"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Lynda Carter Facebook Q&A (24-10-16):
https://www.facebook.com/TheCWSupergirl ... 286512830/

- EXCLUSIVE: 'Supergirl' Gets a Visit From Wonder Woman as Lynda Carter Guest Stars (etonline):

http://www.etonline.com/media/video/exc ... index.html

- La 'Wonder Woman' Lynda Carter le toca el turno como Presidenta (TVInsider):
La 'Wonder Woman' Lynda Carter le toca el turno como Presidenta
Por Damian Holbrook 24 Oct, 2016 9:45 am

Supergirl sure is keeping good company these days. After opening her sophomore season with a two-episode arc starring famous cousin Superman (Tyler Hoechlin), Melissa Benoist’s caped charmer, Kara Zor-El, will rub elbows with Wonder Woman herself in the October 24 episode when Lynda Carter guest stars as the president of the United States.
Lynda Carter, US actress, in costume in a studio portrait issued as publicity for the US television series, 'Wonder Woman', USA, circa 1977. The television series, based on the DC Comics character, starred Carter as 'Wonder Woman'.

“It’s beyond iconic,” exec producer Ali Adler says of the clever casting, which sprouted in part from her own hero worship of Carter’s star-making 1975–79 stint in the satin tights of DC Comics’ legendary Amazon. “Growing up, Wonder Woman was the paradigm of strength and intelligence. She was the female anchor of an [action series] at a time when just some sitcoms had female leads—Maude and stuff like that. She was a strong, intelligent female with a heart, so it wasn’t a question or debate as to who would play the president…it was always Lynda Carter.”

The desire to lasso the actress for the role of White House powerhouse Olivia Marsdin was so strong, in fact, that Team Supergirl was willing to wait for Carter to clear her schedule. “The producers called me last year and said, ‘You know, we really want you to do this part.’ And I said, ‘I’d love to! I think that sounds wonderful,’” recalls Carter, 65. Unfortunately, she already had her 93-year-old father’s wedding and a planned concert performance on the books at the same time she would have been needed on set. “I just couldn’t get things to work out then, but when the show was renewed and then moved to The CW, I said, ‘Absolutely!’”

No stranger to female superheroes who’ve jumped networks after one season—Wonder Woman premiered on ABC and then flew her invisible jet to CBS for her second and third seasons—Carter found an instant fan on set. “Lynda is truly all things wonderful—sorry for the pun!” says Benoist, confessing that she “felt pretty damn special” when Carter gave her a lesson in the Wonder Woman twirl. “She’s charming, strong and brassy, warm, smart and an amazing singer,” the actress says. “I was so impressed by what she told me about her experience during Wonder Woman. She was a pioneer for women.”

Now, she’s pioneering for aliens—the space kind. “The president is trying to create something called the Alien Amnesty Act and, you know, different people are going to have different reactions to that,” teases Adler. “Her life may be in danger as a result of coming out in support of aliens nationally.” In fact, after what’s being described by both Carter and Adler as “an incident” that ignites alien-versus-human tensions in National City, Marsdin will definitely need extra security during a visit to the new Department of Extra-Normal Operations facility. Sounds like a job for everyone’s favorite extraterrestrial—Supergirl!

“What President Marsdin stands for and is fighting for politically on the show is quite heroic, so naturally, Supergirl is in awe of her and a huge supporter,” Benoist explains. “Kara is basically the president’s biggest fan and has zero poker face about it.” Still, as Kara knows all too well herself, no hero is infallible. “They are allies, but I do think the president has a few secrets as well.”

Carter’s off-camera life has served as a kind of research for her small-screen Oval Office gig. As a resident of Washington, D.C., for the past three decades, she has been active in the capital’s social and philanthropic scene and has pretty much seen it all. Lately, however, “it’s getting so weird, I can’t even stand it,” she exclaims. “That’s why I decided to take over and actually become the president.”

As for her inspirations, Carter equates Marsdin’s style to the “elegance” of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her political stance to Hillary Clinton. She notes the similarities between the efforts of the woman who could become the country’s first female commander in chief and her CW surrogate’s pro-alien platform: “Olivia is doing what presidents should do, and that’s protecting a group of people that have been misunderstood,” Carter says.

And while the storyline does seem to echo current events, Adler is quick to veto the idea of Supergirl flying into West Wing territory. “It’s not that we’re a political show, but it was our moment to speak out about inclusion,” she says. “It’s a beautiful episode about seeing everyone equally.”

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/100672 ... president/

- Chris Wood sobre los nuevos poderes de Mon-El: "Es un niño en una tienda de caramelos" (TVGuide):
Chris Wood sobre los nuevos poderes de Mon-El: "Es un niño en una tienda de caramelos"
Por Megan Vick | 28 Oct, 2016 8:48 PM EDT

Mon-El (Chris Wood) is going to really enjoy National City now that he's out of his DEO cell on Supergirl.

After landing on Earth in a Kryptonian pod in the Season 1 finale, Mon-El is officially awake and just found out that his home planet of Daxam was destroyed when Krypton exploded. Now, he has to get used to a completely new planet where he knows no one. The plus side, though, is that Earth's sun gives Mon-El the same powers as Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Superman (Tyler Hoechlin).

TVGuide.com talked to Chris Wood about what's in store for Mon-El, whether he'll join the DEO and if there's any hope for Mon-El and Kara to get over their really rough introduction.

What can we expect of the fallout from Mon-El finding out that his home planet has been destroyed?

Chris Wood: We start to see a more settled version of Mon-El. We start to see his quirks and his ticks, and what he's really like. You start to see that when he's talking to Kara, but there's still a hint of frustration and animosity because he's stuck in a prison cell. He's dealing with the news that his planet is gone. You see how he takes that. Is he the type of person who wallows in it or does he sort of brush it off and pretend that everything is fine? How does he handle having super powers for the first time in his life? We get to see all of that pretty quickly. We learn a little more of his backstory and how he got here.

Speaking of superpowers, how does he react to having them now?

Wood: There's that great moment when he first breaks out [of the DEO] and you see him sort of look at his hands, like "What is this? How am I doing this?" Obviously on Daxam, like Kara and Clark on Krypton, the red sun keeps them just like every other person on this planet. Here, they're super. That's kind of exciting. You get to see that this guy is a bit more of a frat-boy type of personality. He likes fun, and going out and drinking, and goofing around. He finds his powers really exciting. Much to Kara's chagrin, he just wants to go play. They take these super powers very seriously at the DEO. In [the fourth episode] they want to test out his powers and figure out what they are, what he can do. That's exciting for both of those guys, which is a fun kind of chemistry. Winn is kind of a kid in a candy shop when he's playing with superheroes and Mon-El who has superpowers for the first time in his life. They get to hang out and play.

Does that mean he's not really into the idea of working for the DEO and helping Supergirl out?

Wood: I don't think that even crosses his mind. He obviously looks around and doesn't really know what this place is. Obviously, they tell him what it is and what they do and they tell him he needs to stay there until they figure out how strong he is and all of that. I don't think it's even in his line of thinking, as the type of guy he is. He's more just pumped that he can lift 16 tons, punch through walls and jump over buildings. He's just excited by the prospect of being super. Hopefully, Kara will take him under her wing. As she mentors him a bit as the season progresses, her goal at least is to get him into normal life and also to use his powers in a positive way. That's helpful and that may or may not be on Mon-El's agenda.

Can Supergirl survive without Calista Flockhart's Cat Grant?

Does that mean we're going to see their relationship improve a bit? They didn't start off on the best foot.

Wood: It's not the nicest way to meet somebody by hurling them through a glass window.

She also wasn't that nice to him!

Wood: No, she wasn't! Thank you for that. I appreciate that. There's some bias on both of their parts because we see that the planets really didn't get along. There's a mutual hostility that they both feel towards each other because they're both from opposing planets. I think Mon-El lets that go a little quicker than Kara does, and we'll see in [the fourth episode] that Kara's prejudice against Daxamites might cloud her ability to judge Mon-El as an equal and as a neutral presence in her life. Even as she's trying to do the right thing and mentor him, any frustration she has with this fun, goofy guy that he is, I feel like they're amplified because of that bias. She just feels like, "Of course you're difficult, you're from Daxam." That's sort of an offensive thing, if you really break it down, that she would not like him because of where he's from. That's something important that they're going to have to work through in order to get along and become friends.

Are those biases completely unfounded or are we going to find out that Mon-El has some dark secrets?

Wood: There's that nice moment when he calls her out for being high and mighty and says, "Your planet attacked us without any provocation." She snaps back at him, "We attacked you? That's not what happened." It happens in our lives now with most wars, that it's what we're told so that's what we know. They were both told on their planets that the other planet is the problem. Everyone from the opposing planet is just a crappy person and not to be trusted. There's a lot of their life that they have to sort of let go of. Kara at least has the super sense to put it aside enough to take him under her wing and try to teach him, and get him all straightened out. So there's a foot in the right direction.

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8/7c on the CW.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/supergirl-c ... interview/?

- Chris Wood habla sobre el aterrizar en Supergirl como Mon-El (CBR):
Chris Wood habla sobre el aterrizar en Supergirl como Mon-El
por Bryan Cairns 31-10-16

“Supergirl” audiences assuming new alien arrival Mon-El will act as a carbon copy of Superman are in for a rude awakening. Actor Chris Wood, who brings the classic DC Comics character to life, tells CBR that while his character may share a similar power set to the title hero, he’s not going to be portrayed as Kal-El Lite.

Ahead of tonight’s episode, “Survivors,” we discussed what the future holds in store for the arrival from Daxam — a planet that was in proximity to Krypton, and which was destroyed in the wake of Kara’s home world’s explosion. Wood opened up about Mon-El’s frat-boy attitude, Krypton’s turbulent history with Daxam, adopting a secret identity, and whether he’ll be suiting up to fight crime any time soon.

CBR: From day one, the producers stated this would not be your grandfather’s Mon-El. What is “Supergirl’s” take on the character?

Chris Wood: When I first sat down with the producers, they talked about the role and what they were hoping to do, as well as describing why I should come on board and hang out as this guy. In the comics, he has that dark, sad, lead poisoning, planets gone, locked in the Phantom Zone [attitude] – he’s got a heavy back story. In a lot of the comics, he’s portrayed as very straightforward and serious, much like Clark, but he almost seems more haunted by these demons. It always seemed like he was a little bit sad and removed.

Their spin on it was taking Mon-El and putting him where he lives in the light side of things. Whereas Clark takes his work very seriously and is grounded by the seriousness of who he is, what his powers are and what he does, Mon-El is sort of on the opposite side of the spectrum. Mon-El likes fun. Mon-El likes drinking. He’s a bit of a frat boy. He likes girls a lot. He has these abilities for the first time. Coming from his planet — he didn’t have powers there. Now, he has all these crazy skills that he doesn’t know what to do with, and no one told him he was going to have them. Instead of feeling a sense of responsibility, Mon-El feels a sense of play. That can be dangerous. That can also be entertaining for viewers. It can create some inherent conflict Kara is going to have to be responsible for.

Kara and Mon-El are among the last survivors of their planets. Does that help them relate to one another?

It helps in the sense that Kara, for the first time, sees somebody who is exactly like her. Clark is obviously identical to her in terms of powers and being one of two survivors. But Clark has already gone through everything a long time before her. He was so figured out by the time Kara even got here. By the time she started using her powers for good, she was however many years behind.

Kara sees this guy who is basically the same as her, but just starting out. She didn’t fulfill her duties of coming to Earth to protect Clark, to raise him and mentor him. She sees Mon-El as the chance to redeem that card and use that opportunity to guide somebody and hopefully get them on the right track. Mon-El is obviously alone. Coming to Earth, he doesn’t know anyone. He finds out at the end of the episode that his world is gone and he’s the only alien left. He has to deal with that realization. Thankfully, Kara recognizes that and will take him under her wing and try to mentor him and help him work through the adjustment to Earth.

With great power there must also come great responsibility. What makes Mon-El hero material? What’s his sense of justice?

That’s where Mon-El stands apart from the rest. That’s one of the places where he and Kara differ. Kara feels this inherent desire to protect and stand for good. She’s naturally not a selfish person. Mon-El likes to pursue pleasure and fun and things that benefit him. We get to see some of his backstory and we find out more about coming from Daxam and who he is in the next episode.

We still don’t obviously know everything about his life. You can see whatever his experiences were in life, that he’s about himself, and has a bit of a self-centeredness to him that he’s going to have to work through if he’s going to be able to do what Kara is hoping he can do, which is use his powers for good. That results in the separation between them because Daxam and Krypton were complete enemies in terms of understanding and co-operation. There’s discrimination on both of their parts where they are really going to have to work through that in order to get along.

There are numerous Mon-El costumes in the comic books. Have you tried any on, and which design speaks to you?

There’s quite a few out there. The Mon-El red is consistent between all the comic book versions. If and when we ever get a suit, obviously I’m hopefully it’ll at least pay homage to his costumes. I haven’t tried on anything yet. Obviously, signing up to wear spandex all day, every day, is not everyone’s first choice. When you choose to go play a superhero, there’s also the little kid in you that absolutely wants to put on a super-suit and go kick some ass.

Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and Superman all created secret identities. Will Mon-El also adopt one, or will he just be running amok?

Well, Kara’s mentorship includes insisting Mon-El has a second persona that he can live under without disturbing everyday life. That doesn’t necessarily sit easily with Mon-El. Kara’s first stab is trying to bring him to CatCo because that’s the obvious choice. “Come do what I do.” That’s going to provide a nice, entertaining quality when we get to episode 205, where you see this fish-out-of-water experience for Mon-El.

What else can you say about Mon-El’s trajectory this season?

What’s really great in this story is in the first season with Kara’s storyline, in the very first episode, she goes from existing and hiding her powers to full-on superhero mode. She gets her costume. She quickly resolves the selfishness versus the selflessness instincts and chooses to save the world.

There’s a nice story opportunity that’s missed when you are the lead character that has to do that, which is your natural instinct to want to take care of yourself and survive and not put your life at risk every single day. Having a character go through that story in season two – possibly the hero’s journey and possibly not – that’s a compelling story you don’t get to tell when you are doing a superhero series in the first season. Thankfully, we have a new character who has a similar backstory to Kara in terms of arriving here and being super all of a sudden and not being able to navigate that.

http://www.cbr.com/chris-wood-talks-cra ... as-mon-el/?

- Chris Wood sobre si Mon-El es 'material de superhéroe' (EW):
Chris Wood sobre si Mon-El es 'material de superhéroe'
Por Chancellor Agard 28 Oct 2016 — 5:18 PM EDT

Don’t expect Mon-El (Chris Wood) to suit up and save the day with Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) anytime soon.

After apologizing to Mon-El for blaming the attack on President Marsdin on him because he was from Krypton’s rival planet Daxam, Kara decides to take the young Daxamite under her wing and train him to use his powers. However, these two will have a lot of issues to work through before Mon-El is ready for a team-up, including the prejudices they have toward one another and Mon-El’s selfish personality. Ahead of Monday’s episode, EW spoke to Chris Wood about what Mon-El is like and whether he knows if Mon-El’s arrival on Earth has anything to do with the invasion of the Dominators in the four-way crossover.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Before the season premiered, EP Andrew Kreisberg said having Mon-El on Earth would give Kara a chance to fulfill her original mission of training someone since Clark was already fully grown by the time she arrived on Earth. So, what does Kara and Mon-El’s relationship look like going forward?
CHRIS WOOD: To start out, we saw in this past week’s episode they have a lot of differences because of where they’re from, and that’s actually a really big problem for both of them because their planets really hated each other. It’s putting these two very similar people that are in complete opposition and saying, “Hey, get along even though you have a long history of war and hating each other.” There’s some discrimination on both of their parts and some deep-rooted hostility that they just feel because she knows he’s from Daxam and he knows that she’s from Krypton. They both at least acknowledge that: She admits that she was biased against him because of that at the end of the 203. In 204, you see her trying to guide him and mentor him, but her bias is still at play a little bit and his bias is still at play a little bit, and they need to each let go of some of that and see that a lot of that prejudice comes from a place that’s not based on any real fact, but based on just a history of conflict and it doesn’t mean that they’re bad people just because they’re from different planets.

How does his bias against Kara as a Kryptonian manifest?
Well, there’s that nice moment when he says, “You guys are all high and mighty, and you attacked us without any provocation.” She retorts, “We attacked you?” You can see that there’s misunderstanding because they’re from places that are telling them each to believe that the other is the problem, which is so often the conflict in the real world with wars. It’s often misunderstandings that are taken to the Nth degree. I think he’s more readily open to accepting her as a Kryptonian than she is at first. He sort of calls her out in this next episode a few times, and she doesn’t see it in herself at first. She doesn’t think that’s why she’s frustrated with him and doesn’t think that’s why she doesn’t tolerate his learning curve. They ultimately will sort of move forward and become friendly with each other and learn to find their version of trust even though they’re from these very, very different places.

Is there a specific incident in the field or an enemy that galvanizes them to get to that place of trust?
In this next episode, we start to see a bit of Mon-El’s history and how he came to Earth and his journey from Daxam. We also see some of his abilities explored where Winn [Jeremy Jordan] at the DEO is sort of assigned to testing Mon-El’s powers and seeing what he can do, because they need to figure out how dangerous he is or how much of an asset he can be before they even think about trying to send him out. Not every alien is superhero material and this guy has a bit of a selfish streak. He’s used to partying and living life to the fullest and not thinking of others as much. He’s sort of a fun and free-wheeling kind of guy, and it’s big change that he’s got somebody saying, “No, no, you need to be responsible. You need to be careful with your powers. You need to use them in a positive way.” He’s like, “This is great. I can punch through walls and jump up buildings.” They’re sort of saying, “No, that’s dangerous and you need to keep that in check.” That starts to get explored in 204.

J’onn (David Harewood) is very wary of other aliens on Earth. How does J’onn handle having Mon-El around the DEO? Is there tension there?
I think what’s really brilliant and interesting is that they showed that J’onn didn’t even fully trust Kara and Clark (Tyler Hoechlin) and he was keeping Kryptonite onboard — not to say he didn’t trust them, but he wanted to make sure that they were prepared for anything. That’s a really interesting dynamic to throw in there for them. He’s definitely wary of just allowing anybody who shows up on Earth with super abilities into the facility. At first, it’s a matter of letting him out: Can you trust him on the street to not make dangerous choices and not to put people at risk? They sort of tell him he needs to stay there and work through what he can do and what he can’t do until they let him out. That isn’t necessarily the easiest thing for Mon-El, who is just super stoked to be on Earth and wants to check it out. Going forward in the episodes, there are a lot of fish out of water moments for this new guy and figuring out who he is and what he’s about.

How do the other characters treat Mon-El once they meet him?
Kara taking him under her wing also results in everyone in her life trusting that she’s got it right ‘cause they all have such respect for her and what she does. So, Mon-El ends up spending time with each of those people — Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Winn and J’onn and the whole gang, really — because she’s kind of keeping him around because she’s working on him as her project. So, he, as a slight outsider, is brought into that group and we’ll see as the scripts keep coming and the episodes keep coming up just how close he gets with them and if he connects with any of them.

In the comics, Mon-El’s weakness is lead, not Kryptonite. Will we see that aspect of the character incorporated into the show this season?
Yeah, there’s a lot of things from the comic for this character that they’ve taken literally and some things from the comic book history that they’ve sort of taken and expanded on and other parts that they’ve left out for the sake of keeping the character progressing the story forward. Obviously, the lead thing is a big thing in the comics and I’ll be interested to see how they handle that as the story progresses and if they’ll integrate it. But, this version of the character, they’ve taken the inspiration from the comic book and then added a whole layer of dimension to him and made him live on the lighter side a bit more, whereas Mon-El in the comics is sort of saddled with all this really heavy sad stuff. His personality is sort of serious [in the comics] and in this version of the character, we meet him for the first time, really, in this next episode because he was in such a state of agitation and in fight or flight in 203 that once we hit 204, we start to see his real personality come out and it’s a bit less serious.

In the original Invasion comic, Daxam was part of the Dominator-led alien coalition invading Earth to eliminate the growing metahuman threat. Is it just a coincidence that Mon-El arrives on Earth right before the heroes fight the Dominators in the four-way crossover?
I don’t know. I don’t know what the future of the season holds and I don’t actually know where they’re headed with the Dominator storyline, but I’m just as excited as you to find out.

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/10/28/su ... l-spoilers?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas mágenes bts de la S2 (21 Oct-03 Nov 2016):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@james2bambamford: @james2bambamford Just hanging out with a few of my friends.... @grantgust @EchoKells @rickgonzalez @MelissaBenoist .....and Joe of course
@officialrickg: The superhero committee.
@DavidHarewood: Danvers. I'm going to read your mind. #MartianManhunter @chy_leigh
@JeremyJordan: Omg who else can't wait for this dreamy rascal tonight! @ChristophrWood
@JeremyJordan: She cheated
@jordanmazarati: Future me
@thatKevinSmith: Today, we tech scout the episode of @supergirlcw that I get to direct! Aside from the stage-based locations like the DEO, we'll be out in the real (and unreal) world shooting as well. Cameras start rolling on Wednesday! (My new "Charlie Green" crest, designed by the powerful #PaulQuinn.) #KevinSmith #supergirl #supergirlseason2 #deo #cw
@nadinecrocker: Two of my all time favorite humans! So lucky to have worked with these babe of all babes!
@nadinecrocker: My favorite part of Super Girl Working with such AMAZING women!! Oh yea, & blowing shit up!
@thatkevinsmith: Just wrapped Day One on the episode of @supergirlcw I'm directing! Now I get to kick back and catch up on the news... #KevinSmith #supergirl #supergirlseason2
@etcarrasco: Exile in Canada, Day Two, with yesterday's news
@ibgomez: I'M thrilled to get my own chair. Snapper Not so much. #snappercarr #cwsupergirl
@davidharewood: Squad Goals. @chy_leigh @florianalima @JeremyMJordan
@chy_leigh: #troublesometrio #DEO #supergirl @davidharewood @jeremymjordan @thecwsupergirl)
@chy_leigh: Sometimes it's fun to hang with the #boyz @davidharewood @mehcadbrooks @jeremymjordan @christophrwood Tho these weirdos in the BG are creeping me out... #nuthinbutlove #supergirl #superfriends #DEO @thecwsupergirl
@chy_leigh: @thatkevinsmith You are #badtothebone ! Your passion for filmmaking and your respect for everyone on set, cast and crew alike is exactly what #TeamSupergirl needs and deserves. Your positive mindset, your excitement to be here with us, your #80s music blaring during setups, and your reminders that we (as adults) have the honor to play pretend for a living is genius. Thank you for believing in us and giving us a major morale boost in the midst of the long hours and hard work each and every person on set is sowing into making this show the best it can be. I know I can speak on behalf of all of us, you're appreciated. We're inspired. Oh and you've now coined @melissabenoist & I as #MeMeandChyChy #brilliant @thesupergirlcw
@chy_leigh: Sometimes I feel pretty cool because of what I do for a living and then I show a pic like this to my (nearly) 13 year old son and feel kinda like a #boss #supergirl #alexdanvers #DEO @thecwsupergirl #supergirlseason2
@mehcadbrooks: Me and @thatkevinsmith having some "locker room" talk. Yeah my shirt button popped open. And I don't give AF.#supergirl #election #vote #cw
@thatkevinsmith: This is what your face always looks like while working on @supergirlcw! I spent yesterday working with @melissabenoist & @chy_leigh as my favorite siblings on TV, the Danvers sisters. I love all the flying and punching of villains on #Supergirl... but I tune in for portrayals of sibling revelry so sincere and supportive that it really makes me feel like I missed out on something in life by not being a girl with a sister. As a huge fan of the show, seeing that dynamic on display both on & off camera yesterday was like drinking insanely good hot cocoa that warms your insides and fills you with joy. And on top of that? Yesterday was my first day shooting the Super suit! It is as glorious in real life as it looks on the show (and the cape is heavy - not just metaphorically speaking but also simply weight-wise). Me-Me and Chy-Chy brought the major feels when we were rolling but between takes they're both legit funny. It's cool watching them go from goofing around before "Action" is called to delivering dire dialogue about impending universal doom. Nice, nice kids. The whole damn crew is fulla nice, talented kids. We shot nearly eight pages yesterday but managed to wrap 40 minutes early. Tonight is Shoot Day 3 of 9- which includes watching the amazing FX and stunt folks on this show flip a speeding car! Up, up and away... #KevinSmith #melissabenoist #chylerleigh #nationalcity #vancouver #supergirlseason2
@thatKevinSmith: This morning, Video Village (the monitor the director watches) is set up in the Fortress of Solitude. I love working on @TheCWSupergirl
@PaulaYoo: I totally took Draaga (Super Actor John DeSantis) down in our #Supergirl @TheCWSupergirl @SupergirlStaff fight club episode tonight!
@chy_leigh: Gotta keep one hand on ya waist and one hand on ya glock! Don't mess with #TeamSupergirl #checkyourself before you #wreckyourself @supergirlcw @florianalima
@harleyquinnsmith: National City here I come!
@james2bambamford: Supergirl 2.04....on set......
@james2bambamford: Supergirl 2.04......setting up the camp before the storm with my favorite Martians @davidharewood
@james2bambamford: Supergirl episode 2.04.......on set
@james2bambamford: Supergirl episode 2.04......Martians about to throw down......on set)

- Nuevos videos bts de la S2 de David Harewwod, Tyler Leigh y Mehcad Brooks (27 Oct-04 Nov 2016):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 2.04 "Survivors" Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.04 "Survivors" Extended Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.04 "Survivors" Inside the Episode:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 0132105216

- SUPERGIRL | 2.04 "Survivors" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.04 "Survivors" Clip #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.04 "Survivors" Clip #3:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1436
Registrado: Lun Abr 09, 2007 10:30 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por shellbys »

Genial el primer episodio la de la segunda temporada :smt023
:super05 :super05 :super05


Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.05 "Crossfire":
2.05 "Crossfire" (07/11/16): SUPERGIRL SE ENCARGA DE UNA NUEVA Y DESPIADADA BANDA — Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) debe derrotar a una nueva y despiadada banda que se ha armado con una nueva y peligrosa tecnología alienígena. Cuando Cadmus manda un video a la DEO, el equipo se da cuenta de que Cadmus son los que están empleando a los criminales para una misión secreta. Mientras tanto, Kara (Melissa Benoist) le consigue a Mon-El (Chris Wood) un trabajo como interno en CatCo, James toma una importante decisión y Lena (Katie McGrath) invita a Kara a asistir a una de sus recaudaciones de fondos. Glen Winter dirige el episodio escrito por Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn (SPG205).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-2- ... crossfire/

- Descripción oficial del 2.06 "Changing":
2.06 "Changing" (14/11/16): THE GUARDIAN DEBUTA EN NATIONAL CITY – The Guardian debuta para tender una mano después de que un parásito alienígena le quite a Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) su poder. Mon-El (Chris Wood) considera una menos que deseable nueva carrera lo que lo lleva a contemplar sus motivos. Alex (Chyler Leigh) lidia con una nueva realidad. Andrew Kreisberg y Caitlin Parris escriben el guión basado en una historia de Greg Beranti. El episodio está dirigido por Larry Teng (SPG206).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-2- ... -changing/

- Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends stars tease epic crossover (EW):


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.04 "Survivors":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 2.05 "Crossfire" Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.05 "Crossfire" Extended Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.05 "Crossfire"Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 2528678912

- SUPERGIRL | 2.05 "Crossfire" Clip #1:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S2 (31-10-16):


- Supergirl S2 Cast Promo Posters:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.05 "Crossfire":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts de la press tour al set de la S2 (03-11-16):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen


Melissa Benoist SUPERGIRL Set Visit Interview (seat42f)

Melissa Benoist SUPERGIRL Set Visit Interview #2 (seat42f)

Chris Wood SUPERGIRL Set Visit Interview (seat42f)

Chris Wood SUPERGIRL Set Visit Interview #2 (seat42f)

Mehcad Brooks SUPERGIRL Set Visit Interview (seat42f)

David Harewood SUPERGIRL Set Visit Interview (seat42f)

Supergirl Melissa Benoist on Kara Being There For Alex's "Changing" (ksitetv)

Supergirl Interview: Mehcad Brooks is The Guardian (ksitetv)


Estrellas de "Supergirl" hablan sobre la conexión de Kara y Mon-El y adelantan la llegada de The Guardian (TVLine)

SUPERGIRL Cast Teases the Fallout From Miss Martian’s Big Secret, Guardian’s First Fight (nerdist)

Chris Wood on Mon-El’s Journey & His Character’s Name (ksitetv)

Supergirl boss on Alex's journey to coming out (EW)

Supergirl: Can Lena Luthor Be Trusted? (comicbook)

Supergirl EP Talks Alex's Discovery, Previews Mon-El's Future as 'Mike' (TVLine)

Supergirl EP Shoots Down One Theory About Cyborg Superman's Appearance (TVLine)

Supergirl Stars Talk Kara and Mon-El's Connection, Tease Guardian's Arrival (TVLine)

Supergirl Star Melissa Benoist On How Tonight's Revelation Impacts Kara's Relationship With Alex (comicbook)

'Supergirl' Producer On What's Next For Alex Danvers (accesshollywood)

‘Supergirl’s’ Chris Wood: Daxamites just want to have fun (screenertv)

Mehcad Brooks Teases the Rise of Guardian (thetvaddict)

Melissa Benoist Teases Supergirl's Reaction to James Olsen's Guardian (comicbook)

Supergirl Star Melissa Benoist On How Tonight's Revelation Impacts Kara's Relationship With Alex (comicbook)

The ‘Supergirl’ Cast Praise Kevin Smith’s Fun and Unique Directing Style (collider)

Mehcad Brooks On James Becoming Guardian (accesshollywood)

Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends cast tease and talk the upcoming CW super-crossover (blastr)

Arrow-verse Crossover Scoop: Future Barry's Message, 'Intimidated' Sara, a 'Really Wonderful' Coda and More (TVLine)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.07 "The Darkest Place":
2.07 "The Darkest Place" (21/11/16): ES SUPERGIRL VS. CYBORG SUPERMAN — Mientras que Guardian (Mehcad Brooks) intenta limpiar su nombre tras ser acusado de un asesinato cometido por otro vigilante, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) se dirige en una misión en solitario para rescatar a Mon-El (Chris Wood) quien ha sido capturado por CADMUS. Mientras que lucha por liberar a Mon-El, Supergirl se encuentra cara a cara con Cyborg Superman. Glen Winter dirige el episodio escrito por Robert Rovner & Paula Yoo (#207).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/11/superg ... place.html?

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.06 "Changing":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 2.06 "Changing" Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.06 "Changing" Extended Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.06 "Changing" Inside the Episode:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.06 "Changing" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.06 "Changing" Clip #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.06 "Changing" Clip #3:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts de la S2 (07-24 Nov 2016):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

http://hollywoodnorth.buzz/2016/11/supe ... ouver.html

(@chy_leigh: Yo @florianalima ... #Sanvers Is that what you're hearing too Perhaps they're just #kindredspirits Perhaps...
@thatkevinsmith: Winning! @jeremymjordan plays Winn Schott on @supergirlcw and Winn goes on quite the adventure in this #SupergirlLives episode I'm directing. Jeremy killed it in a very emotional scene we shot last week - but what he's really amazing at is song & dance. Hopefully, when the @cwtheflash musical ep happens, they give Winn a big solo! #KevinSmith #supergirl #Vancouver #jeremyjordan #supergirlseason2
@etcarrasco: #Supergirl wants you to go out and fight for truth, justice, and the American way
@etcarrasco: Raiding the DEO armory on the last day of #SupergirlLives.
@thatkevinsmith: I VOTED, in hopes of keeping this Kryptonian refugee from being deported. I also voted to legalize weed in #California. Whatever YOUR reasons are for voting today, just get out and vote! #KevinSmith #supergirlseason2 #supergirl #vote #election2016
@harleyquinnsmith_: I wrapped on Supergirl last night and I could not be sadder to say goodbye :'( thank you for the best week of my entire life the whole cast and crew were all so kind and I made memories I'll never forget. Can't wait for the episode to air!!
@DavidHarewood: Suit Up.#MartianManhunter
@chy_leigh: @florianalima You had me at hello ;) You're a joy to work with and such a wonderful lady... #Sanvers #supergirl @thecwsupergirl
@tengstagram: That time Supergirl and J'onn got the energy sucked out of them by Parasite. Or pool noodles
@mehcadbrooks: Tough guy. #supergirl #guardian #cw
@mehcadbrooks: Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, creeds and religions. Heroes are made by circumstance not by birth. Heroes carry the weight of the burdens of the innocent on their shoulders without a complaint. Heroes persevere in the face of adversity and when all seems bleak they rise to the occasion to find their light. A hero's light shines so brightly that at illuminates the light in others so that they may find their heroism. #guardian
#wearesuper #supergirl
@tengstagram: While supplies last! @melissabenoist @davidharewood @christophrwood @supergirlcw #supergirl
@chy_leigh: #Sanvers for the win @florianalima @thecwsupergirl
@chy_leigh: I am SO #thankful for this beautiful woman. She is my inspiration, my friend, my #soulsister)

Videos bts (08-11-16):

https://www.facebook.com/YesThatKevinSm ... 952431930/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster y banner promocionales de la S2 (08-11-16):

Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
