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- John Noble será la voz del gran villano 'Mallus' en "Legends of Tomorrow":
El nuevo villano de "Legends of Tomorrow" les va a sonar muy familiar a los fans de "Fringe".

EW ha revelado que el actor John Noble le prestará su voz a la serie de la CW en su tercera temporada como el villano 'Mallus', que ha estado hasta ahora rodeado de misterio, pero que será escuchado en el episdoio de esta semana.

“Esa es la gran mitología de la temporada y lo que hace a Mallus genial en esta etapa de la experiencia de todos es que ahora mismo es tan sólo un nombre y es este susurro,” dice Marc Guggenheim. “Descubriréis más sobre él en el episodio 3.05.”

Lo que sabemos hasta ahora es que un acólito de Mallus hizo que Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor) resucitara y pronto traerá a Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) de vuelta de la muerte. Así, Mallus tiene un serio poder. ¿Significa esto que cualquier villano del pasado puede ser resucitado? “Teóricamente, pero no creo que tengamos planes de resucitar a nadie más en este momento,” dice Guggenheim.

Aunque Noble — cuyos recientes trabajos también incluyen a Sleepy Hollow y Elementary — esté dándole voz a Mallus, eso no significa necesariamente que será desvelado como el villano.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow se emite los martes a las 9 p.m. ET en la CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/11/07/legends-of- ... le-mallus/

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- Stills del 3.06 "Helen Hunt":

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- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.06 "Helen Hunt" Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.06 "Helen Hunt" Extended Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.06 "Helen Hunt" Clip #1:


- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.06 "Helen Hunt" Clip #2:


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- Imágenes y videos bts de la S3 press set tour (08-11-17):

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- Nuevo concept-art de "White Canary" en la S3 por Andy Poon (09-11-17):



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- Descripción oficial del 3.07 "Welcome to the Jungle":
3.07 "Welcome to the Jungle" (21/11/17): CURÁNDOSE DEL PASADO — Con Sara (Caity Lotz) fuera de servicio, el equipo encuentra un nuevo anacronismo que los lleva a la jungla de Vietnam y justo en mitad de la guerra. Ray (Brandon Routh), Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) y Zari (Tala Ashe) se hacen pasar por periodistas y hacen un viaje por la jungla cuando son dirigidos al desplazado de su tiempo Gorilla Grodd. Mientras tanto, Nate (Nick Zano) y Rory (Dominic Purcell) se tpan con alguien que Rory conoce lo que ofrece un vistazo a su pasado. Victor Garber y Franz Drameh también aparecen. Mairzee Almas dirige el episodio escrito por Ray Utarnachitt & Tyron B. Carter (#307).

https://www.spoilertv.com/2017/11/legen ... lcome.html

- Stills del 3.07 "Welcome to the jungle":

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- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.07 "Welcome to the jungle" Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.07 "Welcome to the jungle" Extended Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.07 "Welcome to the jungle" Inside the episode | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.07 "Welcome to the jungle" Clip #1 | The CW:


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- Descripción oficial del 3.08 "Crisis On Earth-X, Part 4":
3.08 "Crisis On Earth-X, Part 4"" (28/11/17): EL ÉPICO CUÁDRUPLE CROSSOVER CON “ARROW,” “SUPERGIRL,” “THE FLASH” Y “DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW” EMPIEZA — La boda de Barry (la estrella invitada Grant Gustin) e Iris (la estrella invitada Candice Patton) reúne a la banda, pero las cosas van fatal cuando villanos de Tierra-X atacan la ceremonia. Todos los superhéroes se unen con la ayuda de sus súper amigos tales como Citizen Cold (la estrella invitada Wentworth Miller), The Ray (la estrella invitada Russell Tovey), Felicity Smoak (la estrella invitada Emily Bett Rickards), Iris West y Alex Danvers (la estrella invitada Chyler Leigh) para hacerse cargo de los más formidables villanos hasta el momento. Los mayores héroes de la Tierra – Green Arrow (la estrella invitada Stephen Amell), Supergirl (la estrella invitada Melissa Benoist), The Flash (la estrella invitada Grant Gustin) y White Canary (Caity Lotz) – lideran sus equipos a la batalla para salvar al mundo. James Bamford dirige el episodio con historia de Marc Guggenheim & Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#308).

https://www.spoilertv.com/2017/11/legen ... risis.html?

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- Showrunners de la CW Showrunners adelantan el (Súper) cuádruple Crossover (THR):
Showrunners de la CW Showrunners adelantan el (Súper) cuádruple Crossover
Por Sydney Bucksbaum - 10 Nov 2017

Welcome to The Hollywood Reporter's weekly DC TV Watch, a rundown of all things DC Comics on TV. Every Friday, we round up the major twists, epic fights, new mysteries and anything else that goes down on The CW's Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and Black Lightning and Fox's Gotham.


Break out the tissues | With only a handful of episodes remaining between now and the upcoming four-show crossover between all of The CW's Arrow-verse shows, the producers are opening up about the heart at the center of it. "The biggest surprise will be the emotional component of the crossover," Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle tells THR. "I don't think anyone is going to see that coming. It's very much a dark love story. It's the underpinnings of that that will make the Earth-X element a real contrast to that. Oliver [Stephen Amell] has a big role to play in it and it's bigger and better than any crossover we've done in the past. It's going to be epic."

Finally unmasked | After a year of waiting, Arrow finally revealed the identity of masked killer Vigilante, and it turned out to be presumed dead ex-partner and ex-lover of Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) aka Black Canary. The night he was shot in the head in front of Dinah was the same night of the particle accelerator explosion, and the dark matter that gave Dinah her canary cry also changed Vincent Sobel (Johann Urb). But instead of finding Dinah right away, he let her believe he was dead and started killing people that he believed deserved to die. While the initial moment of Vincent unmasking was anticlimactic, since his face was unfamiliar to viewers, the emotional fallout for Dinah having to deal with her ex coming back from the dead and causing problems for Team Arrow is sure to give Harkavy some meaty material to work with this season.

The Flash

The center of it all | "In typical hero-villain fashion, the wedding is not the wedding that Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton) probably dreamed of," executive producer Todd Helbing tells THR. "This crossover is so different. Any time you're trying to keep the narrative going on four different shows, it's challenging. The Earth-X scenario we put everyone in really played into the story that we wanted to tell."

Worst party ever | But before the wedding bells can ring, the bachelor and bachelorette parties took place, and the night could not have gone worse for the future Mr. and Mrs. West-Allen. Barry ended up drunk thanks to a super shot of Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) making, and Ralph Dibny (Hartley Sawyer) managed to get all the guys arrested at a strip club ... where Joe's (Jesse L. Martin) sort-of-step-daughter was performing. Talk about an awkward discovery for Joe. At least all the girls banded together at Iris' party to save Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and help her realize that her Killer Frost side doesn't have to be a killer. Iris and Caitlin bonded to the point where the future bride asked Caitlin to be her maid of honor.

New hero alert | Back in the season three "Flashpoint" premiere, a throwaway line about a superhero named Citizen Cold saving the day didn't seem like anything more than a fun easter egg. But according to the network's official synopsis for the four-show crossover, Wentworth Miller is returning (as part of his last run of episodes on The CW's DC series) as Citizen Cold, a friendly superhero ally of everyone gathered for the big wedding. Does this mean that Captain Cold's doppelganger from the Flashpoint timeline will somehow travel to Earth-1 to help battle the Earth-X villains? Or is Citizen Cold from Earth-2 or Earth-X or any other Earth? And what will this heroic version of Captain Cold be like? How different will he act? So many questions that a short episode synopsis can't answer!

Legends of Tomorrow

Can the Legends make you cry? | Echoing Mericle's comments, Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Phil Klemmer reveals that, surprisingly, it's the Legends team that will end up bringing the waterworks during the four-show crossover. "You'll be most surprised that Legends is capable of making our audience cry," Klemmer tells THR. "I thought last season really leaned into the comedy and that season three we tripled down on that. There's some ludicrous moments. Things get bananas, and yet in this crossover, we have this thing that happens that will honestly move you to tears." Calling it "a testament to our actors that they can do this comedic, super rompy fun show that also has moments of genuine emotion," since the final episode of the crossover takes place as an episode of Legends of Tomorrow, expect some big heroic sacrifice or climactic last-second miracle save to really play with your emotions.

Super epic | "You will be surprised to see that we cram more superheroes onto the bridge of the Waverider than is physically possible," Klemmer says of the massive final conclusion to the four-way crossover. "I was responsible for writing a scene that had like 22 people in it and I had to keep a list just to remind myself who was in the scene. I think we need a wider lens to make sure we can keep everyone in the same frame. It's preposterous. And then you have doppelgangers, just trying to keep track of who was in the scene and what costume they're supposed to be wearing was a real math and science."

Voice of evil | The mysterious big bad of Legends this season has only been named so far as Mallus by those afraid of his potential for power and evil. But soon he will be heard, as Fringe alum John Noble has been cast as the voice of Mallus, first appearing in this week's episode. Now this doesn't mean that Noble will be playing the live-action character onscreen, however, as The CW's DC series are infamous for having actors voice villains before unmasking them as a completely different actor, like The Flash's Zoom (voiced by Tony Todd, played by Teddy Sears) and Savitar (voiced by Tobin Bell, played by Gustin).


The inevitable heartbreak | As much as viewers hoped this moment would never come, it finally did: "Sanvers" is no more. Unable to compromise their views about having children, Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Maggie (Floriana Lima) were forced to break up during this week's Supergirl. It's no surprise that the wedding isn't going to happen, as Alex had been struggling with Maggie's desire to not have children, but that didn't make their split any less painful. Leigh and the Supergirl showrunners, however, have made it clear that they will continue to explore Alex's storyline as she continues to grow. Producers are aware of the "Bury Your Gays" trope and, while Lima's availability cut the storyline short, there is one small victory in their split: Maggie wasn't killed off.


No holds barred | The Fox drama committed to its crazy new M.O. with no hesitation during this week's episode. Goth Lee (Morena Baccarin) killed Firefly (Camila Perez) and became the leader of the underground criminal fight club. Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) mocked Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) in the most over-the-top and hilarious skit to a crowd of MMA-loving, blood-thirsty criminals. Grundy (Drew Powell) ripped off his fight opponents' arms and hit them with their own detached appendage so much the crowd now routinely chants "Stop hitting yourself!" during all his fights. It was as if everyone was competing for the wackiest storyline, and everyone delivered. Gotham has finally found its sweet spot: losing the seriousness and just having all-out fun.

Promotion and demotion | i still hasn't lost the heart at the center of the series among all of its insanity, as Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Bullock (Donal Logue) essentially dissolved their friendship during this week's episode. Bullock put his alcoholism ahead of his work duties at the GCPD and ended up getting demoted while Gordon was promoted ... to Bullock's former position as captain. Awkward ... and heartbreaking as hell, as this series has spent three years building up the friendship and partnership of these two men, only to tear it down in just a few episodes.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ws-1056914

- Estrellas de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelantan el lado 'tierno' de Gorilla Grodd y la 'bonita' historia de Mick (TVline):
Estrellas de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelantan el lado 'tierno' de Gorilla Grodd y la 'bonita' historia de Mick
Por Vlada Gelman / 21 Nov 2017, 6:00 AM PST

Don’t ask Legends of Tomorrow star Dominic Purcell about Gorilla Grodd.

The Flash foe/telepathic ape lands in Vietnam with the Waverider crew during tonight’s episode (The CW, 9/8c), but as far as Purcell is concerned, Grodd’s just another monkey.

“Who the hell is that?” the actor responded when asked about Grodd’s visit during an on-set interview. “Just call it monkey! Don’t call it Gorilla Grodd. Rory, how is his reaction to the monkey? It’s huge! It’s big, and he’s Rory. You know, he tries to burn the bloody thing.”

So maybe Mick Rory and Grodd aren’t the best of friends, but the time-displaced beast does share a connection with one of the Legends. “I [have] quite an interesting personal relationship with the gorilla in that episode, which was great,” previewed Maisie Richardson-Sellers, noting that her character “Amaya speaks to animals, so they communicate on a whole other level.”

That unique bond allows viewers to “see a more tender side to Gorilla Grodd, which I think is quite beautiful, actually,” Richardson-Sellers added. “I think one thing Legends does really well is that there is no such thing as a villain and a hero. Everyone is flawed, and everyone has their positives, as well. So we actually see positives to Gorilla Grodd,” who wreaked his fair share of havoc on The Flash.

Meanwhile, Ray – who knows of Grodd, thanks to his friends in Central City – is “equally amazed, intrigued, and also frightened of what they’re going to do about that problem,” Brandon Routh shared.

And Grodd’s not the only surprise that awaits the Legends in Vietnam. For Mick, the time-trip turns out to be a revealing experience, in which “we get to see some character stuff [and] some real deep stuff” from the often surly antihero, Purcell described. “He meets his father, and so there are beautiful moments there. For me, personally, it was a great experience, just doing some emotional work.”

http://tvline.com/2017/11/21/legends-of ... lla-grodd/

- El elenco de 'Legends of Tomorrow' aobre el regreso de 'Gorilla Grodd' (comicbook):
El elenco de 'Legends of Tomorrow' aobre el regreso de 'Gorilla Grodd'
por Jenna Anderson - 21 Nov, 2017

A beloved Arrowverse villain will be entering new territory tonight as Gorilla Grodd appears on Legends of Tomorrow.

With the genetically enhanced monkey becoming a sort of annual staple for The Flash, his appearance on Legends' "Welcome to the Jungle" is sure to be a highlight as well. And it sounds like the show's cast enjoyed every bit of it.

"I loved that episode," Maisie Richardson-Sellers, who plays Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, revealed during a recent set visit. "I actually had -- I had quite an interesting personal relationship with the gorilla in that episode, which was great, obviously, because Amaya speaks to the animals, so they communicate on a whole 'nother level. And we - again, we see a more tender side to Gorilla Grodd which I think is quite beautiful, actually. I think one thing Legends does really well is that there is no such thing as a villain and a hero. Everyone is flawed and everyone has their positives as well. So we actually see positives to Gorilla Grodd."

But sounds like not every member of the team will have such a positive reaction to the sight of Gorilla Grodd -- namely Mick Rory/Heatwave (Dominic Purcell).

"It’s huge!" Purcell remarked. "It’s big, and he’s Rory. You know, he tries to burn the bloody thing."

But Mick won't be the only character in disbelief, with Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe) being caught off guard by the villain's presence.

"I think for the first few episodes, Zari is just trying to process everything she’s seeing," Ashe hinted. "The telepathic gorilla is a lot. I think she does consider herself a member-ish of the team, so when things like that happen she’s just trying to wrap her head around it and it’s going to take her a while to really be part of them."

And it sounds like either way, the Legends will have a unique way of dealing with Grodd in this episode, one that might involve Ray Palmer/The Atom (Brandon Routh).

"Ray is the one person who has experience with Grodd — well, he doesn’t really have experience with Grodd, but he knows about him from his friends in Central City," Routh revealed. "So I think he’s equally amazed, intrigued, and also frightened of what they’re going to do about that problem."

Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/11/21/lege ... lla-grodd/

- El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelantan sus reacciones a Gorilla Grodd (cbr):
El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelantan sus reacciones a Gorilla Grodd
por Meagan Damore - 21 Nov 2017

Gorilla Grodd is back for an episode of Legends of Tomorrow. In “Welcome to the Jungle,” the team will come face-to-face the telepathic gorilla, and each member will have a unique reaction. During a set visit, several cast members teased how their characters will respond to meeting Gorilla Grodd.

“Ray is the one person who has experience with Grodd — well, he doesn’t really have experience with Grodd, but he knows about him from his friends in Central City,” explained Brandon Routh, who plays Ray “The Atom” Palmer. “So I think he’s equally amazed, intrigued and also frightened of what they’re going to do about that problem.”

As for Vixen, Maisie Richardson-Sellers revealed that she will develop a special bond with the telepathic gorilla. “I loved that episode. I actually had — I had quite an interesting personal relationship with the gorilla in that episode, which was great, obviously, because Amaya speaks to the animals, so they communicate on a whole other level,” she explained. “We see a more tender side to Gorilla Grodd, which I think is quite beautiful, actually. I think one thing Legends does really well is that there is no such thing as a villain and a hero. Everyone is flawed and everyone has their positives as well. So we actually see positives to Gorilla Grodd. And we go to Vietnam, which was awesome. So it’s good.”

“Yeah, I think for the first few episodes, Zari is just trying to process everything she’s seeing,” Tala Ashe said of her character. “The telepathic gorilla is a lot. I think she does consider herself a member-isn of the team, so when things like that happen she’s just trying to wrap her head around it and it’s going to take her a while to really be part of them. But she’s also trying to do good and trying to do the mission because she doesn’t really have anything left in 2042.”

According to Mick Rory actor Dominic Purcell, Heatwave will have a pretty standard reaction to Gorilla Grodd. “Rory, how is his reaction to the monkey? It’s huge! It’s big, and he’s Rory. You know, he tries to burn the bloody thing,” he teased with a laugh.

Even as the team deals with Grodd, the episode will explore some of Rory’s backstory. “I think this is the first time this season where we get Rory’s… we get to see some character stuff, some real deep stuff from Rory, and so he’s starting to unwind a little, certainly in this episode,” Purcell shared. “He meets his father, and so there’s beautiful moments there. For me personally, it was a great experience, just doing some emotional work.”

Airing Tuesdays at 9 pm EST/PT on The CW, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow stars Victor Garber as Martin Stein, Arthur Darvill as Rip Hunter, Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory/Heat Wave, Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary, Franz Drameh as Jefferson “Jax” Jackson/Firestorm, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer/Atom, Maisie Richardson-Sellers as Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, and Nick Zano as Nate Heywood/Steel.

https://www.cbr.com/legends-of-tomorrow ... -reaction/

- Dominic Purcell habla sobre el padre de Heatwave (comicbook):
Dominic Purcell habla sobre el padre de Heatwave
Por Jenna Anderson -21 Nov, 2017

Legends of Tomorrow took fans to the jungles of Vietnam in tonight's episode - and brought on a pretty surprising family reunion along the way.

Spoilers for tonight's episode of Legends of Tomorrow, 'Welcome to the Jungle', below.

This week's episode saw the team tracking down Flash villain Gorilla Grodd, who had re-emerged as an anachronism in the Vietnam War. In the process, the team crossed paths with Dick Rory, the father of Mick Rory/Heatwave (Dominic Purcell).

"I think this is the first time this season where we get Rory’s... we get to see some character stuff, some real deep stuff from Rory," Purcell revealed during a recent set visit.

As it turns out, this reunion will have quite an impact on Mick, whose childhood - and pyromaniac tendencies - has only briefly been explored in season one. But in the process, it should provide fans with a unique side of the fan-favorite.

"And so he’s starting to unwind a little, certainly in this episode." Purcell continued. "He meets his father, and so there’s beautiful moments there. For me personally, it was a great experience, just doing some emotional work."

Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/11/22/lege ... ry-father/

- Estrellas del Arrowverse adelantan el 'muy emocional' viaje de amor y pérdida del crossover, los malvados Doppelgängers y más (TVLine):
Estrellas del Arrowverse adelantan el 'muy emocional' viaje de amor y pérdida del crossover, los malvados Doppelgängers y más
Por Vlada Gelman / 25 Nov 2017, 11:00 AM PST

So on which side of the church do the Earth-X Nazis sit?

The CW’s annual Arrowverse crossover kicks off with the wedding of The Flash lovebirds Barry Allen and Iris West on Monday’s Supergirl — but it’s not long before the happy occasion is rudely interrupted by Earth-X Nazis and evil doppelgängers Dark Arrow, Dark Flash and Overgirl.

The ensuing battle feels like “a four-hour escape,” Arrow star Stephen Amell describes. “There are some through-line storylines like Oliver and Felicity’s relationship, and Barry and Iris’ relationship, and what’s going on with Sara, what’s going on with Victor [Garber] and Franz [Drameh’s characters on Legends of Tomorrow].” But this year’s multi-show extravaganza, which stretches over two consecutive nights, is “not a crossover anymore,” the actor adds. “Call it the crossover if you want. But it’s kind of like calling the Super Bowl just a football game. Yeah, sure, they play football, but there’s so much other stuff that goes on with it. It’s an event.”

The franchise’s latest event is also “bigger than ever,” with “some of the biggest sequences” and “the most superheroes we’ve ever seen together at any given time” on one of the DCTV shows, The Flash leading man Grant Gustin previews.

It’s not just pure spectacle, although “you really feel the scale of it this year,” Legends actress Maisie Richardson-Sellers says. “One thing they did beautifully is there are lots of personal relationships woven into it as well. So it’s not just one big fight. You also get to know certain characters a lot deeper, and there’s some love in it, and there’s some loss in it. It’s a very emotional journey, as well as spectacular.”

Caity Lotz echos her castmate: “I like this crossover better than last year’s crossover because there is a lot more normal, human things in it. It’s still pretty huge, it’s still pretty fantastical. But it’s more grounded in the characters,” with the lessons learned carrying over “for the characters in the other seasons.”

https://tvline.com/2017/11/25/arrow-ver ... n-earth-x/

- Crisis on Earth-X: Heatwave ‘le atrae’ Killer Frost en el Crossover (cbr):
Crisis on Earth-X: Heatwave ‘le atrae’ Killer Frost en el Crossover
por Meagan Damore - 27 Nov 2017

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow‘s Heatwave wants to trade one cold-themed partner for another. In “Crisis on Earth-X,” this year’s four-show Arrowverse crossover, Mick Rory won’t be shy about his feelings for The Flash‘s ice-cold villain Killer Frost. During a set visit, Heatwave actor Dominic Purcell teased his interactions with her.

“I mean, he’s just taking the piss out of everyone, it seems, on the four shows,” Purcell said with a laugh. “He’s just having a blast, having a lot of fun. If there’s one character [he has fun interactions with], Rory has the hots for Killer Frost. Rory has a thing for Killer Frost, yes. So he’s had a crush on her for quite some time. Whether or not that will develop into anything, I doubt it, because I’m not sure if Rory can be tamed at this point.”

Danielle Panabaker, who plays Killer Frost, also weighed in on the crossover and Mick Rory’s new attraction to her character. “It was a lot of fun. Obviously, last year I had my powers sort of, but didn’t cross over to as many of the other shows, really just went to Legends, and this year was nice because I finally got the chance to sort of suit up, as it were, and get out there and fight with everyone,” she shared.

“Although, there was a surreal moment during filming the crossover,” she continued. “We were on our stages, we were on Flash stages, but we were on a different show. I think I was on Legends, and so there’s actors from Legends, Flash, I think Supergirl, and people from Arrow were coming in. And people from Arrow were meeting people from Legends for the first time and it was very surreal for me to be like, ‘Wait, you guys don’t already know each other?’ It was very odd to me.

“Both Caitlin and Killer Frost do get to interact a little bit more with a lot of different characters in our universe. Some of them she knew from before — like, I have some really funny interactions with Dom [Purcell], with his character. Heatwave’s really into Killer Frost,” she added.

This year’s four-part crossover “Crisis on Earth-X” will air across two nights, beginning Monday, Nov. 27 with Supergirl and Arrow (on a special night for one week only) and concluding Tuesday, Nov. 28 with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

https://www.cbr.com/crisis-on-earth-x-h ... crossover/?

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- Andrew Kreisberg suspendido después de ser acusado de acoso sexual:
Warner Bros. TV ha lanzado una investigación por comportamiento inapropiado de Andrew Kreisberg, showrunner y productor ejecutivo en la series de la CW “Arrow,” “Supergirl,” “The Flash” y “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” según informa Variety en un extenso artículo.

Al parecer Kreisberg, quien ha sido suspendido por el estudio, lleva manteniendo un patrón de acoco secual y contactos físicos inapropiados desde hace años, que se ha agravado a tenor de tener más control en dichas series, según denuncian 15 mujeres y 4 hombres que han trabajado con él y que prefieren mantener sus nombres en el anonimato por temor a que el mismo Kreisberg, la productora, estudio o las compañías asociadas a ellos puedan tomar represalias frente a su denuncia, ya que muchas de las mujeres son empleadas actuales o antiguas en una serie de posiciones de las series.

“Recientemente se nos ha puesto al tanto de alegaciones de conducta inapropiada contra Andrew Kreisberg,” dice la Warner Bros. TV Group en una declaración a Variety. “Hemos suspendido al Sr. Kreisberg y estamos llevando a cano una investigación interna. Tomamos todas las alegaciones de conducta inapropiada muy seriamente, y estamos comprometidos con el crear un ambiente seguro de trabajo para nuestros empleados y todos los que están involucrados en nuestras producciones.”

Kreisberg ha negado encarecidamente las alegaciones de esta historia.

“Recientemente se nos ha puesto al tanto algunas alegaciones profundamente problemáticas en relación a uno de nuestros showrunners,” dicen Greg Berlanti y Sarah Schechter, quienes dirigen Berlanti Productions quienes supervisan las series de Kreisberg. “Hemos estado alentando y cooperando completamente con la investigación de esto por parte de la Warner Bros. No hay nada más importante para nosotros que la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestro elenco, equipo, escritores, productores y cualquier miembro de la plantilla. No toleramos el acoso y estamos comprometidos en hacer todo lo que podamos para crear un ambiente seguro de trabajo y un lugar seguro para hablar si no lo es.”

Todos los hombres y mujeres que hablaron con Variety describen incidentes similares de tocamientos inapropiados y de acoso sexual endémico; ellos con frecuencia cuentan las mismas historias y corroboran las historias de los otros.

Según fuentes que o han presenciado este comportamiento o fueron sujetos de él, Kreisberg es acusado de frecuentemente tocar a la gente sin su permiso, de pedir incómodos masajes a miembros femeninos del staff, y el besar a las mujeres sin pedirles permiso. Casi todas las fuentes citan una constante oleada de comentarios sexualizados sobre la apariencia de mujeres, sus ropas, y su aparente atractivo.

Kreisberg le dijo a Variety, “he hecho comentarios sobre la apariencia de mujeres y su ropa en mi capacidad de productor ejecutivo, pero no eran sexualizadas. Como mucha gente, le he dado a alguien un abrazo o un beso en la mejilla sin intención sexual.” También niega que haya hecho ningún tocamiento inapropiado o que haya tenido lugar ningún masaje.

No obstante, la publicación detalla numerosos episodios concretos de comportamientos inapropiados realizados por parte de Kreisberg hacia compañeras y compañeros de trabajo, y una de sus compañeros productoras de alto nivel afirma haberlo comunicado anteriormente a un ejecutivo senior de Berlanti Productions sin que se haya hecho nada al respecto.

Una de las fuentes afirma que "Tienes que vigilar lo que dices y lo que llevas puesto para intentar evitar ser sujeto de un innuendo sexual" y otra afirma que el productor estaba involucrado en "un ambiente en el que las mujeres — aistentes, escritoras, ejecuticas, directoras — eran todas evaluadas en función de sus cuerpos, no de su trabajo."

Aunque Kreisberg está suspendido, no se ha dicho aún si los demandantes tomarán o no acciones legales.

Podéis encontrar más detalles en el artículo al completo:

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/warner- ... 202612522/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- El elenco de "Legends Of Tomorrow" en la "Fan Expo Vancouver" (10-12 Nov 2017):

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https://twitter.com/Popgoestheworld/sta ... 1546555392
https://twitter.com/Popgoestheworld/sta ... 7162168320

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" Crossover Teaser #2 | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- DC’s Best Of The Week | Week 5 | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- La CW revela las fechas de las premieres de la midseason, la fecha de estreno de "Blacklighting" y "Legends Of Tomorrow" cambia de día de emisión:
La CW acaba de revelar la fecha de estreno de su nueva serie "Blacklightning" que se estrenará en la midseason el Martes día 16 de Enero a las 9 PM ET/PT siguiendo a "The Flash".

Por este motivo, también ha anunciado que la serie de "Legends Of Tomorrow" regresará de nuevo a nuestras pantallas en Febrero, pero cediendo su horario habitual a la nueva serie del DCTV en una nueva noche y horario que aún está por confirmar.

Junto a estas dos novedades, la cadena también ha anunciado las premieres para las otras series del Arrowverso, quedando dichos estrenos como se detalla a continuación:

LUNES, 01 ENERO 2018
8:00-9:00 PM SUPERGIRL (Repetición)
9:00-10:00 PM VALOR (Nuevo episodio)

8:00-9:00 PM CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND (Nuevo episodio)
9:00-10:00 PM PENN & TELLER: FOOL US (Repetición)

8:00-9:00 PM SUPERGIRL (Nuevo episodio)
9:00-10:00 PM VALOR (Nuevo episodio)

8:00-9:00 PM THE FLASH (Nuevo episodio)
9:00-10:00 PM BLACK LIGHTNING (Series Premiere)

8:00-9:00 PM RIVERDALE (Nuevo episodio)
9:00-10:00 PM DYNASTY (Nuevo episodio)

8:00-9:00 PM SUPERNATURAL (Nuevo episodio)
9:00-10:00 PM ARROW (Nuevo episodio)

8:00-9:00 PM CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND (Nuevo episodio)
9:00-10:00 PM JANE THE VIRGIN (Nuevo episodio)

http://deadline.com/2017/11/black-light ... 202209913/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.09 "Beebo the God of War":
3.09 "Beebo the God of War" (05/12/17): SIGUE TU CORAZÓN — Inquietas por los recientes acontecimientos, las Legends se sumergen en el trabajo lo que los encuentra investigando un anacronismo en un asentamiento Vikingo en el Nuevo Mundo. Las Legends se dan cuenta de que Norsemen está adorando un artefacto como su dios y se soprenden por el origen del artefacto. Por primera vez, Sara (Caity Lotz) está preocupada por que ellos puedan necesitar refuerzos cuando Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) aparece. Mientras tanto, Jax (Franz Drameh) encuentra una fisura que podría cambiar potencialmente la historia, pero es un riesgo que está dispuesto a tomar. Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Nick Zano, Tala Ashe, Maisie Richadson-Sellers y Dominic Purcell también aparecen. Kevin Mock dirige el episodio escrito por Grainne Godfree & James Eagan (#309).

https://www.spoilertv.com/2017/11/legen ... beebo.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster promocional del crossover "Earth-X":

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- Concept-arts del Crosover "Crisis On Earth-X" por Andy Poon:

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- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | "Catch Up Now" Promos | The CW:

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | BTS Featurette Intro | EA Sport Fifa:

https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 2196164609

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | BTS Featurette #1 | EA Sport Fifa:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 9287038976

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | BTS Featurette #2 | EA Sport Fifa:

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | "Cast Teaser" #1 | The CW:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 3701245952

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | "Cast Teaser" #2 | The CW:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 6050913280

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" | "Cast Teaser" #3 | The CW:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 7712026625

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" Crossover Promo #3 | The CW:
Teaser #1

Teaser #2

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" Crossover Extended Promo | The CW:

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" Crossover 1-Minute Promo | The CW:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 2177977344

- SUPERGIRL | 3.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1" Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 3.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1" Extended Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 3.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1" Inside the episode:

- ARROW | 6.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2" Inside the episode:

- THE FLASH | 4.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 9736355840

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/TheCW_Legends/statu ... 5693916160

- THE FLASH | 4.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 4.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3" Sneak Peek #1:

- THE FLASH | 4.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3" Sneak Peek #2:

- DCTV "Crisis on Earth-X" Crossover Promo 'Night 2':

- Stills del 3.08 "Crisis on Earth-X Part 4":

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3.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1" SG

6.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2" ARR

4.08 "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3" FL

Podéis encontrar la descripción oficial del episodio: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.09 "Beebo the God of War":

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- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.09 "Beebo the God of War" Promo:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.09 "Beebo the God of War" Inside the episode:

- Legends Of Tomorrow | 3.09 "Beebo the God of War" Clip #1


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
