"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts en el set durante un tour de prensa en la TCA 2016 (11-01-16):

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(Thanks to @AshelyVRobinson, @kryptonsite, @LauInLA, @MattMitovich, @NatalieAbrams, @TheEricGoldman, @zap2itAndrea, @tengstagram)

- Informaciones:
- "Siento una increíble cantidad de orgullo por lo que estamos haciendo. La gente está lista para ver a una fuerte superheroína" - dice Melissa Benoist sobre el interpretar a Supergirl.

- El episodio 1.13 de "Supergirl" se llama "For the Girl Who Has Everthing" y está basado en la novela de Alan Moore "The Man Who Has Everything" y en la que Supermán vivía en un estado de sueño donde Krypton no explotó y vivía su vida en su planeta de origen. En el episodio, Kara se despierta en Krypton y no tiene ni idea del por qué está ahí. Sucedeá cuando Kara esté en un bajo momento, sintiéndose muy sola y muy desconectada de la gente de su vida. Probablemente el joven Kal-el sea parte de un sueño en Krypton. “Había algo en esa historia que para mí era incluso más resonante para [Kara],” dice Kreisberg, ” porque para Superman era un deseo de algo que nunca tuvo. Pero para ella, ella quiere que le devuelvan algo que le ha sido arrebatado.”

- La anterior 'Supergirl' Laura Vandervoort aparecerá como estrella invitada en el episodio 1.15 como el personaje de DC 'Indigo'.

- Calista Flockhart justifica la reacción de Cat sobre "Supergirl" diciendo que es una narcisista y que por eso no se dio cuenta. Kreisberg dice que cuando estuvieron cortejando a Calista para el personaje le dijeron que la hiciera más mala.

- Veremos cómo J'Onn (Martian Manhunter) se convirtió en Hank Henshaw en un próximo episodio.

- El episodio 1.14 está dirigido por Lexi Alexander y tiene a 'Master Jailer' como villano principal que será interpretado por Jeff Branson. Además, en el episodio se muestra la secuencia de lucha más guay que jamás hayan hecho, e incluirá cadenas.

- Hay una posibilidad de que Laura Vandervoort, Melissa Benoist, y Helen Slater estén en pantalla al mismo tiempo.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandevoort se une al elenco de "Supergirl" como 'Indigo':
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Las cosas se van a poner incluso más interesantes en National City, ya que los personajes de 'Indigo' y 'Master Jailer' está previsto que debuten en la serie de "Supergirl" de la CBS (Lunes 8/7c), que recientemente ha sido premiada como Nuevo Drama de TV Favorito en los 2016 People’s Choice Awards.

Laura Vandervoort, quien interpretó a Kara/Supergirl en la serie de éxito "Smallville", ha sido escogida para interpretar el papel recurrente de 'Indigo', descrita por los productores como "una supercomputadora viviente de férreas convicciones que fue sentenciada a Fort Rozz después de volverse contra la gente de Krypton. Ahora en la Tierra, Indigo no dejará que nada se interponga en su camino. Usa su avanzada programación para aterrorizar a aquellos que le hicieron daño, y también tiene la habilidad de lanzar ráfagas de campos de fuerza y disparos letales de energía a través de sus manos y sus ojos, y su mente analítica le permite controlar la tecnología hecha por los humanos.

Hará su debut en el episodio 1.15 que debería de emitirse alrededor de Marzo/Abril. Vandervoort se convertirá en la tercera Supergirl de la serie, junto a la estrella de la serie Melissa Benoist y la de la película original Helen Slater (quien ahora interpreta a la madre adoptiva de Kara).

Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre la decisión, además de no tener más que palabras de elogio hacia la actriz: “En primer lugar, cuando la serie fue anunciada, Laura nos mandó el tweet más dulce, diciendo lo honrada que había sido y lo emocionada que estaba por Melissa, y eso significó mucho para mí. Pensé que había sido un gesto de mucha clase. Y luego me la encontré en los Saturn Awards, y tuvimos una conversación genial... han habido en realidad un par de otros papeles que intentamos que hiciera, pero no estaba libre porque [la propia serie de televisión de Laura] Bitten estaba en producción, pero como siempre con los cástings, siempre digo que cuando un papel no funciona con alguien, es porque el papel perfecto está por llegar, y ahora la tenemos uniéndose y siendo un papel recurrente en la serie,” se entusiasma Andrew.

“[Indigo] se ve rompedora,” añade el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg. “Se va a ver increíble. Y definitivamente no se verá sólo como Laura. … Siendo un aspecto del Programa Brainiac, llega a través de los ordenadores, así es que Winn está activamente involucrado en ese episodio. Pero ella tiene una historia muy interesante. Era uno de los prisioneros de Fort Rozz. Pero el cómo llegó a ser lo que es, y el cómo terminó en prisión, y qué ha estado haciendo en la Tierra es parte de la diversión y de la sorpresa del episodio.”

En los cómics, el personaje es descrito como "un gynoid y miembro de los Outsiders, con conexión con Braniac. Nacida en una distante era futura, llega al siglo 21 gravemente dañada y buscando desesperadamente un organismo mecánico o cibernético capaz de repararla." El personaje apareció originalmente en "Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day #1" y más tarde resultó ser Brainiac 8 del futuro lejano, pero no está claro si estos orígenes se reflejarán en la serie de tv.

El anuncio se ha hecho durante la sesión de "Supergirl" de la Warner Bros. Television en la Television Critics Association Winter 2016 Press Tour en los estudios de la Warner Bros.

“Tendremos a tres generaciones de Supergirls. Y el pensar que la próxima Supergirl quien es aún una niña pequeña está ahí afuera viendo esto [podría estarlo viendo]… siempre nos consideramos a nosotros mismos como cuestodios de esta pierna del viaje, pero estos personajes llegaron antes que nosotros, y van a seguir después de nosotros, y nosotros somos los afortunados que han conseguido estar al volante durante esta porción del viaje,” dice Kreisberg.

http://www.cbs.com/shows/supergirl/news ... er-jailer/
http://warnerbrostv.tumblr.com/post/137 ... indigo-and
http://tvline.com/2016/01/11/supergirl- ... -season-1/
http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-an ... s-casting/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jeff Branson se une al elenco de "Supergirl" como 'Master Jailer':
Otro nuevo personaje de DC, 'Master Jailer', está previsto que debute en la serie de "Supergirl" de la CBS (Lunes 8/7c), que recientemente ha sido premiada como Nuevo Drama de TV Favorito en los 2016 People’s Choice Awards.

Jeff Branson (The Young and the Restless) ha sido escogido para el papel recurrente de 'Master Jailer'. "Como el enérgico e implacable guardián de la cárcel de Fort Rozz, Master Jailer no mostró piedad. Ahora en la Tierra, está decidido a atrapar a todos los fugados de Fort Rozz y llevarles brutalmente ante la justicia". El ver cómo sus prisioneros escapados desatan su ira en National City sólo avivará su vigilante interior, y sale en una cacería sin piedad para atrapar a los prisioneros y restaurar la justicia del universo.

Debutará en el episodio 1.14 que se emitirá el 22 de febrero y que el productor Andrew Kreisberg define con una palabra "Cadenas".

En los cómics, el personaje es un genio que es capaz de crear trampas que han llegado cerca de derrotar al mayor de los superhéroes. Como artista del escapismo sus únicos dos iguales son Batman y Mister Miracle. De hecho, sus orígenes son muy similares a los del Hombre de Acero: "Carl Draper creció en Smallville, y sufrió el apodo de "Moosie" porque era gordo, feúcho y torpe. Nunca pareció muy brillante, aunque era adepto a escaparse de trampas. Una vez, cuando el Club de Geología del Smallville High se quedó atrapado en una cueva, encontró una manera de salir - pero nunca tuvo la ocasión de contárselo a nadie, ya que Superboy salvó al grupo. Carl también estaba loco por Lana Lang, quien sólo tenía ojos para Superboy. Su deseo por impresionar a Lana - y a los otros - llevó a Carl a hacer un régimen de ejercicios y dieta que reemplazaron su gordura con músculos. Su cara feúcha cambió gracias a la cirugía estética, y estudió duro, convirtiéndose en un maestro arquitecto y cerrajero. De hecho fue más allá que muchos otros, perfeccionando habilidades científicas sólo superadas por algunos pocos, tales como Luthor o Sivana".

El anuncio se ha hecho durante la sesión de "Supergirl" de la Warner Bros. Television en la Television Critics Association Winter 2016 Press Tour en los estudios de la Warner Bros.

http://www.cbs.com/shows/supergirl/news ... er-jailer/
http://warnerbrostv.tumblr.com/post/137 ... indigo-and
http://tvline.com/2016/01/11/supergirl- ... -season-1/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.12 "Bizarro":
1.12 "Bizarro" (01-02-16): KARA SE ENFRENTA CON SU IMAGEN EN EL ESPEJO CUANDO UNA VERSIÓN PERVERSA DE SUPERGIRL PRETENDE DESTRUIRLA - Kara se enfrenta contra su imagen en el espejo cuando Bizarro (Hope Lauren), una versión perversa de Supergirl, pretende destruirla. También, Kara se acerca más al hijo de Cat, Adam (Blake Jenner). Estrellas invitadas: Jenna Dewan-Tatum como 'Lucy Lane'; Peter Facinelli como la 'Maxwell Lord'; Blake Jenner como 'Adam'; Hope Lauren como 'Bizarro'; Michael Albala como 'Doctor'; Carly Nykanen como 'Empleado #1)'; Nick Jaine como 'Empleado #2' y Kent Shocknek como 'Presentador'. Escrito por Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa & Rachel Shukert y dirigida por John Showalter.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/01/superg ... press.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Portada del Cómic #1 de "Supergirl" por Cat Staggs:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set de la S1 (11-17 enero 2016):

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(@jeremymjordan: People always ask me what I do in my trailer between scenes... #Supergirl @laurabenanti
@Lexialex: I will miss this super talented bunch...#Supergirl
@davidharewood: # repost @tengstagram @mehcadbrooks @jennalddewan #SUPERGIRL #SUPGIRL
@mehcadbrooks: Think Jimmy Olsen has enough cameras #supergirl #jimmyolsen #newolsen #camera #photography
@jennaldewan: How we do set breaks #Supergirl
@davidharewood: Because I'm happy! @Lexialex @melissabenoist @davidharewood #Supergirlcbs #Supgirl
@mehcadbrooks: I think therefore I am
@aliadler: Daily dose of donut. @melissabenoist @supergirlcbs #supergirl #saturday #sprinkles
@tengstagram: I think we make a strong case for an ALEX DANVERS Lego minifig. #supergirl @chy_leigh @davidharewood @supergirlofficial
@DavidHarewood: A fabulous pair or double D's.#Supergirlcbs #Supgirl
@karterhol: When U get a method actor like #HenryCzerny 2 play #Toyman, he brings his own yo-yo! @DavidHarewood @JeremyMJordan)

- Imágenes bts del 1.09 "Blood Bonds":

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(thanks to @karterhol)

- Nuevos videos bts en el set de la S1 (11-01-16):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Un conocido Proyecto aparecerá en el episodio 1.17 de "Supergirl":
Desde el pasado fin de semana, no dejan de salir informaciones relacionadas con la serie de la CW "Supergirl".

Los productores, durante los TCA que se están celebrabndo en L.A., nos han ido dando pistas sobre los episodios 12-15 de la segunda mitad de la temporada, y hoy nos han dado otro nuevo sobre el episodio 1.17.

Según TVInsider.com, Andrew Kreisberg ha mencionado que el 'Proyecto Cadmus' aparecerá en el episodio:
"Llevamos el Proyecto Cadmus a Supergirl en el episodio 17. Cómo va a ser personificado, aún no estamos seguros."
Una de las cosas más interesantes de dicho proyecto, es que son los responsables del origen de 'Superboy'.

Todos sabemos que hace un mes o así se produjo un cásting para encontrar al actor que interpretara al Kal-el joven. Quizá esto signifique que, finalmente, Kal-El tendrá más presencia que la de tan sólo uno o dos episodios.

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/65433/ ... t-project/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Promo #1:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/63ed8bc9-a6dc-4 ... b1f6531e56

- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #3:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #4:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #5:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #6:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #7:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.10 "Childish Things" Clip #8:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Más detalles sobre el trágico origen del "Bizarro" de Hope Lauren:
En el episodio 1.12 "Bizarro", Melissa se entrentará cara aa cara con la versión inversa de sí misma interpretada por la actriz Hope Lauren. Sin embargo, de acuerdo al productor Andrew Kreisberg, Bizarro reoresentará algo más que el villano de la semana para Kara.

"Cat acuña su Bizarro, lo que es muy apropiado. Ya que ella dice, puedo ponerle el nombre a Supergirl, puedo nombrar a sus enemigos. La cosa mayor de ello y que fue una sorpresa para nosotros a medida que construíamos el personaje y el arco fue lo triste que es Bizarro," le dice Kreisberg a EW. "De alguna manera, pensamos en ella como en el monstruo de Frankenstein. Ella es un monstruo, pero tiene el corazón puro de un niño. Irónicamente, en el episodio, cuando todo el mundo está diciendo, 'Tenemos que idear una manera para destruirla,' Kara es la única que está diciendo, 'No, no, no, tenemos que salvarla.' Eso hace el episodio tan emblemático y lo que es especial sobre Kara. Está buscando salvar a todo el mundo, incluso si son los malos."

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/01/13/su ... zarro-girl

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kreisberg, Adler y Harewood hablan sobre el episodio en el que se revela cómo 'Martian Manhunter' se convirtió en 'Hank Henshaw':
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Durante los pasados episodios de "Supergirl," la verdadera identidad de Hank Henshaw como J'onn J'onzz -- aka Martian Manhunter -- ha sido lentamente revelada a personajes como Kara y Alex Danvers. Como J'onn le dijo a Alex, el verdadero Henshaw y su padre, Jeremiah, murieron en un intento por capturar a Martian -- y, según el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg, la serie pronto revelará lo que pasó en esa funesta noche.

"En realidad vamos a ver... cómo J'onn se convirtió en... Hank en un próximo episodios," reveló Kreisberg en la Television Critics Association winter press tour. "Pienso que parte del Hank Henshaw que hemos visto en nuestra serie, ese J'onn está habitando, es un efecto. Está haciéndose pasar por alguien."

"Pero pienso que hay un aspecto del personaje de Hank Henshaw [que] se supone de estar protegiendo el mundo de la destrucción. Y pienso que J'onn, debajo de eso, se lo toma muy en serio, al igual que Kara, quien lo ha perdido todo. Él perdió a su familia; su mujer; su hijo. Es verdaderamente el último superviviente. Ni siquiera tiene un primo ahí afuera o una tía," dice.

"Por mucha experiencia que Hank le brinde a Kara, en términos de la D.E.O. en el mundo, Kara le brinda este nuevo salir al mundo, en términos de ser ella misma," continúa la productora Ali Adler. "Y pienso que para J'onn J'onzz, quien no conoce su forma familiar ya, ha estado por aquí desde hace mucho, mucho tiempo, y nunca ha sido capaz de caminar entre los humanos de la manera en la que Kara lo hace. Y por eso pienso que ella le enseña muchas cosas, en cierta manera, y es algo realmente dulce."

El productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti dice que el hacer a Hank J’onn no fue motivado simplemente por querer meter a otro superhéroe de DC en la serie, señalando, “Sabíamos que íbamos a tener un giro con el personaje de Hank y que quizá iba a ir en la línea de Cyborg Superman. Hablamos con DC al principio del año y le preguntamos qué personajes podíamos tener, dónde, quiénes quizá íbamos a usar. Por un tiempo, pienso que habían hablado sobre el hacer una serie de Martian Manhunter, así es que nunca pensé que eso estuviera sobre la mesa. Pero cuando todo el mundo vio lo que David estaba haciendo y vimos una oportunidad, pensamos, ‘Wow, si vas a tener una personificación humana de J'onn J'onzz, este es a quien queremos.’”

David Harewood, quien interpreta al personaje, también sopesó el cómo descubrió la verdadera identidad de su personaje, compartiendo, "Realmente no conocía para nada que iba a interpretar a J'onn J'onzz cuando hice el piloto. El piloto fue, diría, una experiencia un poco incómoda, porque realmente no podía encontrar un ángulo con Hank. Mucha parte del piloto fue revalador, así es que no era particularmente fácil por decirlo, no era particularmente fácil de disfrutar. Pero tan pronto como me dijeron que iba a interpretar a J'onn J'onzz... y me dieron toda esa pila de cómics y un pequeño modelo de J'onn J'onzz, y me fui a casa esa tarde y leí como 8 horas de cómics estupendos, me quedé alucinado. Pensé que este personaje tenía una increíble historia, trasfondo y mitología."

"Y no tenía ni idea de que era tan popular entre la comunidad de DC, y también entre la comunidad negra, quienes han visto a J'onn J'onzz casi como una persona negra honoraria, sobre lo que me sentí realmente contento," añade. "Pero está siendo un gran viaje, un viaje realmente fantástico para mí como actor, porque simplemente hay mucho que hacer. Como digo, un increíble trasfondo, y estoy absolutamente encantado de que esto haya caído en m i regazo. En cuanto a donde va el Hank Henshaw real, es muy divertido el interpretarlo. Es un sádico absoluto."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... nk-henshaw

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La "Legion of Super-Heroes" podría aparecer en "Supergirl" o "Legends Of Tomorrow":
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Una de las series de TV basadas en DC va a hacer una reverencia a la venerable "Legion of Super-Heroes", según nos informa TVLine — ¿Pro cuál de ellas será?

Durante el pasado fin de semana en la Television Critics Association winter press tour en Pasadena, L.A., el jefe de DC Entertainment y escritor de cómics Geoff Johns compartió con los periodistas después del panel de "Legends" de la CW que, “Veréis una pista de la Legion en una de nuestras series.”

“Seguid viendo,” dijo, cuidadoso de no identificar de qué serie se tratará.

Johns escribió el episodio de la S8 de "Smallville" titulado “Legion” donde se introdujeron a los miembros del equipo 'Cosmic Boy', 'Saturn Girl' y 'Lightning Lad'.

La Legión podría ser apuntada muy lógicamente en la serie de la CBS "Supergirl", ya que tanto Superboy como Supermán han tenido que ver con el grupo en muchas encarnaciones. Pero también, está el elemento del viaje a través del tiempo de la Legion, lo que podría sugerir que la serie de "Legends of Tomorrow" podrían proporcionar un lugar para encajar muy orgánico.

Además de la sutil “pista” que está por llegar, Johns parecía preparado a que eventualmente se pudieran tener al algunos de los Legionarios en carne y hueso.

“Adoro a la Legion,” dijo. “Están infrautilizados y con suerte los tendremos ahí afuera pronto.”

http://tvline.com/2016/01/14/supergirl- ... perheroes/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Melissa Benoist dice que el interpretar a Supergirl la enseñó a valorarse a sí misma (CBR):
Melissa Benoist dice que el interpretar a Supergirl la enseñó a valorarse a sí misma
Por Scott Huver 15 Enero, 2016

Over the past few months, Melissa Benoist has certainly gotten a sense of what "Up, up and away" feels like.

As the star of CBS' freshmen series "Supergirl," which hit big ratings heights immediately upon takeoff, the former "Glee" actress became an overnight icon as the current TV incarnation of Kara Zor-El. Her face and flying figure were everywhere in the fall, from buses to billboards to the sides of buildings. Viewer interest has remained strong as the series soars into the second half of its first season.

During a recent set visit by the Television Critics Association, Benoist joined a small group of reporters including CBR News to reveal the effects the show's success and the DC Comics-based character's innate decency have had on her on and off screen.

Has being this character changed you in terms of feeling what she inspires?

Melissa Benoist: Oh completely, yeah. It's really, definitely taught me, I've never really been a passive person or a meek, I wouldn't say, but I definitely know what it feels like to be a wallflower and to not want to impose and to be a yes man. This job in definitely teaching me to stand up for myself and to not take any -- I don't want to say a bad word. This is me being modest -- not take any crap, yeah.

Do you also feel that sort of inherent goodness in her? Is she almost an example to you?

Yeah, I mean, what she stands for I think would be difficult for anyone to live up to, in today's world especially. She totally holds me to those standards just in playing her every day.

How has your life changed personally since this went on the air? Are you buying yourself anything special for a treat?

Everyone's always asking me that, but you know what? My life is here, really. I spend most of it [on set] at Warner Bros. I'm saving. I'm being smart. My mother would be proud of me!

How much ownership do you take of the costume now? When you see yourself in it, do you feel like, "That's me!"

Totally. Now, yes. I think I've gotten to the point where I feel very comfortable in it. I feel like every time it's on, I know something hard is coming up. Whether it's a fight or some kind of crazy, emotional scene with someone that is a nemesis or something that is hurting her because I think Supergirl putting on the suit entails putting on all of her baggage, to me.

It's not too uncomfortable, unless it's 103 degrees outside -- which we've done some days like that! You get a little bit of, if it's really hot, nothing up [top] breathes. If it's really cold, my legs are exposed.

Did you go read the original to prep for the upcoming episode based on it?

Did I read the comic? Oh yeah! The whole episode, it's been my favorite to play. I think it's beautiful. It's got this "Wizard of Oz" type feel to it. We talked so much about how Kara has lost and how important Krypton was to her, and to actually be Kara Zor-El on Krypton was a pretty magical feeling.

What does it mean to you to have this sorority, in a sense, of Supergirls, with Helen Slater and now Laura Vandervoort involved in the show?

It just feels good to honor the past. Not many people have played this character before. It's a special thing to be a part of. Not many people play Kryptonians, really. That's rare and unique. So I feel like Laura is an amazing addition to our show.

How much of a relief was it that the show was so well-received?

Well, there's always trepidation. Especially when something's being pushed. We were advertised everywhere. That was the only moment that I felt any trepidation like, "Oh God, that's going to be embarrassing if no one likes it." I never really had any true fear. I knew that most everyone would be able to take something away from it.

How is it working with your husband Blake Jenner again?

A dream! Any chance that we could ever have to work together I'll take. I love working with him.

Is there a romance going on between Kara and Cat's son?

There are sparks, yes. He definitely complicates things.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... or-herself

- Melissa Benoist sobre Alan Moore, Krypton y Laura Vandervoort (nerdreport):
Melissa Benoist sobre Alan Moore, Krypton y Laura Vandervoort
Por Fred Topel 16 enero, 2016

I’d been waiting 31 years to see a solid new Supergirl, and I loved the new CBS series from the moment I saw the pilot. Actually, from the moment I saw Melissa Benoist in costume. The show has continued to live up to my expectations with some specific episodes, so I was excited to visit the set with the Television Critics Association and speak with Benoist about the show.

Producers revealed that an upcoming episode would be based on the Alan Moore series “For the Man Who Has Everything,” only adapted for Supergirl. Smallville Supergirl Laura Vandervoort is joining the cast as Indigo, and Benoist’s husband Blake Jenner is guest starring as well. Supergirl airs Monday nights at 8 on CBS.

Nerd Report: I know the show is a lot of work. Have you fallen into a rhythm yet?

Melissa Benoist: It’s always kind of an uphill battle in a really good way. It’s always challenging me. It’s always pushing me to another limit physically, mentally, emotionally. So I’m still figuring out the balance but I think it’s getting to an even keel.

Nerd Report: How much ownership do you take of the costume? When you see yourself in it, do you feel like, “That’s me?”

Melissa Benoist: Totally. Now, yes, I think I’ve gotten to the point where I feel very comfortable in it and I feel like every time it’s on, I know something hard is coming up. Whether it’s a fight or some kind of crazy emotional scene with someone that is a nemesis or someone that is hurting her. I think putting on the suit entails putting on all her baggage to me.

Q: Has playing this character changed you, feeling what she inspires in little kids and a lot of people?

Melissa Benoist: Oh, completely. It’s really definitely taught me. I’ve never really been a passive person or meek, I wouldn’t say, but I definitely know what it feels like to be a wallflower and to no want to impose and to be a yes man. This job is definitely teaching me to stand up for myself and not take any… I don’t want to say a bad word. This is me being modest. Not take any crap, yeah.

Q: Do you feel that inherent goodness? Is she an example to you?

Melissa Benoist: Yeah, what she stands for I think would be difficult for anyone to live up to in today’s world especially. She totally holds me to those standards, just in playing her every day.

Nerd Report: Did you go read “For the Man Who Has Everything” for the upcoming “For the Girl Who Has Everything” episode?

Melissa Benoist: Oh yeah, and the whole episode has been my favorite to play. I think it’s beautiful. It’s got this Wizard of Oz type feel to it. We talk so much about how much Kara has lost and how important Krypton was to her and to actually be Kara Zor-El on Krypton was a pretty magical feeling.

Q: How uncomfortable is the suit?

Melissa Benoist: It’s not too uncomfortable unless it’s 103 degrees outside which we’ve done some days like that.

Nerd Report: Now that it’s winter has it been better to shoot?

Melissa Benoist: Yes, yeah. It’s kind of hard because either/or, if it’s really hot nothing up here breathes. If it’s really cold, my legs are exposed.

Q: How excited are you that Laura Vandervoort, another Supergirl, is coming to the show?

Melissa Benoist: It just feels good to honor the past. Not many people have played this character before and it’s a special thing to be a par of. Not many people have played Kryptonians really and that’s rare and unique. I feel like Laura is an amazing addition to our show.

Q: How much of a relief was it that the show was ultimately well received?

Melissa Benoist: There’s always trepidation, especially when something’s being pushed. We were advertised everywhere. That was the only moment that I felt any trepidation, like, “Oh God, that’s going to be embarrassing if no one likes it.” I never really had any true fear. I knew that most everyone would be able to take something away from it.

Q: How was it working with Blake on an episode?

Melissa Benoist: A dream. Any chance that we could ever have to work together, we will take. I love working with him.

Q: Is it a romantic storyline?

Melissa Benoist: There are sparks, yes. He definitely complicates things.

Q: What did it mean to you to explore the subplot about how women are judged for how they manage anger?

Melissa Benoist: Well, I want to say that is one of my favorite episodes that we’ve done to date, just because of what I got to explore in that theme of women’s expectations on how to handle anger. And I didn’t realize when we started shooting and when I got to do those scenes where it was literally just all hell broke loose, how good that felt because of how little I do that in my daily life (laughs). It’s, like, that’s kind of interesting.

Q: How has your life changed personally since this came on? Have you bought anything for yourself?

Melissa Benoist: Everyone’s always asking me that but my life is here really. I spend most of it at Warner Brothers and no, I don’t. I’m saving. I’m being smart. My mother would be proud of me.

Q: You didn’t buy a house?

Melissa Benoist: I’d like to someday.

Q: What’s on your wishlist?

Melissa Benoist: Another dog, I don’t know. I already have three.

Q: Kara is very preppy. What is your style?

Melissa Benoist: Oh, you know what, it totally depends on my mood. Lately it’s been a lotta sweatpants and whatever I roll out of bed in.

Q: If you have to go to an event, what do you like to wear?

Melissa Benoist: I always tend to go towards simple, understated, minimal. Usually I’m not too flashy.

Q: Any favorite designers?

Melissa Benoist: I love Marc Jacobs. I don’t know, I’m not too much into fashion. I wish I was.

Q: What are your passions outside of work?

Melissa Benoist: I love riding bicycles. I love making pottery. I love my DS. I love my dogs. I’m pretty simple. I love reading. I’m kind of a bookworm.

http://www.nerdreport.com/2016/01/16/su ... ndervoort/

- El compositor de "Supergirl" Blake Neely habla con "Pop Culture Tonight":

http://popculturetonight.com/william-b- ... ake-neely/

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Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

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- Cómo manejará Winn el regreso de 'Toyman' a National City (TVGuide):
Los problemas de padres e hijos van a ser el problema central de "Supergirl" cuando este lunes el padre de Winn (Jeremy Jordan), aka Toyman (Henry Czerny), regrese a National City.

Winn ha hecho comentarios sobre que su padre estaba en la cárcel, aunque todos esos sentimientos reprimidos saldrán a la luz a toda potencia cuando su padre se enfrente a la mejor amiga de Winn. "Descubrimos quién es mi padre," le cuenta Jordan a TVGuide durante una reciente visita al set. "No es un tipo muy bueno. Intenta atarme a su mundo de nuevo, cosa con lo que Winn no quiere tener nada que ver."

La inesperada reunión familiar tendrá grandes consecuencias para Winn, quien ha tratado fuertemente de poner una barrera entre su vida familiar y su vida en National City con Kara (Melissa Benoist) y la misión de Supergirl. "Él está tratando de olvidar completamente esa parte de su vida, meterla en una caja y nunca hablar de ello de nuevo," dice Jordan. "El hecho de que se vea forzado a enfrentarlo y lidiar con ello evoca muchas cosas que ha estado suprimiendo. Ves que trata con todo con un poco de humor, pero eso viene de un lugar de defensa. Empezamos a ver que ese mecanismo de defensa se rompe a lo grande. Consecuentemente, afecta a otras cosas que están pasando en su vida al mismo tiempo."

La forzada reconciliación de quién es su padre también afecta al deseo de ayudar a Kara y la DEO de derrotar a los tipos malos. Los fans puede que vean un lado distinto de Winn durante un tiempo. "Va a ser una situación muy complicada," dice Jordan. "Pienso que al final volverá, pero no creo que vaya a ser fácil," dice Jordan. "Una vez que se ve forzado a lidiar con esto, no puedes tan sólo volver como si nada. Tienes que lidiar con cosas."

El aspecto positivo es que al romperse los muros de Winn puede finalmente permitirle el hacer progresos sobre sus sentimientos por Kara. "Hay muchas cosas que se caen que no son divertidas y Winn tiene que encontrar la fortaleza para superar el tema de su padre y sus otros miedos," dice Jordan. "Veremos un poco más de desarrollo en la historia con su amistad con Kara también."

http://www.tvguide.com/news/supergirl-w ... onal-city/

- Jeremy Jordan: La 'Desafiante' reunión de Winn con su padre Toyman traerá 'oscuras emociones' (TVLine):
Jeremy Jordan: La 'Desafiante' reunión de Winn con su padre Toyman traerá 'oscuras emociones'
Por Rebecca Iannucci / 18 enero 2016, 6:00 AM PST

Supergirl fans, you might want to savor the fun, quippy side of Winn Schott while it lasts. Because in tonight’s episode (CBS, 8/7c), that lightheartedness is nowhere to be found.

Though Jeremy Jordan‘s lovesick IT whiz has mostly been utilized for a well-placed one-liner, the character will enter much darker territory when he is reunited with his estranged father, Winslow Schott, Sr. aka DC Comics’ The Toyman (played by Revenge alum Henry Czerny).

Considering Winn has previously told Kara about his dad’s bad deeds, Jordan is able to sum up the father-son relationship in just two words: “Not good.”

“It parallels Kara’s relationship [with her birth parents] a bit, because she feels abandoned even though they had to do what they had to do,” Jordan shares. “For Winn, it was abandonment without a reason and without understanding. We’ll learn a little more about why and what that was. He’s definitely holding on to some deep, dark emotions when it comes to confronting his dad that are brought to the surface very quickly.”

In fact, Winn’s interactions with his father won’t just be contained to this week’s hour. According to Jordan, those deep-seeded daddy issues will have a ripple effect across the rest of Season 1 and will largely explain why Winn is so quick to deliver a punchline.

“You start to see what’s behind the fun quippiness and why Winn is like that. Nobody’s that light-hearted all the time,” he teases. “It’s compensating for something. We really get to have an idea of why he’s always being the happy-go-lucky guy. It was a really challenging episode for me.”

But that doesn’t mean Winn is immune to the evil that runs in his family. Though Jordan admits it’s “going to take a lot for Winn to go [to the dark side]” and perhaps one day succeed his father as a next-gen Toyman, “it’s clearly in his blood. I can’t rule it out, because I don’t know what their big plans are for the whole series.”

http://tvline.com/2016/01/18/supergirl- ... n-preview/

- ¡Toyman llega a Supergirl! Jeremy Jordan sobre la Reunión de Winn con su padre el criminal (TVInsider):
¡Toyman llega a Supergirl! Jeremy Jordan sobre la Reunión de Winn con su padre el criminal
Por Damian Holbrook 18 Enero, 2016 9:30 am

Make room for daddy! Winn's convict father (Revenge's Henry Czerny) is busting out all over on Supergirl and it's gonna be far from a happy reunion. "For Winn, it's a bit more of an emotional rollercoaster," previews Jeremy Jordan of Monday night's episode, which reveals that Papa Schott is actually the DC Comics baddie Toyman.

As viewers will recall, Winn told Kara (Melissa Benoist) that his dad was behind bars during the Thanksgiving episode, but he never mentioned why. And with good cause. While not the classic supervillain of the comics or the madman of rough play previously seen on Smallville, Jordan says that this Toyman is a "not-sane person." He went on a murderous rampage after being betrayed by the toy-company boss who stole his ahead-of-their-time designs. "And being imprisoned," jokes Jordan, "I am sure he's gotten a little more crazy."

What his long-MIA father's return means for the younger Schott "is nothing good," continues Jordan, adding that his character's immediate reaction is to shut down and keep the secret from his superposse. "But he finds out pretty soon that his dad is not going to allow that to happen and he seeks him out immediately. Luckily, Winn's best friend is Supergirl, so he doesn't have to deal with it completely alone."

The one good thing that could come out of such a Schott-y situation (sorry) is that this perilous matter just might bring Winn and Kara closer, especially now that James (Mechad Brooks) has basically given him the OK to pursue his office crush. "I don't think she fully understands how he feels about her," explains Jordan. "But she becomes his confidante in this whole situation and because of that, their relationship is almost forced to prematurely take another step...when these extreme circumstances happen, things we've been keeping below the circumstances tend to bubble up."

Bubble up or get downright steamy? "I can't tell you that!" laughs the actor. "We definitely see a development in their potentially romantic, more-than-friends relationship."

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/66917/ ... er-toyman/?

- Productores de "Supergirl" adelantan a Bizarro, Indigo y "For the Girl Who Has Everything" (CBR):
Productores de "Supergirl" adelantan a Bizarro, Indigo y "For the Girl Who Has Everything"
Por Scott Huver 18 Enero, 2016

With so much happening in the world of CBS’s "Supergirl,” can even the Girl of Steel keep up with all the tweaks and twists on DC Comics mythology that producers throw at her?

Just last week it was announced that Laura Vandervoort, who played Kara Zor-El on “Smallville,” has been cast as the alien biocomputer Indigo, and that the series will introduce its own spin on Alan Moore’s classic Superman story “For the Man Who Has Everything.”

Following that on-set press conference for members of the Television Critics Association, “Supergirl” executive producers Andrew Kreisbeg and Sarah Schechter joined a smaller group of reporters to put even finer points on those announcements, as well to add details about the show's takes on some other DC Comics characters, including Bizarro and Silver Banshee.

Andrew Kreisberg: There’s going to be an episode coming up that’s going to have Melissa [Benoist], Laura Vandervoort and Helen Slater all in the same episode; we’ll have three generations of Supergirls. And to think that the next Supergirl, who’s still a little girl, is out there watching this -- we always consider ourselves to be the custodians of this leg of the journey. But these characters came before us, and they’re going to come after us. We’re just the lucky ones who get to be at the wheel for this portion of the ride.

Is Helen in the same episode as Laura?

Kreisberg: She’s not in that episode, but another episode.

Is the “For the Girl Who Has Everything” storyline the episode that we've heard has young Kal-El in it?

Kreisberg: That would be a good guess.

Thirty years ago, DC Comics said "We are going to let Supergirl go," with an iconic image of Superman holding her in “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” And now, who would have thought, 30 years later. … What is it about this character that keeps coming back?

Kreisberg: I think for us, Clark was raised in Kansas from the time he was a baby. For all intents and purposes, he’s a Kansan; he’s an American. He came from Krypton, but he really has the attitude and the growth and the childhood and everything about him is human. For Kara, she grew up on this alien paradise with other worlds. She’s been to multiple planets, she’s met multiple alien races. That was before she left. And all of that was taken away and suddenly she was alone. Her mother was dead and her father was dead. She was going to junior high in a beach community in California.

Sarah Schechter: As we know, junior high is a terrible place on any planet.

Kreisberg: It’s a terrible place on any planet. So I think that that pathos that’s been built into the character, for us, just made it far more interesting. And it’s no disrespect for Superman in any way, but I just think that there’s so much more to Kara to play. Without that backstory, you don’t really get episodes like “Red Faced” with the Red Tornado. You don’t get episodes like “Blood Bonds.”

In a way, I think it actually makes “For the Girl Who Had Everything” even more evocative, because she’s now going back to a place she remembers, as opposed to, geez, I always wanted this to be true. She’s actually getting back everything that was taken away from her. The only way out of it is to reject it. Imagine how horrible that’s going to be.

What can you tease for the Bizarro episode that’s been announced?

Kreisberg: Cat coins her Bizarro, which I think is very appropriate. As she says, "I named Supergirl, I can name her enemies." I think the biggest thing about that it was sort of a surprise for us as we were constructing the character and the arc is how sad Bizarro is. In a way, we sort of think about her like Frankenstein. She’s a monster, but she has a pure child’s heart.

Ironically, in the episode, while everyone else is saying we’ve got to figure out a way to destroy her, Kara is the only one to say, "No, no, we have to save her." I think that makes that episode so emblematic what’s so special about Kara, that she’s looking to save everybody, even if they’re the bad guy.

With Indigo, are there any inside jokes to Laura’s past role as Supergirl?

Kreisberg: I’m trying to think, in the script … First of all, when the show was announced, Laura sent out the sweetest tweet just saying how honored she had been and how excited she was for Melissa. That meant so much to me. I just thought it was such a classy move. Then I met her at the Saturn Awards. We had such a great talk. There has actually been a couple of other parts that we tried to get her for but she wasn’t free because “Bitten” is in production. As always, with casting, I always find that when a role doesn’t work out with somebody, it’s because the right role is coming down the pike.

And now to have her step in and be a recurring character on the show. Even at that first table read, it was like, we always introduce the guest cast, but to sit there and to say, "Brainiac 8 as Indigo, we have Laura Vandervoort here." Badass. She’s going to look awesome. She’s definitely not going to look just like Laura

Anything you can tease about how she comes in? Who she’s connected to?

Well, being one aspect of the Brainiac Program, she comes in through computers. So Winn is actively involved in that episode. She has a very interesting backstory: She was one of the Fort Rozz prisoners, but how she came to be and she ended up in the prison, what she’s been doing on Earth is part of the fun of the surprise of the episode.

Schechter: Her backstory fits in quite nicely and is integral to our overarching mythology, which is great.

Are there some other specific stories from the comics that you’re really looking for ways to translate to a “Supergirl” story or character?

Kreisberg: No, We’ve never looked at the show as a Superman show that we could just plug Supergirl in; she is such a different character. There was just something about that particular story that to me is almost even more resonant for her. For Superman, when it happens to him, it’s his wish for something that he never had. But for her, she wants something back that was taken from her. So it really is like her stepping into this fantasy of what life would have been like if she had never left Krypton, if she’d grown up there, if her parents were still alive, if she had grown into the person and had the life that she wanted to lead.

Again, because it’s coming at a time where she’s feeling so low about her life on Earth, it becomes that much more potent and because, really, it’s the Black Mercy, it’s a bit of a sirens call. She wants to hear it now more than ever. So again, it’s not like we’re sitting around combing through old Superman books. It’s no disrespect to Superman, who I love. It’s just that this is Supergirl and it just so happened that that one particular “Superman” story I thinks works even better for Supergirl than it did for him in some ways.

Will you have to do any casting for that? Do we see her father?

Kreisberg: We’ve seen him a couple of times. Zor-El is definitely in it, but it’s also the episode that features young Kal-El.

Who’s the villain of the piece?

Kreisberg: The villain in that episode? It’s her fate, if she doesn’t make the right choice.

What about Silver Banshee?

Kreisberg: Silver Banshee will be making an appearance. How that happens we’re going to keep under wraps – we’ve told you so much! My God. Again, just like when we brought Colton [Haynes] on to “Arrow,” we brought on the character of Roy Harper. That didn’t mean that we were going to turn him into Arsenal right away. You saw there was a progression. So we have Italia Ricci, who’s so amazing. We can’t wait for people to get a look at her playing Siobhan Smythe and how, why, when, if she becomes Silver Banshee. If.

You guys have been so successful incubating other series on your DC shows. Did you see this as a vehicle to do that? Or do you really want to keep it strictly to Supergirl’s world?

Schechter: One day at a time.

Kreisberg: One day at a time. Right now, as we’re doing this, yesterday we talked about “Legends.” This show has been incredibly difficult from a production standpoint, far more than we were anticipating. So while we’re so thrilled with where the show is creatively, we’re really just now getting to a great place with it. A great place to our ability to actually realize what it is that we’re writing. I think you saw that [here] in episodes eight and nine. You’re going to see that moving forward. So for right now, we’re just trying to … we’re happy with what we have and where we’re at.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... everything

- Jeremy Jordan habla sobre las retorcidas familias atadas a Toyman (CBR):
Jeremy Jordan habla sobre las retorcidas familias atadas a Toyman
Por Bryan Cairns 18 Enero, 2016

Supergirl's best friend Winn Schott (Jeremy Jordan) has major daddy issues -- and for good reason. His father, the diabolical Toyman (Henry Czerny), transforms toys and games into deadly weapons. In the DC Comics source material, the Toyman is one of Superman's most twisted adversaries. Now, he's broken out of prison to pay Winn a visit.

Ahead of tonight's all-new episode on CBS, "Childish Things," Jeremy Jordan spoke to CBR about Winn's screwed-up childhood, confronting his father and whether he is destined to follow in the Toyman's footsteps. In addition, Jordan weighed in on Winn's growing importance to Team Supergirl and his bromance with James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks).

CBR News: When you signed on to "Supergirl," how aware were you of the baggage associated with your character's name, Winn Schott? Did you assume he would eventually become the Toyman?

Jeremy Jordan: I guess I did do that at first, but I will say it never really factored in to how I played the character. I just did what was written. I've watched enough television and read enough genre stuff to know there were things, in terms of turning into a bad guy, that are never immediate. There's always something that happens or turns them. I think it's safe to say I found out shortly after that Winn's father was actually the Toyman.

That's not to say he doesn't have the genes within him. That's one of the big struggles we will see with Winn. It's probably one of the reasons Winn is this happy-go-lucky, quippy, whimsical character. It's all a sort of defense mechanism. He's actually terrified of what his father is and the fact he might have that inside of him as well. He'll be dealing with that in the upcoming episode. I thought it was a cool idea and we'll see how the series goes, but, for now, Winn is still a good guy.

In "Childish Things," Winn's dad and the original Toyman, Winslow Schott, Sr., breaks out of prison and pays his son a visit. What does he want?

Dad has some mental issues. Basically, the idea is when Winn was a kid, his dad loses his marbles and kills somebody. His dad, who is loved and idolized, turns into this maniac. His dad now feels like he went off to prison and deprived Winn of a real childhood and a father. What he wants to do is come back. He still thinks of Winn as this 13-year-old kid and he wants to teach him all the wonderful things he should have given Winn as a child. It sounds great, but coming from a maniacal killer, it's a "lovely sentiment."

How excited were you to delve into some of Winn's pain, angst and backstory?

Very excited. I love playing Winn and one of the reasons I was so excited about the role is he is a lot different from must characters I've played. I tend to play a little bit darker characters. Winn is so much more like me in terms of the sense of humor and his goofiness and having fun. At the same time, that's one dimension. For me, especially doing a television show, when you are filming and everything is so segmented and pieced out, it's a bunch of short scenes and a couple of jokes in it.

There wasn't a lot of meaty stuff, so when I read the script, I was very excited to flex those muscles. There were a few things in the episode that I got to play that I've never really done before in any other show or movie. It was really fun to find that darker side of me and then put it into Winn. It was very gratifying.

So far, Winn hasn't really participated in Supergirl's capers. How much fun was it being involved in the action?

It was a lot of fun. I loved being there when they were doing stunt work. I got to hang out and be around a lot of gunfire. It was really one of the only episodes I got to shoot on location because I mostly have my stuff at CatCo, which is on the Warner Bros. lot. That was fun, traveling around.

Let's talk about another of Winn's relationships. There seems to be a bromance between him and James Olsen. What does he make of James?

At first, Winn had a secret, envious relationship with him. Over the course of time, he found out that James is actually a really good guy and that they work well together. Because of their shared affinity for Kara, which, at this point, they are both kind of realizing is happening with each other - that they are both into the same girl -- that has brought a bigger connection. Throughout the season, you'll see their relationship strengthening.

It's always been a fun relationship for Mehcad [Brooks] and I. It started really awkward and strange between Winn and James. Now, we are friends. It's nice because Winn doesn't have a lot of friends. In fact, I don't know if he has any friends besides Kara. Now, he has James. We see through this relationship with James that Winn is learning to let more people into his life. We'll see in Episode 10 why he doesn't let anybody in.

We have Maxwell Lord, Bizarro Supergirl, White Martians and Alura all lurking about. In what ways does Winn pitch in and fit into some of those storylines?

First of all, there's a pretty heavy aftermath of Episode 10. Winn won't be gone, but he's taking some time to recover. Winn doesn't really deal with the White Martian problem. Then, when the other players come along, Winn's specific set of skills -- which is he's this computer genius, sort of hack master, who has squandered his talents being an IT guy at CatCo -- are called on. He's the son of the Toyman, who is this genius inventor. As the series progresses, Winn starts to realize his own potential and so does everyone around him. He gets to help out a lot more.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -of-toyman

- Jeremy Jordan habla sobre el episodio “Childish Things” (ksitetv):
Jeremy Jordan habla sobre el episodio “Childish Things”
Por Craig Byrne 18 Enero, 2016

The Supergirl episode “Childish Things” airs tonight at 8PM ET/PT on CBS, and it reunites series regular character Winn (played by Jeremy Jordan) with his father, played by Revenge’s Henry Czerny. Comic book fans might want to note that Winn’s father is the Superman villain best known as the Toyman.

We spoke with actor Jeremy Jordan last month on the set of Supergirl for some details about what we can expect from tonight’s show.

“Henry Czerny is playing Winslow Schott Sr. who is the infamous Toyman, and as we know from previous episodes, he’s been in jail for a long time for doing bad things, which, if you have any comic book knowledge you can assume what some of those things might have been,” he teased. “Some things are gonna go down. We’re going to see a different side of Winn, which I’m very excited about. For the most part, [we’ve] seen this quirky, excitable, in love kind of character; kind of ‘sad puppy dog,’ but also really smart, ‘hacker dude,’ with the fun, quippy lines, but I was really excited when I read the script for Episode 10, because I get to delve a lot deeper. It’s a really challenging episode for me. It was rewarding do it – I haven’t seen it yet, or anything – but I’m really excited.”

With Winn’s father being this world’s Toyman, does it mean that the chances of Winn himself becoming the Toyman in the future are limited?

“I wouldn’t say that,” he said. “But I think as we know Winn now, and how he is, it’s going to take a lot for him to ‘go there.’ At this point, as far as we know, as far as I know about him, there’s not really that darkness in him. At least not that we’ve seen. Maybe it’s deep below the surface. It’s clearly in his blood, but I don’t know. I don’t want to say that Winn’s going to suddenly become this giant super-villain. I think that would just make no sense whatsoever. I can’t rule it out, because I don’t really know what their big plans are for the whole series.”

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/sup ... ngs/92763/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Supergirl: Jeremy Jordan on "Childish Things," Toyman, More (KsiteTV):

- Jeremy Jordan Talks Supergirl "Childish Things" (TVGoodness):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Mehcad Brooks PSA (Warner Bros. TV):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
