding the cinematic Superman over the last thirty years.

For us, Superman is more of an idea than it is a personification of the character, so we're more than happy to have him backlit. We're perfectly happy to have him swoop in, save Kara in Episode Three, becuase the real heart of the story is that she then kicks Reactron's butt. She's the one that takes him down, and that's what much more important for us.

So it's not like we've been asking for more Superman or can we do it like this or can we have him in this. For us, we're perfectly happy with the amount of Superman that we've had because it's the exact amount that we've asked for.

It's interesting to look at who's coming from where, because there are a fair number of Superman characters, but most of the really big roles are filled by Supergirl characters from the Gates and Igle run so far. Are there a few specific runs you've ben looking at for inspiration?

As always, we kind of look at the totality of the work. I mean, we read Supergirl comics from the '50s and the '60s where all she was is man crazy. There's even bits we've cherry-picked from the movie. Just like with Arrow and just like The Flash, Arrow isn't a direct adaptation of The Longbow Hunters and The Flash isn't a direct adaptation of Rebirth. We sort of cherry pick parts from every era and throw them into the grinder with our own ideas, and what comes out is what you see.

Obviously Sterling's run and his love for the character really shines through from us and there are certainly parts that came from there. But if you look, you'll see there's just as much Donner Superman in there as there is Sterling's Supergirl run.

You know, when you mention that era, I have to ask: is there any temptation to try and take the villain from that or take some of the elements of that movie? Like it or not, that movie was probably seen by more people than any single Supergirl story before or since.

Right. Yeah, look, that's partially why we had Helen on the show as Eliza Danvers. We're always incredibly conscious of what's come before us. Between Greg and I and now Ali, we consider ourselves blessed that we get to be the stewards for this leg of these characters' journeys. We don't feel a sense of proprietariness to these characters; we know we have them on loan. so having nods to the past -- casting John Wesley Shipp on The Flash and having Amanda Pays on and really even having Matt Ryan on Arrow is always paying back what's come before.

So having Helen Slater and having Dean Cain -- because honestly that Supergirl movie obviously has its many flaws but when I was a kid, I didn't realize those flaws as much and I used to watch it all the time. I watched Lois and Clark. Having a sense of history I think has been part of our success. I think it's said to the fans out there that we are fans, and we really are. There's a couple of shout-outs to the Supergirl movie coming up that I think the fans are going to be excited about.

My favorite Supergirl is the Matrix Supergirl, and Peter David's run. Have you ever thought about how you might incorporate elements of that into the show?

We sort of have our own mythology. We have Astra and her plan for domination. I think that's probably something we will hold off on. But as always, these things bleed in in different ways. The Linda Danvers identity is not part of our show; we're keeping her Kara. You're going to see emotional aspects of that run in our show, but it will be in a slightly different package.

I don't know how much you pay attention to the fan theories online. The current thing is a lot of people thinking Hank Henshaw is Martian Manhunter. Have you heard of this?

I think we're borrowing a page out of our own playbook with the way we treated Tom Cavanagh's character. We had somebody where you weren't sure who they were and people started to speculate. There were early fan theories that Tom was actually Barry from the future. I think it's fun for people to try to guess at some of these surprises. Obviously we don't want to give spoilers away but I think speculating on that stuff is part of the fun of being a fan. Certainly none of us here are interested in taking that away from people.

As a fan, do you still get to read? Supergirl premiered right at the same time Superman: Lois and Clark was reintroducing Hank Henshaw.

Yeah. I mean, actually it's really tough. Obviously I get access to all the DC Comics. It's this weird Catch-22 where I have more comics than I know what to do with, but I also have more work than I know what to do with. So it's hard for me to really sit down and catch up on things.

Geoff being such a good friend of mine, I always try to sit down and read anything that he wrote, and I was really digging on his Superman run that he did with John Romita, Jr., who's one of my favorite illustrators. So I really loved the whole Man of Tomorrow run. I thought that was a great storyline and there's a little shout-out in an upcoming episode to one of the themes in that run.

I read Arkham Manor, which I really liked. It was so clever and different, and the artist, Shawn Crystal, did a really nice job. But that's really where I am right now. It's hard for me to keep up with the weeklies.

Are you guys conscious of how your characters -- Reverse Flash, Henshaw, stuff like that -- are being used in the books?

We don't get involved. No one has ever told us to do or not do something. In the past, DC has asked us if we had an opportunity to use a certain character, they would love to see them on the shows because they were trying to raise their profile. If we found a story for them, we were all happy to oblige.

The truth of the matter is, I think that people would love to believe there's this antagonism between us and DC but the fact is, they've opened up their playbook to us in ways that we'd never imagined and certainly never thought of when we were starting Arrow and it was just Oliver Queen. Now there's this universe with four different shows and a bunch of different characters and we really are excited with all of the ones we get to do.

We certainly check out the comics -- especially Green Arrow and The Flash, but it's more like, is there a cool idea in there? Is there a cool name? Do they introduce some businessman that we can introduce on the show? Again, we always try to introduce this crazy melange of including something from The Longbow Hunters or from Kevin Smith's run, or including something from a more recent run. We want it to feel like it belongs to the entirety of Green Arrow, and the entirety of The Flash. Now we're getting the opportunity to draw from the entirety of Supergirl's comic book adventures. There's always one little bit that somebody loves from some era.

With Supergirl in particular, is the plan to take your time before introducing any other potential other heroes, or did The Flash embolden you to go a little crazy?

I think the one thing that The Flash taught us, that we were certainly a little more cautious of in the beginning with Arrow is to really embrace what this thing is. The Flash is The Flash. As Geoff Johns said to me once, "This is the most DC DC thing that there's ever been." It's got time travel and the Reverse Flash and Grodd and Captain Cold. It is the comic book come to life, and we didn't learn that lesson as early on on Arrow. Once we had Deathstroke on in the second season, we started to embrace that. With Supergirl, once we had the success that we've had on The Flash, we just kind of have done the same thing. That's why we've had the Hellgrammite and we've had Reactron and we've had Maxwell Lord and we have Red Tornado coming up. It's as much the world of Supergirl come to life as there possibly could be. I think that's more what's been servicing us.

I think as far as having other heroes on the show, we have plans for stuff like that and people will have to sort of see how that stuff unfolds, but we're packing Supergirl with the same level of fealty and alchemy that we did The Flash.

With your previous shows, there was a lot of mystery and build-up for the antagonist. What went into the decision to not only reveal Astra right away but to reveal her to Kara right away?

Part of it was to do something different. Part of it too was that as we were developing this series we were also working on Arrow and having Neal McDonogh's character -- he plays Damien Darhk -- just sort of come out of the gate and go to town was very exciting for us and so we brought that over. We're trying to be conscious of not doing the same thing over and over again and it's always been the way that we go that we kind of hear glimpses of the bad guy and they're kind of out there, but they don't have their first encounter until the midseason finale. We just wanted to have something different.

It just made the show, for us, in the second episode instead of just having villain of the week, having villain of the week working for the big bad and bringing that to the forefront in a big way. We just thought that was exciting.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/15/andrew- ... supergirl/
- Melissa Benoist sobre el abrazar el legado de su superheroína y tomar vuelo (eonline):
Melissa Benoist sobre el abrazar el legado de su superheroína y tomar vuelo
Por Chris Harnick 16 Nov 2015 8:01 AM PST

Forget all the think pieces and essays you read about CBS's Supergirl and what it means for the TV landscape. It's Melissa Benoist's turn to tell you what she hopes to accomplish with the show and her titular super role.

"I just would like her journey to be something that any person could relate to and/or be affected by and inspired by. I think part of the draw of the comic book genre is that it is a way to escape and be inspired by something and be something greater than yourself: A strong being that can accomplish the unthinkable," Benoist told E! News. "But also what I love about her is that she struggles and the ebb and flow of her life is really human. I just hope that people can relate to it."

Supergirl is now three episodes in and in production on episode 11, but seeing Benoist take flight still hasn't gotten old (for fans and crew members alike).

"One of the camera operators came up to me…I think we were in episode eight or something, so we had a bunch of episodes under our belts. He came up to me on one of the green screen days and said, 'You know, I've seen you do this so many times now, but it's always exciting. It's always really exhilarating to see you on the camera and look at a girl who looks like she's flying,'" she said. "It does feel that way every time we do it. "

Keep reading for more on what she's learned from playing the superhero, what it's like to meet kids in costume, fighting with her hero, Laura Benanti, and more.

There were all these videos of you doing events with all these young girls. Did any of them say anything to you that really stuck with you?
I put some capes on the girls. It was cool to see, some of them were even kind speechless after watching the pilot and putting the capes on them, I could see the change in their demeanor. They were just excited and kind of in awe that they got to wear a Supergirl cape. But that's kind of been the general response. Especially if I'm wearing the suit and I am around a young girl, I just see more the effect than any of them saying anything to me. They usually get really shy. [Laughs.]

What have you learned about yourself from playing Kara and Supergirl?
This job is really teaching me things. It's forcing me to confront a lot of my fears in terms of confrontation and what that means and how you exhibit strength and power as a woman, but doing it with grace and kindness. That's mostly what I've learned from Kara. And she's insatiably hopeful and positive, even when things feel hopeless. She always has a silver lining in her mind. She always finds a way. That's part of how heroic she is. I definitely feel like that's inspired me. I don't know if I apply it to my day-to-day life, I don't know if I've really gotten a knack for that yet, but it's definitely inspiring.

I hope you weren't afraid of heights—
No. [Laughs.] That was not a fear of mine, thank goodness.

Helen Slater is your adoptive mom on the show and she's still tied to this role 30 years after she starred in the Supergirl movie. Are you prepared for that? This could be your legacy.
Yeah, I definitely feel that weight and I feel that responsibility, really, because the fans—if it's a success and they like you playing the role that they cover so much, that's amazing. I'm excited about that. I think that's a wonderful thing, to reach people that way. It is cool to be around her and Dean Cain and see how it shaped their lives.

Did you talk to her at all about that?
We talked about what kind of training we did. She was on trampolines a lot and dancing and prancing and doing all these cool activities for training. I wish I had that much fun. [Laughs.] I did have a conversation with Dean about it. We were joking about how the Clark Kent and Kara Danvers days were so much easier than the Superman and Supergirl days. He literally is Superman. That guy—one of our PAs witnessed him save someone about to tip over in a golf cart. He really embodies it. I think that's what made both of them these legacies.

Your fight with Laura Benanti in episode two was something else.
Wasn't that cool?!

When you do a lot of the stunt and fight work, is there tension at the end? How do you come back from that?
Oh no, Laura and I make it as fun as possible. I am in love with her. She is amazing. She's a hero of mine, really. I grew up wanting to be on Broadway and be in musical theater and she was it. I thought she was incredible and then getting to work with her, we just have the best time. And that fight, it was hard. It was really tedious and hard to shoot, but we were joking around that Astra's character loves Bonnie Raitt because of the white streak in her hair. We weren't heat visioning each other, that was a staring contest and then when she dragged me across the ground, that was a tickle fight. [Laughs.] We were cracking up the whole day. There's never been any tension, no. I have to get into it, like pump up adrenaline, but never true animosity.

That totally makes sense. It never occurred to me that when you're doing your heat vision or the breath you probably have to keep yourself from laughing.
Uh, yes. We couldn't, actually, for a long time. We were trying not to laugh because you're literally just staring and walking with effort. [Laughs.] It's very funny...when I saw playback of that fight, I kind of saw bits and pieces of it cut together, I said to the people around who I was with, 'People are going to lose their minds. This looks amazing.'

You mentioned Laura being a hero of yours. With you and her on set and with Jeremy, there has to be some kind of sing-alongs that you do, right?
They're never planned! But we, everyone—and not even just the people who are musical theater buffs—but everyone is very goofy, we have a good time.

This has been mentioned before: Netflix has Marvel's Jessica Jones coming out and it just feels like people are very ready for these female heroes. What do you think it is about the climate that's changed so the public is ready and accepting?
Well, I don't know how to pinpoint that. I think that women have always been strong and have always been ready for this. The climate, I think maybe, more are speaking out. You've got shows like Girls and Lena Dunham and Hunger Games and things like that and also it's just been way too long. It's been way too long that it's only been this massive amount of male-driven superhero movies and TV shows and it's such a broad universe, the comic book world, why not explore the female stories? They have a different kind of depth to them because of the female element. There are different things to explore.

Even in the comic book world there are tons more female-driven titles now. There's definitely a huge, changing tide. It's so cool to see it, finally.
Yeah, yeah. I just saw—What's the female Spider-Man? Gwen?

It's Gwen Stacy, they call her Spider-Gwen.
Spider-Gwen! The art on those comic books, first of all, is beautiful. The covers are gorgeous, the illustrations. I was at a place, a location we were filming at, and there were tons of booths of comic books and the amount of female comic books on display—there were a lot of them. That was really cool to see.

What's coming up?
You're definitely going to see Supergirl and Kara change a lot just in a matter of 10 episodes. We just started filming 11 and I kind of had this moment where I stopped and thought about how much the character has changed in such a short amount of time. I hope people really respond to it.

http://uk.eonline.com/news/715636/super ... ing-flight
- Supergirl se hace preguntas sobre las habilidades de Kara (EW):
Supergirl se hace preguntas sobre las habilidades de Kara
Por Natalie Abrams • 17 Nov 2015

During Monday’s Supergirl, volatile radio personality-turned-supervillain Livewire (Brit Morgan) raised a great question, albeit through pretty uncouth means: “How would [sex] work with an alien? Is everything the same down there?”

Though Supergirl marks the third superhero series in the Berlanti-verse, The Flash and Arrow have really yet to explore what sex between superheroes looks like — emphasis on super, we’re not talking about Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) trysts with Sara (Caity Lotz) or Laurel (Katie Cassidy) or Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) or … surely there are more, but moving on.

But with Kara (Melissa Benoist) just coming into her own as a hero, the subject of sex isn’t at the top of the list to be explored. “Honestly, for us it’s more about somebody who has never quite felt right in her own skin and that’s prevented her from having [opportunities],” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “It’s not that she’s never dated before and never had the occasional boyfriend, but she’s never really been in love, and never really truly had a relationship, because she didn’t feel comfortable doing that, and opening up, and sharing something that she’s kept hidden for so long.

“Now that she’s not hiding it, she’s finding herself more torn between what kind of person do I want,” Kreisberg continues. “Do I want someone who is aware of all the things that I can do, somebody like Jimmy [Mehcad Brooks], or are there other people out there who just like me for me, for Kara? And the complications that ensue when Kara Danvers is on a date with a guy and she suddenly has to go fly and put out a building fire. For right now, those are more of the questions that we’re wrestling with more so than the aerodynamics of superhero nookie.”

Given the show’s time slot, you shouldn’t expect anything too salacious anyway when it does come time to broach that subject. “The show is on at 8 o’clock,” Kreisberg says, though recognizing that Arrow has shown streamy scenes in the same hour over on The CW. “Arrow is a very different kind of show.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/17/su ... -kreisberg
- Jenna Dewan Tatum: la historia de Lucy Lane no será "tan sólo un triángulo amoroso" (THR):
Jenna Dewan Tatum: la historia de Lucy Lane no será "tan sólo un triángulo amoroso"
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 23 Nov, 2015 9:00am PT

Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan Tatum) is finally getting a proper welcome on Supergirl.

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, CBS preempted Lucy Lane's big introduction episode of the DC Comics drama because of a plot in which Kara (Melissa Benoist) works to stop terrorist attacks all around National City. The network instead swapped in the next episode, "Livewire."

On Monday, viewers will see Lois Lane's sister get her proper introduction — with an explanation as to why she arrived unexpectedly in National City, as well as more on her rocky romantic history with James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks).

The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Supergirl's newest addition about preempting her debut as well as what Lucy Lane brings to the show and more.

After the last-minute schedule change, were you nervous that this episode was never going to air because of the terrorism plot?

Of course. Trust me, in this business, nothing surprises me anymore. There's no guarantees, even when you think something is a guarantee. Nothing is for certain. I definitely was very hopeful they would end up airing it at some point because regardless of my storyline and the introduction of Lucy and going a bit deeper into her as a character, the episode is just really good. I felt really strongly about this episode being seen because of all the work that went into it with the directing, and story-wise for Kara it's a really strong episode. I hoped it would all work out so I'm happy it did.

This episode focuses a lot on whether or not James and Lucy will rekindle their relationship. That's the big question of the episode, but since we've seen the episode that comes after it, we already know that they get back together. Do you think that will change how viewers respond to the episode and your character's introduction, knowing the outcome in advance?

You know, it really might. That's the honest truth. You can't really help it. But I respect what CBS chose to do and what the producers chose to do, pulling the episode. It was the right thing to do. And I'm happy the episode is going to be seen in the end. I received a lot of messages from people who want to learn more about Lucy and how she ended up in this place with James in this episode. They were confused. So this episode will clear up a lot of deep questions people have about James and Lucy. This episode will give you much more to chew on.

It's always a risk coming onto a show as a romantic foil for a relationship that fans are rooting for. Were you nervous or intimidated at all coming onto Supergirl as James' ex right when he and Kara were starting to develop some real chemistry?

As most TV shows go, it continues to develop as you become a part of it. So I knew that they had intentions for this character. One of the things that the showrunners wanted to do was to make her a warm, fun character. Just a really smart and strong woman. I wasn't interested in coming on as playing this old, intentional foil to James and Kara. That's not so fun to play. This is different because we're creating this relationship and friendship between Lucy and Kara. And you'll see that Lucy is human. She's not perfect but she holds her own. So this isn't just a love triangle storyline. It blossoms into some awesome and exciting story points to come. I'm not just some ice queen coming on to shake things up for Kara.

It's refreshing to see that Lucy and Kara are going to become friends in spite of their feelings for James. That's such a new take on what could have been a cliché TV trope.

The writers are going to write a realistic female story. We have all been there. I've met girls who I wouldn't particularly normally want to start a friendship with but you just can't not like them and you end up friends in the end. I let her in on some of my insecurities about James and stuff that happens to be about Supergirl. Obviously I have no idea that she's Supergirl at the time. So we bond over a common thing that all women have which is moments of weakness and moments of strength. So I get to be vulnerable and talk with Kara and that creates a friendship. It's not what normally happens with a love triangle.

What is Lucy's relationship with her father, General Sam Lane, like?

My father is a very intense character who rubs people the wrong way in certain situations. My father and James don't necessarily see eye to eye on things, which puts me in a tough position. My heart is one place and my mind is in another. Lucy is a daddy's girl and she grew up idolizing Sam so it's a really interesting dynamic. Plus, he and the DEO go head-to-head, which will be huge for everyone.

What are you most excited for fans to see from these next few episodes?

As strong and confident and smart as Lucy she, she is also a human and I'm really excited for people to see her weak spots too. We'll get to see a few of those in the next run of episodes.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ucy-842952?
- Jenna Dewan Tatum sobre los "Poderes Mágicos" de 'Lucy Lane', el papel de 'Gámbito' de Channing y más (comicbook):
Jenna Dewan Tatum sobre los "Poderes Mágicos" de 'Lucy Lane', el papel de 'Gámbito' de Channing y más
Por Russ Burlingame 23/11/15

Jenna Dewan Tatum's Lucy Lane has made her way from Metropolis to National City today, hoping to hash out her fractured relationship with James Olsen.

Those who watched last week's installment of Supergirl may have noticed that the two are a bit cozier than they were two weeks ago, which is something that will be explained this week...since the Paris terror attacks led to tonight's episode to be delayed somewhat (it revolves in large part around a terror plot).

Tatum joined ComicBook.com to discuss her role on the series, which gets bigger with tonight's episode.

How did you end up on Supergirl?

My agent actually called it, as far as taking a meeting with them. I met with Sarah Schechter, I met with the head of casting and I met with a couple of the producers. They were such lovely people and the role was just so fun. The way they described it and explained the arc to me and her comic book lineage and history, there was so much about it that just felt fun, that felt powerful, felt different, felt sort of irresistible. There was really no way I was going to say no to this. So it kind of happened and then two days later, I signed on to do it. And I read with Mehcad, so I had a chemistry read with Mehcad and we just really hit it off so it was one of those really nice situations that just flowed.

There’s essentially two different versions of Lucy: There’s the somewhat more mousy version and then there’s the superhero version. How do you get your head around a character who has that broad of a range of interpretation?

You know, I think with everything, no matter if you’re playing a superhero or a regular character in the world, you have to find the truth in each character that you’re playing. For me, Lucy is a really interesting, strong, complicated character with a complicated history with her father, complicated history with James. She’s developing a complicated relationship with Kara and with Cat Grant and with all these people. You just have to find out, what is her motivation? What’s important to her? What has she lived through in life, what is she struggling with, what is she happy with?

You ask the same questions of a superhero that you would ask of a regular person. The more grounded and three-dimensional you can make a character, the better, and it just makes it more awesome that she’s going to have magic powers…[laughs]…to turn into something that’s really fun to play and to watch at some point. But she’s still Lucy Lane, she’s still a human being with flaws and strengths and all of the other things that go along with living life.

Tonight’s episode really gets into the meat of your character in a surprising way. When you’re reading that script, was it kind of nice to see you can’t take this character at face value?

Yeah. There’s your story, someone else’s story and her story. You kind of gain insight — it’s like being able to see inside the walls of what other people think of you, and that informs what you think of you. I really like that she has a reason and a motivation that she’s decided to come back and get Jimmy and right her wrong with him and see she made a mistake. But his version of why she made that mistake and what she thinks are very different. You’re not sure which one is right but you know that they still share an energy and a connection together that hasn’t gone away.

Lucy’s not coming to National City with any manipulative reason. She has a very specific reason why she’s there to find him and that changes, that develops, that grows. But I like that you can’t really pinpoint her. You like her and you’re like “Oh, she has a really good relationship with Kara. She wants to be friends with Kara.” But you’re not sure. Is that really what it’s going to be? Is she going to be a threat? I like that it’s a little bit ambiguous and obviously you’ll feel that ambiguity and root for her and be kind of wary of her, which is fun.

Did you look back through some of the source material? I always thought Jimmy and Lucy’s relationship was interesting because they never had a big splashy break-up, but just kind of floated in and out of one another’s orbits.

Yeah. Almost like there was just a lot of karmic history between the two; they were just always show of finding each other. It wasn’t like some dramatic thing that happened. I did research it a lot — one because I love comics and two because there’s nothing more fun than having this wealth of information that’s available to an actor when you go to play a role.

At the same time, I know the producers had their own vision for Lucy and their own character that they’re playing that isn’t exactly by the book, so to speak. So I did a little bit of both. I learned a lot, I also asked them questions and I sort of created a character that’s still evolving. Every episode I learn a little bit more about her and something becomes a little bit more fleshed-out. But reading the comic and researching it was a blast.

Obviously you’ve done a handful of franchise things, but what’s different about Supergirl versus approaching any of these other things that come with built-in baggage and cultural expectations?

Well, Supergirl has a really nice, light, powerful energy behind it. They knew exactly what they were making. I think a lot of times, if there’s some sort of hesitation amongst the creators and the writers and they’re not sure exactly what show they’re making or what character they’re developing, it tends to fall a little flat.

With this project, they knew exactly what show they were making, they knew exactly who Kara was going to be, they knew exactly what Supergirl wanted as a show and a message, and I felt so much confidence with that. That was awesome. You’re not left in that weird middle zone of trying to decide what you’re creating.

Supergirl was literally one of my favorite movies as a kid. i loved that movie, I was her for Halloween, and so there was that element, too. I had a real, personal connection to the movie and this project has been really fun. Superwoman was really interesting to me. It felt very strong and I felt like the comic audiences and viewers in general were going to be satisfied with this. That was very comforting.

With Superwoman in particular, have you told your husband that if Lucy gets her powers, she could totally kick Gambit’s butt in an armwrestle?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We still have an ongoing joke in our house because he signed on to play Gambit and I signed on for this, so it was like Marvel versus DC kind of household. We’re like the Romeo and Juliet. But, no, it’s really fun. We both have a healthy competitiveness just in general with our physicality because we both come from being dancers. So there’s the thing where he likes to do his own stunts and I like to do my own stunts. So we have like “Well, I can do this.” So there’s a healthy respect for each other’s desire to do these kinds of roles.

And he was thrilled. He knows how excited I was to come on and do a show like this. But yeah, it’s kind of funny having two people in one house who play superheroes. I just have to make sure that I bring my daughter to set one day when I look really cool, and if I get to ever really live out the superhero dreams, so she can think I’m really cool one day.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/23/jenna-d ... gambit-ro/
- Jenna Dewan-Tatum sobre Lucy y Jimmy: Va a ser complicado (TVGuide):
Jenna Dewan-Tatum sobre Lucy y Jimmy: Va a ser complicado
Por Shelli Weinstein | Nov 23, 2015 9:00 PM EST

Lucy Lane may have gotten her man, but her troubles are just beginning.

On Monday's Supergirl, Lucy (Jenna Dewan-Tatum)'s goal to win back her ex Jimmy Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) succeeded following a bomb scare at the airport that made him realize how much she meant to him. Last we saw them, they were sharing a celebratory lip lock and simultaneously shattering Kara's (Melissa Benoist) heart into a million little Kryptonian pieces.

But as Jimmy continues to work with Supergirl...and Kara, Lucy must figure out how to navigate his new life and what Kara around could mean for her future. "They're back together, they're back in love, they're figuring it out together as she starts a new life in National City," Dewan-Tatum tells TVGuide.com. "She's starting to find her own place in National City regardless of James being her boyfriend or not, so that's really fun to watch and see the relationships that she starts to make outside of him."

Check out what else the actress had to say about the love triangle, Lucy's dad coming to National City and more:

Will some of the preexisting conflict that they had still be a problem? He's still obsessed with the Super family, and she still has a demanding job.
Jenna Dewan-Tatum: It's never really gone. When you've gone through a tough relationship or breakup with somebody, you're never able to just sort of clean slate, start fresh, here we go, let's pretend that that never happened. So that energy definitely seeps into their relationship, and there's a tie and connection that they have to each other that they can't deny. But it's complicated, and there are hurt feelings and there's also his connection and his feelings with Kara, but they're totally different and separate from how he feels [for Lucy]. It gets a little messy for sure.

Will we be seeing her doing more JAG cases?
Dewan-Tatum: She definitely has an episode where you will get to see that come to light. There comes an arc where her job changes, and she creates a fun dynamic with Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart), which is really awesome....but it's not how you would expect it, and they sort of create a relationship in which they both need each other.

Lucy calls him Jimmy not James. Is this just sort of familiarity, or has she not quite accepted his new grown-up persona?
Dewan-Tatum: It's a little bit of both. That's their relationship together, that's special to them. I think she knows him as James, but that's not what she's ever called him, that's not how she knows him. So it's hard for her to change that view of him for her. To her, Jimmy's always been Jimmy and that's a sign of endearment and especially what they had together, and him changing his name or having other people call him James, that's not who she knows so that's of course never how she's going to address him.

Does Lucy have any sort of suspicions that Kara might have some feelings for James?
Dewan-Tatum: Lucy's a really smart girl so there's only so long that she could not acknowledge that there's definitely a connection there, but it's not - I don't think she's worried, I don't think she has any sort of understanding of how deep that connection might be or what that connection looks like. What she does know from the beginning is that he really does love [Kara] as a friend and really respects her, which in turn immediately makes Lucy respect her as well. Because if Jimmy really loves you and respects you, I know I will because that means you're an amazing person. So she understands that there's a lot of love there, but I think as it goes on there's a little bit of, "Well, what was that look? Or what do you mean when you said that? You spend a lot of time together." There's that and us within, we have that sixth sense. It's kind of hard to deny it.

You mentioned General Lane (Glenn Morshower) is coming. Can you say anything about his arrival or what he might be doing?
Dewan-Tatum: Yeah, my father, that episode is really fun. It is intense. He has a take-charge, take-no-prisoners type of attitude. He is very intimidating. He maybe doesn't have the fondest feelings for Jimmy, and there's a lot to live up to with that being your father. There's sort of a feeling of, "I'm such a daddy's girl growing up and I really want to make him proud all the time," so there's a moral dilemma that [Lucy] gets into as far as seeing the true colors of her father, working for him and yet also wanting to please him and be in love with somebody that maybe he doesn't approve of. There are a lot of layers and emotions that pop up.

Speaking of family, does Lucy feel a little bit like she's lived in the shadow of her sister Lois?
Dewan-Tatum: Yeah, definitely. [Lois has] always been the one that got the attention, she was known for being smart and she was the one that everyone sort of talked about and it was, "Lois this, Lois that." Lucy has lived in that shadow...so, there's a frustration that comes with that. I think a lot of people that have siblings can relate with that. I actually don't have any sisters so it was fun to develop that. I was really intrigued. I would go, "What would that be like to have a bigger sister that is definitely the shining star and you've lived in that shadow? How does that feel for you? But also you're a shining star in your own way and coming into your own power without being Lois' sister?" So you want to create your own identity and definitely in an episode to come there's a bit of frustration with that.

Well what does being on Supergirl mean to you?
Dewan-Tatum: Childhood dream come true. It was my favorite movie as a kid, truly. I've always wanted to play a superhero... Also after having a child and a daughter, it does change your perspective as to why you choose to work. So when deciding to do this, I thought, "There are how many shows that I know of that really set a good example for young girls and just for young people in general?" So in a couple years when Everly wants to watch something other than Frozen, she's going to see Supergirl with me and think her mom is awesome.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/supergirl-j ... mmy-olsen/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
