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Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Jue Mar 18, 2010 12:33 am
por Shelby
Simplemente... ¡Sin precio! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Comentarios de Marizée Almas tras su grabación de "Disciple" para "Shoe":
- Sobre la química en pantalla entre Erica y Tom Welling:

"Tienen un gran carisma los dos juntos. Tienen un gran carisma. Es... uh... a ellos realmente les gusta el otro primero como actores. Realmente disfrutan el uno de la compañía del otro y, como personajes, obviamente hay mucho de donde sacar y uh... Tom tiene un... ¡obviamente es un compañero tan guapo!. Pero más allá de eso, es uno de esos chicos a los que simplemente pienso que realmente le gustan las mujeres. Le gustan las mujeres, le gusta estar alrededor de ellas, le gusta hablar con ellas, le gusta, ya sabes... le gustan las mujeres y puedes sentirlo. Puedes sentirlo realmente cuando... um... cuando está alrededor, como cuando está alrededor de Erica. Él sólo... ¡los dos simplemente tienen un carisma tan hermoso juntos!. Y es... a él realmente le gusta ella y a ella realmente le gusta él y puedes verlo".

- Sobre Tom y Erica preparándose para la escena inicial de "Disciple":

"Um, estos chicos conocen a sus personajes real, realmente bien y por eso hablando en general vienen ya con grandes ideas
sobre lo que sus personajes harían o no... Estos chicos vienen con tantas cosas que para mí, como director de los dos, de Erica y Tom... um... La mayor parte del tiempo es tan sólo recordarles de qué escena vienen antes y a dónde van en la siguiente para que así puedan entender las piezas de este puzzle . . . Obviamente llegan ya con una maleta completa de actuaciones, ya sabes."

http://www.smallvillepodcast.com/2010/0 ... -disciple/

Hoy mismo (16/03/10) ha salido a la venta el cómic especial "80 page Giant" y, entre las historias que podemos encontrarnos en él, aparece una titulada "Lois sick day" que muestra un día en la vida de Lois y Clark cuando ésta está enferma y Clark tiene que cuidarla. Es muy cortita, pero está muy divertida:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Si queréis saber un poco más sobre el cómic podéis verlo aquí:

http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2010/03/17 ... age-giant/

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Jue Mar 18, 2010 2:40 am
por Nitta
Gracias Shelby! Aunque no lo he entendido todo, si bastantes cosas, y me ha parecido muy divertido. :wink:
Me encantaría ver en en un capítulo de Smallville a Lois con una gripe y Clark cuidándola y sastisfaciéndole todos sus deseos. Pobre Clark, sería buenísimo! :smt005

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mar Mar 23, 2010 1:36 am
por Shelby
"Action cómics" #827:

Imagen Imagen

Y la reacción de Lois al enterarse del secreto de Clark:


Y os dejo un artículo que habla precisamente de las cualidades de Lois que la hacen no sólo ser una figura importante por sí misma en DC, sino la mujer ideal para Clark (en cuanto tenga un hueco os lo traduzco, que creo que merece de sobra la pena):
Part 4: The Essential Lois Lane

Lover’s Lane

Before pondering whether or not love changes Lois Lane, the first question should be why, with so many women in the world to choose from, did the most powerful being on Earth fall so incurably in love with Lois Lane? She’s certainly attractive, street smart and can hold her own in a fight, but again with the whole world to choose from, those attributes could easily apply to a lot of other women. So what was it?

To understand Superman’s attraction to Lois Lane, you first have to understand Superman.

A Harmony of Opposites

To build a “super” man, the foundation requires a “good” man. Clark Kent didn’t decide to become Superman to avenge someone’s death, or to become a vigilante, or even because “with great power comes great responsibility.” His reason was the most basic of all, he wanted to help.

Possessing an innate goodness cultivated by his human parents who gave him strong ethical and moral values as well as instilling in him an incorruptible sense of right and wrong, Clark Kent was, as he would say himself, “your basic goody two-shoes.”

Given that Superman is and should be too good to be true, he requires a genuine foil as his mate to keep him on his toes, not someone who merely echoes his goodness. While Lois Lane’s heart will always be in the right place, she is no paragon of virtue.

Instead, Lois remains better defined by what some might deem her negative qualities.

Pushy, reckless, combative, sarcastic, quick tempered, slow to forgive with a tendency to bend the truth when it suits her purpose, yet reaching for the bottle labeled ‘brutal’ when it comes to honesty, Lois Lane is about as opposite a personality can be from Superman without actually being a villain. But it’s those qualities, particularly her recklessness and attraction to danger that set her apart.

She is quite human and that’s important because Lois Lane accomplishes her particular brand of heroism without super powers, magic, or special abilities in a comic book universe where such things are expected. It not only puts her in believable jeopardy, but has put her on Superman’s radar for 70 years.

Lois Lane is that one indefinable and unpredictable element in Superman’s otherwise well ordered black and white world. In Lois he finds someone who is at once fascinating and infuriating. A woman who seems to thrive on danger and turns a deaf ear to the voices of better angels. However, he also discovers that she has a great capacity for love and compassion, at least when she lets her guard down. But it would be naive to say that everything that Superman finds appealing about Lois exists purely on an internal level.

The Devil in Ms. Lane

Lois has always been attractive, but one facet that has come into its own in the last twenty years is her sensuality and sex appeal. No more tweed suits and pillbox hats. Nor is Lois oblivious to this attribute. On the contrary, she exploits it.

If dressing provocatively or flirting will get her something when a traditional approach fails, Lois Lane is ready to step up to the plate … or pole.

No doubt part of the sensual upgrade was for prurient appeal, but it also grants Clark an enviable private life while still protecting Superman’s Boy Scout public image.

And though there were imaginary stories of marriages and children for decades in the comics as well as a marriage in the newspaper strip, which was also a fantasy, sex was basically a taboo subject. It wasn’t until the fortieth anniversary of Superman’s debut that the famous couple, at least in the alternate comic book universe, got married for real and finally crossed the intimacy threshold. Two years later the movie couple followed suit.

It was a long journey to the boudoir for Superman and Lois Lane, but they’d probably agree that even after forty years it was worth the wait. In many ways the legendary couple lead a normal life simply by redefining normal. They both have jobs, and even though Clark moonlights in a cape, he’s just as likely as any husband to say, “Hi, honey, I’m home,” but might be more inclined to utter the line while entering a window, rather than a door.

Days of Whine and Roses

So does love change Lois Lane? Of course, because true love changes most people. However, Lois can’t be totally overhauled by love and marriage or she loses the very traits that made her iconic in the first place.

Her rougher edges can be softened a bit, but not sanded down so much that she’s left with a dull finish. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and that includes her husband, even if he does happen to be Superman.

As a wife she remains a passionate lover and a passionate fighter, but there is one place Lois Lane has never gone before, at least not until the most recent move.

In Superman Returns, a vague sequel to the first two original Christopher Reeve Superman movies, Lois discovered that her night of passion with Superman paid off in a little dividend.

However, most would agree that her parenting skills need work. She took her son into a dangerous situation and if his super genetics had not kicked in when they did, Lois and her son might have met a grisly end.

On the other hand, her super child may learn a thing or two from his impetuous mother that he could never learn from his very self-controlling father. Although a superhero possessing Lois Lane’s attitude and Superman’s powers has actually been explored.

In the story “The Son of Superman,” by Howard Chaykin and David Tischman, the title character held Lex Luthor aloft and threatened to drop him.

Lex, having dealt for years with the boy’s father, smugly dismissed the threat, secure in the knowledge that no son of Superman would do such a thing.

But as you can see from the dialogue, the boy quickly reminded Lex that he was also Lois Lane’s son and that she was not nearly as predictable as his father. Nor as forgiving.

By turning the clock back thirty years to the Silver Age where Superman was the real person and Clark Kent was merely a disguise, Superman Returns recreated the romantic problems inherent to that era.

A public romance would not be possible because, as mentioned, it would not only put Lois in danger, but their son would also be a target.

A good compromise would be for Lois to suddenly find Clark Kent a whole lot more fascinating than she used to and have the unlikely couple fall in love in front of plenty of witnesses. This would also lend the movie some much needed humor.

In the final analysis …

From her first defiant stance in 1938, Lois Lane began her journey towards becoming a well known pop culture icon. As time passed she no longer needed Superman as a qualifier to lend her recognition legitimacy. She was a force to be reckoned with on her own terms.

Lois Lane has endured and prospered for seventy years through depression, recession, wars and a dozen presidents. Why? Because even Superman needs a hero.


Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mar Mar 23, 2010 3:01 pm
por Cin
Muy de Lois, primero un puñetazo y luego un besazo :D

!Qué buen documento sobre las cualidades de Lois!

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mié Mar 24, 2010 5:33 pm
por clois_forever
No me extrañaría nada que vieramos esa reacción de ella en la serie, a mi me encantaria! :smt007 Cin, lo has dicho muy bien, esa reacción es tipica de Lois, nunca sabes por donde te va a salir y siempre te sorprende, por eso adora al personaje de Lois :cool:. Eso es lo que le diferencia de otras, que seguro se enfadarian y empezarían a hacerse las víctimas y llorando, sin mencionar a nadie, ejem.... :smt005

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Lun May 17, 2010 7:03 pm
por nolyschmidt
No h ay nadie que pueda traducir la última nota please? que no sé nada de inglés.... :smt022

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Lun Jun 07, 2010 11:39 am
por Shelby
Os dejo unos scans del "Superman 80 pages giant #2" (1999). Las cosas que Lois dice de Clark son... Ainss... :smt007

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

“The world can only see a stainless man of steel wrapped in the stars and stripes, but the truth is that he’s as insecure as the rest of us underneath that thick, impenetrable skin. Most significant of all is his fear of being alone…

Biology suggest that I’ll die long before he does and, in his quietest moments, he admits this chills him to the marrow.
Occasionally, when I’m stressed or eating too much junk, I think I feel the mild tingle of his x-ray as he scans my arteries or checks my cholesterol, although I know better.
Right now he’s got me on some kind of macrobiotic diet utilizing plants and minerals only found in the pacific rim. Personally, I don’t care what I eat as long as someone else does the cooking which, I’m delighted to say, he relishes as much as he enjoys the rest of the housework.

He barely needs to sleep at all, but holds me in his arms every night until the dawn breaks anyway. Not a single day begins where he doesn’t tell me how much he loves me. Not a single night draws to a close where he doesn’t say how lucky he was to find Lois Joanne Lane.

If I’m honest with myself I’ll admit I wasn’t a very nice person before he came along and proved it was possible to be infatuated with something outside my career.
I’d always dated rich, powerful men, but even the rest of them seemed more like rivals and all I was really interested was proving I was smarter than they were, anyway.
Superman never provoked that kind of tomboy behavior. This was my first genuinely adult relationship, based on the altogether alien concept of mutual respect.

You may think a childhood squared in army bases and a mostly absent dad might mean I was looking for an all protecting father figure, but you couldn’t be more wrong. I didn’t see a superhero as a patriarchal answer to all my problems, as some feminist authors might suggest. I just finally found a man who could keep up with me.

His playfulness, his clubhouse in the snow and all the little curiosities he keeps locked up inside indicate to me that here is someone who has never lost his enthusiams for life. He combines the best thing about being a child with the essentian qualities of a man and this, in my opinion, are the ingridients of a Superman.

I just wish that, as a writer, I could find the words to make them trust him again, deal the little things that made me fall in love with him without endangering the secret. Like his favorite books or food, the utterly bizarre things that make him laugh. The fact that a tough pulitzer-winning reporter with a pushy, volatile personality is so proud of what he does that she actually insist on ironing his uniforms.

He’s always too busy thinking about the rest of us to care what people are saying about him, but I care. He taught me how.”

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Lun Jun 28, 2010 3:27 am
por carola_277
wow que gran trabajo y compilación hay en este topic!!! Gracias por acercarnos los comics!! esperemos tener muchos guiños de los comics en la season 10 !!! :smt023

El comic cuando Lois se entera el secreto de Clark es mortal!!!!! :smt057 So Clois!!! puÑetazo y luego un super beso!! :smt007

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mar Jun 29, 2010 2:20 am
por Shelby
Bueno, hace tiempo que no ponía una de las cosas que más me encanta, que son las comparativas, así es que allá va:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mar Jun 29, 2010 2:46 am
por pacolin
buenisimas todas, gracias Shel :smt023 :smt058

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mar Jun 29, 2010 4:35 am
por nolyschmidt
Gracias Shelby!
me encantan las comparativas!!!

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Mar Jun 29, 2010 4:11 pm
por Svmarines
No me canso de verlas estan fantasticas, ya me las he guardado :smt005 gracias por ponerlas

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Lun Jul 05, 2010 2:42 pm
por Nitta
Como me gustan las comparativas con los cómics, y estas últimas están increíbles! :smt007 :smt007 :smt007

Muchas gracias manita. :smt058

Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Jue Sep 02, 2010 9:46 pm
por hermes96
Aquí dejo una cita que hay al final del comic Birthright donde hablan un poco de los personajes del comic, esta traducido por mi en mis intentos de aprender ingles, la que mas me gusto fue la descripción de Lois, asi que os la dejo junto con algunas imagenes.
Un saludo

Lois Lane

Cuando vimos a Lois por primera vez empezaba ha ser una de las reporteras mas grande e importante del mundo.
( Superman merece una Superwoman).
Ella es buena y lo es porque no necesita tener visión de rayos x para encontrar la noticia , es una mujer muy inteligente con una actitud arrogante pero en su interior es una mujer de remarcable compasión. Es por todo esto que nunca pierde de vista el hecho de que la historia no es la única razón, y no es una presentadora de televisión que la audiencia podría eclipsar.
El cinismo hipócrita en gran medida con la que se enfrenta a desconocidas personas y situaciones es un mecanismo de defensa necesario,porque ser un líder en su campo conlleva un montón de cosas como ser un grano en el culo para muchos.Todo el mundo quiere algo de ella , todos tiran de ella, y ella siempre se siente bien con ello . Tiene el doble de responsabilidad que cualquiera, ella nunca firmo un contrato para ello pero cuanto mas grande sea, con mas densidad y asfixiante mas siente el mundo cerca de ella.
Así que imaginen su gozo al encontrar un hombre que pueda volar.
Lois es atraída por Superman inicialmente porque simboliza libertad. El puede elevarse por encima del mundo y cuando ella esta con el, ella también puede hacerlo,mas allá de eso ,bien sin hacer diferencia alguien de su altura hace también una ligera racha de arrogancia .
Ella da caza a multimillonarios y esta empezando a aburrirse con ello, pero ahora esta este tipo,y aparte tiene este compañero molesto en la oficina ( cual es su nombre Kent?)
Superman esta jugando fuerte y podría ser atrapado.

¿Porque Superman ama a lois??

Su compasión, su intensa dedicación a su trabajo de hacer lo correcto para hacer un mundo mejor. Ella constantemente le esta sorprendiendo a un hombre que es imposible de sorprender,
y en pequeña parte porque cuando es Clark Kent ella es difícil de conseguir.
(nota: la primera vez que Lois ve a Superman descubre que el tiene superpoderes, ella lo observa y piensa que la haría una gran reportera)


Re: ¡2008, 70 Aniversario de Clois!: Scans, citas, cómics, etc.

Publicado: Lun Feb 07, 2011 1:32 pm
por Shelby
Simplemente espectacular, como el anterior que hizo... :smt055 :smt055

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCIBhkyW ... youtu.be&a[/youtube]

Y como Lucía es tan modesta a la hora de poner sus trabajos :smt005 , voy a poner yo unos aquí, aunque seguramente ya los habré puesto, pero es que no me canso... :smt007

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n37vb75r ... e=youtu.be[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ll9nYR5 ... e=youtu.be[/youtube]