(@tomwelling: On the lot! @luciferonfox #office #lucifer #lucifermorningstar #luciferonfox
@Aimee_Garcia: Just ONE week ... SUPER excited @tomwelling joined our team @luciferonfox #Oct2 #8-9c #FOX Bienvenido Welling!
@IldyMojo: Which is the real @tomellis17 #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Peter Roth comes to welcome Mr. Welling to the set! #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Who's excited to have Tom Welling on the show #Iscaredhim #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Poor traumatized Ella... that's okay... there are 'things' that can heal. @Aimee_Garcia #lucifer
@jessmarieeeee: When you work on a show with your generations Superman Thank you for the pic!
@morganrbenoit: Good times doubling Superman himself; also great working with my bro @stephendunlevy . This fight has two stunt doubles and is going to be sick!!!! #wushu #stunts #werk #superman #tomwelling
@andydavoli: @tomwelling & I used to have the same manager a few years ago, but never met. Finally got to not only meet Superman, but got to work together
@kaogirl: Tom Welling behind-the-scenes at the Smoke House... #Lucifer
@elwoodink: Oh, and these gorgeous maniacs... @LaurenGerman #TomWelling #Lucifer
@elwoodink: The tattoo that launched a thousand jokes. Well, three. Stay tuned for “Let Pinhead Sing!” #Lucifer @LUCIFERwriters
@setlife101: Superman! Remember that time I got a picture with Tom Welling, and @myrtlering totally photobombed me)
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