"THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "This Is Us" | 1.08 "Pilgrim Rick" Promo #1:

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 8 (Digital Exclusive):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 9952647168

- "This Is Us" | 1.08 A Startling Discovery Leads to an Explosive Thanksgiving (Episode Highlight):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley sobre su meta papel y el ir mano a mano con Sterling K. Brown (THR):
Justin Hartley sobre su meta papel y el ir mano a mano con Sterling K. Brown
Por Amber Dowling 15 Nov 2016

Before NBC freshman drama This Is Us, viewers were more likely to know Justin Hartley from his daytime turns on Passions as well as Young and the Restless or even as the original Green Arrow/Oliver Queen portrayer on Smallville. But thanks to the Dan Fogelman family drama's early success and strong critical praise, Hartley’s somewhat meta role as Kevin — the actor who stormed out on his leading role as The Manny in the pilot — has changed helped change his career.

For several episodes, audiences have watched as Kevin’s relationship with his adoptive brother Randall (Sterling K. Brown) has unfolded into a complex, often hurtful situation, one that as children dictated how the brothers would grow into the men viewers met in the pilot. That fractured adult relationship took a turn for the worse during Tuesday’s “The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World,” as the brothers’ competitive streaks got the best of them and they finally had a frank conversation about their past.

To dig into filming some of those integral scenes, THR caught up with Hartley to talk about the episode, his career path and playing an actor on primetime.

What was your audition process like for this role?

It’s one of the best episodes of television I’ve ever read in my life, which is odd knowing that it’s a pilot. Pilots usually aren’t the strongest episodes, but it was beautifully written and I loved the twist at the end. I totally related to that guy and thought it would be fun to play an actor. The audition process itself was what you would imagine. I went in, got the appointment and read. By the time I had gotten back in my car I had gotten word that they liked what I did and they wanted me to come back in. I went in a couple of weeks later, did the tape and the network approved it. It was kind of painless, not too bad.

Which scenes did you have to do?

The scene where I’m talking about the Challenger and how it exploded and I’m with those two girls talking about my life and how I became The Manny and you see this guy is kind of like a ticking time bomb. That was like three scenes in the pilot but it was one big monologue when I read it. Once I had gotten the role they wanted me to come in and read with Chrissy Metz, so I came in and did the scene on the bathroom floor where I’m eating ice cream and she’s depressed.

Do you find any similarities between yourself and Kevin, career-wise?

For everybody in this business, unless a miracle happens, everyone you’ve seen who has had even a little bit of success has had equal if not more failure in order to get there. To get there you certainly embark on this string of nos. I think any actor can relate to the feeling of, “Just tag me in coach, give me a chance.” Athletes go through the same thing. To be quite honest most people in any job or career probably go though that, when you want a chance to prove what you can do or somebody is taking away a chance at something you can do. In turn you end up being perceived in a way you don’t want to be perceived in. It’s a bit frustrating, but hopefully people won’t handle themselves like Kevin did. He sort of needed that meltdown though. Like Jerry Maguire said, a breakdown and then a breakthrough. So hopefully that will happen for him.

Looking back at your career, could you pinpoint your own “tag me in” feeling where you succeeded and it was pivotal for you?

Yeah, a few times. That’s what begets more jobs is when people see you do those scenes. Certainly my time on Revenge was great, it was a different character I’d never played before. He kills a priest, he’s gay – I think only once before I’d played a gay character. There are things that go along with that, Patrick wasn’t able to tell people who he was and live his life out in the open. That’s got to be a horrible feeling. I know people who have lived like that. It doesn’t have to do with sexuality, but it’s not comfortable. For Patrick it was like this huge thing and it was a huge influence on how he handled himself. I enjoyed them writing those difficult scenes for me.

Smallville was certainly one of them. That was a five-episode arc. I was supposed to come in for a couple of months and leave. Because of the way they wrote it and because of the way I related to the character and people responded to it, it became much more than that and I was there for years. But a lot of times people don’t see those moments because those moments in a career happen in an audition room. I’ve seen it, and been on the other side where I’ve seen people read for a role and it’s just like, “Oh that’s it. I didn’t realize that’s what it was but that’s it.”

What kind of difference have you found between working in daytime and primetime?

There’s a huge difference. I don’t mean that in terms of talent or anything like that, but the sheer volume at which that medium has to be produced creates an inherent difference. I couldn’t imagine if we had to do an episode of This Is Us per day, I don’t know what it would look like or how the stories would be effected by the definitely would be – you just don’t have enough time. That also effects the process. On my last two days of Young and the Restless I had 120-something pages of dialogue. My last two days. Right now, it’s like going to the gym and you train for a certain thing and I could do like 20 or 30 pages of dialogue a day. And now I don’t know if I could do that. You don’t have the luxury to prepare or rehearse. Anytime you’re able to slow it down and review it, think about it a little bit more, the goal is that it gets better.

Has this show taught you anything about family or vice versa?

Totally. I’ve learned that my family is completely weird and I’ve also learned that in certain instances my family isn’t nearly as weird as I thought they were. In this past episode there was a lot of Kevin and Randall and their lifelong rivalry. Not even rivalry, it goes beyond that. These two do things to each other that you wouldn’t ever consider doing to a complete stranger. It’s just nasty things. One of the things you think about is family is family. I don’t know if my brother has ever been mean and nasty in that way, but if he were he’d be one of the easiest people to forgive just because he’s my brother. There’s something about sharing blood with someone that I guess your willingness to forgive them is a little bit greater and your willingness to put up with some of their B.S. is a little bit greater. That’s family. You’ve got them forever.

Speaking of Randall and Kevin’s competitiveness, can you break down what went into filming that jogging scene?

I think I’m faster [laughs]. Well they’re vying for different things. Randall is trying to find his identity and be accepted. He’s trying to be perfect every step of the way. And Kevin is trying to be noticed and special, which is one of the reasons he enjoys acting so much; finally the spotlight is on him. He’s been waiting his whole life for this, where people are forced to pay attention to him. The jogging scene turns into this thing where they come together and it becomes this ridiculous sprint. They’re not professional athletes, they’re morons. It never ends, it’s this constant one-upmanship. Sterling is such a fun guy to play off of. It’s such a fun, fun day of work when I get to work with him.

Does Kevin grow more self-aware as the episodes go on?

That’s one of the phrases I always use on set if I’m ever struggling in the moment to figure out what Kevin is doing what he’s doing. He was always self-aware of certain things on a surface level, like maybe how people will think about him. But now he’s starting to realize how deep that goes to the point where he has now become self aware of how other people perceive him. Like he’s a joke. And he’s admitting the fact that he doubts himself all the time, and then he becomes even more self-aware when he realizes that he’s getting in the way of Kate’s relationship. And now even more so when he realizes his actions when he was a kid had a great impact on Randall and the way he behaves and maybe some of the problems he has. He’s starting to really realize his impact on everyone else, little by little. But it’s painful stuff. Things that are hard to talk about, but he dives right in.

What was it like shooting in Times Square?

It was great. There’s nothing like it. At the risk of sounding cliché there is an energy that you can’t duplicate. Same thing with New Orleans. Same thing with L.A., there’s a different kind of energy. That New York energy, when you’ve got the benefit of great weather, it really is terrific. You look up at that skyline and the Empire State building is literally in your eyesight there’s nothing like that. It changes things a little bit, it’s definitely worth it.

What kind of prep do you and Sterling do for the scuffle scene?

It was one of those things where we talked about it and decided that as grown men, if a grown man punches me in the side of the head and I don’t know it’s coming, I’m probably going to end up on the floor. That’s just the way it works. You don’t hit a person as a grown man unless you want to hurt him. I didn’t think Kevin or Randall were trying to hurt each other; they were just frustrated. It’s like, “I want to fight you as much as I can fight you without hurting you.” It’s this heart-breaking sort of wonderful thing that’s going on where these two dudes are very competitive and they’re trying to win, but they’re not trying to knock the other one out with permanent damage.

What was it like having Seth Meyers come on board for a cameo?

It was great – he is hilarious. He’s definitely gifted with comedic timing and joke delivery. To see it in person is cool. You do these things over and over and over again and he never did it the same way twice, never. I don’t know how they figured out which one to use because they were all equally funny. I’d never met him before but he’s a true pleasure.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... own-946675?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.08 "Pilgrim Rick":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.10 "Last Christmas":
1.10 "Last Christmas" (06/12/2016 09:00PM - 10:00PM): La familia Pearson se encuentran a sí mismos en el hospital el día de Nochebuena después de que la pequeña Kate llegue con apendicitis. Cuando se topan con el Dr. K, quien está solo en el hospital, se dan cuenta de que necesitan estar ahí para él de la misma manera que una vez él lo estuvo para ellos. En eñ presente, Kevin celebra Hanukkah con Olivia y su familia, Kate continúa buscando su gran cirugía y alguien del pasado de William reaparece en su vida.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/11/this-i ... stmas.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "This Is Is" Adorables fotos y video bts de Justin con los pequeños 'Pearson' & Sterling K. Brown (11 Nov-07 Dic 2016):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.09 "The Trip":

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- "This Is Us" | 1.09 "The Trip" Promo #1:

- "This Is Us" | 1.09 "The Trip" Promo #2:

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 9 (Digital Exclusive):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 6042846208

- "This Is Us" | 1.09 Kevin's Riot Act (Episode Highlight):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 9232756736

- "This Is Us" | 1.09 A Father/Son Initiation (Episode Highlight):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 2465932289

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El elenco de "This is Us" agradece a los fans el millón de seguidores en Facebook (19-11-16):

https://www.facebook.com/NBCThisIsUs/vi ... 728723145/

- Behind the Scenes of 'This Is Us' With Justin Hartley and Sterling K. Brown (The Insider):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales de la S1:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.10 "Last Christmas":

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- "This Is Us" | 1.10 "Last Christmas" Promo #1:

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 10 (Digital Exclusive):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 0980407296

- "This Is Us" | 1.10 A Christmas Eve Bombshell (Episode Highlight):

- "This Is Us" | 1.10 A Prayer for Forgiveness (Episode Highlight):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "This Is Us" | 1.11 "The Right Thing To Do" Promo #1:
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 7869350912

- "This Is Us" | 1.11 "The Right Thing To Do" Extended Promo:

- "This Is Us" | Aftershow: Episode 11 (Digital Exclusive):
https://twitter.com/NBCThisisUs/status/ ... 4417878016

- "This Is Us" | 1.11 Just Like That! (Episode Highlight):

- "This Is Us" | 1.11 Kevin Breaks Two Hearts in One Blow (Episode Highlight):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley revela qué es lo próximo para la serie tras el impactante final de otoño (USMagazine):
Justin Hartley revela qué es lo próximo para la serie tras el impactante final de otoño
Por Cara Sprunk 07 Dic, 2016 @ 6:32 PM

After the shocking end to the fall finale of This Is Us on Tuesday, December 6, Justin Hartley — who plays Kevin Pearson — chatted exclusively with Us Weekly about the endless twists of the show.

“I didn’t see it coming!” Hartley tells Us of Toby (Chris Sullivan) collapsing and subsequently flatlining on Christmas Eve. “Every single episode is like that for me. I’m like, ‘Welp, didn’t see that coming!’ I don’t know if I’m stupid or what, but I’m always shocked by their storytelling. It blows my mind.”

Hartley promises we will get answers to Toby’s fate once the show returns in 2017.

“It picks up directly where we left off. So you’ll get some immediate answers – not immediate like act one answers — but you’ll get some answers in the first show,” Hartley says.

The fall finale also gave viewers a heart-wrenching scene between William (Ron Cephas Jones) and his surprise former lover, Jessie (Denis O’Hare) — a rare twist Hartley admits he saw coming.

“That is like the only thing that I think maybe I did see coming, just because I did it by process of elimination, I was trying to think if there’s anything we haven’t covered,” the 39-year-old explains. “And that was one of the things, and I was like that would be really, really cool. Then a couple months later here we go with this wonderful story line. I love that story line!”

Hartley also says that once the show returns, William’s relationship — and how it affects his biological son Randall (Sterling K. Brown) — will be addressed.

As for Kevin, Hartley says his journey to find love will continue when the show picks up — but stays mum on whether it’s with Olivia (Janet Montgomery) or Sloane (Milana Vayntrub).

“Kevin is continuing down this path where he’s looking for love and all that kind of stuff, but then something happens, someone comes back into his life and he’s trying to figure out that situation, and then maybe someone else comes back into his life!” he says. “I think Kevin realizes who it is that he’s longing for, and it’s one of those things that This Is Us kind of does where it’s like, man, that was right there the whole time, but you just didn’t see it. And you sort of experience it with Kevin, which is one of the things I love about our show, when the character is experiencing something, as an audience member you’re kind of going through it with them, and I kind of love that sort of team work of our storytelling.”

The recently engaged actor (he popped the question to actress Chrishell Stause in July) shares more with Us.

Us: How do you think Toby’s medical emergency will affect Kate (Chrissy Metz) and Kevin’s relationship?

Justin Hartley: I think in any time of crisis it does one of two things — it either pushes people together or pulls people apart, doesn’t it? These two are so well connected and their bond is so deep that I think it’ll probably pull them together, and I think maybe it’ll feel like the Big Three bond over it and you’ll see the family sort of rally around her.

Us: What was your reaction to seeing how young Kate (Mackenzie Hancsicsak) and Kevin (Parker Bates) bonded when Kate got her appendectomy?

JH: How great is that? That one moment right there where it was like, that tells a huge story about, that tells so many things about their bond and how it’s special and it’s just different, right? They shared a womb. They’re kind of the same person.

Us: The kids on the show are so good!

JH: They really are! It’s remarkable! I watch it sometimes and I’m like, I’m so proud of them! I think they are fantastic little kids. They’re great and they’re really funny and nice and normal little kids, but they’re also like such seasoned actors, aren’t they?

Us: It was pretty surprising to see Kevin play the role of Sloane’s boyfriend for her Hanukkah dinner — what’s the deal with their relationship?

JH: He’s looking for some kind of stability, and he also sees in her this woman that is the opposite of Olivia. So we’ll have to try to figure out if she’s a rebound or if it’s something else. He enjoys being around this woman who makes him laugh, and she’s sweet and she’s sincere and she likes him. I think they’re developing quite a friendship, and Kevin has an interesting way of befriending people, I’m not sure he knows exactly how to be friends with a woman, like platonic friends with a woman. So we’ll see what hot water that gets him into.

Us: Do you think Kevin and Olivia could have actually been a thing? Or could they?

JH: I think he’s looking for something pure and there is something missing in his life, and the way I see it, he’s open to sort of everything because he’s afraid he might miss it if he’s not open. It might be one of those cases of trying to put a square peg into a round hole, but at the same time he doesn’t just want to assume that it’s not going to work and therefore he misses it. I hope he finds it. Whether it’s in Olivia or Sloane or someone else — I don’t know. But he’ll definitely keep trying to find it. It’s love! He’s looking for love! It’s quite wonderful actually; it’s a great love story.

Us: He’s also looking for success so much that he is willing to invest his own money in Sloane’s play.

JH: He’s either going to sink or swim, right? This is it. People are either going to laugh at him or people are going to be surprised by him, and it’s up to him. He sort of controls his own destiny, especially now that he’s producing the show. I love the fact that he’s taking control of everything and the evolution of this character — this guy who the first time we saw him he’s sitting on a bed with these two models that he didn’t even know their names probably, on his birthday, drinking like bourbon in the middle of the day, sort of like…hopeless. And now he’s sort of grown up. And kind of in an instant, hasn’t he? It’s great. He’s not attached to his sister at the hip and dependent on her for every single thing and he’s sort of trying to figure out what it is that he wants and he’s looking for it, he’s not afraid to put himself out there and he’s vulnerable and he’s become more and more self-aware, I think. I really love that.

Us: You have to tell me — when are we going to find out what the deal is between Rebecca (Mandy Moore), Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) and Miguel (Jon Huertas)?

JH: That’s coming up as well. We tell tidbits of that story. If you watch the rest of the season you’ll see how that kind of unfolded as well, what were the circumstances that sort of led to those two being together and how Jack’s death happened and how Miguel and Rebecca are together and why the kids sort of resent him, or at least Kevin does.

http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment ... le-w454491

- "This Is Us" Justin Hartley sobre el descorazonador final y qué es lo próximo (TVGuide):
"This Is Us" Justin Hartley sobre el descorazonador final y qué es lo próximo
Por Megan Vick | 09 Dic, 2016 5:58 PM EST

This Is Us delivered a fall finale that still has a lot of fans reeling.

The Pearsons came together to celebrate Christmas together at Randall's (Sterling K. Brown), which included a surprise visit from Toby (Chris Sullivan) who flew all the way to New Jersey to tell Kate (Chrissy Metz) that he couldn't live without her. Unfortunately, the couple's sweet reunion was interrupted by tragedy when Toby collapsed in the Pearson living room. The final moments of the episode showed Toby flat-lining on an operating table and doctors rushing to try and revive him.

Now the major question remains whether Toby lives or dies. Either way, the Pearson family will have to find a way to move on, and figure out how to support Kate as she deals with this tragedy. To find out how Toby's situation will affect the Pearsons and what's coming up in the second half of the season, we chatted with Justin Hartley, who plays Kate's brother Kevin on the show.

What was the feeling when you found out what would happen to Toby?

Justin Hartley: I was pretty shocked -- I didn't see it coming. You know, it was that typical a-la-This Is Us style where they sort of give you that cliffhanger at the end. You'd think that by now I would've seen it coming, but I didn't. And poor Toby, man! I mean of all people, he's a good guy!

How will this affect Kevin and Kate's relationship? Will it make them closer or will she push everyone away?

Hartley: I think whenever any kind of hardship or tragedy comes along, it usually pulls a family closer together, or at least hopefully. These two are already so insanely close that I think he feels a lot of her pain and he wants to be there for her, and so it will probably keep them as close as they ever were. He'll try to be there for her as much as he can.

What can you tease about Kevin and Sloan's relationship in the second half of the season?

Hartley: It gets a little bit complicated, as does any relationship that you have with somewhere where you're sleeping with each other but also working together. They're doing this play and they're working together all day, while they're trying to have this relationship. There might be other players involved too. Things get complicated pretty quickly.

What is the biggest difference between Kevin now and the Kevin we met in the pilot?

Hartley: I think a lot. For one, I think he's grown up quite a bit. I think he's taking responsibility for things. He's becoming a man of action instead of just sort of feeling sorry for himself. As far as the play goes, instead of just complaining about the play and not really wanting to do it, he's becoming a man of action where he decides that he's going to put up his own money and he's going to produce the play and do it the way he wants to do it. So he's becoming quite the problem solver, I think.

What is Kevin searching for on his journey to be self-fulfilled?

Hartley: I don't know if he's aware of it or not, but I think it's love. I think it's the same thing we're all looking for, but I don't know if he's aware of that. I think he's trying to fill it with other things like success at work, which is great, but I think he's looking for love and companionship and someone to share life experiences with. I'm just not sure that he's aware of that yet. He knows there's something missing, he just doesn't understand that it's companionship.

Who on the cast would you like to get a chance to work more with?

Hartley: I would say Milo [Ventimiglia], because I never get to work with Milo at all, so I'd like a chance to work more with him! That would be fun. I get to work with everyone else, which is kind of cool.

What has been the most emotional moment of this show for you?

Hartley: There've been so many! A couple of them we haven't aired yet. I really enjoyed the painting episode, where he's explaining the painting to the kids. You know, what his play was about. Also when he finally opened up at the funeral to that widow about his dad dying and about why he wears that necklace. That was pretty emotional.

What are you most excited for fans to see in the second half of the season?

Hartley: I'm looking forward to their reaction when they see what's in store for Kevin. I want to see how this play goes -- how successful or unsuccessful this play ends up being. I'm excited to see the evolution of his relationship with Randall. Also if he finds what he's looking for and how long that takes him, and where it was this whole time.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/this-is-us- ... vin-sloan/

- 'This Is Us' Justin Hartley adelanta el destino de Toby y apunta a que 'Nadie está a salvo' (ETOnline):
'This Is Us' Justin Hartley adelanta el destino de Toby y apunta a que 'Nadie está a salvo'
Por Philiana Ng 1:50 PM PST, 09 Diciembre, 2016

This Is Us’ fall finale cliffhanger absolutely wrecked us (#PrayforToby!). But when the show returns in January, answers are coming -- just don’t ask Justin Hartley to ruin the surprise!

“Here’s the thing, if I tell you, you will hate me for telling you! You don’t want me to tell you,” Hartley, 39, joked to ET’s Lauren Zima at the GQ’s Men of the Year party on Thursday.

What Hartley, who plays Kevin Pearson on NBC’s beloved family drama, will say about the aftermath of Toby’s sudden collapse on Christmas Eve is that it will be life-altering for all involved.

“I can tease the fact that you will find out right away what happens to him. It’s not like we’re going to drag it out and all that, so you find out right away what happens to him,” Hartley promised.
'This Is Us' Fall Finale Ends on a Frightening Note

He admitted he was shocked by the abrupt turn of events, likening the moment to a far deadlier HBO show known for its shocking and vicious character deaths.

“I was like, what are we all of a sudden: Game of Thrones? We’re killing off lead actors on our show?!” Hartley admitted. “But it kept me up at night and no one’s safe. No one’s safe at This Is Us, but it’s amazing storytelling.”

“You fall in love with these characters and then these tragedies happen,” he added. “We can make people laugh and cry.”

After Randall (Sterling K. Brown) shared scenes with his late father, Jack (Milo Ventimiglia), after tripping on mushrooms, Hartley didn’t divulge whether he’ll get to act opposite his TV dad. (Please make it happen!)

“I guess it would depend on how many drugs I take!” he quipped. “What a great storytelling device because someone said to me a month or two ago that Sterling and Milo would be working together. How? That doesn’t make any sense! [Is it a] dream or what is that there? Like no, no, it’s not a dream. That’s pretty fantastic.”

As for Kevin’s romantic entanglements -- first with the actress Olivia (Janet Montgomery) and now with the playwright Sloane (Milana Vayntrub) -- it’s safe to categorize his love life as complicated. With Olivia’s absence causing the play Kevin was co-starring in to be prematurely shut down, Hartley addressed the possibility of her return.

“I don’t know,” Hartley admitted. “I loved working with her though, so why not? There’s room for her to come back, right? I like that character – no filter. Everything comes out of her mouth, then everyone sort of [is] sitting there picking up the pieces.”

The former soap star is appreciative of being a part of a character-driven show that explores all facets of human connection, revealing to ET he’s happy with what awaits Kevin.

“Especially for my character, I cannot wait for when we come back and you all see what’s happening with Kevin,” Hartley hinted. “I did not see it coming at all. It’s pretty cool.”

When asked to describe Kevin’s upcoming arc with one emotion, Hartley picked an interesting choice: “Raw.” Hmmm, we can’t wait to continue on the journey!

This Is Us returns Tuesday, Jan. 10 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/204698_this_ ... toby_fate/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley con sus compañeros de "This is Us" en los "Critics Choice Awards", L.A. (11-12-16):

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Videos: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S1 de "This Is Us":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "THIS IS US", nueva serie de Justin para NBC

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.11 "The right thing to do":
1.11 "The right thing to do" (10/01/2017 09:00PM - 10:00PM): Kate lidia con sus sentimientos tras las consecuencias del ataque al corazón de Toby. Cuando William empieza a pasar más tiempo con Jesse, Randall tiene que acostumbrarse a la nueva relación de su padre. Tras recibir las noticias de que están esperando trillizos, Jack y Rebecca deben intentar encontrar una manera para poder permitirse una casa que pueda acomodar a tres bebés. Olivia reaparece inesperadamente, arrojando a Kevin y Sloane a un espiral.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/12/this-i ... ng-to.html?

- Stills del 1.11 "The right thing to do":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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