- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S3 de "Lucifer" (07-05-18):
(@Ildymojo: Biggest nerd alert. #bigbag’afakeweed #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Cheers to season 4!! Please oh please!! #luciferonfox
@Ildymojo: LOVED having @DougSavant join us. (Note Scary, bad ass photo ((and character)) is no reflection of who he really is. Nicest guy EV-ER.)
@Ildymojo: Loved having @EmmaBell17 on the show!! #lookatmybum #lucifer.
@Ildymojo: More BTS of one of my favorite scenes ever... @dbwofficial and @trutriciahelfer are nothing short of AMAZING
@Ildymojo: Nerd Alert #2 #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Nerd alert. #lovemesomeElla #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Nice bat. #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Rehearsing the dance scene. Can only go to the prom once, Lucifer.
@Ildymojo: Shooting at the LaLaLand location!! @dbwofficial @trutriciahelfer @Henderson_Joe
@Ildymojo: Sigh. Thank you for exceeding my expectations in this scene @trutriciahelfer @dbwofficial and Claudia Yarmy. I’m humbled by your talent
@Ildymojo: So cool to have @ColinEgglesfiel back!!! (@dbwofficial also extra cool in his bad ass suit.)
@Ildymojo: Sweet view at this location. #lucifer
@Ildymojo: Sweeter view. #lucifer
@Ildymojo: The real angel on #Lucifer
@Ildymojo: This moment made me cry every take. Breaks my heart
@Ildymojo Tricia Helfer sandwich. Lucky, uh... everyone.
@Ildymojo: Uh... she’s right behind you, dude. #demonalert #lucifer #LuciferOnFox #RenewLucifer
@Ildymojo: You could hear a pin (feather) drop on set this night. We’re gonna miss you so much @trutriciahelfer So much...
@trutriciahelfer: We’re ready west coast!
@Ildymojo: At the Table Read.... I’m not crying, YOU’re crying. And we’re going to be crying for a long while. We love you @trutriciahelfer you’ll always be part of our family
@Ildymojo: BTS secret factoid this first cut came in 13 minutes over time!!! Had to cut three whole scenes and all kinds of precious stuff. Here’s are pics from 2 of the deleted scenes)