Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Special message from Huse supporting "Asperger´s Society of Ontario"!:

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- Descripción oficial del 4.06 "Rock and a hard place":
4.06 "Rock and a hard place": (29/10/15): La Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) descubre que el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) ha estado viendo el espíritu de su paciente, el asesino convicto Tom Crenshaw (Travis Milne, ROOKIE BLUE), fuera del hospital, y a pesar de sus preocupaciones debe de depender de la habilidad de Charlie para ayudarla a salvar a otro de sus pacientes. El explorador urbano Nick Desmond (Shawn Roberts, Resident Evil: Afterlife) es admitido después de una caída, y en peligro de perder no sólo su pierna, sino también su vida, Alex debe de depender de información que no puede explicar, procurada por la fantasmal comunicación de Charlie con el espíritu del paciente. En Emergencias, cuando un jugador compulsivo es admitido con una oreja crudamente amputada, la Dra. Dana Kinney (Wendy Crewson) está emocionada por la oportunidad de realizar una cirugía única que reconstruirá el órgano a partir del antebrazo del paciente, pero la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw, THE GOOD WIFE) está convencida de que tan sólo perderá la oportunidad de tener una nueva vida. Mientras tanto, el programa de tutoría funcionan en ambos sentidos cuando la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) instructsenseña al Dr. Dev Sekera (Dejan Loyola, THE TOMORROW PEOPLE) en el fino arte de tratar a los pacientes, mientras que Dev empuja a Maggie a demandar más del personal senior de cirugía.

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- Stills del 4.06 "Rock and a hard place":

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- Saving Hope 4.06 "Rock and a hard place" Promo:

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- Michelle Nolden sobre el cómo Dawn se recuperará de la tragedia (thetvjunkies):
Michelle Nolden sobre el cómo Dawn se recuperará de la tragedia
Por Christy Spratlin | 29 Octubre, 2015

Last week Saving Hope gave us one of its most disturbing storylines to date. In an expertly played scene, Dr. Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden) was raped by boyfriend Lane Berkley (Shaun Benson) in her office. The scene was difficult to watch but we couldn’t help but be impressed by Nolden’s performance in that scene and the one that followed.

Dawn has long been a favorite character on Saving Hope with her direct, and sometimes bitchy personality. While her current storyline is a difficult one, we can’t hide our excitement over the fact that it will allows us to see more of Dawn on our screens. Because of the seriousness of the topic and the impact that it will likely have on Dawn, and on viewers at home, we thought it would be a good idea to speak with Nolden about the topic and how difficult it was to film the assault scene, as well as to get a preview of what’s to come for Dawn as the season goes on.

The TV Junkies: Dawn had a pretty horrible encounter with Lane in the last episode. What was your reaction when you heard that she was going to be raped?

Michelle Nolden: It was slightly horrifying, but I had positive reaction in a sense that we were delving in to Dawn’s life. I knew from the beginning that that was probably where it was going to go, and I feel very grateful that the writers have given me such great stuff as an actor to play. But actually having to do it was horrifying.

TTVJ: How difficult was that scene to film and how do you prepare yourself for something like that?

MN: You know I don’t think that there is a lot of preparation that you can do for it. I knew that I would be working with David Wellington, who is one of my all time favourite directors, so there is an immediate trust that is there. So I knew that David would give us a very safe place to do that work. And Shaun and I knew each other also so that kind of helped. You know it’s really hard, I think Shaun did a really fantastic job in that role and it’s really hard to play the bad guy. I think that as two actors we were able to create a safe place to do the work that needed to be done.

TTVJ: He really did do a great job at being creepy didn’t he?

MN: Oh yes, and he only gets creepier and creepier.

TTVJ: What is Dawn going to do about the rape. Will she report Lane?

MN: I think Dawn is a really private and proud person. I think that she has kind of always been that way. She witnessed Charlie and Alex together so she knows how to put on a brave face. And Dawn really loves the hospital. She loves her doctors, she’s got a real respect for them and I think that she believes that her role as Chief is to be fair and to protect them. So I think she is going to have to kind of balance that and what it will mean to Dawn to report it. In terms of the media, hospital gossip, whether anyone is going to believe her and if she wants to go down that road–the things that all women in this situation go through–I think she has to go through all of that stuff. I don’t think that it is going to be resolved very quickly. I think it’s going to take all season for Dawn to find some sort of healing from that. But I think that she will ultimately find it.

One of the great things that the writers have done is that this forces Dawn to rely on some of the other doctors and open herself up again. She’s just been hurt so many times in the last little while that she has no choice but to trust again.

TTVJ: Is Dawn going to continue to work with Lane on the board? How is she going to handle that?

MN: That’s the thing, and I think that is where they [the writers] have done such a great job. They made that very messy and very complicated. The fact that they have to be in the workplace together is just a whole other level of it. It just brings all of these other complications into it. I think that Dawn’s life is that hospital so I think that she is going to find a way to do it and I think that she is going to find a way to go forward. That’s going to be at her own peril in terms of her own healing and her own ways of making things right and her innate sense of justice.

And on of the things that I love about Dawn is that she is always fair. I know some people may not like her, and she can be really harsh and kind of a bitch sometimes, but Dawn takes her responsibility as Chief really seriously and she really loves those doctors. She protects them and she’s always trying to make the best decisions. So I think that innate sense of justice is going to prevail. She is going to do what’s most responsible, but also what’s actually going to make him pay for it. So Dawn has to figure all that out.

TTVJ: Are we going to see the return of the bitchy, tell it like it is Dawn that we know and love?

MN: I hope so. I love playing that part of Dawn. She’s been very happy this season and I think that is because the writers have done such a great job at sort of opening her up. While she’s probably still bitchy when she’s off screen, we are seeing another side of her that we’ve NEVER seen before.

There are definitely a few episodes coming up where we’ll have the Dawn that we’ve loved to hate come back. And she’s fun to play because she says all the things that I’d really like to say in my life but I can’t. She’s candid right? She says it like it is, and I don’t think that she has a lot of patience for people when they’re not doing what they are supposed to do and I respect that.

TTVJ: Is Dawn going to be able to recover from this? Are we going to see her happy again?

MN: I think it will be the same for her as it will be for anyone that this has happened to. It will always be there. Something like this is always with you. You don’t really ever forget anything like that but I think that Dawn will come to a place of healing. But I think that is going to take some time and I think that she is going to have to rely on the people around her to do that. There’s a scene in the next episode with Zach [Ben Ayers] where you will see that. I think that she is going to start to realize that there is friendship and help and love for her in other ways and I think that she’ll start to open her heart.

TTVJ: With Peter Mooney joining the cast this season, is there a possibility for some type of relationship between him and Dawn?

MN: I don’t know. Peter Mooney’s character and Charlie went to med school together so it’s quite possible that they would all know each other from back in the day. I do hope that there’s something that we can touch on, that shared history that they have, but for a romantic thing I have no idea. We rarely know past what is happening in the episode that we are about to shoot. It’s kind of one of the things that is exciting about doing all this.

I knew that Dawn was going to find love this season, but I didn’t know how it was going to play out and it definitely played out differently that I expected.

TTVJ: What ever happened with the girl that Dawn was trying to adopt last season? It hasn’t been mentioned at all this season.

MN: No it hasn’t. I don’t know what I’m allowed to say there, but it will come up again and we will find out what happened there for sure.

TTVJ: Did I see that you were working on a movie right now? Can you tell me about it?

MN: Yeah I’m working on a film in Montreal. We had a little hiatus from Saving Hope and then Dawn wasn’t in the episode following that so it gave me a little two week blip, so I scooted off to Montreal and did a film called Run To Me. I play a psycho in it. It was very fun. Bad characters are often the most fun to play.

TTVJ: Are there any other projects that you’d like to discuss? I know you did another movie last year as well, will that be coming out soon?

MN: I did a film earlier in the year called Prisoner X where I play a CIA agent and am dealing with a time travelling terrorist so that is coming out fairly soon. I also did a film called Christmas Horror Stories, which I think was released on Friday so it should be in theaters now.

TTVJ: Is there anything that you’d like to add?

MN: I really love Dawn and I’m very grateful to be able to play her and I really enjoy this journey for her. Even though this subject matter is very difficult, I think that it has opened her up in a way that I think will be very interesting for the audience to join in and to go through that journey of healing with her.

What’s your favourite thing about Dawn? Were you shocked by what happened to her? Are you looking forward to watching her journey throughout the rest of the season? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... interview/?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.07 "Can´t you hear me Knocking?":
4.07 "Can´t you hear me Knocking?"(05/11/15): Con la Dra. Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden) con una marcha temporal, el Dr. Shahir Hamza (Huse Madhavji) se hace cargo del puesto más alto del hospital como Jefe Interino, devolviéndole al Hope Zion Hospital sus estrictos estándares de cuidado y compostura. Pero cuando un candidato a Doctorado es diagnosticado con un agresivo tumor cerebral y se le da tan sólo meses de vida, la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) debe convencer al nuevo jefe a que de el visto bueno a un peligroso y experimental tratamiento que podría darle a su paciente otra oportunidad para vivir. Mientras tanto, el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) está muy ocupado en el mundo de los espíritus, haciendo malabares con el espíritu transexual de un entrenador de football gravemente herido, “el Espíritu Caroline” (Monika Schnarre, THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL), mientras que también lidia con una enfermera de cuidados paliativos, Kristine Fields (Nicole Underhay, MURDOCH MYSTERIES), quien afirma que puede ver espíritus también. Con la vida de su paciente en juego, Charlie debe decidir si puede admitir su propia verdad y contarle a la enfermera su secreto.

http://theworldgoespop.com/2015/10/30/s ... -knocking/

- Stills del 4.07 "Can´t you hear me Knocking?":

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- 4.07 "Can´t you hear me Knocking?" Promo:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/e8cc9385-3740-4 ... 63e0d6fedc

- Banner promocional de "Halloween":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.08 "Waiting for a friend":
4.08 "Waiting for a friend"(12/11/15): Un día oscuro para una pareja se convierte en un rayo de esperanza para otros cuando una artista del trapecio es declarada muerta al llegar tras un accidente. Como donante de órganos, el raro riñón de la artista activa una cadena de donantes y receptores de transplantes que podría salvar la vida de muchos pacientes. La Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance), junto con el Dr. Shahir Hamza (Huse Madhavji), y el recién transferido Cirujano General Jeremy Bishop (Peter Mooney, ROOKIE BLUE), luchan por mantener la cadena bajo control cuando se pesentan una serie de complicaciones y unos cuantos pacientes nerviosos empiezan a obstaculizar. En la sala, el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) debe de tratar al compañero de la trapecista (Alison Louder, BEING HUMAN), pero cuando sus espíritu empieza a rondar los pasillos Charlie debe de hacerse con la ayuda de Kristine (Nicole Underhay, MURDOCH MYSTERIES) para llegar al fondo de un fantasma como nunca ha visto antes. Mientyras tanto, la Dra. Dana Kinney (Wendy Crewson) sufre la compañía de Joshua Lewis (Tom McCamus, Room), un parlanchín Profesor de Poesía durante una sesión de quimioterapia, sólo para descubrir la fuerza para tratar su enfermedad a su propio modo.

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- Stills del 4.08 "Waiting for a friend":

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- 4.08 "Waiting for a friend" Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance dobre su debut como directora en ‘Saving Hope’, la maternidad, el trabajo y su hijo Lochlan (ericadurancetv):
Erica Durance has been as busy as ever. She has become a mother on-screen and off-screen, she is the lead actor and producer on her show ‘Saving Hope’, and now she’s about to add another title to her résumé: director.

We talked to Erica about Season 4 of Saving Hope, the challenges of being the lead actor and producer of the show, a possible Season 5 and her future as a director.
As Saving Hope Season 4 unfolds, currently is in its 7th episode, we can admittedly notice it has a different dynamic to it. Old faces have left, new faces have arrived and the focus is not only on Alex Reid and Charlie Harris. “This season, fans get to know more about the cast. It’s more of an ensemble this year,” Erica admits. “It has been challenging. Every season is the same, yet different.”

Erica, who’s also a producer on the show, understands now what the challenges are of being both the producer and the lead actor of your own show. “What’s different from a producer’s perspective is the pressure of coming up with new scripts, you realize it’s not easy to come up with stories every season that are compelling and again as actors, it’s easy to take that for granted.” She continues, “As a lead actor and producer it’s important to maintain a balance between your expectations, a sense of respect for what everyone does on the show and be willing to compromise at times. It’s easy to complain and deflect responsibility onto someone else instead of working out a solution,” she says while pointing out the importance of the team as whole. “There is the same amazing crew keeping the show going day in and day out and performing their jobs with professionalism. It’s easy for actors to dismiss them or take them for granted because they are behind the camera. They are the backbone of the show and its important to always keep that into account.”

For years, Erica Durance has been considering on taking her turn in the director’s chair. So finally, she decided to officially add the title to her résumé. But, she dismisses being called director – at least for now, “Getting to direct an episode is a great opportunity but in no way is it an indication I’m a director now!” she laughs off.

The woman behind Dr. Alex Reid will make her directorial debut with Episode 16 of Season 4 “Torn and Frayed” and she’s excited about the challenge, “I’m excited about the prospect of directing. It gives you another perspective into the production and it requires a lot of preparation outside of being a lead actor.”

Erica’s having a wonderful moment both in her personal and professional lives that it ultimately seemed the right time to take this next step on Saving Hope. “It’s a safe environment to test my skills as a director because I know the show, the crew, the cast and the expectations of what each episode demands.”

And that could be just the first of many times she will step into the role of director. “I think it’s important to challenge myself in this business because there are not enough woman directors and woman in positions of authority. No, that doesn’t mean I’m a feminist! I’m an equal opportunist!” she says with a laugh.

“It’s a reality in show business that there are more opportunities for men, so if I can create future opportunities to compete and be a positive role model for other women, then so be it. I think I have a responsibility to myself to do it. Show business is a medium where you are judged as a woman on how you look, more so than what you know, so it’s important to expand my experience beyond acting,” she explains.

After four successful seasons, Saving Hope really delivers compelling and heartfelt stories to the fans and strong numbers to the network; and there’s more to come. “Yes, there’s talk about season 5,” Erica reveals to us. “When Ilana Frank and David Wellington approached me for the pilot years ago, I had no idea I’d be looking at a possible season 5! Crazy!” she laughs.

“Lochlan is a gift from heaven. Everyday is a blessing with him.” That’s how Erica Durance starts out our chat about her son Lochlan, who has just turned 9 months old three days ago, and balancing motherhood with set life.

Lochlan is too young to understand it now but he played an important role in mommy’s show Saving Hope. Erica got pregnant before the start of the filming of Season 3, which led the producers and writers to decide whether to write her pregnancy into the show or make use of the famous close-ups tricks. “I’ve given them something interesting to deal with. I’ve left an interesting dilemma, I sat that at their feet, I don’t think it’s a dilemma, I think it’s an interesting story point.” Erica has said in previous interviews.

In Season 3, Dr. Alex Reid, played by Erica, ends up pregnant and gives birth to baby Luke but there’s a twist… she is not sure who’s the father: Charlie or Joel.

If last year Erica had to balance her filming schedule with her pregnancy, this June, when production started for Season 4, she had a new challenge ahead: balancing motherhood and work, “It’s always a challenge to balance motherhood and work being on set, but it’s something I cherish doing because it brings the best out of me.” she says, “Even more so, when you are told it couldn’t be done. Granted it takes a lot of patience.The key is to be organized and to have a strong family support system in place that can take the pressure off trying to do everything myself. It’s normal to assume, being a mother of an infant, you are expected to do everything, and anything less makes you a bad mother, which is something as a woman you have to adjust because in my opinion, its absolutely untrue.” she continues, “It’s important to surround baby Lochlan with continual positive energy and if that means I have to give into my exhaustion and let my husband, David take over, I’m going to do that, especially at 3 am when Lochlan is wide awake. I’m very fortunate because my husband is a great husband and father whose very involved in every aspect of raising children, so that’s a blessing for me.”

Although Lochlan spends a good amount of time on the set, Erica and David make sure it’s only for a good reason as they find it important their son enjoy a ‘normal’ infant life as well. “He spends a far amount of time on set but only within reason because I think it’s important he has a normal home existence as well. Plus he already loves to go for walks in the park and be around other children. It’s wonderful to observe how spirited a personality he has as early as 9 months.” she gushes.

Having an infant in the family doesn’t mean you are new at parenting; Erica and David have a a 16 year old son, Lazslo, and are quite experienced with the challenges of raising a kid, “In fact, everybody assumes when you have an infant, you need advice about everything and I’m open to it, within reason,” she says with a smile, “What people don’t realize or forget is that we have a 16 year old, so we are already acquainted with challenges of raising children. Granted every child is different and Lochlan places a new set of spirited demands on us, necessitating an adjustment in expectations, life style and that’s the beauty of having children, they are all different.”

As we conclude our conversation, the proud mommy gushes over her son, “We are very fortunate because he’s a healthy, happy, inquisitive boy who has such an infectious spirit.”

http://ericadurance.tv/2015/11/08/erica ... ial-debut/
http://ericadurance.tv/2015/11/12/inter ... n-lochlan/

- Primeras imágenes bts del episodio de Erica como directora (11-13 Nov 2015):

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(@patrick_tarr: Day 1 of #SavingHope ep 416. Time to watch @ED_DURANCE rock it front of AND behind the camera. 3 more to go in S4!
@Bruised_Berry: A full fun day bossed around by this woman!! @ED_DURANCE @juliataylorross #savinghope)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Peter Mooney llega a "Saving Hope" para agitar las cosas (thetvjunkies):
Peter Mooney llega a "Saving Hope" para agitar las cosas
Por Christy Spratlin | 11 Noviembre, 2015

If we’re looking on the bright side, there is one good thing about Rookie Blue coming to an end this past year, it freed up Peter Mooney to join the Saving Hope cast this season. Mooney comes to Hope Zion as Dr. Jeremy Bishop, described by Bell Media’s press release as a “roguishly charming General Surgeon with a laid back attitude and spontaneous, in the moment approach to medicine.”

You can definitely count us amongst those intrigued by that description. In order to learn more about Dr. Bishop, as well as Mooney’s transition from Rookie Blue, we went straight to the source. In an exclusive interview with The TV Junkies Mooney talks about what’s to come for Bishop as he joins the staff at Hope Zion.

The TV Junkies: Just as you did with Rookie Blue, you’re joining the cast of a successful show. Was this experience with Saving Hope at all similar?

Peter Mooney: They were very similar in a lot of ways. I guess I’ve developed this pattern where I like to go onto things once they’re already up and running so I can skip the bumpy parts. But it’s been very similar. I had the added benefit on this where the crew on Saving Hope is the same crew that I did my three seasons on Rookie with, so as much as I was coming in to this one as the new guy there was still a lot of familiarity there. Stepping into a world that is already in motion is always an exciting challenge and I’ve been very lucky with both the Rookie Blue and the Saving Hope cast. They were so helpful with that.

TTVJ: Have you worked with anyone else on the cast before?

PM: Not really. Ben Ayres (Zach) did come and do an episode of Rookie but we used to be in studios sort of side by side each other. There was the one season where there was just a wall between us. Actually the wall was the Big Brother Canada set. So that was great and I know everyone and they were all a really welcoming group.

TTVJ: What can you tell us about Dr. Jeremy Bishop?

PM: You are going to see a guy that operates more on gut instincts than on intellect, although he is a very knowledgeable and intelligent doctor. But he’s a little more free and off the cuff than might necessarily be recommended in medical training so you’ll definitely see that. He’s got a good way with people, he’s got a good way with the staff at the hospital. He’s an old friend of Charlie Harris’ (Michael Shanks), but he has his problems from his previous life. There’s a lawsuit that drove him out of LA where he was living for a number of years and there’s some personal things that drove him out of there and back to Hope Zion. That stuff is going to bubble up throughout the season.

TTVJ: Is that lawsuit going to come back and haunt him at all?

PM: No, it’s more just the specter of it all. His nature of going on impulse and going on gut and kind of being in the moment is both a blessing and a curse. I think it’s the thing that makes him a great doctor but it’s also the thing that can get him into a lot of trouble. So that will pop in and out this season.

TTVJ: We know Bishop has history with Charlie, but what about Dawn (Michelle Nolden) since she went to school with Charlie as well?

PM: He knows her well but mostly through Charlie. I think his relationship was primarily with Charlie but in an upcoming episode we will get to see him and Dawn hanging out and doing some surgeries together.

TTVJ: Bishop and Cassie (Kim Shaw) seem to have a bit of a connection during your first episode. Is there a chance that will turn into something more or is there anyone else Bishop could be interested in romantically?

PM: Yes, well she’s dating this guy at the hospital so it’s kind of complicated right off the bat, but I say there’s a chance there. I’d say there’s a pretty good chance there.

TTVJ: It’s Saving Hope so there has to be some sort of complicated romantic relationship right?

PM: Yeah exactly, and without complications it’s just too dull. It’s got to be complicated.

TTVJ: Will Bishop bond or clash with anyone in particular?

PM: Yeah. Now I’m not sure if it’s because of his history with Charlie or what it is, but he and Alex get along particularly well. I think it’s part to do with their style as doctors and how they approach things. They’re both fast thinkers and problem solvers and they connect really well right off the get go. His first day at the hospital is not an easy one so they’re really thrown right into it right from the get go.

TTVJ: What do you think viewers should most be looking forward to seeing in regards to Bishop’s addition to Saving Hope?

PM: I think the biggest thing is just the unexpected. They really have to think quick on their feet, they’re dealing with some really complex problems and I think he sort of has a fresh new way of thinking about things. So I think that will be rewarding week to week. And he’s a fun guy. He likes being a doctor, he likes the adrenaline of it and I think that’ll be fun to watch.

TTVJ: Can you give us any idea how long you’ll be sticking around?

PM: He’ll be there through the end of this season.

TTVJ: Would he be back next season if Saving Hope gets renewed?

PM: I think that this will probably be it for him. There are some things from his past that might crop up. He might be around next season but I have a feeling that this might be the end of his road at Hope Zion. Really who knows about another season but this has really just been perfect timing for me. Since the Rookie news and I knew most of the cast personally from before, so it was a really fun and familiar place to go to.

TTVJ: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Just that these first two episodes that I’m in are really great. It was kind of a big wallop to come in on and I think that the viewers will be very happy with how things sort of get shaken up at the hospital.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... interview/?
- Peter Mooney se siente como en casa como el espontáneo, seguro de sí mismo (y sexy) cirujano en ‘Saving Hope’ (etalk):
Peter Mooney se siente como en casa como el espontáneo, seguro de sí mismo (y sexy) cirujano en ‘Saving Hope’
Por Deanne MacRae, 12 Nov 2015

Peter Mooney isn’t the first of his fellow “Rookie Blue” alums to make an appearance on Season 4 of CTV’s “Saving Hope,” but he’s certain to leave a hefty mark as his character makes a grand (and very suave) entrance into Hope Zion this Thursday.

Fresh off a stint in sunny California, Mooney’s character Dr. Jeremy Bishop returns home and takes up residency at Hope Zion after an abrupt turn of events forces him out of L.A.

“He had a house and a life and was sort of very settled in and then circumstances changed for him and kind of launched him back here where he’s trying to do a bit of a reset,” Mooney explains. “But I think by the time he arrives at Hope Zion his head’s still spinning from where he’s come from.”

But despite the quick change, Dr. Bishop arrives at Hope Zion as confident and out-spoken as ever.

“He says whatever comes to his mind. He’s very off-the-cuff, which is what makes him a great doctor, but is also what can get him into trouble. He’s very free and easy with the way he jumps into things,” says Mooney.

And his willingness to jump right in will definitely come in handy when a series of events thrusts Dr. Bishop into a rare domino kidney transplant on his very first day at Hope Zion.

“His first day he’s really thrown into the mix and it’s when we get a chance to see him not only as a surgeon but as a doctor, and how he deals with the patients both physically and mentally,” says Mooney.

Mooney follows fellow “Rookie Blue” alums Travis Milne and Charlotte Sullivan, who both made the transition from “Rookie Blue” cop to Hope Zion patient earlier this season. For Mooney, moving from cop to doctor was a bit of an adjustment, but the Winnipeg native says he’s feeling right at home in the O.R.

“The wardrobe is a lot comfier. Scrubs are basically pajamas which is great,” Mooney says with a laugh.

“The surgeries are the most fun. That, I love. Every time I get a new script and there’s [a surgery] I get super excited. It’s just a little self-contained thing that I can focus on and learn a lot about… and then we get to play around with insides!”

And although Mooney may have missed two of his former costars by only a few episodes, there are still familiar faces behind-the-scenes at “Saving Hope.”

“I’m working with Greg Smith (of ‘Rookie Blue’) right now as a director which is great. If there’s a take he doesn’t like he just laughs at me because we go far enough back that it’s good direction. He’s so great to work with and he directed a whole bunch of ‘Rookie’ and now this is my second ‘Saving Hope’ with him and it’s been really great.”

http://www.etalk.ca/news/2015/november/ ... at-home-as

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.09 "Shattered":
4.09 "Shattered" (19/11/15): En la primera parte de un episodio de dos partes, el caos golpea al Hope Zion Hospital cuando una bomba estalla en una carrera benéfica local. Sin estar seguros de los motivos tras el ataque, el personal del Hope Zion no puede tomarse el tiempo de chequear a sus propios doctores que estaban en la carrera antes de que todos se pongan a tratar al montón de víctimas. Con las reservas de sangre agotándose, la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) y el Dr. Jeremy Bishop (Peter Mooney, ROOKIE BLUE) le dan prioridad a tratar a un joven que ha sufrido severas heridas. Pero cuando se revela que su paciente es el que ha puesto las bombas, Alex debe luchar contra una enfadada muchedumbre asemás de con su propia conciencia para proporcionar el cuidado que su paciente necesita.En la sala, la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross), aún aturdida por la explosión, inmediatamente se pone a proporcionar cuidados a Shelby Hart (Genelle Williams, BITTEN), quien está embarazada y herida. Las tensiones aumentan cuando una sospechosa infección de la futura mamá les lleva al regreso de la Dra. Sydney Katz (Stacey Farber), y el prematuro nacimiento del bebé de Shelby para salvar la vida de ambos.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... fferff4f1/

- Stills del 4.09 "Shattered":

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- 4.09 "Shattered" Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (18-27 Nov 2015):

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(@patrick_tarr: This morning on #SavingHope we have camera and action but no lights. Could be a loooong day.
@DebCinLA: LA to Toronto 4 days, 3 sets, 2 table reads, 1 day in the office @bittentv @SavingHopeTV @eOne_TV
@noelcarbs: Awkward elevator threesome is A) What's happening in this scene; or B) The name of @patrick_tarr's sex tape.
@norlcarbs: First shot of the day. Day 1 of #SavingHope episode 417. 16 down, 2 to go
@noelcarbs: Ready to roll on Day 2 of #SavingHope episode 417
@noelcarbs: #SavingHope Ep 417. Day 2. Shit gets real for Charlie
@noelcarbs: First shot of Day 3, ep 417. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: First shot of the day. Ep417, Day4. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: A little BOS action at the Hope Zee atrium today. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: Maggie about to lay the smack down. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: No idea whose hand that is but I assume they were pointing out the stellar acting. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: Ready to roll on Shahir. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: Taking marks on Asha & Dev. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: Maggie's having a day. #SavingHope
@BenjaminAyres: Behind the scenes with the women of #SavingHope @ED_DURANCE @juliataylorross @noldenmichelle
@BenjaminAyres: Champagne and chocolate strawberries at the finale read through. Season 4 episode 18. #SavingHope #AllClass)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.10 "Emotional Rescue":
4.10 "Emotional Rescue" (03/12/15): En la segunda mitad de este episodio de dos partes de SAVING HOPE, el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) regresa al Hope Zion Hospital para encontrarse con la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) en peligro. En una carrera contrarreloj, Charlie lucha por descubrir lo que está mal con su compañera y amiga. Mientras tanto, la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance), quien aún está lidiando con su participación en el tratamiento del causante de la explosión, está decidida a redimirse salvando a la última paciente de Maggie Shelby (Genelle Williams, BITTEN). Junto con la Dra. Sydney Katz (Stacey Farber, DEGRASSI: THE NEXT GENERATION), quien regresa al Hope Zion por el caso, Alex debe de convencer a Shelby y su marido de que el pasar página a veces es la única cosa que hay entre tú y el mejorarte, cuando las complicaciones amenazan a su pierna. En la sala de Emergencias, la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw) y el Dr. Jeremy Bishop (Peter Mooney, ROOKIE BLUE) ayudan a un padre desconsolado con la muerte de su hija.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... ffer23c22/
http://www.bellmedia.ca/pr/press/ctv-pr ... cember-17/

- Stills del 4.10 "Emotional Rescue":

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- Promo del 4.10 "Emotional Rescue":


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope: Inside the O.R. with Erica Durance (bts vid):

- Saving Hope: Entering Charlie's Spiritual World (bts vid):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Julia Taylor Ross talks 'Saving Hope' season 4 (The Gate Magazine):

- Michael Shanks sobre la S4 de "Saving Hope" en "The Morning Show" (30-11-15):

https://twitter.com/morningshowto/statu ... 5589025792

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (30 Nov - 03 Dic 15):

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(@noelcarbs: Pre-dawn OR rehearsal. Zzzzzzzz. #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: Bishop playing a little XBox in the OR. (Work those thumbs, @Peter_Mooney_) #SavingHope
@noelcarbs: Last scene of the day-ep. Shahir scrubbing in. Inspired by my kid's favorite bedtime story. #SavingHope
@BenjaminAyres: @Bruised_Berry does his episodic ritual of blowing kisses to his pink troll before airtime. #SavingHope
@dejanloyola: We'll all be on the couch with you, eagerly awaiting the conclusion to last weeks shocking episode of #SavingHope
@HitowerMusic: Mixing #BATB 410 with editor Aaron Rottinghaus. See you for 413!)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32871
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- La CTV anuncia un capítulo especial de Navidad de "Saving Hope" (4.12 "Shine a Light") junto a su sinopsis:
La CTV ha anunciado hoy que le regalará a sus espectadores una parrilla especial de Navidad que incluirá un nuevo episodio de "Saving Hope" temático que se emitirá el 10 de Enero y que será el primer episodio temático de Navidad en toda su andadura, titulado “Shine A Light” (9 p.m. ET/PT en la CTV y la CTV GO app).

4.12 "Shine A Light" – Special Holiday Episode (10/12/15): En un episodio temático especial de Navidad de SAVING HOPE, es Nochebuena e incluso la amenaza de la peor tormenta de hielo del año no puede reprimir el espíritu del Hope Zion Hospital. Pero cuando una buena Samaritana es llevada al hospital tras un accidente de coche, la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) debe de usar todas sus habilidades para conseguir el milagro Navideño que tan desesperadamente se necesita – incluso si significa el llamar a la Dra. Jefe Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden). Cuando el caso resulta en vano, Dawn y Alex deben de hacer equipo para mantener a su paciente vivo lo sufiente como para que su familia le diga adiós. En el Atrium, el Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) se ocupa del espíritu de un niño muerto que se pregunta si su madre se enfrentará a la tormenta para honrar su tradición de Navidad. Mientras tanto, el Dr. Shahir Hamza (Huse Madhavji) y la Dra. Dana Kinney (Wendy Crewson) hacen todo lo que pueden para evitar dejarse llevar por el espírity Navideño sólo para ser enganchados a la recolecta de juguetes anual, mientras que el Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres) pasa la tarde conla Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) jugando al Bingo de Urgencias de Navidad para pasar el tiempo hasta que pueda regresar con sus niños.

- Stills del 4.12 "Shine a Light":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

"Saving Hope" regresará a nuestras pantallas con nuevos capítulos el 7 de enero en su nuevo horario de las 10 p.m.

http://www.bellmedia.ca/pr/press/a-jann ... ogramming/
http://www.bellmedia.ca/pr/press/superh ... d-january/

- 4.12 "Shine a Light" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


Volver a “Lois Lane (Erica Durance)”